Saturday, April 17, 2021

Global trade rules can help fight climate change: US trade chief

Issued on: 15/04/2021 - 20:36

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said trade policy must ensure global supply chains of key technologies needed to combat climate change, including batteries for electric cars STR AFP/File

Washington (AFP)

International commerce creates incentives for countries to erode environmental protections to attract investment, and global trade rules are needed to counter that "race to the bottom," US Trade Representative Katherine Tai said on Thursday.

"The view that environmental issues are not an inherent part of trade ignores the reality that the existing rules of globalization incentivize downward pressure on environmental protection," Tai said in her first public speech.

"This puts countries with higher environmental standards at a competitive disadvantage," she said in the address to the Center for American Progress, a progressive Washington think tank.

Speaking ahead of President Joe Biden's virtual climate summit next week, Tai said she was committed to strengthening rules in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to combat issues like illegal logging and overfishing.

"The forests are our planet's lungs, and we should use trade policies and trade enforcement actions to protect them," she said, however, the rules are ineffective if they are not enforced.

"Going forward, trade has a role to play in discouraging the race to the bottom and incentivizing a race to the top," Tai said.

"But we have to be mindful that we will only truly address the global scale of this problem through global rules."

Biden has made reversing the climate-sceptic policy of his predecessor Donald Trump a priority, and is hosting a virtual summit of world leaders next week.

- 'Conserve our resources' -

With the world badly off track on meeting goals on curbing global warming that most nations signed up to in the 2015 Paris climate accords, Biden hopes the summit will result in stronger pledges in advance of UN-led talks in Glasgow at the end of the year.

Just days after taking office in January, the US leader signed executive orders he said would "supercharge our administration's ambitious plan to confront the existential threat of climate change."

He announced Washington would rejoin the Paris Agreement and is expected to unveil an ambitious 2030 emissions target.

Biden recently announced a massive $2 trillion infrastructure and jobs plan that focuses on creating employment through expansion of renewable energy and other environmental projects "to reimagine and rebuild a new economy," Tai noted.

But domestic policies are not sufficient, and environmental standards must be a factored into all US policy areas and throughout international supply chains, to ensure reliable access to key technologies, which "will be essential for our transition to net zero by 2050."

"We must conserve the resources we do have and work with our trading partners to do the same -- to both mitigate and adapt to climate pressures," Tai said.

That is why the WTO fisheries negotiations "are critical" to address subsidies that encourage overfishing, as well as to clean up plastic and other forms of marine pollution.

Once comfortable, life in Lebanon now a struggle for basics

A shopper examines egg prices in a supermarket in Beirut, Lebanon. Many people are struggling to cover basic needs as food prices soar. Photo by Wael Hamzeh/EPA-EFE

BEIRUT, Lebanon, April 14 (UPI) -- Lebanon's latest economic crisis has transformed the people's once comfortable lifestyle into a struggle to secure basic needs.

Over about 45 years, the population has survived a 15-year civil war, 22 years of Israeli occupation and two major invasions, 30 years of Syrian hegemony, dozens of political assassinations and smaller economic crises, just to name a few.

But they were not prepared for today's growing poverty and unemployment, wrought by the collapse in value of the Lebanese pound, hyperinflation and a shortage of U.S. dollars.

Gone are the times when they could afford nice clothing, branded products, the latest model of cars or mobile phones, low-paid housekeepers from Ethiopia or Sri Lanka, touring restaurants and nightclubs, spending vacations abroad or holding the region's best summer festivals and cultural events.

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Today, putting food on the table is the ultimate priority.

More than half of the population is living below the poverty line of $3.84 dollars a day, unemployed and at risk of hunger. With the country fast running out of hard currency, people are bracing for the worst. The government can no longer sustain its food subsidy program or secure fuel for its power stations to prevent a total blackout.

Those who still have a job, but are paid in Lebanese pounds, or those who can withdraw a restricted amount of their savings blocked by the banks, are barely making ends meet. The rest are mostly living on charity and food donations distributed by local and international NGOs.

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Only the wealthy few who smuggled their money abroad, or the lucky ones working for foreign companies and earning U.S. dollars, are able to maintain a decent living.

