Tuesday, November 08, 2022

The early bird may just get the worm

Verbal intelligence – normally linked to evening types – may be superior in morning risers despite previous thinking

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The early bird may just get the worm 



Night owls may be looking forward to falling back into autumn standard time but a new study from the University of Ottawa has found Daylight Saving Time may also suit morning types just fine.

Research from Dr. Stuart Fogel, a cognitive neuroscientist, professor at the University of Ottawa’s School of Psychology, and researcher at the Royal’s Institute for Mental Health Research, is shedding light into how the impact of a person’s daily rhythm and activity levels during both wake and sleep relate to human intelligence. Contrary to the adage “the early bird gets the worm,” previous work suggests that evening types, or “owls,” have superior verbal intelligence.

Yet, “once you account for key factors including bedtime and age, we found the opposite to be true, that morning types tend to have superior verbal ability,” says Stuart Fogel, Director of the University of Ottawa Sleep Research Laboratory. “This outcome was surprising to us and signals this is much more complicated that anyone thought before.”

Fogel’s team identified individual’s chronotype – their evening or morning tendencies – by monitoring biological rhythms and daily preferences. A person’s chronotype is related to when in the day they prefer to do demanding things, from intellectual pursuits to exercise.

Young individuals are typically “evening types” while older individuals and those more regularly entrenched in their daily/nightly activities are likely “morning types”. The juxtaposition here is that morning is critical for young people, especially school aged children and adolescents, who have their schedules set by their morning-type parents and their routines. This might be doing youngsters a disservice.

“A lot of school start times are not determined by our chronotypes but by parents and work-schedules, so school-aged kids pay the price of that because they are evening types forced to work on a morning type schedule,” says Fogel.

“For example, math and science classes are normally scheduled early in the day because whatever morning tendencies they have will serve them well. But the AM is not when they are at their best due to their evening type tendencies. Ultimately, they are disadvantaged because the type of schedule imposed on them is basically fighting against their biological clock every day.”

The study enlisted volunteers from a wide age range, who were rigorously screened to rule out sleep disorders and other confounding factors. They outfitted volunteers with a monitoring device to measure activity levels.

Establishing the strength of a person’s rhythm, which drives intelligence, is key to understanding the results of this nuanced study, says Fogel, with a person’s age and actual bedtime proving important factors.

“Our brain really craves regularity and for us to be optimal in our own rhythms is to stick to that schedule and not be constantly trying to catch up,” adds Fogel.

Surgery is best to prevent amputations in certain people with poor leg circulation

American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2022, Abstract 19587

Reports and Proceedings


CHICAGO, Nov. 7, 2022 — People with severe peripheral artery disease, or PAD, who received bypass surgery to improve blood flow to their legs and feet had 65 percent fewer repeat procedures and 27% fewer amputations than those who had minimally invasive procedures such as angioplasty and stenting, according to preliminary late-breaking research presented today at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022. The meeting, held in person in Chicago and virtually, Nov. 5-7, 2022, is a premier global exchange of the latest scientific advancements, research and evidence-based clinical practice updates in cardiovascular science.

PAD occurs when the arteries that carry blood away from the heart to the head, arms, legs and feet become narrow due to a build-up of fatty plaque. It affects more than 200 million people worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing because people are living longer, and more people have Type 2 diabetes, a major risk factor for PAD. The artery build-up results in ischemia, or poor blood flow, to the legs and feet. People with severe PAD may develop chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI), which leads to a high risk for limb amputation and causes pain even while at rest, nonhealing wounds or ulcerations, and tissue damage to the foot and leg.

Re-opening or bypassing the blocked arteries, also called revascularization, is imperative for people with CLTI; without treatment, 20-40% of those with CLTI risk having a major leg amputation. The risk of death also increases for people with CLTI who do not receive proper treatment.

