Wednesday, September 02, 2020

In Pictures: Anti-government protests in Beirut turn violent

Activists denounced security forces for beating protesters, alleged that French tear gas used to disperse crowds.

Hundreds of people gathered in Martyrs' Square to mark the centennial and protest the governing class. ARWA IBRAHIM/AL JAZEERA

Protesters in Beirut attempted to storm the Parliament of Lebanon on Tuesday, the same day the country celebrated the passage of 100 years since the declaration of Greater Lebanon by the French mandate authorities.

Some protesters attempted to smash down walls around the building while others managed to break through one gate before they were forced back by police with tear gas.

Activists have blamed the country's entrenched political class for the August 4 explosion of a stockpile of ammonium nitrate that had languished in the port for years.

Violent clashes erupted, with protesters throwing tear gas canisters back at officers. Activists condemned police actions, saying protesters were beaten.

A military vehicle was also called in to deal with the crowds.

Protesters called for a "new Lebanon" without its reviled leaders, urging visiting French President Emmanuel Macron not to cooperate with them.

In the capital's Martyrs' Square, not far from the port, demonstrators one by one took to a stage to make their demands: a secular state, civil marriage, a productive economy.

Waving Lebanese flags and denouncing "corrupt" politicians, others nearby demanded the birth of a new secular state and the end of what they view as a broken political power-sharing system.

"The first century has been nothing but wars, foreign occupation, poverty, corruption, emigration, sectarian divisions, and now this explosion that killed and wounded thousands," said 21-year-old port worker Omar.

"We urgently need to revamp this system," he said, referring to a political arrangement that seeks to share power between Lebanon's myriad religious communities but instead often leads to an endless deadlock.

Anti-government protesters shout slogans during a protest near Parliament Square in Beirut. BILAL HUSSEIN/AP PHOTO

Demonstrators confront security forces during the protests in downtown Beirut. MOHAMED AZAKIR/REUTERS

The protests coincided with a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron to Beirut for the second time since the explosion that killed at least 190 people, injured thousands, and left 300,000 others homeless. AFP

Protesters use metal frames to climb over steel walls surrounding Lebanon's heavily fortified Parliament complex. AFP

A protester uses a badminton racket to send back a tear gas canister fired by security forces amid the anti-government demonstration in the centre of Beirut. AFP

Riot police clash with anti-government protesters near Parliament Square. HASSAN AMMAR/AP PHOTO

An anti-government protester throws stones towards riot police. BILAL HUSSEIN/AP PHOTO

An armoured vehicle was called in to deal with the crowds. AFP
Lebanon turns 100 amid upheaval and crises

Facing potential bankruptcy and total collapse, many Lebanese mark the centennial feeling their nation has failed.

Demonstrations have taken place in Lebanon against multiples crises, including the deadly Beirut blast [Houssam Shbaro/Anadolu]

It was a century ago on September 1, 1920, that a French general, Henri Gouraud, stood on the porch of a Beirut palace surrounded by local politicians and religious leaders and declared the State of Greater Lebanon - the precursor of the modern state of Lebanon.

The current French president, Emmanuel Macron, is visiting Lebanon to mark the occasion, 100 years later. But the mood could not be more sombre.

Lebanon has been hit by a series of catastrophes, including a financial crash. On August 4, a massive explosion at Beirut's port killed at least 190 people and injured thousands - the culmination of decades of accumulated crises, endemic corruption, and mismanagement by an entrenched governing class.

Facing potential bankruptcy and total collapse, many Lebanese are marking the centennial with a feeling that their experiment as a nation has failed and questioning their willingness to stay in the crisis-riddled country.

"I am 53 years old and I don't feel I had one stable year in this country," said prominent Lebanese writer Alexandre Najjar.

Like others from his generation, Najjar lived through the 1975-1990 civil war, when Beirut's name became synonymous with hostages, car bombings and chaos.

He was a teenager when Israel invaded Beirut in the summer of 1982, imposing a suffocating siege of the capital for three months, and a young man when Christian militias turned their guns on each other in 1989. When former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated in an enormous Beirut truck bombing in 2005, Najjar was in his late 30s.

The following year, Israel and Hezbollah engaged in a month-long war. In between, countless other conflicts, bouts of sectarian fighting and other disasters plagued one generation after another, leading to waves of Lebanese emigration.

But the August 4 explosion, says Najjar, was the "peak of a failed state" - proof that authorities cannot even provide basic public safety.

It was not supposed to be that way.
Model of pluralism

Following the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I, Lebanon fell under the French mandate, starting in 1920. France governed for 23 years until the country gained independence as the Lebanese Republic.

Home to 18 different religious sects, it was hailed as a model of pluralism and coexistence. The nation settled on an unwritten sectarian arrangement, initially seen as the guarantee of stability, but which many Lebanese now consider a curse: the president would always be Christian, the prime minister Sunni Muslim and the parliament speaker Shia Muslim, with other posts similarly divvied up.

In the 1950s, under pro-Western President Camille Chamoun, the economy flourished thanks to booming tourism and cash from oil-rich Arab nations. But his presidency ended with the outbreak of Lebanon's first civil war in 1958, which lasted for several months and saw US troops land to help Chamoun.

A Lebanese flag is pictured in the aftermath of the enormous explosion in Beirut's damaged port area [Hannah McKay/Reuters]

Lebanon saw its heyday in the 1960s and early '70s, when the country became a regional centre for the rich and famous who flew from around the world to gamble at the Casino Du Liban, or to attend concerts in the ancient northeastern city of Baalbek by international artists such as the Berlin Philharmonic, Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev, American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, as well as famous Arab singers like Egypt's Umm Kalthoum and Lebanon's own Fairouz.

Palestinian fighters during this time began launching attacks against Israel from Lebanese territory, splitting the Lebanese. Disaster struck again in 1975, with the start of the 15-year civil war, eventually pitting Lebanon's sects against each other.

That conflict killed nearly 150,000 people. Syrian troops moved in, and Israel invaded twice - once in 1978, then again in 1982, in an assault that forced late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and his fighters to leave Lebanon.

