Monday, January 13, 2020

The Iran Crisis Is Far From Over

Cyril Widdershoven January 12, 2020

After a week of extreme turmoil in the Middle East, due to the killing of Iranian IRGC leader Soleimani, Iran’s 2nd in command, and the Iranian missile retaliation, global media and analysts are getting convinced that there is room for negotiation.

U.S. President Trump stated that he is open for dialogue with Iran, a move that calmed markets worldwide. Oil prices, which had spiked on the risk of an all-out war between the US and Iran and the possible fall-out for oil and gas production in the region, are now falling back to pre-Soleimani assassination levels.

OPEC Secretary-General Mohammed Barkindo and UAE’s Energy Minister Suhail Al Mazrouei added to this bearish sentiment by saying that there is no risk of an oil shortage if hostilities do flare up. Al Mazrouei also reiterated that he doesn’t see any risk that Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz. This was confirmed by his Iranian colleague Zanganeh, who claimed that the crisis is profitable for Iran as oil and gas prices increased. These official statements need, however, to be taken with a truckload of salt. OPEC’s confidence that there is enough spare capacity in the market, and that there is ample supply, is a political statement to quell existing fears. The spare capacity of OPEC is at present almost totally in the hands of two main players, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, while the rest of the members are struggling to reach even their own set targets. In case of a military confrontation between Iran (or proxies) and the US, a real possibility exists that total OPEC spare capacity is taken out. No other producer could substitute a possible loss of Saudi oil production.

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In reality, the crisis in Iran and Iraq will have a much larger impact than experts at Top-5 banks and trading houses are currently anticipating. At the same time, media reporting is biased, looking for possible light at the end of the tunnel, while taking any positive statement made by Washington, Riyadh-Abu Dhabi or Tehran as fact. The conflict is not over, you could even say that the current status of the conflict is like a smoldering peat-fire. You can feel the heat but you don’t see the flames.

Related: Iranian Cyberattack Hits Bahrain Oil Company

Assessments of last week’s developments have been largely looking at conventional military reactions. The Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq has been without casualties, reported in the media as a low-intensity retaliatory strike by Iran. The reality is more diffuse. Tehran has understood at present that an all-out military reaction, leading to a lot of US or Western casualties, was not going to be beneficial to the cause of the Mullahs. However, a reaction to Soleimani’s killing was demanded by extremist forces inside of Iran and its proxies. To expect that this will be the only reaction by Iran is naive. Trump has upped the ante, and Iranian leader Khamenei and his IRGC compatriots will almost certainly react in kind. Several scenarios need to be addressed by analysts and be integrated in their oil and gas assessments. Forget the Strait of Hormuz as the risks for Iran are likely higher than for its direct opponents. Other options are more likely.

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A proxy response via Hezbollah, Hamas or the pro-Iranian Shi’a militias in Iraq, against the main oil and gas operations of Western and Arab national oil companies now seems the most likely reaction. This type of response can be executed by proxies at a low cost, as these targets are easily accessible and high profile. Even without the direct involvement of Iran (IRGC), Tehran can put immense pressure on its Arab neighbors while at the same time hitting Western and Asian economies. Next to this, Tehran could escalate the proxy war by Hezbollah or Hamas against Israel.

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Even if no direct war is expected, as indicated by UAE Energy Minister Suhail today at the UAE Energy Forum in Abu Dhabi, experts expect that energy and water sectors in the Arab countries could be targeted. As shown by the Abqaiq attack, all these operations are very vulnerable to drones or possibly cyberattacks. By striking critical infrastructure, Iran and proxies will be able to destabilize not only the economies of the GCC region, but deal a blow to global economies too.

Related: Bearish Sentiment Returns To Oil Markets

A real asymmetric war threat is the use of cyberattacks to bring down specific or nationwide assets, such as oil-gas assets, desalination and power plants (IWPP). Tehran already has threatened to start a cyberwar against the U.S. and its allies, but at present no actions have been reported. Saudi Aramco, ADNOC or BAPCO could be targeted. Qatar’s energy installations are less vulnerable, looking at the reasonably strong relations between Doha and Tehran. Qatar, however, could get caught in the crossfire because of its large U.S. and Western military presence.

More worrying could be a cyberattack or even missile attack on energy-water projects, as this type of infrastructure is crucial for the entire region. A proxy or asymmetric war strategy by Iran is the most feasible and will be hard to counter by the West or Arab states. The Mullah regime understands its options. A full-scale attack on Saudi Arabia or Abu Dhabi, or a military confrontation in Iraq will be met this time by a large military reaction by U.S. President Trump, with possible support of his NATO partners.

Looking at the current situation, Iranian leader Khamenei and his cohorts will need to react soon. A long delay will be considered a sign of weakness. WWIII can be virtually ruled out as Iran is too weak and the Western-Arab alliance has not yet got enough men on the ground. Proxy wars will continue to plague the region, and these conflicts could escalate further if Iran continues its current nuclear program.

The above scenarios could all have a detrimental impact on oil and gas production and exports from the world’s most important hydrocarbon region. Taking out Saudi or UAE oil infrastructure will remove spare capacity with a bang. Just the disruption of Iraqi oil supply could cause a shock in the world’s oil markets. Geopolitics are real and even if the risk premium in oil prices seems to be fading, analysts should not ignore the current risks in the Middle East, The East-Mediterranean and Libya.


IRAN UPDATES 1/13/2020

Video appears to show Iranian police firing live ammunition at protesters

Catherine Garcia, The Week•January 13, 2020

Videos posted online Monday appear to show Iranian police firing live ammunition and tear gas at demonstrators protesting the government accidentally shooting down a Ukrainian International Airlines jet, The Associated Press reports.

