Sunday, October 11, 2020

Trump reportedly wanting Superman t-shirt for release decried
Donald Trump reportedly wanting to wear a Superman t-shirt for his release from the hospital after receiving treatment for Covid-19 is analyzed by former Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele.Oct. 11, 2020  AM JOY

Trump Wanted to ‘Appear Frail’ Before Ripping Shirt to Reveal Superman Logo 
By Emily Bicks Oct 10, 2020 

Getty/AmazonTrump wanted to 'appear frail' before ripping open shirt to reveal the Superman logo while exiting Walter Reed.

President Donald Trump spoke publicly on October 10 for the first time since testing positive for the coronavirus. A mere five days since the president was discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center, Trump spoke from the Blue Room balcony to a crowd of his supporters on the South Lawn.

While an energetic, albeit “markedly brief” speech from The White House was sure to bring media attention, The New York Times reported on Saturday that Trump wanted to pull a huge “stunt” when he first left the hospital on Monday.

According to Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni, the president wanted to trick viewers, recreating a scene reminiscent of Gene Wilder’s infamous entrance as Willy Wonka in the original 1971 film. They wrote:

“In several phone calls last weekend from the presidential suite at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Mr. Trump shared an idea he was considering: When he left the hospital, he wanted to appear frail at first when people saw him, according to people with knowledge of the conversations. But underneath his button-down dress shirt, he would wear a Superman T-shirt, which he would reveal as a symbol of strength when he ripped open the top layer. He ultimately did not go ahead with the stunt.”

President Trump 'thinks he's Superman'Sky News host Peter Gleeson says Donald Trump "thinks he's Superman" and he wouldn't write the US president off ahead of the upcoming election in November. It comes as President Trump recently returned to the White House after just three days in the Walter Reed National Military Medical Centre following a positive coronavirus test. Mr…2020-10-06T05:29:36Z

Even though Trump did not rip off his shirt ala the fictional character Clark Kent in Superman, the 74-year-old president has been called out for trying to appear like Superman by Australia Sky News host Peter Gleeson. New York Times reporter Thomas L. Friedman wrote an op-ed entitled, “Trump’s not Superman. He’s Superspeader.”

The Hills’s op-ed writer Sharyl Attkinson published a very similar piece on October 7, “Trump: From ‘super spreader’ to Superman?” After The New York Times article was published on Saturday, “Willy Wonka” started trending nationally under the politics tab on Twitter.

you know I always imagined that if willy wonka was trending on twitter because of me it'd be for a completely different reason than this

— 🏳️‍⚧️ lady aHEXis 🏳️‍⚧️ (@StebMcDreb) October 10, 2020

Many of Trump’s supporters, however, do see the president’s quick return to The White House as being like Superman. There’s even a shirt of him appearing as Clark Kent available for sale on Amazon.
Trump’s Hoarse Voice ‘Gave Out’ During Call With Sean Hannity on October 8

Paging Dr. Conley, Trump is not asymptomatic.
His voice is extremely hoarse and crackles.#TrumpIsNotWell. #TrumpVirus

— SisterhoodTribe555🌈⚖️ (@SisterhoodTribe) October 9, 2020

On October 5, Trump made his first call into Fox News since his hospitalization, and while speaking with Sean Hannity, he did not sound like a man with superhero powers. At one point in the conversation, his hoarse voice ‘gave out’ entirely, Vox journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted. Trump was talking about “oscillating” his mic during his debates with Hillary Clinton in 2016 when his voice grew increasingly raspy and he had to pause to clear his throat.

Yikes. Trump's voice is extremely hoarse and at one point gave out.

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) October 9, 2020

During the conversation, Trump refused to answer when he last tested positive for COVID-19 but said he planned on attending his scheduled rally in Florida on Saturday night, along with Sunday night’s rally in Pennsylvania. “I feel so good,” Trump told Hannity. But he again struggled not to cough while discussing absentee ballots.

On Thursday, the president’s physician Sean P. Conley put out a statement that Trump “has completed his course of therapy for COVID-19,” and that he will be able to “return to public engagements” on Saturday.

In an interview when he repeatedly paused to cough or catch his breath, Trump says he wants to resume campaign travel in days and won’t say when he’s been tested. Trump has not been seen independently in person since returning from the hospital on Monday night.

— Kevin Liptak (@Kevinliptakcnn) October 9, 2020

The CDC states that people infected with COVID-19 need to wait 10 days after their symptoms first appeared, be fever-free for 24 hours with no medication and show improvement in symptoms before safely being around other people.

MSNBC anchor Chris Hayes remains wary of Conley’s reports. After hearing Trump’s call with Hannity, he tweeted, “I don’t think at this point there is any reason to give face value credence to the White House or president’s doctors’ pronouncements about either the timeline of his illness or his current status.”
Trump Appeared to Have Trouble Breathing Outside the White House, Causing Speculation About the President’s Health

Coronavirus in Chief, Trump takes off mask as he returns to WH.

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) October 5, 2020

Trump was discharged from the hospital on Monday. He tweeted, “I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. … I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”

The president also said his illness would not derail his campaign efforts. He tweeted, “Will be back on the Campaign Trail soon!!! The Fake News only shows the Fake Polls.”

This is quite the interesting question. After a slew of Tweets this morning…he hasn't been seen since he could barely breathe on the balcony of the #WhiteHouse. So… #WhereIsTrump ?

— Blue Wave Commentary #Resist #VoteBlue (@charleyw) October 7, 2020

Aside from concern for the safety and wellbeing of White House staffers with Trump’s return, Twitter users commented on how Trump appeared to have trouble breathing after removing his mask. One person tweeted, “Closeup video of trump on the balcony clearly shows that he is still having difficulty breathing.”

Did anyone else take note that @realDonaldTrump was struggling to breath when he got to the top of the @WH stairs? That’s why he stood there for so long. He was struggling.

— Cathy Rosen (@rockinrosen) October 5, 2020

Numerous people on Twitter commented on Trump’s breathing after he walked up the White House steps. One person tweeted, “I know what it’s like not to be able to breath. More asthma attacks than I can count. When I watch the tape of Trump getting back to the White House…I am willing to bet he is still having breathing issues & will be back at Walter Reed shortly. Can’t believe a word he says.”

