Monday, July 27, 2020

Book that exposed French author to be made into film

Issued on: 27/07/2020 -

Vanessa Springora's memoir 'Consent' told the story of how she was groomed and abused by writer Gabriel Matzneff when she was just 14 
Martin BUREAU AFP/File

Paris (AFP)

A bestselling book that exposed the acclaimed French writer Gabriel Matzneff as a paedophile is to be adapted for the big screen, its producers said Monday.

Publisher Vanessa Springora ignited a huge scandal in France earlier this year with her memoir "Consent", in which she described how she was groomed by Matzneff when she was 14.

Two other women have since come forward to say they too were abused by him as teenagers.

Matzneff, who never made a secret of his preference for sex with adolescent girls and boys, is to stand trial in September on a charge of promoting paedophilia.

Prosecutors have also launched a rape investigation into the diarist, long notorious for his 1974 defence of paedophilia, "Les Moins de Seize Ans" ("The Under 16s").

Matzneff, now 83, told French television in January that he regretted past trips to Asia to have sex with minors, claiming that at the time "no one ever said it was a crime".

The scandal has shaken the French literary establishment, in which for years Matzneff occupied a privileged niche, winning the prestigious Renaudot prize in 2013.

Last week a deputy mayor of Paris was forced to resign because of his links to the writer.
The producers of the film said it would be directed by the rising French star, Vanessa Filho, whose debut film "Angel Face" premiered at the Cannes film festival in 2018.

She is also writing the script.

- Blind eye -

The Matzneff scandal was one of the turning points in the #MeToo movement in France, after decades of people turning a blind eye to the diarist's behaviour despite his frankness about his private life.

Within months of the latest instalment of his "intimate journals" hitting the shelves, French publishers began pulling his books from shops as Springora's book began making headlines in January.

Matzneff denounced the "unjust and excessive attacks" on him, claiming that his relationship with Springora had been one of "beauty".

But in her book, which quickly became a bestseller, she wrote: "Aged 14, you are not supposed to have a 50-year-old man waiting for you when you leave school.

"You are not supposed to live in a hotel with him, or find yourself in his bed with his penis in your mouth when you should be having your mid-afternoon snack."

Springora said Sunday that her book had helped her "be honest with myself and take back my own story.

"'Consent' helped me reinvent myself," she told the JDD newspaper.

"Today I feel that I have closed a chapter [of my life] and I can move on. But it will always be [a part of] me," she added.

© 2020 AFP
Half century on, US hawks revive criticism of China normalization



Issued on: 27/07/2020 - 19:24Modified: 27/07/2020 - 19:22

Chinese leader Mao Zedong and President Richard Nixon hold a historic meeting on February 22, 1972 AFP/File

Washington (AFP)

For half a century, Richard Nixon's opening to communist China has been viewed by many Americans as a diplomatic masterstroke, with successive presidents of both parties following his course.

US hawks have now revived an alternative view -- that normalization was a mistake that, in the view of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, set the stage for an aggressive China and soaring tensions between Washington and Beijing.

It all began in 1971 with secret trips to Beijing by Henry Kissinger, Nixon's national security advisor.

Nixon stunned the world when he announced his own 1972 visit to China to see supremo Mao Zedong. This time the trip was anything but quiet, with the pageantry broadcast back home to US television viewers in an election year.

Nixon had built his career as a staunch hardliner on communism, leading to what became a US political axiom that only Nixon could establish relations with communist China.

- Ending 'old paradigm' -

Pompeo last week delivered a rebuke -- all the more stinging as he spoke at the Nixon library and museum in southern California where the Republican president is buried.

"President Nixon once said he feared he had created a Frankenstein by opening the world to the CCP, and here we are," Pompeo said, referring to the Chinese Communist Party.

"The old paradigm of blind engagement with China simply won't get it done," Pompeo said.

Calling for a "new alliance of democracies," Pompeo said that Chinese President Xi Jinping "is not destined to tyrannize inside and outside of China forever, unless we allow it."

Stapleton Roy, who took part in the secret negotiations in the 1970s before becoming US ambassador to China two decades later, said that Pompeo's "old paradigm" was never the basis for US policymakers.