Tehran originally denied any involvement in last Wednesday's crash, which killed all 176 people on board, but later admitted the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had mistakenly shot down the plane. The incident occurred shortly after Iran fired ballistic missiles at two Iraqi air bases hosting U.S. troops, launched in response to President Trump authorizing an airstrike that killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Protests were held throughout the weekend, with demonstrators speaking out against what they consider a cover-up by the government. One video shot on Sunday night shows protesters near Tehran's Azadi Square fleeing after a tear gas canister fell by them, AP reports. Another video shows a woman being carried away from the scene, with a person shouting that she had been shot in the leg by live ammunition. Late last year, Iranians took to the streets to protest against high gas prices, and the unrest reportedly led to the deaths of more than 300 people.

Rob Macaire, the British ambassador to Iran, attended a vigil in Tehran for the plane crash victims on Saturday night. He left once the vigil became a protest, and was detained about 30 minutes later; he was released after speaking with Iran's deputy foreign minister. Britain called this a "flagrant violation of international law," while Iran's Foreign Ministry considered Macaire's presence at the gathering "illegal and inappropriate."

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Popular anger swelled Monday in Iran over the accidental shootdown of a Ukrainian jetliner and the government's attempt to conceal its role in the tragedy, as online videos appeared to show security forces firing live ammunition and tear gas to disperse protests in the streets.

Iranians, already suffering under crippling U.S. sanctions, expressed shock and outrage over the plane crash that killed scores of young people. They also decried the misleading statements from top officials, who only admitted responsibility three days later in the face of mounting evidence.

The country began last week engulfed in mourning after a U.S. drone strike killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who led Iran's regional military interventions. Then on Jan. 8, it responded with a ballistic missile attack on two bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq, although there were no casualties. Hours after that barrage, as it braced for a U.S. counterattack that never came, Iranian forces accidentally shot down the Ukraine International Airlines jetliner, killing all 176 people aboard shortly after it took off from Tehran for Kyiv.

For a growing number of critics — from ordinary citizens to notable athletes and artists — the events have revealed a government that is incapable of following through on its incendiary rhetoric and willing to mislead its own people about a national tragedy in order to avoid embarrassment.

Those sentiments first boiled over late Saturday, shortly after the Revolutionary Guard admitted to shooting the plane down by mistake. A candlelight vigil at a university rapidly turned into an anti-government demonstration.

“They are lying that our enemy is America! Our enemy is right here!” students shouted.

On Sunday night, protesters massed in Tehran's Azadi, or Freedom, Square.

Videos sent to the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran and later verified by The Associated Press show a crowd of demonstrators near Azadi Square fleeing as a tear gas canister lands among them. People cough and sputter while trying to escape the fumes, with one woman calling out in Farsi: “They fired tear gas at people! Azadi Square! Death to the dictator!”

Another video shows a woman being carried away in the aftermath of the violence, a trail of blood visible on the ground. Those around her cry out that she has been shot in the leg.

“Oh my God, she’s bleeding nonstop!” one person shouts. Another shouts: “Bandage it!”

Photos and video after the incident show pools of blood on the sidewalk.

Tehran's police chief, Gen. Hossein Rahimi, later denied that his officers opened fire.

“Police treated people who had gathered with patience and tolerance,” Iranian media quoted Rahimi as saying. “Police did not shoot in the gatherings since broad-mindedness and restraint has been the agenda of the police forces of the capital.”

The semi-official Fars news agency reported that police had “shot tear gas in some areas."

Fars, which is close to the Revolutionary Guard, carried videos purportedly shot Sunday night showing demonstrators chanting: “We are children of war. Fight with us, we will fight back.” Another Fars video showed demonstrators in Tehran tearing down a poster of Soleimani.

On Sunday, authorities deployed forces across Tehran — police, members of the Revolutionary Guard on motorcycles and plainclothes security men. The heavy security presence continued into Monday, when protests were largely confined to universities and there were no reports of clashes.

President Donald Trump has openly encouraged the demonstrators, even tweeting messages of support in Farsi and warning the government not to fire on them. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that “we are following the protests in Tehran very attentively,” adding that Iranians “have a right to free expression without repression and persecution."

But earlier, larger waves of protests going back to the 1979 Islamic Revolution have been crushed by security forces. Amnesty International says more than 300 people were killed in November during days of protests sparked by an increase in gasoline prices.

Most of the people aboard the Ukraine International Airlines jet were Iranians and Iranian-Canadians. For three days, Iranian officials ruled out any attack on the plane, suggesting the crash of Flight 752 was caused by a technical failure. Only on Saturday did authorities acknowledge shooting it down, as evidence mounted and after Western leaders accused Iran of culpability.

Several activists in Ukraine rallied in front of the Iranian Embassy in Kyiv on Monday, expressing solidarity with protesters and condemning Iran's “dictatorship."

The European Union's aviation agency has since advised carriers against overflight of Iran “at all altitudes” until further notice. Several airlines have already canceled flights to and from Iran and rerouted flights to avoid Iranian airspace.

Ali Rabiei, a government spokesman, insisted Iran's civilian officials learned only on Friday that the Revolutionary Guard had shot down the plane. The Guard answers directly to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“The point is that we did not lie,” Rabiei said. He went on to blame the U.S. for “spreading the shadow of war over Iran.”