US interests were repeatedly attacked, most notably two bombings of the American embassy and the 1983 Marine barracks bombing in Beirut that killed 241 US service members, the deadliest attack on the Marines since the battle of Iwo Jima in 1945. On the same day, 58 French paratroopers were killed by a second attacker who struck their installation in Beirut.

The country also had two presidents and two prime ministers assassinated, in addition to dozens of other politicians, legislators, journalists and activists who were killed.

Hundreds of protesters injured as anger simmers in Beirut (3:20)

Rise of Hezbollah

Israel's 1982 invasion and the attacks on the Americans marked the rise of what later became the armed group Hezbollah.

After the civil war ended in 1990, the Iranian-backed Shia militia was the only one allowed to keep its weapons because it was fighting Israeli occupation forces in southern Lebanon.

When Israel withdrew from the south in 2000, Hezbollah kept its powerful fighting force, depicting itself as Lebanon's defender. It fought Israeli forces to a draw in 2006, and tensions remain high along the border.

Today, Hezbollah and its allies, led by President Michel Aoun, dominate Lebanese politics and control a majority in parliament.

But the Lebanese are deeply divided over Hezbollah. While many in the Shia community are fiercely loyal to the group, and many non-Shia sympathise with its anti-Israel stance, others increasingly see it as imposing Iran's will on the country.

Many civil war-era warlords today head political factions, holding onto posts for themselves or their families and controlling powerful local business interests. The factions pass out positions in government ministries and public institutions to followers or carve out business sectors for them, ensuring their backing.

Corruption has soared during the past two decades, and the sectarian-based patronage system has left Lebanon with crumbling infrastructure, a bloated public sector and one of the world's highest debt ratios, at 170 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) - topped by a governing class that amassed fortunes.

Last October, nationwide protests erupted against the worsening economy, and the financial juggling act that had been the basis of Lebanon's prosperity since 1990 collapsed into the most severe economic crisis of the country's modern history, made worse by the coronavirus pandemic.

"Lebanon is in its worst period over the past 100 years," said legislator Marwan Hamadeh. "We are in the worst stage, economically, politically and even when it comes to national unity."

"We are currently occupied by Iran and its missiles," added Hamadeh, who was seriously wounded in an assassination attempt in 2004 that he blames on Hezbollah.

Supporters of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri wave Lebanese flags outside the Lebanon Tribunal on August 18 [Pierre Crom/Getty Images]

Historian Johnny Mezher said to solve its problems, Lebanon could start by adopting a law that boosts national identity rather than loyalty to one's sect and helps ensure qualifications determine who gets state posts, rather than sectarian connections.

"Religious figures should be prevented from meddling in politics," he said.

Even after seven decades of Lebanese independence, France still wields strong influence on the tiny Mediterranean nation.

Two days after the port blast - with Lebanese leaders totally absent - Macron visited Beirut and toured one of the most heavily damaged neighbourhoods to a hero's welcome, with some chanting "Vive La France."

More than 60,000 signed a petition to place Lebanon under French mandate for 10 years, an idea Macron firmly dismissed. "It's up to you to write your history," he told the crowds.

On his return trip, Macron will plant a tree in Beirut on Tuesday to mark the centenary and meet with Lebanese officials to push them towards forming a government and enacting reforms.

"There is no doubt we were expecting the 100th anniversary to be different. We did not expect this year to be catastrophic to this level," said Najjar, who is a lawyer, poet and author of about 30 books in French, including one that tells the story of Beirut during the 20th century.

"There is still hope," he said. "We have hit rock bottom and things cannot get worse."

How will Lebanon ever recover? | Start Here

Portland And Kenosha Could Be America's Violent Future

“What happened in Kenosha was entirely predictable. Unfortunately, I think we’ll see more of it.”

Last updated on August 30, 2020

Adam Rogan / AP
Kyle Rittenhouse (left), with backward cap, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Aug. 25, with another armed civilian.

The violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin this week — in which a teenage Trump supporter allegedly shot and killed two people at a Black Lives Matter rally and wounded a third — has raised a terrifying prospect: What if it is not a horrific one-off but a preview of what's to come?

What if the bitter presidential election is not decided on Election Day — a scenario many experts say is likely — and people from both sides take to the streets? What if Trump appears to lose the election but claims that the outcome was rigged and refuses to concede, a possibility that he has already floated? What if Trump loses the popular vote again but still wins the election, and protesters fill the streets, met by counterprotesters? What if it turns violent?

With the election two months away, the country’s divides have grown increasingly dangerous. Speakers at the Republican National Convention, led by the president, warned that the country is spiraling into disorder and chaos. Self-proclaimed militia members have taken to the streets across the country with guns to defend property amid protests against police brutality. An online ecosystem quickly connects and radicalizes like-minded “patriots,” as social media industry executives struggle to contain the consequences.

Now, elected leaders, police officials, and political observers are looking out at their streets and public plazas with trepidation: Could violent clashes erupt out there on Nov. 4? How bad could it get?

“It’s extremely concerning,” said Howard Graves, a senior policy analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center. “There’s a brewing climate of hostility. Far-right groups have stated their intent to publicly demonstrate with firearms around polling locations or anywhere there is civil strife.”

“What happened in Kenosha was entirely predictable,” he added. “Unfortunately, I think we’ll see more of it.”

This spring and summer, as protests against police brutality have reached towns where no one thought they would ever come, Americans have taken to the streets like never before. The majority of these protests have been peaceful, but increasingly, in small cities and big ones, there has also been violence, or the dark threat of it. Many on the right have grown terrified by what they see on the news every night, especially on conservative media.

Armed groups of people wielding baseball bats, or machetes, or even long guns and assault weapons have begun appearing, sometimes on the fringes and sometimes in the center of the action. The reasons have varied. Sometimes, as in Richmond, Virginia, and Lansing, Michigan, it was to protest shelter-in-place orders or mask requirements. Sometimes, as in Dallas and Provo, Utah, and Douglas County, Nevada, it was to gather a show of force to counteract the perceived threat of Black Lives Matter protests and the destruction of property and burning of businesses that sometimes trailed in its wake.

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Jeff Kowalsky / Getty Images
An armed group at the Michigan State Capitol, on April 15, 2020, protests the governor's stay-at-home orders aimed at containing coronavirus spread.