"It is historically inaccurate to say that the US policy of engagement with China was based on a naive expectation that China was bound to liberalize politically," said Roy, who later headed the Wilson Center's Kissinger Institute on China and the United States.

According to Roy, Nixon and Kissinger were "totally pragmatic" in their objectives with China.

"The original purpose of the Nixon/Kissinger breakthrough to China in 1971/72 was to strengthen our position in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and secondarily to get China's assistance in winding up the Vietnam War," he said.

"The main purpose was decisively achieved. The second was not."

Even with Nixon's anti-communist bona fides, many US conservatives as well as some liberals were livid at the prospect of abandoning ally Taiwan, where the mainland's nationalists had fled upon defeat in 1949.

It was not until 1979 that Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing, with Congress requiring that the United States still provide for the defense of Taiwan, which has since transformed into a vibrant democracy.

- Economic interests prevail, then frighten -

Mira Rapp-Hooper, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, called Pompeo's account a "very crude representation" of how normalization took place.

"Diplomats never believed that China was going to become Jeffersonian democracy," she said.

"While there was optimism for progress, there was not hope that the simple fact of American engagement was going to radically change the nature of the Chinese party's state," she said.

Any hopes that rose with Deng Xiaoping's opening of the Chinese economy were shattered in 1989 with troops' deadly repression of massive pro-democracy protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 after vowing to get tough on what his campaign called the "butchers of Beijing" -- but he eventually ended the link between China's trading privileges and human rights.

"Economic interest did ultimately prevail," Rapp-Hooper said.

"There was a sense of China sort of inexorably rising in a way that had positive benefits for the United States."

With China's entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001, the billion-plus nation witnessed soaring growth and its manufacturing-driven economy became intertwined with the world.

In the words of Pompeo, Western policies "resurrected China's failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that were feeding it."

A turning point came with the 2008 financial crisis when Chinese leaders came to believe "that the US democratic liberal model was faltering, and that China increasingly had an opportunity to assert itself on the global stage as a great power," Rapp-Hooper said.

Xi has amassed power since becoming president in 2013, suppressing dissent and clamping down both on the Uighur minority and in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.

Relations keep deteriorating with the United States, with President Donald Trump's administration, flexing muscle ahead of elections, slapping sanctions on Chinese officials, arresting Chinese nationals on espionage charges and closing down Beijing's consulate in Houston.

"China has taken on the characteristics of other rising powers by becoming more arrogant and demanding in advancing its interests," Roy said. "That is a problem that good diplomacy can deal with, without threats and bluster."

© 2020 AFP


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The Communist Party of China's victory (1949) in the Chinese Civil War caused a break in relations that lasted until 1970, when Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau became one of the first Western leaders to recognize the People's Republic of China.

Banksy to donate sale of artwork to Palestinian hospital

Issued on: 27/07/2020 -

Banksy's "Walled-Off" Hotel faces Israel's controversial separation barrier in the occupied West Bank town of Bethlehem 

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP)

British street artist Banksy is to donate the proceeds from the auction of one of his works, valued at over $1 million, to a Palestinian hospital, one of his collaborators told AFP on Monday.

Titled "Mediterranean Sea View 2017," the work is to be auctioned Tuesday at Sotheby's in London, said Wissam Salsaa, director of the Walled Off Hotel which Banksy helped set up in 2017 in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The work comprises three oil paintings depicting views of raging seas and shoreline littered with orange life jackets and buoys, alluding "to the lives lost at sea during the European migrant 'crisis' of the 2010s", according to the description on the Sotheby's site.

The work, which used to hang in the entry of the hotel, is valued at $1.5 million, according to Salsaa.

All the proceeds will go to a hospital in Bethlehem to build an acute stroke unit and buy children's rehabilitation equipment, Sotheby's said.

In May, a new work by Banksy paying tribute to Britain's health service and medics battling the novel coronavirus pandemic was installed in a hospital in southern England.

It will later be auctioned to raise money for charities connected to the country's National Health Service (NHS).

The artist, whose true identity remains a secret, has unveiled multiple works in Bethlehem, home of his Walled Off Hotel where all rooms overlook a concrete section of the barrier built by Israel to cut off the West Bank from its territory.