Ebrahim Raisi, the head of Iran's judiciary, issued a warning to protesters, saying “the agents of America and agents of foreign countries” want to use anger over Flight 752 to “compromise” Iran’s security. Iran often blames anti-government protests on foreign conspiracies.

On Saturday, Iranian authorities briefly arrested British Ambassador Rob Macaire, who said he went to the candlelight vigil to pay his respects and left as soon as the chanting began.

Iran's Foreign Ministry summoned the British ambassador Sunday to protest what it said was his presence at an illegal protest. Britain, in turn, summoned Iran's ambassador on Monday “to convey our strong objections” over the weekend arrest.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s spokesman, James Slack, said the envoy's detention was “an unacceptable breach of the Vienna Convention.”

“We are seeking full assurances from the Iranian government that it will never happen again,” he said.

In addition to the street protests, Iran's government has also faced harsh criticism from prominent artists, athletes and journalists.

A number of artists, including famed director Masoud Kimiai, withdrew from an upcoming international film festival. Two state TV hosts resigned in protest over the false reporting about what happened to Flight 752.

Taraneh Alidoosti, one of Iran's most famous actresses, posted a picture of a black square on Instagram with the caption: “We are not citizens. We are hostages. Millions of hostages.”

Saeed Maroof, the captain of Iran’s national volleyball team, also wrote on Instagram: “I wish I could be hopeful that this was the last scene of the show of deceit and lack of wisdom of these incompetents but I still know it is not.”

He said that despite Iran's national team qualifying for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics after years of effort, “there is no energy left in our sad and desperate souls to celebrate.”

Associated Press writers Joseph Krauss in Dubai, Jill Lawless in London, Frank Jordans in Berlin and Yuras Karmanau in Kyiv, Ukraine, contributed.

Iran protesters take to the streets in third day of demos over plane

By Babak Dehghanpisheh,Reuters•January 13, 2020

DUBAI (Reuters) - Protesters took to the streets of Iran for a third day on Monday, expressing outrage over the authorities' admission that they had shot down a passenger plane by accident during a confrontation with the United States.

Video from inside Iran showed riot police and protesters back out on the streets on Monday after two days of violent anti-government demonstrations. Images of the earlier protests showed slogans chanted against the supreme leader, with pools of blood on the streets and gunfire in the air.

Authorities denied that police had opened fire, while U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted: "don't kill your protesters."

Demonstrations at home against Iran's rulers are the latest twist in one of the most destabilizing escalations between the United States and Iran since the Iranian revolution of 1979.

Tehran has acknowledged shooting down the Ukrainian jetliner by mistake on Wednesday, killing 176 people, hours after it had fired at U.S. bases to retaliate for the killing of Iran's most powerful military commander in a drone strike ordered by Trump.

Iranian public anger, rumbling for days as Iran repeatedly denied it was to blame for the plane crash, erupted into protests on Saturday when the military admitted its role.

Videos posted late on Sunday recorded gunshots in the vicinity of protests in Tehran's Azadi Square. Wounded were being carried and security personnel could be seen running with rifles. Other posts showed riot police hitting protesters with batons as people nearby shouted "Don't beat them!"

"Death to the dictator," footage circulating on social media showed protesters shouting, directing their fury at Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the system of clerical rule.

"They killed our elites and replaced them with clerics," demonstrators chanted at a protest outside a university on Monday, an apparent reference to Iranian students returning to studies in Canada who were among those killed on the flight.

Reuters could not independently authenticate the footage. State-affiliated media reported the protests on Saturday and Sunday in Tehran and other cities, without giving such details.


"At protests, police absolutely did not shoot because the capital's police officers have been given orders to show restraint," Hossein Rahimi, head of the Tehran police, said in a statement carried by the state broadcaster's website.

Iran's latest showdown with the United States has come at a precarious time for the authorities in Tehran and their allies across the Middle East, when sanctions imposed by Trump have caused deep harm to the Iranian economy.

Iranian authorities killed hundreds of protesters in November in what appears to have been the bloodiest crackdown on anti-government unrest since the 1979 revolution. In Iraq and Lebanon, governments that have the support of Iran-backed armed groups have also faced months of hostile mass demonstrations.

Trump wrote on Twitter late on Sunday that National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien had "suggested today that sanctions & protests have Iran 'choked off', will force them to negotiate."

"Actually, I couldn’t care less if they negotiate. Will be totally up to them but, no nuclear weapons and 'don’t kill your protesters'," he wrote, repeating his earlier tweets making similar calls to the Iranian authorities not to open fire.

Iran's government spokesman dismissed Trump's comments, saying Iranians were suffering because of his actions and they would remember that he had ordered the killing in a drone strike of Qassem Soleimani, the general whose death on Jan. 3 prompted huge morning ceremonies in Iran over several days.

Trump precipitated the escalation with Iran in 2018 by pulling out of a deal between Tehran and world powers under which sanctions were eased in return for Iran curbing its nuclear program. He has said the goal is to force Iran to agree to a more stringent pact.

Iran has repeatedly said it will not negotiate as long as U.S. sanctions are in place. It denies seeking nuclear arms.

The recent flare-up began in December when rockets fired at U.S. bases in Iraq killed a U.S. contractor. Washington blamed pro-Iran militia and launched air strikes that killed at least 25 fighters. The militia surrounded the U.S. embassy in Baghdad for two days, and Trump later ordered the strike on Soleimani, who had built up Iran's regional network of allied militia.