CLTI is treated with bypass surgery, which creates a passage around the blocked arteries using a patient’s leg vein or an artificial blood vessel, or a minimally invasive endovascular procedure such as angioplasty and stenting. In this procedure, a thin balloon-tipped catheter is inserted into the blockage to widen it, and a stent is placed to keep the artery open.

The study authors note, however, that while both procedures are considered standard of care, there is little data or guidance on which revascularization procedure is better for these patients. A 2021 American Heart Association scientific statement highlighted the need for more studies comparing surgical vs. endovascular treatment for PAD and CLTI.

“Procedure preference may vary by institution and by health care professional based on expertise and training, or availability of technology,” said principal investigator Alik Farber, M.D., M.B.A., an associate chief medical officer for surgical services and chief of the division of vascular and endovascular surgery at Boston Medical Center. “As minimally invasive techniques became more available two decades ago, there was a trend toward less bypass surgery. However, it is not clear what is best for people with chronic limb-threatening ischemia in whom the stakes are high.”

The Best Endovascular versus Best Surgical Therapy for Patients with Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia (BEST-CLI) Trial enrolled 1,830 people with CLTI in 150 centers in the U.S., Canada, Italy, Finland and New Zealand beginning in 2014. Researchers compared the clinical, safety, quality of life and cost outcomes between those who had bypass surgery and those who had endovascular treatment. The study aimed to clarify the appropriate role for both treatment strategies to determine an evidence-based standard for this patient population.

The study participants were an average age of 67 years, 28% were female and 72% were white. Participants included 36% who smoked; 69% with diabetes (with and without insulin dependence); and 11% with end-stage kidney disease. About 22% of study participants reported leg pain at rest as a primary symptom.

The study divided patients into groups and subgroups:

  • Group 1 included 1,434 patients whose large leg veins (great saphenous veins) were suitable for bypass surgery. The people in Group 1 were then randomly assigned into two subgroups by their treatment team to undergo either bypass surgery or an endovascular procedure to restore blood flow to the leg.
  • Group 2 included 396 patients who did not have saphenous veins that were suitable for surgery. Each participant in Group 2 was then randomly assigned to one of two subgroups to either have bypass surgery using an arm vein or artificial blood vessel or undergo an endovascular procedure.

The researchers compared the outcomes of the subgroups within each larger group. The study was not designed to compare results between Group 1 (those with suitable leg veins) and Group 2 (without suitable leg veins). Major adverse limb events were compared, including the number of major repeat vascular procedures or amputations above the ankle on the limb that had been treated. The study also measured safety by assessing the rate of death, heart attacks or strokes among participants. Participants were followed up to seven years in Group 1, and up to five years in Group 2.

The study found:

  • Group 1 results: Among the participants who received bypass surgery using their great saphenous vein, there was a 33% reduction in major adverse limb events compared to the group who received endovascular treatment. There were 65% fewer major interventions and 27% fewer above-ankle amputations than in the endovascular subgroup. There was no difference in the number of patient deaths, heart attacks or strokes between the two subgroups.
  • Group 2 results: There was no statistical difference in repeat interventions or amputations between the people who had bypass surgery using an arm vein or an artificial blood vessel and those who had endovascular procedures.

“The results we found within Group 1 are interesting in that there were significantly fewer amputations and major reoperations performed in the people who had bypass surgery, and there was no difference between the treatment groups in the number of patient deaths,” said Farber, who is also a professor of surgery and radiology at Boston University School of Medicine. “This information debunks the idea that CLTI patients who need revascularization should have an endovascular procedure first due to concern that bypass surgery may be potentially more dangerous. In this group of people, who were at acceptable risk for surgery and had a good vein available, we determined that surgical bypass led to better outcomes.”

The study did have some limitations. The results may have been influenced by selection bias because each study location chose which patients were good candidates for revascularization. Additionally, each investigator selected the specific equipment and methods of treatment, therefore, the surgical and endovascular techniques were somewhat diverse. In addition, the percentage of females in the study was less than expected.

