Sunday, August 30, 2020

How Is Breathable Air Replenished on the ISS?

Creating oxygen in space isn't as hard as you think.
Since 2000, there's been at least one human living and breathing outside of the earth's lower atmosphere orbiting aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
The space station, is equipped with everything that astronauts and cosmonauts need for life: food, water, and air. The food is delivered regularly on resupply missions. However, when it comes to water and air, the space station is completely self-sufficient. 
While we have the luxury of photosynthesizing plants that supply us oxygen, those aboard the ISS must rely on other means to stay alive and breathing.
So where does all the oxygen come from?

How does the space station produce oxygen?

Before the International Space Station was launched, we had already perfected the methods of creating oxygen within a vacuum for extended periods of time. Well, not hundreds of miles above the earth to be exact, it was deep below the surface of the ocean instead - inside submarines. 
Submarines don't have to come up to the surface to replenish their supplies of oxygen. Often they can't because they're under ice, because surfacing would compromise their otherwise covert operation. This has meant that submarines have had to long create their own supplies of internal oxygen. Well, not exactly "create" but rather "recycle". 
The primary systems utilized aboard the ISS are almost identical to those found in submarines. 
The space station's oxygen and water system consists of two main elements: the Water Reclamation System, or WRS, and the Oxygen Generation System, or OGS. Each of which depends on the other to function properly. 
The WRS collects water from urine, humidity, and condensation, which is then purified to potable standards. But this makes up only a portion of the water aboard the ISS. Some water is also continually shipped from earth to the station to ensure that there's enough "fresh" water being mixed in for the crew.
The remaining water is used to create oxygen aboard the space station. The OGS, a system designed by NASA, and its accompanying Russian Elektron system utilize the process of electrolysis to split water into its elemental components:hydrogen and oxygen
Electrolysis involves passing an electric current through water from an anode to a cathode, which generates enough energy to separate the atoms. The result is the formation of hydrogen gas, H2, and oxygen gas, O2
How Is Breathable Air Replenished on the ISS?
A simplified diagram of the electrolysis reaction in water. Source: Jsquish/Wikimedia
The electricity for this chemical reaction and most of the electricity used aboard the ISS comes from solar panels on the station’s exterior.
Chemically, electrolysis is similar to the photosynthesis reaction in plants.
Now, you might be wondering, what happens to all that hydrogen gas created by the water-splitting reaction? Well, it's fed back into something called the Sabatier System aboard the ISS. This system combines waste hydrogen with waste carbon dioxide derived from the respiration of the crew to create water and methane through an exothermic reaction. The formula looks something like this:
CO2 + 4H2 → CH4 + 2H2O + heat
The next question you might be asking yourself is what happens to the methane and the heat now that we’ve generated water? Well, the methane is vented out into space, and the heat is managed through heat exchangers.
So let’s recap. The steps needed for generating and maintaining oxygen in space are as follows:
  1. Water is reclaimed from the space station using the Water Reclamation System.
  2. Part of that water is utilized to create hydrogen gas and oxygen gas through the process of electrolysis.
  3. The hydrogen gas is then fed into the Sabatier System, which converts it back into water using excess CO2 generated in the station.
  4. The by-products of the Sabatier system are vented into space.
While oxygen generation might look simple on paper, it requires some rather sophisticated technology to pull off hundreds of miles above the earth.
How Is Breathable Air Replenished on the ISS?
Marshall-managed Environmental Control and Life Support System's Oxygen Generation System rack delivered to the International Space Station. Source: NASA
The ISS and its oxygen generation systems were designed to be able to handle a crew of 7 at maximum. Although, the station is rarely ever staffed up to that level. 

