Tuesday, May 07, 2024


What happens if you fall into a black hole? NASA simulations provide an answer.

Eric Lagatta
Tue, May 7, 2024 

Anyone who has watched Matthew McConaughey plunge into a supermassive black hole in "Interstellar" may think they have a rough idea of what it'd be like to encounter one of these terrifying cosmic formations.

But a Hollywood blockbuster set decades in the future is no comparison to the real thing – even if it was directed by Christopher Nolan. Ten years after "Interstellar" hit theaters, NASA is now giving us a more personal experience of what would happen if we were to fall into a black hole.

No, not even the most intrepid spacefarers are yet able to get anywhere near these massive behemoths, where the pull of gravity is so intense that even light doesn't have enough energy to escape their grasp.

In the meantime, simulations released Monday instead simply imagine what a person may see while plummeting toward a black hole's event horizon to their inevitable death. Yet another simulation released by NASA shows the imagined point of view of an astronaut flying past a black hole as space appears to bend and morph.

"I simulated two different scenarios, one where a camera – a stand-in for a daring astronaut – just misses the event horizon and slingshots back out, and one where it crosses the boundary, sealing its fate," said Jeremy Schnittman, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland who produced the visualizations.

Available on YouTube, the four visualizations include explanations to guide viewers on what they're witnessing and include 360-versions to allow viewers to look around during the virtual trip.

NASA simulations show plunge into black hole

While humanity has learned much more about black holes in recent years since the first one was identified in 1964, the objects remain notoriously mysterious.

NASA's new visualizations, available on Goddard's YouTube page, erase some of that enigma. The two visualizations are divided into one-minute trips rendered as 360-degree videos that allow viewers to look around during the trip, and extended versions with explanations to guide viewers on what they're witnessing.

The destination of the simulation is a virtual supermassive black hole with a mass 4.3 million times that of Earth's sun, a size equivalent to the monster Sagittarius A* located at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

A new immersive visualization produced on a NASA supercomputer shows viewers what it would be like to plunge into a black hole.

The first simulation shows the viewer approaching the black hole from around 400 million miles away and rapidly falling toward the event horizon – a theoretical boundary known as the "point of no return" where light and other radiation can no longer escape. Like Sagittarius A*, the event horizon of the simulation spans about 16 million miles.

Cloud structures called photon rings and a flat, swirling cloud of hot, glowing gas called an accretion disk surrounding the black hole serve as a visual reference during the fall. As the camera reaches the speed of light, the accretion disc becomes more distorted as space-time warps.

Once inside the black hole itself, the viewer rushes toward the black hole's one-dimensional center called a singularity, where the laws of physics as we know them cease to exist.

The simulations were made using the Discover supercomputer at the NASA Center for Climate Simulation, and generated around 10 terabytes of data, which is about half of the estimated text content in the Library of Congress.
Second simulation shows viewer narrowly escaping black hole

Astronomers divide black holes into three general categories based on mass: stellar-mass, supermassive, and intermediate-mass.

Stellar-mass black holes, which form when a star with more than eight times the sun’s mass runs out of fuel and its core explodes as a supernova, are even less ideal to find yourself falling into than its supermassive counterpart, Schnittman explained.

“If you have the choice, you want to fall into a supermassive black hole,” Schnittman said in a statement. “Stellar-mass black holes, which contain up to about 30 solar masses, possess much smaller event horizons and stronger tidal forces, which can rip apart approaching objects before they get to the horizon.”

This occurs because the gravitational pull on the end of an object nearer the black hole is much stronger than that on the other end. Falling objects stretch out like noodles, a process astrophysicists call spaghettification. For this simulated black hole, it would only take about 12.8 seconds for the viewer to meet their end by spaghettification.

The alternate simulation shows a viewer orbiting close to the event horizon but escaping to safety before ever crossing it.

If an astronaut flew a spacecraft on this 6-hour round trip, the explorer would return 36 minutes younger than those who remained on a mothership far away, NASA explained. This is another concept that will be familiar to "Interstellar" fans and is due to time passing more slowly near a strong gravitational source.