Co-principal investigators are Matthew Menard, M.D.; Kenneth Rosenfield, M.D.; Taye Hamza, Ph.D.; Mark J. Cziraky, Pharm.D., FAHA; and Niteesh Choudhry, M.D., Ph.D. Authors’ disclosures are listed in the abstract.

The study was funded initially by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a division of the National Institutes of Health. Funding during the follow-up period (2019-2021) was provided by Vascular InterVentional Advances (VIVA), the Society for Vascular Surgery, the New England Society for Vascular Surgery, the Western Vascular Society, the Eastern Vascular Society, the Midwest Vascular Surgery Society, the Southern Association of Vascular Surgeons, the Canadian Society for Vascular Surgery, the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, the Society of Interventional Radiology, the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society, the Society for Vascular Medicine; Janssen; Gore; Becton Dickinson and Company; Medtronic; Cook; Boston Scientific; Abbott; Cordis; and Cardiovascular Systems, Inc.

Statements and conclusions of studies that are presented at the American Heart Association’s scientific meetings are solely those of the study authors and do not necessarily reflect the Association’s policy or position. The Association makes no representation or guarantee as to their accuracy or reliability. Abstracts presented at the Association’s scientific meetings are not peer-reviewed, rather, they are curated by independent review panels and are considered based on the potential to add to the diversity of scientific issues and views discussed at the meeting. The findings are considered preliminary until published as a full manuscript in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

The Association receives funding primarily from individuals; foundations and corporations (including pharmaceutical, device manufacturers and other companies) also make donations and fund specific Association programs and events. The Association has strict policies to prevent these relationships from influencing the science content. Revenues from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers and the Association’s overall financial information are available here.

Additional Resources:

The American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022 is a premier global exchange of the latest scientific advancements, research and evidence-based clinical practice updates in cardiovascular science. The 3-day meeting will feature more than 500 sessions focused on breakthrough cardiovascular basic, clinical and population science updates occurring Saturday through Monday, November 5-7, 2022. Thousands of leading physicians, scientists, cardiologists, advanced practice nurses and allied health care professionals from around the world will convene virtually to participate in basic, clinical and population science presentations, discussions and curricula that can shape the future of cardiovascular science and medicine, including prevention and quality improvement. During the three-day meeting, attendees receive exclusive access to more than 4,000 original research presentations and can earn Continuing Medical Education (CME), Continuing Education (CE) or Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credits for educational sessions. Engage in Scientific Sessions 2022 on social media via #AHA22.

About the American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. We are dedicated to ensuring equitable health in all communities. Through collaboration with numerous organizations, and powered by millions of volunteers, we fund innovative research, advocate for the public’s health and share lifesaving resources. The Dallas-based organization has been a leading source of health information for nearly a century. Connect with us on heart.orgFacebookTwitter or by calling 1-800-AHA-USA1.


Rice, Baylor to study how screen use affects young children

Rice engineers creating app to gather objective data about children’s screen use

Grant and Award Announcement


Dr. Teresia O’Connor 



HOUSTON – (Nov. 7, 2022) – Children are captivated by the electronic screens of televisions, laptops, smartphones and other devices, and researchers from Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine and Northern Illinois University have begun an innovative study of young children’s screen use and its potential effects on their physical and cognitive development. The research is funded by a $6.2 million grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a part of the National Institutes of Health.

The average child in the U.S. spends an estimated 2.5 hours a day in front of electronic screens, which is more than double the amount of screen time pediatricians suggest. Despite the pervasiveness of screens and their appeal, it has been difficult for researchers to determine how they impact children’s development.

“Research so far has been done using parents’ reports about what their children typically do when it comes to screen use,” said Baylor College of Medicine pediatrician Dr. Teresia O’Connor, the principal investigator on the NIH grant. “While parents are well-meaning, there are problems with conducting research that uses parent reports on typical use as the only source of information.”

