Saturday, September 09, 2023

US-backed Kurdish fighters say battles with tribesmen in eastern Syria that killed dozens have ended

Associated Press
Updated Fri, September 8, 2023 

Syria In this photo released by Suwayda24, people stage a protest as they wave the Druze flags in the southern city of Sweida, Syria, Friday, Sept. 8, 2023. The protests in the Druze-majority city have been ongoing for more then two weeks, initially driven by surging inflation and the war-torn country's spiraling economy but later widening to calls for the fall of the Assad government.
(Suwayda24 via AP)

BEIRUT (AP) — A U.S.-backed Syrian force declared its operations in eastern Syria completed Friday after almost two weeks of fighting with local tribesmen left dozens of people dead.

The Syrian Democratic Forces said the fighting ended with its recapture of areas in Deir el-Zour province that the Kurdish-led force had lost during the battles triggered by the militia’s arrest of a rival U.S.-backed commander.

The clashes were among the worst in recent years in the region along the border with Iraq where hundreds of U.S. troops have been based since 2015 to help in the fight against the Islamic State group.

Many feared the fighting between the rival Syrian militias that broke out on Aug. 27 would affect the efforts to combat IS. Earlier this week, the SDF took control of the areas it lost during the recent clashes.

The SDF said the fighting left 25 of its fighters dead in addition to 29 members of rival groups and tribal gunmen. It said nine civilians were also killed and accused government forces of helping to incite the violence. The Kurdish-led force said it captured 21 fighters.

Earlier Friday, the SDF said its fighters had detained a senior official with the Islamic State group who was in charge of financing and arming sleeper cells.

Despite the Islamic State group's defeat in Syria in March 2019, IS sleeper cells still carry out deadly attacks in Syria and in neighboring Iraq. The extremists once controlled wide areas and declared a caliphate in the two countries.

The SDF said its militia members, with the support of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State group and the Counter Terrorism Group in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, apprehended senior IS financier Abdul-Ghafour Taber al-Diab, also known as Abu Amir.

He was detained Thursday in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa, which was once seen as the capital of the extremists, according to the SDF.

“He was responsible for financing the ISIS terrorist cells and their terrorist acts in the region, supplying them with weapons,” the militia said in a terse statement.

In other parts of Syria, hundreds of people took part in anti-government protests in the southern city of Sweida, tearing down pictures of President Bashar Assad from a state institution. The demonstrations were sparked by worsening living conditions and inflation that surged after Assad’s decision last month to double public sector wages and pensions.

The protests in Sweida province, where Druze people represent the majority of the population, are now in their third week. Surging inflation and the war-torn country’s spiraling economy initially drove the demonstrations but quickly shifted to marchers calling for the fall of Assad’s government.

Sweida province has largely avoided the fighting of Syria’s 12-year civil war, which has killed a half-million people, wounded hundreds of thousands and left parts of the country destroyed. The conflict has displaced half of Syria's prewar population of 23 million, including more than 5 million who are refugees outside the country.

The Druze, followers of a 10th century offshoot of Shiite Islam, made up about 5% of Syria’s prewar population and are split between supporters and opponents of President Bashar Assad.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for DRUZE 

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for KURDS 

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for SYRIA 

CNN Exclusive: ‘How am I in this war?’: New Musk biography offers fresh details about the billionaire’s Ukraine dilemma

Sean Lyngaas, CNN
Fri, September 8, 2023 

Elon Musk secretly ordered his engineers to turn off his company’s Starlink satellite communications network near the Crimean coast last year to disrupt a Ukrainian sneak attack on the Russian naval fleet, according to an excerpt adapted from Walter Isaacson’s new biography of the eccentric billionaire titled “Elon Musk.”

As Ukrainian submarine drones strapped with explosives approached the Russian fleet, they “lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly,” Isaacson writes.

Musk’s decision, which left Ukrainian officials begging him to turn the satellites back on, was driven by an acute fear that Russia would respond to a Ukrainian attack on Crimea with nuclear weapons, a fear driven home by Musk’s conversations with senior Russian officials, according to Isaacson, whose new book is set to be released by Simon & Schuster on September 12.

Musk’s concerns over a “mini-Pearl Harbor” as he put it, did not come to pass in Crimea. But the episode reveals the unique position Musk found himself in as the war in Ukraine unfolded. Whether intended or not, he had become a power broker US officials couldn’t ignore.

