Friday, June 07, 2019

Gov. Bill Haslam grants full clemency to Cyntoia Brown, sets Aug. 7 release from prison


Barack Obama spotted drinking Tim Hortons coffee at the Raptors game
WOW! It was AWESOME to have President Obama watching a Raptor game in Toronto!


German TV Show Replaced Trump With The Baby Blimp, And It's Perfect

Epic Stan Lee memorial spotted. Photo inside:
Reviewer Matt Schley writes that "Children of the Sea" is "one of the most beautifully animated films I’ve seen in years."
Trump Praises Vegas Mass Shooter As 'A Pretty Smart Guy' And 'A Successful Gambler'

Trump to Piers Morgan: No Use Restricting Guns When Knives Are Just As Deadly

Indigenous women kept from seeing their newborn babies until agreeing to sterilization, says lawyer | CBC Radio

Here is some really good news, and bravo to Michael Bloomberg — a true mensch.