O’Connor, an associate professor in the nutrition division of Baylor’s Department of Pediatrics and associate director for human sciences at Houston’s Children’s Nutrition Research Center, said it is easy for parents to overlook or forget how much time their children spend on screens each day, and inaccuracies in parent-provided data makes it very difficult for researchers to establish correlations between children’s screen usage and their health and developmental outcomes.

Rice engineers led by Ashok Veeraraghavan, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and a member of Rice’s Scalable Health Laboratories, are creating an open source system called FLASH — an acronym for Family Level Assessment of Screen use in the Home — to objectively and automatically measure children’s screen-viewing behaviors.

O’Connor said objective FLASH data could allow health professionals to make more informed recommendations for parents about children’s screen media use.

“If there are associations with poorer outcomes, we hope to provide guidance on how to reduce risk,” O’Connor said. “If there are no associations, we hope to put parents’ minds at ease that some screen use, with age-appropriate content, doesn’t put their child at risk.”

The Rice team that’s developing FLASH is drawing on advances in imaging, facial recognition, computer vision, signal processing and other technologies, said Anil Vadathya, the project’s lead engineer.

“We’re creating two versions of the system,” Vadathya said. “One will measure screen use on mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets. The other is for TVs and will measure both TV viewing and game console use.”

The five-year grant includes funding for three long-term studies of the impacts of screen use on young children. In the first, researchers will measure preschool-aged children’s screen use for one year and investigate potential impacts on sleep and physical growth. The second will follow the same group of children for one year to examine associations between screen use, learning and memory. It will also investigate how parents can help children use screens in a way that supports brain development. The third study will follow preschool-aged children over the course of a few weeks and examine how the use of screens at varying times prior to a child’s bedtime impacts their sleep and circadian rhythms.

“FLASH could have a significant impact on public health and clinical research regarding screen media use,” Veerarghavan said. “This could really change how scientists assess health outcomes of screen use and how they design interventions to address those outcomes.”

Houston’s Children’s Nutrition Research Center, one of six U.S. human nutrition research centers funded by the Department of Agriculture, is operated by Baylor in cooperation with Texas Children’s Hospital and USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.


Rice University engineers Ashok Veeraraghavan (left) and Anil Vadathya are creating an open source system called FLASH to objectively and automatically measure children’s screen-viewing behaviors.


Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University

Grant information:

“Development and Validation of an Automated Measurement of Child Screen Media Use: FLASH” | Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development | NIH Project No. 5R01DK113269-05


High-resolution IMAGES are available for download at:

CAPTION: U.S. children average 2.5 hours of screen time per day, more than double the amount pediatricians recommend. (Image courtesy of 123rf.com)

CAPTION: Dr. Teresia O’Connor is an associate professor in the nutrition division of Baylor College of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics and associate director for human sciences at Houston’s Children’s Nutrition Research Center. (Photo courtesy of Baylor College of Medicine)

CAPTION: Rice University engineers Ashok Veeraraghavan (left) and Anil Vadathya are creating an open source system called FLASH to objectively and automatically measure children’s screen-viewing behaviors. (Photo by Jeff Fitlow/Rice University)

This release can be found online at news.rice.edu.

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Located on a 300-acre forested campus in Houston, Rice University is consistently ranked among the nation’s top 20 universities by U.S. News & World Report. Rice has highly respected schools of Architecture, Business, Continuing Studies, Engineering, Humanities, Music, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and is home to the Baker Institute for Public Policy. With 4,240 undergraduates and 3,972 graduate students, Rice’s undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio is just under 6-to-1. Its residential college system builds close-knit communities and lifelong friendships, just one reason why Rice is ranked No. 1 for lots of race/class interaction and No. 1 for quality of life by the Princeton Review. Rice is also rated as a best value among private universities by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.