Trump claims in COVID interview he’s taking ‘strong look’ at existence of UFOs

Published on October 11, 2020 By David Edwards
Donald and Melania Trump observe an eclipse (screen grab)

A Fox News interview with President Donald Trump ended on an odd noted on Sunday after the host asked if the president was aware of unidentified flying objects (UFOs).

The interview, which had largely focused on Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis, took a strange turn with just seconds to go.

“I’ve got to ask you this final question,” Fox News host Maria Bartiromo announced. “Can you explain why the Department of Defense has set up a UFO task force?”

“Mr. President, as we wrap up here, are there UFOs?” she wondered.

“Well, I’m going to have to check on that,” Trump replied. “I mean, I’ve heard that. I heard that two days ago. So I’ll check on that. I’ll take a good strong look at that.”

Earlier in the interview, Trump claimed that he is “immune” from COVID-19 for an unknown amount of time.

Watch the video below from Fox News.

Trump uses Columbus Day proclamation to attack ‘radical activists’ for trying to destroy his legacy

Published on October 11, 2020 By Sarah K. Burris
Donald Trump during CNN debate (Photo: Screen capture via video)

President Donald Trump issued a proclamation for “Columbus Day,” an antiquated holiday that still remains among some states in the U.S. that unaware of history.

“Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy. These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions,” the proclamation says.

Trump used the proclamation to attack people he claims are trying to destroy the legacy of the man who never actually “discovered” the Americas to begin with.

Since archeology has advanced and experts studied the landing sites in the Americas and global texts that were written, it was found that the true credit goes to millions of native people who crossed over the Bering Land Bridge between what is now Russia and Alaska 13,000 or more years ago. Over thousands of years, those people ultimately populated the Americas.

Hundreds of years prior to Columbus, a Norse explorer from Iceland known as Leif Erikson is thought to have first set foot on the Americas in AD 1000. He called it Vinland, and the tales were written about in The Saga of Erik the Red and the Saga of the Greenlanders in 1200, centuries before Columbus was even born.

Columbus also wasn’t the first European to “discover” the Americas. Merchant Bjarni Herjólfsson claimed to have sighted the land west of Greenland in 986.

Trump’s White House has a horrendous record when it comes to science, however. In the past year, they’ve opted to trust ill-equipped doctors and X-ray experts on the coronavirus instead of virologists like Dr. Anthony Fauci. Ignoring the discoveries made by archaeologists over the past 100 years

Trump’s proclamation seems to want to replace the Americas’ actual history with the white-washed version and attack anyone who seeks to teach the failings, atrocities, and transgressions of the Columbus voyage noted reporter Jennifer Bendery. She tweeted Sunday that the failings, atrocities and transgressions are part of America’s history too, despite being ignored by Trump.

Here's a snippet from Trump's Proclamation for Columbus Day 2020. He says "radical activists" are trying to ruin Columbus' legacy by talking about his atrocities and that we must not "consent to such a bleak view of our history."
Except… Columbus' atrocities are our history?
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) October 12, 2020

Columbus, who was Italian, is still heralded by Italians, but it wasn’t Italy that funded his mission to the Americas. It was the Catholic Monarchs and ultimately King Ferdinand and Isabella who ultimately made the mission happen.

There are hundreds of other Italian Americans who have made outstanding contributions to American culture over the past 200 years, which could be held up as a link between the two countries.

Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2020

Issued on: October 9, 2020

More than 500 years ago, Christopher Columbus’s intrepid voyage to the New World ushered in a new era of exploration and discovery. His travels led to European contact with the Americas and, a century later, the first settlements on the shores of the modern day United States. Today, we celebrate Columbus Day to commemorate the great Italian who opened a new chapter in world history and to appreciate his enduring significance to the Western Hemisphere.

When Christopher Columbus and his crew sailed across the Atlantic Ocean on the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María it marked the beginning of a new era in human history. For Italian Americans, Christopher Columbus represents one of the first of many immeasurable contributions of Italy to American history. As a native of Genoa, Columbus inspired early immigrants to carry forth their rich Italian heritage to the New World. Today, the United States benefits from the warmth and generosity of nearly 17 million Italian Americans, whose love of family and country strengthen the fabric of our Nation. For our beautiful Italian American communities — and Americans of every background –Columbus remains a legendary figure.

Sadly, in recent years, radical activists have sought to undermine Christopher Columbus’s legacy. These extremists seek to replace discussion of his vast contributions with talk of failings, his discoveries with atrocities, and his achievements with transgressions. Rather than learn from our history, this radical ideology and its adherents seek to revise it, deprive it of any splendor, and mark it as inherently sinister. They seek to squash any dissent from their orthodoxy. We must not give in to these tactics or consent to such a bleak view of our history. We must teach future generations about our storied heritage, starting with the protection of monuments to our intrepid heroes like Columbus. This June, I signed an Executive Order to ensure that any person or group destroying or vandalizing a Federal monument, memorial, or statue is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I have also taken steps to ensure that we preserve our Nation’s history and promote patriotic education. In July, I signed another Executive Order to build and rebuild monuments to iconic American figures in a National Garden of American Heroes. In September, I announced the creation of the 1776 Commission, which will encourage our educators to teach our children about the miracle of American history and honor our founding. In addition, last month I signed an Executive Order to root out the teaching of racially divisive concepts from the Federal workplace, many of which are grounded in the same type of revisionist history that is trying to erase Christopher Columbus from our national heritage. Together, we must safeguard our history and stop this new wave of iconoclasm by standing against those who spread hate and division.

On this Columbus Day, we embrace the same optimism that led Christopher Columbus to discover the New World. We inherit that optimism, along with the legacy of American heroes who blazed the trails, settled a continent, tamed the wilderness, and built the single-greatest nation the world has ever seen.

In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim October 12, 2020, as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fifth.