Israel says the five-metre (16-foot) concrete barrier is needed to protect it from attack by assailants coming from the West Bank.

© 2020 AFP
Iconic French cinema shuts as audiences plummet


Issued on: 27/07/2020 - 19:48Modified: 27/07/2020 - 19:46

The Grand Rex stayed open through the whole of World War II. 


Paris (AFP)

One of France's most iconic cinemas it to shut its doors for the month of August because so few people want to risk seeing movies on the big screen.

Managers at the enormous Grand Rex in the centre of Paris -- which remained open throughout World War II -- said Monday Hollywood studios were also to blame for holding back the release of so many of its summer blockbusters.

The Federation of French Cinemas said Monday the double whammy was crippling the industry as they demanded state aid to help them through the crisis.

"Between the drop in admissions (because of the coronavirus) and the lack of fresh American films that traditionally are a big summer draw, we have decided to close our doors from August 3," the Grand Rex's manager Alexandre Hellmann told AFP.

"We will lose less money by closing than by staying open with this depressing box office," he added.

With 2,700 seats, the seven-screen Grand Rex's largest theatre is one of the biggest in Europe with a 300 square-metre (3,230 square-foot) screen.

Many French cinemas have been all but empty since they were allowed to reopen after an eight-week lockdown last month.

The cinema federation appealed to banks and landlords to give their members leeway, saying it was "absolutely necessary that the government also take urgent action to refinance" the sector.

- Blockbusters pulled -

Social distancing rules means cinemas are only ever allowed to be half full.

And audiences have mostly stayed away despite a poll finding that nearly a third of the country's population was keen to get back in front of the big screen.

Several cinema managers told AFP that the postponement of "Top Gun 2", "Wonder Woman 1984" and Christopher Nolan's spy drama "Tenet", as well as the Disney big-budget family movie "Mulan", had helped kill the buzz they were counting on to draw people back.

"It is much tougher than we imagined," said Aurelie Delage, manager of the six-screen Cinemascop Megarama at Garat in western France.

It is so grim in fact that "I am not looking at the figures," she told AFP. "This can't last."

But the lack of competition from Hollywood has helped some smaller French films make an impact at the box office, with the comedies "Divorce Club" and "Tout simplement noir" ("Very Simply Black") helping to push admission through the one-million barrier last week for the first time since the end of the lockdown.

Several big French releases have also been put back to September and beyond.

A study last week showed the French box office down almost 70 percent on the same period last year with only arthouse cinemas bucking the trend.

Yet the traditionally cinephile French have still been far more enthusiastic about returning to cinemas than their neighbours.

German cinema entries are down to just 17 percent of normal levels and the situation in Spain is even more catastrophic at just 13 percent, according to the Comscore study.

© 2020 AFP
Irving pledges $1.5 mln to WNBA opt outs


Issued on: 27/07/2020 
Miami (AFP)

Kyrie Irving has pledged $1.5 million to provide financial support to WNBA players who choose to sit out the season, the Brooklyn Nets star said Monday.

Irving will distribute money from his newly created KAI Empowerment Initiative fund, a statement said.

Several players have already decided to opt out of the WNBA's shortened season, with some citing concerns over COVID-19 or issues surrounding social justice reform.

Irving said he had set up the program after talks with WNBA players Natasha Cloud and Jewell Loyd. Washington Mystics star Cloud was one of the first players to opt out of the season.
"I have connected with several WNBA players who have decided to play and those who have decided not to play," Irving said in a statement.

"In these conversations I have learned about the challenges and opportunities of their decisions and how it will impact their lives, family and overall wellbeing.

"This platform was created to provide support for all WNBA players in hopes to relieve some of the financial strain imposed during these challenging times.

"Whether a person decided to fight for social justice, play basketball, focus on physical or mental health, or simply connect with their families, this initiative can hopefully support their priorities and decisions."

The WNBA season got under way on Saturday, with all teams playing at a single location at Bradenton, Florida.

