Sunday, May 24, 2020

Genetic study suggests domestic goats got pathogen-resistant gene from wild relatives


by Bob Yirka ,

Inner Mongolia cashmere goats are susceptible to gastrointestinal nematodes. 
Credit: Yu Zhang, Northwest A&F University

An international team of researchers has found evidence that suggests wild relatives of domestic goats passed on a gene to their domesticated relatives that boosts their pathogen resistance. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their study of goat genetic history and what they learned from it.

As the researchers note, by providing a steady source of meat and milk, goat domestication played an important role in the advancement of agriculture, and from there, the development of civilizations. But they also note that it is still not clear what sort of genetic changes domestic goats may have undergone that allowed them to become such a successful domesticated animal. In this new effort, the researchers sought to learn more about such changes by studying the genes of both modern and ancient species.

The work involved analyzing the genes of 164 modern domestic goats, 24 modern wild goats, 52 ancient goats and four ancient wild goats from different parts of the world. As part of their analysis, they sequenced all the samples and also carried out a demographic analysis of each as a means of isolating genes that were passed between different species.

The researchers found that modern domestic goats got a lot of gene segments from wild mountain goats. And one gene in particular, from a West Caucasian tur-like species, appears to have given modern goats an immune boost. The gene transfer was calculated to have occurred approximately 7,200 years ago, and it helped domesticated goats ward off a pathogen that interferes with digestion. The wild goat was believed to have lived in a subtropical environment where it had adapted to the pathogens found there. The researchers report that almost every species of modern goat has the gene—it codes for a protein produced in the lining of the gut. Testing showed that the few modern species that do not have the gene are more susceptible to infestations of nematode worm eggs.

The researchers conclude by suggesting that successful domestication of goats appears to have more to do with genetic additions that warded off pathogens in crowded conditions than for increased milk productioniversity

Capra caucasica horn and skull morphology. Credit: Joséphine Lesur, Muséum National d’Histoire

Goat grazing helps control buckthorn growth
More information: Zhuqing Zheng et al. The origin of domestication genes in goats, Science Advances (2020). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz5216
Journal information: Science Advances 

CHILE  Atacama Desert minerals

by European Space Agency MAY 22, 2020

Credit: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over part of Chile's Atacama Desert, which is bound on the west by the Pacific and on the east by the Andes. The Atacama is considered one of the driest places on Earth—there are some parts of the desert where rainfall has never been recorded.

In this image, captured on 26 June 2019, a specific area in the Tarapacá Region, in northern Chile, is featured—where some of the largest caliche deposits can be found. It is here where nitrates, lithium, potassium and iodine are mined.

Iodine, for example, is extracted in a process called heap leaching—which is widely used in modern large-scale mining operations. Leach piles are visible as rectangular shapes dotted around the image, although the exact reason for the different shades of colour is uncertain. Some leach piles could appear lighter or darker owing to the varying water content or soil type concentration.

The geometric shapes in the right are large evaporation ponds. Brine is pumped to the surface through a network of wells into the shallow ponds. The dry and windy climate enhances the evaporation of the water and leaves concentrated salts behind for the extraction of lithium—which is used in the manufacturing of batteries.

The bright, turquoise colours of the evaporation ponds are in stark contrast with the surrounding desert landscape—making them easily identifiable from space. Distinctive black lines visible in the image are roads that connect to the various construction sites.

Copernicus Sentinel-2 is a two-satellite mission to supply the coverage and data delivery needed for Europe's Copernicus programme. This false-colour image was processed by selecting spectral bands that can be used for classifying geological features.

