Saturday, March 28, 2020

Trump and his GOP enablers say the quiet part out loud: Americans must die of the coronavirus in order to save capitalism

March 27, 2020 By Chauncey Devega, Salon- Commentary

Donald Trump has given the Democrats a gift — if they are brave enough to use it.


This slogan, imported from the libertarian far right, signaled an important shift toward ending social distancing and “reopening” the economy, even as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread Trump’s mouthpieces at Fox News and elsewhere then began to parrot the same macabre and disturbing argument.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican, told Fox News: “Let’s get back to living… And those of us that are 70-plus, we’ll take care of ourselves.”

Right-wing propagandist Glenn Beck told viewers of his BlazeTV show that Americans who are older should just go back to work and prepare to die: “Even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the country.”

Brit Hume of Fox News told Tucker Carlson that he supported Dan Patrick’s view of this potentially lethal transaction:

What we’re living in now, this circumstance as we try to beat this virus, is not sustainable — that the utter collapse of the country’s economy, which many think will happen if this goes on much longer, is an intolerable result… [H]e is saying, for his own part, that he’d be willing to take a risk of getting the disease if that’s what it took to allow the economy to move forward. And he said that because he’s late in life, you know, that he would be perhaps more willing then he might’ve been at a younger age, which seems to me to be an entirely reasonable viewpoint.

What are they really saying? Donald Trump and the Republican Party are now openly willing to sacrifice those Americans they consider to be “useless eaters” — in this case older people, people with pre-existing health conditions and anyone else who may die from the coronavirus pandemic.

On Wednesday, Trump said the quiet part loud, basically admitting on Twitter that his electoral fortunes are tied to the pandemic’s impact on the American economy:

The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success. The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before!

To paraphrase the character Ivan Drago in the movie “Rocky IV”: “If they die, they die”. Or as another famous Russian, Joseph Stalin, is reported to have said: “One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic.”

For Trump and his allies, worsening the coronavirus pandemic, even at the risk of many lives, is of little importance compared to keeping him in office to continue a regime of looting, extortion and massive corruption.

The Democratic Party needs new slogans for the 2020 presidential election, I would suggest these:

Trump wants you to die — so he can stay in office forever.

Trump and the Republicans are trying to kill you — for money.

Are you 60 or older? Have a pre-existing health condition? Donald Trump and his Republican Party don’t care if you die from the coronavirus.

Donald Trump could have stopped the coronavirus. He lied, and people died.

Yes Trump and the right are embracing and celebrating death. It is ghoulish. It is also one more illustration that the Age of Trump is an American dystopia where what was previously unimaginable (for most decent people) has become “normal.”

Yes, Trump and his movement’s death impulses are part of a natural progression in which an authoritarian regime maximizes its power by terrorizing the public.

These calls by Trump and his allies for millions of Americans to sacrifice themselves for such abstractions as “the country,” “the economy” and “the market” should not be a surprise. Such madness and cruelty are the logical and inevitable result of decades of right-wing strategy and policies.

These plans were never hidden. Indeed, they were clumsily obvious. Since the 1970s, predatory gangster capitalism has been accepted as either “normal” or “inevitable” in the United States (as well as the United Kingdom and elsewhere). To that end, the “free market” was presented by the news media, many Democrats and virtually all Republicans, and most of the educational system as somehow synonymous or interchangeable with “freedom” and “democracy.”

This form of predatory gangster capitalism, now often called “neoliberalism,” rests upon several basic tenets:

Profits are more important than people.

Every part of human life and existence should become a commodity or a financial instrument.

Society should be organized around the “survival of the fittest,” in Malthusian or social-Darwinist terms: Those who cannot survive and prosper under “free markets” will be abandoned, quite likely to die.

Notions of the collective good, the commons, the social safety net and other aspects of social democracy, as well as the very idea of government and collective action, are to be undermined and eventually eliminated in service to “freedom” and “individual liberty.”
There should be few if any restrictions on the behavior of corporations, banks and the ultra-rich, or on the financier class.

There are “winners” and “losers” in society, “makers” and “takers” in society. These are natural and almost inexorable categories. The winners are to be subsidized by the state and the public. The losers are to be punished, and if possible eliminated.
Capitalism and democracy are the same thing.

Of course the harsh realities and negative consequences of predatory gangster capitalism have been effectively concealed from the public, which has come to accept this ideology through the use of anodyne language like “entrepreneurship,” “efficiency,” “transparency,” “accountability,” “public-private” and “opportunity.”

All claims that this system has been successful are dubious. Serious economists and other intellectually honest policy experts have repeatedly proven that its premises are fundamentally incorrect.

Gangster capitalists exploit system shocks and other crises (sometimes crises they themselves have caused) as a means of advancing their agenda.

Consider the coronavirus relief bill as originally submitted by the Republicans, which proposed creating a $500 billion slush fund to subsidize the richest corporations and wealthiest Americans, with no accountability and no oversight – a fund that Donald Trump and his vassals could loot at will — while handing out much smaller sums to ordinary Americans who are struggling to survive in a moment of economic calamity.