Wonder Woman's Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins Will Reteam for Cleopatra Biopic

"Cleopatra is a story I wanted to tell for a very long time," Gal Gadot said

By Eric Todisco 
October 11, 2020 

Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot is reteaming with Wonder Woman director, Patty Jenkins, for Paramount Picture's upcoming biopic about Cleopatra.

The Jenkins-directed film, starring Gadot, 35, as the Queen of Egypt, will be produced by Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven. Gadot will also serve as a producer of the film under Pilot Wave Motion Pictures, according to Deadline, who first reported the news.

"I love embarking on new journeys, I love the excitement of new projects, the thrill of bringing new stories to life," Gadot tweeted on Sunday. "Cleopatra is a story I wanted to tell for a very long time. Can’t be more grateful about this A team!! @PattyJenks @ParamountPics#AtlasEntertainment #LaetaKalogridis."

RELATED: Wonder Woman 1984 Delays Release Again to Christmas Day

I love embarking on new journeys,I love the excitement of new projects, the thrill of bringing new stories to life.Cleopatra is a story I wanted to tell for a very long time.Can’t be more grateful about this A team!! @PattyJenks @ParamountPics #AtlasEntertainment #LaetaKalogridis— Gal Gadot (@GalGadot) October 11, 2020

The legendary Egyptian queen was most recently played by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963's Cleopatra, which cost 20th Century Fox $31 million and nearly bankrupted the studio. The film went on to win four Academy Awards.

According to Entertainment Weekly, another Cleopatra film, with Angelina Jolie as the titular character, was announced in 2011 and in development at Sony Pictures but never materialized.

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra

Gadot and Jenkins' highly-anticipated Wonder Woman 1984, a sequel to their hit 2017 film about the DC Comics superhero, is currently set to hit theaters on Christmas Day after most recently being pushed back from its expected Oct. 2 release date.

The shift marked the most recent delay the film has faced since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. It was originally scheduled to hit theaters in early June and then mid-August before it got bumped to October.

"First and foremost let me say how much Gal [Gadot] and I love all our devoted Wonder Woman fans around the world, and your excitement for WW84 couldn't make us happier or more eager for you to see the movie," Jenkins, 49, said of the change in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.

Gal Gadot in Wonder Woman 1984

RELATED: Wonder Woman 1984 Director Says Trump Is 'One' of the Influences for Pedro Pascal’s Villain

Jenkins continued, "Because I know how important it is to bring this movie to you on a big screen when all of us can share the experience together, I'm hopeful you won't mind waiting just a little bit longer. With the new date on Christmas Day, we can't wait to spend the holidays with you!"

Wonder Woman 1984 stars Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal, Robin Wright and Connie Nielsen.
These Scientists Have A Controversial Plan For “Herd Immunity” — And The White House Is Listening

For months, a small group of scientists has pushed policies that mainstream health experts say would cause many more COVID-19 deaths. They just got their biggest audience yet.

Stephanie M. LeeBuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on October 9, 2020

BuzzFeed News; Drew Angerer / Getty Images

On Monday, as President Donald Trump was urging the world not to fear the virus he was newly infected with, top health officials of his were meeting with a trio of scientists pushing the same belief.

Their highly controversial recommendation to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and coronavirus task force adviser Scott Atlas: Only “vulnerable” people should be protected from the virus. It should be allowed to spread among everyone else until they achieve “herd” immunity, a tipping point at which the virus fizzles out because enough people are immune.

According to many health experts who weren’t in the room, this is a dangerous proposal to unleash on a population that, by and large, is still susceptible to infection. Aiming for herd immunity would needlessly sicken and kill countless people on top of the more than 210,000 Americans who have already died. It’s also impractical: Many scientists agree that it would be enormously difficult to reach herd immunity without an effective and widely used vaccine.

Nevertheless, the three epidemiologists — Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University, and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University — have been broadcasting their ideas far and wide. Now they’re finding a warm reception at the highest levels of decision-making in the US.

The same day as their meeting with Azar and Atlas, they laid out their argument for what they dubbed “focused protection” in an open letter on a website newly registered to a libertarian think tank, the American Institute for Economic Research. And they touted the plan on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show.

“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” read the letter, called the Great Barrington Declaration, which by Friday had been signed by an additional 5,900-plus self-identified “medical and public health scientists,” though at least dozens of those names appear to be fake. The letter called for bringing back in-person teaching, reopening restaurants and businesses, and resuming large gatherings like concerts and sport events, citing “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies.”

For months, some of the letter’s authors and a small contingent of other scientists, who also believe that the coronavirus is not deadly enough to justify lockdowns, have been writing op-eds and talking to policymakers across the country. As early as March, a group of them, including Bhattacharya, tried to meet with Trump to warn him against lockdown policies that had not yet even started in most of the US.

At this week’s meeting in Washington, DC, Azar appeared to like what he had heard, as first reported by the Hill. “We heard strong reinforcement of the Trump Administration’s strategy of aggressively protecting the vulnerable while opening schools and the workplace,” he wrote on Twitter.

Also there was Atlas, a Stanford neuroradiologist whose speciality is not infectious diseases or epidemiology. He was the scientists’ “point of contact” for the meeting, according to Politico.

“I do not advocate any ‘strategy’ of achieving herd immunity and have never advised the president to pursue that,” Atlas told BuzzFeed News by email. “To say that was a strategy even suggested at our meeting would be a gross misinterpretation.” He has repeatedly advocated for allowing the virus to spread among healthy people in order to achieve widespread immunity.

“All of my policy recommendations are directly backed by the science, and they are in line with what many of the world's top infectious disease scientists advise,” he wrote, referencing a group of scientists that included Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, and Gupta.

But Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist who specializes in infectious diseases at Yale School of Public Health, said the scientists’ proposal is not out of place with what Trump and his administration are already doing to undermine government scientists, cast doubt on masks and other public health interventions, and generally fail to control a pandemic that has infected more than 7 million Americans.

“It isn’t that they’re reorienting their strategy toward herd immunity — it’s been that all along,” Gonsalves told BuzzFeed News, calling the Great Barrington Declaration “slightly grotesque” and “shocking.” “It goes really, really far in terms of reopening all the institutions that we’ve been trying to manage outbreaks in,” he said. “They go way out on a limb.”

