Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Jocelyn Tellier writes, "ICYMI (from 2016), this transphobic “controversy” has nothing to do with hormones and everything to do with race. The perception that Black women are more “man-like” due to genetic “advantages” (while most of colonialist history has tried to posit Black people as less-than human) fulfils the narrative that they are animal-like, prematurely developed (physically and sexually), and thus dangerous. THIS IS HOW BLACK WOMEN GET KILLED.
Edited to add: There was not as much controversy about Duttee Chand because she fit into societal expectations of femininity. This is why racialized folks can also be part of lateral discrimination. You can bet this story would have a different outcome if Caster Semenya were lighter-skinned and fit eurocentric beauty standards.
PS: Don’t come at Black women in particular who are mocking Lynsey Sharp and Joanna Jozwik. These White runners are racist AF and the calling out of their White tears is not bullying or reverse racism."

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