People from both ends of the political spectrum have appeared on the streets in the last few months with guns, but right-wing protesters have made a spectacle of showing up with military-grade weapons, such as when throngs of largely white protesters, many conspicuously toting assault weapons, marched into the state capitol in Michigan. Gun ownership in America tilts heavily Republican; according to a 2017 study from the Pew Research Center, “Republican and Republican leading independents are more than twice as likely as Democrats and Democrat leaning independents to say they own a gun.”

President Donald Trump has at times condoned people who take the law into their own hands. At the Republican National Convention this week, his campaign gave a primetime speaking slot to the Missouri couple who stood on their front porch brandishing guns while Black Lives Matters protesters marched peacefully by on the way to demonstrate in front of the St. Louis mayor’s home.

In recent months, left-wing militia groups have sprouted up to protect protesters. Marq Claxton, a retired NYPD detective and director of the Black Law Enforcement Alliance, said he worries about the peril of heavily armed civilians squaring off at this tense, emotional moment.

Already, armed groups have shot or threatened protesters and even law enforcement officials. In Oakland, California, a suspected member of the "boogaloo boys," an extremist, right-wing, anti-government group — a fact that Vice President Mike Pence pointedly ignored — was arrested on charges of fatally shooting a federal officer. In Bethel, Ohio, hundreds of counterprotesters, some of them armed, confronted around 80 Black Lives Matter protesters on a peaceful summer afternoon; a melee ensued. In Bedford County, Pennsylvania, a white man allegedly shot a protester marching with a group from Wisconsin to Washington, DC.

And then there is Kenosha, where armed militia members patrolled the streets with the stated purpose of defending property and backing up law enforcement amid protests sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake. The militia members were organized on Facebook by a group calling itself the “Kenosha Guard” and invited “any patriots willing to take up arms” against “evil thugs.” Facebook received more than 450 reports about the page — far more than for any other event that day — but left it up. On Tuesday night, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly opened fire with an AR-15, killing one man. Then, after appearing to run away, he fell down, and prosecutors say he opened fire again, killing a second man and wounding a third.

Rittenhouse was arrested Thursday and charged with murder. But not before his actions were defended by prominent figures on the right: Tucker Carlson described Rittenhouse as acting to “defend order when no one else would.” Online fundraisers sought money for his legal bills — his lawyers have said he was acting in self-defense — and hashtags called him a hero.

“We’re seeing this cultural embrace of vigilantism,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino.

Joseph Prezioso / Getty Images
A man wears a shirt calling for freedom for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who allegedly shot protesters in Wisconsin, during a Donald Trump campaign rally in Londonderry, New Hampshire, Aug. 28.

Vigilante groups on the right have begun to organize online this summer: quickly, passionately, and in direct response to Black Lives Matter protests or public health mandates to wear masks or stay at home. Social media giants have typically been slow to take down pages, such as the Kenosha Guard page, that appear to incite mayhem.

“There are a lot of new groups on the scene,” said Carolyn Gallaher, a professor at American University’s School of International Service who studies militia groups. “If we have an election that's contested and these groups come out in the streets, it’s going to be really hard to police because a lot of cities aren't used to dealing with this,” Gallaher added. “As a country we've allowed these groups to brazenly walk around with military-grade weapons, and we haven't policed them or reined them in.”

In some cities, many rank-and-file officers appear to tacitly support armed militia members.

In Kenosha this week, officers were captured on video praising armed militia members and thanking them for coming into the city. Some also provided them with bottles of water. Rittenhouse reportedly received one himself from police before the shooting. During the first week of protests following the police killing of George Floyd, the Oath Keepers militia in Texas and the Three Percenters militia in Utah both announced that they were collaborating with local law enforcement to help provide security services.

Some officers “sympathize with those groups, and they almost treat them as an auxiliary of the department,” said Jody Armour, a professor at the University of Southern California Law School. “The people who are tasked with maintaining order and keeping the peace in the event of a contested election and an outbreak of violence are themselves partisan.” Indeed, police unions and leaders across the country have endorsed Trump, who has lashed out at the Black Lives Matter movement and directed federal agents to crack down on protests.

Widespread election protests, in which pro-Trump officers stand between protesters who share their affinity for the incumbent and protesters who don’t, could “really test the fabric of the nation's democracy, and what it’s real relationship is with law enforcement,” Armour said.

Gallaher, the scholar who studies militias, said the vigilantes on patrol at this summer’s protests bear little resemblance to the libertarian militias operating around the US in the 1990s and 2000s, which sometimes clashed with law enforcement in high-profile stand-offs over land or tax issues. Instead, they are more akin to the pro-government paramilitary groups of recent history in Iraq, Colombia, Northern Ireland, or the Jim Crow South, “where they are formally not of the state but they have similar overlap and aims,” she said. “Paramilitaries can often do the dirty work of the state, and the state can have plausible deniability because they're not connected to them.”

And then there are the politics of the presidential election itself. As the economy sputters and COVID cases climb, President Trump has campaigned on framing cities controlled by Democrats as lawless cauldrons of chaos while painting the suburbs — and the crucial bloc of voters who live there — as communities under seige. Many of his supporters are terrified by what they see on the news every night, especially on conservative media. His campaign has made “law and order” a centerpiece, and he threatened to send federal troops into cities from Philadelphia to Chicago to Oakland.

In that sense, if Kenosha offers one future scenario, Portland, Oregon, offers another. There, mass demonstrations in the streets have been aggravated by partisan politics in a presidential election, and a conflict between local control and federal intervention ordered by President Trump.

Amid ongoing Black Lives Matter demonstrations, officers from the Department of Homeland Security moved into Portland in July and began detaining protesters in unmarked vans and shooting tear gas nightly into crowds of demonstrators, including long lines of women who proclaimed themselves a “wall of moms.”

Nathan Howard / Getty Images
A Portland police officer rips a bike from the hands of a protester while dispersing a crowd from in front of the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office in Portland, Oregon, Aug. 22.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler took to the streets with protesters, where he was teargassed by law enforcement and then donned goggles in front of the media while denouncing federal tactics. But despite his show of support for protesters, Wheeler has been pilloried by the left, who call him “Tear Gas Teddy,” for his apparent helplessness to control law enforcement actions in his city. Last weekend, armed protesters from both the left and the right faced off on the downtown streets, scuffling for hours while wielding weapons including paintball guns, actual guns, and metal rods. Police officers watched but made no arrests.

