Monday, January 09, 2006

Christianity Is Child Abuse

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Rahim Jaffer MIA

Rahim Jaffer the laziest MP in Ottawa did it again. Following in the footsteps of his leader, who also refused to debate his opponents when he ran for the Alliance Party, Rahim missed last nights Edmonton Strathcona All Candidates Forum. Shows how little he cares for his constiuents, for the process of democracy and exposes his arrogance. Maybe he was out drinking with his old pal The Third Edge of the Sword.

Notice the empty chair on the right
it's where Rahim would be

A tip o the blog to
Idealistic Pragmatist for this


Harper Watch

For all those of you now afraid of the Conservatives standing in the polls here is a site you may wish to post in your election links and sidebars. Harper Watch.

And for a good selection of really stupid offensive Conservative quotes see:

Conservative "Principles": email friends get the quote out

And if you aren't afraid of a Conservative government here is a blog article that should make you afraid, very afraid.

My Columns:


Tory Watch


Good Morning Dave

HAL: I am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do

The future is upon us and once again the fantastic becomes merely mundane.

Implants turn humans into cyborgs
Radio frequency identification chips replace house and car keys

Cyborgs have stepped out of science fiction and into real life with a small but growing group of tech aficionados who are getting tiny computer chips implanted into their bodies to do everything from opening doors to unlocking computer programs.

Amal Graafstra and his girlfriend Jennifer Tomblin never have to worry about forgetting the keys to her Vancouver home or locking themselves out of Graafstra's Volkswagen GT.

And the scary thing is Hal was Canadian just like these folks are.

See my Gothic Capitalism for more on cyborgs, zombies, robots etc.

And the right wing journal Reason has zoned in on this debate as well in their January issue;

Who's Afraid of Human Enhancement?
A Reason debate on the promise, perils, and ethics of human biotechnology Ronald Bailey, Nick Gillespie, Eric Cohen, and Joel Garreau (1/9)

And here are some more references.


Cyborgs 'R' Us

Cyborg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cyberpunk Project

Haraway_CyborgManifesto.htmlA Haraway essay first published in 1991. Donna Haraway, "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (New York; Routledge, 1991), pp.149-181.

Cyborgs.html Cyborgs, Trickster, and Hermes: Donna Haraway's Metatheory of Science and Religion

John RR Christie - A Tragedy for Cyborgs - Configurations 1:1

MS. GUIDANCE Cyborgs and other machinic adventures in space


My Fan Club

I have a fan club on the right; The Third Edge of the Sword.

Who like Herr Patels, and WK when they disagree with me cannot rise to the occasion with much more than invective aand name calling like 'idiot', 'moron' and in the case of Abassador Kosh at TTEOTS I am apparently 'insane'.

Given my opponents and their politics this is all high praise indeed. Since I must be saying something right to upset them.

In the case of the juvenile cretin that is TTEOTS he took umbrage with my article on Edmonton Strathcona and the two way race. Obiously he had too much coffee and too many amphetamines and thus misconstrued my comments to say I thought the NDP would win. Which I did not say. I said Edmonton Strathcona is a two way race between the NDP and Conservatives.

Eugene Plawiuk is being slightly insane again this week talking about the NDP winning Edmonton-Strathcona from popular incumbant (and former drinking companion of yours truely) Rahim Jaffer.
I further said that if you read the CBC web discussion on Edmonton Strathcona you will see there is a movement a foot to oust Rahim as a failure as a riding MP. True fact that.

His comments are not worthy of reprinting here. He manages a particular offesnsive homophobic and childish slander of Svend Robinson accusing him of pedophilia which just goes to show that this dweeb has nothing in particular to offer to anyone visiting his blog. He is a perfect example of a waste of a good liberal arts education.

Its a good thing that Rahim has quit having this guy as his 'drinking buddy'.

A final note I wonder what it is that compels some folks to engage in name calling, foul language and tossing insults around when it comes to dealing with ideas they don't like. Clearly debate is not one of their strong points (assertions are not debate) and the argument for their side is so weak that this is all they can muster.


Sunday, January 08, 2006

CSL Pollutes Canadians Pay For Clean Up

Early, very early, yesterday morning Paul Martin got the media together, groggy not quite all there, bleary eyed and announced that the Liberals will clean up the pollution in the Great Lakes. Martin announces $1-billion water cleanup

But what he didn't say was that a lot of that pollution was a direct result of his shipping company CSL and their dumping of iron ore pellets into the Great Lakes. So now he is going to have us pay for his corporate screw up.

