Monday, July 27, 2020

Opposition Brews to Chinese Company's Purchase of Gold Mine in Canada as Ottawa Keeps Mum About Deal


The cabinet of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau along with members of his party are refusing to comment on the possible purchase and the prospects of it being permitted, while Canada’s Innovation Ministry, responsible for examining major foreign investments for possible threats to "national security", said it would weigh in on the benefits of the deal to the country's economy before making any decisions.
Regardless of the government's position, the deal has prominent opponents. A former national security adviser to Prime Minister Trudeau and his predecessor Stephen Harper, Richard Fadden, told The Wall Street Journal that the deal should be blocked by the government because China is allegedly the country's "adversary".
"This purchase should not go forward. They are clearly adversaries, and I think we have to take that into account every time they seek to buy something", Fadden opined.
A foreign policy analyst at the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank, Heather Conley, also suggested in an interview with the newspaper that despite not appearing suspicious, the deal could raise some issues in light of China's recent policy of trying to get a foothold in the Arctic region. The company itself has insisted that the deal is purely economic in nature, dismissing allegations that it might be something other than an ordinary acquisition.
"We are a commercially focused company that is well known to the Canadian mining industry. […] We see it as a straightforward gold-mining transaction", the company said.
Ottawa could also face pressure from abroad in regards to Shandong's attempts to buy the gold mining operation in the Arctic. The US Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has confirmed that it has been following developments relating to the deal, with its chairwoman, Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski, warning against ceding control of "vital resources to economic competitors". She, however, didn't clarify what actions the committee would be taking regarding the planned acquisition, only noting that some US policies may be needed to be brought up to date.
The concerns over the purchase of Canada's TMAC come as China has been increasingly showing interest in the Arctic region – its resources and potential waterways for transporting goods. It has recently declared itself a “near-Arctic state”, positing its interests in the Arctic, such as building a "polar silk road" in a separate white paper

At the same time, Beijing and Ottawa's relations have been spoiled by the ongoing detention of Huawei's chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested in Canada following an extradition request from the US. Washington claims that Wanzhou misled bankers about the nature of Huawei's operations in Iran, with the US alleging that the company had violated American sanctions, while Beijing and the tech giant are confident that the case is politically motivated and is not based on any hard evidence.
National Guard commander suggests Attorney General lied about gassing protesters for Trump photo o

July 27, 2020 By David Edwards

A National Guard commander who was present when authorities cleared Lafayette Square or protesters last month is expected to contradict Attorney General William Barr’s account of events.

In a statement posted to the House Natural Resources Committee website on Monday, Major Adam DeMarco said that “demonstrators were behaving peacefully” before authorties deployed “excessive use of force” against the protesters.

While Barr is on record insisting that a 7 p.m. curfew was not moved so the president could conduct a photo op at St. John’s Church, DeMarco tells a different story.

According to DeMarco, Park Police issued a warning at 6:20 p.m. that Lafayette Square would be cleared, but the warning was issued 50 yards from the protesters.

“[T]he announcements were barely audible and I saw no indication that the demonstrators were cognizant of the warnings to disperse,” he explained.

Just 10 minutes later, DeMarco said that he began to feel the effects of “tear gas,” which was familiar from his Army training. DeMarco claimed to have found spent “tear gas” cannisters on the street.

For their part, Park Police have said that “tear gas” was never used.

By 7:05 p.m., DeMarco saw Trump entering the square, where he held up a Bible and had his picture taken.

“Having served in a combat zone, and understanding how to assess threat environments, at no time did I feel threatened by the protestors or assess them to be violent,” DeMarco concluded. “From my observation, those demonstrators – our fellow American citizens — were engaged in the peaceful expression of their First Amendment rights. Yet they were subjected to an unprovoked escalation and excessive use of force.”

In June, Barr said that there was “no correlation” between Trump’s photo op and the decision to move up the curfew.
Trump says veterans’ ‘wall’ of protectors and ‘line of innocent mothers’ were ‘anarchists who hate our country’

Published  July 26, 2020 By Sarah K. Burris

President Donald Trump is desperately trying to win a “law and order” campaign, but to do so he has to paint Black Lives Matter protesters as a group of violent anti-American attackers. The video footage not only doesn’t support it, it’s working against him.

Over the weekend in Portland veterans from every branch of service lined up to protect Black Lives Matter protesters as Trump’s federal troops tear-gassed and beat protesters.