Wheeler, Portland’s mayor, crystallized a key problem: The city was “at a critical place where police officers are needed to intervene in protests where police officers themselves are the flashpoint.”

On Friday, Wheeler released an open letter to Donald Trump in which he blamed the president for some of the violence on the streets. “We know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection,” he wrote. “When you sent the Feds to Portland last month, you made the situation far worse.”

Some elected officials and police leaders, perhaps wary of the volatile politics, refused to even discuss the prospect of militia violence in their streets, declining interview requests with BuzzFeed News. But other officials, including mayors in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Missoula, Montana, have felt it necessary to publicly proclaim that they do not support armed civilians taking it upon themselves to act as police.

"We, as elected leaders from the Spokane community, declare that we oppose the presence of armed vigilantes roaming the streets of our city," read a public statement issued in June by elected leaders in that Washington state city after armed militia groups began patrolling the downtown area, alarming local business owners.

On the front lines, police officers around the country have privately told BuzzFeed News that they are growing increasingly fearful.

“It’s to the point now that we’re almost in too deep because we’ve allowed too many people to have these legitimate weapons during these riots and protests,” said an officer in Maryland, who asked not to be named for fear that speaking about the issue would put his safety at risk. “We have to toe the line very carefully because we’re up against equal firepower. Even though the police have more numbers, we aren’t trained like the military to be prepared to face shit like that on a daily basis.”

Albert Samaha is an investigative reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.

Jessica Garrison is a senior investigative editor for BuzzFeed News and is based in San Francisco.

How Scotland's public sector pulled together to fight Covid through data

Covid-19 marked a fundamental shift in how real-time statistical information was discussed, shared and interpreted on a daily basis – and analysed for ­relevance by people who had shown little or no interest in data before.

By David Lee
Wednesday, 26th August 2020,

Picture: Shutterstock

“There is something quite powerful in the ability of any citizen to go online and see updated data on cases, fatalities and much more, for anywhere in the world,” says Professor Shannon Vallor, Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and AI at the University of Edinburgh.

“We have seen epidemiological modelling for many past outbreaks, but this is the first time the public was able to access data in such a usable form.”

Gillian Docherty, chief executive of Edinburgh-based innovation centre The Data Lab, agrees: “Every day, we were told, ‘We’re analysing the data, looking at the evidence – that’s informing what we are doing’. That’s been a fundamental change.”

So, how well geared up was Scotland in understanding the data, sharing it across different public bodies and analysing it at high speed to inform life-or-death decisions

Docherty has been impressed. She says: “I’ve been involved with the public sector for more than a decade and never seen the level of co-operation I’ve seen over the last five months. There has been a can-do attitude, a real willingness to support each other – and this includes handling, sharing and analysing data.

“If you had an important data review, you might have been doing it every three months; during the pandemic, it was, ‘OK, we’ll do that tomorrow’. The public sector proved it could move at speed to do what needed to be done while respecting governance and public privacy – and without ripping up the rule book. That’s really positive.”

Jason Leitch, a public face of the pandemic as Scotland’s National Clinical Director, says: “The pace and scale of development has been unprecedented. Data has played a critical role throughout the stages of the pandemic and been vital to modelling the potential impacts on demand for health and other services, to ensure they have sufficient capacity to respond to the surge in infection. It has also been used to inform the actions required to minimise impact and keep people safe.”

Dr Kenneth Meechan, head of information and data protection officer at Glasgow City Council, reports a similar picture. He says: “We have learned we can move really fast if we have to. At very short notice, there was a raft of data sharing with the NHS and other agencies that local authorities did not normally share data with, ­organising food and medical deliveries for people who were shielding and identifying those with social and financial vulnerabilities.

Despite challenges around privacy and data-sharing agreements between public bodies, Meechan maintains pragmatism prevailed with lives at risk. He says: “There was an element of necessity and a light touch in terms of governance in a crisis situation; sometimes you had to go ahead and complete data protection assessments later.

“No-one would have thanked me for saying that shielding didn’t start because we were waiting for technical paperwork to be signed.”

However, Meechan, also chair of a SOLAR group of Scottish councils’ lawyers on data protection and related issues, stresses: “Just because you’re in a crisis, you don’t throw out fundamental safeguards or violate anyone’s rights. We were conscious where we had to relax normal controls and tracked what we did – and why. We’ll examine that and ask questions.”

He says that lessons learned include working with the NHS to look at a “heat map” of positive tests in the event of further outbreaks. “This is fundamental stuff about people’s health and lives. We are not using personal data for anything ­other than making important and quick decisions to protect vulnerable people.”

And he says amid the crisis there have been positive developments: “In the space of four months, we’ve pushed forward IT and data sharing in a way that would have taken at least 18 months normally.

“We have learned valuable lessons, like using social work data beside other data in the NHS Safe Haven. It’s ‘under the bonnet’ so not obviously visible, but researchers can use it to draw conclusions. Through SOLAR and other professional networks like the Local Government Digital Office, local authorities have been able to respond on a more collective basis rather than have our partner agencies negotiate 32 times over, which is better for everyone.”

However, the coronavirus crisis also identified areas where improvements are needed. Leitch says there is “much to learn in terms of how we use data in future”, and there was fierce criticism in the media of the discharging of patients who hadn’t been tested for Covid-19 from hospitals to care homes in the early stages of the pandemic.

One “could do better” issue is the fact that local authorities and other public bodies use a variety of different platforms, which can make sharing data slower and clunkier than it should be.

Docherty says: “There is a big piece of work to do around common data standards and frameworks – it’s easier to share data [both ethically and legally] between public
bodies when everything is aligned. The Scottish Government understands that and is well down the road in addressing it.”

Albert King, Scotland’s Chief Data Officer, says that real progress has been made before and during the pandemic, but accepts there are challenges, “because different
public services describe data in different ways”.

He says this is being addressed by creating “contemporary, digital, platform-based business models”, set out in Scotland’s Digital Strategy.

“This is reflected in the approach we are taking to digital identity and payments. Adoption of common data standards and platforms reduces the cost and time of delivering digital products and ­services.”