Iran retaliated on Wednesday by firing missiles at Iraqi bases where U.S. troops were stationed, but did not kill any Americans. The Ukrainian plane, on its way to Kiev, crashed hours later. Most of those killed were Iranians or Iranian dual nationals. Scores were Canadians, most believed to be dual nationals who had traveled to Iran to visit relatives there.

After days of denying responsibility, commanders of Iran's Revolutionary Guards issued profuse apologies. Iran's president called it a "disastrous mistake". A top commander said he had told the authorities on the day of the crash it had been shot down, raising questions about why Iran had initially denied it.

Canada held vigils. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told one event: "We will not rest until there are answers."

Canada's Transportation Safety Board (TSB) said it had obtained visas for two of its investigators to travel to Iran

(Reporting by Babak Dehghanpisheh and Parisa Hafezil; Writing by Edmund Blair; Editing by Peter Graff)

Iran protests continue for third day

Iranian officials are trying to contain a third day of angry protests after the country admitted it accidentally shot down a Ukranian airliner. All 176 people on board, including 82 Iranians, were killed when the plane went down shortly after takeoff. CBS News senior foreign correspondent Elizabeth Palmer joined CBSN AM from London with more.3H AGO

Capitalism, the climate crisis and hope: your priorities for 2020


Guardian staff, The Guardian•January 13, 2020

In November, we launched an ambitious year-end campaign to to raise $1.5m from our US readers to support our journalism in 2020. We’re excited to report that thanks to more than 30,000 Guardian readers from all 50 states, we’ve already raised more than $1.3m. Your support will give us the resources to cover what’s already proving be a pivotal year for America – with everything from the presidential election to climate policy to the supreme court at stake.

We also asked Guardian US readers to vote on what they want our newsroom to focus on in 2020. More than a thousand of you voted on topics, and almost as many submitted story ideas.

The five topics that received the most support were, in descending order:

Disinformation and the 2020 election

America’s sick healthcare system

Climate refugees and forced displacement in the US

The high price of American food production: pollution, pesticides, etc

America’s neglected schools and classrooms

We’ve already started tackling all five winning topics in the new year, from the Americans dying young because they lack healthcare to the strain that our insatiable appetite for almonds is placing on America’s bee population. And in the coming months, we’ll be developing bigger series and investigations based on some of the hundreds of story ideas readers submitted. Here are some of the topics that came up most frequently.

The future of capitalism

Dozens of you want to see more reporting on wealth inequality, executive pay, out-of-control housing costs, and the economic pressures confronting ageing Americans.

Many of you also linked American capitalism to the planet’s growing climate crisis. Garry Thomas, for example, asks that the Guardian “explore the economic barriers to adjusting our capitalistic society to deal with climate change”. Another reader wants to hear from “scientists, ethicists, theologians and ordinary people what their ideas would be for how to shift our values to an ethical economic system that will be less destructive to our environment”.

Related: From the editor of Guardian US: why we need your support in 2020
The climate crisis

The plurality of story ideas we received had do with the climate crisis. Readers want coverage on clean water shortages, the climate’s impact of American food production, how the Trump administration’s rollback on environmental protections is contributing to the crisis, whether recycling makes a meaningful difference, species extinction, overpopulation and more.

“Everything must be framed through the lens of climate change as every societal ill will be exacerbated by it,” writes Marshall McComb. Anne Fenimore agrees: “Climate change is the most important issue of our time. All the stories suggested are worthy of coverage, but they are meaningless if we do not address climate change.”

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2020 elections and voting rights

Guardian readers are particularly concerned about the health of America’s elections going into 2020. Readers expressed anxiety about voter suppression, the electoral college and money in politics, among other electoral ills. “Keep us informed about the real effects of political gerrymandering and how it has taken the voice from voters in many states, and defeats the popular vote by increasingly wider margins,” Mike requests. Another reader asks that the Guardian “state the number of people purged from the voter rolls since the supreme court gutted the Voting Rights Act”. (We’re tracking the purges closely in our Fight to vote project and will keep doing so through the election.)
America’s broken healthcare

In a country where up to 25% of the population delays medical care because of costs, it’s no surprise that readers want more coverage of America’s broken, convoluted healthcare system. A number of readers want more coverage of the pharmaceutical industry. Bart wants us to dig into the “collusion between government, doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical industries”. Another reader asks: “If the motive of the medical industry was wellness instead of profit, and if the goal of the insurance industry was care instead of profit, then could we realize universal healthcare for all?”
Hope and solutions

We also heard repeated requests to break up the relentless pace of bad news with inspiring, solutions-oriented reporting on activists and innovators bringing change to their communities. Here, too, the overlap with climate change kept coming up. A reader named Nicholas asks for “stories about people and organizations that are effectively organizing and working against systemic injustice, inequality, and climate change … Reading about people who are creating solutions and being their own change is also critical for instilling hope and offering models of how we can work against humanity’s worst impulses.” Another reader wants stories about “people doing amazing and proactive changes to better our world. I want to meet the people who made paper straws, bamboo diapers, eco-friendly products etc.”

We couldn’t agree more with the need for more news that inspires hope and optimism. That’s the thinking behind the Upside, a project that focuses on the people, ideas and initiatives trying to solve some of the world’s biggest problems. For a weekly antidote to the gloom so prominently featured in daily headlines, you can sign up for the Upside’s weekly newsletter here – and we’re committed to finding more hopeful stories in the US as well.
Less Trump?

On what’s perhaps a related note, a lot of you would like to see less of Trump. Literally – several readers acknowledged the necessity of reporting on the American president but want fewer visual reminders. “Skip the picture, please,” writes one reader.