Musk did not respond to CNN’s request for comment before publication. But he did respond to the Isaacson book excerpt late Thursday on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter that he owns, by asserting that the Starlink service provided by his company SpaceX was never active over Crimea and that the Ukrainian government made an “emergency request” to him to turn on service.

“There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol,” Musk posted on X, the platform formally known as Twitter that he owns. Sevastopol is a port city in Crimea. “The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor. If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.”

The new book from Isaacson, the author of acclaimed biographies of Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein, provides fresh insights into Musk and how his existential dread of sparking a wider war drove him to spurn Ukrainian requests for Starlink systems they could use to attack the Russians.

After Russia disrupted Ukraine’s communications systems just before its full-scale invasion in February 2022, Musk agreed to provide Ukraine with millions of dollars of SpaceX-made Starlink satellite terminals, which became crucial to Ukraine’s military operations. Even as cellular phone and internet networks had been destroyed, the Starlink terminals allowed Ukraine to fight and stay connected.

But once Ukraine began to use Starlink terminals for offensive attacks against Russia, Musk started to second-guess that decision.

“How am I in this war?” Musk asks Isaacson. “Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes.”

Musk was soon on the phone with President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, the chairman of the joint chiefs, Gen. Mark Milley, and the Russian ambassador to the US to address anxieties from Washington, DC, to Moscow, writes Isaacson.

Meanwhile, Mykhailo Fedorov, a deputy prime minister of Ukraine, was pleading with Musk to restore connectivity for the submarine drones by telling Musk about their capabilities in a text message, according to Isaacson. “I just want you—the person who is changing the world through technology—to know this,” Fedorov told Musk.

SpaceX did not reply to CNN’s requests for comment

A Ukrainian soldier disconnects their Starlink on the front line during a ceasefire announced by Russia over the Orthodox Christmas period, January 6, 2023. - Clodagh Kilcoyne/Reuters

Musk, the CEO of electric carmaker Tesla and private space exploration firm SpaceX, replied that he was impressed with the design of the submarine drones but that he wouldn’t turn satellite coverage back on for Crimea because Ukraine “is now going too far and inviting strategic defeat,” according to Isaacson.

The unchartered territory that Ukrainian and US officials were in – relying on the charity of an unpredictable billionaire for battlefield communications – also led to a standoff over who would pay for the Starlink terminals last fall.

SpaceX had spent tens of millions of its own money sending the satellite equipment to Ukraine, according to Musk. And the company told the Pentagon that they wouldn’t continue to foot the bill for the satellite gear, as CNN first reported last October.

After CNN’s reporting, Musk reversed course, tweeting “the hell with it … we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

Gwynne Shotwell, Musk’s president at SpaceX, was livid at Musk’s reversal, according to Isaacson.

“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” Isaacson quotes Shotwell as saying. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”

But SpaceX was eventually able to work out a deal with the US and European governments to pay for another 100,000 new satellite dishes to Ukraine at the beginning of 2023, according to Isaacson.

Starlink’s importance in the war hasn’t waned.

Last week, the US and its “Five Eyes” allies accused Russian hackers of targeting Ukrainian commanders’ battlefield communications. The Russians’ malicious code was designed to intercept data sent to Starlink satellites, according to the Ukrainians.

Musk says he limited Ukraine's Starlink to prevent attack on Russia

Devin Coldewey
Fri, September 8, 2023 

Image Credits: YASUYOSHI CHIBA/AFP / Getty Images

Elon Musk has confirmed that he in essence scuttled a Ukrainian military strike on Russia by refusing to allow Starlink to be used in the process. The billionaire claims the decision was made to avoid being "complicit in a major act of war," but it also raises serious questions regarding the role of oligarchs in military matters.

The news was first reported by CNN, citing Walter Isaacson's upcoming biography of Musk. In the book, Musk describes a situation in 2022 when Ukraine planned an attack on Russia's navy off the coast of Crimea.

The ships and marine drones that would have performed this attack relied on Starlink for connectivity, but the satellite internet service was not (Musk asserted later on X/Twitter) active over the region. When Ukraine made an "emergency request" to activate it, he refused, and the drones "lost connectivity and washed ashore harmlessly," obviously leaving the Russian ships untouched.

In a way the matter is very simple: a government requested a service from a private company that the leader of that company thought was inappropriate, and declined. Therein is demonstrated the inherent risk of relying on a private service for the prosecution of warfare — Musk was in effect a mercenary or arms dealer, albeit less directly involved in violence. (Russia itself would soon have its own demonstration of a similar principle when the Wagner Group marched on Moscow.)