The moral obscenity of that bill even included petty cruelty: The poorest Americans would receive little if any money in direct payments, while money flowed to corporations and the ultra-rich by the billions.

These disparities have been somewhat painted over in the Democrats’ counterproposals in the House and Senate. But on a grand scale, the picture is not that different: The largest corporations will still receive at least $500 billion — with minor oversight and a few insignificant restraints — that they will inevitably use to enrich their shareholders at the expense of their employees and the public.

In practice, neoliberalism amounts to socialism for the rich and the powerful and the harsh medicine of the “free market” for everyone else. The coronavirus relief bill is more proof of that fact.

This is the logic of “too big to fail.” It’s also a function of the moral hazard that allows a plutocrat like Donald Trump to gain control over a so-called democracy with the goal of funneling resources (through tax policies, government subsidies and other laws) to themselves and other members of his class, while denying resources and opportunities to the vast majority of Americans.

Donald Trump’s proposed 2021 federal budget is a statement of values. As with the coronavirus relief bill, it punishes the poor and vulnerable by gutting the social safety net and transferring more money, both in the form of tax cuts and direct subsidies, to huge corporations and the richest Americans.

As documented by Dr. James Gilligan in his book “Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others” the policies of the Republican Party on issues ranging from health care to guns, the environment and tax policy have shortened the American people’s lifespans and caused other forms of physical harm.

Predatory gangster capitalism needs agents and other actors to advance its goals. The corporation is one of the primary means through which this form of capitalism wages its “revolutionary” struggle against a humane and democratic society.

As has been widely noted, if the corporation was a person, it would be a sociopath. This makes the corporation an indispensable part of Donald Trump’s coronavirus death cult.

James Gamble, a retired corporate attorney who is now director of the National Center for Access to Justice, offered a warning, in a recent article at Medium, about “the extraordinary power of corporate ‘persons’ who are legally obligated to act like sociopaths”:

Sociopath? Yes. The corporate entity is obligated to care only about itself and to define what is good as what makes it more money. Pretty close to a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder. And corporate persons are the most powerful people in our world.

The “maximize rule” does its damage in two ways. Corporate entities are direct actors in the world. A decision to build a factory in a place with weak environmental laws, low wages and poor worker protection matters. Preferring share buybacks to increased wages or lower prices matters. Lobbying for taxpayer subsidies that transfer wealth from poor to rich matters. They contribute to the problems listed in paragraph one in obvious ways. More damaging: the maximize rule infects real people with tragic faith in the magic of markets.

A recent Business Insider article sheds further light on the corporation as sociopath:

The coronavirus crisis in the United States is only just beginning. But it’s not too early for some Americans to flout social distancing and isolation guidelines and return to work, according to some executives.

Dick Kovacevich, the former CEO and chairman of Wells Fargo, told Bloomberg News that healthy workers under the age of 55 should return to work in April if the outbreak is controlled, saying that “some may even die” with his plan.

“We’ll gradually bring those people back and see what happens. Some of them will get sick, some may even die, I don’t know,” said Kovacevich, a current executive at Cisco and Cargill. “Do you want to suffer more economically or take some risk that you’ll get flu-like symptoms and a flu-like experience? Do you want to take an economic risk or a health risk? You get to choose.”

While this iteration of capitalism sells itself to the public as indispensable to “liberty” and “freedom,” its ultimate tendency is authoritarian and fascistic. Such traits and goals make it a natural tool and weapon for Trump and his allies.

While the American people and the world are paralyzed the coronavirus pandemic, Attorney General William Barr is refusing to let a good crisis go to waste. As reported by Betsy Woodruff Swan for Politico, the Trump regime wants to use the coronavirus to enact a de facto state of martial law where basic legal rights are suspended:

The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States….

The move has tapped into a broader fear among civil liberties advocates and Donald Trump’s critics — that the president will use a moment of crisis to push for controversial policy changes. Already, he has cited the pandemic as a reason for heightening border restrictions and restricting asylum claims. He has also pushed for further tax cuts as the economy withers, arguing it would soften the financial blow to Americans. And even without policy changes, Trump has vast emergency powers that he could deploy right now to try to slow the coronavirus outbreak.

Swan explains that these Justice Department requests “span several stages of the legal process, from initial arrest to how cases are processed and investigated,” and appear to have important implications for habeas corpus, “the constitutional right to appear before a judge after arrest and seek release.”

According to Norman L. Reimer, executive director of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, this means that “you could be arrested and never brought before a judge until they decide that the emergency or the civil disobedience is over. I find it absolutely terrifying. Especially in a time of emergency, we should be very careful about granting new powers to the government. … That is something that should not happen in a democracy.”