Here is Marine Corps veteran Duston Obermeyer talking about the Wall of Vets.

He mentions Chris David, a Navy veteran that went up to speak with federal officers last week and got brutally hit with a baton.

That backstory/video here:
— Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) July 25, 2020

Trump responded to the news by attacking the veterans.

“The ‘protesters’ are actually anarchists who hate our Country (sic),” Trump tweeted Sunday. “The line of innocent ‘mothers’ were a scam that Lamestream refuses to acknowledge, just like they don’t report the violence of these demonstrations!”

The “protesters” are actually anarchists who hate our Country. The line of innocent “mothers” were a scam that Lamestream refuses to acknowledge, just like they don’t report the violence of these demonstrations!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2020
Section of Donald Trump's 'indestructible' border wall COLLAPSES as Tropical Storm Hanna lashes south Texas

A video that went viral on Twitter on Sunday shows a section of the border wall toppling to the ground amid fierce wind and rain

The clip became the target of widespread ridicule as critics likened the collapse to President Donald Trump's re-election campaign 

Some users pointed out that last month Trump boasted that his wall is 'the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure' in the world

But others users called the validity of the footage into question, noting that its unclear when and where it was recorded

CPB officials reportedly said the video was not recorded in the Rio Grande Valley

PUBLISHED:26 July 2020

A viral video purportedly shows section of the border wall separating the US and Mexico collapsing under strong winds and heavy rains from Tropical Storm Hanna.

The video posted to Twitter by journalist Yadith Valdez on Sunday shows construction workers standing by and watching as fierce gusts knock the steel structure to the ground.

The clip became the target of widespread ridicule on social media as critics likened the section's collapse to the re-election campaign of President Donald Trump, who has already spent more than $11billion building the wall that is expected to cost an estimated $21.6billion to complete.

Some users pointed out that just a few weeks ago Trump boasted that his wall is 'the most powerful and comprehensive border wall structure' in the world.

But others users called the validity of the footage into question, noting that its unclear when and where it was recorded.

Scroll down for video


A viral video appears to show a section of the border wall between the US and Mexico collapsing under strong winds and heavy rains from Tropical Storm Hanna on Sunday


The video posted to Twitter on Sunday shows construction workers standing by and watching as fierce gusts knock the steel structure to the ground. The clip became the target of ridicule on social media as critics likened the collapse to President Trump's re-election campaign
Shocking moment Tropical Storm Hanna 'knocks down US border wall

Mexican news outlet Debate claimed in an article that the video was filmed at a section of wall dividing Texas from Ciudad Camargo in the state of Tamaulipas.

However, Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff refuted that report in a tweet, saying that Customs and Border Patrol officials told him the video was not recorded in the Rio Grande Valley.

'Unclear where it was filmed, but based on desert terrain, daytime recording and style of bollards, I'm guessing these are images of a monsoon out west, prob Arizona,' Miroff wrote.

Regardless of questions over the origin of the video, Trump critics had a field day with jokes about the collapse.

Best-selling author Rick Wilson tweeted: 'I have a Trump wall joke but it blows.'

Another man tweeted in response to Wilson: 'I have a trump wall joke but I know it will fall flat.'

'I have a Trump wall joke but it will fall apart before it's finished,' a third man wrote.

Yet another critic added: 'I hope the Trump Wall is still under warranty. I'd hate to see Mexico have to pay for it a second time.'

Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff discredited claims about the video being recorded in the Rio Grande Valley, citing information from Customs and Border Patrol officials

Regardless of questions over the origin of the video, Trump critics had a field day with jokes about the collapse


Trump has already spent more than $11billion building the wall that is expected to cost an estimated $21.6billion to complete. He is pictured at a promotional event for the wall in June has reached out to CBP for clarification about the video.

Hanna was downgraded to a tropical depression after it made landfall in south Texas along the Gulf Coast as a Category 1 hurricane on Sunday morning.

The storm dumped more than 12 inches of rain along the US-Mexico border as it tore through the area with winds of up to 50 miles per hour.


No work, no rent: Tenants grapple with mounting debt, shrinking benefits

With lower rent collections and tenants moving out early, some experts forecast rent declines by year's end.

By JEFF COLLINS | | Orange County Register
PUBLISHED: July 26, 2020

Alicia Kneifl had just started a new life in a new city with a new job.

