Friday, February 12, 2021

Myanmar: UN rights body spotlights human rights violations

The United Nations' leading human rights body has highlighted the Myanmar junta's "dubious" arrests and the firing of live ammunition. However, the protests go on.

Protesters regroup after police fired warning-shots and use water cannons during a protest in Mandalay

The United Nations' top rights body opened an urgent session on the Myanmar military coup on Friday, amid calls for sanctions against the junta.

The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has no power to impose sanctions, but it can act as a vehicle to train international attention to human rights violations.

What did the UN Human Rights Council say?

More than 350 people in Myanmar have been arrested since the February 1 military coup

Some of those arrested, including officials, activists, and monks, face charges on "dubious grounds"

There are growing reports and photographic evidence that "Myanmar security forces have used live ammunition against protesters"

There was evidence that the military had given "draconian orders" against freedom of expression

There has been a growing presence of soldiers on the street

Three-finger salute
In Myanmar, people show the three-finger salute as a sign of protest against the military coup. The gesture stems from the dystopian novel and film series "Hunger Games" and has also been a symbol of resistance in neighboring Thailand, which has been under a military dictatorship since 2014. There, some protesters were arrested when they showed the salute.
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'The world is watching'

The UN's deputy human rights chief Nada al-Nashif said the international community must make clear the coup and subsequent crackdown were unacceptable.

"The world is watching," al-Nashif warned. "Draconian orders have been issued this week to prevent peaceful assembly and free expression, and police and military presence on the streets has grown progressively over the last several days.

"Let us be clear: the indiscriminate use of lethal or less-than-lethal weapons against peaceful protestors is unacceptable," she said.

However, al-Nashif stressed it was important that any sanctions against the regime should be targeted against "specific individuals who are credibly alleged to have violated the people's rights."

The US has already announced new sanctions that target junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and other top generals.


Woman shot in head

Amnesty International told DW on Friday that it had evidence that security forces had used live ammunition.

A woman was critically injured after being shot in the head at a protest in Naypyitaw on Tuesday.

"The incident in question in Naypyitaw, the capital, was filmed. We were able to geolocate where the incident took place. We saw that they were using a locally made clone of an Uzi weapon," Kayleigh Long, a researcher covering Myanmar for Amnesty International, told DW. "The shells would indicate it was light ammunition and not rubber bullets."

"That is, as far as we can tell, the first use of live ammunition against protesters. We've also seen them using water cannons and other disproportionate force in trying to quell the protests."

Renewed protests across country

Demonstrations against the coup continued unabated on Friday with tens of thousands of people reportedly turning out.

While demonstrations in the country's largest city Yangon remained peaceful, there were reports that those elsewhere had resulted in clashes with police.

After its arrest of the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi last week, the junta has proclaimed a state of emergency lasting a year. It had promised to hold fresh elections, but with no precise offer of a timeframe.

While the coup has triggered widespread international condemnation, China — a regional and economic ally — has declined to criticize the generals that presided over it.

Myanmar, a former British colony then known as Burma, was under military rule for five decades following a 1962 coup. While Suu Kyi's five years as the nation's effective leader have represented a brief period of relative democracy, the country's authorities have continued to apply repressive colonial-era laws and engage in ethnic conflict.

rc/aw (Reuters, AFP, AP)

Myanmar: UN rights body spotlights human rights violations | News | DW | 12.02.2021

Myanmar’s military grants amnesty to more than 23,000 prisoners

Sentences of 23,314 Myanmar prisoners and 55 foreign prisoners are remitted as mass protests against the coup continue.

Demonstrators urged Washington to toughen sanctions imposed on Myanmar's ruling generals [Reuters]

12 Feb 2021

Myanmar on Friday granted amnesty to more than 23,000 prisoners and the coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing called on people to “join hands” with the military for democracy – but despite that thousands of people have rallied demanding a return of the civilian administration.

The release of prisoners comes on Union Day, which is observed to mark the unification of the country, but the supporters of overthrown leader Aung San Suu Kyi defied the call from the military rulers to halt mass gatherings as the protests entered the seventh day.