"This claim is quite honestly a fantasy."

Kulldorff said they discussed their proposal with Azar and Atlas for under an hour. But he insisted that he and his colleagues were not pushing a herd immunity “strategy.”

“No matter what strategy is used, we will reach herd immunity sooner or later, just as an airplane will reach the ground one way or another,” Kulldorff said by email. “The key is to minimize the number of death[s] until we reach herd immunity, and that is what the Great Barrington Declaration is about.”

Ravina Kullar, an infectious disease epidemiologist and a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, vehemently disagreed with the scientists’ vision.

“Based on simple math and past experiences and outbreaks, and emerging evidence from this ongoing pandemic, this claim is quite honestly a fantasy,” she said.

Fox News / Via
Left to right: Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff appear on Laura Ingraham’s show on Monday, Oct. 5.

These scientists, and Bhattacharya in particular, have repeatedly claimed that their proposals are driven by science, not politics.

“It’s something to be regretted that attempts at scientific knowledge, acquiring that knowledge, would become politicized,” the Stanford professor of medicine said in a video interview with the site UnHerd about the group’s petition.

Nevertheless, from the start of the pandemic, he and others have sought to convince politicians to adopt strategies that run counter to those promoted by mainstream infectious disease and public health experts.

In late March, days after the first states began adopting stay-at-home policies, a group of scientists, including Bhattacharya, sent the White House a request to meet with Trump to warn him about the dangers of lockdowns, as BuzzFeed News reported. That effort, which did not result in a meeting, was led by Bhattacharya’s Stanford colleague, epidemiologist John Ioannidis.

In mid-April, Bhattacharya, Ioannidis, and other Stanford faculty members released a study of the coronavirus’s prevalence in Santa Clara County, California. Their non-peer-reviewed preprint reported that the virus was more widespread than previously thought, which would make the fatality rate very low. But the study’s statistical reasoning and other problems were torn apart by outside researchers.

Still, the authors promoted the message that the virus was not that deadly — that it was even, according to some of them, on par with the flu. In one of several Fox News appearances, Bhattacharya spoke alongside the founder of JetBlue, David Neeleman, a vocal lockdown opponent who did not disclose that he was also helping fund the Stanford study.

In May, a whistleblower complaint filed to Stanford alleged that Neeleman had interfered with aspects of the study. Neeleman denied that he influenced the science in any way.

The university launched an investigation, telling BuzzFeed News at the time that “the integrity of Stanford Medicine’s research is core to our mission” and that it took the concerns “extremely seriously.” Nearly five months later, Stanford spokesperson Julie Greicius declined to give any update on its findings.

Based on dozens of studies from around the world, other scientists have calculated that the virus is significantly deadlier than the flu. Meanwhile, the original paper remains unpublished.

Nevertheless, Bhattacharya and others have continued to drive home a message to politicians: that the pandemic is not that big a threat for most people, and shutdowns — whether school closures, business closures, or stay-at-home policies — do more harm than good.

In May, Ioannidis testified in favor of lifting lockdowns in a Senate committee hearing. And Bhattacharya told Sen. Pat Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, that it was safe to reopen youth baseball and softball leagues.

That same month, Bhattacharya and a group of colleagues argued in front of the Arizona House of Representatives’ health committee that the virus was not that deadly and that lockdowns were too harsh.

In July, a San Diego County supervisor interviewed the Stanford scientist in a talk described as “why Dr. Bhattacharya thinks COVID-19 will be over sooner rather than later.”

This summer, Florida teachers sued Gov. Ron DeSantis over his plan to resume in-person schooling in the state, where the death count was setting records throughout August. Bhattacharya testified in the lawsuit on behalf of his plan.

And in the first week of September, Trump declared at a press conference: “Under Operation Warp Speed, we’ve pioneered groundbreaking therapies, reducing the fatality rate 85% since April.” The claim was misleading, according to PolitiFact: One reason the fatality rate was much higher in April was that testing then was focused on those who were more severely ill and therefore more likely to die.

The source of the 85% figure? A chart drawn up by Bhattacharya.

Evan Vucci / AP
White House coronavirus adviser Scott Atlas speaks during a news conference at the White House on Sept. 16, 2020.

As the battle over school reopenings reached a fever pitch, Trump appointed a new adviser to his coronavirus task force: Scott Atlas.

Atlas is a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, a conservative think tank, where Bhattacharya was also formerly a research fellow. Atlas has asserted, against the preponderance of scientific evidence, that masks do not help curb the spread of the coronavirus (they do), that children “almost never” transmit it (studies indicate that they likely do, and this risk increases with age), and that “T cell immunity” from past infections offers protection against it (a claim disputed by scientists who research the topic).

In his new job, he helped push the CDC to narrow its guidance for who should get tested, according to the New York Times. His actions have reportedly angered others in the administration. “Everything he says is false,” CDC Director Robert Redfield recently said in an overheard call.

More than 100 medical and health experts at Stanford signed a letter condemning their colleague’s “falsehoods and misrepresentations,” saying they “undermine public-health authorities and the credible science that guides effective public health policy.” Atlas threatened to sue the Stanford faculty members, but has yet to do so.

Shortly after Atlas joined the task force in mid-August, the Washington Post reported that he was urging the White House to embrace a herd immunity strategy. Atlas denied the report.

But in public, he has consistently argued for letting the virus spread unchecked in healthy people — even if he hasn’t always used the term “herd immunity.”

“Those who are not at risk to die or have a serious hospital-requiring illness, we should be fine with letting them get infected, generating immunity on their own — and the more immunity in the community, the better we can eradicate the threat of the virus,” he said on a conservative talk show in April. “That’s what herd immunity is.”

He made a similar argument in a Fox News radio interview in July. “When you isolate everyone, including all the healthy people, you’re prolonging the problem because you’re preventing population immunity,” he said.

In drafting the Great Barrington Declaration, Bhattacharya teamed up with Sunetra Gupta, a theoretical epidemiologist whom the Wall Street Journal nicknamed “Britain’s ‘Professor Reopen.’” In a highly controversial modeling study in March, she and colleagues suggested that half of the United Kingdom may have already had the virus.