"This situation can be even more extreme," Schnittman said. "If the black hole were rapidly rotating, like the one shown in the 2014 movie 'Interstellar,' (the astronaut) would return many years younger than her shipmates."

Eric Lagatta covers breaking and trending news for USA TODAY. Reach him at elagatta@gannett.com

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: NASA simulations show what it would be like to fall in black hole: Video

Crewed flight of Boeing Starliner space capsule pushed back at least 10 more days

Steve Gorman
Updated Tue, May 7, 2024

A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket stands on the pad the day after a launch attempt of two astronauts aboard Boeing's Starliner-1 Crew Flight Test (CFT) was delayed, in Cape Canaveral

By Steve Gorman

(Reuters) -The Atlas V rocket carrying Boeing Co's new Starliner space capsule will be rolled back to its hangar to replace a pressure valve, postponing the long-awaited first crewed test flight of the spacecraft for at least 10 more days, NASA said on Tuesday.

The new targeted launch date for the mission - pivotal to Boeing's struggle to acquire a greater share of lucrative NASA business now dominated by Elon Musk's SpaceX - has been set for May 17 at the earliest, according to NASA.

The debut flight of the CST-100 Starliner with astronauts aboard was originally scheduled for liftoff on Monday night from NASA's Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida, on a voyage to the International Space Station (ISS).

But the launch was called off with less than two hours left in the countdown after a pressure regulation valve malfunctioned on the upper-stage liquid oxygen tank of the Atlas rocket as it was being readied for blastoff.

The rocket, a separate component from the Starliner capsule, is furnished and operated by United Launch Alliance (ULA), a Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture.

Once launched, the gumdrop-shaped capsule and its two-astronaut crew are expected remain docked to the space station for about a week before returning to Earth in a parachute- and airbag-assisted landing in the U.S. Desert Southwest.

Selected to ride aboard Starliner on its first crewed run, and to operate its manual controls, were two veteran NASA astronauts with 500 hours of spaceflight between them - Barry "Butch" Wilmore, 61, and Sunita "Suni" Williams, 58.

After Monday night's aborted launch attempt, NASA, Boeing and ULA announced that they would seek to try again as early as Friday, May 10.

But in an update posted Tuesday evening, NASA said more time was needed after ULA "decided to remove and replace" the pressure valve, whose irregular fluctuations appeared to be beyond adjustment. That will require the rocket to be rolled back to its vertical integration facility on Wednesday for repairs, leak checks and other reviews ahead of a second launch attempt, NASA said.

Those operations pushed the potential launch date back at least another week from the earlier target, NASA said.

The crewed space launch comes two years after the Starliner completed its first test flight to the orbital laboratory without humans aboard. The Starliner's first uncrewed flight to the ISS in 2019 ended in failure.

Boeing has faced intense public scrutiny of all its activities after a series of safety failures that have staggered its commercial airplane operations, including the mid-air blowout of a jetliner door plug in January.

The company has been eager to get its Starliner space venture off the ground to show signs of success and redeem a program years behind schedule, and with more than $1.5 billion in cost overruns.

While Boeing has struggled, SpaceX has become a dependable taxi to orbit for NASA, which is backing a new generation of privately built spacecraft to ferry astronauts to the ISS and, under the space agency's more ambitious Artemis program, to the moon and eventually Mars.

(Reporting by Steve Gorman in Los Angeles; Editing by Christian Schmollinger and Gerry Doyle)

Boeing Starliner crewed mission postponed shortly before launch

Agence France-Presse
May 7, 2024

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were set to blast off at 10:34 pm Monday (0234 GMT Tuesday) -- clad in Boeing's bright blue spacesuits, the pair had waved goodbye to their families before boarding a van to the launch tower(AFP)

The first crewed flight of Boeing's Starliner spaceship was dramatically called off around two hours before launch after a new safety issue was identified, officials said Monday, pushing back a high-stakes test mission to the International Space Station.

Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were strapped in their seats preparing for liftoff when the call for a "scrub" came, in order to give engineers time to investigate unusual readings from an oxygen relief valve on the second stage of the rocket.

"Standing down on tonight's attempt to launch," tweeted NASA chief Bill Nelson. "As I've said before, @NASA's first priority is safety. We go when we're ready."

The next possible launch date comes on Tuesday night, but it wasn't immediately clear how big the problem was and if it could be resolved with the rocket still on the launchpad. NASA said it would hold a late night press briefing to provide updates.

The mission has already faced years of delays and comes at a challenging time for Boeing, as a safety crisis engulfs the century-old manufacturer's commercial aviation division.

'NASA is banking on a successful test for Starliner so it can certify a second commercial vehicle to carry crews to the ISS.

Elon Musk's SpaceX achieved the feat with its Dragon capsule in 2020, ending a nearly decade-long dependence on Russian rockets following the end of the Space Shuttle program.

Clad in Boeing's bright blue spacesuits, the astronauts were helped out of the spaceship then boarded a van to leave the launch tower at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, returning to their quarters.

Wilmore and Williams, both Navy-trained pilots and space program veterans, have each been to the ISS twice, traveling once on a shuttle and then aboard a Russian Soyuz vessel.

Hiccups expected

When it launches, Starliner will be propelled into orbit by an Atlas V rocket made by United Launch Alliance, a Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture. The crew will then take the helm, piloting the craft manually to test its capabilities.

The gumdrop-shaped capsule with a cabin about as roomy as an SUV is then set to rendezvous with the ISS for a weeklong stay.

Williams and Wilmore will conduct a series of tests to verify Starliner's functionality before returning to Earth for a parachute-assisted landing in the western United States.

A successful mission would help dispel the bitter taste left by numerous setbacks in the Starliner program.

In 2019, during a first uncrewed test flight, software defects meant the capsule was not placed on the right trajectory and returned without reaching the ISS. "Ground intervention prevented loss of vehicle," said NASA in the aftermath, chiding Boeing for inadequate safety checks.

Then in 2021, with the rocket on the launchpad for a new flight, blocked valves forced another postponement.

The vessel finally reached the ISS in May 2022 in a non-crewed launch. But other problems that came to light -- including weak parachutes and flammable tape in the cabin that needed to be removed -- caused further delays to the crewed test flight, necessary for the capsule to be certified for NASA use on regular ISS missions.

Exclusive club

SpaceX's Dragon capsule joined that exclusive club four years ago, following the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Space Shuttle programs.

In 2014, the agency awarded fixed-price contracts of $4.2 billion to Boeing and $2.6 billion to SpaceX to develop the capsules under its Commercial Crew Program.

This marked a shift in NASA's approach from owning space flight hardware to instead paying private partners for their services as the primary customer.

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk took a swipe at Boeing, gloating that his company "finished 4 years sooner" despite receiving a smaller contract. He attributed Boeing's delay to "too many non-technical managers" in a post on X.

Once Starliner is fully operational, NASA hopes to alternate between SpaceX and Boeing vessels to taxi humans to the ISS.

Even though the orbital lab is due to be mothballed in 2030, both Starliner and Dragon could be used for future private space stations that several companies are developing.

© Agence France-Presse

Hubble views a galaxy with a voracious black hole


Hubble Views a Galaxy with a Voracious Black Hole 




Venus has almost no water. A new study may reveal why

Escaping hydrogen 



view more 


Planetary scientists at the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered how Venus, Earth’s scalding and uninhabitable neighbor, became so dry.

The new study fills in a big gap in what the researchers call “the water story on Venus.” Using computer simulations, the team found that hydrogen atoms in the planet’s atmosphere go whizzing into space through a process known as “dissociative recombination”—causing Venus to lose roughly twice as much water every day compared to previous estimates.

The team will publish their findings May 6 in the journal Nature.

The results could help to explain what happens to water in a host of planets across the galaxy.

