Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Green Party Seal Hunt Flippers

Another Green Party member in Newfoundland has quit.
The party had nominated Jane McGillivray, a Happy Valley-Goose Bay medical doctor and environmentalist.But McGillivray, who was only in the race for the Jan. 23 election for two weeks, has the left the campaign, saying a ban on the seal hunt would be unfair to people on Canada's East Coast.

Last week they lost an organizer now its a high profile candidate. And its all over the seal hunt, which party boss Harris (no relation to Mike) has insisted is party policy. A party policy that was adopted by the executive not the members. But it sells well off the Rock.

And just in time too because of course in the midst of the election the annual seal hunt will happen. And the usual suspects will launch their international fundraising campaigns against the hunt, see
Green Opportunism: The Anti-Sealing Lobby

The good doctor complained about the lack of consistency in the Green Party platform on the enviornment and climate change.But hey consistency is the bugaboo of political opportunism.
"I don't see the Green party standing up and banning feed lots in southern Ontario, which are clearly contributing to all sorts of greenhouse gases and in fact are very inhumane in terms of the way pigs are treated and cows are treated."

A tip o' the blog to GayandRight for this

Wow That Is Rapid Response

First off the mark is the NDP with no less than five rapid responses to comments made in tonights debates. Wow that is fast fact checking. I may give them a hard time about not blogging, but this blows the Liberals out of the water...their's is old news from yesterday. The Conservatives have just issued a press release tonight about the debate, but no Reality Check since Dec. 14. Yep the NDP is fast tonight....

Thu 15 Dec 2005
Layton Scores In Debate
Thu 15 Dec 2005
Gilles Duceppe claims he supports the development of French language communities outside of Quebec
Thu 15 Dec 2005
Paul Martin to Worried Acadian – Move!
Thu 15 Dec 2005
Martin's Health Care Claim
Thu 15 Dec 2005
Paul Martin’s Child Care Promises

And The Winner Is......

Jack. Yep it was Jack who scored the most hits on Martin and Harper and Duceppe, in tonights debate. He appealed to the Quebec audience as an alternative to (best line of the night) "Duceppes Canada without Quebec, Harpers Americanized Canada and Martins Canada for Liberals."

And while the media and the other leaders complained in the scrum that the format of the debate was dull, Jack loved 'talking to Canadians', and enjoyed the debate format. Cause you could actually hear the policy differences.

This format could be tweeked as Duceppe said to allow more direct encounters, and probably should be for round two. But it was a refreshing change from last years English language debates that went over the top due to bad moderators and format.

Distraction of the night will he or won't he use the not withstanding clause. Harper backing off using it, which means that he would hold a useless free vote in the house. Martin demanding he anwser will you won't you use the accord. Jack got the hit in during the scrum, its a moot point, parliment has passed SSM and you don't take human rights back.

Goof. Martin claiming that a cut to income tax is better than a cut to the GST. Huh? The GST is a regressive consumption tax. And this guy was finance minister.

Best punchline goes to Duceppe 'We must punish the Liberals'. He said punish over and over again with relish. In Quebec it's code for Vote BQ. In the ROC its a call to vote NDP or Conservative so its not much of message. Of course the pundits and commentators give the win to Duceppe, but thats a given if all you look at is his ability to debate in French. What he had to say, was not as effective as Jack.
Jack looked at the camera and said that there was an alterantive to Duceppe and the Liberals and it wasn't Stephen Harper. Points for that.

Straight Answer Please. Harper the policy wonk has a hard time anwsering simple straight forward questions. Tonight was another gaffe on the same level as his failure to say he loves Canada. Asked if he would swear on a bible to keep his election promises, he said he didn't undertand the question and talked around it.
Jack on the other hand said 'absolutely', no hesitation there.

Check out the CBC Blow by Blow Report on the Debate.

Klein Endorses Jack Layton

Yep its true, I must have missed this in the article. But here it is the NDP released it on their web page today.Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has been reported as saying that Jack Layton has a “genuine stance on protecting universal public health care” – and the other leaders don’t.

“Klein suggested there is little to differentiate between Martin and Harper on what Canadians claim is their leading policy concern in this federal election.

"‘I think that both Mr. Martin and Mr. Harper understand that the system is not sustainable. They don't want to address it and they don't want to talk about it, but they're going to have to at some point in this campaign.’