The Lebanese pound has lost nearly 90 percent of its value since the financial crisis broke out in October 2019, gradually dropping from a long-stabilized rate of 1,500 pound for 1 U.S. dollar to a low record of 15,000 LL last month.

Going to the supermarket has become an ordeal, with consumer prices jumping every day and people fighting over subsidized items. Even fruits and vegetables, which people used to buy by the kilo or in boxes, have become a luxury to many. Shoppers are limiting their purchase to a few pieces.

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Food prices have increased five times since 2019, while a simple T-shirt at Zara clothing shop now costs 200,000-300,000 LL from a pre-crisis price of 45,000 LL.

"Now we realize how much everything has a value," Sabine Bustros, a mother of two and board member of the Chateau Kefraya wine producer, told UPI. "The crisis has affected my lifestyle ethically. I don't buy things the way I used to do...Many times, these were things we didn't really need."

Even though she now restricts herself to buying the basics, Bustros said she feels "ashamed" for what she can still afford while the number of people going hungry or losing their jobs has grown dramatically.

"There is so much sadness and pain...we used to take everything for granted," she said, explaining that she hasn't been to a restaurant for a year, not only because of the coronavirus restrictions but also the exorbitant bill, which would equal a worker's monthly salary of 800,000 LL.

Sabine Bustros (L), with her late father Michel Bustros who founded in the 1950s Chateau Kefraya, a Lebanese wine label and wine estate in the Bekaa valley in eastern Lebanon, says she keeps spending to the necessities now. Photo courtesy of Sabine Bustros/UPI

The worsening crisis has forced people to review their priorities, dropping unnecessary spending and saving whenever possible to cover more urgent needs: medical care, education, housing and even little things like buying a new cellphone or fixing a car or refrigerator, which now costs a fortune.

As the fate of their blocked bank savings remains unknown, and no new government has been formed to open the way for a rescue program with the International Monetary Fund, they know that darkest days are ahead.

"The crisis today is a very serious one, especially after the collapse of the youth uprising of Oct. 17," said Sari Hanafi, a sociology professor at the American University of Beirut, referring to the popular non-sectarian protests that broke out in October 2019 to demand the ouster of the government and the country's corrupt political leaders. Eighteen months later, they are still in power and doing little to save the country from a total collapse.

"Lebanese have the talent of language, and some have double nationalities, so it is very easy to think of an escape gate...I mean the good talented people will leave, and this will fragilize the whole ecosystem of Lebanon," Hanafi told UPI.

Although he believes that it is not too late to introduce reforms required by the international community to rescue the country, he said the chances of a serious recovery and reshuffling the political system "is very thin."

Echoing the fears of many, he said, "Lebanon after the crisis will not be the Lebanon before the crisis...But the question is: Who will take over this new Lebanon?"

Many fear the corrupt political class will remain, and the most powerful group, the Iran-backed heavily-armed Hezbollah, would try to exploit the deterioration and impose its own vision for Lebanon, influencing its political, economic, social and cultural life.

"We will certainly reach a point where Lebanon will no longer be the country we have grown up in," Bustros said. "I doubt that we will return to the Lebanon we knew. It is over."

Despite the "unbearable situation" and the available option to live in Paris or New York, she is not willing to leave as long as she is surrounded by her family and friends of the "same education and values."

The Lebanese way of life is not just about wearing European-style clothes, mixing Arabic with French and English words in common conversations, eating out and partying, but it's also about a rich cultural life, heritage, diversity, creativity, ground-breaking private initiatives and resilience.

Nidal Ashkar, a veteran actress and founder of Al Madina Theater, doesn't want to give up on efforts to keep the theater "alive" and open to "all artists and people who still have a dream."

However, Ashkar, who has turned the theater into a space for all types of cultural activities since it was established in 1994, has reached a point where she could not pay the rent, electricity bills or her workers.

"We want to continue...for the sake of all artists who became jobless," she told UPI. "But how we will be able to do that? I really don't know."



Bill seeks to expand eligibility for Agent Orange-related benefits

Former United States Army Vietnam Veteran and President of Veterans for Peace David Cline look for his fallen comrades names on the Vietnam War Memorial with member of Veterans For Peace, during a campaign event bringing together victims of Agent Orange exposure, a deforestation chemical used in the Vietnam War, in Washington, D.C. on November 28, 2005. File photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo

April 15 (UPI) -- A bipartisan bill introduced Thursday would allow Vietnam veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War to qualify for disability benefits related to Agent Orange exposure.

Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that veterans who served in southeast Asian countries other than Vietnam during the war provide evidence of exposure to the herbicide in order to qualify for benefits

The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, introduced by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Penn., and Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Penn., would allow veterans who served in some other countries during the conflict to access benefits without providing additional evidence.

"Our veterans are heroes and deserve to be treated as such. I am proud to join Rep. Cartwright in introducing legislation that will ensure our Vietnam War veterans who served in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia receive the care they deserve now, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to work across the aisle to support these men and women who have sacrificed so much for our country," Fitzpatrick said in a statement.

"In the United States, we take care of our fellow Americans who have been harmed in the course of their military service. It should be no different in the case of the Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange," Cartwright said in the same statement. "Many of those who have been exposed are living with cancers, heart disease or Parkinson's disease. They deserve relief for the pain and hardship this has caused for them and their families."

Agent Orange is one of several "tactical herbicides" used by the U.S. military during Operation Ranch Hand, a multi-year chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War.

Operation Ranch Hand exposed millions of people in Southeast Asia and at least 500,000 American troops to the chemical.

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Veterans began making claims due to health problems related to Agent Orange exposure as early as 1977, but they were often rejected unless patients could prove their health problems began a year after discharge.

The VA has gradually expanded coverage for Agent Orange-related illnesses in the decades since.

Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease.

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Typically, veterans need to prove -- usually through medical exams and service records -- that their injuries and illnesses are directly connected to time spent in the military, Military Times noted.

Removing that burden helps veterans avoid having to file that additional paperwork.

It's not clear how many veterans would be affected by the change.

Military Times reported that 50,000 U.S. troops were deployed to Thailand alone at the height of operations, but it isn't clear how many later deployed to Vietnam and are already eligible for presumptive benefits status.
Study: Later school start times aid sleep duration, quality for adolescents, teen

Later school start times can help improve sleep quality among children and teens, a new study has found. Photo by Tyler Olson/Shutterstock

April 15 (UPI) -- Starting school later in the morning allows adolescents and teens to get the sleep they need to perform well in the classroom and maintain overall health, a study published Thursday by the journal Sleep found.

By pushing the school day back an hour, high school students obtained an extra four hours or so of sleep per week, the data showed.

More than 10% of students in grades 9 through 12 surveyed as part of the study reported they slept better, and about 20% indicated they experienced less daytime sleepiness, or feeling the need for sleep during the school day, the researchers said.

"Changing school start times is a complicated process that involves a lot of logistical considerations, [including] transportation, food and nutrition, athletics and child care," study co-author Lisa J. Meltzer told UPI in an email.

"However, as shown in a number of school districts across the country, it is possible to make these changes with positive outcomes for the students," said Meltzer, a professor of pediatrics at National Jewish Health in Denver.

Several studies have linked sleep with overall health, social development and academic achievement in young people.

However, lack of sleep is common among children and adolescents, due in part to early school start times and the fact that biological changes to sleep cycles during puberty make falling asleep early difficult for adolescents, according to Meltzer and her colleagues.

For this study, the researchers surveyed approximately 28,000 elementary, middle and high school students and their parents before changes to school start times and for two years afterward.

Elementary schools participating in the study started classes 60 minutes earlier, while middle schools started 40 to 60 minutes later and high schools started 70 minutes later, according to the researchers.

Both student and parent surveys asked about students' usual bedtime and wake time on both during the week and on weekends. Respondents also were asked to report on students' quality of sleep and their experience of daytime sleepiness, the researchers said.

Elementary school-age children saw minimal gains in sleep duration and sleep quality as a result of the earlier start times, likely due to their earlier "bedtimes," which essentially remained the same, according to the researchers.

Children in grades kindergarten through 5 in the study averaged between nine and 11 hours of sleep per night before and after the school start time change, which is the exact range recommended by the Sleep Foundation for people in that age group.