This union of neoliberal gangster capitalism and authoritarianism can result in a society ruled by “inverted totalitarianism.” In his seminal book “Democracy Incorporated,” philosopher Sheldon Wolin explains how this happens:

Antidemocracy, executive predominance, and elite rule are basic elements of inverted totalitarianism. Antidemocracy does not take the form of overt attacks upon the idea of government by the people. Instead, politically it means encouraging what I have earlier dubbed “civic demobilization,” conditioning an electorate to being aroused for a brief spell, controlling its attention span, and then encouraging distraction or apathy. The intense pace of work and the extended working day, combined with job insecurity, is a formula for political demobilization, for privatizing the citizenry. …

It works indirectly.

Citizens are encouraged to distrust their government and politicians; to concentrate upon their own interests; to begrudge their taxes; and to exchange active involvement for symbolic gratifications of patriotism, collective self-righteousness, and military prowess. Above all, depoliticization is promoted through society’s being enveloped in an atmosphere of collective fear and of individual powerlessness: fear of terrorists, loss of jobs, the uncertainties of pension plans, soaring health costs, and rising educational expenses.

Will the American people follow the commands of Donald Trump’s coronavirus death cult? Are they willing to sacrifice their lives on the altar of “the economy” and Trump’s re-election campaign by returning to work, ending social distancing and ignoring the warnings of scientists and public health experts?

Some will. Trump’s cult members will follow his commands without question. They have been systematically programmed by Trump’s cult and its disinformation machine. They understand that protecting and defending the cult leader must always come first.

Many Americans who do not have sufficient savings, live on stagnant wages, have little if any job security, are not union members, cannot work from home and are otherwise stuck in a precarious economic conditions may well be coerced into risking their lives, because they lack other options.

If public opinion polls are correct, Trump is becoming more popular because of the coronavirus pandemic and the accompanying stagecraft and spectacle of his lie-filled “daily briefings.” Despite his incompetence, a new Gallup poll reports that 60 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s response to the pandemic. (Including nearly all Republicans, of course.)

This evidence suggests that Trump, the Republican Party, the right-wing media and their corporate allies are effectively leveraging decades of programming in which most Americans have been taught to believe that patriotism, capitalism, freedom and consumerism are inexorably connected, if not in fact the same thing. In the Age of Trump and his pandemic, such beliefs can kill.

Trump again claims he’s invoked the Defense Production Act – then backtracks saying ‘maybe we won’t need’ to fully use it

President Donald Trump Friday afternoon announced he has invoked the Defense Production Act to require GM to produce vitally-needed life-saving ventilators. But it’s not the first time has and his administration have claimed the DPA was being used to require the production of critical equipment, nor is it being used as it should be.

In announcing he had finally invoked it, to force GM to make ventilators they already have announced they will produce, Trump immediately backtracked, nonsensically saying he might not need to fully use the law.

“I’ve enacted the Act, we’ve used it three of four times,” Trump said, which is a lie, claiming “the companies came through in the end they didn’t need the Act.”

That’s not how the law works.

“It’s been great leverage I have instituted it against General Electric, we thought we had a deal for 40,000 ventilators,” Trump claimed, which again is false, it was for 20,000.

“We did activate it with respect to General Motors and hopefully – maybe we won’t need the full activation we’ll find out,” he said, after calling the car company “General Electric.”

Here’s Trump saying of the Defense Production Act that “I have instituted it against General Electric,” then saying 30 seconds later that “we did activate it with respect to General Motors”
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 27, 2020

Every day that went by that the DPA remained unused is a day in the future more people will die, literally unable to breathe due to an insufficient number of ventilators across the nation.

Trump finally invokes Defense Production Act to force GM to manufacture ventilators

March 27, 2020 By Bob Brigham

President Donald Trump is using the Defense Production Act to force General Motors to manufacture the medical ventilators that are necessary to respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times, reported the news on Twitter.

The order Trump signs directs Azar "to require General Motors Company to accept, perform, and prioritize contracts or orders for the number of ventilators that the Secretary determines to be appropriate."
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) March 27, 2020

The announcement came after Trump publicly complained his failure to use the Defense Production Act was not working.

As usual with “this” General Motors, things just never seem to work out. They said they were going to give us 40,000 much needed Ventilators, “very quickly”. Now they are saying it will only be 6000, in late April, and they want top dollar. Always a mess with Mary B. Invoke “P”.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020

General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!! @GeneralMotors @Ford

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 27, 2020

It has been nine days since Trump invoked the powers of the Defense Production Act.

I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese Virus should we need to invoke it in a worst case scenario in the future. Hopefully there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 18, 2020

‘Brace for a downward spiral’: Economics columnist zeroes in on a creeping financial catastrophe we’re not prepared for

March 27, 2020 By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

The coronavirus pandemic is not only a massive health crisis — it is also a massive economic crisis. Economist and long-time New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has warned that “markets are implicitly predicting not just a recession, but multiple years of economic weakness.” And similarly, journalist Catherine Rampell, this week in her Washington Post column, outlines some of the many ways in which the pandemic could inflict economic misery on state and local governments in the United States for “some time to come.”