© 2020 AFP
Report links world's top meat firm to deforestation

Issued on: 27/07/2020 -

In this file photo taken on August 25, 2019 cattle graze with a burnt area in the background after a fire in the Amazon rainforest near Novo Progresso, Para state, Brazil Joao Laet AFP/File Rio de Janeiro (AFP)

Brazilian firm JBS, the world's biggest meat processing company, was again accused Monday of "laundering" cattle from ranches blacklisted for destroying the Amazon rainforest.

The charge, leveled in a report by an investigative journalism consortium, marks at least the fifth time in just over a year that the company, which exports around the world, has been accused of cattle laundering.

That is a practice in which animals from a blacklisted ranch are transferred to one with a clean record to dodge a ban on sale

The London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, British newspaper the Guardian and Brazilian journalism group Reporter Brasil said in the joint report that pictures posted on Facebook by a JBS truck driver appeared to show him and his colleagues transporting cattle from a blacklisted ranch, Estrela do Aripuana, to a "clean" one 300 kilometers (185 miles) away, Estrela do Sangue, in July 2019.

The drivers wore JBS uniforms and drove JBS trucks in the pictures.

Located in the west-central state of Mato Grosso, which is largely covered in Amazon rainforest, Estrela do Aripuana was blacklisted by Brazil's environment ministry in 2012 over the illegal deforestation of around 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) of land.

Authorities also fined its owner 2.2 million reals (around $1 million at the time).

The consortium said it had obtained Brazilian government records indicating that at least 7,000 animals were shipped from the embargoed ranch to the "clean" one between June 2018 and August 2019.

Other documents show the latter sold 7,000 animals to JBS slaughterhouses from November 2018 to November 2019, it said.

JBS denies cattle laundering and says it is implementing measures to prevent third parties from sneaking such animals into its supply chain.

"We have adopted an unequivocal stance of zero deforestation," it said in a statement, adding it had opened an internal investigation into the latest allegations.

Brazil faces mounting pressure to slow surging deforestation after massive fires devastated the Amazon last year -- often set to clear land for ranching and farming.

Some European countries have threatened to scupper a trade deal between the EU and the Mercosur trade bloc, of which Brazil is a member, over the issue.

And global investment firms managing close to $4 trillion in assets last month wrote an open letter to far-right President Jair Bolsonaro urging him to change government policies blamed for accelerating the destruction.

© 2020 AFP

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Trump names contrarian colonel as Germany envoy amid pullout


Issued on: 27/07/2020 -
Police in May 2020 stand outside the US embassy in Berlin, to which President Donald Trump has named a new ambassador Odd ANDERSEN AFP/File
Washington (AFP)

President Donald Trump on Monday named an outspoken critic of US military deployments as ambassador to Germany, as he moves to pull troops from the NATO ally.

The White House said that Trump had nominated retired colonel Douglas Macgregor, a frequent commentator on Fox News who has written about German military history.
The nomination needs to be confirmed by the Senate, where Trump's Republican Party enjoys a majority but which has limited time to act before November 3 elections as lawmakers focus on the coronavirus pandemic.

Macgregor has been blunt in his criticism of the Iraq war, denouncing the often celebrated David Petraeus as a "useful fool" promoted by politicians and the media.

He has been a guest on Fox News host Tucker Carlson's show, a favorite of the television-loving Trump, where Macgregor staunchly defended the president over criticism of his withdrawal from Syria.

Breaking with conventional wisdom in Washington, Macgregor has argued that the United States has no compelling interest to keep troops in Iraq or Syria and said that Turkey, not Iran, presented a key threat.

Macgregor, who holds a doctorate, has studied East Germany's relationship with the Soviet Union and caused a stir with his 1997 book "Breaking the Phalanx," which pushed for a reorganization of the army.
Trump frequently criticizes US deployments overseas and in June approved plans to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany after accusing the NATO ally of treating the United States unfairly on trade.

Trump has had tense relations with German chancellor Angela Merkel, who recently snubbed his offer of an in-person Group of Seven summit in the United States, pointing to coronavirus risks.

If confirmed, Macgregor would succeed another voluble figure, Richard Grenell, who startled Germany with uncharacteristic remarks for an ambassador, including vowing to empower anti-establishment right-wingers in Europe.

