Saturday, January 18, 2020

In pictures: The sniffer dogs taking on Africa’s poachers

A springer spaniel on a leash with a toy in its mouth in a river in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Poachers in Africa, who are now armed with military-style weapons and even helicopters to hunt their prey, have a new adversary: dogs with a nose for detection.
Deployed in key locations across six African countries are around 50 detector dogs.
They have sniffed out contraband - elephant tusks, rhino horns and pangolin scales - leading to hundreds of arrests of traffickers and the disruption of smuggling routes.

A springer spaniel on a conveyor belt at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport looking at the hand of a handler - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

There have been almost 400 seizures of illegal wildlife products since the programme, funded by the African Wildlife Foundation, started in 2011.
Will Powell, the director of Canines for Conservation, says it is "a public-private partnership" with governments that helps them develop dog units with their wildlife organisations.
"That includes strategy, standard operating procedures and veterinary protocol. With their help we select rangers and train them as detection dog handlers."

Two dog handlers with their dogs at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, outside the DHL warehouse, in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Dog handling has become a sought-after job among employees of wildlife authorities in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Botswana and most recently Cameroon.
The handlers learn their skills over an eight-to-10-week period.
Handlers are carefully matched with their canine partners, which is important as some handlers have not been around dogs before, or have only known dogs as guard dogs.

A uniformed dog handler with her springer spaniel at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

They learn to love, care for and respect their dogs.
The recent graduating group from Cameroon is a case in point and there were a "few teary eyes", according to Mr Powell, when they headed home ahead of their canine partners.

A group of trainee dog handlers sitting on the ground and patting a dog on a lead in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Mr Powell selects the dogs in Europe, in countries where there is a culture of working dogs including the Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
The dogs have already had some thorough training - but he brings them up to the equivalent of a PhD.
"We look for open, confident, level-headed dogs able to deal with distraction and travelling," says Mr Powell, a British citizen, who started his career training dogs to detect landmines.

A Malinois dog with its ears pricked to attention in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"They must be gregarious and friendly to deal with a number of dog handlers."
Two breeds excel as detector dogs: Malinois and springer spaniels.
Malinois, which are Belgian shepherds, are famously intelligent, tough and can cope with heat.

A Malinois dog running during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The springer spaniels have good noses and a friendly nature.
And they have another advantage, Mr Powell explains.

Two springer spaniels running during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"There is often a fear of dogs, and shepherds with pointy ears are regarded as scary while floppy ears, like a spaniel, look less aggressive. In areas where you are working around people it's easier to use spaniels."
Both breeds have a strong work ethic because they love to be busy.

A springer spaniel on a conveyor belt at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport sniffing luggage - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The working life of the dog depends on the breed.
For the Malinois, that can be between 12 and 13 years. When their working life is finished, they are found appropriate homes or are returned to Mr Powell's base in Tanzania.
"We start by teaching the dogs to detect ivory as it's the hardest smell to detect. Rhino horn and pangolin scales are easier to pick up," he says.
"We now teach them to detect lion bones and teeth, which are trafficked for Chinese medicine now that tigers have been largely wiped out."

A Malinois dog on a lead sniffing blocks during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Training the dogs to a top level in detecting takes four to five months.
All the wildlife products they must find are hidden in a variety of realistic ways.

A springer spaniel on a lead walking past luggage, which has laid out on the grass, during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

In the field the dogs have found ivory and rhino horn concealed in coffee and chillies, as well as wrapped in layers of foil and plastic. They've even found a lion's tooth hidden in a thermos.
When dogs find something they are rewarded and given their toys. The shepherds have tougher toys to chew on than their soft-mouthed spaniel colleagues.

Will Powell holds a Malinois dog by a lead as it walks past luggage laid out on the grass during training in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The specially trained dogs go on to sniff luggage and cargo for ivory, rhino horn and pangolin scales.
Traffickers now know that detector dogs are checking international flights, so Canines for Conservation also works with the East African port authorities in Mombasa and Dar es Salam.

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The dogs make it more expensive, risky and dangerous for traffickers.
A case in point is Jomo Kenyatta International airport in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, where there were 51 seizures of illegal products in the first year. By 2019 it was down to a handful.