Myanmar police used machine guns against protesters, says Amnesty

“I would seriously urge the entire nation to join hands with the Tatmadaw for the successful realization of democracy,” Min Aung Hlaing said using the local term for the military.

“Historical lessons have taught us that only national unity can ensure the non-disintegration of the Union and the perpetuation of sovereignty.”

The announcement said sentences for Myanmar prisoners were being remitted while the country “is establishing a new democratic state with peace, development and discipline to turn the prisoners into certain decent citizens, to please the public and to create the humanitarian and compassionate grounds”.

The sentences of 23,314 Myanmar prisoners and 55 foreign prisoners were remitted, according to the reports.

Protests in multiple cities

On Friday, at least six shots were fired when police sought to disperse a protest against the military in the city of Mawlamyine, video footage posted on Facebook showed.

Meanwhile, security forces carried out another series of arrests overnight, with those detained including at least one doctor who had taken part in an escalating civil disobedience campaign.

Demonstrators on Friday urged Washington to toughen sanctions imposed on Myanmar’s ruling generals to force the military to release Aung San Suu Kyi from house arrest.

The US sanctions target 10 current and former military officials deemed responsible for the coup, including Min Aung Hlaing. It also blacklisted three gem and jade companies it said were owned or controlled by the military.

In the biggest city, Yangon, hundreds of doctors in white duty coats and scrubs marched past the golden Shwe Dagon Pagoda, the country’s holiest Buddhist site, while in another part of town, football fans wearing team kits marched with humourous placards denouncing the military.

In the coastal town of Dawei, the streets were crowded with protesters giving fiery speeches, many carrying red flags with peacocks, a national symbol of pride and resistance.

Thousands also gathered in Myitkyina, the capital of the far north Kachin state, with young men playing rap music and staging a dance-off.

In the capital of Naypyidaw, some demonstrators put sheets over their heads and dressed as ghosts with sunglasses under the scorching sun. One carried a placard saying: “Not all ghosts are scary. But the Burmese police are more frightening.”

As Washington announced sanctions, European Union members of Parliament on Thursday called for action from their countries and the United Kingdom said it was considering measures to punish the coup leaders. The United Nations human rights council will discuss the issue later on Friday.

Social media giant Facebook said it would cut the visibility of content run by Myanmar’s military, saying they had “continued to spread misinformation” after seizing power in the February 1 coup.
Fifteen years of imprisonment

The military launched the coup after what it said was widespread fraud in the November 8 election, although the electoral commission has said the vote was free and fair. Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy won the elections in a landslide.

The 75-year-old leader first swept to power following an historic election victory in 2015. She now faces charges of illegally importing six walkie-talkie radios and has not been seen in public since the coup.

Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent nearly 15 years under house arrest under previous military governments, remains hugely popular at home despite damage to her international reputation over the plight of Myanmar’s Rohingya minority.

The generals have promised to stick to the 2008 constitution and hand over power after elections, but on Friday, they said they would “work for the emergence of a constitution that is in alignment and harmony with the Democratic Federal Union”.

COVID: Bangladesh's textile industry hit hard by pandemic

Bangladesh's garment manufacturers and workers are suffering as the coronavirus pandemic has soured long-term demand and big fashion brands continue to cancel orders.

The EU is the top importer of garments from Bangladesh

Global demand for clothing plummeted amid the COVID pandemic and big fashion brands remain reluctant to place big orders, posing a major problem for Bangladesh's vital textile industry.

In 2020, textile exports from the South Asian nation dropped by nearly 17%. Shipments to Europe, which is the destination for 60% of Bangladesh's garment exports, recorded a significant decline of just under 19%.

There hasn't been any uptick in demand and exports so far this year, the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) said.

"Apparel exports declined by 5.83% year-over-year in January," Rubana Huq, president of the association, told DW.

"Based on current scenarios and the global trade or economic outlook, retail sales trends in the West, and the slowdown in order situation by our customers, it appears that exports may continue suffering till the third quarter of this year."

Bangladesh is hugely dependent on the export of textiles for its national income as the industry accounts for more than 80% of overall exports.

About 4 million workers are employed by the garment industry, most of them female seamstresses who often support several family members and live from paycheck to paycheck.