Provided by European Space Agency

New method analyzes images to improve healthcare and manufacturing

New method analyzes images to improve health care and manufacturing
Hui Yang and Soundar Kumara have developed a novel algorithm, which has implications for health care and manufacturing. Credit: Hui Yang and Soundar Kumara
Patterns appear in both natural and human made systems, but they can be difficult for humans to recognize and analyze, especially in dynamic systems like the human heart or factory machines. To address this issue, researchers in the Penn State College of Engineering have developed a novel algorithm, which has implications for health care and manufacturing.
The researchers focused on understanding patterns in nonlinear, dynamic systems, as these intricate systems are challenging to analyze due to their nature—they fluctuate over multiple dimensions, such as space and time, and are near impossible to understand via human observation.
Led by Hui Yang, Harold and Inge Marcus Career Associate Professor, Soundar Kumara, Allen E. Pearce and Allen M. Pearce Professor of Industrial Engineering, and Cheng-Bang Chen, lecturer in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, the methodology was published in the Chaos journal of the American Institute of Physics.
"Our methodology analyzes different kinds of recurrences in data to provide a better understanding of the world around us," Yang said. "This work allows us to build a bridge between biological patterns, like in human anatomy, and man-made patterns, like in manufacturing."
To create the novel algorithm, the team analyzed  in complex,  produced by ultra-precision machining. UPM, a  that uses single-crystal diamond tools to refine metal workpieces at the atomic scale, is widely used in modern industries such as semiconductors and aerospace to produce highly precise cuts or polishing.
The spatial data showed a variety of surfaces over the UPM images, ranging from flat to rough to severely rugged. Good, quality products should have a similar surface, and bad quality products might have different textures on the surface.
New method analyzes images to improve health care and manufacturing
“This work allows us to build a bridge between biological patterns, like in human anatomy, and man-made patterns, like in manufacturing.” – Hui Yang, associate professor of industrial engineering. Credit: Hui Yang and Soundar Kumara
This operation captured and reiterated the behaviors of recurrence variations in the spatial data from the images to represent, characterize and quantify spatial patterns in the UPM images. The surface characteristics were shown to be highly correlated with the spatial recurrence patterns within the imaging data.
According to Chen, in the past, researchers had to physically measure a piece to get the quality of surface finishes when manufacturing. Their work now allows  to be approximated by using the images, which ultimately leads to cost savings and resource conservation.
In the future, this methodology can improve predictive models for the quality of UPM  finishes to enhance the quality of .
"The algorithm teaches you new things about the system as a whole," Kumara said. "Take for example: a signal impulse happens in one part of a system at a given time and space. Later, it has an observed repetition at a different point in time and space. If that pattern is found, then you can use it to predict such behaviors in the future."
According to Yang, the algorithm has broad implications for medical applications such as monitoring organ function, analyzing cancer images, and detecting organ dysfunction over time.
"You can use this algorithm on complex-structured data that is measurable or observable and is represented in 2-D, 3-D, or high-dimensional images," Yang said.

More information: Hui Yang et al. Heterogeneous recurrence analysis of spatial data, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (2020). DOI: 10.1063/1.5129959
Journal information: Chaos 
Provided by Pennsylvania State University 

