Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Russian cleric claims “resurrection” of Chinese mercenary in Ukraine

By Dylan Malyasov
May 29, 202

Captures via Telegram

In a recent broadcast, a Russian Orthodox Church priest claimed that a Chinese mercenary killed in Ukraine had “resurrected.” This assertion is the latest in a series of extraordinary claims emerging from Russian state media and religious figures.

Father Artemy Vladimirov, a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, spoke on a television program about the alleged “resurrection” of the Chinese national, who had reportedly died from a gunshot wound to the abdomen during the war in Ukraine. According to Vladimirov, this incident is not an isolated case.

“On the battlefield, there are no non-believers. We have numerous testimonies of Christ’s victory over death. My wife sends me many military videos. Before Lent, I watched a video about a Chinese man who participated in the special military operation, received a fatal gunshot wound, and resurrected. Saint Luke of Crimea appeared to him and healed him,” Vladimirov recounted.

He added that the family of the “resurrected” Chinese mercenary converted to Orthodox Christianity and joined the Russian Orthodox Church. Vladimirov emphasized that such miracles are not uncommon among the soldiers involved in the Russian invasion.

This narrative is part of a broader effort by Russian propaganda to sanctify the war in Ukraine, utilizing religious figures to lend credibility to their claims. The leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church has sided with official Moscow throughout the invasion, reflecting the institution’s long-standing dependence on the state and the policies of Patriarch Kirill to centralize power within the church.

Since the full-scale invasion began in 2022, Patriarch Kirill and other senior church officials have repeatedly justified the war, propagating myths and narratives consistent with Russian anti-Ukrainian propaganda. These actions have drawn condemnation from numerous state and religious leaders worldwide. Countries such as Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Lithuania, New Zealand, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Estonia have imposed personal sanctions against Patriarch Kirill.

Dylan Malyasov is the editor-in-chief of Defence Blog. He is a journalist, an accredited defense advisor, and a consultant. His background as a defense advisor and consultant adds a unique perspective to his journalistic endeavors, ensuring that his reporting is well-informed and authoritative. read more

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