Grenell returned to Washington to become Trump's director of national intelligence before resigning as ambassador in June.

© 2020 AFP
Donald Trump says he will NOT attend lying-in-state of John Lewis in the Dome of the Capitol - despite Civil Rights icon who called president 'not legitimate' being first African-American since Rosa Parks to be given honor

President Donald Trump said Monday he would not visit the body of John Lewis
Lewis is lying in state in the Dome of the Capitol, the first African American to be given that honor since Rosa Parks
'I won't be going. No,' President Trump said
Lewis did not attend Trump's inauguration in January 2017 and said his election was not 'legitimate'
Lewis' casket arrived at Capitol Monday afternoon for a ceremony honoring him
Public viewing will begin Monday evening
Vice President Mike Pence and Joe Biden among those to pay their respects


PUBLISHED: 27 July 2020

President Donald Trump said Monday he would not visit the body of John Lewis, who is lying in state in the Dome of the Capitol, the first African American to be given that honor since Rosa Parks.

'I won't be going. No,' President Trump told reporters at the White House before he left for North Carolina.

Trump left Washington D.C. as Lewis' body arrived at the U.S. Capitol building, where lawmakers honored his legacy as a member of Congress and Civil Rights icon.


President Donald Trump said he would not visit the body of John Lewis, who is lying in state in the Dome of the Capitol

John Lewis is the first African American to lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda since Rosa Parks


John Lewis' flag-draped casket is carried up the Capitol stairs by a military honor guard

Lewis is the first black politician to lie in state beneath the Rotunda. Elijah Cummings was in a separate area of the Capitol
Trump says he will not visit Lewis' casket on Capitol Hill

Vice President Mike Pence, who served in the House of Representatives with Lewis, is scheduled to pay his respects at the Capitol on Monday night, along with second lady Karen Pence.

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, and Jill Biden will also be at the Capitol on Monday to honor Lewis.

A Democratic member of Congress from Atlanta since 1987, Lewis died on July 17 of pancreatic cancer at age 80.

His death came amid renewed racial tensions in the United States, which resulted in national protests after George Floyd, a black man in Minnesota, was killed after a white police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes.

President Trump has been accused of stroking the fires, declaring himself the 'law and order president' and denouncing a 'culture war' in America.

He called on governors to send in troops against protesters. Lewis criticized the president on the matter.

'You cannot stop the call of history,' he said shortly before his death. 'You may use troopers, you may use fire hoses and water, but it cannot be stopped. There cannot be any turning back. We've come too far, made too much progress, to stop now or to go back. The world is seeing what is happening, and we are ready to continue to move forward.'

Last month, in his last public appearance, Lewis joined Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser at a street by the White House that had been painted with a yellow mural reading 'Black Lives Matter".

Lewis was honored with a ceremony in Capitol rotunda on Monday afternoon by lawmakers from both political parties. His colleagues on Capitol Hill referred to him as the 'conscience of Congress.'

A public viewing of his body will begin Monday night. But due to coronavirus restrictions, Lewis' casket will be placed atop the stairs at the East Front of the Capitol with the public walking by outside and social distancing strictly enforced.

Last year Elijah Cummings, another civil rights advocate, became the first black lawmaker to lie in state in the Capitol, though he was honored in Statuary Hall, not in the Rotunda, where presidents and other statesmen have lain.

Rosa Parks, the civil rights pioneer, lay in honor there in 2005, receiving the highest honor afforded to a private citizen.

Trump paid tribute to Lewis last Saturday, after he returned from a spot of golf with Senator Lindsey Graham earlier in the day.

'Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis passing. Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family,' Trump tweeted.

Otherwise he has said little publicly about Lewis, who was honored by political leaders in both parties for his life's work.

Lewis did not attend Trump's inauguration in January 2017 and said the president's election was not legitimate.

'I don't see this President-elect as a legitimate president,' Lewis told NBC News at the time. 'I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.'

Trump responded via Twitter, writing in January 2017: 'Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad.' 