To help speed up this digital journey, two taskforces were set up. One connected councils, the Scottish Government, NHS, police, enterprise agencies and others “to assemble data from across the public sector for analysis”, says King.

Research Data Scotland also announced a new taskforce in May, chaired by Chief Statistician Roger Halliday.

It brought together existing and emerging data resources, expertise, capabilities and key data sets – healthcare services, testing, care home residents, vulnerable groups and school pupils, as well as census data – to advise ministers making vital decisions around Covid-19.

King says that collaboration was highly significant in the early months of the pandemic: “Bringing together health and local government data was really important in enabling us to work together to identify and support people who were shielding.”

He also highlights Connecting Scotland, which supports thousands of vulnerable people (those on low incomes and considered clinically at high risk) to get online to access services and connect with their friends and family during the pandemic.

King says: “Both examples meant co-operation between national and local government, health and social care and the voluntary sector, to understand who needed support and where.”
The Big Interview: Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre chief executive Heather Jones
Heather Jones champions innovation in an effort to ensure Scottish aquaculture is a world leader.

By Emma Newlands
Wednesday, 2nd September 2020
Jones says her remit includes championing innovation in aquaculture. Picture: H Preston.

Heather Jones heads the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), which last month announced it was looking to support the industry’s recovery from Covid-19 through a new innovation fund. The pandemic has been a significant challenge to the economy and aquaculture is no exception, with the centre looking to help the sector adapt to a “new commercial and operational reality in the months and years ahead”.Can you explain what your role entails and what you aim to achieve?

The CEO was also key in the formation of Women in Scottish Aquaculture. Picture: H Preston.

As the chief executive of SAIC, my role champions innovation in aquaculture and builds links at the interface between the sector and academia. A key aim is helping applied research from Scottish universities and institutions to have real-world impact, in Scotland and beyond.

Last year we set out our strategy for phase two of SAIC which includes working with SMEs, nurturing skills and talent, and continuing to drive innovation and share knowledge. The collaborative research projects we support have a notable economic impact and contribute to the sector’s overarching ambition for growth – the industry plans to sustainably double its economic contribution from £1.8 billion in 2016 to £3.6bn by 2030.

During our first five-year phase, we helped to turn an initial project funding package of £6.75m into an applied research portfolio valued at £42.6m, spread across 47 collaborative initiatives In the next phase we hope to do even more to establish a low-carbon, hi-tech, data-rich and cutting-edge sector that builds on the existing foundations.

The organisation recently launched a funding call to support Scotland’s growing aquaculture sector through the continuing impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Can you explain this?

The industry has been incredibly adaptable, continuing to produce healthy, nutritious protein throughout lockdown. It’s been a seminal example of organisations being flexible, creative and innovative. Changes to consumer eating habits and to international export markets have massively disrupted supply chains.

To build resilience for the future, there may be opportunities for Scottish businesses to service their local customers, not just in terms of the supply of food but also in terms of the infrastructure and hardware essential to run successful businesses.

As the population grows, the demand for protein-rich food sources will grow in tandem – how can seafood help meet that need?

Agriculturally-based protein supplies are finite and constrained by land available for farming. In contrast there is an untapped potential to increase farmed fish and shellfish production. Scotland has an abundance of marine and coastal resources, with the ideal conditions to farm Atlantic salmon in harmony with nature.

The “blue revolution” is about harnessing the power and potential of the world’s seas, rivers, lochs and oceans – for energy, for food and to harvest the organisms that grow there such as seaweed. The careful harvesting of natural resources, in a sustainable way, will help us not only to feed the world, but also to develop new biologically and ecologically sustainable ingredients.

You are doing an MSc in sustainable aquaculture – how rapidly has sustainability moved up the agenda, and what more needs to be done?

Sustainability has been on the agenda for decades but its importance is being recognised more and more. The issue of climate change is much better understood now, and there are ample opportunities for us to apply what we know to how we conserve and use global resources – of food, energy and water – sustainably.

For change to happen, though, political will and societal acceptability are crucial, as are practical steps to implement better ways of producing and consuming with less waste on both sides of that equation.

I firmly believe that aquaculture is a massive part of sustainable global food production. In developing countries, aquaculture can offer ways out of starvation and poverty for individuals and communities. And global trade in farmed seafood products supports the economic development of many emerging countries.

Sustainable aquaculture is all about farming responsibly. Over-exploitation in farming today harms the natural environment and the resources on which our ability to farm tomorrow depends. That’s why so much effort is being made to ensure Scottish aquaculture is one of the most sustainable forms of farming in the world.

Sharing knowledge is another big part of helping the sector to grow sustainably – transferring technical and technological know-how from company to company, country to country. I think better information supporting consumer choice can help deepen an understanding of what sustainability means in its broadest sense.

Tell us how your career progressed before your arrival at SAIC.

I’ve had a varied career that started with the civil service graduate programme after university. I have also spent time working with the private sector in the US, as well as a stint in London working for a Scottish Office minister. Before I joined SAIC, I was a deputy director in the Scottish Government, where I had four fascinating roles – in one, I was responsible for aquaculture, freshwater fisheries, and marine licensing, which then led me to SAIC.

Across many of my roles, I’ve had amazing opportunities to work globally, particularly when I was responsible within the Scottish Government for international aid and “soft” diplomacy – using Scotland’s cultural assets to export our products, infused with Scottish provenance and values, and to attract overseas students and inward investment to come to Scotland.

You have extensive volunteering experience – what do you think the benefits of volunteering are?

I have enjoyed volunteering in several different contexts and have always found it to be a life-enriching experience. There is something special about engaging with others with no strings attached. It then becomes all about the relationships and the shared values and benefits of doing things with others who are also giving their time and energy too.

Voluntary work can sometimes be thought of as all about the “giving”, whether that’s time, energy or expertise. My reality has been that I’ve got so much more back in return. I’ve had some of the most fun, rewarding and memorable times in my life volunteering.

You were key in the formation of Women in Scottish Aquaculture, which launched on International Women’s Day last year – what is its purpose and what has it achieved?

WiSA is a networking group for women and men, all about promoting diversity. As well as encouraging more people to consider a career in aquaculture and targeting support to those at entry level, we also offer a range of services for women already working in the sector.