But in another, far more troubling interpretation of events, an American billionaire made a unilateral military decision for a foreign allied power. Doubtless this has happened countless times before, but seldom has a technology from outside the military-industrial complex (and thus outside its norms and expectations) risen so quickly to prominence as Starlink has due to — it must be said — Musk's own promotion of it for use by Ukraine after Russia's invasion.

The complex mathematics of geopolitics are beyond the scope of this article (and indeed this site and your author), but it is hard not to wonder whether it is appropriate for Musk to offer a key service to support Ukraine, only to withdraw it at his own discretion.

"If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation," Musk wrote in justification of his decision.

This is fair enough in its way, but, as with many of the CEO's pronouncements, is profoundly dismissive of important context.

Leaving aside that Starlink had been a key enabler of countless military actions already, one does not need to be an expert to find dubious Musk's claim that this would have amounted to a "mini-Pearl Harbor." Ukraine and Russia were by this time in open war, instigated by the latter's invasion; to compare a counterattack against an aggressor during a serious and ongoing conflict to the infamous sneak attack that drew the U.S. into World War II is at best ignorant. But considering Musk's proposals that the conflict end with concessions to Russia, it feels more disingenuous.

It is simply untenable for Musk's personal opinion of how a conflict should play out is the sole determinant of how Starlink can be deployed in warfare. As advisor to Ukrainian PM's office, Mykhailo Podolyak, expressed on X/Twitter after the story hit:

Sometimes a mistake is much more than just a mistake. By not allowing Ukrainian drones to destroy part of the Russian military (!) fleet via #Starlink interference, @elonmusk allowed this fleet to fire Kalibr missiles at Ukrainian cities. As a result, civilians, children are being killed. This is the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego.

Is Musk willing to perform the value judgment of whether negating an attack on Russian materiel is worth the inevitable cost in Ukrainian lives? Because that is the position he has placed himself in: deciding who should live in a war taking place on the opposite side of the world.

It's not hard to imagine that Musk may think himself capable of doing this, but it would not be the first time he has overestimated his own competence. The question is not whether he can make the choice, but whether he, or anyone in a similar position of civilian or commercial power, should be permitted to make it.

Garry Kasparov, former world Chess champion and now a prominent activist, offered a simple summary:

"SpaceX & Starlink are marvelous, but if Musk's delusional "anti-war" agenda leads him to interfere with their services to Russia's advantage, it's a huge risk."

The situation Musk found himself in was new and unprecedented, but now it is neither. And those for whom life-and-death decisions are familiar territory will likely find ways to circumvent an interfering foreign oligarch in making them.

Will Mining the Moon and Asteroids Be Worth the Trouble?
Kevin Hurler
Fri, September 8, 2023 

The new era of space exploration is opening entirely new possibilities, including the tantalizing prospect of mining for resources on the Moon and asteroids. Sounds exciting—and potentially very profitable—but the reality of the situation is that space mining is completely uncharted territory. Plenty of prospecting needs to be done first to determine if these resources are even economically worth being harvested in the first place.

In the next decade, NASA and its collaborators are turning their gaze back to the Moon. The agency is looking to land astronauts there in 2025 as part of the ongoing Artemis program; this would be the first time an astronaut has landed on the Moon since the final Apollo mission in 1972

Conceptual image of a future asteroid mining mission. 

Indeed, space is packed with resources that humans will need to survive while exploring and working in the dark void, and for our economies to flourish. The Moon hosts large reservoirs of water ice, which could be mined and used to make drinkable water, oxygen gas for settlements, or rocket fuel for launches off the lunar surface. There’s also helium-3, rare earth elements (REEs), and even the dusty regolith to consider. Asteroids too are concentrated sources of valuable elements like platinum, which could be harvested, shipped back to Earth, and sold to industries. At the same time, both public and private space sectors view living in space as a viable opportunity to advance humanity.

The plans for space mining are, for the time being, painted in broad strokes, as space agencies and companies began laying the initial groundwork. Mining the Moon or asteroids for resources could be a huge shortcut in advancing plans for long-term habitability in space since the cost to launch anything from Earth’s surface remains incredibly high.

Before any ground is broken, however, companies and government agencies will need to run an analysis of the costs associated with mining the various resources to determine if it’s economically viable to process these materials directly in space, or to transport those materials back to Earth. They may very well decide that it’s simply not worth it, at least for the time being. Harvesting these resources in the harsh environment of space could very well be a logistical nightmare that requires decades of proof-of-concept. Even so, there are decades of research and innovation that points to just how possible space mining may be, and it all began years ago with the planning for the Apollo missions.