“Water is really important for life,” said Eryn Cangi, a research scientist at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and co-lead author of the new paper. “We need to understand the conditions that support liquid water in the universe, and that may have produced the very dry state of Venus today.”

Venus, she added, is positively parched. If you took all the water on Earth and spread it over the planet like jam on toast, you’d get a liquid layer roughly 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) deep. If you did the same thing on Venus, where all the water is trapped in the air, you’d wind up with only 3 centimeters (1.2 inches), barely enough to get your toes wet.

“Venus has 100,000 times less water than the Earth, even though it’s basically the same size and mass,” said Michael Chaffin, co-lead author of the study and a research scientist at LASP.

In the current study, the researchers used computer models to understand Venus as a gigantic chemistry laboratory, zooming in on the diverse reactions that occur in the planet’s swirling atmosphere. The group reports that a molecule called HCO+ (an ion made up of one atom each of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen) high in Venus’ atmosphere may be the culprit behind the planet’s escaping water. 

For Cangi, co-lead author of the research, the findings reveal new hints about why Venus, which probably once looked almost identical to Earth, is all but unrecognizable today.

“We’re trying to figure out what little changes occurred on each planet to drive them into these vastly different states,” said Cangi, who earned her doctorate in astrophysical and planetary sciences at CU Boulder in 2023.

Spilling the water

Venus, she noted, wasn’t always such a desert.

Scientists suspect that billions of year ago during the formation of Venus, the planet received about as much water as Earth. At some point, catastrophe struck. Clouds of carbon dioxide in Venus’ atmosphere kicked off the most powerful greenhouse effect in the solar system, eventually raising temperatures at the surface to a roasting 900 degrees Fahrenheit. In the process, all of Venus’ water evaporated into steam, and most drifted away into space.

But that ancient evaporation can’t explain why Venus is as dry as it is today, or how it continues to lose water to space.

“As an analogy, say I dumped out the water in my water bottle. There would still be a few droplets left,” Chaffin said.

On Venus, however, almost all of those remaining drops also disappeared. The culprit, according to the new work, is elusive HCO+.

Missions to Venus

Chaffin and Cangi explained that in planetary upper atmospheres, water mixes with carbon dioxide to form this molecule. In previous research, the researchers reported that HCO+ may be responsible for Mars losing a big chunk of its water.

Here’s how it works on Venus: HCO+ is produced constantly in the atmosphere, but individual ions don’t survive for long. Electrons in the atmosphere find these ions, and recombine to split the ions in two. In the process, hydrogen atoms zip away and may even escape into space entirely—robbing Venus of one of the two components of water.

In the new study, the group calculated that the only way to explain Venus’ dry state was if the planet hosted larger than expected volumes of HCO+ in its atmosphere. There is one twist to the team’s findings. Scientists have never observed HCO+ around Venus. Chaffin and Cangi suggest that’s because they’ve never had the instruments to properly look.

While dozens of missions have visited Mars in recent decades, far fewer spacecraft have traveled to the second planet from the sun. None have carried instruments capable of detecting the HCO+ that powers the team’s newly discovered escape route.

“One of the surprising conclusions of this work is that HCO+ should actually be among the most abundant ions in the Venus atmosphere,” Chaffin said.

In recent years, however, a growing number of scientists have set their sights on Venus. NASA’s planned Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging (DAVINCI) mission, for example, will drop a probe through the planet’s atmosphere all the way to the surface. It’s scheduled to launch by the end of the decade.

DAVINCI won’t be able to detect HCO+, either, but the researchers are hopeful that a future mission might—revealing another key piece of the story of water on Venus.

“There haven’t been many missions to Venus,” Cangi said. “But newly planned missions will leverage decades of collective experience and a flourishing interest in Venus to explore the extremes of planetary atmospheres, evolution and habitability.”

US Bosses mandated them back to the office. They took legal action instead.

