Tuesday, September 03, 2024

How significant is the UK partial arms embargo on Israel?

An analysis from Campaign Against the Arms Trade on the government’s decision to suspend 30 out of its 350 arms export licences to Israel – plus some proposed activities from Labour & Palestine.

Campaign Against the Arms Trade report:

The Foreign Secretary David Lammy made a statement to Parliament on the results of a review of arms export licences to Israel, announcing the suspension of 30 export licences for use by the Israeli military that could be used in Gaza. However, he stated that the ‘Open General’ licence relating to the F-35 combat aircraft, 15% of which is produced in the UK, and for which Israel is one of the recipient countries, would be exempted.

This statement came on the same day that Danish news outlet Information, together with NGO Danwatch, revealed that, for the first time, it has been possible to definitively confirm the use by Israel of an F-35 stealth fighter to carry out a specific attack in Gaza.

The attack took place on 13th July, on an Israeli-designated ‘safe zone’ in Al-Mawasi in southern Gaza, killing 90 people and injuring at least 300. The Israeli military claims that the target of the attack was Mohammed Deif, head of Hamas’s military wing. The attack involved three GBU-31 2000lb bombs, which have a ‘lethal radius’ of 360m, and are thus certain to kill large numbers of civilians when used in highly-populated areas. Such attacks are clear violations of the International Humanitarian Law principles of proportionality and distinction, and are likely war crimes.

The use of F-35s by Israel in the attack on Gaza has been confirmed since the beginning of the war, including their use to deliver 2000lb bombs. However, it has rarely if ever been possible to establish which type of aircraft was used to attack which targets. In this case, Danwatch uncovered an article describing Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant personally going to an F-35 base to thank the pilots involved, and the Israeli military has since confirmed in response to a request by Information and Danwatch that an F-35 carried out the attack.

The use of such advanced aircraft in intensive combat operations requires a constant supply of spare parts, and the US Defense Department says it has been moving at “breakneck speed” to increase the supply since the start of the war. This supply will certainly include spare parts from the UK.

Exports of parts for the F-35, whether for their manufacture or for spare parts, do not require individual export licences as they are covered by an “Open General” licence, and their supply is thus not recorded in regularly-published government information on export licences.  In his statement, David Lammy highlighted concerns around disrupting the global supply chain for the F-35, which the UK and its allies also use. However, there is nothing to preclude the government from simply removing Israel from the list of approved recipients for the Open General licence.

Sam Perlo-Freeman, Research Coordinator for Campaign Against Arms Trade said: “The government’s statement today that it is suspending 30 arms export licences to Israel is a belated, but welcome move, finally acting upon the overwhelming evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza. But exempting parts for Israel’s F-35 is utterly outrageous and unjustifiable.

“These are by far the UK’s most significant arms supplies to the Israeli military, and just today we have confirmation that they have been used in one of the most egregious attacks in recent months. The government has admitted that there is a ‘clear risk’ that Israel is using fighter aircraft among other weapons to violate international humanitarian law. How can this ‘clear risk’ not apply to the F-35s? The only right and legal course of action is to end the supply of F-35 parts to Israel,along with the rest of UK arms sales.

And from Labour & Palestine:

(1) MODEL MOTION FOR LABOUR CONFERENCE – Uphold international law for Palestinians

Available online here.

Conference notes:

  • On July 12th, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, said “Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse in Gaza… civilians are being pushed into ever deeper circles of hell.”
  • On July 19th, the International Court of Justice ruled Israel to be unlawfully occupying Palestinian land in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. It demanded Israel withdraws immediately, dismantles illegal settlements and pay reparations. It confirmed Israel is guilty of violating Article 3 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which prohibits racial segregation and apartheid. 
  • The ICJ’s January finding that South Africa’s claims concerning the right of Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide – and related prohibited acts identified in the Genocide Convention – are plausible.

Conference welcomes the decisions of the Labour government to restore UNRWA funding and abandon Tory attempts to block the International Criminal Court from holding Israeli leaders accountable for crimes against Palestinians.

Conference believes Britain has a moral and legal obligation not to assist violations of international law. We must commit to the application of international law, including abiding by rulings and judgements of the ICJ and ICC.

Conference believes the new Government should:

  • Support an immediate and permanent ceasefire.
  • Impose a full arms embargo until Israel complies with international law.
  • End trade with illegal settlements and all other trade that aids or assists Israel in maintaining its illegal occupation.

This motion is being circulated jointly by Labour & Palestine and the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Available online here.

Rules and deadlines for Contemporary Motions for 2024 can be found at https://labour.org.uk/annual-conference/information-for-delegates/ If you wish to submit a motion on behalf of your organisation please do this before 5pm, Thursday  September 12th.

(2) LIVERPOOL EVENTPalestine – What should the new UK Government do?

Central Liverpool venue. Saturday September 21st, 16.30. Register here

With the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK: H.E Husam Zomlot.

Plus: Richard Burgon MP, Kim Johnson MP, John McDonnell MP, Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP, Hugh Lanning (Labour & Palestine,) Fraser McGuire (‘Arise,’) Jess Barnard (Labour NEC member,) Maryam Eslamdoust (TSSA General Secretary,) Mick Whelan (ASLEF GS) & Matt Wrack.(FBU GS.)

On the eve of Labour Conference, join us in-person in Liverpool in solidarity with the Palestinian people & discuss the next steps in building our movement and putting our demands on the new UK Government.

Hosted by Labour & Palestine, with Arise – a Festival of Left Ideas. Refreshments provided. Sponsored by over 200 individual donations – thanks to all! Free event but solidarity donations essential to hosting costs.

(3) ACTION ALERT – Call on Keir Starmer to stop arms sales to Israel!

Add your name here // FB share here // RT here

In line with international law, and the ICJ ruling on there being a case of plausible genocide in the Gaza war, there should be an embargo on arms sales to Israel.

Add your name here // FB share here // RT here

(4) NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION – September 7th, 12.00, Central London.
More information here

We must keep taking to the streets for Palestine. Join us as we once again march through London to demand – end the genocide, stop arming Israel, no Middle East war, no to Islamophobia!

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