We want to celebrate the role of women, highlighting inspiring, positive role models for the next generation. We do lots of networking, in person and online, and recently ran our first mentoring scheme with 38 mentors and mentees involved.

At one of our first group meetings we were joined by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, which was a fantastic endorsement of the vibrant, lively community we’ve created.

Networks like WiSA can be invaluable in providing the tools and skills to help women build successful careers, while also helping to promote the range of rewarding opportunities to the next generation of talent.

What would you like the SAIC to look like by, say, the end of 2021?

I’d like to welcome some younger faces into the SAIC team. They will likely bring a fresh outlook and different perspective with them. If we start working with new talent today, then we can help to build and develop the leaders of tomorrow.

Scottish aquaculture sector to gain from research programme led by University of the West of Scotland

Plans are being hatched to set up a spin-out company in Scotland to develop a tool to improve fish health and boost the aquaculture sector

By Perry Gourley
Saturday, 18th April 2020

A research programme being led by the University of the West of Scotland and backed by a number of industry players is working on a monitoring system to help seafood producers identify health concerns and take pre-emptive action.

A research programme being led by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and backed by a number of industry players is working on a monitoring system to help seafood producers identify health concerns and take pre-emptive action.

The method – similar to approaches used in human and veterinary medicine – involves regular analysis of biomarkers such as mineral or electrolyte levels in blood samples.

The project was recently awarded a significant funding package as part of the UK Seafood Innovation Fund, with support from the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC).

Businesses including The Scottish Salmon Company, Scottish Sea Farms, Mowi, Cooke Aquaculture, Loch Duart, Wester Ross Fisheries, Grieg Seafood and Kames Fish Farming are also supporting the research.

The UWS team is planning to set up a company in a year or so to harness the research through Scottish Enterprise’s high-growth spin-out programme.

The new tool could dramatically improve the speed and efficiency of the health monitoring process at fish farms.
As part of the project, researchers are now running tests on thousands of samples to develop a digital database that will allow future blood samples to be cross-referenced against a set of biomarkers that represent normal conditions.

Brian Quinn, professor of ecotoxicology at the UWS’s aquaculture health laboratory, said: “This type of proactive approach might seem a no-brainer, given that it’s already used widely in human medicine and agriculture.

“However, it’s a very complex process and we’re just scratching the surface when it comes to developing the system for fish health.”

Quinn said the project has received a “great deal of support” from the industry as companies recognise the potential impact and benefits.

“The system could trigger a fundamental change in fish farming’s approach to health management, based on proactive, informed interventions – it’s the first time we’ve been in a position to offer this,” he added.

Polly Douglas, aquaculture innovation manager at the Stirling-based SAIC, said: “Enhancing fish health and wellbeing continues to be one of the biggest priorities for the sector in Scotland. It’s great to be helping to facilitate partnerships between academia and the industry that can find new, more efficient methods for monitoring and diagnosis. When it comes to complex projects, collaboration is key to success.”

SAIC champions gender equality in our sector and I hope to see that continue – our team is around 85 per cent female, compared with only 9 per cent in the wider aquaculture sector. I’d love to see more women working in the industry. A 50:50 split among new entrants would be such a positive step.

Within SAIC, and the Innovation Centre programme as a whole, the Scottish Government has created a superb model for collaborative innovation – between industries, academia and public sector organisations. It’s a model that works. And there’s nothing like the flattery of other countries recognising that and wanting to copy our success.

In aquaculture, we’ve had interest from the US, Canada, New Zealand and England, wanting to learn how to do what we do. And I know the other Innovation Centres are also widely regarded internationally as dynamic powerhouses of innovation and economic growth. So, my biggest wish for SAIC is that the government’s big-picture, forward-thinking approach to economic growth through collaboration continues well beyond the 2020s.


Chivas whisky owner Pernod Ricard expecting 'continued uncertainty and volatility' amid Covid woes
The owner of Chivas Regal and The Glenlivet Scotch whiskies expects “continued uncertainty and volatility” next year after taking a €1 billion (£890 million) hit over the past financial year.
By Scott Reid
Wednesday, 2nd September 2020, 1:41 pm
Pernod Ricard is the French spirits giant that owns Chivas Brothers, one of the biggest producers of whisky in Scotland. Picture: John Devlin
French spirits giant Pernod Ricard, whose other brands include Mumm champagne, Absolut vodka and Martell cognac, has been hit hard by the shutdown of bars and restaurants in most of its key markets due to the Covid pandemic.
Profit from recurring operations fell 13.7 per cent on an organic basis to €2.26bn in the year to 30 June, though this was a stronger outcome than the company’s July revised guidance for a 15 per cent decline. Over the period, global sales fell 9.5 per cent to some €8.45bn.
The firm took a €1bn impairment charge during the year due to Covid-19 and mostly related to Absolut vodka. (USED FOR HAND SANITIZER)
Key categories were impacted by the pandemic, the group noted, though its specialty brands category performed well, underpinned by Martell, Chivas Regal, Absolut and Ballantine’s.
Chairman and chief executive Alexandre Ricard told investors: “For [financial year 2021], Pernod Ricard expects continued uncertainty and volatility, in particular relating to sanitary conditions and their impact on social gatherings, as well as challenging economic conditions.
“We anticipate a prolonged downturn in travel retail but resilience of the off-trade in the US and Europe and sequential improvement in China, India and the on-trade globally.”
“We will harness our agility to adjust fast to capture new opportunities. Thanks to our solid fundamentals, our teams and our brand portfolio, I am confident that Pernod will emerge from this crisis stronger.”
Jean-Christophe Coutures, chairman and chief executive of Scotch whisky business Chivas Brothers, said: “Our business and brands have responded with agility and resilience in the face of unprecedented market conditions, in many instances outperforming the category
“Strong performances in key regions such as North America and Eastern Europe, as well as in domestic markets with fewer social restrictions such as Taiwan and Korea, have helped offset the heavily-impacted global travel retail channel.
“We remain confident in the strength of our portfolio and the Scotch category as a whole, especially in its ability to withstand and overcome external challenges.”

Whisky giant Chivas Brothers has been named NHS Scotland’s first pro-bono supplier of hand sanitiser.