The third author, Martin Kulldorff, is a Harvard biostatistician who specializes in disease surveillance modeling. He favors testing older people for the coronavirus, but not young and healthy people because it would lead to “needless school closures,” as he and Bhattacharya explained in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last month.

Together, the trio say that their new proposal would isolate older people from younger ones, as opposed to the Trump administration’s approach to date, which Bhattacharya said was an attempt at a “more or less complete lockdown.”

“Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume,” the scientists wrote in their letter. “People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.”

The scientists’ letter is named after the Massachusetts town where the authors met to write it last weekend, and where the American Institute for Economic Research, which hosted the gathering, is headquartered. A complaint submitted to Stanford, and shared with BuzzFeed News, raised the concern that Bhattacharya may have violated the campus’s safety protocols by attending the indoors event. A university spokesperson declined to comment on the complaint. Bhattacharya did not return multiple requests for comment.

Atlas told BuzzFeed News on Wednesday that he supported many of the views in the Great Barrington letter, though he did not sign it. “I believe that to solely focus on ‘stopping Covid-19 at all costs’ is reckless and unconscionable,” he said by email. He cited indications that during the pandemic, people are putting off getting screened for cancer and treated for strokes, fewer child abuse cases are being reported with children out of school, and more adults have issues related to mental health and substance abuse.

It’s not surprising that a seemingly science-backed way for many to return to “normal” would hold wide appeal after months of lost jobs, stress, deaths, and restrictions, said Gregg Gonsalves of Yale.

“That’s not to say at all that there hasn’t been pain and suffering about this,” he said. “But their foil is that, ‘Do you want these horrible lockdowns to go on forever? Or do you want to go back to work? Do you want to go back to the movies? Do you want to go back to see your favorite sports teams? Do you want to go out to dinner again?’ They’re setting up a false dichotomy.”

“What’s very attractive about what Dr. Kulldorff, Dr. Gupta, and Scott Atlas and others have proposed is it’s an easy out,” he added.

“What’s very attractive about what Dr. Kulldorff, Dr. Gupta, and Scott Atlas and others have proposed is it’s an easy out.”

The letter calls for nursing homes to have frequent testing and staffers with “acquired immunity,” and for retirees living at home to have supplies delivered. But it is light on specifics, saying that “a comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.”

This language doesn’t come anywhere near acknowledging how challenging it would be to implement such a plan, outside experts say.

Isolating people who have preexisting conditions that make them especially susceptible to the virus would mean isolating nearly half the adult population. Isolating older Americans, who have the relatively highest risk of death, would mean isolating an overlapping group of tens of millions. Only about 13% of Americans over the age of 64 were in a nursing home or other senior living setting in 2015, meaning the vast majority are embedded in communities. About 64 million Americans lived in multigenerational households as of 2016.

What the Great Barrington Declaration also does not acknowledge is that young, healthy adults who get infected can spread the virus to middle-aged and older Americans, which appears to have happened this summer. Young people themselves may die of COVID-19 at much lower rates than older people, but a not insignificant portion get sick enough to become hospitalized, straining the healthcare system that much more. And “long-haulers,” many of them young and formerly healthy, can for months experience debilitating effects that are not yet understood.

“They’re not going to be able to age-target,” Gonsalves said. “They’re not going to be able to protect these hundreds of millions of vulnerable people.”

Pursuing herd immunity without a vaccine is highly impractical for other reasons, too. For one, scientists are not sure how long immunity lasts, and there have been a handful of reported cases of reinfection. And the CDC director recently estimated that as many as 90% of Americans remain susceptible to the virus. Even in New York, one of the hardest-hit places in the country and therefore among the closest to herd immunity, the virus has infected only about 20% of the population.

Purposely letting the virus spread without a vaccine would likely kill millions. More would continue to get infected and die even once herd immunity was reached, scientists say.

“Depending on natural infections to control the outbreak could lead to months, if not years, of a cycle where cases subside and then they surge,” said Ravina Kullar of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. “That is not the solution to this pandemic.”

Asked about these and other criticisms, Kulldorff said he was open to a “proper scientific debate” with anyone who disagreed with him. Gupta did not return multiple requests for comment.

Spokespeople for Stanford and Oxford did not comment on the Great Barrington Declaration other than to say that the institutions supported their faculty members’ academic freedom. Harvard did not return a request for comment.

Via Jay Bhattacharya participates in a virtual panel discussion about COVID-19 with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Sept. 24.

The US is caught in a “patchwork pandemic” — a whack-a-mole game where outbreaks have jumped from region to region where restrictions were either never put into place or were prematurely scaled back. The lack of national coordination of public health measures like masking, contact tracing, and comprehensive testing has fueled that cycle, Gonsalves said.

“We could be like countries in Asia and countries in Europe and other places that have buffered the effects of the pandemic while doing real frontline public health to keep rates down, and we haven’t done it,” he said. “And we made a national choice to do that.”

As the pandemic worsens and the election nears, the White House has increasingly peddled the idea that the virus can be vanquished through natural immunity. Or, as Trump put it during a televised town hall on Sept. 15, “herd mentality.”

At the event, he proclaimed that the US was “rounding the corner” on the pandemic. The interviewer pointed out that Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, disagreed. “Well, I mean, but a lot of people do agree with me,” the president replied. “You look at Scott Atlas, you look at some of the other doctors that are highly...from Stanford. Look at some of the other doctors.”

About a week later, a reporter asked Atlas about the CDC director’s recent assertion that most Americans are still susceptible to infections. Atlas said that the director had “misstated” the situation, and cited Kulldorff, Bhattacharya, Ioannidis, and Gupta. “These are people who know the latest data on the immunology and what’s happening, and I just recited it to you,” he said.

On Sept. 24, Bhattacharya and Kulldorff joined a livestreamed discussion with Florida’s governor. They — along with Michael Levitt of Stanford, a Nobel laureate who has incorrectly predicted that the virus was about to run its course in multiple countries — vouched for the governor’s efforts to reopen schools and the economy.