She and her husband sold their house in Lancaster, put their goods and their boat in storage, and rented an 11th-story Long Beach apartment with city and ocean views.

Then the coronavirus shutdowns came, and the Kneifls rapidly lost everything — first their jobs, then their savings.

They paid less than half their rent through June and couldn’t pay any in July.

Adding to their hardship, Kneifl’s unemployment check will drop to $198 next week unless Congress extends the $600 weekly unemployment supplement approved under the CARES Act. 
With thousands of businesses closed, nearly 2 million jobless people in California are waiting for unemployment benefits, putting bills and rent in peril. In this file photo, a couple wearing protective masks from coronavirus walk by a closed hair salon in the Panorama City section of Los Angeles on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

“You can’t really survive on that. That’s nothing,” Kneifl said during a phone interview, starting to sob. “All day long, I’m researching. Mornings, I’m applying for jobs, afternoons I’m trying to find resources, like food stamps. … It’s definitely a scary situation.”

More than four months into on-again, off-again pandemic lockdowns, many Southern California tenants like Kneifl are at the end of their rope, with incomes cut and state and federal benefits coming up short — if they come at all.

One-third of 220 respondents to an online Southern California News Group poll said they missed 25% or more of their rent payments since the pandemic shutdowns began in March.

A U.S. Census Bureau survey found that 22% of Southern California tenants said they failed to pay their June rent on time. Thirty-seven percent said they have little to no confidence they’ll be able to make their next payment on time.

“Missed rent payments could become more common if Congress doesn’t take steps to provide financial assistance for those who have lost jobs,” said Greg Willett, chief economist for Dallas-based rent tracker RealPage.

Landlords hit

Southern California landlords also are getting hit as vacancies rise and rent hikes shrink.

In Los Angeles County, rents actually went down $1 a month this past spring from a year ago — the first annual dip in a decade. In Orange County, apartment rents leveled off, while Inland Empire rent hikes were the smallest in six years.

“Without a doubt, we’re seeing an increase in vacancies, and rents are decreasing,” said Fred Sutton, the California Apartment Association’s L.A. spokesman. “The pandemic has had a far-reaching effect throughout the economy.”

Los Angeles and Orange counties — which have higher numbers of workers in the hard-hit hospitality and service sectors — are seeing tenants breaking their leases and moving out, with or without their landlords’ consent. The two counties had a net loss of about 7,600 households, Willett said.

“Many of these renters are moving into smaller spaces or taking on roommate situations, or in some cases, even moving back in with parents,” Daniel Yukelson, executive director of the Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles, said in an email.

Some moving companies are being affected as well. San Luis Obispo-based Meathead Movers has gone on a hiring spree to meet increased demand for movers. Many people are moving for traditional reasons, like a home sale, said Meathead Movers Marketing Manager Dawn Ventura. But others either are fleeing the virus in hard-hit states like California or are downsizing due to job losses.

“At least a quarter of our business seems to be related to people making major life decisions following the impacts of COVID,” Ventura said. “There’s also been dozens of customers taking us up on our financing option, which seems to tie directly back to financial hardship and an unexpected need to move.”
Back rent due

Others are trying to come up with the rent money so they can stay put.
Renters are nearing the end of their financial rope as the assistance and protections given to them during the pandemic run their course. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

Torrance resident Sofia Pasta — proud mother of a 2020 USC engineering grad and a 16-year-old high schooler — saw her work at the South Bay Galleria Mall in Redondo Beach cut from 30 hours a week to as few as eight.

Her husband’s hours at a warehouse were halved. Her oldest son has a job, but the start date was postponed because of the pandemic.

She’s the only one getting unemployment checks — $475 a week from the state and $600 a week from the federal government.

The federal bonus is technically set to expire July 31, but the cutoff was effectively Saturday, July 25 owing to how states process payments.

“That extra $600 was a big help,” said Pasta, 42. If the payment expires, “it’s going to be a nightmare. I’m already behind on my bills.”

She’s negotiated with her credit card companies to waive interest payments. She’s also behind on car payments and auto insurance.

After paying for food, gas and utilities, Pasta’s only been able to pay $500 toward her $1,650 monthly rent for her family’s two-bedroom apartment.

“They said they want me to pay full rent in August and start paying the back rent,” she said. “We have the full intention to do so. But with a limited income, we’re not sure how.”
Unemployment rebounding

Renewed shutdowns have caused ebbing jobless claims to rebound.