The backup methods for generating oxygen

High-tech space systems are nothing if not redundant. So just in case the main processes that the ISS utilizes to generate oxygen fail, there is plenty of backup systems. Just in case. 
The ISS receives regular shipments of oxygen from the earth in pressurized tanks mounted outside the airlock of the station. These aren't enough to supply the station for an extended period, but they're enough to continuously top off the tank, as there are occasional leaks.
The other backup is a solid-fuel oxygen generator (SFOG) developed by the Russian Space Agency, initially for the Mir space station, which is no longer operational. (Historical side note: Mir’s decommissioning was a rather theatrical affair. The space station was intentionally crashed into a highly remote place in the Pacific.
But back to the International Space Station. 
This Russian system is known as the Vika System or SFOG, and the crew generally tries to avoid using it. 
The Vika system works by leveraging canisters of powdered sodium chlorate and powdered iron. The canisters are ignited and reach temperatures of up to 600 degrees Celsius (1,112 degrees Fahrenheit), which is hot enough for the sodium chlorate to break down into sodium chloride and oxygen gas.
Woo, gaseous oxygen, mission accomplished! However, having high temperatures, fire, and a huge supply of gaseous oxygen in space right next to each other isn't ideal in space – or anywhere for that matter. 
In 1997, one of the canisters actually caught fire aboard the Mir station and spread fire onto the bulkhead. Not ideal. The other downside to the Vika System is that it doesn't actually produce that much oxygen.
One kilogram of material produces 6.5 crew-hours of oxygen. That's not a lot, and mostly means that the Vika system is reserved for absolute emergencies and as a backup in the event of some other catastrophic failure aboard the ISS.
How Is Breathable Air Replenished on the ISS?
A flowchart diagram showing the interactions between the different segments of the International Space Station's Environmental Control and Life Support System. Source: NASA/Wikimedia

The space station has a leak

Now that we’ve covered how the space station produces and maintains a steady supply of oxygen, let’s talk about the ISS actually leaking.
Leaks aboard the ISS aren't uncommon. There's generally always some small leak aboard considering it's a giant pressure vessel in the vacuum of space. Recently, however, the leaks have gotten slightly more serious. As of August 2020, the time of this writing, the leaks have gotten so bad that the ISS’s crew of three has had to cordon themselves off in an escape capsule so that ground crews could try to investigate where the leak is coming from. 
Notably, NASA crews have stressed that the leak poses no serious threat to the astronauts, but the situation, regardless, is a little scary. 
Ground crews are closely monitoring all of the compartments of the space station to determine where exactly the leak is coming from.
Finding leaks in a giant pressure vessel with a large number of external connections and hatches isn't easy. Small leaks have been known about for some time now, but their exact locations have yet to be determined. The source could be a tiny hose connection tucked away in a small compartment, or it could be an O-ring on a hatch. The possibilities are mind-boggling. 
For now, the situation looks hopeful as NASA and crews work to gather more data on the issue. That's not to say, though, that more leaks won't spring up in the future. Keeping the ISS in clean air is a tough job. But together, NASA and the Russian Space Agency are doing all they can to ensure that their crews stay safe and breathe easy as they orbit the earth for months on end.



Jeanette Epps to make history as first Black female astronaut to join NASA ISS crew in 2021
Jeanette Epps to make history as first Black female astronaut to join...
The space agency announced the "fantastic addition" to the 2021 mission on Tuesday.

Extensive Search for COVID-19 Drugs Finds Promising Compounds Originally Developed for SARS

COVID-19 Achille's Heel
An extensive search and testing of current drugs and drug-like compounds has revealed compounds previously developed to fight SARS might also work against COVID-19.
Using the National Drug Discovery Centre, researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute identified drug-like compounds that could block a key coronavirus protein called PLpro. This protein, found in all coronaviruses, is essential for the virus to hijack and multiply within human cells, and disable their anti-viral defenses.
Initially developed as potential treatments for SARS, the compounds prevented the growth of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (which causes COVID-19) in the laboratory.
The discovery, published yesterday in The EMBO Journal, was led by Professor David Komander, Professor Marc Pellegrini, Professor Guillaume Lessene, and Dr. Theresa Klemm.