However, high schoolers, or those in grades 9 through 12, saw average sleep times increase by about 45 minutes per night -- or 3.8 hours per week -- due to the later start, to about eight hours, 15 minutes from 7 1/2 hours, the data showed.

This change put them within the eight to 10 hours of sleep per night range recommended by the Sleep Foundation.

In addition, these older students had, on average, 77 minutes per night less of "weekend oversleep," the difference between weekday and weekend sleep times, the researchers said.

Similarly, middle school students obtained 2.4 additional hours of sleep per week with the later school start time, and 12% fewer students in this age group -- grades 6 through 8 -- reported daytime sleepiness, the data showed.

"It is important for families to make sleep a priority [by] having a consistent bedtime and wake time, with no more than an hour delay to either bedtime or wake time on weekends," Meltzer said.

"Families need to recognize that sacrificing sleep means sacrificing physical and mental health, as well as performance, both academic and athletic."

More than 10% of women in U.S. use tobacco, CDC reports

More than one in 10 women in the United States report tobacco use, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Photo by sarahjohnson1/Pixabay

April 15 (UPI) -- More than one in 10 women in the United States say they smoke cigarettes or e-cigarettes, according to figures released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

However, use of tobacco products varies from state to state, with just under 7% of women in California reporting cigarette or e-cigarette smoking, but as many as 75% of those in West Virginia doing so, the data showed.

About 20% of women in Kentucky and Oklahoma report tobacco use, while smoking rates are about 15% or more in many states: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Wyoming, the agency said.

Current tobacco use is highest among women ages 45 to 64, at just over 14%, and among those of American Indian and Alaska Native origin, at 21%, according to the CDC.

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However, tobacco use among women has declined since 2017, when 14% reported smoking cigarettes or e-cigarettes, the agency said.

"Although cigarette smoking among women has declined over time, tobacco product use among women across states is still primarily driven by combustible tobacco product use from cigarette smoking," the CDC researchers wrote.

"Multiple social, environmental, and personal factors influence tobacco use among women," who, research indicates, may be more susceptible to peer pressure to take up the habit in their youth, they said.

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The new data is based on an analysis of tobacco use among women in the United States in 2018 and 2019, the last year for which information is available, the CDC said.

Up to 40 million adults nationally use tobacco products, and the numbers have been on the decline since 2000, according to the CDC.

However, more than 200,000 women die annually from health complications related to smoking, primarily cancers, based on recent estimates.

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For this analysis, CDC researchers surveyed nearly 75,000 adult women ages 18 years and older from all 50 states and Washington, D.C.

Participants were asked about their tobacco use in the past year, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, or vaping devices, the researchers said.

Nationally, just under 12% of the women participants reported tobacco use, with 10% citing cigarette smoking and nearly 2% indicating that they vaped, the data showed.

Just over 1% of the participants said they used both products, the CDC said.

Women ages 35 to 44 were nearly three times as likely to report tobacco use compared to those ages 18 to 24 years, according to the agency.

"As the tobacco product landscape continues to evolve, public health messaging efforts can emphasize to women that all tobacco products carry inherent risks," the CDC researchers wrote.

In addition, they can highlight "that multiple tobacco product users are at increased risk for nicotine addiction and dependence," they said.

Woman's Abdominal Cavity Inflated Like A Balloon During Oral Sex


There have been a number of unusual medical cases over the years that have highlighted the need for detailed sexual education.

One such fact that doesn't seem to come up very often, for instance, is that there is access between the vagina and the abdomen. While this rarely comes up in conversation or affects your life in any way, there are times when knowing this would be helpful to you – more specifically, during oral sex.

A 24-year-old woman showed up at the emergency department of Stanford University, California, after experiencing severe abdominal and chest pain, which had lasted for 6 hours. Her pain was sharp, and had moved from her lower right quadrant – the bottom right of her belly – before moving upwards and spreading. Other than the pain, which was aggravated as she moved, she was experiencing no other problems.
However, she had experienced it several times before, 6 and 12 months before this particular visit. Upon further inspection through X-ray, the result was always the same: the air was discovered in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity, known as pneumoperitoneum. Pneumoperitoneum can be caused by anything from perforated ulcers to bowel cancer. They can cause air embolisms, where bubbles become trapped in a blood vessel, blocking it, which in turn can lead to death. As such, they require immediate investigation into the cause.