The number of laid-off Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose to 1.4 million in mid-July, up slightly from the week before, U.S. Labor Department figures released last week show. About 32 million Americans now are getting jobless benefits.

The most recent state data show Southern California’s unemployment rate was 17.2% in June — down from 18.3% in May, but still towering over the 4.1% unemployment rate a year ago.

Yet, nearly 2 million Californians who applied for jobless benefits still haven’t received a check due to a backlog.

Nearly 12 million renters nationwide could be served with eviction notices in the next four months, an analysis by advisory firm Stout Risius Ross showed, Bloomberg News reported. California’s ban on processing most evictions remains in effect in California until three months after the coronavirus emergency ends, although a vote to end the ban early was under consideration briefly in June.
Help for some

The city of Los Angeles is about to disburse $103 million in CARES Act money to tenants, enough for just over 50,000 households. But the city received more than 200,000 applications — four times the number the city can help.

More cities should be following suit, said Sutton of the state apartment association.

“CARES dollars for direct rental assistance should be primary for local municipalities,” he said.
Salerno, an 80-unit affordable rent project, is under construction and will open in March 2021. Nearly 7,000 people applied to live here, where rents start as low as $560. (Courtesy: Irvine Community Land Trust)

The SCNG survey shows the need is great.

Eighty-two percent of respondents reported their household lost income since the pandemic began.

“I lost my damn job,” said a San Bernardino renter who has only paid two-thirds of his rent since the pandemic hit. “I can’t pay my freaking bills.”

82% of Southern California tenants pay June rent on time
About 10% of Southern California tenants failed to pay April rent
Bubble Watch: Lenders pull back as mortgages delinquencies rise
Rent Q&A: Do I have to pay? Coronavirus protections could buy time
Apartment rents level off; more cuts likely ahead

“My small business has been mandated to close once again,” added an esthetician, saying she hasn’t paid any rent for her Anaheim granny flat since April. “I’m worried I will struggle to pay it all back while paying for my current rent.”

Many complained their unemployment barely covers rent and food bills, worrying about benefits running out.

Susan Taylor of Newport Beach, laid off from her job as a real estate appraiser, hasn’t seen a dime of unemployment benefits, nor has she gotten the $1,200 stimulus payment from the CARES Act.

“I’m hoping that (assistance) will come through,” she said. “Now would be a good time.”

Taylor has only paid 40% of her rent since March. She’s negotiated with her utilities to work out a payment plan. Her only expenses are food and medicine.

“Beyond cost-cutting on food, utilities and all non-essentials, I’ve put off getting glasses, dental work, non-urgent medical appointments (and) haircuts to keep a roof over my head,” she said.

Lawmakers in Washington are negotiating a new coronavirus relief bill as state and local governments, schools, businesses and others push for a new dose of aid. Congressional Democrats want to keep the $600 benefit, the Associated Press reported. Senate Republicans have proposed benefits worth 70% of what people made before.

“It’s clear now that this crisis will not end any time soon and will be made much worse for renters (if Congress is) unwilling to extend unemployment benefits for 30 million people,” Taylor said.
No more parties

Jessica Hoxsey, 33, of La Habra had just returned to her old job working for a photo booth rental company when the pandemic stopped business in its tracks. Nobody was having parties anymore, so nobody was renting photo booths.

Her boyfriend now works just two or three days a week at his foundry job.

Her unemployment check will drop to $146 a week when the $600 supplement ends, which “really is not much of anything.”Members of Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) gather outside California Senate Majority Leader Bob Hertzberg home in Van Nuys Friday, July 17, 2020. The protesters went to the home to encourage Hertzberg to support AB 1436, a bill prohibiting landlords from evicting tenants because of unpaid rent due to the pandemic. (Photo by Hans Gutknecht, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

She hasn’t paid any rent for five months.

“I know this sounds really petty, but I don’t have any makeup. We don’t have cable or any Internet. We’re eating cheaper food. It’s not healthy for you,” she said. “We even started selling little things we have no use for. … But that doesn’t make much.”

Like Hoxsey, Alicia Kneifl has been selling possessions to raise cash.

Her husband had been making good money as a welder for a company that sets up conventions. But now, conventions have been canceled, and he’s still waiting for his unemployment benefits to get approved.

She had just started work as an escrow officer for a San Francisco company expanding into Irvine. But when the lockdowns began, the company lost an account, halted the expansion and laid off Kneifl and her fellow employees.