New materials could enable longer-lasting implantable batteries

Pacemakers and other medical devices, as well as long-distance drones and remote sensors, could require fewer battery replacements with new approach.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


High-energy batteries 



For the last few decades, battery research has largely focused on rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which are used in everything from electric cars to portable electronics and have improved dramatically in terms of affordability and capacity. But nonrechargeable batteries have seen little improvement during that time, despite their crucial role in many important uses such as implantable medical devices like pacemakers.


Now, researchers at MIT have come up with a way to improve the energy density of these nonrechargeable, or “primary,” batteries. They say it could enable up to a 50 percent increase in useful lifetime, or a corresponding decrease in size and weight for a given amount of power or energy capacity, while also improving safety, with little or no increase in cost.


The new findings, which involve substituting the conventionally inactive battery electrolyte with a material that is active for energy delivery, are reported today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in a paper by MIT Kavanaugh Postdoctoral Fellow Haining Gao, graduate student Alejandro Sevilla, associate professor of mechanical engineering Betar Gallant, and four others at MIT and Caltech.


Replacing the battery in a pacemaker or other medical implant requires a surgical procedure, so any increase in the longevity of their batteries could have a significant impact on the patient’s quality of life, Gallant says. Primary batteries are used for such essential applications because they can provide about three times as much energy for a given size and weight as rechargeable batteries.


That difference in capacity, Gao says, makes primary batteries “critical for applications where charging is not possible or is impractical.” The new materials work at human body temperature, so would be suitable for medical implants. In addition to implantable devices, with further development to make the batteries operate efficiently at cooler temperatures, applications could also include sensors in tracking devices for shipments, for example to ensure that temperature and humidity requirements for food or drug shipments are properly maintained throughout the shipping process. Or, they might be used in remotely operated aerial or underwater vehicles that need to remain ready for deployment over long periods.


Pacemaker batteries typically last from five to 10 years, and even less if they require high-voltage functions such as defibrillation. Yet for such batteries, Gao says, the technology is considered mature, and “there haven’t been any major innovations in fundamental cell chemistries in the past 40 years.”


The key to the team’s innovation is a new kind of electrolyte — the material that lies between the two electrical poles of the battery, the cathode and the anode, and allows charge carriers to pass through from one side to the other. Using a new liquid fluorinated compound, the team found that they could combine some of the functions of the cathode and the electrolyte in one compound, called a catholyte. This allows for saving much of the weight of typical primary batteries, Gao says.


While there are other materials besides this new compound that could theoretically function in a similar catholyte role in a high-capacity battery, Gallant explains, those materials have lower inherent voltages that do not match those of the remainder of the material in a conventional pacemaker battery, a type known as CFx. Because the overall output from the battery can’t be more than that of the lesser of the two electrode materials,  the extra capacity would go to waste because of the voltage mismatch. But with the new material, “one of the key merits of our fluorinated liquids is that their voltage aligns very well with that of CFx,” Gallant says.


In a conventional  CFbattery, the liquid electrolyte is essential because it allows charged particles to pass through from one electrode to the other. But “those electrolytes are actually chemically inactive, so they’re basically dead weight,” Gao says. This means about 50 percent of the battery’s key components, mainly the electrolyte, is inactive material. But in the new design with the fluorinated catholyte material, the amount of dead weight can be reduced to about 20 percent, she says.


The new cells also provide safety improvements over other kinds of proposed chemistries that would use toxic and corrosive catholyte materials, which their formula does not, Gallant says. And preliminary tests have demonstrated a stable shelf life over more than a year, an important characteristic for primary batteries, she says.



So far, the team has not yet experimentally achieved the full 50 percent improvement in energy density predicted by their analysis. They have demonstrated a 20 percent improvement, which in itself would be an important gain for some applications, Gallant says. The design of the cell itself has not yet been fully optimized, but the researchers can project the cell performance based on the performance of the active material itself. “We can see the projected cell-level performance when it’s scaled up can reach around 50 percent higher than the CFx cell,” she says. Achieving that level experimentally is the team’s next goal.