“At this point, we know that the benefits of a lockdown are small,” Bhattacharya said. “All they do is push cases off into the future; it doesn’t actually prevent the disease from happening. And the costs are absolutely catastrophic, enormous.”

The next day, at a time when cases were spiking on Florida college campuses, DeSantis announced that the state was lifting all restrictions on restaurants and businesses.

“Dr. Scott Atlas and Dr. Bhattacharya are truth tellers in a sea of government misinformation,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, tweeted on Sept. 28.

Yet despite receiving national attention for his ideas, Bhattacharya has repeatedly claimed he is being silenced. “I’ve been really concerned about censorship in science around this epidemic,” he said on a podcast last month.

He doubled down in a more recent video. “I think that has been one of the things I’ve regretted throughout this entire crisis,” he said, “is this attempt to suppress scientific discussion because some ideas are too dangerous to even discuss.”

Who was suppressing him, he didn’t say. The video was posted Oct. 5, the day of his meeting with the Trump administration. ●

October 9, 2020, at 4:53 p.m.
This story has been updated to include additional information about the Great Barrington Declaration.

October 9, 2020, at 1:41 p.m.
This story has been updated to clarify Scott Atlas's comments on T-cell immunity.
New research on SARS-CoV-2 virus 'survivability'

by CSIRO  
OCTOBER 11, 2020
How long does SARS-CoV-2 last on different surfaces? Credit: CSIRO

Researchers at CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, have found that SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, can survive for up to 28 days on common surfaces including banknotes, glass—such as that found on mobile phone screens—and stainless steel.

The research, undertaken at the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) in Geelong, found that SARS-CoV-2:

survived longer at lower temperatures

tended to survive longer on non-porous or smooth surfaces such as glass, stainless steel and vinyl, compared to porous complex surfaces such as cotton

survived longer on paper banknotes than plastic banknotes.

Results from the study The effect of temperature on persistence of SARS-CoV-2 on common surfaces was published in Virology Journal.

CSIRO Chief Executive Dr. Larry Marshall said surface survivability research builds on the national science agency's other COVID-19 work, including vaccine testing, wastewater testing, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) manufacture and accreditation, and big data dashboards supporting each state.

"Establishing how long the virus really remains viable on surfaces enables us to more accurately predict and mitigate its spread, and do a better job of protecting our people," Dr. Marshall said.
Droplets of SARS-CoV-2 virus in artificial mucous were applied to test surfaces at CSIRO's Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) at Geelong. Pictured is a droplet on an Australian five dollar note. Credit: CSIRO

"Together, we hope this suite of solutions from science will break down the barriers between us, and shift focus to dealing with specific virus hotspots so we can get the economy back on track.

"We can only defeat this virus as Team Australia with the best Australian science, working alongside industry, government, research and the Australian community."

Dr. Debbie Eagles is Deputy Director of ACDP, which has been working on both understanding the virus and testing a potential vaccine.

"Our results show that SARS-CoV-2 can remain infectious on surfaces for long periods of time, reinforcing the need for good practices such as regular handwashing and cleaning surfaces," Dr. Eagles said.

"At 20 degrees Celsius, which is about room temperature, we found that the virus was extremely robust, surviving for 28 days on smooth surfaces such as glass found on mobile phone screens and plastic banknotes.

"For context, similar experiments for Influenza A have found that it survived on surfaces for 17 days, which highlights just how resilient SARS-CoV-2 is."

The research involved drying virus in an artificial mucus on different surfaces, at concentrations similar to those reported in samples from infected patients and then re-isolating the virus over a month.

Further experiments were carried out at 30 and 40 degrees Celsius, with survival times decreasing as the temperature increased.

The study was also carried out in the dark, to remove the effect of UV light as research has demonstrated direct sunlight can rapidly inactivate the virus.

"While the precise role of surface transmission, the degree of surface contact and the amount of virus required for infection is yet to be determined, establishing how long this virus remains viable on surfaces is critical for developing risk mitigation strategies in high contact areas," Dr. Eagles said.

Director of ACDP Professor Trevor Drew said many viruses remained viable on surfaces outside their host.

"How long they can survive and remain infectious depends on the type of virus, quantity, the surface, environmental conditions and how it's deposited—for example touch vs droplets emitted by coughing," Professor Drew said.

"Proteins and fats in body fluids can also significantly increase virus survival times.

"The research may also help to explain the apparent persistence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in cool environments with high lipid or protein contamination, such as meat processing facilities and how we might better address that risk."

Explore further  Detecting SARS-CoV-2 in the environment

More information: The effect of temperature on persistence of SARS-CoV-2 on common surfaces, Virology Journal (2020). … 6/s12985-020-01418-7
Journal information: Virology Journal

Provided by CSIRO


South Korea’s Universal Basic Income Experiment to Boost the Economy

To stimulate its pandemic-hit economy, a province in South Korea has been experimenting with universal basic income programs by regularly giving out cash, no questions asked. Now, some politicians want to go national with the concept. Illustration: Crystal Tai/WSJ  10/9/2020  

CNN exclusive: Fauci says he was taken out of context in new Trump campaign ad touting coronavirus response

By Kaitlan Collins, CNN Sun October 11, 2020

(CNN) Dr. Anthony Fauci did not consent to being featured in a new advertisement from the Trump campaign touting President Donald Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the nation's leading infectious disease expert told CNN his words were taken out of context.

"In my nearly five decades of public service, I have never publicly endorsed any political candidate. The comments attributed to me without my permission in the GOP campaign ad were taken out of context from a broad statement I made months ago about the efforts of federal public health officials," Fauci said in a statement provided exclusively to CNN when asked if he agreed to be featured in the ad.

The Trump campaign released the new ad last week after the President was discharged from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center following treatment for Covid-19. The 30-second ad, which is airing in Michigan, touts Trump's personal experience with the virus and uses a quote from Fauci in an attempt to make it appear as if he is praising Trump's response.
"President Trump is recovering from the coronavirus, and so is America," the ad's narrator says. "Together we rose to meet the challenge, protecting our seniors, getting them life-saving drugs in record time, sparing no expense."

The ad then flashes to an interview with Fauci in which he says, "I can't imagine that anybody could be doing more."