Kneifl applied for food stamps and for rent assistance from the city.

Under her agreement with her landlord, she was able to make partial payments through July but was supposed to resume paying full rent in August. She doesn’t have the money.

The manager posted a notice on her door warning eviction proceedings will begin “upon the lifting of the eviction moratorium” if the back rent isn’t paid.

She worries that within a few months, she may no longer have a roof over her head.

“That’s the scary thing,” she said. “Not knowing.”
Right-Wing MAGA Artist's Weird New Trump Prayer Portrait Gets Hilarious Makeover

Jon McNaughton's latest effort brings out Twitter's art critics.

By Ed Mazza, HuffPost US

Right-wing artist Jon McNaughton, known for his over-the-top portraits of President Donald Trump, is out with a new work showing historical figures gathered around the president while he prays. And it’s brought out Twitter’s art critics.

The image, titled “Legacy of Hope,” depicts people such as former presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as well as Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and Robert E. Lee standing around Trump, some with a hand on his shoulders. In a video explaining the piece, McNaughton said that he was inspired by an image of people like “Diamond and Silk” and televangelist Paula White praying over Trump in the Oval Office.

McNaughton has a history of placing Trump in weird situations, including riding a motorcycle past the Capitol and commanding a boat à la Washington crossing the Delaware.

Most of his past images have brought out the critics on Twitter and the latest was no exception, with some offering observations and others making a few alterations to the image:

"time to step away from the desk"— Jemaine Clement (@AJemaineClement) July 26, 2020
Ive got a theory... In years to come, we will discover Jon McNaughton has been playing out one of the greatest "art heists" of our time, an art world Sacha Baron Cohen, grifting the entire right-wing base & selling them prints that appeal to their dumbest instincts.— Duncan Jones (@ManMadeMoon) July 26, 2020

As you command.— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) July 26, 2020

Oh— Molly Jong-Fast🏡 (@MollyJongFast) July 26, 2020

Fixed it— Double Dee (@DCdebbie) July 26, 2020


“We share a legacy” is one way to summarize people who literally went to war with one another (Lincoln and Lee) with one of these sides seeking to keep the Black people enslaved— Don Moynihan (@donmoyn) July 26, 2020

Ok. MUCH improved! Now I must go back to work!!— LynSanity (@LynKream) July 26, 2020
Image— jocнarвra (@greenngold4me) July 26, 2020


I get it now. They are asking Trump to resign. Well done.— Boozy NoBody (@tcapotesashes) July 26, 2020

This painting is closer to reality... "Legacy of Joke"— PinkPurpleBlue🌊🌊🌊✊😻🗽 (@PinkPurpleBlu12) July 26, 2020

I don’t understand.— Blackstar Whitestar (@LionBlackstar) July 26, 2020

Fixed it.— StickyBunny (@skullisland1919) July 26, 2020

More appropriate.....— O.P. YATES (@DaveMayberry335) July 27, 2020


SpaceX on track to become third most valuable private company in the world


ByEric Ralph
Posted on July 27, 2020

SpaceX is on track to become the third most valuable private company in the world if it successfully raises a new round of funding.

First reported and confirmed by CNBC, SpaceX hopes to raise between $500 million and $1 billion via a new investment offering. The Series N round would ultimately value the company at $44 billion – second only to China’s Didi and Bytedance (known in the US for TikTok) – if SpaceX finds significant investor interest at the upgraded $270 share price. Based on the ~$3.4 billion SpaceX has raised over more than a dozen rounds in just the last several years, strong investor demand is all but guaranteed.

The confidence and interest of investors can be explained in large part by SpaceX’s spectacular success in the face of countless systemic and technological challenges, as well as its association with founder and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Perhaps even more at odds with success than SpaceX’s near-term goals, Tesla’s meteoric rise and iron grip on the global consumer electric vehicle industry has unsurprisingly helped convince many that success is often just a matter of time for Musk’s calculated ventures.

SpaceX is in talks to raise a fresh $1 billion in funding at $270 a share, Bloomberg reports – which would raise the company’s valuation from $36 billion to $44 billion.— Michael Sheetz (@thesheetztweetz) July 23, 2020

Dozens of Starlink satellites streak through the night sky in this long exposure image. (Richard Angle)

Both SpaceX’s Starship and Starlink programs are in the midst of major, capital-intensive shifts in strategy. (NASASpaceflight – Nomadd)

Like several recent fundraising rounds, SpaceX is seeking investors willing to support the company’s long-term vision in the hopes that its Starship and Starlink programs will be as disruptive and revolutionary as they aim to be. CNBC reports that SpaceX is telling prospective investors that Starlink aims to become a major player in a range of industries with a potential global market of more than $1 trillion per year. That figure is almost certainly a best-case theoretical value assuming that SpaceX has completed a vast ~40,000-satellite Starlink constellation and is able to capture almost every single prospective customer.