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser presented a Black Lives Matter Plaza street sign to a representative of the family of John Lewis

Lewis's motorcade passing through Black Lives Matter Plaza, in Washington DC. The site was renamed earlier this summer

Donald Trump has offered his condolences to John Lewis (pictured) and the White House flags have been lowered to half-staff in honor of the civil rights activist whose bloody beating at Selma helped galvanize opposition to racial segregation

ohn Lewis is pictured (left) with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. (center) at a demonstration in Nashville

Donald Trump tweeted Saturday to say he was 'saddened' by the news of Lewis's death and was 'praying' for his family

Flags at the White House, the Capitol, public buildings, and military bases were all lowered to half-staff across the country Saturday in honor of the pioneer of the civil rights movement turned Congressman.

Lewis was the last surviving member of the Big Six, who together organized the 1963 March on Washington.

He was among the original 13 Freedom Riders who rode buses across the South in 1961 to challenge segregation in public transportation.

The riders were attacked and beaten, and one of their buses was firebombed. But the rides changed the way people traveled, and set the stage for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

He also was beaten in Selma, Alabama, on March 7, 1965, as he tried to lead people across Edmund Pettis Bridge on a walk to Montgomery, - a day that became known as Bloody Sunday.

Lewis' remains were carried across the bridge on a horse-drawn casket on Sunday. His funeral will take place on Thursday in Georgia.

Timeline of the life of John Lewis

Feb. 21, 1940: Born the son of black sharecroppers near Troy, Alabama.

Fall 1959: Long interested in civil rights and inspired by the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Lewis participates in a series of workshops on nonviolent confrontation while attending college in Nashville, Tennessee. He goes on to participate in sit-ins, mass meetings and the landmark 'Freedom Rides' of 1961 that tested racial segregation in the South.

January 1963: Serving as chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Lewis arrives in Selma, Alabama, to help register black people to vote. Eight months later and just days after helping Martin Luther King Jr. organize the March on Washington, Lewis is arrested for the first of more than 40 times, for civil rights activities in Selma.

March 7, 1965: Lewis is beaten by an Alabama state trooper while attempting to lead an estimated 600 voting rights marchers out of Selma on the way to Montgomery in an violent confrontation now known as Bloody Sunday. He spends two days in a hospital.

March 21-25, 1965: Lewis joins thousands of others during the Selma-to-Montgomery voting rights march.

1971: Lewis takes over as executive director of the Voter Education Project, a program of the Southern Regional Council.

April 5, 1977: Lewis, making his first bid for Congress in metro Atlanta, loses to a popular white politician in a runoff. Later that year he is appointed by President Jimmy Carter to direct ACTION, a federal volunteer agency.

Oct. 6, 1981: Lewis wins his first political office with his election as a member of the Atlanta City Council, where he serves until 1986.

Nov. 4, 1986: Lewis is elected to Congress representing Georgia´s 5th District, which includes much of Atlanta. He was re-elected 16 times, most recently without opposition in 2018. Only once did he receive less than 70% of the vote.

2001: Lewis receives the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for Lifetime Achievement, one of a multitude of honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation´s highest civilian honor, presented by President Barack Obama in 2011.

April 27, 2009: Lewis and four others are arrested in Washington during a demonstration at the embassy of Sudan, where they were protesting the expulsion of aid workers amid a humanitarian crisis.

March 8, 2015: Lewis joins Obama, former President George W. Bush and thousands of others in Selma at the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

June 22, 2016: Lewis leads a Democratic sit-in on the House floor to protest inaction on gun control measures.

Dec. 29, 2019: Lewis announces he has been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer.

July 17, 2020: Lewis dies at the age of 80

The Moon Hoax: or, A Discovery that the Moon Has a Vast Population of Human B

The Moon Hoax: or, A Discovery that the Moon Has a Vast Population of Human Beings.
"The Great Moon Hoax" refers to a series of six articles that were published in The Sun, a New York newspaper, beginning on August 25, 1835, about the supposed discovery of life and even civilization on the Moon. They were later collected into the book The Moon Hoax. The discoveries were falsely attributed to Sir John Herschel, one of the best-known astronomers of his time.
The story was advertised on August 21, 1835, as an upcoming feature allegedly reprinted from The Edinburgh Courant. The first in a series of six was published four days later on August 25.
The articles described fantastic animals on the Moon, including bison, goats, unicorns, bipedal tail-less beavers and bat-like winged humanoids ("Vespertilio-homo") who built temples. There were trees, oceans and beaches. These discoveries were supposedly made with "an immense telescope of an entirely new principle."
The author of the narrative was ostensibly Dr. Andrew Grant, the travelling companion and amanuensis of Sir John Herschel, but Grant was fictitious.
Eventually, the authors announced that the observations had been terminated by the destruction of the telescope, by means of the Sun causing the lens to act as a "burning glass," setting fire to the observatory.