From rags to riches
The idea of farming seems today more abstract than ever before. Jost Franko's latest photo essay brings this distant world back to our reality, in which the ridiculous price of garments is paid by workers living in dire conditions. Pictured here is a relative of Issa Gira (67) from Burkina Faso, who's been growing cotton for 30 years, but still earns less than a dollar a day.  PHOTOS 12345678 

Clothing surplus piles up

Many clothing retailers have seen their stocks pile up over the past year.

According to the US-based business consultancy McKinsey, the value of unsold clothing in stores and warehouses worldwide ranges from $168-192 billion (€140-160 billion), which is more than double the level seen before the pandemic.

Also, global fashion brands continue to cancel orders from local suppliers. Britain's Marks & Spencer and Germany's Hugo Boss, for instance, said they had placed smaller orders than usual for this year’s spring collection.

Swedish firm H&M said a drop in demand worldwide will "inevitably" have an impact on their purchases.

"Our purchasing strategy is long-term but considering the uncertainties with how the pandemic will develop, we are of course closely evaluating the situation," H&M told DW in an emailed reply.

"A drop in customer demand and temporarily closed stores inevitably have an impact on our purchases."

The retailer also said that it is keen to work closely with suppliers to find solutions to support garment workers.

"That's why we have joined the ILO global call to action where we are working together with the ILO and trade unions to establish social protection systems, which the pandemic has highlighted the need for in many countries around the world," the company said.
Delayed recovery

"Until mid-January, 24% of our existing orders were postponed," Arshad Jamal Dipu, a vice-president of BGMEA, told DW. "We will get the whole picture in April-May. We fear a 30% order loss."

The European Union is Bangladesh's biggest garment export market, while the US is the largest single-country market.

In 2020, Bangladesh's textile exports to the EU dropped by nearly 19%, whereas to the US they fell by 16% and to Canada by as much as 25%.

With the increasing spread of new variants of the virus, BGMEA fears the economic recovery will be delayed further as countries tighten restrictions on business and public movement to combat their spread.

"We are observing a 'go slow' approach by buyers since the end of last year, which appears to be taking a further drastic turn," BGMEA president Rubana Huq told DW. "We are not getting pleasant signals from the local liaison offices of the buyers."


9 Dracula film adaptations 1921-2021

Dracula, created by Irish author Bram Stoker, is the prototype of all vampires and a favorite of filmmakers to this day. The first adaption came out 90 years ago.

'Nosferatu' (1921)

Back in 1921, when German director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau started shooting for "Nosferatu," there was no such thing as a "horror movie." Played by Max Schreck, the vampire Count Orlok was one of the scariest characters ever featured in a silent movie at the time. The gloomy, bald figure with bat-ears, thick eyebrows and long canines could have come directly from the depths of hell.

UK court: Nigerian farmers can sue Shell over pollution

Britain's Supreme Court has ruled that more than 40,000 people can make claims against the European energy giant following decades of oil spills in the Niger Delta region.

The UK's Supreme Court has said that Nigerian farmers and fishermen have a high chance of success in their lawsuit against Shell

A group of Nigerian farmers and fishermen can sue Royal Dutch Shell PLC in English courts over pollution from decades of oil spills, Britain's highest court ruled on Friday.

Five justices on the UK's Supreme Court said the Anglo-Dutch firm may owe a "duty of care'' to the claimants over the actions of its Nigerian subsidiary. Shell had argued that it was not responsible.

Friday's ruling overturns a 2017 decision against the Ogale and Bille communities of Nigeria's Niger Delta, who brought legal claims for compensation and clean-up costs following decades of repeated spills in the oil-rich region.

Justice 'unlikely in Nigeria'

The claimants argued that they could not expect justice in a Nigerian court and that the case against Shell and its subsidiary, the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC), should be heard in London.

The claimants allege their lives and health have suffered because repeated oil spills have contaminated the land, swamps, groundwater and waterways and that there has been no adequate cleaning or remedial action.

In its ruling on Friday, the court said a lower appeals court had "materially erred in law'' when it ruled against the claimants. The Supreme Court justices said the appeal had "a real prospect of success."