Mining materials directly where we need it

“The very first meeting in which resources from the Moon were discussed seriously, not just at a science fiction level, was in November of 1962,” Angel Abbud-Madrid, director of the Space Resources Program at Colorado School of Mines, told Gizmodo on a phone call. NASA was planning for Apollo at the time, and realizing that its astronauts will need a steady supply of oxygen, the space agency considered extracting it directly from the lunar surface, he explained. “It didn’t happen because we were there for just a couple of days, or a couple of hours, but the realization that you need the resources in-situ (i.e. directly at the site itself) has been around that long because of the extremely high cost, and high energy to launch anything from Earth,” said Abbud-Madrid.

For NASA, the word “mining” doesn’t quite capture the full picture of harvesting and using resources in space, so the agency instead uses the all-encompassing phrase, “in-situ resource utilization,” or ISRU. This umbrella term not only describes the process of mining the lunar surface for materials and resources, but also the use of those raw materials to produce new products


Conceptual image of an Artemis Moon mission.

Take, for example, ice. Lunar geologists have good reason to believe that reservoirs of water are ice tucked within soil in the Moon’s permanently shadowed regions. Those reservoirs are what NASA’s ill-fated Lunar Flashlight was set to map out. In a not too distant future, astronauts on the Moon could mine those reservoirs and melt the ice to top off their drinkable water supply. That water could also be chemically split on the Moon into oxygen and hydrogen, which could supply habitats and bases with breathable air or be used to synthesize rocket fuel and propellant.

“ISRU could mean mining something and bringing it back to Earth,” Ben Bussey, chief scientist at commercial lunar lander provider Intutive Machines, told Gizmodo during a phone chat. “But it could also mean things like building infrastructure that then makes it easier to do things on the Moon.”

Astronauts could also take ISRU one step further and strip metal out of the lunar soil to build infrastructure like habitats or launch equipment. Jerry Sanders, ISRU system capability lead at NASA’s Johnston Space Center, says lunar soil contains aluminum, iron, titanium, and silicon, and that those metals could then be processed out of the regolith, forged into purer forms, and used for construction. Regolith could also be a good source of oxygen, as the element is trapped within the soil’s silicate minerals.

“All the regolith has somewhere around 42% to 44% oxygen by mass,” Sanders explained during a phone call. “So when we talk about processing the regolith, you get a lot of oxygen.”

NASA is laying the groundwork

While astronauts aren’t going to be setting foot on the Moon until Artemis 3 launches in 2025, NASA already has early plans for ISRU operations. Sanders said that the Lunar Trailblazer satellite will continue the hunt for water ice on the Moon’s surface using an infrared spectrometer from orbit. Since infrared light is absorbed by water, scientists can use readings from the probe to potentially identify the size and distribution of these reservoirs of ice, much like Lunar Flashlight was supposed to do.

Meanwhile, NASA’s VIPER—Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover—mission will drill into the lunar surface to find and analyze water ice directly. Lunar Trailblazer and VIPER are scheduled to launch in early and late 2024, respectively. Once this initial prospecting work is done, in a few decades, ISRU operations will be much larger.

“That far out in the future, you will be looking at large scale operations. You will have machines that will be drilling, that will be excavating, and that will be transporting material to a certain plant,” Abbud-Madrid said. “Everybody is going to need power, communication, and transport, so you’re going to have all of that infrastructure there.”

While NASA is planning its own missions to explore the possibilities for ISRU, the agency is also trying to set an example that private space companies can follow. NASA has outsourced its work to private space contractors before—rockets from SpaceX deliver agency payloads to orbit and new spacesuits for the Artemis program are being designed by Axiom Space, for example. In those cases, NASA had developed some sort of engineering framework or jumping off point for space companies to follow, but ISRU is terra incognita, and Sanders says that the private space industry needs to determine if mining on the Moon is even logistically possible before companies jump on board

Conceptual image of lunar habitat. Image: ESA/Foster + Partners

“Public-private partnerships and commercial involvement is becoming more and more important to succeeding and implementing [NASA’s] objectives,” Sanders said. “Before we can fully commercialize [ISRU], we need to basically help raise the whole technology portfolio such that NASA and the commercial industry feel comfortable enough to take on the job without going bankrupt.”