To everyone who voted, shared an idea and supported the Guardian in the last year: thank you. Your input and support make our work possible.

It’s not too late to support the Guardian’s journalism in 2020 and beyond; you can do so here
Puerto Ricans hoping Trump signs major disaster declaration

CBS News•January 12, 2020

Millions of Puerto Ricans are waiting to see if President Donald Trump will sign a major disaster declaration to authorize much needed aid. Four thousand people are still in shelters and many others are sleeping outside after yet another powerful earthquake.

A 5.9 magnitude earthquake shook southwestern Puerto Rico on Saturday just before 9 a.m. It was the strongest since last week's 6.4 quake. More than 2,000 tremors have occurred since December 28.Saturday's earthquake didn't injure or kill anyone, but there were landslides and damage to homes and businesses.

"You never know what could happen. Anything can just go just like this," said Praxides Rodriguez, snapping her fingers. "Love your family, appreciate them, you know, just thank God every day for what you have."

Rodriguez and her husband have been living in a tent in Guanica, one of the hardest hit areas. Many people there have set up camps at the top of a mountain because that's where they feel safest as aftershocks continue.

Rodriguez said she's okay, but hopes more help is coming for those less able to take care of themselves.

"We don't know how much longer we're going to be here," she told CBS News correspondent David Begnaud. "We have a lot of elderly that are really in bed, that can't even move out of bed."

UP CLOSE: A grandmother with Alzheimer's was in a bed in the front yard of her family's home, sunburned and sweating. After a series of earthquakes in Puerto Rico, the family had no power, no water and couldn't find an ambulance. @DavidBegnaud reports:

— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) January 12, 2020

Elizabeth Vanacore, with the Puerto Rico Seismic Network, warned residents that they should still expect "some aftershocks." The network has more than 20 sensors installed around the island to detect earthquake magnitude.

Mr. Trump has not yet signed the major disaster declaration. The island also hasn't received more than $18 billion in federal funding that was designated after hurricanes that struck more than two years ago, according to the Washington Post.

But, FEMA's top official in Puerto Rico, Alex Amparo, said they're not waiting.

"We've got our teams out in the field," he said. "The tremendous amount of mutual aid that's happening from the island, I'm sure you saw on your way here."

Traffic was backed up Sunday in the mountains of the hardest hit regions as Puerto Ricans came from near and far to bring supplies to their neighbors in need. Since Hurricane Maria, many Puerto Ricans say they've learned they can't rely on the government in times of disaster.

Puerto Ricans Unable to Reach Earthquake Shelters Say They’re Getting ‘No Help from Government’

Jhoni Jackson,The Daily Beast•January 12, 2020

PONCE, PUERTO RICO—Squinting at the blistering sun, Jeanette Fontánez looks overheated and exasperated. “We can’t live in our houses because they’re cracked,” she tells The Daily Beast. “We need soap, mattresses, tents, water, supplies—a little bit of everything, because there’s a lot of us here.”

But as of Saturday afternoon, government officials and agencies had yet to arrive to where the 49-year-old Fontánez has sought refuge: In a public park within walking distance from her home, which she says is unsafe to be inside.

“We’ve been here since Tuesday,” says Fontánez, who was there with her 9-year-old daughter. Families are spread throughout the park, some set up near parked cars, other stationed under tarps.
‘You’re Never Prepared For This’: Puerto Rico Reels From Fresh Quake Nightmare
Fontánez is one of an estimated 2,000 Puerto Ricans displaced by an unrelenting streak of earthquakes in the island’s southern region beginning Dec. 28 and culminating, at least so far, in Tuesday’s 6.4 magnitude event, followed by subsequent tremblors and then, on Sunday morning, an unexpected jump to 5.9. Electrical outages are widespread in the area. Some residents are also without water service.

Many families are living within sight of their rattled homes without stepping inside, much less sleeping in them. The constant shaking has compounded fears of being indoors even for those whose houses bear no noticeable ruptures. And the recently restored electricity departed again with Sunday morning’s quake.

Saturday, an LGBT-led caravan of volunteers arrived to serve meals and hand out water, sanitary wipes, diapers, and other supplies. It was only the second time donations were disbursed at the park, Fontánez says.

The supplies they have received may have been surplus items from well stocked shelters being supplied by Puerto Rican authorities, politicians, NGOs, and other groups. But little of that is so far making its way to smaller encampments, like the one in La Luna, says Fontánez.

Her appeal is echoed by the families of Barrio Macaná in Guayanilla, another hard-hit municipality, and one where more than 50 percent of residents live below the poverty line. The neighborhood is only about a mile from the downtown area, but many residents lack transportation, and physically, the hilly trek is challenging for a person carrying supplies.

These residents need the aid to come to them, says army veteran Diego Cruz, 59.

Cruz is among a group of about 10, comprised of immediate and extended family of separate homes who’ve banded together. This includes three minors, plus an 81-year-old man with a leg amputation whose dilapidated wheelchair badly needs replacing.

“If you’re going to help and you’re going to an encampment that you know is already being given supplies, everything they need, then I don't understand,” Cruz says. “What about the people outside that need things, like us? There are people who can't get down [there].”

(Representatives of the municipalities of Ponce and Guayanilla dd not return requests for comment for this story.)

One home among the group’s is especially unsound, Cruz notes, showing The Daily Beast a long, vertical split in the cement on the structure’s rear wall, and an apparently unsturdy foundation beneath. At night, the front area of the house—a shared patio between two homes —becomes one big outdoor bedroom, complete with makeshift beds of mattresses atop cinder blocks.