By Scott Reid
Wednesday, 13th May 2020,
Chivas Brothers is also supporting the UK effort more widely, having donated 100,000 litres of pure alcohol last month to manufacturing partners to create over 120,000 litres of hand sanitiser for frontline NHS staff battling the pandemic in communities across England, Scotland and Wales.

The Scotch whisky business of global spirits group Pernod Ricard said it was committed to providing more than 50,000 500ml bottles of much-needed hand sanitiser by the end of June.

The firm has begun the transportation of its NHS-approved hand sanitiser, which is produced at the Plymouth Gin distillery and packaged by the team at Chivas Brothers’ site in Dumbarton, to NHS Scotland’s central distribution hub. From there it will go on to support health boards across the country.

It follows the company’s distribution of more than 10,000 litres of hand sanitiser to social care providers and charities across Glasgow, West Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire and Ayrshire.

Gordon Buist, production director at Chivas Brothers, said: “As NHS Scotland’s first pro-bono hand sanitiser supplier we look forward to supporting more frontline healthcare workers across the country who are working tirelessly in the fight against the pandemic.

“We’re fortunate to have been able to repurpose part of our production facilities to the bottling and packaging of hand sanitiser, enabling us to better assist NHS Scotland in the fight against the virus.”

Brian Roach, NHS Scotland category manager, said: “The donation of hand sanitiser from Chivas Brothers is a significant gesture, for which NHS Scotland is hugely grateful. This sanitiser will contribute towards appropriately protecting NHS Scotland clinical and frontline staff as they undertake their essential daily activities.”

Chivas is also supporting the UK effort more widely, having donated 100,000 litres of pure alcohol last month to manufacturing partners to create more than 120,000 litres of hand sanitiser for frontline NHS staff battling the pandemic in communities across England, Scotland and Wales.

A Mayor Has Rescinded A $2,500 Bill He Sent To A Teenager For "Police Overtime" After She Organized A BLM Rally

"The police came out ONCE to pull out these plastic things that was literally it. Police overtime my ass."
Last updated on September 1, 2020
ABC7 / Via
A New Jersey mayor sent a teenager a $2,500 bill for "police overtime" after she organized a Black Lives Matter protest — but he later rescinded it following media attention, claiming he had received "improper guidance."
Emily Gil, 18, organized a small Black Lives Matter rally in Englewood Cliffs on July 25 to protest the lack of affordable housing in her community, reported Around 30 people turned up to the peaceful event on a Saturday morning.
A few days later, Gil received a bill in the mail.
“Please promptly forward your payment to the borough in the amount of $2,499.26 for the police overtime caused by your protest,” Englewood Cliffs Mayor Mario M. Kranjac wrote in the letter, according to
Gil told ABC7 that she had alerted the mayor to her upcoming protest.
"He said, 'So now that you've alerted me that this is going on, I'm going to have to send the police to you,'" Gil said. "So it wasn't something that I specifically requested. It was something that he imposed on me."
She also told ABC7 that the mayor also suggested she volunteer at a local food bank. "I felt a little disrespected, because the tone of the letter was condescending," she said.
A young activist, writer, and filmmaker, Gil graduated this year from Bergen County Technical School. Last year, she won the New Jersey Governor's Award and did an internship in Rep. Bill Pascrell's office.
Pascrell on Saturday called for the bill to be "rescinded immediately," adding that Gil was "apparently being sanctioned" for standing up for justice.
Kranjac wrote in the letter that it was necessary to charge Gil because she did not meet with officials before the protest. "Your lack of notification left the borough with little time to prepare for your protest so that the police department and department of public works could ensure that everyone would be safe,” he wrote, according to
One of the co-organizers of the rally posted on Instagram that the police presence was minimal and mainly involved the erection of plastic barriers.
ABC7 / Via
"The police came out ONCE to pull out these plastic things that was literally it," Vivian Chung posted on her Instagram, along with a link to a news story about the police bill. "Police overtime my ass."
"Mario has the audacity to charge someone for organizing a peaceful protest," Chung continued, "and meanwhile lets teenagers in our town get away with having big house parties during a pandemic."
Gil said the mayor sent her the bill because of her political beliefs, telling she had "reason to believe that it was because of my pro-affordable housing stance that Mr. Kranjac handled the situation this way."
She told BuzzFeed News that the letter was "a thinly veiled threat intended to chill free speech by leveraging financial power over a teenager."
At first, Kranjac stood by the decision to charge Gil, claiming it was a fee, not a fine. He told the Associated Press that Gil had not met with city officials beforehand.
“As with any privately sponsored event that takes place in the borough requiring police safety, an invoice was sent to the organizer for police overtime since it would be unfair to require our residents to financially support a private event,” he told
It is not common for protest organizers to be charged for police attendance at a protest. Kranjac did not respond to BuzzFeed News' question about whether it was standard practice for his office to charge residents money for such events.
But after multiple media reports, the mayor changed his mind and canceled the charge.
"The bill was rescinded," Kranjac told BuzzFeed News. "I relied on staff that provided improper guidance."
But Gil doesn't see it as a win, she said, "since the 'bill' wasn't even legitimate in the first place."
"I think the mayor should be investigated for his actions to determine whether there was any wrongdoing on his part and to see if he’s repeated this behavior elsewhere. We have to make sure this never happens again," she told BuzzFeed News.
She added that the reason she organized the rally was to bring attention to the "long history of exclusion and racism" in Englewood Cliffs. Though she's "glad the mayor is getting negative press for his wrongdoing and possible corruption," Gil hopes that people will continue to focus on the issue her rally was about: affordable housing and enacting systemic changes to improve their community.
  • Picture of Amber Jamieson
    Amber Jamieson is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.

A Kenosha Militia Facebook Event Asking Attendees To Bring Weapons Was Reported 455 Times. Moderators Said It Didn’t Violate Any Rules.

CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that the reason the militia page and an associated event remained online after a shooting that killed two people was due to “an operational mistake.”

Ryan MacBuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 28, 2020


In a companywide meeting on Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that a militia page advocating for followers to bring weapons to an upcoming protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, remained on the platform because of “an operational mistake.” The page and an associated event inspired widespread criticism of the company after a 17-year-old suspect allegedly shot and killed two protesters Tuesday night.