“States are facing huge shortages — and not just of ventilators, masks and health-care personnel,” Rampell warns. “They’re about to confront enormous budget shortages too. This is the sleeper issue of the current economic crisis, and aiding states now could well be the difference between a brief recession and a prolonged depression.”

States, Rampell explains, will likely be facing a “major drop” in tax revenue — from sales taxes to income taxes.

“Among the biggest problems are the expected declines in sales tax collections, which make up about a third of state revenue,” Rampell asserts. “With millions of retail stores, restaurants and other businesses shuttered, sales on which those taxes are based have stopped. Even the early-pandemic panic-buying is unlikely to help because groceries, medications and other necessities are often exempt from sales taxes.”

At the local level, Rampell adds, a sharp decline in revenue from property taxes is another strong possibility.

“Tax money that would normally be withheld from people’s paychecks this year will also be depressed while people are out of work, suggesting revenue shortfalls will continue for a while,” Rampell notes. “Depending on how long layoffs last, they could eventually start to depress property values too — and thus, the property taxes that disproportionately pay for schools and local services. Which suggests there could be reverberating fiscal effects for years after this pandemic ends.”

Different states, according to Rampell, are likely to be hurting in different ways — and that includes states “whose economies are especially dependent on tourism” such as Florida and Nevada as well as states with energy-driven economies like Texas and Oklahoma. And because of “stock market declines,” Rampell observes, states that are “dependent on capital gains revenue” like New York and California will “take a huge hit.”

“High-fixed-cost public transit systems everywhere will suffer as they lose rider revenue,” Rampell predicts. And because the U.S. is confronting a “public health emergency,” she writes, Americans can expect “even more demand for public services than usual.”

This week, Republicans and Democrats in Congress have been vigorously debating the elements of a huge economic stimulus package. But for state and local governments, Rampell warns, even that package might not be enough.

“Unlike the federal government, most state and local governments are legally required to balance their budgets,” Rampell explains. “Without more federal help, states and cities shouldn’t expect a swift snapback from this crisis. Instead, they should brace for a downward spiral — of service cuts, deteriorating conditions for households and businesses, and depressed economic conditions for years to come.”

Pastor dies from COVID-19 — after claiming coronavirus was a ‘mark of the beast’ conspiracy

March 27, 2020 By Matthew Chapman

According to The Christian Post, Pastor Ronnie Hampton of the New Vision Community Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, has died of COVID-19 — after telling his followers that the virus was not a huge deal and suggesting that God was just testing the faithful.

“This virus that is out now, look at what it’s doing,” he said in a Facebook Live broadcast one week before his death on Wednesday. “It’s shutting down everything, which means that the physical connection of Christians is being ripped apart. We’re not able to fellowship. We’re not able to love each other. We’re not able to greet each other with a handshake or a hug. We’re not able to be in close proximity of each other. We’re not able to break bread, sit down and eat with each other because Caesar is mandating how we conduct ourselves using the pretext of this virus to be able to conduct our lives and run our lives for us.”

Hampton went on to offer conspiracy theories about coronavirus, suggesting that it was an excuse for the government to create a police state and implant microchips in the population.

“Now, here’s a theory,” said Hampton. “It was brought to my attention that this virus thing, people die from the flu more than they’ve died from this virus. In my opinion, death is death. I don’t care what it’s by. But I listened and they say well, it’s something that’s come up. And now everything is being shut down, borders are being closed, and they’re gonna come up with a vaccine because they are keeping everybody away from each other just so that they can install martial law.”

“They’re gonna come up with a vaccine and in that vaccine everybody is gonna have to take it … and inside of that vaccine there’s going to be some type of electronic computer device that’s gonna put some type of chip in you and maybe even have some mood, mind-altering circumstances,” Hampton continued. “And they’re saying that the chip would be the mark of the beast.”

“I haven’t tested positive for the coronavirus and if I do test positive, we do what we gotta do to take care of it,” he said. “I want you to know that the Lord said not to let your heart be troubled. So I’m not trying to worry about this. I’m just gonna continue to be prayerful, be faithful, this may be His way of sitting me down so I can get a little rest.”

Trump’s promise that big box retailers would set up coronavirus testing sites blows up in his face


March 27, 2020 By Matthew Chapman

Earlier in the month, President Donald Trump vowed that there would soon be a vast network of COVID-19 testing sites set up in the parking lots of big box retailers around the country where people could be tested “very safely, quickly and conveniently” — and the executives of Walmart, Target, CVS, and Walgreens said they would be working to make it happen.

But according to the Washington Post, Trump’s vision has simply not happened. In fact, between these stores, there are only as many of these facilities as you could count on one hand.

“While the four retailers have a combined 26,400 U.S. stores, this vision of a proliferation of coronavirus testing sites has yet to materialize,” reported Elizabeth Dwoskin, Abha Bhattarai, Juliet Eilperin, and Ashley Parker. “Walgreens and CVS have opened one site each, while Walmart last weekend opened two drive-through testing locations near Chicago. Target hasn’t opened any. Rite Aid, which joined the effort later, has opened one drive-through facility in Philadelphia.”