Electrolysis: Chemists have discovered how to produce better electrodes

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Another step forward for renewable energies: The production of green hydrogen could be even more efficient in the future. By applying an unusual process step, chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have found a way to treat inexpensive electrode materials and considerably improve their properties during electrolysis. The group published their research results in the journal ACS Catalysis.
Hydrogen is thought to be the solution to the storage problem of renewable energies. It can be produced in local electrolysers, stored temporarily and then very efficiently converted back into electricity in a fuel cell. It also serves as an important raw material in the chemical industry. However, the green production of hydrogen is still hampered by the poor conversion of the supplied electricity. "One reason is that the dynamic load of the fluctuating electricity from the sun and wind quickly pushes the materials to their limits. Cheap catalyst materials rapidly become less active," says Professor Michael Bron from the Institute of Chemistry at MLU, explaining the basic problem.
His research group has now discovered a method that significantly increases both the stability and the activity of inexpensive nickel hydroxide electrodes. Nickel hydroxide is a cheap alternative to very active, but also expensive catalysts, like iridium and platinum. The scientific literature recommends heating the hydroxide up to 300 degrees. This increases the stability of the material and partially converts it to nickel oxide. Higher temperatures would completely destroy the hydroxide. "We wanted to see this with our own eyes and gradually heated the material in the laboratory to 1,000 degrees C," says Bron.
As temperatures increased, the researchers observed the expected changes to the individual particles under the electron microscope. These particles were converted to nickel oxide, grew together to form larger structures and, at very high temperatures, formed patterns reminiscent of zebra crossings. However, electrochemical testing surprisingly showed a constantly high activity level of the particles, which should have no longer been usable in the electrolysis. As a rule, large surfaces and, hence, smaller structures are more active during electrolysis. "We therefore attribute the high level of activity of our much larger particles to an effect that, surprisingly, only occurs at high temperatures: the formation of active oxide defects on the particles," says Bron.
Using X-ray crystallography, the researchers discovered how the crystal structure of the hydroxide particles changes as temperatures increase. They concluded that when heated to 900 degrees C, a point at which the particles exhibit the highest level of activity, the defects undergo a transitioning process that is completed at 1,000 degrees C. At this point, activity suddenly drops again.
Bron and his team are confident that they have found a promising approach since, even after repeated measurements after 6,000 cycles, the heated particles still generated 50% more electricity than the untreated particles. Next the researchers want to use X-ray diffraction to better understand why these defects increase the activity so much. They are also looking for ways to produce the new material so that smaller structures are retained even after heat treatment.
Advancing high temperature electrolysis: Splitting water to store energy as hydrogen

More information: Matthias Steimecke et al, Higher-Valent Nickel Oxides with Improved Oxygen Evolution Activity and Stability in Alkaline Media Prepared by High-Temperature Treatment of Ni(OH)2, ACS Catalysis (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b04788
Journal information: ACS Catalysis 
Provided by Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Fill the beaker or glass with warm water. Carefully remove the erasers and metal sleeves so you can sharpen both ends of each pencil. These pencils are your electrodes. The graphite in them will conduct electricity, but won't dissolve into the water.

Double helix of masonry—Researchers discover the secret of Italian renaissance domes

Double helix of masonry -- Researchers discover the secret of Italian renaissance domes
The double Loxodrome technique is comprised of rows of vertical herringbone bricks that spiral around the dome and are filled in by horizontal field bricks. Effectively, each course of bricks creates a structural element known as a plate-bande or flat arch that wedges interior bricks between the vertical end caps to distribute load throughout the structure. Credit: Vittorio Paris and Attilio Pizzigoni, University of Bergamo; Sigrid Adriaenssens, Princeton University
In a collaborative study in this month's issue of Engineering Structures, researchers at Princeton University and the University of Bergamo revealed the engineering techniques behind self-supporting masonry domes inherent to the Italian renaissance. Researchers analyzed how cupolas like the famous duomo, part of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, were built as self-supporting, without the use of shoring or forms typically required.
Sigrid Adriaenssens, professor of civil and  at Princeton, collaborated on the analysis with graduate student Vittorio Paris and Attilio Pizzigoni, professor engineering and applied sciences, both of the University of Bergamo. Their study is the first ever to quantitatively prove the physics at work in Italian renaissance domes and to explain the forces which allow such structures to have been built without formwork typically required, even for modern . Previously, there were only hypotheses in the field about how forces flowed through such edifices, and it was unknown how they were built without the use of temporary structures to hold them up during construction.
For Adriaenssens, the project advances two significant questions. "How can mankind construct such a large and beautiful structure without any formwork—mechanically, what's the innovation?" she asked. Secondly, "What can we learn?" Is there some "forgotten technology that we can use today?"
The detailed computer analysis accounts for the forces at work down to the individual brick, explaining how equilibrium is leveraged. The technique called discrete element modelling (DEM) analyzed the structure at several layers and stages of construction. A limit state analysis determined the overall equilibrium state, or stability, of the completed structure. Not only do these tests verify the mechanics of the structures, but they also make it possible to recreate the techniques for modern construction.
Applying their findings to modern construction, the researchers anticipate that this study could have  for developing  deploying aerial drones and robots. Using these unmanned machines for construction would increase worker safety, as well as enhance construction speed and reduce building costs.
Another advantage of unearthing new building techniques from ancient sources is that it can yield environmental benefits. "The  is one of the most wasteful ones, so that means if we don't change anything, there will be a lot more construction waste," said Adriaenssens, who is interested in using drone techniques for building very large span roofs that are self-supporting and require no shoring or formwork.
"Overall, this project speaks to an ancient narrative that tells of stones finding their equilibrium in the wonder of reason," said Pizzigoni, "from Brunelleschi's dome to the mechanical arms of modern-day robotics where technology is performative of spaces and its social use."Concrete printing in 3-D will put an end to boring buildings
More information: Vittorio Paris et al, Statics of self-balancing masonry domes constructed with a cross-herringbone spiraling pattern, Engineering Structures (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2020.110440
Provided by Princeton University 