Three Hundred Years Hence
Three Hundred Years Hence is a utopian science fiction novel by author Mary Griffith. It is the first known utopian novel written by an American woman.
In Three Hundred Years Hence envisiones a feminist future in the year 2135.
The book is set in Philadelphia.
The main character, Edgar Hastings, leaves on a business trip but is frozen in a snow storm.
Thee hundred years later, he is discovered, thawed out and wakes up. He finds the improvements taken place since his accident amazing. The improved conditions are due entirely to the changes that took place when all females were given an education.


For Only The Second Time, Astronomers Detect a Strange Flash of Light During Supernova

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A Type Ia supernova. (NASA/CXC/U.Texas)

For Only The Second Time, Astronomers Detect a Strange Flash of Light During Supernova

27 JULY 2020

A stunning flash of ultraviolet light from an exploding white dwarf has been detected by astronomers for only the second time, and could give researchers important clues about what spurs the demise of these ancient, spent stars.

Researchers became aware of this unusual supernova – called SN2019yvq – last December, only a day after the explosion took place. Within hours, scientists classified the event as a Type Ia supernova – not an unusual stellar event, ordinarily at least, except this time it was accompanied by the extremely rare flash of ultraviolet light.

"These are some of the most common explosions in the Universe," says astrophysicist Adam Miller from Northwestern University.

"But what's special is this UV flash. Astronomers have searched for this for years and never found it. To our knowledge, this is actually only the second time a UV flash has been seen with a type Ia supernova."

Composite image of SN2019yvq (blue dot). (ZTF/Northwestern/Caltech)

SN2019yvq took place in a galaxy approximately 140 million light-years from Earth, with the rare UV flash being seen for a couple of days before the emission ceased.

As for what was behind the strange light, the team says they're not yet sure, because white dwarfs – exhausted stellar remnants that are usually comparatively cool – don't usually run hot enough to generate the heat required for this kind of UV light.

"Most supernovae are not that hot, so you don't get the very intense UV radiation," Miller says.

"Something unusual happened with this supernova to create a very hot phenomenon."

While ongoing observations within the next year or so are expected to narrow down the exact mechanism responsible for SN2019yvq's flash, at present there remain four possible culprits that could have triggered these events.

Potentially, the researchers think, the white dwarf could have become unstable after consuming stellar material from a companion star in a binary system, with a collision of material between the two sparking the UV flash.

Alternatively, the flash could have resulted from a dramatic increase in heat due to mixing between the white dwarf's inner core and outer layers, or from helium igniting carbon in the star.

Lastly, it's possible two white dwarfs merged, with SN2019yvq's UV flash representing an explosion as ejected material from both stars came into contact.

While we can't be sure which explanation yet is the best match for what transpired at SN2019yvq, as the dust from this incredible stellar event starts to settle, the picture is expected to become clearer.

"As time passes, the exploded material moves farther away from the source," Miller says. "As that material thins, we can see deeper and deeper. After a year, the material will be so thin that we will see all the way into the centre of the explosion."

At that point, the researchers say we should finally be able to understand what made this white dwarf explode so spectacularly, and the answers could teach us about how iron generated in supernovas gets distributed across space (ultimately helping to seed planet formation).

It may also be able to help us unravel some of the unknowns around dark energy, which is thought to affect how quickly the Universe is expanding.

"If there is a type Ia supernova in a distant galaxy, we can use it to measure a combination of distance and velocity that allows us to determine the acceleration of the Universe," Miller says.

"Dark energy remains a mystery. But these supernovae are the best way to probe dark energy and understand what it is."

The findings are reported in The Astrophysical Journal.

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