The prospect of mining asteroids

While the Moon’s surface could be a major source for water, oxygen, and more common metals like aluminum and iron, asteroids could be a source of precious elements. Platinum and nickel, for example, are concentrated in the core of metallic asteroids. As Abbud-Madrid explained, as an asteroid grows, its gravity increases, pulling these denser elements into it. Once mined, those metals could be shipped back to Earth to be sold to various industries. With that in mind, asteroids seem like a no-brainer for mining opportunities, but NASA doesn’t currently have any immediate plans to target them.

“We are currently focusing mostly on the Moon because it has the nearest term return on investment,” Sanders said.

Even though the public sector is focusing on the Moon, some private space companies are forgoing it in favor of asteroids. AstroForge is a California-based asteroid mining company that raised $13 million in funding in May 2022. The company has reportedly planned a method of mining asteroids anywhere from 66 to 4,920 feet (20 to 1,500 meters) in diameter by breaking them apart in space and collecting material, as opposed to landing on the rock and mining it directly.

Artist’s impression of metal-rich asteroid Psyche.

“Platinum-group metals are used across the board—they reduce vehicle emissions, they’re used in chemotherapy drugs, and every electronic device you have has a number of these elements,” AstroForge co-founder Matt Gialich told Gizmodo during a phone interview in May 2022. “The real dream here for us is to go and utilize deep space for resources.”

In January, AstroForge announced its two flights set for 2023. In April, AstroForge was expected to launch a spacecraft into orbit with a pre-loaded sample to serve as an asteroid simulant to demonstrate the company’s in-orbit extraction technology in a collaboration with OrbAstro. A spokesperson from AstroForge told Gizmodo in an email that the mission, called Brokkr-1, was “successfully launched, is alive, and is in a healthy state.” Another mission is currently scheduled for October 2023 which will see the company partner with OrbAstro, Intuitive Machines, and Dawn Aerospace to observe an asteroid target in deep space.

Is mining the moon and asteroids worth it?

So, will it all be worth it in the end? In short, probably—but there are a number of factors to consider.

Though the Moon boasts resources that can enable extended habitation, and asteroids teem with metals that are highly valued here on Earth, a space mining industry cannot thrive without a market for these commodities. A nation that is willing to purchase the oxygen processed from lunar regolith for its settlement on the Moon, for example, will drive the demand to mine more lunar regolith. At the same time, companies and agencies interested in space mining need to do a basic cost-benefit analysis of the resources they’re interested in. If they’re too difficult to obtain and too difficult to get to a customer, then the business case to mine those resources gets weaker.

“How things like prospecting and validation of a resource occurs on Earth, there’s a standard process to that. You need to find something, you need to find out if it is economically viable to extract it and use it,” Bussey said. “You can have a great source of something, but it could be too hard to get. I think that the same thing will be true on the Moon.”

Using lunar soil for rocket fuel and selling platinum harvested from an asteroid are fantastical images that feel too far-fetched to ever be feasible, but space mining—even on a small scale—is almost certain to happen in our lifetime.

Assuming that space miners decide a resource is economically viable enough, and that customers are willing to pay for it, the space mining industry can establish itself and expand. That expansion could fuel a completely secondary economy. The industry will need power, mining equipment, shipping logistics, and staff, all of which could be provided by other companies that are looking for their slice of the pie—the same way people tried to cash in on the California Gold Rush.

“Just like mining on Earth in the 1800s when people came to the west to look for gold and silver, there was also all this extraction,” Abbud-Marin said. “People sold shovels and picks and axes and made money out of the miners. Same thing there.”

Using lunar soil for rocket fuel and selling platinum harvested from an asteroid are fantastical images that feel too far-fetched to ever be feasible, but space mining—even on a small scale—is almost certain to happen in our lifetime. The science points to plenty of resources in our cosmic backyard that have strong financial incentives behind them, but the economics of space mining, for now, are yet to be fleshed out. Even still, civilizations have been living off the land since the dawn of humanity, and as we return to long-term space habitation and exploration, living off of the Moon and asteroids represents the next frontier.

Images: NASA


NASA completes last OSIRIS-REx test before asteroid sample delivery

Reports and Proceedings


training model of the sample return capsule 



A team led by NASA in Utah’s West Desert is in the final stages of preparing for the arrival of the first U.S. asteroid sample – slated to land on Earth in September.

A mockup of NASA’s OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer) sample capsule was dropped Wednesday from an aircraft and landed at the drop zone at the Department of Defense’s Utah Test and Training Range in the desert outside Salt Lake City. This was part of the mission’s final major test prior to arrival of the actual capsule on Sept. 24 with its sample of asteroid Bennu, collected in space almost three years ago.