Sweeping It Under

Our grimy great lakes: The dirty secrets of the Canadian shipping industry’s cleanup practices

BY Alex Roslin

The dirtiest job on the ship was understandably the one Jim Macdonald dreaded most. During his years as chief engineer for Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), aboard carriers including the CSL Tadoussac, Macdonald oversaw the offloading of 25,000 tons of iron ore at the Port of Hamilton on each journey. Now 70 and retired, Macdonald recalls his voyages aboard the 730-foot-long Tadoussac—how, in the late 1980s, the Tadoussac would head back to the far end of Lake Superior to pick up a fresh ore load at Thunder Bay. After a short catnap while the vessel eased through the locks of the Welland Canal, it would be time to clean out the ship. This meant dumping into the water tens of thousands of marble-sized ore pellets that didn’t make it off at port


Conservatives Lied About Tax Breaks

Uh oh here is a blatant example of the Conservatives lying to the media and of course the people of Canada about supporting the Liberal Tax Breaks. Courtesy of NDP Finance Critic Judy Wasylycia-Leis

"When Reality Check called the Conservatives before Christmas to inquire about the costs of their tax cuts, the party's media representatives confirmed, on two occasions in fact, that a Harper government would keep the reduction in the tax bracket for low-income earners... Now, however, a policy spokesman with the Conservative campaign called back to say the party will be keeping the reduction only for the 2005 tax year should they assume office." (, January 5, 2006)


Kate/SDA Is Pro Union

Will wonders never cease? In this war of all against all, red in tooth and claw, anybody but the Liberals election, Kate from SDA on her CBC blog actually, said nice things about a union. About a labour union. You know those nasty left wing NDP supporting unions.

Though to give Kate the benefit of the doubt her blog article is not at all like Laurie Hawns recent conversion to working class struggle.

Laurie Hawn CPC candidate for Edmonton Centre who suddenly infused with the spirit of Joe Hill has rallied to the side of unionized Federal Corrections Officers. In his case it's not real solidarity, just election opportunism against his opponent, the Corrections Officers boss Anne McLellan.

Actually Kate's article is well stated As I have blogged during the Liberals rush to extend the ban on hand guns they conveniently forgot the border guards that they have left unarmed and under staffed. The latter is the real crux of the problem, and Kate recognizes that as well. And has the photos to show it to boot. It gives new meaning to the Liberal policy of open borders.

And just to really get her goat the only party that has called for increasing border patrols, and opposed the Liberal handgun ban has been, not the Conservatives but, the NDP.

Strengthen border controls – including arming customs officers at the border.

Nice to have Kate on the side of the Angels for once.


Another Tory for Layton

On CBC weblog forum yet another of their Blogging Tory's has recognized that in order to really defeat the Liberals that the strategic vote must go to the NDP.

True left-leaning Liberals should vote NDP

As this election gets closer the sane and rational members of right wing end of the blogosphere will realize this is there only real option if they want to defeat PM.


This Headline Says It All

Layton to champion working families

VANCOUVER -- New Democratic Party Leader Jack Layton pledged on Saturday to renew his push for a federal anti-replacement worker law, as he pledged to defend the interests of Canadian workers in the next Parliament.

“We will stand up for working people. We’ll fight for laws that put working people at the head of the line in front of the banks. We’ll work for pay equity and for fair wages. And we will try once again to bring in laws that get the so called replacement workers out of the picture in national legislation.”

Layton accused Prime Minister Paul Martin of lacking leadership by failing to support an NDP bill that would have protected Telus workers, who were on strike mainly in B.C. and Alberta, fighting for their jobs.

On Saturday, a long list of labour leaders attended Layton’s rally including Jim Sinclair, president of the B.C Federation of Labour; Paul Moist, head of the Canadian Union of Public Employees; Ken Neumann, Canadian director of the United Steelworkers and Tom Dufresne, president of the International Longshore and Warehouse union and Bruce Bell, president of the Telecommunications Workers Union.

In a fiery, and much more aggressive speech than he has generally delivered, Layton portrayed the NDP as the only party that is truly ready to stick up for working families. “We’re going to stand up for our seniors with better long-term care and better homecare and some help with prescription drugs,” Layton said, playing on the theme of the Conservative campaign, Stand up for Canada. “We will stand up for our kids - with better child care, by taking on poverty, by giving students some help. We will defend public, non-profit health care and keep the profiteers out.”

Nor did Layton spare the Conservatives, accusing them of wanting to increase taxes on low income Canadians and team up with premiers of Alberta, B.C and Quebec to speed up the spread of private for-profit health care.

Take that Buzz