Despite tests on both prior occasions, no cause was found, and the air was gradually reabsorbed by surrounding tissue, which usually takes place within a week, her team writes in the Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons. This time, a complete sexual history was taken, and the cause of her inflation explained: her partner had inflated her like a balloon.

A brief explainer of how the air makes its way into the abdominal cavity. 
Image credit: Christoph Mundhenke (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

"The patient revealed that she had intercourse, during which her partner forcefully blew air into her vagina prior to all episodes of pneumoperitoneum," the team explained.

"She remembered that the pain had started four hours after each occasion."

She was monitored for the next day while the gas diffused, before being discharged and advised to avoid oro-vaginal insufflation. She was unharmed, but others have not been so lucky. The condition – which is more common during pregnancy – can kill, as was the case with one young pregnant woman whose partner accidentally forced air into her vaginal cavity with his hands, leading to her eventual death. She is far from the only case of deaths by this cause.

"Cunnilingus is a common sexual practice all over the world. During such activity, whereby gas can be forcefully blown into the vagina by mouth or insufflated by other mechanisms, unintended large amounts of gas can be forced under pressure into the vagina," the team wrote in their report.

"The gas can find its way through the uterus and, after dilating the tubes, into the abdomen, thereby causing a non-surgical pneumoperitoneum. The patient often has no knowledge of the open access between the vagina and abdomen, and the medical staff is often inadequately informed on the patho-mechanism."

Nerve stimulation cuts pain, opioid use after orthopedic surgery, study finds

Nerve stimulation treatments reduce the need for opioids for post-surgical pain, according to a new study. Photo by skeeze/Pixabay

April 15 (UPI) -- Nerve stimulation treatments are effective for reducing pain in patients recovering from orthopedic surgery and limit the need for potentially addictive opioid medications, a study published Thursday by the journal Anesthesiology found.

A treatment called percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation lowered patients' post-operative pain scores after common procedures by an average of 50%, the data showed.

The treatment delivers small amounts of electricity to surgically affected nerves and interrupts the transmission of pain signals to the brain, the researchers said.

In addition, patients' use of opioid-based pain medications dropped by 80% during the first week after the treatments, according to the researchers, who described the findings as "impressive."

The benefits of postoperative nerve stimulation were "much greater than what we had anticipated," researchers from the University of California-San Diego wrote.

The results "stand on their own and indicate that percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation is highly effective for acute pain," they said.

Reducing the need for opioid-based pain medications after surgical procedures has become a point of emphasis in recent years due to the risk that patients might become addicted to the drugs.

Prescription opioid-based pain medications have helped fuel an "epidemic" of abuse and misuse of these drugs, which have similar intoxicating effects to illegal drugs such as "heroin," according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

For this study, the researchers enrolled 65 adults who underwent a common outpatient joint surgery, such as foot bunion removal and shoulder rotator cuff repair.

All study participants had electrical leads placed near the nerve or nerves that serve the surgical joints, with half of them receiving active electrical stimulation adjusted to achieve the desired sensory change sometimes described as feeling like a "pleasant massage," the researchers said.

The remaining participants received an inactive treatment, with a pulse generator that appeared to function normally, but did not deliver electrical current, according to the researchers.

After one week, participants who received active percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation showed significantly lower pain ratings, with average scores on a zero-to-10 scale of about 1, compared to just over 3 in the sham treatment group, the data showed.

Participants in the active treatment group used, on average, about 5 milligrams of opioid pain relievers during the first week following surgery, or about one-tenth of the amount used by those the in the sham treatment group, the researchers said.

"Percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation will most likely prove the optimal management after painful surgical procedures," they wrote.

Think twice about releasing pet fish as they invade our natural waterways

Duration: 01:34 

 The Weather Network

The Pentagon has stopped laughing about UFOs. Why hasn't Silicon Valley?

Rizwan Virk 

In our era of life-changing innovation, there are major breakthroughs that could well come from the serious study of a phenomenon we too often mock: UFOs. The government has reversed its official position of publicly ignoring UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomenon, the new trendy name for UFOs) and is starting to tackle the subject openly. But within academia and industry, the topic is still too frequently dismissed with a chuckle accompanied by some trite remark about “extraterrestrials.”