“We are now mere weeks away from receiving a piece of solar system history on Earth, and this successful drop test ensures we’re ready,” said Nicola Fox, associate administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate in Washington. “Pristine material from asteroid Bennu will help shed light on the formation of our solar system 4.5 billion years ago, and perhaps even on how life on Earth began.”


This drop test follows a series of earlier rehearsals – capsule recovery, spacecraft engineering operations, and sample curation procedures – conducted earlier this spring and summer.


Now, with less than four weeks until the spacecraft’s arrival, the OSIRIS-REx team is nearing the end of rehearsals and ready for the actual delivery.

"I am immensely proud of the efforts our team has poured into this endeavor,” said Dante Lauretta, principal investigator for OSIRIS-REx at the University of Arizona, Tucson. “Just as our meticulous planning and rehearsal prepared us to collect a sample from Bennu, we have honed our skills for sample recovery.”


The capsule is carrying an estimated 8.8 ounces of rocky material collected from the surface of the asteroid Bennu in 2020. Researchers will study the sample in the coming years to learn about how our planet and solar system formed, as well as the origin of organics that may have led to life on Earth.


The capsule will enter Earth’s atmosphere at 10:42 a.m. EDT (8:42 a.m. MDT), traveling about 27,650 mph. NASA’s live coverage of the capsule landing starts at 10 a.m. EDT (8 a.m. MDT), and will air on NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.


“We are now in the final leg of this seven-year journey, and it feels very much like the last few miles of a marathon, with a confluence of emotions like pride and joy coexisting with a determined focus to complete the race well,” said Rich Burns, project manager for OSIRIS-REx at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.


Once located and packaged for travel, the capsule will be flown to a temporary clean room on the military range, where it will undergo initial processing and disassembly in preparation for its journey by aircraft to NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, where the sample will be documented, cared for, and distributed for analysis to scientists worldwide.


NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, provides overall mission management, systems engineering, and the safety and mission assurance for OSIRIS-REx. Dante Lauretta of the University of Arizona, Tucson, is the principal investigator. The university leads the science team and the mission's science observation planning and data processing. Lockheed Martin Space in Littleton, Colorado, built the spacecraft and provides flight operations. Goddard and KinetX Aerospace are responsible for navigating the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. Curation for OSIRIS-REx, including processing the sample when it arrives on Earth, will take place at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. International partnerships on this mission include the OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter instrument from CSA (the Canadian Space Agency) and asteroid sample science collaboration with JAXA’s (the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Hayabusa2 mission. OSIRIS-REx is the third mission in NASA's New Frontiers Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for the agency's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.


To learn more about the asteroid sample recovery mission visit:

China to change its neutral stance to more pro-Ukrainian on G-20 summit eve – Bloomberg

Ukrainska Pravda
Thu, September 7, 2023 

Chinese representatives participating in the negotiations on the final communiqué of the G20 summit have changed their neutral position on the war in Ukraine to a more pro-Ukrainian one.

Source: Bloomberg, citing a senior French official on condition of anonymity

Quote: "China’s past neutral position had effectively benefited Moscow. However, Beijing takes a softer line compared to last year," the official says.

This is important given the position of Western countries, which called on China to put pressure on Russia to end the war, Bloomberg writes.

The French official said that all G-20 countries have agreed on a common approach regarding the war in Ukraine.

At the same time, India, which hosts this year's G-20 summit, still refuses to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Bloomberg emphasises.


  • The summit in New Delhi will be held on 9-10 September.

  • Ukraine was not included in the countries invited to the G20 summit.

  • The Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will not be at the summit either; instead, the Russian Federation will be represented by Sergey Lavrov, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Extreme rainfall in Hong Kong, Brazil and Greece leaves dozens dead after flash flooding

Warmer global temperatures increase the amount of moisture the Earth's atmosphere holds, often resulting in more extreme rainfall events.

David Knowles
·Senior Editor
Updated Fri, September 8, 2023 

A worker works by a whirlpool as flood waters is drained on a road in Hong Kong on September 8, 2023. (Photo by Bertha WANG / AFP) (Photo by BERTHA WANG/AFP via Getty Images)

Unprecedented flooding from extreme rainfall events on multiple continents around the world has left dozens dead and displaced thousands since the start of September.

The extraordinary scenes of devastation from extreme rainfall have become commonplace this summer, with record-setting downpours hammering places like Vermont, India, China, Spain, South America and Japan with alarming frequency.