Sevilla, a doctoral student in the mechanical engineering department, will be focusing on that work in the coming year. “I was brought into this project to try to understand some of the limitations of why we haven’t been able to attain the full energy density possible,” he says. “My role has been trying to fill in the gaps in terms of understanding the underlying reaction.”

One big advantage of the new material, Gao says, is that it can easily be integrated into existing battery manufacturing processes, as a simple substitution of one material for another. Preliminary discussions with manufacturers confirm this potentially easy substitution, Gao says. The basic starting material, used for other purposes, has already been scaled up for production, she says, and its price is comparable to that of the materials currently used in CFx batteries. The cost of batteries using the new material is likely to be comparable to the existing batteries as well, she says. The team has already applied for a patent on the catholyte, and they expect that the medical applications are likely to be the first to be commercialized, perhaps with a full-scale prototype ready for testing in real devices within about a year.


Further down the road, other applications could likely take advantage of the new materials as well, such as smart water or gas meters that can be read out remotely, or devices like EZPass transponders, increasing their usable lifetime, the researchers say. Power for drone aircraft or undersea vehicles would require higher power and so may take longer to be developed. Other uses could include batteries for equipment used at remote sites, such as drilling rigs for oil and gas, including devices sent down into the wells to monitor conditions.


The team also included Gustavo Hobold, Aaron Melemed, and Rui Guo at MIT and Simon Jones at Caltech. The work was supported by MIT Lincoln Laboratory and the Army Research Office.


Written by David L. Chandler, MIT News Office

Additional background

Paper: “Fluoro-Organosulfur Catholytes to Boost Lithium Primary Battery Energy”



New center empowers climate storytellers across the communications landscape

Business Announcement


There Is No Planet B 



As world leaders prepare to meet this month at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt, journalists and communications professionals around the globe are gearing up to cover the negotiations. And a new center at the USC Annenberg School is ready to improve the impact of climate communication.

The school has launched the Center for Climate Journalism and Communication that empowers professionals across media, public relations, and strategic and corporate communications to be climate storytellers who advance a deeper understanding of the consequences of climate change — from the global to the local and from the collective to the individual. The center provides critical training to understand climate science, to capture its effects, particularly when felt disproportionately in under-resourced communities, and to support action that preserves the health of the planet and its inhabitants.

“The climate crisis is one of the most significant stories of our lifetime and we must do a better job telling it,” USC Annenberg Dean Willow Bay said. “The center emboldens professional journalists and communicators — with discipline specific training, support and mentoring — to tell this story as if our lives depend upon it.”

Leveraging USC’s academic scholarship, targeted research initiatives and professional training expertise, the center designs customized programs for news and communication organizations.

“From our neighbors who are experiencing climate change, to scientists and scholars who research the subject, we know that climate change is real and it’s happening now,” said Allison Agsten, the center’s inaugural director. “We have an imperative to train — and support — professional and aspiring journalists and communicators who can combine powerful narratives, data grounded in science, and engagement with communities they serve to drive systemic change.”

Developed in collaboration with long-standing USC Annenberg partner ABC Owned Television Stations, the center’s first climate training program for news organizations begins this month. Local TV news journalists in eight U.S. markets — ranging from assignment editors and executive producers to meteorologists and race and culture reporters — will learn from experts in big data processing, ethical image selection, decision science and climate resilience. Journalists will also produce a data report outlining climate impacts in their regions and stories that capture the ramifications on residents in their local communities.

“Now, more than ever, we need to train and support journalists to accurately report on the current and future climate crisis,” said Chad Matthews, president, ABC Owned Television Stations. “The center’s program is invaluable as our journalists strive to deliver the quality reporting our stations are known for, and to create climate journalism that is accessible, understandable, and actionable for the average consumer.”