At a glance

  • Australian researchers have identified a molecular target for potential new COVID-19 treatments
  • A chemical compound, originally discovered to inhibit SARS, shows promise for halting the growth of the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2)
  • The discoveries were made by leveraging the capabilities of the National Drug Discovery Centre and ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, and may underpin the development of new drugs for COVID-19

Targeting a key viral protein

Coronaviruses, including the viruses that cause COVID-19 and SARS, all contain a protein called PLpro, which allows the virus to hijack human cells and disable their anti-viral defenses.
Professor Komander said PLpro belonged to a family of proteins called ‘deubiquitinases’, which his team had studied for the last 15 years in a range of diseases.
“When we looked at how SARS-CoV-2 functions, it became clear that the PLpro deubiquitinase was a key component of the virus — as it is in other coronaviruses, including the SARS-CoV-1 virus, which causes SARS,” he said.
“We quickly established the VirDUB program to investigate how PLpro functions and what it looks like. These are critical first steps towards discovering new drugs that could be potential therapies for COVID-19.”
Using ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, the VirDUB team rapidly ascertained how PLpro interacts with human proteins — homing in on a target that could be blocked by new drugs.

Discovering new medicines

The National Drug Discovery Centre was critical to rapidly search for drugs that could block PLpro.
“We scanned thousands of currently listed drugs, as well as thousands of drug-like compounds, to see if they were effective in blocking the SARS-CoV-2 PLpro,” Professor Komander said.
“While existing drugs were not effective in blocking PLpro, we discovered that compounds developed in the last decade against SARS, could prevent the growth of SARS-CoV-2 in pre-clinical testing in the laboratory.”
The next step is to turn these compounds into drugs that could be used to treat COVID-19, Professor Komander said.
“We now need to develop the compounds into medicines, and make sure they are safe for patients.
“Importantly, drugs that are able to inactivate PLpro may be useful not just for COVID-19 but may also work against other coronavirus diseases, as they emerge in the future.”
Reference: “Mechanism and inhibition of the papain‐like protease, PLpro, of SARS‐CoV‐2” by Theresa Klemm, Gregor Ebert, Dale J Calleja, Cody C Allison, Lachlan W Richardson, Jonathan P Bernardini, Bernadine GC Lu, Nathan W Kuchel, Christoph Grohmann, Yuri Shibata, Zhong Yan Gan, James P Cooney, Marcel Doerflinger, Amanda E Au, Timothy R Blackmore, Gerbrand J van der Heden van Noort, Paul P Geurink, Huib Ovaa, Janet Newman, Alan Riboldi‐Tunnicliffe, Peter E Czabotar, Jeffrey P Mitchell, Rebecca Feltham, Bernhard C Lechtenberg, Kym N Lowes, Grant Dewson, Marc Pellegrini, Guillaume Lessene and David Komander, 26 August 2020, The EMBO Journal.
DOI: 10.15252/embj.2020106275
The publication in The EMBO Journal research was a multidisciplinary collaboration of research teams at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, the National Drug Discovery Centre, ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Oncode Institute and Department of Cell and Chemical Biology (Leiden University, The Netherlands).
The research was funded by Hengyi Pacific Pty Ltd, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council and Medical Research Future Fund, the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO), and the Victorian Government.