Here’s a rundown of the most recent rainfall disasters:
Hong Kong sets record for most rain in a single hour

A shopping mall is partially submerged after record breaking rainfall on September 8, 2023 in Hong Kong, China. (Photo by Sawayasu Tsuji/Getty Images)

One month after extreme rains associated with Typhoon Doksuri killed more than 80 people in Northern China, an historic deluge hit the southern part of the country, dumping a record-setting 6.2 inches of rain in an hour, killing at least two people and injuring over 140, Fox Weather reported.

The rains transformed city streets into raging rivers, damaging cars and storefronts and shuttering the stock market on Friday, Bloomberg reported.

A view of cars partially submerged in flood water following heavy rains, in Hong Kong, China, September 8, 2023. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu

“This would have been virtually impossible had it not been for climate change,” Lam Chiu-ying, a former director of the Hong Kong Observatory, told the South China Morning Post on Friday. “We have to be prepared for what used to be extreme but what could become normal.”

Brazil pummeled

Houses are seen in a flooded area after an extratropical cyclone hit southern cities, in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil September 6, 2023. REUTERS/Diego Vara

At least 39 people were killed this week when an extratropical cyclone unloaded several inches of rain across the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul. More than 6,000 people have been displaced in the torrential downpours.

“The city went into upheaval, people began to climb onto the roofs of houses. On Tuesday, we ran out of Internet and telephone service, and it was even more desperate. Even today, it is difficult to walk the streets, there is a lot of destruction,” Júlio Saldanha, a resident of the southern city of Estrela, told Brazil Reports.

Aerial view of debris caused by floods in the aftermath of the tropical cyclone on September 7, 2023 in Muçum, Brazil. (Photo by Marcelo Oliveira/Getty Images)

Firefighters and military police are taking part in rescue efforts, with helicopters being used to pluck people off of the roofs of flooded homes, Euronews reported.

"There are still people missing. The death toll might climb higher," Mayor Mateus Trojan of Muçum told Radio Gaucha. "The town of Muçum as we knew it no longer exists."
Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria feel Daniel’s wrath

Buildings surrounded by floodwater following Storm Daniel in the village of Kastro, in Trikala region, Greece, on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. Photographer: Konstantinos Tsakalidis/Bloomberg

At least 16 people were killed this week after extreme rainfall produced by Storm Daniel pummeled Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria, the raging flood waters leveling buildings and bridges in many locations.

As of Thursday, rescuers had saved approximately 800 people trapped by the flooding, CNN reported.

With the storm stalled over Greece, the city of Zagora set a new record, receiving 21 inches of rain in 10 hours.

Damaged cars are pilled up on a flooded road after a rainstorm in Volos, central Greece, Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Thodoris Nikolaou)

Earlier this summer, Greece had experienced drought conditions that helped spark raging wildfires. Now, the country faces a different calamity, but one that Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis also attributes to rising global temperatures.

“I am afraid that the careless summers, as we knew them ... will cease to exist and from now on the coming summers are likely to be ever more difficult,” he said, according to the International Travel & Health Insurance Journal.
How climate change is increasing extreme rainfall events

Vehicles are scattered during floods after heavy rains in Istanbul, Turkey, early Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023. (Sercan Ozkurnazli/Dia Images via AP)

As global temperatures continue to rise in tandem with the burning of fossil fuels, the amount of moisture held by the Earth’s atmosphere also rises. Studies have shown that for every degree Celsius of warming, the atmosphere holds 7% more moisture.

“When it rains, it’s increasingly likely to pour, just because of basic thermodynamics, and when it’s not raining, when it’s sunny and hot — and, of course, increasingly hot due to climate change — it’s going to be easier to evaporate that water back into the atmosphere, leading to more arid conditions during that period, more rapidly intensifying droughts,” UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain told Yahoo News earlier this year.
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This Year’s Burning Man Turned Into a Giant Revival for Prehistoric Dinosaur Shrimp

Caroline Delbert
Thu, September 7, 2023 

This Year's Burning Man Had Lots of Sea Monkeysjordieasy - Getty Images

This year’s surprisingly wet Burning Man festival in Nevada trapped thousands of festival-goers after a flood made the area impassible. In this wet, “diet Woodstock” nightmare, the exceptionally heavy rains have also reactivated some local fauna, so-called “dinosaur shrimp” and “fairy shrimp.” To understand dinosaur shrimp and fairy shrimp, we need a little lesson in extremophile organisms and drought tolerance.

