Tuesday, May 07, 2019

"The Pact for a Green New Deal": Visionary Roadmap From Canadian Coalition Launched

"A #GreenNewDeal is not a radical vision. It's a rational one. It works for everyone, not just big corporations and the fossil fuel industry."
Sign reads: To change everything we need everyone
Organizers say The Pact for a Green New Deal is "an unprecedented opportunity to build justice and prosperity." (Photo: Common Dreams/CC)

A broad Canadian coalition representing scores of groups unveiled a visionary roadmap on Monday for a Green New Deal that tackles the climate crisis as well as social and economic justice.
The unprecedented changes in society necessary to rein in global warming, according to organizers of the new effort, are also "an unprecedented opportunity to build justice and prosperity."
That opportunity is laid out in The Pact for a Green New Deal.
The effort was launched at press conferences in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver Monday—the same day a bleak report from the United Nations detailed how the human-caused climate crisis and economic activity have pushed up to a million plant and animal species to the brink of extinction.
As of Sunday, organizers say, the pact has been backed by 67 organizations, including Indigenous Climate Action, Migrant Workers Alliance for Change, The Leap, and Climate Action Network – RĂ©seau action climate
Dozens of noted Canadian individuals are supporting the effort as well, including musicians Rufus Wainwright and Neil Young, scientists David Suzuki and Christina Hoicka, and actors Evangeline Lilly and Cobie Smulders.imat Canada.


Political Organization


Let's be clear - climate justice begins with respecting Indigenous rights. A commitment to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples must be at the heart of a Green New Deal.

The Green New Deal Is Going Global
The Canadian coalition joins a growing movement that aims to dramatically shift the scope and speed of action to address the current ecological crisis.. It’s the third period of Game 7 of the Stanley Cup playoffs and we’re trailing, badly. It’s time to pull the goalie and send out the top forw...

Liberty Is Crumbling


Talk about the sands of time. The winner of Texas Sandfest 2019 created this astounding image of Abraham Lincoln lamenting the state of the republic under the exquisitely apt rubric, "Liberty Is Crumbling." Argues British Columbia sculptor Damon Langlois, "We should realize that, and fight for it." Abe would likely agree: “America will never be destroyed from the outside," he wrote. "If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

New Report Exposes 'Widespread Failure' of US Police to Protect and Serve Transgender People
Jessica Corbett, staff writer
police at pride
"Police departments must evolve to meet the needs of the communities 

'Big Attack on Working People': Trump Moves to Redefine Poverty in Order to Slash Social Programs and Services for Millions

"A novel way to take healthcare, etc., away from people AND make it look like there are fewer poor people."
Published on

The Poor People's Campaign has mobilized nationally to fight the Trump administration's attacks on the poor. 

The Trump administration on Monday moved to change the definition of "poverty" in the United States in a proposal which combines the president's attempts to portray the U.S. economy as strong with his repeated attacks on the working poor and their access to government services.
In a regulatory filing, President Donald Trump's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) wrote that it may change how inflation is calculated in order to reduce the number of Americans who are living below the federally-recognized poverty line and are therefore eligible for certain government support services and social programs.
As Melissa Boteach, who oversees income security programs at the National Women's Law Center (NWLC), wrote on Twitter, the change "seems technical, but it's actually a big attack on working people."


Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren warned about the financial crisis of the 2000s before it happened, she claimed during a CNN town hall where she…

Jocelyn Tellier writes, "ICYMI (from 2016), this transphobic “controversy” has nothing to do with hormones and everything to do with race. The perception that Black women are more “man-like” due to genetic “advantages” (while most of colonialist history has tried to posit Black people as less-than human) fulfils the narrative that they are animal-like, prematurely developed (physically and sexually), and thus dangerous. THIS IS HOW BLACK WOMEN GET KILLED.
Edited to add: There was not as much controversy about Duttee Chand because she fit into societal expectations of femininity. This is why racialized folks can also be part of lateral discrimination. You can bet this story would have a different outcome if Caster Semenya were lighter-skinned and fit eurocentric beauty standards.
PS: Don’t come at Black women in particular who are mocking Lynsey Sharp and Joanna Jozwik. These White runners are racist AF and the calling out of their White tears is not bullying or reverse racism."

