Friday, May 26, 2006

The Bush Blair Show

On the end of the special relationship

Bush: Hmmm. I'll miss those red ties, is what I'll miss. I'll say one thing - he can answer the question - don't count him out. Let me tell it to you that way. I know a man of resolve and vision and courage. And my attitude is, I want him to be here so long as I'm the president.

Blair: Well, what more can I say? Probably not wise to say anything more at all.

Photo courtesy Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

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Cherry Picking Conservatives

The Harpocrites cherry pick which Liberal Government policies they will abide by. Let's see they support the War in Afghanistan, but will close the Gun registry, end funding to the provinces for day care and now this.

Kyoto deals abandoned?
OTTAWA - The federal government appears set to walk away from agreements worth millions of dollars that the Liberals had negotiated to help provinces cut greenhouse gas emissions

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Inside the Beltway

No one is interested in stories coming from inside the Belt Way is how the Bush regime south of the border justified its years of cherry picking who could ask questions at the White House Press Briefings . Sounds just like this.

Mr. Harper was challenged to produce specific evidence that the Ottawa press corps is biased. He didn't do that. Instead, he said the whole issue is so "inside Ottawa stuff" that the public is not interested in it. PM presses on in his feud with the news media

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Ken Lay and Son of Sam

What is it with criminals that once convicted of henious crimes they find Jesus? Or is this becoming Born Again Christian God stuff just their excuse for having been bad boys but now they are good. Honest. Honest to God we are nice guys.

Or is it that since the jails are full of guy's named Jesus, that they find God watching them in jail, more than he was when they committed their crimes.

Such moral self righteousness is enough to make one an athiest.

Judge orders prison interview for 'Son of Sam'
Heller said his client, who was born Jewish but claims to have become a devout Christian in prison, objected to the people he victimized being further exploited by Harmatz

Ken Lay is surrounded by police after the verdict
Ken Lay is surrounded by police after the verdict

Lay and his family, who are members of one of Houston's largest Baptist congregations, remained in the courtroom, their hands joined in prayer. He was heard trying to comfort weeping relatives, saying: "God's got another plan right now."

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stephen Trudeau Pierre Harper

Gallery dinner looks like a bust as GG declines
"We already know that Mr. Harper doesn't want to go. Gilles Duceppe hasn't been in years, and CTV has found out that the Governor General won't go to the dinner either," Thompson told CTV Newsnet. Pierre Trudeau was the last prime minister to boycott the dinner.

Oh this is rich. It took a couple of years for Trudeau to dis the media and the media to dis Trudeau. In three short months Harper has managed to Fuddle Duddle the Parliamentary Press Gallery. Ah well I am sure Jack would want to attend.

Experts weigh in on the Conservative media ban

Luc Lavoie, former communications director for Brian Mulroney, dismissed the notion that controlling the media is a Conservative tendency, arguing instead that it has a Liberal precedent.

"If a page was torn from anyone, it was torn from Pierre Elliott Trudeau," he said.

"The years of Pierre Eliot Trudeau Elliott Trudeau were years when Trudeau never spoke to (reporters). There were fights all the time and he couldn't care less about the media."

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On the Diotte

Kerry Diotte whose passion for privatization is only matched by his passion for sports is the city hall columnist for the Edmonton Sun. On rare occassions do I find myself agreeing with him. Yesterday was just such a case. He wrote a column about the failure of the Eastern Canadian Media to give the Oilers their due. Oilers getting short shrift

Comments I have seen in some blogs and in some press reports from folks in Toronto Canada attest to this. In fact the paucity of cheering for the Oilers by non-Edmonton bloggers even appears in the hockey column of the Canadian Blog Exchange.

Too bad sore losers. The Oilers are after all Canada's team. Not unlike the Blue Jays if they were to make the World Cup. But no for some folks in Toronto if the Leafs ain't in it, or Montreal, well we will move on to cheering the perennial losers the Raptors.

So now I find myself agreeing with Diotte two days in a row, yoiks. Wake up, Don! You're in Edmonton

I was downtown at a Quiznos and who should I line up behind but a gaggle of American sports reporters including Fox Sports Network, ABC, ESPN, etc. here to cover the game on Tuesday. Why? Because this is the real playoff game, Canada versus the U.S. Let me repeat that Canada versus the U.S.

It's time that the rest of the country joins in celebrating Canada's team cause we are going to the Stanely Cup.

Even this die hard Calgary Flames Fan is cheering for Edmonton.
Go Oilers Go!
Premier Klein holds up an Oilers jersey

Premier Klein holds up an Edmonton Oilers jersey in support of Alberta's team in the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Now when will the Harper wear the Oilers jersey in the House?! Any day now would be good.

Also See: Hockey

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You Are Here

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Blogging Freedom in the Middle East

As blogs grow in numbers and influence, Arab states have become worried. A number of bloggers have been arrested in Bahrain, Syria and Tunisia. Throughout the recent conflict between the Egyptian government and the judiciary, bloggers have expressed their solidarity with the judges on the internet. When the security forces arrested a number of protestors who took to the street in support of the judges, six of those detained were renowned bloggers. They included Alaa Ahmad Said al Islam, who started a blog with his wife Manal. Governments vs. Bloggers: The Battle Continues… : Diana Mukkaled

Al-Ahram Weekly | Egypt | Battle of the blogs
The arrest and then release of an Alexandria blogger has pushed the vibrant Egyptian blogosphere into the limelight. Amira Howeidy talks to some of its stars

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More Alberta in Ottawa

Ah more evidence of the practices of the Conservative Government in Ottawa mirroring the practices of the Conservative Government in Alberta, again. In this case the Official Government of Canada Web Site morphing into the Conservative Party of Canada website. Yep just another little treat from Alberta for all you folks.

Ralph Klein Premiers Page

Ralph Klein PC Leaders Page

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Ottawa, Alberta

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Calgary Fraud Funds Dubai Boom

A criminal cell operating across Canada is funnelling millions of dollars to Dubai to fund terrorist activities through a sophisticated credit/debit card fraud scheme, says the head of Alberta's Integrated Response to Organized Crime unit.''For one of the groups, it (cash) goes straight to terrorism in Dubai and some of the other countries. They live on nothing and send all their money to fund terrorist activities.'Canada fraud scheme linked to terrorist activities
This is idle speculation, with no factual basis to say it is going to terrorists. Or she would have named the guilty parties. Sure they know its going to Dubai, but it is just as likely to end up here.

Or considering the booming economy of Dubai, being hot money invested into this;
Dubai’s building frenzy lays foundation for global power
The Gulf emirate is spending £140bn to transform itself into a capitalist powerhouse that will be a model for its neighbours.

Terrorism indeed. Obviously someone here is trying to get more funding for their department.
After this week's budget, taxpayers as well as voters and concerned citizens have even more reason to demand a full exposure of RCMP actions. Those reasons are only reinforced by a national capital consensus that, for a policeman, Commissioner Giuliano Zaccardelli is an usually skilled and determined politician. Budget renews concerns about RCMP
Terrorism is so much sexier than saying White Collar Crime which the RCMP have failed to prosecute effectively. The RCMP's IMET has little to show for itself

Also See:

The Joys of Telemarketing

Credit Card Fraud

Free Trade: Primitive Accumulation of Capital

White Collar Crime

Criminal Capitalism

Ponzi Schemes

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