Burning Man is held in the remote Black Rock City, which isn’t really a city at all; it’s the term for the temporary settlement built each year for Burning Man, which lasts a week when attendees are not trapped by a flood. The site is in the Black Rock Desert, hundreds of miles from Reno and gated by the tiny, nearby towns of Empire and Gerlach and the ghost town of Sulphur. The region was known for natural resources, but the remaining gypsum mine in Empire closed several years ago.

Fun fact: One of the only cities in this portion of the state, Winnemucca, is famous for its appearance in “I’ve Been Everywhere” by Johnny Cash.

More than 80 percent of the land area of Nevada is under protection by the federal government, the highest percentage of any U.S. state. (The large, western U.S. states have far higher percentages than the rest of the nation.) Nevada also experiences some of the most severe drought conditions in the country, which is worsening as climate change intensifies extreme weather. But don’t think that the inhospitable conditions means nothing lives there

This year’s Burning Man was inundated with rain and mud. picture alliance - Getty Images

Dinosaur shrimp, also known as tadpole shrimp, are freshwater crustaceans that look like miniature horseshoe crabs. They’re part of the family Triopsidae, which includes the genera Triops and Lepidurus, with up to 12 species. The largest species, the longtail tadpole shrimp, can grow to over three inches long. They eat living and dead plant and animal matter. And these animals can lay dormant for “decades or longer,” surviving in what Montana’s online field guide calls “intermittent or temporary wetlands.”

Dinosaur shrimp are drag swimmers, a term that includes humans doing breaststroke. They must propel themselves forward then “drag” their propeller back to the starting position. In the breaststroke, or frog kick, you must pull your legs up into position before kicking them back. World-class breaststrokers even move their hands forward above the water to reduce drag. Dinosaur shrimp don’t have this option, so their locomotion is a bit like three steps forward, one step back.

The media is making much of the dinosaur shrimp’s third eye. These shrimp have two compound eyes, like those of a spider, and then one sunken, primitive eye known as a “pit eye.” These are one of the simplest forms of what we identify as an eye at all, joining other similar recesses on animals like pit vipers. (Maybe because of pop culture, it’s easy to think these are named for being found in pits!)

It’s hard to imagine a more temporary wetland than the site of Burning Man, which is in a desert. In 2013, two portions of the Black Rock Desert received just 7.19 and 4.84 inches of rain for the year. Phoenix, the second driest major U.S. city, receives about 7 inches of precipitation a year. Las Vegas is the driest with just 4.2 inches. The Black Rock Desert is also home to a popular site for land speed records, a place called the playa or alkali flats. This flat region is where Burning Man is held.

Thousands of years ago, the entire area was covered by a prehistoric lake. This is key to today’s dinosaur shrimp, because it means the ecosystem still has remnants of when it was a sedimentary lakebed. That includes dormant lifeforms that are reactivated when there is enough rain in the region. Today’s desert is more like those freeze-dried capsules that puff up into dinosaur sponges in your bathroom sink. The closely-related fairy shrimp are also known as brine shrimp or sea monkeys, the tiny aquatic pets you can purchase as a powder and activate with water

A brine shrimp, also known as a fairy shrimp or "sea monkey."Nora Peevy - Getty Images

Dinosaur shrimp aren’t even the only surprising water creature in the area. The area known as the “Great Basin,” because of its history as that giant prehistoric lake, is home to 100 unique species of mollusks known as springsnails that live in the handful of local springs. The endangered desert dace, a tiny fish, can survive in water up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. But nothing else matches the extremophiles, animals like the dinosaur shrimp and fairy shrimp, that can lay dormant for decades. This year, the massive rainfall and subsequent areas of standing water that lingered throughout the Burning Man area were enough to activate them.

Did you know? The plant version of this phenomenon is called a xerophyte, or “dry plant,” which can use several strategies to withstand the desert heat. One type of xerophyte can go dormant during the dry season and reemerge during the wet season. Plants may be less noticeable in the context of the Burning Man festival floods, but these may also be triggered into development by the heavy rain.

One risk with climate change is that extreme weather will grow not just more severe but also more erratic, meaning plants and animals that are adapted for a typical monthlong wet season may emerge into a heavy rainfall that is followed by a drought. (If you’re a gardener, you know that an early thaw followed by a frost can kill many burgeoning plants that are “tricked” into developing too early.) Without enough time to complete their expected mating or seeding cycle, even highly adaptable desert extremophiles may not survive.

For those captivated by the dinosaur shrimp, the National Park Service offers an anatomically correct crochet pattern, complete with both the regular (compound) and pit eyes.