The event associated with the Kenosha Guard page, however, was flagged to Facebook at least 455 times after its creation, according to an internal report viewed by BuzzFeed News, and had been cleared by four moderators, all of whom deemed it “non-violating.” The page and event were eventually removed from the platform on Wednesday — several hours after the shooting.

“To put that number into perspective, it made up 66% of all event reports that day,” one Facebook worker wrote in the internal “Violence and Incitement Working Group” to illustrate the number of complaints the company had received about the event.

BuzzFeed News could not verify the content on the militia page or its associated event because they had been removed from the platform. A previous story from the Verge noted that the page had issued a “call to arms” and hosted a number of commenters advocating for violence in Kenosha following the police shooting of 29-year-old Black man Jacob Blake.

A Facebook spokesperson declined to comment.

The internal report seen by BuzzFeed News reveals the extent to which concerned Facebook users went to warn the company of a group calling for public violence, and how the company failed to act. “The event is highly unusual in retrospect,” reads the report, which notes that the next highest event for the day had been flagged 18 times by users compared to the 455 times of the Kenosha Guard event.

After militia gathered in Kenosha on Tuesday night, a 17-year-old with a rifle allegedly killed two protesters. Facebook has maintained that the suspect, whose Facebook and Instagram profiles were taken down after the incident, had no direct connection with the Kenosha Guard page or event.
Do you work at Facebook or another technology company? We'd love to hear from you. Reach out at or via one of our tip line channels.

During Facebook’s Thursday all-hands meeting, Zuckerberg said that the images from Wisconsin were “painful and really discouraging,” before acknowledging that the company had made a mistake in not taking the Kenosha Guard page and event down sooner. The page had violated Facebook’s new rules introduced last week that labeled militia and QAnon groups as “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations” for their celebrations of violence.

The company did not catch the page despite user reports, Zuckerberg said, because the complaints had been sent to content moderation contractors who were not versed in “how certain militias” operate. “On second review, doing it more sensitively, the team that was responsible for dangerous organizations recognized that this violated the policies and we took it down.”

During the talk, Facebook employees hammered Zuckerberg for continuing to allow the spread of hatred on the platform.

Provided to BuzzFeed News

One Facebook user received this response after trying to report the Kenosha Guard Facebook page noting that it did not "go against one of our specific Community Standards."

“At what point do we take responsibility for enabling hate filled bile to spread across our services?” wrote one employee. “[A]nti semitism, conspiracy, and white supremacy reeks across our services.”

The internal report seen by BuzzFeed News sheds more light on Facebook’s failure.

“Organizers… advocated for attendees to bring weapons to an event in the event description,” the internal report reads. “There are multiple news articles about our delay in taking down the event.”

One Facebook user who flagged the Kenosha Guard page “for a credible threat of violence” was told “it doesn’t go against one of our specific Community Standards,” according to a screenshot they sent to BuzzFeed News.

In addition to the four manual reviews that determined the Kenosha Guard page to be non-violative, the Facebook report also noted a number of reviews that “were handled by automation” had reached the same conclusion. As part of a proposed change, the Facebook employee writing the report said that the company should monitor spikes in feedback reports for events and “trigger investigation immediately given this has proved to be a good signal for imminent harm.”

The report seems to acknowledge that Facebook was late to act.

“This post provides more details around what happened and changes we are making to detect and investigate similar events sooner,” the worker wrote. “This is a sobering reminder of the importance of the work we do, especially during this charged period.”

Facebook Employees Are Outraged At Mark Zuckerberg's Explanations Of How It Handled The Kenosha ViolenceRyan Mac · Aug. 28, 2020
Facebook Fired An Employee Who Collected Evidence Of Right-Wing Pages Getting Preferential TreatmentCraig Silverman · Aug. 6, 2020
“Facebook Is Hurting People At Scale”: Mark Zuckerberg’s Employees Reckon With The Social Network They’ve BuiltRyan Mac · July 23, 2020

Ryan Mac is a senior tech reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in San Francisco.

Some Of The Biggest QAnon Conspiracy Accounts On Instagram Are Claiming They've Been Suspended

Accounts like @little.miss.patriot, who gained hundreds of thousands of followers by posting right-wing conspiracy theories on Instagram, are saying they have been suspended.

Stephanie McNeal BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on September 1, 2020


Some of the most popular pro-QAnon accounts on Instagram, which have been spreading right-wing conspiracy theories with increasing frequency over the summer, claimed on Tuesday that they have been suspended from the platform.

The account holder behind @little.miss.patriot, who gained nearly 300,000 followers in just a few months by posting pastel-colored infographics of various debunked claims about President Donald Trump and Democrats, posted on their backup account that their main Instagram handle had been suspended without warning

"I have no idea how long my page is disabled for, it will not let me log in, I have no information," the anonymous account holder wrote on their backup page, little.miss.patriot.2.

The account holder behind @qthewakeup also announced that they can no longer access their main page, writing on their backup page: "Can't stop, won't stop."


As did the person behind @greatawkening3, who claimed to have 117,000 followers when they were suspended.


Several smaller conspiracy theory pages, while they remain active, have also had their posts flagged as "false information" by Instagram's fact-checkers.


And right-wing journalist Liz Crokin posted that her Instagram was "under attack," though she didn't clarify what she meant.


However, several accounts that promote QAnon — the collective delusion about Trump fighting a child sex trafficking ring led by liberal global elites — remain active on the platform, without any apparent censorship of their content. In addition, many lifestyle bloggers who have pivoted to conspiracy theory content, such as @roseuncharted and @luvbec, have thus far faced no apparent consequences for sharing the misinformation.


It's unclear whether the accounts have been temporarily suspended, if there is a glitch, or if they have been permanently banned. Instagram did not immediately return a request for comment from BuzzFeed News.

Last month, Facebook announced it was cracking down on misinformation on its platforms, including Instagram, removing or restricting hundreds of groups, accounts, and hashtags related to right-wing conspiracy theories.

"We have seen growing movements that, while not directly organizing violence, have celebrated violent acts, shown that they have weapons and suggest they will use them, or have individual followers with patterns of violent behavior," Facebook said in a statement to the New York Times.