As noted in the mission statement of Maria Fund, a nonprofit created to cull funding specifically for local, grassroots organizations in Puerto Rico post-Hurricane Maria, it’s the “vulnerable communities” that “are too often underserved by relief agencies.” To offset this problem, donations to the overall fund are diffused to an island-wide network of collectives and groups — like La Brigada Solidaria del Oeste (Western Solidarity Brigade), various Centros de Apoyo Mutuo (Centers for Mutual Support), and others — that are more familiar with the needs of local populations.

Ayuda Legal Puerto Rico, a nonprofit advocating for the legal rights of low-income communities, is another Maria Fund recipient. The group has organized a petition on calling on Governor Wanda Vazquez to provide free transportation to shelters and to establish more shelters in unaffected structures in the northern part of the island, away from the earthquake epicenters.

Executive Director Ariadna Godreau tells The Daily Beast that the government has not adequately addressing long-term displacement, and is repeating the same mistakes seen post-Maria.

“The government is preparing as if this is the normal state for refugees: portable bathrooms, portable beds,” she says. “Nobody’s thinking about how to solve the issue of temporary housing, nobody’s thinking about transitional housing. They are trying to make displacement the new normal for these people, who are entitled to housing.”

Issues around protocol — hygeine, sexual violence, and other risks — in the unofficial camps is another concern expressed by Godreau. Those camps are ultimately the government’s responsibility too, she says.

“The governor said yesterday at a press conference that people don’t want to move. But some people don’t want to move because they don’t have the alternative, or don’t have the transportation.”

Displaced Puerto Ricans post-Maria spent months in shelters and, Godreau says, were ultimately pressured out by FEMA and government authorities. “They told them you have two options: The shelters are closing… or you have to move to the U.S. That is forcibly displacing people,” she says.

If residents hoped the swarm of earthquakes was tapering off, Saturday’s 8:54 a.m. jolt, which was felt throughout the island, likely renewed anxieties about the duration of this already lengthy natural disaster. Aftershocks have continued since.

More than $18 billion in disaster relief funds allocated for Puerto Rico after the devastation of Hurricane Maria, in which upwards of 4,000 people died (many of them post-storm), is still being withheld by the Trump administration.

Four deaths total—direct or indirect—have been reported so far in connection with the earthquakes. Low-income populations, the elderly, young children, and people with chronic illnesses and disabilities are most at risk after any natural disaster.

“We’re thankful, because if the cell phones weren't working, nobody would get here,” Cruz says. “Through phone calls and reaching out, that's how people have gotten here. We've had help from different people, but no help from the government.”


Magnitude 4.0 earthquake strikes Quebec, rumbles felt in eastern Ontario

Digital Writers

Magnitude 4.0 earthquake strikes Quebec, rumbles felt in eastern Ontario

An early morning earthquake hit southwestern Quebec on Monday, jolting some people out of bed, with rumbles felt in parts of eastern Ontario as well.
According to Earthquakes Canada, the magnitude 4.0 earthquake was recorded at 5:38 a.m. on Monday, about 29 km southeast of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, near the U.S. border.

The quake was "lightly felt" in Rigaud, Saint Bruno, Vaudreuil, and Montreal, but with no reports of damage and none to be expected, Earthquakes Canada said.
Shaking from the minor quake was also felt in parts of eastern Ontario, including Cornwall, New York state and Vermont.



Extreme Cold Warning

Issued at 20:33 Sunday 12 January 2020

A multi-day episode of very cold wind chills continues.

Wind chill values of minus 40 to 50 will continue through most of the week. 
Some brief moderation in wind chill may occur during the afternoon hours.


Extreme cold puts everyone at risk.

Watch for cold related symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, 

muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes.

Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. 
To report severe weather, send an email to
 or tweet reports using #ABStorm.


Environment Canada has issued extreme cold warnings for central and northern Alberta and parts of western Saskatchewan as a result of the deepening cold. Frigid and dangerous temperatures will persist next week with the Arctic air in place. As the week progresses, warnings may be expanded to other regions.

The intense cold is a result of a cross-polar flow that is pulling in some of the chilliest air in the Northern Hemisphere. With the deep freezes comes the risk for frostbite, so it is recommended to limit your time outdoors to avoid exposure and symptoms from the cold air.

"Watch for cold-related symptoms: Shortness of breath, chest pain, muscle pain and weakness, numbness and colour change in fingers and toes. If it's too cold for you to stay outside, it's too cold for your pet to stay outside," Environment Canada warns. "Outdoor workers should take regularly scheduled breaks to warm up."

Next week daytime highs will approach or exceed -30°C for much of the region, with wind chills making them feel like the -30s and even into the -40s for some areas. The City of Edmonton could potentially set a new record low Tuesday, as temperatures are forecasted to hit -33°C (wind chill making it feel like -41°C), which would break the old record of -28.3°C from 2005.

To put it into perspective, Edmonton could be among the coldest places on Earth Tuesday, comparable to two other regions known for their extremely frigid air -- Yellowknife, N.W.T. and Yakutsk, Russia.

A couple of systems next week are expected to bring periods of mostly light snow, but strong winds at times will produce extensive blowing snow and dangerous wind chills.

Stay tuned to The Weather Network for the latest forecast updates.


Philippines: lava gushes from Taal volcano as alert level raised

Thousands of people have been forced to flee as scientists warn of imminent eruption

Associated Press Mon 13 Jan 2020

1:06 Taal volcano: lightning and giant plumes of smoke with 'explosive eruption' forecast – video

Red-hot lava gushed out of the Taal volcano in the Philippines on Monday, with seismologists warning an eruption could happen any time.