In addition, the center helps practitioners in public relations, corporate communications and advocacy improve their own environmental storytelling capabilities. At a moment when awareness — and distrust — of environmental, social and governance (ESG) is expanding, the center has commissioned intelligence from Zignal Labs to gauge the challenges inherent in ESG reporting.

In September, the center kicked off its virtual “Covering Climate” series, which provides easily accessible programming for working journalists and students to explore topics and connect with leaders in climate reporting, research and activism.

For students, the center provides foundational training in climate communication both through publishing opportunities in USC Annenberg courses as well as the school’s student-led news organization Annenberg Media.

Recent projects developed by students in the COMM 499: Climate Stories course and through the journalism master’s summer immersion program have been published by outlets and websites such as Now This Earth, Surfrider Foundation, the NOAA’s Sea Grant, among others.

This Fall, Agsten collaborated with Annenberg Media to establish the Earth Desk, which will engage students of all majors to cover (and consume) climate-related news.

“By supporting the creation of the first Earth Desk, we are providing an opportunity for student journalists to learn how to incorporate climate into any story, on any beat, and in any field,” Agsten said.

Seed funding to support the center's formation came from Bloomberg Philanthropies along with Vere Initiatives and USC Annenberg parents, through the Beedie Foundation and the Manaaki Foundation.

“We are inspired by how the USC Annenberg community has come together to advance our collective climate story,” said Antha Williams, who leads Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Environment program. “We hope others will join us in helping to elevate and further this important work.”

Limiting antibiotics for cows may create a new dairy market

Peer-Reviewed Publication


ITHACA, N.Y. – Consumers would be willing to buy milk from cows only treated with antibiotics when medically necessary – as long as the price isn’t much higher than conventional milk, according to researchers at Cornell University.

The findings suggest conventional farmers could tap a potentially large market for this type of milk if they can find the right price point – and that dairy consumers can help slow the rise of antimicrobial resistance.

“Most of the antibiotics produced throughout the world are used for animal agriculture. Therefore, reducing antibiotic use in animals, including dairy cattle, is necessary to tackle antibiotic resistance at a global scale,” said Dr. Renata Ivanek, professor in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences and senior author on the study, which published in the Journal of Dairy Science.

In the paper, the researchers propose a new label for milk that indicates responsible antibiotic use (RAU), which would leverage consumer preferences to reduce the use of antibiotics on commercial dairy farms. The study showed that, although a consumer’s willingness to pay for the RAU-labeled milk was comparable to how much they would pay for the unlabeled milk, they strongly preferred the RAU-labeled milk over the unlabeled milk option. Therefore, the researchers hypothesize this new RAU label would entice farmers to minimize antibiotics more than they do for conventional, unlabeled milk.

Too much antibiotic treatment in cows leads to the rise of resistant strains of bacteria, which can make antibiotics for both animals and humans less effective, the researchers note. “Consumers should know that their choices are important, and that their understanding of antibiotic use could move the dairy industry toward more sustainable milk production practices,” said Dr. Ece Bulut, research associate in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences and co-author of the study.

The researchers conducted a nationally representative survey of U.S. adults, finding that half were willing to buy RAU-labeled milk. They also held a randomized, experimental auction with real money and milk, which showed that buyers were also willing to pay for RAU-labeled milk but only slightly more than they are willing to pay for the unlabeled cartons.

“What this means is that there could potentially be a large market for RAU milk as long as the price isn’t much higher than conventional milk, so it’s a possible new option for conventional farmers,” said Robert Schell, first author of the study.

A similar label for certified responsible antibiotic use (CRAU) is already used in the poultry industry, Bulut said. CRAU limits the use of medically important antibiotics – antibiotics used in human medicine – in poultry production. The researchers envision that the RAU label would similarly be determined by veterinarians and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards, so that any carton of milk with an RAU label would come from a cow treated with antibiotics only when medically necessary.

“The existing literature suggests that larger bodies regulating these sorts of claims, like the USDA and CRAU certification, makes consumers more willing to trust and, as a result, buy products with desirable labels,” said Schell.