Masonic architecture

Featured snippet from the web

Symbolism based on architecture and construction laid the basis of all Masonic iconography. The trowel, the bevel, the compass and Solomon's Shrine are among the most recognised symbols of Freemasonry and they refer to its roots – the medieval builders' guilds (architects, masons, sculptors).Sep 20, 2014

Bioinspired micro-robot based on white blood cells

Bioinspired micro-robot based on white blood cells
Credit: Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
A team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Stuttgart invented a tiny micro-robot that resembles a white blood cell traveling through the circulatory system. It has the shape, the size and the moving capabilities of leukocytes, and could perhaps revolutionize the minimally invasive treatment of illnesses.
Simulating a blood vessel in a laboratory setting, the team succeeded in magnetically steering the micro-roller through this dynamic and dense environment. The ball-shaped  vehicle withstood the simulated blood flow, pushing the developments in targeted drug delivery a step further: Inside the body, there is no better access route to all tissues and organs than the circulatory system. It spans every cell, offering an ideal route for navigation. The research project was published in Science Robotics on 20 May with the title "Multifunctional surface micro-rollers for targeted drug delivery in physiological blood flow."
The team took inspiration from , the task force of the immune system, as they are the only motile cells in the blood stream. On their patrol to places where pathogens have invaded, they roll along the blood vessel walls, penetrating out of the blood vessel when they reach a trouble spot. The key to their motility is mainly due to substantially decreased flow velocity at the vessel walls.

Bioinspired micro-robot based on white blood cells
Conceptual schematic depicting magnetically actuated microrollers locomoting against blood flow (upstream) on the vessel wall. Credit: Alapan et al., Sci. Robot. 5, eaba5726 (2020)
Exploiting the same phenomenon, the scientists developed a  they can actively propel forward and navigate inside the blood vessels in physiological high-speed blood flow conditions thanks to its magnetic properties. "Our vision was to create the next-generation vehicle for minimally invasive targeted drug delivery that can reach even deeper tissues inside the body with even more difficult access routes than what was previously possible," says Metin Sitti, Director of the Physical Intelligence Department at the MPI-IS and last author of the publication. Conventional therapies suffer from non-specific drug distribution in the body, he elaborates further, potentially causing severe side-effects in non-targeted organs and tissues.
Each micro-roller has a diameter of just under 8 micrometers and is made of glass microparticles. One side is covered with a thin nickel and gold film, the other with anti-cancer drug molecules and specific biomolecules that can recognize cancer cells. "Using magnetic fields, our micro-robots can navigate upstream through a simulated blood vessel, which is challenging due to the strong blood flow and dense cellular environment. None of the current micro-robots can withstand this stream. Additionally, our robots can autonomously recognize cells of interest such as cancer cells. They do this thanks to a coating of cell-specific antibodies on their surface. They can then release the drug molecules while on the move," Yunus Alapan explains. He is a postdoctoral researcher in the Physical Intelligence Department and the co-lead author of the publication.