A springer spaniel walking over boxes at a warehouse in Jomo Kenyatta International Airport with a handler by their side - Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

"The traffickers know we are there. And it resulted in a seizure of 23kg [50lb] of rhino horn in Uganda," says Mr Powell.
"The guy bought the rhino horn in Nairobi but he knew about the dogs there so he took a bus to Entebbe, but was caught there."
Each location brings different challenges and strategies. For example, in Mozambique at Maputo airport handlers with detector dogs greet passengers when they walk in with their luggage carts.

Will Powell, with a dog sitting on a table, talking to trainees during a session in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Canines for Conservation have what they call the "Five Freedoms" at the heart of the dogs' welfare:
Dog handlers washing a springer spaniel in East Africa
Paul Joynson-Hicks

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All the dogs are fed dry biscuits donated by a French company, Royal Canin, which supports the programme.
And all the dogs live in kennels with gardens and places to relax.

A trainee dog handler lounging on the grass and playing with a dog in Arusha, TanzaniaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

The partner governments respect the Five Freedoms. And with every sniffer dog team, a trainer, employed by the African Wildlife Foundation, is embedded on the ground as a technical adviser.
"It's a collaboration but it's more than just the dogs," says Mr Powell.
"The success of the programme is down to the handlers and the governments. Credit where credit is due.
"And we all want to stop the illegal trade that threatens Africa's wildlife."

A dog handler holding the lead of a black dog that is sniffing containers at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, KenyaImage copyrightPAUL JOYNSON-HICKS

Five Freedoms
  • 1.Freedom from hunger and thirst
  • 2.Freedom from discomfort
  • 3.Freedom from pain, injury or disease
  • 4.Freedom to express normal behaviour
  • 5.Freedom from fear and distress
Source: Canines for Conservation

All photographs subject to copyright

Mexico violence: Indigenous musicians killed in ambush in Guerrero 

Vehicle that was reportedly carrying the groupImage copyrightHANDOUT
Image captionThe men attacked were part of the Sensación Musical group
Ten indigenous musicians have been shot dead and burned in an ambush in western Mexico believed to have been carried out by a drug cartel, officials say.
The members of the Nahuas indigenous group were returning from a party when they were attacked in the town of Chilapa in Guerrero state.
The victims, all men, were aged between 15 and 42.
The Los Ardillos cartel, which frequently targets indigenous people in the area, was blamed for the attack.
The victims, part of the Sensación Musical group, were returning to their Alcozacán community on Friday after playing the day before, said David Sánchez Luna, co-ordinator of the regional indigenous group known as CRAC-PF.
Gunmen attacked their vehicle at around 14:00 local time (20:00 GMT) in Mexcalcingo, he said.
When the bodies were found, they were beyond recognition. After authorities refused to release them to the families, hundreds of indigenous people blocked a road on Friday night, La Jornada newspaper reported (in Spanish).
The Guerrero prosecutor's office said it was investigating the case.
Guerrero is one of Mexico's most violent states, where drug gangs fight for control of trafficking routes to the Pacific and other parts of the country. The Los Ardillos have been linked to dozens of deaths in recent months, including many indigenous people, according to local media.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has opted for a non-confrontational approach to the cartels, focusing, instead, on tackling inequality central to his efforts under a policy dubbed "abrazos, no balazos" - hugs not bullets.
But this policy has come in for criticism after a number of high-profile attacks, including an ambush in which nine members of a Mormon community were killed. The president vowed to create a new National Guard to tackle violence, but few have signed up to the force and amid fear of being killed on the job.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

VirusesImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThere were six coronaviruses known to infect people before the latest discovery
The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.
There have been more than 60 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus, but UK experts estimate a figure nearer 1,700.
Two people are known to have died from the respiratory illness, which appeared in Wuhan city in December.
"I am substantially more concerned than I was a week ago," disease outbreak scientist Prof Neil Ferguson, said.
The work was conducted by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis at Imperial College London, which advises bodies including the UK government and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Singapore and Hong Kong have been screening air passengers from Wuhan, and US authorities announced similar measures starting on Friday at three major airports in San Francisco, Los Angeles and New York.

How were the numbers calculated?

The crucial clue to the scale of the problem lies in the cases being detected in other countries.
While the outbreak is centred on the central Chinese city of Wuhan, there have been two cases in Thailand and one in Japan.
"That caused me to worry," said Prof Ferguson.
He added: "For Wuhan to have exported three cases to other countries would imply there would have to be many more cases than have been reported."
It is impossible to get the precise number, but outbreak modelling, which is based on the virus, the local population and flight data, can give an idea.
Wuhan International Airport serves a population of 19 million people, but only 3,400 a day travel internationally.
The detailed calculations, which have been posted online ahead of publication in a scientific journal, came up with a figure of 1,700 cases.