Watch video 02:23 Shell ordered to pay for Niger Delta oil spills

Daniel Leader, a partner at the farmers' firm of lawyers, Leigh Day, hailed the decision as a "watershed moment."

"Increasingly, impoverished communities are seeking to hold powerful corporate actors to account and this judgment will significantly increase their ability to do so," Leader added.

Shell blames sabotage

Shell said it was disappointed with the ruling. The energy giant has blamed sabotage for oil spills and says crude oil spills caused by theft surged by 41% in 2019.

"Regardless of the cause of a spill, SPDC cleans up and remediates. It also works hard to prevent these sabotage spills, by using technology, increasing surveillance and by promoting alternative livelihoods for those who might damage pipes and equipment,” Shell said in a statement.

Oil continues to be visible on Nigerian rivers following oil spills a decade ago

The UK decision follows two weeks after the Netherlands ordered Shell to compensate Nigerian farmers for oil spills on land in two Delta villages. The Dutch ruling comes after 13 years of legal battles.

In 2015, Shell agreed to pay out 55 million pounds ($83.4 million) to the Bodo community in Nigeria in compensation for two oil spills, which was the largest ever out-of-court settlement relating to Nigerian oil spills.

The UK court also made a seminal ruling nearly two years ago in a case involving mining company Vedanta.

The decision allowed nearly 2,000 Zambian villagers to sue Vedanta in England for alleged pollution in Africa. Vedanta ultimately settled out of court in January.

mm/dj (AFP, AP, Reuters)
Opinion: France keeps Chad despot Idriss Deby in power

In April, Idriss Deby will vie for a sixth term as president of Chad. He could not have remained in power so long without being propped up by the former colonial power, DW's Eric Topona writes.

Idriss Deby's reign is safe from domestic dissidents
 so long as he has backing in Europe

With the help of France, on December 1, 1990, Idriss Deby successfully toppled the government of Chadian President Hissene Habre, to whom he had long been loyal. The coup ended one of the bloodiest dictatorships on the African continent.

That day, Deby told the people of Chad, who had been yearning for justice, freedom and prosperity, that he would bring them not gold or silver but freedom and democracy. On April 11, Deby will be vying for a sixth term as president, with neither gold nor silver, nor democracy for that matter, in sight. 

DW's Eric Topona

When Deby made his promise back in 1990, the world was undergoing significant political shifts. In Europe, for example, Communist dictatorships were falling swept away. And the people of Chad, whose freedoms had been trampled upon by the previous regime, were hungry for democratic reforms.
Chad's constitutional changes

Deby took a page out of the playbook of other former French colonies by convening a national conference in 1993 to draw up a new constitution. Adopted in 1996, that constitution allowed the president a maximum of two terms in office. But it was amended in 2005 to remove the two-term limit, essentially clearing the way for future power grabs.

By the time Chad had become an oil-producing country, Deby had emerged as a self-styled strongman. Instead of diversifying the economy, modernizing its infrastructure or spending oil profits evenly throughout Chad, he took a different approach. He viewed his country's newfound revenue not as belonging to the people, as one would expect, but rather as his own money — which went straight into his family's pockets.

Chad has been exporting oil since 2003. In 2012, Infrastructure and Transportation Minister Adoum Younoussmi said petroleum was what brought the country growth. According to his ministry, Chad produced more than 120,000 barrels of oil a day, earning revenues of around €4.5 billion between 2004 and 2011. Not bad for a country of just 15 million people.
Diverting Chad's wealth

The government had promised that the wealth generated would go to alleviating poverty in one of the poorest countries in the world. Schools, streets and hospitals were built, albeit of a low quality, in the north of the country, where the president happens to be from. The south fared far worse. In southern Chad, and especially the country's oil producing region, the population continues to live in abject poverty.

The lion's share of the funds are either lining the pockets of Chad's ruling minority or have been invested in arms to fend off numerous coup attempts. Normal people in Chad continue to suffer. Mortality rates from famine, malaria and dysentery remain high, with no access to clean drinking water, functioning hospitals or trained doctors in many regions — despite the fact the government had pledged to earmark 70% of the country's oil revenues for fighting poverty.