Video of microroller in static whole blood from mice. Credit: Alapan et al., Sci. Robot. 5, eaba5726 (2020)

In the laboratory setting, the micro-roller can reach a speed of up to 600 micrometers per second—around 76 body lengths per second, representing the fastest magnetic micro-robot at this size scale. However, several challenges need to be addressed before they can perform this motion in a real-life scenario. In fact, they are far from being tested in the human body. In the lab, the team was able to image the robots using microscopes and to steer them using electromagnetic coils.
Video of the microrollers climbing towards the top of a curved 3D surface and propelling against blood flow. Credit: Alapan et al., Sci. Robot. 5, eaba5726 (2020)

"However, resolution of the current imaging modalities in a clinic are not high enough for imaging individual micro-robots inside the human body. Furthermore, therapeutic cargoes transported by a single micro-robot would not be sufficient, given the size difference between a micro-robot (around 10 micrometers) and the target tissues (thousands of micrometers). Therefore, the controlled manipulation of a high number of micro-robots in a swarm would be necessary to generate a sufficient effect. But we are still far from that," Ugur Bozuyuk says, who is a Ph.D. student in the same department and co-lead of the study. This was only the beginning.
Video of active targeting of cancer cells by mobile microrollers. Microrollers with HER2 antibodies moved over the endothelial cells to attach to human breast cancer cells. Credit: Alapan et al., Sci. Robot. 5, eaba5726 (2020)

The motivation for the research project goes back to Nobel laureate Richard Feynman's famous talk "There is plenty of room at the bottom." In his talk, the physicist envisions mechanical devices at the micron scale that can move through  and perform the surgeries from within the human body, coining the term "swallowing the surgeon."

Bioinspired micro-robot based on white blood cells
Microrollers (green) binding to breast cancer cells (blue and red) from their silica sides. Credit: Alapan et al., Sci. Robot. 5, eaba5726 (2020)
Over the past two decades, the research field has accelerated thanks to many leaps regarding fabrication techniques, materials used, actuation and imaging of the micro machines. However, current micro-robots inside the human body have been mostly limited to superficial tissues (e.g., inside the eye), locations with relatively easier access routes (e.g., the gastrointestinal tract), and stagnant or low-velocity fluidic environments. To reach deeper locations inside the , there is perhaps no way around the circulatory system, despite the conditions being very harsh. The scientists hope the bio-inspired strategy they have developed will help create a new venue for controlled navigation of micro-robots in the circulatory system in high-speed  flow conditions. This would potentially pave the way for targeted and localized therapeutic delivery by micro-robots.
Researchers use micro-robots to carry cells to a target site in live animals

More information: Yunus Alapan et al. Multifunctional surface microrollers for targeted cargo delivery in physiological blood flow, Science Robotics (2020). DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aba5726
Journal information: Science Robotics  

Provided by Max Planck Society 

Climate change helped produce San Diego's huge ocean heat wave in 2018, researchers find

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
University of California, San Diego researchers have confirmed that climate change helped produce the historic 43-day ocean heat wave that drew big crowds to San Diego beaches during the summer of 2018.
The finding was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, in a paper that says the phenomenon could not be solely attributed to natural variations in the weather.
The average summer water temperature at the Scripps Pier in La Jolla is 70.7 degrees. But in 2018,  readings surpassed 73 degrees on every day of the heat wave, which lasted from July 19 to Aug. 30. And the temperature surpassed 75 on 30 of those days.
The heat wave peaked on Aug. 9 when the  reached 79.5 degrees, the highest reading in the history of the pier, which opened in 1916.
UCSD's Scripps Institution of Oceanography says that coastal winds were unusually light that summer, which prevented cooler water from cycling to the surface. The marine layer also was weak, exposing the ocean to longer periods of sunlight. And monsoonal moisture flowed to the coast and helped the ocean hold its heat.
But UCSD says that the heat wave also was caused by global warming. Between 1916 and 2018 the baseline ocean temperature at the pier rose 2.2 degrees, Scripps says.
"Climate change is not only warming the atmosphere, it's warming the oceans," said Jimmy Fumo, a staff researcher at Scripps. "That's making marine heat waves more and more intense, and longer-lived. That's what we saw in 2018.
"The seemingly small bump in ocean temperatures can have massive impacts, and it doesn't just affect San Diego. It affects places all over the world."
Fumo was the lead author of UCSD's study of the .
Climate change is often cited as a factor in hurricanes, major rain events and heat waves. But scientists rarely take a deep look at how such change factors into a specific event, such as the warming that occurred in 2018.
The release of Fumo's paper coincided with a new period of unusually  along the San Diego County coastline. On May 4, the ocean hit 73 degrees at the pier, seven degrees above average.
At the time, the National Weather Service attributed the high temperatures to the absence of strong, seasonal winds along the coast. The winds have since picked up, and sea surface temperatures have returned to normal in many areas.
Weak winds in the Pacific drove record-breaking 2019 summertime marine heat wave
Journal information: Journal of Geophysical Research ©2020 The San Diego Union-Tribune
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Artificial intelligence can make personality judgments based on photographs