A day after a plume of ash and steam forced villagers to flee and shut down Manila’s international airport, offices and schools, scientists said they were caught out by the volcano’s sudden activity.

“The speed of escalation of Taal’s volcanic activity caught us by surprise,” Maria Antonia Bornas, chief science research specialist at the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, told reporters.

“We have detected magma. It’s still deep, it hasn’t reached the surface. We still can expect a hazardous eruption any time.”

There were no immediate reports of casualties or major damage from the eruption south of the capital, which began on Sunday. But clouds of ash blew more than 100km (62 miles) north to Manila, forcing the shutdown of the country’s main airport, with more than 240 international and domestic flights cancelled. The airport partially reopened later on Monday.
Lightning strikes as a column of ash rises from

the Taal volcano on Sunday.
 Photograph: Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

The government’s disaster-response agency reported about 8,000 villagers had moved to at least 38 evacuation centres in the hard-hit province of Batangas and nearby Cavite province, but officials expect the number to swell with hundreds of thousands more being brought out of harm’s way.

Terrawatch: the recipe for an explosive volcano eruption

Some residents could not move out of ash-blanketed villages due to a lack of transport and poor visibility, while officials said others refused to leave their homes.

“We have a problem, our people are panicking due to the volcano because they want to save their livelihood, their pigs and herds of cows,” the mayor of Balete, Wilson Maralit, told DZMM radio. “We’re trying to stop them from returning and warning that the volcano can explode again any time and hit them.”

A boy guides an outrigger canoe in the lake 
around Taal volcano on Sunday. 
Photograph: Ted Aljibe/AFP via Getty Images

Maralit, whose town lies on Taal Lake surrounding the erupting volcano, appealed for troops and additional police to be deployed to stop distraught residents from sneaking back to their high-risk coastal villages.

After months of restiveness that began last year, Taal suddenly rumbled back to life on Sunday, blasting steam, ash and pebbles 10-15km (6-9 miles) into the sky, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.

The government volcano-monitoring agency raised the danger level around Taal three notches to level 4, indicating “an imminent hazardous eruption.”
Residents evacuate the ash-choked streets of 
Batangas. Photograph: Eloisa Lopez/Reuters

Level 5, the highest, means a hazardous eruption is under way and could affect a larger area with high-risk zones that would need to be cleared of people, said the head of the institute, Renato Solidum, who heads the institute

Bornas said lava spurted out in fountains out of the volcano early Monday, while its ash and steam ejections eased. She said it was hard to tell when the eruption would stop, citing Taal’s similar restiveness in the 1970s, which lasted for about four months.
Residents of Tagaytay 
city look out over the
 erupting volcano. Photograph: Eloisa Lopez/Reuters

With the steam and ash easing Monday, some residents began to shovel away the thick coating of ash coating the town of Tagaytay, a popular upland resort city on a ridge that overlooks the volcano.

Usually bustling with traffic and tourists, many of Tagaytay’s restaurants and coffee shops were closed, its main road covered in filth and mud.

The volcanology institute reminded the public that the small island where the volcano lies is a “permanent danger zone”, although fishing villages have existed there for years.

It stressed that the “total evacuation” of people on the island and coastal areas, with a high risk of pyroclastic flows and volcanic tsunami in a 14km radius from Taal.

Aviation officials must advise airplanes to avoid flying at a certain distance from the volcano “as airborne ash and ballistic fragments from the eruption column pose hazards to aircraft,” it said.

Taal Volcano erupts in Philippines
Updated  Mon January 13, 2020
Residents prepare their boats to evacuate while the Taal Volcano erupts in Talisay, Philippines, on Monday, January 13. Tens of thousands were evacuated and tremors were felt in nearby villages amid an eruption of the country's second-most-active volcano near Manila.Jes Aznar/The New York Times/Redux
Taal Volcano in the Philippines has sent an eruption plume a kilometer above the crater, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.
The agency says Taal is showing a "fast escalation" in volcanic activity and could erupt lava within weeks.
Evacuation orders have been ordered for three towns in Batangas, Luzon, according to CNN affiliate CNN Philippines. Flights have been disrupted at Manila International Airport.

The state-run Philippines News Agency reported that minor earthquakes have also been recorded. 

philippines volcano

A youth living at the foot of Taal volcano rides an outrigger canoe while the volcano spews ash as seen from Tanauan town in Batangas province, south of Manila, on January 13, 2020. TED ALJIBE/AFP via Getty Images

Philippines residents have been warned of a possible 'volcanic tsunami' after a major volcano spewed lava and launched ash into the sky

A volcano in the Philippines began spewing lava on Monday local time after a sudden eruption a day earlier sent ash flying half a mile into the sky. 
The Taal volcano began emitting huge plumes of smoke on Sunday, leading thousands to evacuate and causing flights at Manila's international to be temporarily suspended. 
Authorities have raised the alert level in the area to a four out of five, meaning that a "hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days."
Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
A volcano in the Philippines began spewing lava on Monday local time after a sudden eruption a day earlier sent ash flying half a mile into the sky. 

The Taal volcano, located about 70 kilometers (45 miles) south of the capital Manila, began emitting huge plumes of smoke on Sunday. 
Taal Volcano map
A map of the Taal Volcano in relation to the Philippine capital of Manila. Business Insider/Google Maps

It is the second-most active volcano in the Philippines, according to the BBC. 