Danielle Abril and Taylor Telford, 
(c) 2024 , The Washington Post
Mon, May 6, 2024 

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA - OCTOBER 27: An office sits vacant on October 27, 2022 in San Francisco, California. According to a report by commercial real estate firm CBRE, the city of San Francisco has a record 27.1 million square feet of office space available as the city struggles to rebound from the Covid-19 pandemic. The US Census Bureau reports an estimated 35% of employees in San Francisco and San Jose continue to work from home. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)More

After more than two years of fighting against return-to-office mandates, workers are fed up with their bosses’ inflexible policies and are taking their battle to court.

Zacchery Belval, a designer from Connecticut who has congenital heart disease and severe anxiety, was fired after refusing to return to the office. Despite submitting several doctor’s notices about his medical need to work from home, his employer denied his request citing in-person job duties. Now, he’s suing the company in the U.S. District Court of Connecticut.

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“They just said either you come back … or you’re fired,” Belval said. “It was literally screaming matches with management every day saying, ‘Hey, this is about health,’ and management going, ‘We don’t care.’”

As companies across the United States increasingly take a hard-line stance on office mandates, an increasing number of workers are elevating their complaints to court and federal labor agencies like the National Labor Relations Board and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Workers argue that mandates can be unjust, discriminate against people with disabilities and is a retaliatory action against unionization efforts. Employers that have backtracked from flexible work argue that being in the office is necessary as it improves company culture, collaboration and productivity. The outcomes of these cases could be critical and force employers to reevaluate their policies, some lawyers say.

“They can have a significant impact if there’s an agency or court ruling,” said Andrew Melzer, partner at civil rights law firm Sanford Heisler Sharp. It could determine “what’s considered permissible.”

Despite the corporate push, the percentage of workers who’ve returned to the office in the United States hasn’t risen substantially. In March, nearly 23 percent of workers did their jobs remotely, at least part time, compared to 19.5 percent a year prior, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Return to office “is the issue that just doesn’t seem to go away,” said Dan Kaplan, a senior client partner with Korn Ferry’s chief human resource officer practice. The landscape remains in flux, Kaplan said, in part because some companies have struggled to configure office policies that account for the burden on parents, caregivers, the immunocompromised and others who may be taxed by mandates.

Since the mandates began, employees have raised a fuss through public outcry, petitions calling for policy changes and other internal pushback. Now, “litigation seems to be their last resort,” Kaplan said.

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Escalating legal action

Workers who have resorted to filing legal action over remote work say their employers’ rejections have been shocking and unfortunate.

For Belval, 31, the issue dragged on for years, ending with his dismissal in August 2023. Now he’s seeking to recover lost wages, be reimbursed for attorney’s fees and compensated for his pain and suffering. His employer, Electric Boat, a unit of General Dynamics, declined to comment on the lawsuit.

Belval’s lawyer, Peter Goselin, said he’s seeing a rise in workers filing lawsuits against their employers to work remotely. Belval’s lawsuit boils down to whether working from the office is considered essential to his job and whether remote work is a “reasonable” accommodation, he said.

Two circuit courts have already ruled that remote work could be considered reasonable, Goselin said. A U.S. Court of Appeals made that ruling in a case where Dionne Montague, a public relations worker who has a nerve condition, requested that the U.S. Postal Service allow her to work some mornings from home and go to the office in the afternoon. And another U.S. Court of Appeals came to a similar conclusion after Joseph Mobley, a customer service worker diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, asked St. Luke’s Health System to work from home when his condition flared up.

“That [remote work] has huge significance for people with disabilities and health issues,” Goselin said.

Since the pandemic, the EEOC has received at least a handful of remote-work cases. One in Baltimore resulted in $25,000 settlement to the employee.

Lina Lucifero filed a lawsuit with the EEOC after Design & Integration refused to allow her to work remotely one day a week for a few weeks because of her anxiety and depression, much of which flared up because of job stress, she said. Instead, she alleges, the company fired her, suggesting that they wouldn’t have hired her had they known about her mental health issues.