Chad has become the property of a single man and the circle he rules with. On paper, the country is still a democracy. But the reality is very different. Journalists are regularly thrown into jail. Granted, these breaches of the rule of law are not only the president's doing. His henchmen also abuse their power. The country's opposition is prohibited from gathering and since 2015 has been barred from organizing demonstrations. Those who do so risk imprisonment.

But Deby has nothing to fear. Chad continues to enjoy a special relationship with France and plays a key role in fighting terror in the Sahel region. Paris has effectively written him something of a blank check, and has on many an occasion bailed him out militarily when others tried to topple him.

France would be well advised to improve its ties with Chad's younger generation and forces of change. This would mean a break with Deby and his ruling clan, who are impeding any hope for democracy. Many in Chad are skeptical that April's elections will be free and fair. It seems unlikely that the will of the people will be respected.
Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul no longer in jail but still not free

As far as Saudi Arabia is concerned, Loujain al-Hathloul was a threat to national security. Some believe the new US administration under Joe Biden had a hand in her release.

Al-Hathloul says the fight for more rights isn't over

She spent 1,001 nights in jail, or just under three years, and now the famous Saudi Arabian human rights activist is out on probation. "Loujain is at home," her sister Lina al-Hathloul wrote on Twitter. She also posted a screenshot of a video conversation with her sister in which she was seen smiling.

Her other sister, Alia al-Hathloul, said this about her sister's release during an online press conference: "It was a very special moment when I saw her, a moment I'll never forget. She's such a strong woman. That's the woman I know. We're happy she'll now be able to sleep in a warm bed."

The human rights activist says one of the first things she wants to do is eat ice cream and her sister Alia, who lives in Belgium, said she had popped out to the supermarket to buy ice cream to celebrate with her sister.

For years, Loujain al-Hathloul had challenged the ban on women driving and other legal restrictions in Saudi Arabia. The restrictions were imposed under the country's guardianship system, which required that females have male guardians with them at all times. She was arrested and jailed in May 2018.

Saudi Arabia, a few weeks later, changed the law prohibiting women from driving and observers believe that Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman, a self-styled reformer himself, didn't want it to look like the role of female activists had forced the change in the law.

In December 2020, a judge sentenced her to five years and eight months in prison after finding her guilty of violating the country's counter-terrorism law. She was charged with violating national security and of maintaining contacts with foreign governments in an attempt to change the country's political system. At the time of the verdict, she had already spent over two years in custody while awaiting trial.

For years, Loujain al-Hathloul had challenged the ban on women driving and other legal restrictions in Saudi Arabia

The fight isn't over

Loujain al-Hathloul's family had hoped that she would get out of jail on probation in the coming months. With 1,001 days in jail now behind her, her sister Lina still doesn't think the matter is over. "Loujain is home, but she isn't free," she said.

She may be home but she's still not allowed to leave the country for five years. If she does so, she'll be violating her parole. Her parents too have had trouble leaving the country in recent years. Officials never told them why.

Saudi Arabia's counterterrorism court, which was established in 2008, has its own definition of what it considers to be terrorism, according to Middle East expert Guido Steinberg from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). "The government in Saudi Arabia defines what exactly terrorism is," he said. "What we have here is a political trial set in motion by political leadership. This court was established to accomplish such things."

According to Loujain's supporters, she can be sent back to jail at any time over the next three years if she is seen as having violated her parole in any way. That's why her sister Lina thinks she won't be going on social media anytime soon. Her Tweets are now considered illegal and any activity in this regard would be considered a cybercrime.

The 31-year-old activist's release from jail was hailed internationally. Amnesty International called her release long overdue and leaders around the world, including French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden echoed that sentiment. 

Did the US government play a role in her release?

US President Joe Biden has promised a tougher stance towards Saudi Arabia

Bidensaid back on the campaign trail in 2020 that if elected president, human rights violations in Saudi Arabia would be dealt with in a much stricter way than was the case during the Trump administration. According to SWP's Guido Steinberg, it's very possible that the change in power from Trump to Biden played a "very important role" in her release.

The timing of the court decision — three weeks after Biden took office — is not mere coincidence, many say. Loujain's sister Alia also thinks pressure from Washington helped get her sister out of jail earlier.