SEE Turkey officials order re-run of Istanbul election, voiding win for Erdogan opposition
So very true. They store their money in offshore accounts and buy back stocks

U.S. sinks Arctic accord due to climate change differences

Arctic Drilling Rig
Temperatures in the Arctic are rising at twice the rate of the rest of the globe, and melting ice has opened vast untapped oil and gas reserves to potential commercial exploitation.
A meeting of nations bordering the Arctic in Rovaniemi in northern Finland on Tuesday was supposed to frame a two-year agenda to balance the challenges of climate change with sustainable development of mineral wealth.
But Finland's Foreign Minister Timo Soini said the joint declaration was "off the table" and would be replaced by a short statement from ministers attending the conference.
A diplomatic source with knowledge of the discussions said the United States balked at signing as it disagreed with wording in the declaration stating that climate change was a serious threat to the Arctic. A second source confirmed that.
It was the first time a declaration had been cancelled since the Arctic Council was formed in 1996. The U.S. delegation could not immediately be reached for a comment.
Addressing the Council, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said President Donald Trump's administration "shares your deep commitment to environmental stewardship" in the Arctic. But he said collective goals were not always the answer.
"They are rendered meaningless and even counter-productive as soon as one nation fails to comply," he said.
The Arctic Council consists of the United States, Canada, Russia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.
Agreements between countries are non-binding.
President Trump has frequently expressed scepticism about whether global warming is a result of human activity and has stood by his 2017 decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord signed by almost 200 governments in 2015. That has put him at odds with campaigners and many other countries.
"A climate crisis in the Arctic is not a future scenario, it is happening as we speak," Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said in her address to the Council.
The Paris accord agreed to limit a rise in average global temperatures to "well below" 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial times by 2100. Worldwide, temperatures are up about 1C (1.8F).
(Additional reporting by Anne Kauranen in Helsinki; Editing by Niklas Pollard and Andrew Cawthorne)

Oregon denies water permit for Pembina’s Jordan Cove LNG export terminal

Jordan Cove LNG rendering
Oregon environmental regulators denied water quality certification for Canadian energy company Pembina Pipeline Corp’s proposed $10 billion Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) said on Monday its decision was made “without prejudice,” meaning Pembina may reapply for certification and submit additional information that could result in a different decision.
Pembina said on Tuesday its management team was “working to better understand this decision and its impacts and will communicate updates when available.”
The DEQ said it originally planned to make a decision on certification, one of several federal and state approvals needed before Pembina can build the project, in September, but accelerated that schedule to ensure it does not unintentionally waive Oregon’s authority to review the water quality impacts of the proposed project.
Federal courts have said a state has a year to make a water quality certification decision or they waive their authority. That waiving of rights has played a part in a few proposed gas pipelines, including National Fuel Gas Co’s Northern Access and Williams Cos Inc’s Constitution projects in New York.
The DEQ said it denied Pembina’s request due to the expected effects of construction and operation of the proposed pipeline on water temperature and sediment in streams, among other things.
Earlier this week, Pembina delayed Jordan Cove’s planned startup by a year to 2025.
Jordan Cove is one of more than three dozen LNG export projects under development in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Analysts have said they expect only a handful or so of the plants to actually get built over the next decade.

Andrew Scheer has a problem

This is a must-read with themes that bear repeating over and over and over, some obvious and some not.

I was particularly struck by this paragraph because Scheer, Rempel and his band of merry racists were flat out lying -- or too stupid to read the Global Migration Compact -- when they tweeted about how it would destroy the fabric of Canada, overrule its sovereignty and allow any and all in which, of course, are all lies:

In fact, the UN agreement is a non-binding, unenforceable framework for international co-operation on coping with migrants, mostly on innocuous matters like collecting and sharing data on migrants, standardizing documentation and recognizing migrants’ qualifications and skills. Yet it has been turned into a stalking horse for paranoid attacks from the right.>

Bottom line: In a deplorable tweet Vice President Mike Pence makes the despicable and false claim that Democrats are advocating for “late term abortion and even infanticide.”


Mike Pence Claims Democratic Governors Support Infanticide (Image via YouTube)
Mike Pence Claims Democratic Governors Support Infanticide (Image via YouTube)