“Right away, I said, ‘This is discrimination,” Lucifero said. “I felt dehumanized and labeled … I am someone with a mental illness and was kicked out because of it.”

In addition to the payout, the settlement shows that Design & Integration was required to develop and distribute an American Disabilities Act policy to employees, provide training and post a notice of the settlement. The company did not respond to a request for comment.

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Collective power

Not all complaints center on health and disabilities. Unfair labor-practice charges have been filed with the NLRB by workers at the New York Times, Google, Cognizant, X, Grindr, and The Washington Post. Concerns span from alleged retaliation for unionization efforts, to an unlawful dismissal for publicly criticizing an office mandate, to failing to bargain over the issue.

The New York Times, The Post and X didn’t comment on the matter.

Last year, LGBTQ+ dating app Grindr lost about 45 percent of its employees after it required people to move across the country and work from assigned offices two days a week. So workers filed a charge with the NLRB.

Quinn McGee, a New York City resident and former Grindr product manager who uses they/them pronouns, said they’d have to move to either Los Angeles or the Bay Area, where Grindr had not yet set up an office, despite living close to the Brooklyn office. But the engineers McGee worked with daily were assigned to the Chicago office, so McGee would be restricted to working with colleagues on Zoom.

Management delivered the mandate two weeks after employees filed to form a union and refused to take questions, McGee said.

“This was absolutely heartbreaking,” they said. “My partner is a medical provider, and I’m a trans person who has local health care professionals I trust. We can’t just up and leave with no notice.”

Drew Brunning, a former Grinder engineer who lives in Middleton, Wis., said he wouldn’t have been able to move his family and enroll his daughter at a school in Chicago within the required two-week time frame.

“They’re firing us for trying to form a union,” he remembers thinking. “It was a nuclear option that’s supposed to be illegal and no company would try it. But they did it.”

Grindr said it implemented its policy to improve collaboration and productivity. In a statement emailed to The Post, Sarah Bauer, a spokesperson for Grindr, said the company’s decision to implement the mandate “preceded the union election petition.”

“It was only after staff knew that the transition to in-office work was underway that employees began signing union cards,” Bauer said, adding that the company supports employees’ right to unionize.

Meanwhile, a group of Austin-based YouTube Music workers say they experienced something similar and also filed an NLRB charge.

Their employers, Google and Cognizant, announced an office mandate in December 2022, two months after employees filed for a union election. The mandate required employees to return to the office starting two days a week, leading to five days a week. The employers also revoked its unpaid time off policy, said Katie-Marie Marschner, forcing her and others to give up other jobs needed to make ends meet.

“Everybody assumes we’re just spoiled tech workers,” Marschner said, adding that Google pays its employees 10 times more than those that work through subcontractors like Cognizant. “It’s not a living wage and adding the commute would force us further into poverty.”

Workers went on strike before getting laid off while appealing to the Austin City Council for help. Employers then asked workers to train contractors overseas to do their jobs, Marschner said. They were sent to work from an unfinished office, told they couldn’t have anything - including their cellphones - at their desks and weren’t given much work, she added.

Google, which is fighting its designation as a joint employer, and Cognizant said that the layoffs came after the normal end of a business contract. Cognizant said hybrid work is “the way of the future” and the Austin workers’ contracts required them to work from the office.

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An uphill battle

Melissa Atkins, a labor and employment lawyer at Obermayer, said her clients, who are employers, are not considering the potential for legal action as a major factor in shaping their return-to-office policies.

“It’s a management right to change a policy,” Atkins said. Absent a collective bargaining agreement that hinges on the ability to work from home, or employers breaking contracts guaranteeing flexible work, “I can’t really see any real legal basis to challenge these policies.”

Workers who try to challenge their employers over office mandates in court will face an uphill battle, Atkins said.

Despite the difficulty, Marschner, the former YouTube Music worker who’s now motivated to get a job as an organizer, said the fight is worth it.

“It’s really all about power,” she said. “So you have to organize to flex your collective power. That’s the only way out of this mess.”