Though no date is provided in the ad, Fauci's quote is from an interview with Fox News in March. During that interview, Fauci praised the White House coronavirus task force's round-the-clock effort to respond to the pandemic, which he says included numerous White House meetings and late-night phone calls.

"We've never had a threat like this. The coordinated response has been...There are a number of adjectives to describe it -- impressive, I think is one of them. We're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team, I'm not the only person," Fauci said at the time. "Since the beginning, that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that under any circumstances that anybody could be doing more."
In response to Fauci saying the ad took his words out of context, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said, "These are Dr. Fauci's own words. The video is from a nationally broadcast television interview in which Dr. Fauci was praising the work of the Trump Administration. The words spoken are accurate, and directly from Dr. Fauci's mouth."
The use of Fauci in the new ad appeared to be a recognition by the Trump campaign that the doctor is a voice voters trust when it comes to the pandemic. Trump has privately and publicly compared Fauci's approval with his own.

In late July, Trump publicly wondered why the doctor's approval rating is so high when his is so low.
"It's interesting: he's got a very good approval rating. And I like that, it's good," Trump said. "Because remember: he's working for this administration. He's working with us. We could have gotten other people. We could have gotten somebody else. It didn't have to be Dr. Fauci. He's working with our administration. And for the most part we've done what he and others -- and Dr. (Deborah) Birx and others -- have recommended."

Trump continued: "And he's got this high approval rating. So why don't I have a high approval rating with respect -- and the administration -- with respect to the virus? We should have it very high."

On ABC News Sunday, Jon Karl, who was guest hosting "This Week," said he requested Fauci for an interview, and although he was willing to come on, the White House blocked the appearance. Karl said other medical experts on the task force were also requested, but the White House did not offer anyone.

White House communications director Alyssa Farah noted on Twitter later Sunday that Fauci had made multiple appearances on television in the last week.

This story has been updated with comment from the Trump campaign

Fauci pushes back on use of comments in Trump campaign ad on coronavirus response


Washington — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, said Sunday his comments featured in an ad from the Trump campaign about the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic were taken out of context and used without his permission.

"In my nearly five decades of public service, I have never publicly endorsed any political candidate," Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in a statement to CBS News. "The comments attributed to me without my permission in the GOP campaign ad were taken out of context from a broad statement I made months ago about the efforts of federal public health officials."

The 30-second ad from Mr. Trump's reelection campaign praises the president's handling of the coronavirus crisis and includes an edited clip of Fauci purportedly saying "I can't imagine that … anybody could be doing more," seemingly in reference to how Mr. Trump addressed the pandemic.

The clip, however, is from a March interview radio host Mark Levin conducted with Fauci for his show on Fox News, during which Fauci was asked whether he has witnessed "this big of a coordinated response by an administration" to such a public health threat.

Fauci described the federal response as "impressive" and said he and the other members of the White House coronavirus task force were working day and night to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

"There's a whole group of us that are doing that. It's every single day," he said.ail

Tim Murtaugh, the Trump campaign's communications director, defended the use of Fauci's comments in the ad in a statement.

"These are Dr. Fauci's own words," he said. "The video is from a nationally broadcast television interview in which Dr. Fauci was praising the work of the Trump administration. The words spoken are accurate, and directly from Dr. Fauci's mouth. As Dr. Fauci recently testified in the Senate, President Trump took the virus seriously from the beginning, acted quickly, and saved lives."

The ad from the Trump campaign hit the airwaves six days after Mr. Trump was discharged from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he was treated for COVID-19.

"President Trump tackled the virus head on, as leaders should," the narrator says before cutting to the clip of Fauci.

Kristin Brown contributed to this report
First published on October 11, 2020 / 3:59 PM

Trump ad takes Fauci out of context

Donald Trump stated on October 10, 2020 in a campaign ad:
Says Dr. Anthony Fauci said of Trump’s pandemic response, 
“I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more.”

By Bill McCarthy October 11, 2020

A Trump campaign ad uses an out-of-context quote from Dr. Anthony Fauci. Fauci told CNN he did not consent to being in the ad and felt his words were out of context.

The full context of the quote shows that Fauci was talking about the White House coronavirus task force and the mobilization of the federal government more generally when he said “I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more.”

The ad does not show the date of Fauci’s remark. The comment came during a March 22 interview on Fox News. The U.S. has recorded millions of coronavirus cases and hundreds of thousands of deaths since then.
See the sources for this fact-check

A new campaign ad from President Donald Trump uses an out-of-context quote from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, to tout Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic that has killed more than 214,000 Americans.

"President Trump tackled the virus head-on, as leaders should," the narrator of the ad says, before panning to Fauci to hammer home the point.

"I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more," Fauci is shown saying.

The comment from Fauci was in reference to the White House coronavirus task force and the broader government response, not to Trump. It's also almost seven months old. In a statement to CNN, Fauci said he felt his words were taken out of context.

The 30-second spot, titled "Carefully," highlights Trump’s recent bout with the coronavirus and claims the U.S. is "recovering" from the pandemic. The ad was uploaded to YouTube Oct. 10, the same day the U.S. reported its highest number of new COVID-19 cases since mid August.

Dr. Anthony Fauci wears a face mask as he waits to testify before a House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Capitol Hill in Washington on June 23, 2020. (AP/Dietsch)

The ad also flashes clips of Trump wearing masks — a measure he has repeatedly criticized and taken sparingly in public settings since his first time wearing one in public in July. 

Fauci’s comment was clipped from a March 22 interview with Fox News host and radio personality Mark Levin. The ad gives the impression that Fauci was talking specifically about Trump when he said, "I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more."

But that’s misleading, as other fact-checkers and news outlets have noted — and as Fauci said to CNN. Taken in full context, Fauci was actually speaking about the workload facing the White House coronavirus task force at the start of the pandemic and the scale of the federal government’s mobilization as U.S. cases began to flare.

"The comments attributed to me without my permission in the GOP campaign ad were taken out of context from a broad statement I made months ago about the efforts of federal public health officials," Fauci told CNN, adding that he’s never publicly endorsed a political candidate.