It’s still within the realm of possibility, though. On its own, Starlink holds the potential to become one of the largest companies in the world – public or private – if SpaceX achieves every ambitious goal it’s set itself to. In that context, there’s a chance that acquiring a stake in SpaceX at a valuation of ~$44 billion will set investors up for unprecedented returns on the order of Tesla investors buying shares for $100-200 in the early 2010s.

60 Starlink v1.0 satellites stacked and ready for launch. (SpaceX)

Of course, that investment rationale doesn’t even touch on Starship, aside from the fact that Starship will be a necessity if SpaceX is to have any chance of launching and maintaining a constellation of tens of thousands of satellites. Beyond the Starship/Super Heavy launch vehicle’s integral role in future plans for Starlink, the next-generation rocket is arguably a much thornier technical challenge than Starlink while also offering far less return-on-investment (ROI) certainty. Relative to other industries, particularly those with demand for communications services, the global demand for commercial launch services is minuscule, representing just a few billion dollars per year.
Starship SN5. (NASASpaceflight – bocachicagal)
A senior SpaceX engineer and executive believes that Starship’s first orbital launch could still happen by the end of 2020. (SpaceX)

Even if Falcon 9 – let alone Starship – dramatically cuts the cost of access to orbit, there’s no guarantee beyond basic economic theory that lowering the barrier to entry will necessarily expand the market for launches. For a radical expansion in demand, entire new space-adjacent industries will have to be created given that the vast majority of modern demand comes from space-based communications companies.

SpaceX has known that this would be the case for at least half a decade, however, and is thus intelligently positioning Starlink as a primary investor focus as far as revenue and profit are concerned. Starlink would thus help SpaceX complete the Starship launch vehicle, which is far more focused on the company’s foundational goal of making humanity a multiplanetary species by enabling the creation of a self-sustaining city on Mars. Still, Starship will need to be revolutionarily affordable, reliable, and reusable for SpaceX to ever even dream of achieving that founding goal.

In the process of tackling those technical challenges, Starship could very well expand the global space industry by one or several magnitudes, but it will remain a major wildcard up until the day it does.

Check out Teslarati’s newsletters for prompt updates, on-the-ground perspectives, and unique glimpses of SpaceX’s rocket launch and recovery processes.
Op-Ed: Pompeo announces what sounds like a new Cold War with China


After almost daily rants against China, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is now indicating that the goal of US hostility is to change China as the US begins what is in effect a new Cold War against the country.

Back to the red scare era

Pompeo likened the situation as akin to the earlier Cold War with the Soviet Union. He said that other nations in the world had an obligation to defend freedom and warned that at “our children’s children may be at the mercy of the Communist party.” He also claimed that the US had changed Soviet behavior.
Pompeo's language harks back to the language of red scares. Like the Soviet reds China wants to dominate the world and is a threat to all "freedom loving" nations. The aim may be in part to cause Americans and others to fear Chinese domination in the future.
Pompeo said: “Changing the CCP’s behavior cannot be the mission of the Chinese people alone. Free nations have to work to defend freedom. If we bend the knee now, our children’s children may be at the mercy of the Communist party." Pompeo said he had faith that the US could get China to change its behavior. This rhetoric is completely bizarre but it shows what US officials believe can still be effective in manufacturing consent for US policy in the future. If the US is so intent on defending freedom why is it a close ally of authoritarian states such as Saudi Arabia and why do they recognize their own chosen coup leader Juan Guaido as the interim leader of Venezuela rather than the elected president Nicolas Maduro?
US domination may be doomed
The US is the dominant nation both economically and militarily throughout the globe. The US tries to function as world policeman backed by its economic and financial power The US uses sanctions to try and control the behavior of nations such as Venezuela that resist its policy aims.
China's huge economic growth is beginning to challenge the US dominance although even allies such as the European Union are becoming frustrated by the US use of international systems such as the SWIFT financial system as a weapon to further its own ends. Christopher Bovis, professor of international business law at the University of Hull in the UK, notes "The European Commission has been developing a system, a parallel system to SWIFT which will allow Iran to interface with European financial systems, European clearing systems, using the nominations supported and created by the European Investment Bank based on the euro."
US policy is not to engage with China