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In February, for instance, one of the biggest innovators of this century, Elon Musk, was asked what he thought about the recent Pentagon acknowledgment that Navy pilots have seen objects flying in our airspace using advanced technology we can’t identify, let alone understand or explain or reproduce. Musk’s answer was, “Honestly, I think I would know if there were aliens,” and, honestly, this response could have come from any number of prominent scientists or industry figures.

Musk’s nonanswer was revealing because it suggested that he wasn’t aware of — or interested in — basic unclassified facts about military sightings of UFOs, or that the government is looking into the possibility that they are made from advanced technology that our scientists can’t yet figure out.

In June, a new task force championed by Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., must submit an unclassified report on unidentified aerial phenomena to Congress. It comes as several erstwhile officials, including former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and two former CIA directors, have called for a more rigorous look at these sightings.

The most famous example (the one Musk was asked about) occurred when Navy pilots reported a craft resembling a Tic Tac that was moving unlike anything seen in the U.S. arsenal: They said it “wasn’t behaving by the normal laws of physics.”

The craft’s movements were, however, typical of both military and civilian UFO reports: Descending from 80,000 feet to 20,000 feet in an instant; stopping in midair and reversing direction without inertial effects; exceeding the speed of sound without generating a sonic boom; and submerging into the ocean. After The New York Times and The Washington Post reported on it in 2017 along with the military’s secret UFO tracking program, the Pentagon publicly acknowledged last year that the leaked videos in the stories were authentic.

Videos of UFO encounters released by Pentagon

Now recently retired national security officials are speaking out. In the run-up to the task force’s report in June, John Ratcliffe, former director of national intelligence, told Fox News last month that there were “a lot more sightings than have been made public.” Similarly, James Woolsey, former director of the CIA, said on a podcast this month he was taking the subject seriously, as did a successor at the CIA, John Brennan, in December.

The Pentagon hasn’t offered an official explanation for UAPs like the Tic Tac craft, calling them “unidentified.” Former officials don’t seem to be willing to utter the word “alien,” but it’s the implication of what they do say. Lue Elizondo, who ran the secret Pentagon UFO tracking unit, has publicly ruled out the theory that the Tic Tac craft came from the U.S. arsenal or from the arsenals of our adversaries, leaving only the theory that it came from “someone or something else.”

According to Brennan, some of the phenomena we’re seeing “could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.” U.S. Navy pilots who have actually seen the Tic Tac craft are even more direct, with one telling the Post it was “Something not from the Earth.”

While it’s good that the government is finally taking UFOs more seriously, its job is primarily to figure out whether they represent a military threat. But these unidentified objects may also represent an opportunity to advance our science and technology significantly — if our other two pillars of innovation, academia and industry, are willing to catch up.

Unfortunately, when scientists are asked about UFOs, they generally laugh off the subject. The well-known astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, for one, said he would only take the idea seriously when aliens send him a dinner invite.

Why do leading scientists show such a profound lack of curiosity in a subject that might redefine not just their fields, but also all of science? It could lead to a new understanding of our place in the universe, and new advances in materials science, biology, quantum physics, cosmology and social sciences.

Part of the problem likely stems from an academic version of the old IBM rule in industry that “No one ever gets fired for buying IBM.” Similarly, no professor ever gets fired for mocking UFOs. The case of Harvard Medical School’s Dr. John Mack, though, shows the dangers if you don’t.

Thankfully, small cracks are appearing in academia’s wall of mockery. Avi Loeb, chief astronomer at Harvard University, was willing to say in his new book, “Extraterrestrial,” that he thinks that ‘Oumuamua, the first object we have spotted in the night sky whose origin is definitely from outside our solar system, was most likely a technological artifact of a long-vanished alien civilization.

Most academics, though, still invoke some version of Musk’s nonargument: “If aliens were here, we would know!” But the government is saying that it does know: These craft exist. My purpose today is not to convince you of the evidence, however, but to encourage academics and industry leaders to move beyond their biases into an open-minded investigation to figure out who or what created them, and how they work.