Former US President Donald Trump maintained warm relations with the Saudi Crown Prince and saw him as an ally in the region against Iran. Despite numerous human rights violations and the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, he never swayed from his pro-Saudi stance. Numerous human rights activists and critics of the Saudi government remain in jail today, including the activists Nassima al-Saddah, Maya al-Zahrani and Samar Badawi, the sister of the prominent blogger Raif Badawi. And Steinberg doesn't expect the situation to improve anytime soon. "The tolerance the Saudi government has had for opposition figures, even moderate opposition figures, has become less and less over the last few years."

Loujain al-Hathloul wants justice to be served

Lina al-Hathloul is not exactly optimistic when it comes to improvements on human rights in her country. "Loujain's release from jail is of course good for her and good for us, her family. But that doesn't change anything with regard to the systemic problems the country faces. Women won't be getting more rights just because she's been released from jail. As long as she is prevented from being an activist, nothing will change," she said.

But don't expect Loujain al-Hathloul to give up the fight anytime soon. She wants justice because she was tortured, her sister Alia said. "She will never be able to forget what happened to her."

According to her family and Amnesty International, she was tortured with electric shocks and also beaten. The Saudi government, however, denies these claims. She has tried to prove in court that she was tortured but so far in vain. According to her sister Lina, the burden of proof is on Loujain to prove that she was mistreated.

This article was translated from German.

BioNTech starts vaccine production at new site in Germany

Vaccine developer BioNTech has launched production of the COVID-19 vaccine it developed with US giant Pfizer at a new plant in the German town of Marburg. The facility could significantly boost the EU's vaccine supply.

The company wants to produce 250 million jabs in the first half of 2021

On Wednesday, the German vaccine maker BioNTech on Wednesday announced that it had started production at its new facility in the town of Marburg, a development that it is hoped might significantly boost the European Union's vaccine supply.

The company reported that it had already begun making the active ingredient of the BioNTech-Pfizer jab.

"We started the manufacturing process at the Marburg facility with the execution of the first step: the production of mRNA, which is the active pharmaceutical ingredient," BioNTech announced in a statement.

After purification, according to the company, lipids are to be added to form lipid nanoparticles — the delivery vehicle for the drug. The purified and concentrated product will then be transported to a "production partner" site for completion under sterile conditions, BioNTech reported.

Watch video 12:06 Focus on gene vaccines in fight against COVID-19

The main EU plant for production of the vaccine is Pfizer's factory in Puurs, Belgium.

BioNTech plans to produce up to 250 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Marburg in the first half of 2021.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is expected to carry out its first quality checks on the medical products from the site in February or March.

"The first vaccines produced at the Marburg site are expected to be delivered at the beginning of April," BioNTech said.
Trouble with the EU

BioNTech announced in mid-January that shipments of the jabs for the EU would be delayed because of necessary modifications at the Puurs factory.

The news took the bloc — now under fire over its sluggish vaccine rollout— by surprise. The company said in early February it would meet its contractual commitments for the first quarter and pledged to send up to 75 million extra doses to the EU in the spring.

Watch video 06:35 Coronavirus vaccines: Can we stay ahead of the variants?

Brussels has ordered a total of 600 million doses of the so-called Comirnaty vaccine from BioNTech and Pfizer.

BioNTech said it expected the site in Marburg, some 75 kilometers (almost 50 miles) north of Frankfurt, to become "one of the largest mRNA manufacturing sites in Europe." The expected annual production capacity, it said, would be 750 million doses.

To ramp up the scope for vaccine production, BioNTech bought the Marburg plant from Swiss drugs giant Novartis last year. It retained some 300 employees already working there.

China's Tianwen-1 enters Mars orbit

A day after the UAE's Hope probe entered into orbit around Mars, China has followed suit. The Tianwen-1 craft arrived on time, ahead of Friday's Lunar New Year celebrations. In May, the probe will land a rover on Mars.

Tianwen-1's lander will descend to the red planet in May

Space missions are never easy, whether you're sending astronauts a mere 400 kilometers (248 miles) up to the International Space Station, or communications satellites a few thousand kilometers up. Things can and do go wrong.