New Internet Speed World Record: 178 Terabits a Second

Fast Internet Concept
The world’s fastest data transmission rate has been achieved by a team of University College London engineers who reached an internet speed a fifth faster than the previous record.
Working with two companies, Xtera and KDDI Research, the research team led by Dr. Lidia Galdino (UCL Electronic & Electrical Engineering), achieved a data transmission rate of 178 terabits a second (178,000,000 megabits a second) – a speed at which it would be possible to download the entire Netflix library in less than a second.
The record, which is double the capacity of any system currently deployed in the world, was achieved by transmitting data through a much wider range of colors of light, or wavelengths, than is typically used in optical fiber. (Current infrastructure uses a limited spectrum bandwidth of 4.5THz, with 9THz commercial bandwidth systems entering the market, whereas the researchers used a bandwidth of 16.8THz.)
To do this, researchers combined different amplifier technologies needed to boost the signal power over this wider bandwidth and maximized speed by developing new Geometric Shaping (GS) constellations (patterns of signal combinations that make best use of the phase, brightness and polarisation properties of the light), manipulating the properties of each individual wavelength. The achievement is described in a new paper in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.
The benefit of the technique is that it can be deployed on already existing infrastructure cost-effectively, by upgrading the amplifiers that are located on optical fiber routes at 40-100km intervals. (Upgrading an amplifier would cost £16,000, while installing new optical fibers can, in urban areas, cost up to £450,000 a kilometer.)
The new record, demonstrated in a UCL lab, is a fifth faster than the previous world record held by a team in Japan.
Dr. Lidia Galdino
Dr. Lidia Galdino (UCL Electronic & Electrical Engineering). Credit: UCL
At this speed, it would take less than an hour to download the data that made up the world’s first image of a black hole (which, because of its size, had to be stored on half a ton of hard drives and transported by plane). The speed is close to the theoretical limit of data transmission set out by American mathematician Claude Shannon in 1949.
Lead author Dr. Galdino, a Lecturer at UCL and a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow, said: “While current state-of-the-art cloud data-center interconnections are capable of transporting up to 35 terabits a second, we are working with new technologies that utilize more efficiently the existing infrastructure, making better use of optical fiber bandwidth and enabling a world record transmission rate of 178 terabits a second.”
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, demand for broadband communication services has soared, with some operators experiencing as much as a 60% increase in internet traffic compared to before the crisis. In this unprecedented situation, the resilience and capability of broadband networks has become even more critical.
Dr. Galdino added: “But, independent of the Covid-19 crisis, internet traffic has increased exponentially over the last 10 years and this whole growth in data demand is related to the cost per bit going down. The development of new technologies is crucial to maintaining this trend towards lower costs while meeting future data rate demands that will continue to increase, with as yet unthought-of applications that will transform people’s lives.”
This work is funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, The Royal Society Research grant, and the EPSRC program grant TRANSNET (EP/R035342/1).

Evidence of Hibernation-Like State Discovered in Tusks of Strange 250-Million-Year-Old Antarctic Creature