I’m not naïve enough to assume that academics will study UFOs just to further human knowledge. But to point out the obvious: In the long term, there could be multiple Nobel prizes, not to mention new laws of physics, for those who are willing to dive in and risk ridicule in the short term.

Elon Musk talks about SpaceX’s first all-civilian mission to space

Scientists in Europe who dismissed the idea of rocks falling out of the sky eventually opened their minds enough to discover meteorites — ending up with a more complex understanding of the universe. The results this time could lead to new kinds of transportation devices capable of submerging into the ocean and in the air, transporting cargo and passengers across the globe in minutes, as well as ferrying humans safely beyond planet Earth.

Similar rewards await industry risk-takers as well, especially innovators in Silicon Valley who are interested in speculative topics such as the Singularity and the Simulation Hypothesis. To some extent, their apathy is the predictable spillover effect from the ivory tower: Venture capital firms aren’t going to invest in something that academics haven’t stamped as “viable” technology.

But peer pressure may also be at work here, too. Businessman Joe Firmage, for instance, was once the toast of the valley only to resign so as not to hurt his company’s reputation after speaking of his interest in UFOs (and being skewered as “the Fox Mulder of Silicon Valley” in the press).

Despite the risks, there are some encouraging signs. Recently, Prof. Garry Nolan of Stanford University and Jacques Vallee, a venture capitalist who worked with J. Allen Hynek — a part of the Air Force’s first UFO investigation group, Project Blue Book, from 1947-1969 — have teamed up to investigate samples of materials supposedly ejected at purported UFO landing sites.

As a starting point, if the ratios of the metals’ specific isotopes don’t naturally occur on Earth, the chemical composition could open up new opportunities for high-performance craft materials on- and off-planet. Vallee (inspiration for the French scientist in director Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”) told me they would go through the academic peer-review processes, which might greatly advance respect for the subject.

Where does this leave us?

We will know more when the Pentagon’s report on unidentified aerial phenomena comes out in June, but now that the government is starting to take UFOs seriously, it’s high time that more academics and industry leaders step up to do the same.

Pentagon Confirms Newly Leaked UFO Footage Was Filmed By Navy


The Pentagon has confirmed that a number of freshly leaked videos appearing to show UFOs, or "unidentified aerial phenomena" (UAP) as they are officially known, were taken by Navy personnel. However, there's no word yet on what exactly these mysterious sightings actually are.

The footage was recently shared by TV investigative journalist George Knapp at and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell at, both of whom are well-versed in the world of UFOs.

The first of the leaked videos, captured on a night vision camera, shows a "pyramid"-shaped UAP buzzing above the USS Russell warship off the coast of San Diego in July 2019.

Another set of images was captured by the USS Omaha, appearing to show an orb-like shape. The object was reportedly spotted in the sky but proceeded to descend into the water without destruction. Corbell notes that the US Navy deployed a submarine to search for the object, but it appears nothing was found.

The Pentagon has confirmed that the images and footage were taken by Navy personnel, but made no further comment on what the sights might have been.

“I can confirm that the referenced photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel. The UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations,” Susan Gough, a Pentagon spokesperson, told The Black Vault. “As we have said before, to maintain operations security and to avoid disclosing information that may be useful to potential adversaries, DOD does not discuss publicly the details of either the observations or the examinations of reported incursions into our training ranges or designated airspace, including those incursions initially designated as UAP.”

Aside from a few short descriptions, not much information about the footage has been released. Is it a UFO from another world? An experimental military aircraft? Spyware, weather balloons, drones? Or simply a camera artifact? The sightings have already divided opinion, but there's little denying it's intriguing footage.

Recent years have seen a number of high-profile UFO sightings by military personnel, combined with a renewed sense of openness on the subject from the Pentagon. Just last year, the US Department of Defense acknowledged and publically released three videos of "unidentified aerial phenomena," including the famous "Tic Tac" video shot by a US Navy jet pilot.

As per the New York Times, there's even been an uptick of UFO sightings in the US since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Nationwide, sightings shot up by more than 1,000 reports compared to an average year to a total of at least 7,200 sightings in 2020. However, even hardcore "ufologists" conceded that this is not necessarily evidence of an incoming alien invasion, but simply a reflection of more people having time to stargaze during the lockdown