According to a bulletin issued by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, PHIVOLCS, the volcano began to emit steam on Sunday at 1 p.m. local time, which progressed into a "magmatic eruption" by Monday morning, which is characterized by weak lava fountaining followed by thunder and lightning.

On Sunday, the volcano generated ash plume which shot out one kilometer (0.6 miles) into the sky, according to Reuters. 

According to a bulletin issued by PHIVOLCS, the volcano began to emit steam on Sunday at 1 p.m. local time, which progressed into a "magmatic eruption" by Monday morning, which is characterized by weak lava fountaining followed by thunder and lightning. Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

On Sunday, the alert level for the estimated 450,000 people residing within a 14-kilometer (8.6 mile) radius near the volcano was raised to a level four (out of five) and remained in effect on Monday morning. 

The monitoring agency warned on Monday morning that this alert meant that a "hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days."

The agency also warned that those residing in the area of the volcano were at risk of "volcano tsunamis," which are often caused by tectonic movement from volcanic activity.

"Areas in the general north of Taal volcano are advised to guard against the effects of heavy and prolonged ashfall," the agency said. 
philippines volcano
TAGAYTAY, PHILIPPINES - JANUARY 12: A column of ash surrounds the crater of Taal Volcano as it erupts on January 12, 2020 as seen from Tagaytay city, Cavite province, Philippines. Local authorities have begun evacuating residents near Taal Volcano as it began spewing ash up to a kilometer high Sunday afternoon. The Philippine Institute of of Volcanology and Seismology has raised the alert level to four out of five, warning that a hazardous eruption could take place anytime. Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

PHIVOLCS also advised aircraft to avoid flying through the airspace above the volcano to protect themselves from ash and ballistic fragments. 

Volcanic ash spread as far as Quezon City north of Manila on Sunday, prompting the Manila International Airport Authority to temporarily suspended flights at Manila's Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

The sudden conditions at the volcano forced nearly 8,000 people to evacuate as of 6 a.m. on Monday, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Philippines. 

According to PHIVOLCS, lava was observed shooting out of the volcano at around 3:20 a.m. on Monday.

—PHIVOLCS-DOST (@phivolcs_dost) January 12, 2020There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. 
Video UN OCHA Asia Pacific showed huge plumes of billowing up into the sky. The agency said emergency response is ongoing. 
—UN OCHA Asia Pacific (@OCHAAsiaPac) January 13, 2020The Taal volcano is located on the big island on Luzon in the Batangas province. According to the BBC, it is one of the world's smallest volcanoes, and has recorded 34 eruptions over the last 450 years. 

The volcano is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and eruptions occur. 

According to CNN, Mariton Bornas, chief of volcano monitoring at PHIVOLCs, said the agency measured tremors at the volcano in March 2019 though Sunday's eruption came as a surprise.

MANILA (Reuters) - A volcano near Manila spewed a massive cloud of ash that drifted across the Philippine capital on Sunday, forcing the cancellation of flights and closure of schools and government offices as authorities warned of a possible "explosive eruption".
Thousands of people were evacuated from the area near Taal volcano after it suddenly shot a column of ash and steam as high as 15 km (nine miles) into the sky. Lightning crackled inside the smoke and tremors shook the ground.
Taal, one of the world's smallest active volcanoes, sits in the middle of a lake about 70 km (45 miles) south of the center of the capital, Manila. Authorities said there was a risk that an eruption could cause a tsunami in the lake.
"Taal is a very small volcano, but a dangerous volcano," Renato Solidum, head of The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs), told Reuters. "It is unique because it is a volcano within a volcano."
The institute raised the danger level posed by the volcano to 4 out of a possible 5 - meaning "hazardous explosive eruption is possible within hours to days."
A view of the Taal volcano eruption seen from Tagaytay, Philippines January 12, 2020 in this still image taken from social media video. Jon Patrick Laurence Yen via REUTERS
The Philippines lies on the "Ring of Fire," a belt of volcanoes circling the Pacific Ocean that is also prone to earthquakes.
One of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines, Taal has erupted more than 30 times in the past five centuries, most recently in 1977. An eruption in 1911 killed 1,500 people and one in 1754 lasted for a few months.
"That is the worst case scenario," Solidum said.


About 8,000 residents of the volcano island and other high-risk towns were being evacuated, with about 6,000 already out of the danger zone by Sunday evening, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council told reporters.
The volcano and its surroundings are a popular weekend getaway from Manila.
The drifting ash forced the cancellation of 172 flights in and out of the international airport on Sunday. General Manager Ed Monreal said flights would also be suspended on Monday because there was ash on the runway.
President Rodrigo Duterte's office ordered the suspension of government work in the capital and of all school classes in Manila and other areas affected by the ash. A statement advised private companies to follow suit.
In Manila, long queues formed in shops selling face masks as health officials warned of possible breathing problems for people with respiratory ailments and urged the public to stay indoors and use dust masks when going out.
"When I went to my car to bring my groceries, I saw it was covered in ash. So I hurriedly went back inside to buy a mask from a drugstore but they had run out," said Angel Bautista, 41, a resident of Paranaque city, south of the capital.
Taal's ash plume was clearly visible from the city of Tagaytay, a well-frequented viewing spot for the volcano.
"We were having lunch when we heard rumbling. We saw the volcano erupting. It rained and some small pebbles fell to the ground," Jon Patrick Yen, a restaurant customer in Tagaytay, told Reuters.
"I did not expect to see such spectacle. We just went by to eat."

(By Enrico Dela Cruz and Karen Lema. Additional reporting by Peter Blaza; Editing by Matthew Tostevin and Kirsten Donovan)
