Monday, May 04, 2020

For Haitians, die of hunger today or coronavirus tomorrow?

AFP/File / HECTOR RETAMALIt's hard to maintain 'social distance' in Haiti's tightly-packed working class neighborhoods like Jalousie, in Petionville, Port-au-Prince
When the novel coronavirus first appeared in Haiti authorities and humanitarian experts panicked, worried about the country's decrepit health system -- but the pandemic's economic consequences could prove yet deadlier for the nation's poor.
With just eight official virus fatalities as of Saturday, the COVID-19 pandemic is still in its infancy in Haiti, where staying at home and social distancing are unattainable luxuries for many who make their living in the informal economy.
In an attempt to stem the spread of the virus the government of Haiti -- the poorest country in the Americas -- announced that wearing a mask would be compulsory in all public places beginning May 11.

AFP/File / CHANDAN KHANNAOn the hilltops east of Port-au-Prince, in the Petionville suburb, merchants have been protesting in the streets against a rule limiting their commercial activities to three days a week
Masks aside, for many Haitians the main question remains: Die of hunger today or coronavirus tomorrow?
On the hilltops east of Port-au-Prince, in the Petionville suburb, merchants took a stand for the latter option, protesting in the streets against a rule limiting their commercial activities to three days a week -- a town hall directive mainly issued in vain.
Consumer panic that followed the March 19 announcement that COVID-19 had arrived on Haitian shores has subsided, and customers are now making more measured purchases, particularly considering their often limited means.

AFP/File / Pierre Michel JeanBeginning May 11, 2020 wearing a face mask will be compulsory when out in the public in Haiti
Cereals constitute two-thirds of the daily caloric intake of the average poor Haitians. However the price of one such staple -- rice -- has more than doubled in some markets compared with 2019.
Inflation has accelerated since March, and the sharp rise in prices linked to the coronavirus pandemic will only worsen a recession which began about 1.5 years ago.
"With the looming crisis, we expect a decline of almost four percent," of gross domestic product, Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe said during an annual finance summit held online this year.
- Risk of famine -
Half of all Haitian jobs are in agriculture, even though the sector accounts for only 21 percent of the country's GDP, according to Haitian economist Etzer Emile.
Poor workers who own tiny farms watch their incomes melt away in the lean season between harvests, making preparations for the next harvest ever more difficult, especially in certain regions already threatened by drought.

AFP/File / Pierre Michel JeanA motorcycle taxi driver washes his hands at one of the many hand washing kiosks set up in Port-au-Prince's Nerette district
Long before the coronavirus pandemic crippled the global economy, the United Nations warned that 40 percent of Haitians would need emergency humanitarian assistance in 2020.
The estimate projected that starting in March nearly three million Haitians would be facing "severe food insecurity," a UN classification just below famine.
Haiti's diaspora has long kept the country from plunging into even deeper poverty by sending money home: More than $3 billion is transferred back to Haiti each year by those living abroad, totaling about a third of the nation's GDP, official figures show.
"Haitians depend on remittances for food, education and even funerals," Haitian economist Kesner Pharel said.
However the diaspora, mainly based in the United States, is now facing a wave of massive unemployment sweeping the world's largest economy.
Haiti's Ministry of Economy and Finance predicts that the financial aid will drop by almost a quarter in the coming months.
"We like to say that when the American economy suffers from the flu, Haiti suffers from pneumonia: The millions of jobs lost in the United States will cause worsening extreme poverty for sure," Pharel said.

Weisse The Obelisk And Freemasonry, 1880

Sufism : Omar Khayyam and E. Fitzgerald
by Bjerregaard, C. H. A. (Carl Henrik Andreas), 1845-1922

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Translators of Khayyam:
Juan Cole: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Richard le Gallienne: Lovers Rubaiyat
Reza Parchizadeh: The Persian Popular Songs Attributed to Khayyam
Kuros Amouzgar: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam for Students of Persian Literature
Robert Graves: The Original Rubaiyyat of Omar Khayam
Bahman Solati: Ruba'iyat of Hakim 'Umar Khayyam
A.J. Arberry: Omar Khayyam a New Version Based Upon Recent Discoveries
John Leslie Garner: The strophes of Omar Khayyám
E.H. Whinfield: The Quatrains Of Omar Khayyam
Parvez Hamayun: Rubaiyat of Khayyam
Arthur B. Talbot: Quatrains of Omar Khayyam
J. B. Nicolas: The Sufistic Quatrain of Khayyam