What does it all mean?

Prof Ferguson said it was "too early to be alarmist" but he was "substantially more concerned" than a week ago.
Chinese officials say there have been no cases of the virus spreading from one person to another.
Instead they say the virus has crossed the species barrier and come from infected animals at a seafood and wildlife market in Wuhan.
Prof Ferguson argues: "People should be considering the possibility of substantial human-to-human transmission more seriously than they have so far.
"It would be unlikely in my mind, given what we know about coronaviruses, to have animal exposure, be the principal cause of such a number of human infections."
Understanding how a novel virus is spreading is a crucial part of assessing its threat.
The WHO's China office said the analysis was helpful and would help officials plan the response to the outbreak.
"Much remains to be understood about the new coronavirus," it said. "Not enough is known to draw definitive conclusions about how it is transmitted, the clinical features of the disease, the extent to which it has spread, or its source, which remains unknown."
WuhanImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe outbreak occurred in the city of Wuhan, south of Beijing

What is this virus?

Viral samples have been taken from patients and analysed in the laboratory.
And officials in China and the World Health Organization have concluded the infection is a coronavirus.
Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses, but only six (the new one would make it seven) are known to infect people.
At the mild end they cause the common cold, but severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars) is a coronavirus that killed 774 of the 8,098 people infected in an outbreak that started in China in 2002.
Analysis of the genetic code of the new virus shows it is more closely related to Sars than any other human coronavirus.
The virus has caused pneumonia in some patients and been fatal in two of them.

What do other experts say?

Dr Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome medical research charity, said: "There is more to come from this epidemic.
"Uncertainty and gaps remain, but it's clear that there is some level of person-to-person transmission.
Media captionCoronavirus feared to have infected more than initially thought, according to scientists
"We are starting to hear of more cases in China and other countries and it is likely, as this modelling shows, that there will be many more cases in a number of countries."
Prof Jonathan Ball, from the University of Nottingham, said: "What's really important is until there has been widespread laboratory testing it is very difficult to put a real number on the cases out there.
"But this is a figure we should take seriously until we know otherwise, 41 animal-to-human 'spillovers' is stretching it a bit and there probably is more underlying infection than has been detected so far."

This is how an Edmonton woman stays warm without a home

'Living rough' in extreme cold 


CTV Edmonton's Nicole Weisberg had a look at what it's like to be without consistent shelter during extreme weather.

Air Date: January 17, 2020

EDMONTON -- On days of extreme cold, when most Edmontonians would choose to stay indoors and snuggle up with a blanket or a hot drink, Leanna and Arthur find a busy intersection.

“It sometimes can be a little dangerous,” Leanna says, describing how vehicles slide on the ice.

She considers it the better option.

“We don’t want to steal, so we stand here with a sign so we don’t have to,” she told CTV News Edmonton.

“We don’t necessarily bother people. They read their sign and they have a choice what they want to do.”

Leanna, in her 50s, has been homeless for a year and a half after having lost her long-time job, kids and home in a series of tough circumstances and depression.

The money others give her goes to food and heat. On Friday, she and her boyfriend were collecting for a new heater for their camp on the north side. It’s a puzzle of tarps, a shed, and camping supplies.

While others in similar situations often head to warming centres and shelters, Leanna says they can be dangerous.

Boyle Street staff said they’ve had no safety issues this week during the cold snap, but that they understand why some choose to find shelter elsewhere.

“Autonomy,” explained Doug Cooke.

“Even going to a shelter, you’re following certain rules, you’re lining to get in at a certain time.”

The trade off is braving the cold.

“It’s absolutely brutal. When we go fly the sign, we can only be out there for 15, 20 minutes. My hands will totally freeze because I’ve already been frostbitten,” Leanna told CTV News Edmonton.

She said she’s grateful that people have been generous this week.

“There’s a lot of good people out there. Lady who brought me this coat yesterday – she went home, brought me back stuff because my coat was destroyed.

“That is character.”

Nicole Weisberg CTV News Edmonton @NWeisbergCTV Contact

Alex Antoneshyn Digital Journalist @AAntoneshyn Contact

Published Friday, January 17, 2020