RELATED: Timeline: How Donald Trump responded to the coronavirus pandemic

The White House coronavirus task force has been led by Vice President Mike Pence since late February. The group included medical doctors and scientists from public health agencies in addition to national security officials and political appointees.

Asked about the ad’s use of Fauci’s remark, a Trump campaign spokesperson told PolitiFact the ad was talking about the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus, and so was Fauci.

Another campaign official told Business Insider, "It’s the president’s coronavirus task force."

Levin did ask Fauci if he had "ever seen this big of a coordinated response by an administration to such a threat" as the coronavirus. Here’s Fauci’s response, with the relevant quote in bold:

"Well, we've never had a threat like this, and the coordinated response has been — there are a number of adjectives to describe it. Impressive, I think, is one of them. I mean, we're talking about all hands on deck. I, as one of many people on a team — I'm not the only person — since the beginning that we even recognized what this was, I have been devoting almost full time on this, almost full time. I'm down at the White House virtually every day with the task force. I'm connected by phone throughout the day and into the night. When I say night, I'm talking 12, 1, 2 in the morning. I'm not the only one. There's a whole group of us that are doing that. It's every single day. So, I can't imagine that, under any circumstances, that anybody could be doing more."

Fauci did not mention Trump by name in his answer, although he did go on to mention the "very timely decision on the part of the president" to restrict travel coming in from China while talking about mitigation efforts that could be used to slow the spread.

The interview came on March 22, when the U.S. had recorded roughly 34,800 confirmed cases and about 570 deaths from the coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. leads the world with more than 7.7 million cases and 214,000 deaths logged to date.

The Trump campaign ad’s message of a nation bouncing back from the pandemic is at odds with more recent comments from Fauci.

Speaking virtually with American University on Oct. 6, Fauci said the U.S. is facing "a resurgence of the wave we began with" and that "the models tell us if we don’t do what we need to in the fall and winter, we could have 300,000 to 400,000 COVID-19 deaths."

Fauci also called the White House event with Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s pick to fill the Supreme Court vacancy, a "superspreader event." Trump announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus days after the event, which featured little social distancing or mask wearing. The White House has not said how Trump contracted COVID-19.

The ad says Trump is "recovering from the coronavirus." The White House physician said Oct. 10 that Trump is "no longer considered a transmission risk," but he did not say whether Trump was still experiencing symptoms or whether he had tested negative for the virus, per NPR.
Our ruling

A Trump campaign ad claims Fauci said of Trump’s pandemic response, "I can’t imagine that … anybody could be doing more."

The ad’s use of Fauci’s quote is misleading. Fauci made the comment nearly seven months before the ad was released, and he was not talking about Trump. He told CNN he did not consent to being in the ad and felt he was taken out of context.

The full context of the quote shows that Fauci was talking about the White House coronavirus task force and the mobilization of the federal government more generally.

Overall, the ad’s claim contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False.

Our Sources

Donald J. Trump on YouTube, "Carefully," Oct. 10, 2020

Donald J. Trump for President, "New Trump Campaign Ads Tout President Trump’s Leadership Throughout the Pandemic, Highlight Threat of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Plans," Oct. 10, 2020

Johns Hopkins University data, accessed Oct. 11, 2020

CNN, "CNN exclusive: Fauci says he was taken out of context in new Trump campaign ad touting coronavirus response," Oct. 11, 2020

Business Insider, "A Trump campaign ad features Fauci praising the president's coronavirus response but uses his words out of context," Oct. 11, 2020

The Washington Post, "Trump campaign twists Fauci comment to suggest praise of the president," Oct. 11, 2020

CNN, "US sees highest number of daily coronavirus cases since August," Oct. 10, 2020

The Hill, "New ad from Trump campaign features Fauci," Oct. 10, 2020

Politico, "Trump campaign leans on Fauci in new ad," Oct. 10, 2020

Glenn Kessler on Twitter, Oct. 10, 2020

NPR, "Trump's Doctor Says He's No Longer A 'Transmission Risk,'" Oct. 10, 2020

Axios, "Fauci: We had a superspreader event at the White House," Oct. 9, 2020

American University on Twitter, Oct. 6, 2020

Real Clear Politics, "Fauci: The Response Of Trump Admin Has Been Impressive, I Can't Imagine Anybody Could Be Doing More," March 23, 2020

Fox News, "Pence goes inside the Coronavirus Task Force; Fauci reacts to claims Trump is not following the science," March 22, 2020

Statement from the Trump campaign, Oct. 11, 2020

Twitter Flags Trump Tweet for Violating its Rules on COVID-19 Information

by Reuters and Algemeiner Staff

FILE PHOTO: The Twitter App loads on an iPhone in this illustration photograph taken in Los Angeles, California, U.S., July 22, 2019. Photo: REUTERS/Mike Blake/File Photo

Twitter on Sunday flagged a tweet by Donald Trump in which the US President claimed he was immune to the coronavirus, saying it violated the social media platform’s rules about misleading information related to COVID-19.

“A total and complete sign off from White House Doctors yesterday. That means I can’t get it (immune), and can’t give it. Very nice to know,” Trump said in the tweet.

The post was flagged by Twitter with a disclaimer.

“This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19,” Twitter’s disclaimer read, adding that it had determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the tweet to remain accessible.

A Twitter spokeswoman told Reuters that the tweet made “misleading health claims” about COVID-19 and that engagements with the post would be “significantly limited,” as is standard in such cases.

Trump said on Sunday he had fully recovered from COVID-19 and would not be a transmission risk to others, freeing him to return to holding big campaign rallies during the final weeks of the race for the White House.

The president first announced that he had had a positive coronavirus test on Oct. 2. Trump‘s physician said on Saturday the president had taken a test showing he was no longer infectious.

The scientific evidence is unclear on how long people who have recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies and are protected from a second infection.

Trump, who is trailing Democrat Joe Biden in opinion polls ahead of the Nov. 3 election, is eager to get back on the campaign trail after an absence of more than a week.

He plans to travel to the key battleground state of Florida on Monday, followed by rallies in Pennsylvania and Iowa on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.