Edward FitzGerald: The Khayyamian
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam eds. Harold Bloom
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam eds. Daniel Karlin
The Romance of the Rubaiyat by A.J. Arberry
Who is the Potter: a commentary on the Rubaiyat of Khayyam by Abdullah Dougan

Nearer the hearts desire  poets of the Rubaiyat  a dual biograpghy by Robert Richardson
The Man Behind the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam eds. Bill Martin
Edward FitzGerald By Iran Hassani
The life of Edward FitzGerald: Translator of The Rubaiyat of Khayyam by Alfred McKinley

Studies on Omar Khayyam:
The Wine of Wisdom by Mehdi Aminrazavi
The Myth of Kayyam: A Study of Monologism by Reza Parchizadeh
The Great Umar Khayyam A Global Reception of the Rubaiyat by Seyed Gohrab
The Nectar of Grace: Omar Khayyam's Life and Work by Sawmi Govinda Tirtha
Sufism: Omar Khayyam and Fitzgerald by C.h.a Bjerregaard
Moral Deficiency contained in poems of Khayyam
Shibli and Omar Khayyam

Arthur C. Parker  

American Indian Freemasonry

A fascist fan boy collection of her works with the introduction being Nicholas Goodridge Clarke's excellent biography. He uses former German Canadian Anti Semite propagandist Ernst Zundel as a source as does the fan boy who created this collection. Zundel himself published some of the work here

Do I really have to give a Trigger Warning

I first came across Devi in an obscure basement used bookstore in Vancouver in the eighties and picked up her book on her Solar Religion especially when I saw she linked her Hindu Nationalism to Hitlers Star and called him a Man God. She was not unlike any other European adopting India as the truth the way and the Light of the East or Asia or of the Secret Chiefs, not unlike Madame Blavatsky, Anne Besant or that British plumber
Lama Lobsang Rampa of Tibet, was none other than Cyril Henry Hoskin, a native of Plympton, Devonshire....

And of course that is why I research this stuff I am a Heresiologist, google it.
Savitri Devi — A Warning to the Hindus — Contents

Part of her research and then focus on solar deities was on Akhnaton the Egyptian Pharoh who introduced monotheism into Egypt in particular the worship of the Sun God Ra as his father making him the first son of god.

Velikovsky another heretic has his own interpretation of this Akhnaton myth which he wrote after Devi's privately published work, which lay in obscurity. 

Oedipus and Akhnaton | The Velikovsky Encyclopedia

Oedipus and Akhnaton

(1960) is Velikovsky’s fourth book, and second in the series following Ages in Chaos. Velikovsky explains that he:
“… read Freud’s last book, Moses and Monotheism, and was prompted to read more about Akhnaton, the real hero of that book. Soon I was struck by some close parallels between this Egyptian king and the legendary Oedipus. A few months later I found myself in the libraries of the New World, among many large volumes containing the records of excavations in Thebes and el-Amarna. This study carried me into the larger field of Egyptian history and to the concept of Ages in Chaos – a reconstruction of twelve hundred years of ancient history, twelve years of toil. ..”
“… it properly follows Ages in Chaos, Volume 1, which covered the time from the great upheaval that closed the Middle Kingdom in Egypt to the time of Pharaoh Akhnaton. The present short book tells his story and that of the tragic events at the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty. In its wake, another volume of Ages in Chaos, too long postponed, will be concluded, bringing my historical reconstruction to the advent of Alexander.”[1]

Arabian medicine, being the Fitzpatrick lectures delivered at the College of physicians in November 1919 and November 1920;
by Browne, Edward Granville, 1862-1926



Sunday, May 03, 2020

The Exorcist Massage Parlor
Necrophilia, the attraction to what is dead, decaying, lifeless,
and purely mechanical, is increasing throughout our cybernetic
 industrial society.
The Falangist motto, "Long live death," threatens to become
the secret principle of a society in which the conquest of nature
by the machine constitutes the very meaning of progress, and
where the living person becomes an appendix to the machine.
The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness

Audience Priming
The Exorcist dramatically proved—if this needed proving— that the motion picture industry was not averse to making a fast buck with subliminal technology. Director William Friedkin maximized the return on the film's capital investment, reportedly in the neighborhood of $14 million