The report continued: “Like much of the nation’s coronavirus response, the burden of organizing and operating these testing sites has fallen to state and local governments. On occasion, they’ve enlisted the help of private industry. But an array of logistical challenges, ranging from a shortage of testing supplies to funding, has meant only a small fraction of Americans can get diagnosed for covid-19 in a way that is routine in South Korea and elsewhere.”

A White House official told the Post that the lack of test kits in the nation overall, combined with the logistics of trying to avoid creating long lines at the facilities, forced the administration to scale back their plans.

You can read more here.
'Faster than it looks' cow captured after two months in Florida

SURVIVED EVERGLADES, PYTHONS, GATORS AND COPS March 19 (UPI) -- Police in Florida said a loose cow that has eluded capture since January was finally captured by officers who lured the bovine into an enclosed area.

Last night our west-side midnight shift officers located the rogue cow, and were able to direct it into an enclosed area located in Davie. The property owner is aware of the cow, and agreed to have it stay within the fenced area until it can be safely removed this morning.
We wish the cow well on its future adventures.

The Pembroke Pines Police Department said the cow was spotted in the area of Sheridan Street and Interstate 75, causing officers to respond and guide the animal toward an enclosed field in Davie.

The property owner agreed to allow the cow to stay until it could be safely moved.

"We wish the cow well on its future adventures," the department said.

The police department said last week that the cow had been wandering the area since January, and repeated failed capture attempts revealed the animal is "faster than it looks" and is a "talented fence jumper."


'Sea calf' born to cow washed out to sea by Hurricane Dorian

A cow that was rescued after being carried four miles from shore by Hurricane Dorian gave birth to a "sea calf" with mismatched eyes just a few months later. Photo courtesy of Ranch Solutions LLC

March 20 (UPI) -- A cow that was washed four miles out to sea by Hurricane Dorian gave birth to an all-white calf with mismatched eyes in North Carolina.

Ranch Solutions, the company hired to rescue wild cattle that were swept out to sea from Cedar Island by Hurricane Dorian in September 2019, said one of the three rescued cows that managed to swim ashore four miles away at Cape Lookout National Seashore gave birth to a calf just a few months later.

The company it was difficult to get photos of the "sea calf" for some time because it would flee with its mother at the sight of humans.

The calf has white hair and mismatched eyes - one brown and one blue

Albino deer caught on camera in Tennessee field

March 17 (UPI) -- A woman who spotted an unusual animal in a Tennessee field captured video of an albino deer.

Natalie Simmons said she and friend Ashley Summerford initially thought there was a goat with a group of deer in the field off Concord Road in Brentwood.

Simmons said it wasn't until they stopped to take video of the animals that she realized the white creature was an albino deer.

Albinism, a genetic disorder that causes an animal's body to be free of pigment, is believed to occur about once in every 20,000 deer births.

Albino deer are a protected by a 2001 Tennessee state law that banned hunters from shooting the animals.

Snake gives birth to two-headed baby in reptile catcher's car

A tiger snake captured by an Australian snake catcher gave birth after being loaded into his car and one of the babies was found to have two heads. Photo by Direct Vet Services/Facebook

March 20 (UPI) -- An Australian snake catcher called out to relocate a female tiger snake from a resident's yard said the serpent gave birth in his car -- and one of the babies had two heads.

Steward Gatt, aka Stewy the Snake Catcher, said he was called out this week to relocate a female tiger snake from a resident's yard in Ardeer, Victoria.

Gatt said he captured the snake in a bag and loaded it into his car, but when he opened the bag a little while later he discovered the reptile had given birth to several babies, including one with two heads.

The catcher took the snakes to Direct Vet Services in Point Cook.

"As cool as it was these animals are not generally viable so it was euthanized on humane grounds," the clinic said in a Facebook post.

The rest of the babies were found to be healthy and were released back into the wild alongside their mother.
Fox Business and Trish Regan have ‘parted ways’

The anchor recently called COVID-19 news coverage a ‘scam’ to ’impeach the president’ in a controversial segment

Trish Regan has been let go by Fox Business. Getty Images

 March 27, 2020 By Nicole Lyn Pesce

Trish Regan is out.

Fox Business announced on Friday that it has “parted ways” with the “Trish Regan Primetime” host. This comes just weeks after she stirred up controversy with a March 9 segment in which she accused Democrats and the “liberal media” of using the coronavirus to “destroy the president.”

“Fox Business has parted ways with Trish Regan — we thank her for her contributions to the network over the years and wish her continued success in her future endeavors,” the network said in a statement, as reported by Variety. (The network’s parent company Fox Corp. FOXA, -9.85% shares common ownership with News Corp NWSA, -6.87%, the parent of MarketWatch publisher Dow Jones.) “We will continue our reduced live primetime schedule for the foreseeable future in an effort to allocate staff resources to continuous breaking news coverage on the Coronavirus crisis,” the statement added.

