Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Amazon drivers describe the paranoia of working under the watchful eyes of new truck cameras that monitor them constantly and fire off 'rage-inducing' alerts if they make a wrong move

ahartmans@businessinsider.com (Avery Hartmans,Kate Taylor) 

© Provided by Business Insider An Amazon delivery driver. Patrick Fallon/Getty Images

Amazon drivers now have multiple cameras constantly filming them as part of the Driveri system.

Drivers told Insider they're worried about privacy, with cameras monitoring every yawn.

They fear they'll fail to keep up with Amazon's breakneck pace because of the new surveillance system.

Many Amazon drivers say the solitude and the independence of working on the road are big draws of the job.

But those perks are under threat since Amazon started installing surveillance cameras in delivery vans that monitor workers' driving, hand movements, and even facial expressions.

Some workers are paranoid about what the cameras - which peer at them from their windshields and fire off audible alerts following missteps - are watching and how they could be punished for what the technology flags, according to interviews with five drivers.

"I know we're on a job, but, I mean, I'm afraid to scratch my nose. I'm afraid to move my hair out of my face, you know?" a female driver based in Oklahoma told Insider. "Because we're going to get dinged for it."

The Oklahoma driver and several others interviewed asked that their names be withheld for fear that their jobs would be affected, but Insider verified their identities.

Several drivers said the cameras could be helpful in cases of collisions or other dangerous situations. But they also worried about how the technology was affecting their productivity and described concerns with managing bathroom needs, like changing adult diapers, within sight of the cameras.

"We have zero privacy and no margin for error," a California-based driver said.

Netradyne, the maker of the camera system, did not respond to Insider's request for comment. A representative for Amazon said in a statement to Insider that Netradyne cameras are used to keep drivers and communities safe. In a pilot of the cameras from April to October 2020, accidents dropped by 48%, stop-sign violations dropped by 20%, driving without a seatbelt dropped by 60%, and distracted driving dropped by 45%, according to the company.

"Don't believe the self-interested critics who claim these cameras are intended for anything other than safety," Amazon's statement said.

The cameras capture yawns, distracted driving, and more

 A still from the instructional video on Amazon's Netradyne camera system. Amazon/Vimeo

The camera system, called Driveri, isn't made by Amazon. It was created by Netradyne, a transportation company that uses artificial intelligence to monitor fleets of drivers.

The system, mounted on the inside of a windshield, contains four cameras: a road-facing camera, two side-facing cameras, and one camera that faces inward toward the driver. Together, the cameras provide 270 degrees of coverage.

While the cameras record 100% of the time when the ignition is running, Amazon says the system does not have audio functionality or a live-view feature, meaning drivers can't be watched in real time while they drive. The cameras upload the footage only when they detect one of 16 issues, such as hard braking or a seatbelt lapse, and that footage can be accessed only by "a limited set of authorized people," Karolina Haraldsdottir, a senior manager for last-mile safety at Amazon, said in a training video about the cameras.

The Driveri system also sounds alerts in four instances: failure to stop, inadequate following distance, speeding, or distracted driving.

The system can be shut off, but only when the ignition is also turned off. Amazon said it would share video data with third parties, such as the police, only in the event of a dangerous incident.

The camera system sparked a backlash from some drivers shortly after it was announced. A driver named Vic told the Thomson Reuters Foundation that the cameras were the final straw that led him to quit, calling them "both a privacy violation and a breach of trust."

A driver named Angel Rajal told Insider last month that he thought the new cameras were "annoying" and made him feel as if he were always being watched.

"I get a 'distracted driver' notification even if I'm changing the radio station or drinking water," he said.

Read more: Amazon logistics salaries revealed: Here's what workers bulking out

Drivers say they're worried about their privacy

© AP The struggles of Amazon drivers have been in the spotlight recently. AP

In interviews with Insider, drivers whose vans have the cameras installed highlighted a slew of issues they were facing so far. Lack of privacy is a top concern, they said.

Several drivers said they feared that yawning while driving would result in an infraction for drowsiness. And with some drivers feeling pressured to urinate in bottles on the job, there are concerns about being caught on camera in an uncomfortable position.

Bronwyn Brigham, a driver based in Houston who has driven trucks outfitted with Driveri for about two weeks, told Insider that the presence of the cameras made her feel as if she were being watched and made her worry about how to manage her bathroom needs inside the van.

"I have to wear a Depends because I'm 56," she said, referring to a type of adult diaper. "If I wet that Depends, I need to take that off. Then the cameras are on, so that makes it hard. If I need to change into another one, they're watching that."