The US and China could develop a win-win trade relationship with each other but US policy seems now to see China as an evil competitor. Pompeo said that the US can "never go back to engagement" declaring it a Marxist Leninist regime that was following a bankrupt totalitarian ideology. However, China's economy has been booming and in time may come to equal US production. Meanwhile, the US appears to be not facing up to its own social and economic problems but instead is using fear of China to divert attention from problems withing the US itself. Instead of pursuing productive trade and other relations with China a win-win situation the US has chosen a path which will hurt the economies of both countries and heighten tensions a lose-lose strategy.

This opinion article was written by an independent writer. The opinions and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily intended to reflect those of

Portland's troubles reflect a leftist history but also a racist past

For Portland, social conflict and street clashes are nothing new. The Oregon city has a long history of pro-labor militancy coupled with an anti-fascist culture and defiance of authorities -- but also, further back, a dark segregationist history.

So Portland, despite its small black population, was not entirely a surprising venue for the weeks of anti-racism protests that have drawn national attention, prompting President Donald Trump to send in federal agents in a highly controversial move.

Protesters have mobilized almost nightly since the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd, a black man, under the knee of a white police officer.

But the city of 650,000 began forging its reputation for far-left militancy years ago, during the ferment and unrest of the 1960s, much like Seattle to the north and San Francisco farther to the south.

And since the 2016 presidential election, the city has come to symbolize virulent opposition to Trump and his Republican Party.

"Anti-authoritarian leftist politics... have been present in Portland's true protest culture for the last 30 years or so," said Joe Lowndes, a political science professor at the University of Oregon.

- 'Little Beirut' -

The city earned the nickname of "Little Beirut," a reference to the years-long war in Lebanon, after then-President George H.W. Bush was met there with barricades, burning tires and hostile slogans.

"More recently, there's been a lot of kind of anti-fascist work which has been done on the streets of Portland," pushing back against far-right and white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, Lowndes said.

Protests and "violent attacks" on Portland residents by such far-right groups after Trump's political emergence in 2016, he added, spurred the development of "an active network of anti-fascist activists, who have grown over the last few years."

In November 2016, a demonstration against Trump's election degenerated into three days of rioting and clashes with police.

The emergence early this year of the COVID-19 pandemic initially helped restore calm on the streets.

But by then scenes of shaven-headed white supremacists and neo-Nazis clashing with hooded and black-garbed "antifa" anarchists had become commonplace.

"It is kind of a battleground for extremism," Lowndes said.

- Feedback loops -

Federal police guarded the US courthouse in downtown Portland, Oregon amid continuing protests late on July 24, 2020  Kathryn ELSESSER, AFP

"Because Portland has gained this reputation as kind of liberal, radical (and) progressive, that draws people in who share those views, and it becomes ... almost a feedback loop," making the city ever more radical, said Steven Beda, a specialist in the region's history at the University of Oregon.

A mirror-image feedback loop in some rural parts of eastern Oregon, Beda said, attracted far-right militias and communities starting in the 1960s.

Despite Portland's current reputation as a leftist haven, the city and state were the product of fundamentally racist institutions, Beda pointed out.

The Ku Klux Klan "had a huge presence in Oregon in the 1920s. It actually had the highest per capita membership numbers... and there was a very, very close relationship throughout the 1920s between the political system and the Klan," he said.

As recently as 1926, local laws forbade black people from entering the state under pain of whipping -- a punishment to be repeated every six months if they remained.

- A history of racism -

Members of the 'Portland Mom's Brigade' link arms on July 24, 2020 during an anti-police brutality rally in the Oregon city

So in Beda's view, "Any conversation about Portland's radicalism, I think, has to exist alongside this other conversation about the history of exclusion and racism in Portland," where only six percent of the population is black.

Further fueling the recent tension is the long-strained relationship between some residents and Portland law enforcement, Lowndes said, which contributed to the locals' strong pushback against the federal agents sent by Trump into the city in recent weeks.

“The previous two or three years of protest policing in Portland have created a fracture with the community," said Michael German, a former FBI agent now with the Brennan Center for Justice, in New York.