Regan, in a prepared statement, said, “I have enjoyed my time at Fox and now intend to focus on my family during these troubled times. I am grateful to my incredible team at Fox Business and for the many opportunities the network has provided me. I’m looking forward to this next chapter in my career.”

Her show went on hiatus last week, which the network said was in response to shifting resources to meet “the demands of the evolving pandemic crisis coverage.”

Read more:Trish Regan’s show on Fox Business put on hiatus following controversial coronavirus remarks

But Regan had infuriated many viewers just the week before with a segment that featured a graphic reading “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam” on the screen, where she went as far as to say that Democrats were blaming Trump for the virus.

“We’ve reached a tipping point,” she said at the time. “The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world. This is yet another attempt to impeach the president.”

There are now 585,040 diagnosed cases of COVID-19 globally, and at least 26,819 people have died from the viral disease. About 129,000 people have recovered.


Trump defends Fox personality who was fired for ridiculous coronavirus conspiracy theory

March 27, 2020 By Bob Brigham

President Donald Trump took time out from responding to the COVID-19 public health and economic crises to defend a fired Fox Business personality.

On Friday, The Daily Beast published a story titled, “Fox Business Fires Trish Regan After Coronavirus ‘Impeachment Scam’ Rant.”

“Fox Business Network announced on Friday that it has officially “parted ways” with anchor Trish Regan following her controversial rant against what she called the ‘coronavirus impeachment scam’ earlier this month,” The Beast reported.

“We’ve reached a tipping point. The chorus of hate being leveled at the president is nearing a crescendo as Democrats blame him and only him for a virus that originated halfway around the world. This is yet another attempt to impeach the president,” Regan argued on March 9th.

Trump, however, had no problem with Regan’s conspiracy theory, retweeting two people on Twitter who defended the ousted Fox personality, including one pointing out that Regan’s antics were not unlike what Sean Hannity does on a regular basis.

Can't say enough wonderful things about @trish_regan – one of the few conservatives in cable television. She's a great patriot and great friend.
— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) March 27, 2020

How is that any different than what Hannity has said?
Neither said anything wrong. They did not call Coronavirus a Hoax or Scam, they were referring to the Democrats’ politicization and weaponization of his response to the outbreak.
— ALX (@alx) March 28, 2020
California’s construction loophole shows confusion of ‘stay-at-home’ regulations
Decisions on who can work and who can’t sometimes seem arbitrary
 March 27, 2020 By Matt Smith

The San Francisco construction contractor with the slate of multimillion-dollar remodeling jobs is maneuvering through the oddest weeks of his career. In early March when the first COVID-19 cases hit California he said he’d pay workers to stay home if they showed flu symptoms. When six San Francisco Bay Area counties issued stay-at-home orders March 16 he told workers to lock up their job sites indefinitely. But after California ordered people to stay home March 19, the contractor learned his 30 crew-members were key to “essential infrastructure,” and thus permitted to work.

Perhaps the most surreal moment came when he had to tell this reporter to keep his name out of a story -- despite the potential publicity for his company’s high-end services -- because he fears a backlash from people who might wonder why his crews were returning to $2 million to $8 million home remodeling jobs, while armies of other workers were staying at home often without pay.

“What we’re doing is slowly restarting our jobs, and being careful because people in the neighborhood might freak out,” he said. “There’s a lot of talk about how people aren’t taking the mandatory quarantine seriously, or not being disciplined about it, and they’re going to see housing construction projects that are operating, and maybe react badly.”

California, viewed as taking a cautious approach to the COVID-19 outbreak, created a loophole that’s being interpreted as allowing construction workers to toil in and around people’s homes on designer kitchens, bathrooms, decks, and laundry rooms -- as long as the project had been initiated before the order. A similar carve-out has been introduced in states such as New York, where Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s stay-at-home order makes an exception for “construction firms and professionals for essential infrastructure.” There are loopholes for construction work in locations around the world too -- in the U.K., the government has allowed construction to continue, so long as workers stay about 6 feet apart.

Not everyone approves of these policies -- critics say some construction projects aren’t essential during the crisis. The “essential” designation is “endangering the lives of construction workers and their families,” Brooklyn city councilman Carlos Menchaca wrote in a March 26 op-ed.

The ongoing operation of residential construction sites echoes the ad hoc nature of regulations that govern who can go to work and who can’t in many parts of the world. The controversial orders in California, New York and elsewhere suggest that even the best practices established in the west to battle the coronavirus epidemic have been strongly shaped by political and economic considerations. Municipalities and states around America have developed differing ideas of what constitutes work “essential.” Anchorage and Denver, for example, anointed marijuana sales. California’s list of essential workers also include farmworkers, firefighters and mechanics. And what critics decry as a gap between the rationale and the reality of cities’ treatment of construction workers provides another example of the world’s unsure efforts to contain the disease.