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Russian researchers from HSE University and Open University for the Humanities and Economics have demonstrated that artificial intelligence is able to infer people's personality from 'selfie' photographs better than human raters do. Conscientiousness emerged to be more easily recognizable than the other four traits. Personality predictions based on female faces appeared to be more reliable than those for male faces. The technology can be used to find the 'best matches' in customer service, dating or online tutoring.

The article, "Assessing the Big Five  using real-life static facial images," will be published on May 22 in Scientific Reports.
Physiognomists from Ancient Greece to Cesare Lombroso have tried to link facial appearance to personality, but the majority of their ideas failed to withstand the scrutiny of modern science. The few established associations of specific facial features with personality traits, such as facial width-to-height ratio, are quite weak. Studies asking human raters to make personality judgments based on photographs have produced inconsistent results, suggesting that our judgments are too unreliable to be of any practical importance.
Nevertheless, there are strong theoretical and evolutionary arguments to suggest that some information about personality characteristics, particularly, those essential for social communication, might be conveyed by the human face. After all, face and behaviour are both shaped by genes and hormones, and social experiences resulting from one's appearance may affect one's personality development. However, recent evidence from neuroscience suggests that instead of looking at specific facial features, the human brain processes images of faces in a holistic manner.
Researchers from two Moscow universities, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) and Open University for the Humanities and Economics, have teamed up with a Russian-British business start-up called BestFitMe to train a cascade of artificial neural networks to make reliable personality judgments based on photographs of human faces. The performance of the resulting model was above that reported in previous studies using machine learning or human raters. The AI was able to make above-chance judgments about conscientiousness, neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness and openness based on selfies the volunteers uploaded. The resulting personality judgments were consistent across different photographs of the same individuals.
The study was done in a sample of 12,000 volunteers who completed a self-report questionnaire measuring personality traits based on the "Big Five" model and uploaded a total of 31,000 selfies. The respondents were randomly split into a training and a test group. A series of neural networks were used to preprocess the images to ensure consistent quality and characteristics, and exclude faces with emotional expressions, as well as pictures of celebrities and cats. Next, an image classification neural network was trained to decompose each image into 128 invariant features, followed by a multi-layer perceptron that used image invariants to predict personality traits.
The average effect size of r = .24 indicates that AI can make a correct guess about the relative standing of two randomly chosen individuals on a personality dimension in 58% of cases as opposed to the 50% expected by chance. In comparison with the meta-analytic estimates of correlations between self-reported and observer ratings of personality traits, this indicates that an artificial neural network relying on static facial images outperforms an average human rater who meets the target in person without prior acquaintance. Conscientiousness emerged to be more easily recognizable than the other four traits. Personality predictions based on female faces appeared to be more reliable than those for male faces.
There are a vast number of potential applications to be explored. The recognition of personality from real-life photos can complement the traditional approaches to personality assessment in situations where high speed and low cost are more important than high accuracy. Artificial intelligence can be used to propose products that are the best fit for the customer's  or to select the possible 'best matches' for individuals in dyadic interactions, such as customer service, dating or online tutoring.

More information: Kachur, A., Osin, E., Davydov, D., Shutilov, K., & Novokshonov, A. (2020). Assessing the Big Five personality traits using real-life static facial images. Scientific ReportsDOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-65358-6
Journal information: Scientific Reports 
Provided by National Research University Higher School of Economics