Who supports the Federal Tory's and for some reason thinks he belongs in Progressive Bloggers and Blogging Tories, but only flags BT on his page. He maybe the blogospheres first case of multiple personality blogging. I am speaking of Alberta Avenue aka Calgary Observer aka Running for Alberta.
In his latest blog ramble; Limousine Liberals, he uses one of those classic neo-con red baiting strategies; putting down left wing media figures like Chomsky and Moore for being ahhuh, wait for it, middle class.
Owning a big house or having stock holdings is enough to send Mr. Liberal-Conservative into a tizzy, a literal apoplexy of joy for uncovering some sort of unsavoriness in being left wing and middle class.
Well at least they don't have Filipina nannies. That is the ultimate status symbol of the American Ruling Class.
AA/CO/RFA is definitely a Blogging Tory as sure as he is definitely not a Progressive Blogger.
In his latest blog ramble; Limousine Liberals, he uses one of those classic neo-con red baiting strategies; putting down left wing media figures like Chomsky and Moore for being ahhuh, wait for it, middle class.
Owning a big house or having stock holdings is enough to send Mr. Liberal-Conservative into a tizzy, a literal apoplexy of joy for uncovering some sort of unsavoriness in being left wing and middle class.
Well at least they don't have Filipina nannies. That is the ultimate status symbol of the American Ruling Class.
AA/CO/RFA is definitely a Blogging Tory as sure as he is definitely not a Progressive Blogger.