“There are a million problems responding to epidemics: You have people who are dying. There’s misinformation floating around. And there are people who want to push the envelope. And I think this is pushing the envelope,” said George Rutherford, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California San Francisco. “If you have an 80 year-old and the heater is broken, that’s essential. If toilets are backing up, that’s a legitimate job. Finishing carpentry work is not an essential job, in my view.”

Lack of adequate housing is indeed a health care problem in states such as California. Visitors to the state come away shocked at the tens of thousands of homeless people camped unhealthfully on city streets. Additionally, health care companies, teaching hospitals, and local health agencies are among employers struggling to recruit staff because of scarce and expensive housing.

But infrastructure projects and apartment buildings typically take years to complete, rather than the months Californians are projected to shelter in their homes. And anti-development political forces that block housing construction in San Francisco also mean newly-minted tech millionaires spend their fortunes on state-of-the-art remodeling jobs rather than new homes. An analysis of city data shows that during the past two years San Francisco has issued 3,389 permits for remodeling work that have not been completed, canceled or withdrawn. Builders are being told these are the kinds of jobs they’re allowed to return to and complete. And according to Jay Cheng, public policy director of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, construction job sites and critical shops such as grocery stores are the rare businesses with workers not at home.

“The construction industry is critical in San Francisco. With a tight labor market and huge construction demand it’s an important driver of our economy. And it’s seen as an essential industry in Shelter in Place,” he said. “We’re seeing those remodeling jobs continuing during Shelter In Place. I’m staring out the window at one that’s happening right now.”

The mayor’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment, nor did officials with the offices of California’s governor or its health care agencies.

However, a source familiar with San Francisco’s coronavirus response who wasn’t authorized to speak on the record said that when Mayor London Breed received a draft of the proposed March 16 six-county stay-at-home order, she responded that it should characterize housing construction as “essential” to ensure peoples’ homes were habitable. The final draft allowed for the continuation of residential construction, as did the subsequent order by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is a former San Francisco mayor.

Sean Keighran, president of San Francisco’s Residential Builders Association, a local lobbying group, said he’s pleased Breed pushed for construction to proceed.

“I suspect it has to do with the large impact construction has on the economy, and California and San Francisco have a severe shortage of housing,” he said.

“You can’t shelter in place with no shelter,” Dan Dunmoyer, president of the California Building Industry Association, told Architectural Digest.

The statewide decision-making coincided with assertive input from the construction industry, said Peter Tateishi, CEO of the Associated General Contractors of California.

“I can’t say we were the reason he did this. But we made sure we were in communication with his administration, talking to his folks, and making sure we could report and respond as critical infrastructure needs were met,” said Tateishi, whose group has convened meetings with other construction trade associations to press for California state and county governments to facilitate construction work during the crisis.

Tateishi’s group has also pressed county governments around California to deploy inspectors and other support staff. And San Francisco sent letters to building inspection staff saying they had deemed essential personnel, and that they were to report to work.

This angered two building inspection employees who spoke on condition they not be named because they weren’t authorized to speak with the press. They said many of the sites up for inspection were home remodeling jobs not vital for preventing contagion..

A spokesman for the local office of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers said the union had stepped in to press officials to allow more inspection staff to work from home.

The mayor’s political opponents meanwhile questioned whether the push to keep construction going might have been an economic, rather than a health care decision.

“Our construction workers shouldn’t be treated differently than the rest of our people during this public health crisis,” said Aaron Peskin, a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. “They’re not cannon fodder.”

Oz Erickson, chairman of the San Francisco real-estate development firm Emerald Fund, said that economic reckoning for California’s construction industry will come gradually, as in-progress projects are completed without new ones down the line. Emerald fund just finished a 1,000 unit apartment building near downtown San Francisco, with two large projects in the pipeline at least for now. His plan for Emerald Fund in the immediate future is to hunker down and focus on the 1,600 apartments it manages in the Bay Area.

“I have heard from other developers that they are holding off on starting projects and not pursuing financing. With $3 trillion in equity lost from the U.S. economy I don’t think anybody is going to be willing to start new construction now,” he said. “I can’t imagine condo sales right now.”

Even among building trades people the “essential worker” status wasn’t universally a godsend.

Mairtin O’Tuairisg, the rare builder who would speak on the record, didn’t have to worry about a backlash. He’d just finished a week earlier a $600,000 job remodeling a relatively modest house in southwest San Francisco with nothing left in the queue. He had been scheduled before the crisis to give estimates for three other jobs, but homeowners aren’t taking meetings and he expects business to be dry for some time.

“There’s a whole world out there sitting in the same situation,” O’Tuairisg said. “My family is from Ireland. They’re on lockdown. I know people from Spain. They’re on lockdown. The rest of the world are having the same conversations as we are.”

Joe Blanco, a contracting specialist working on several San Francisco Bay Area projects, says builders have been saddled with the job of convincing a skeptical public their work is truly essential.