Federal police guard the US courthouse in Portland as protests have continued nearly every night for two months

"The more aggression the police gave, the more aggression was returned," he told the Washington Post.

Protesters, police clash in latest outcry over US feds

Protesters took to streets across the United States overnight into early Sunday, sparking clashes with police and a fatal shooting in Texas, amid a wave of public anger over Donald Trump's planned "surge" of federal agents into main cities.

The demonstrations against racism and police brutality -- ignited two months ago by the death in Minneapolis of unarmed African-American George Floyd -- come as the US president faces an increasingly tough battle for re-election, and is campaigning on a "law and order" platform.

He has met stiff resistance from big city mayors, like Lori Lightfoot of Chicago, many of them Democrats who accuse Trump of magnifying the problem for political gain.

"I have drawn a very hard line. We'll not allow federal troops in our city," Lightfoot said on CNN's "State of the Union."

"We will not tolerate unnamed agents taking people off the street, violating their rights and holding them in custody."

The demonstrations against racism and police brutality come as the President Trump faces an increasingly tough battle for re-election, and is campaigning heavily on a platform of "law and order"
Jason Redmond, AFP

Protesters marched in Austin, Texas, as well as Louisville, Kentucky; New York; Omaha, Nebraska; California's Oakland and Los Angeles, and Richmond in Virginia.

In Austin, a man was killed in a shooting that broke out Saturday night at a protest in the downtown area of the Texas state capital, police said.

A witness, Michael Capochiano, told the Austin Statesman newspaper that the incident occurred when a man in a car turned onto a street where protesters were gathered and drove toward the crowd.

The vehicle became surrounded by shouting protesters, and one approached the vehicle carrying a rifle, he said.

The driver then stuck a gun out of the car window and fired several shots, hitting the man with the rifle, before speeding away, according to Capochiano.

Police said the shooter was in custody, and cooperating with investigators.

In Seattle, police arrested 45 people during a night of violent protests in which demonstrators set fire to trailers by a construction site for a youth detention facility.

Protesters slashed car tires and smashed trailer windows, prompting police to declare a riot and clear the streets with pepper spray and flash-bang grenades.

Police in Seattle faced off against protestors, some holding umbrellas against falling pellets of pepper spray
Jason Redmond, AFP

Police Chief Carmen Best implored people to "come in peace to the city," and castigated the demonstrators.

"The rioters had no regard for the community's safety, for officers' safety or for the businesses and property that they destroyed," local media quoted her as saying.

- Federal agent 'surge' -

Further south in Portland, police and federal agents fired tear gas and forcefully dispersed protesters for a second night early Sunday.

Police moved after a group of protesters tried to pull down a fence erected around a federal courthouse.

Protestors wave placards and shout slogans as they take part in a rally against police brutality in Portland

Portland has taken center stage for the highly controversial crackdown by federal agents ordered by Trump -- one that is not supported by local officials, and which many say smacks of authoritarianism.

Saturday's demonstration began peacefully, with crowds playing music and dancing, blowing soap bubbles and attaching red roses to the barricades.

But it ended -- like many before it -- with tear gas fired after protesters attached ropes to barricades surrounding the city's courthouse in an attempt to pull them down.

Portland police declared the area a riot, ordering protesters to leave, before they were joined by federal officers to clear the area.

An AFP reporter saw at least two men being detained and escorted from the scene by federal officers.

Portland police earlier confirmed a man was stabbed, with the suspect "held down by protesters" before he was detained by officers and charged with assault, according to a statement.

The victim was transported to hospital with a serious injury.

- 'Little green men' -

"I don't like what's happening down here, what Trump is doing," said Mike Shikany, a 55-year-old aerospace engineer at the protest, adding he did not "want to get anywhere near the little green men," meaning the federal troops.

Portland retiree Jean Mullen, 74, said that without pressure nothing would change.

"It's time to become the country we always brag about being. And we can't brag anymore, about anything. We aren't first in anything and it's a terrible, terrible thing to see at the end of my life," she said.

The inspector general of the US Justice Department on Thursday opened an official investigation into the federal crackdown, but an Oregon federal judge on Friday rejected a legal bid by the state to stop agents from detaining protesters.

Trump last week announced a "surge" of federal agents to crime hotspots including Chicago, following an increase in violence in the nation's third-largest city.

Federal authorities said agents deployed there would partner with local law enforcement, not serve as riot-control forces as seen in Portland.