Ouch! Coming from The King of Privatization thats a shot......of the truth. King Ralph knows who will stop him if elected and it ain't Martin or Harper.

The New ED P

I know it actually spells NEP, clever eh. So the NDP has seen one Ed off only to welcome another Ed back. Ed Schreyer will run for the NDP in Manitoba But can he rap dat hip hop thang like Ed Broadbent did last election?

Well he certainly carries weight, as the first ex GG to run for MP in the Commonwealth. He stepped into the ring today with several boxing references, showing his political pugilistic ecumen. And he is the first candidate of any party in English Canada to attack the Liberals over AdScam. Which I thought this election was all about, you know the moral trupitude of the Liberals meant they had lost the trust of parliment.

"I believe for starters that we cannot really get at the main issues in a way that is meaningful until we manage to straighten out and clean up parliament and parliamentary control of cabinet, and through cabinet, control of a Prime Minister's Office, a PMO, that is getting out of control and almost presidential. That's step one," Schreyer said.

With all the announcements on GST cuts, Tax Cuts, Day Care, Health care Military Spending, etc. etc. Gomery and Ad Scam seem to have been pushed to the side until Ed came out today swinging. He picked up right where Broadbent left off, on the ethices and morality of government. And he attacked the PMO, Cabinet and the whole parlimentary edifice. Something the Conservatives failed to do. But of course as an ex-GG he is in the know. This looks like it could get real exciting real fast.

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Alberta Ignored

CP has picked up the story that ran on CBC on the weekend about how Alberta is being dis'ed by the party Leaders. Well with the exception of Duceppe of course. Bill Doskotch comments on this on his blog on the CTV site. And I have added my two bits to the discussion there as well. Complete with my election predictions for good old Redmonton. And if you have been paying attention here, and who hasn't, you know what they are, and if you don't read my comment.

US Marshals Coming to a Town Near You

Well if you live in the U.S. Witnesses in Miami airport shooting differ on whether Alpizar made bomb threat Open this result in new windowYep trigger happy U.S. marshals who shoot first and ask questions later will now be patroling on the ground. Undercover air marshals to expand to trains, buses Open this result in new window In Britain when the police shot and killed an unarmed Brazilian, they were roundly chastised, and a public investigation was conducted.UK police admit error in shoot-to-kill policy Open this result in new window In the U.S. the new terror state, they promote you to patroling even more areas. So now if you get on the Greyhound and look funny, blam you're dead.

Blog Notes

Ah the vagaries of the blogosphere. I seem to be passing between phases in the TTLB Ecosystem I go from Slithering Reptile (very Slitherin, I like that) to Flappy Bird, and back again. Over the weekend I was a bird for a couple of days and then back sunning on my rock as a snake. Yesterday I was flapping around for a couple of hours and suddenly the feathers were gone and I was back looking for a rock to sun on....

I discovered these through Knappster, a tip o' the blog to ya.

Wikablog - The Weblog Directory

I would encourage fellow bloggers to join this international site. Based in the UK. Easiest wiki I have used.
So I joined, and I added some catagories. Alberta, Redmonton, Union.

They said it shouldn't be done, and they were probably right, but here it is anyway: The Wikablog, so called because it's a big wiki of blogs. We, the Wikablog's shadowy masters, hope that it will fast become the ultimate wiki of blogs -- and why shouldn't it? All it needs is you. Yes, you.

Union Bloggers

And speaking of Unions,found this website for trade unionists that blog.
you don't have to talk specifically about unions or labour issues, nor do you have to be a union member, just support unions. Clever idea. From Australia.

Union Label weblogs
Union Label is a group whose purpose is to promote trade unionism by displaying a union label on its members' weblogs. If every blogger who was a member of a trade union made that fact clear to their readers, it would generate excellent publicity for the labour movement. By displaying a union label on your weblog, you can help support unionism while tapping in to a network of unionist bloggers and their readers. Note: These weblogs are not necessarily related to the labour movement or politics. Any weblog run by a member of a trade union is entitled to participate.

And a tip o the Blog to BBS for letting us know about this new Election Wiki for Blogs covering the Canadian Election 2006

Ok Its not a blog its a website but after being offline for the past year I am pleased to say that its back up and active. Lots of good stuff here, and glad its back up because it was a real loss when it went away.