This study is an important initial step in exploring consumer attitudes toward an RAU label and its potential market for conventional farmers, the researchers said.

The work is the result of collaboration between the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, and the Department of Communication in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The researchers also worked with Cornell’s Lab for Experimental Economics and Decision Research as well as Cornell’s Survey Research Institute.

Funding for this study was provided by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the USDA and the National Institutes of Health.

For additional information, see this Cornell Chronicle story.


Are covid ‘comas’ signs of a protective hibernation state?

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Painted turtle 



Many Covid-19 patients who have been treated for weeks or months with mechanical ventilation have been slow to regain consciousness even after being taken off sedation. A new article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences offers the hypothesis that this peculiar response could be the effect of a hibernation-like state invoked by the brain to protect cells from injury when oxygen is scarce.

A very similar kind of state, characterized by the same signature change of brain rhythms, is not only observed in cardiac arrest patients treated by chilling their body temperature, a method called “hypothermia,” but also by the painted turtle, which has evolved a form of self-sedation to contend with long periods of oxygen deprivation, or “anoxia,” when it overwinters underwater.

“We propose that hypoxia combined with certain therapeutic maneuvers may initiative an as yet unrecognized protective down-regulated state (PDS) in humans that results in prolonged recovery of consciousness in severe COVID-19 patients following cessation of mechanical ventilation and in post-cardiac arrest patients treated with hypothermia,” wrote authors Nicholas D. Schiff and Emery N. Brown. “In severe Covid-19 patients we postulate that the specific combination of intermittent hypoxia, severe metabolic stress and GABA-mediated sedation may provide a trigger for the PDS.”

Schiff is a Jerold B. Katz Professor of Neurology and Neuroscience in the Feil Family Brain Mind Research Institute at Weill Cornell Medicine. Brown is the Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience in The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory and the Institute for Medical Engineering and Science at MIT. He is also an anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School.

A motivating observation for the pair’s hypothesis is that cardiac arrest patients treated with hypothermia, Covid-19 patients with prolonged wakeups after sedation and ventilation, and the hibernating painted turtle all exhibit a brain rhythm pattern called “burst suppression.” In the same journal a decade ago ShiNung Ching, Brown and co-authors described a model suggesting that burst suppression is an activity pattern signaling that the brain is reducing energy use when sufficient supplies are not available. In this way, the brain limits the damage that neurons could otherwise endure by trying to operate at full power.


“Biophysical modeling has shown that burst suppression is likely a signature of a neurometabolic state that preserves basic cellular function during states of lowered energy availability,” the authors wrote.

The turtles appear to achieve this state by rapidly ramping up the release of GABA, a neurotransmitter chemical known to reduce neural activity in the brain, hours after oxygen becomes scarce. This GABA release, known as the ‘endogenous anesthesia for the anoxic turtle brain’ reduces the energy demand of brain cells. The authors see a direct parallel in Covid patients who are often given sedatives whose effects are mediated by GABA.

Speeding recovery

If Brown and Schiff’s hypotheses are correct, they write, then there may be a principled two-part approach for better reviving Covid patients from unconsciousness after ventilation is removed.

The first part is to administer Szeto-Schiller peptides (small protein fragments) that are known to improve neurons production of the energy metabolism molecule ATP. This could restore the brain cells’ ability to produce energy when they return to a more active state.

The second part calls for a pair of drugs that will restore neural activity and communication by promoting the neurotransmitters glutamate and acetylcholine, essentially counteracting GABA’s tamping down of neural activity and metabolism.

“Our analysis predicts the existence of a human form of PDS that may underlie prolonged recovery of consciousness following treatment for severe Covid-19 or treatment for post-cardiac arrest treated with hypothermia,” Brown and Schiff wrote. “The possible existence of human PDS suggests many testable hypotheses for further investigation and the possibility of developing novel therapeutic strategies.”