Torpor in Lystorsaurus
Life restoration of Lystrosaurus in a state of torpor. Credit: Crystal Shin
Researchers discover Fossil evidence of ‘hibernation-like’ state in tusks of 250-million-year-old Antarctic animal.
Among the many winter survival strategies in the animal world, hibernation is one of the most common. With limited food and energy sources during winters — especially in areas close to or within polar regions — many animals hibernate to survive the cold, dark winters. Though much is known behaviorally on animal hibernation, it is difficult to study in fossils.
According to new research, this type of adaptation has a long history. In a paper published on August 27, 2020, in the journal Communications Biology, scientists at Harvard University and the University of Washington report evidence of a hibernation-like state in an animal that lived in Antarctica during the Early Triassic, some 250 million years ago.
The creature, a member of the genus Lystrosaurus, was a distant relative of mammals. Lystrosaurus were common during the Permian and Triassic periods and are characterized by their turtle-like beaks and ever-growing tusks. During Lystrosaurus‘ time, Antarctica lay largely within the Antarctic Circle and experienced extended periods without sunlight each winter.
Pangea Map Early Triassic
A map of Pangea during the Early Triassic, showing the locations of the Antarctic (blue) and South African (orange) Lystrosaurus populations compared in this study. Credit: Megan Whitney/Christian Sidor
“Animals that live at or near the poles have always had to cope with the more extreme environments present there,” said lead author Megan Whitney, a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, who conducted this study as a UW doctoral student in biology. “These preliminary findings indicate that entering into a hibernation-like state is not a relatively new type of adaptation. It is an ancient one.”
The Lystrosaurus fossils are the oldest evidence of a hibernation-like state in a vertebrate animal and indicate that torpor — a general term for hibernation and similar states in which animals temporarily lower their metabolic rate to get through a tough season — arose in vertebrates even before mammals and dinosaurs evolved.
Lystrosaurus arose before Earth’s largest mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period — which wiped out 70% of vertebrate species on land — and somehow survived. It went on to live another 5 million years into the Triassic Period and spread across swathes of Earth’s then-single continent, Pangea, which included what is now Antarctica. “The fact that Lystrosaurus survived the end-Permian mass extinction and had such a wide range in the early Triassic has made them a very well-studied group of animals for understanding survival and adaptation,” said co-author Christian Sidor, a UW professor of biology and curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Burke Museum.
Antarctic Lystrosaurus Tusk
This thin-section of the fossilized tusk from an Antarctic Lystrosaurus shows layers of dentine deposited in rings of growth. The tusk grew inward, with the oldest layers at the edge and the youngest layers near the center, where the pulp cavity would have been. At the top right is a close-up view of the layers, with a white bar highlighting a zone indicative of a hibernation-like state. Scale bar is 1 millimeter. Credit: Megan Whitney/Christian Sidor
Today, paleontologists find Lystrosaurus fossils in India, China, Russia, parts of Africa and Antarctica. The creatures grew to be 6 to 8 feet long, had no teeth, but bore a pair of tusks in the upper jaw. The tusks made Whitney and Sidor’s study possible because, like elephants, Lystrosaurus tusks grew continuously throughout their lives. Taking cross-sections of the fossilized tusks revealed information about Lystrosaurus metabolism, growth and stress or strain. Whitney and Sidor compared cross-sections of tusks from six Antarctic Lystrosaurus to cross-sections of four Lystrosaurus from South Africa. During the Triassic, the collection sites in Antarctica were roughly 72 degrees south latitude — well within the Antarctic Circle. The collection sites in South Africa were more than 550 miles north, far outside the Antarctic Circle.
The tusks from the two regions showed similar growth patterns, with layers of dentine deposited in concentric circles like tree rings. The Antarctic fossils, however, held an additional feature that was rare or absent in tusks farther north: closely-spaced, thick rings, which likely indicate periods of less deposition due to prolonged stress, according to the researchers. “The closest analog we can find to the ‘stress marks’ that we observed in Antarctic Lystrosaurus tusks are stress marks in teeth associated with hibernation in certain modern animals,” said Whitney.
Paleontologist Christian Sidor
University of Washington paleontologist
Christian Sidor excavating fossils in Antarctica in 2017. Credit: Megan Whitney
The researchers cannot definitively conclude that Lystrosaurus underwent true hibernation. The stress could have been caused by another hibernation-like form of torpor, such as a more short-term reduction in metabolism. Lystrosaurus in Antarctica likely needed some form of hibernation-like adaptation to cope with life near the South Pole, said Whitney. Though Earth was much warmer during the Triassic than today — and parts of Antarctica may have been forested — plants and animals below the Antarctic Circle would still experience extreme annual variations in the amount of daylight, with the sun absent for long periods in winter.
Many other ancient vertebrates at high latitudes may also have used torpor, including hibernation, to cope with the strains of winter, Whitney said. But many famous extinct animals, including the dinosaurs that evolved and spread after Lystrosaurus died out, don’t have teeth that grow continuously.
Paleontologist Megan Whitney
Megan Whitney, then a University of
Washington doctoral student, excavating fossils in
Antarctica in 2017. Whitney is now a paleontologist at
Harvard University. Credit: Christian Sidor
“To see the specific signs of stress and strain brought on by hibernation, you need to look at something that can fossilize and was growing continuously during the animal’s life,” said Sidor. “Many animals don’t have that, but luckily Lystrosaurus did.” If analysis of additional Antarctic and South African Lystrosaurus fossils confirms this discovery, it may also settle another debate about these ancient, hearty animals. “Cold-blooded animals often shut down their metabolism entirely during a tough season, but many endothermic or ‘warm-blooded’ animals that hibernate frequently reactivate their metabolism during the hibernation period,” said Whitney. “What we observed in the Antarctic Lystrosaurus tusks fits a pattern of small metabolic ‘reactivation events’ during a period of stress, which is most similar to what we see in warm-blooded hibernators today.” If so, this distant cousin of mammals is a reminder that many features of life today may have been around for hundreds of millions of years before humans evolved to observe them.
Reference: “Evidence of torpor in the tusks of Lystrosaurus from the Early Triassic of Antarctica” by Megan R. Whitney and Christian A. Sidor, 27 August 2020, Communications Biology.
DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-01207-6
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation. Grant numbers: PLR-1341304, DEB-1701383.