Mars missions are the next level. The planet is farther away, and harder to get to as a result.

But, a day after the UAE's Emirates Mars Mission successfully delivered its Hope probe into orbit around Mars, China has also arrived.

The Tianwen-1 spacecraft entered into orbit around Mars on Wednesday, seven months after launching from Earth and traveling 450 million kilometers.

As with the UAE's Hope probe, the Tianwen-1 spacecraft conducted a "braking" operation to decelerate its speed so that it could be captured by Mars' gravity and avoid overshooting its target or crashing into it.

Tianwen-1 launched on July 23, 2020, riding on a Chinese Long March 5 rocket

So it's perhaps with good reason that China did not announce an exact arrival time, or stream the operation live as the UAE did on Tuesday.

As the AP news agency put it ahead of the operation: "Chinese authorities, always cautious about possible failure, have not announced a planned arrival time."

Indeed, all they said in advance was that the spacecraft was on track to arrive before the Lunar New Year on Friday.

On the previous Friday, February 5, Tianwen-1 performed a fourth "orbital correction" maneuver. That was necessary to make sure that the spacecraft would be ready for its arrival in orbit, according to the China National Space Administration.

Tianwen-1's Mars mission

The goal of Tianwen-1 is to survey the atmosphere from orbit over a two-year period.

About 4 billion years ago, the atmosphere of Mars changed and liquid water evaporated. But scientists don't know why. There may be deposits of water underground, known as subsurface water.

So the mission is intended to go deeper than the Hope probe will. It is scheduled to land a rover on the surface of Mars in May.

A precise location has not been named, but the mission controllers have been looking at the southern part of a region called Utopia Planitia.

The solar-powered rover is expected to operate for a few months, looking for subsurface water — signs of life below the surface of the planet.

It will be roving Mars along with American landers, such as NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover and its accompanying Ingenuity helicopter

Instruments on the probe and rover

Tianwen-1's orbiter, or probe, is carrying 13 "payloads." A payload can be a communications or Earth observation satellite, but in this case the payload is the mission's instruments.

Tianwen-1 includes a probe that will orbit Mars and a lander that will search for subsurface water on the planet

For instance, there's a remote sensing camera and a ground penetrating radar.

Once the lander and rover detach from the probe and land on the surface of Mars, additional instruments include a subsurface penetrating radar (SPR).

As the name suggests, the SPR's main scientific objective is to investigate the Martian soil below the surface of the planet to determine its thickness and make-up.

The rover weighs around 200 kilograms (about 440 pounds). As it will be powered by solar panels, power would be impeded by a landing in the planet's northern hemisphere — landing at the equator is better for solar power.

It will investigate the ground with radar, perform chemical analyses on the soil, and look for biomolecules and biosignatures.

Race to return Martian rock

It's been reported that if it succeeds in landing a rover on Mars, China will become only the second nation to do so. But that's not strictly true.

On February 9, 2021, the UAE's Hope Probe entered Martian orbit.

It is true that many have tried and failed, including European and Japanese missions. It is also true that the United States is the only country to have a relatively consistent track record of landing rovers on Mars, independently.

But the Americans do also collaborate on missions. The InSight mission, for instance, is an in-situ laboratory investigating seismic activity on Mars. And that would not have been possible without European engineering.

NASA is also working with the European Space Agency on developing sample return missions to bring the first pristine samples from Mars back to Earth. The US Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, which is due to land on February 18, is seen as a first step towards that goal.

But the Americans and Europeans will have to hurry, because they are not alone now. China sees its own mission, Tianwen-1, as a step towards future missions that would also bring back rock and soil samples from Mars to Earth.

NASA scientists jump for joy
InSight is a $1 billion international project. It includes a German mechanical mole that will burrow down 16 feet (5 meters) to measure Mars' internal heat. The lander also has a French seismometer for measuring quakes, if they exist on our smaller, geologically calmer neighbor. Because of the distance between Earth and Mars, it took eight minutes for confirmation to arrive. PHOTOS 12345



Cabo Verde: Painting to protect the sea

Residents of the Terra Branca neighborhood in the city of Praia have painted their houses with images of marine animals. They want to raise awareness about the need to preserve the sea.