One contractor Blanco works with in a suburb east of San Francisco has printed wallet cards stating employees’ work is “essential” under the governor’s order. A crew member recently displayed his card to a police officer who pulled him over for sitting too close to his coworker-passengers.

“The cop said, ‘How long did it take you to print this thing?’” Blanco recalled.
Opinion: How the coronavirus pandemic could change the way businesses treat workers and customers
March 27, 2020 By Ann Skeet
10 ways companies can be more attentive and responsive to people’s needs

The coronavirus pandemic is changing the world as we know it. Make no mistake about it, as sure as this is a health crisis, it is also a crisis of ethics. Here are some of the proactive decisions many of the best business leaders are making now that ideally will continue to guide them after the coronavirus crisis subsides:

1. Maslow matters: Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is as helpful in business as it is in understanding human security, as I observed following the Wells Fargo false-account sales scandal.

Put simply, to contribute productively, people need their basic needs met. Businesses are not often asked to directly ensure the physical safety, food, and shelter needs of their employees. But they do in times of natural disasters and pandemics. Employers are acknowledging the uncertainty we all face now, while and trying to ease the daily lives of employees. I suspect these changes will be remembered fondly in the workforce. The relationship between employee and employer has eroded, but it has never been more critical to business success.

2. Accurate information is power: Journalists, educators, and legislators have been pushing for higher accuracy standards. Debate has raged about whether to rein in social media platforms, and companies are being asked to validate the information sources on their platforms. Important bellwethers in this space are occurring on websites ranging from Apple AAPL, -4.14% to Pinterest PINS, -1.71% .

Apple is “evaluating apps critically to ensure data sources are reputable and that developers presenting these apps are from recognized entities such as government organizations, health-focused NGOs, companies deeply credentialed in health issues, and medical or educational institutions” — all in the name of being a “credible news source” in the midst of the outbreak. Pinterest has indicated it will direct users only to valid health care sites. When we are not in a global crisis, validity and credibility should still be standards.

Read: Boeing’s 737 MAX problem is a symptom of another widespread illness plaguing Wall Street

3. Special services for special customers: Customer loyalty programs treat some customers as more equal than others. In this pandemic, businesses are finding other ways to add value. Many grocers, for example, have instituted early shopping hours for senior citizens, who are considered most vulnerable to COVID-19. Perhaps stores could find ways to serve seniors with special care after this virus fades.

4. Healthcare for all: Companies across the U.S. are re-evaluating health-care policies to protect hourly workers. What if they did so without a crisis? Companies with health benefits for all employees are better positioned to respond in times of great need. They also can focus on their customers more fully and retain employees more easily. This will still be true when we return to typical routines.

5. Provide emotional support for challenging jobs: Facebook FB, -4.01% is asking its content moderators to come into the office, even though many other employees are working from home. Facebook recognizes the unique toll this job takes on employees and wants to provide support for them in the workplace. The company may also be exposed to other liabilities if such work is done from home. Are there other places employees would benefit from such support? A new generation of U.S. workers expects mental health support at work.

6. Respect for educators: A well-trained, resilient workforce is something all businesses need. It has been heartening to see the tweets from parents, struggling to home-school children, now extolling the value of great teachers. Let’s not forget that when children return to school.

7. Avoid information overload: People want quality, useful information. That was true even before the coronavirus outbreak and it will be true when it is over. As a colleague harrumphed the other day, “Why should I care what Brooks Brothers is doing about COVID-19?” He’s not exactly in a frame of mind to go clothes shopping. Not every business needs to be communicating with customers now, and some are actually eroding their relationships with them by needlessly choking the flow of legitimate, potentially life-saving information.

8. Tolerance for flexible work schedules: It’s good that we’re all learning how to share our desktops on Zoom ZM, +7.47% now that it’s a business imperative. But it’s even better that we are laughing when the dog barks or our child interrupts because many of us are in this shelter-in-place pickle together. Wouldn’t it be great if this empathy lasted longer than a virus incubation period?

Read: Why you may still be working from home after the coronavirus crisis is over

9. Intolerance for violations of trust: Customers are paying attention to the small type in websites’ privacy and use policies now that their home is their office. Even before COVID-19, trust in leadership was at an all-time low, and it’s even lower now. Sure, Zoom offers flexibility, but it also uses surveillance features and acknowledges it might sell your personal data.

10. Planning ahead: Emergency preparedness is not sexy and, even done exceptionally well, gets no one promoted. But anyone in an executive or leadership role of any kind is obligated to make sure this gets done.

Employees and customers now want more of what they have always wanted from businesses: Dignity and respect — to be seen as something other than a means to an end; to be treated justly, bearing a fair share of risks and harms in the marketplace, equal or greater to the benefits they receive.

None of this is new. But the responsiveness of many companies to these desires is. Had these measures been in place already, as a normal course of improving businesses, shareholders certainly would be in a better position. Let this crisis be a lesson: What’s good for people is good for business.

Ann Skeet is senior director of leadership ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara (Calif.) University. Views are her own.