"We are all worried that we have zero privacy," the California driver said. "Considering we have to use bottles to relieve ourselves - is that being watched?"

The ignition must be off to turn off the cameras, but that leaves drivers with no air conditioning.

As a result, drivers in regions that experience extreme heat during the summer will need to choose between privacy and cool air while they take their breaks.
'Rage-inducing' voices and guidance 'designed to make you slower'

A male driver based in Oklahoma who has been driving with the cameras for about a month told Insider that the Driveri system was obstructing his view while he drives, making it difficult to see house numbers - and children playing - on the passenger side of the street.

"I've had times where I look up and there's nobody there, and then all of a sudden the kid pops out from behind where the camera is obstructing the view," the driver said.

The driver also said the camera's verbal alerts, which use a computer-generated voice, were distracting and "rage-inducing." That sentiment was echoed by several other drivers who said the alerts made them feel as if they were being micromanaged.

Several drivers told Insider that they were worried about receiving infractions for handling their phones on the job, even though they need the devices for navigation.

Drivers rely on two apps while they work: Mentor, which monitors driving, and Flex, Amazon's navigation app. A driver who delivers near the Twin Cities told Insider that he juggled this by loading one app on his work phone and the other on his personal device.

"In order to be successful throughout your day, you have to zoom in and out on the map on the Flex app that you have on a dock that you can look at while driving," he said. "My concern is that ... with the cameras in place, it's going to be noticing we're using our phone while driving."

Keeping up with Amazon's demands is an ongoing concern for drivers. Some are worried that the new system will slow them down, making it more difficult to deliver all the packages they're expected to drop off every day, which could be as many as 300.

For example, Driveri is triggered by a "failure to stop" at an intersection. However, the female Oklahoma-based driver said that in situations where a stop sign is several feet before the intersection, she had to stop twice to avoid an infraction, costing her valuable seconds. The California driver said he feared being reprimanded for going just a few miles above the speed limit.

Brigham said that she was doing her best to drive especially carefully now that the cameras are installed and that it was slowing her down. If she's not moving fast enough, she said, she'll get a call from her dispatcher - a supervisor who tracks drivers' progress - telling her she's running behind in her deliveries.

The male driver from Oklahoma said the new system felt like a Catch-22.

"The job is all about speed and how fast you can get to the door," he said. "But these cameras and some of the other policies Amazon has in place, it's like they're designed to make you slower."

Being watched by a computer is now part of the job

© AP Cameras have advantages and create challenges. 

Several of the drivers Insider interviewed said there were advantages to the Driveri system.

If an accident occurs during a delivery, for instance, the system will automatically upload the footage. Drivers will be able to prove if they were paying attention and following the rules of the road.

And the cameras will record outside the delivery van for 20 minutes even if the ignition is turned off, which could help drivers if someone approaches the van to harass or rob them.

Still, drivers say the cameras are a new frustration in an already challenging job.

"I do like my job, but it is stacked up against me," the California driver said.

The driver said that 99% of the time he enjoyed delivering packages but that the cameras highlighted the extreme demands of the job. Recently, he said, he worked from 10:45 a.m. to 10:10 p.m. He said he did not have time for a single break and had to pee in a bottle twice. The entire time, he was aware the camera was on.

"The part that bothers me the most is that we're being watched by a computer," the male driver from Oklahoma said, "and that computer is what makes a judgment as to whether we're doing something wrong or not, whether or not we get to keep our jobs."

 Beijing Urges Japan to Revise Decision on Discharging Fukushima NPP Wastewater Into Sea

Get short UR

BEIJING (Sputnik) - The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Tuesday expressed deep concerns over Japan's decision to discharge contaminated wastewater from the disaster-hit Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) into the sea and believes it should be promptly revised.

"On 13 April, the Japanese government decided to dispose of the nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant accident by discharging it into the sea. As a close neighbor and stakeholder, the Chinese side expresses grave concern over this. ... This is highly irresponsible and will severely affect human health and the immediate interests of people in neighboring countries," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It further called on its neighbor to reevaluate the decision and wait until a consensus is reached with the International Atomic Energy Agency expert team and all stakeholders through consultations.

"China will continue to watch closely the developments of the matter together with the international community and reserves the right to make further reactions," the ministry added.

The Japanese branch of the Greenpeace non-governmental environmental organization, in the meantime, has also strongly condemned the government's decision to dispatch some 1.23 million tonnes of radioactive wastewater.

"The Japanese government has once again failed the people of Fukushima. The government has taken the wholly unjustified decision to deliberately contaminate the Pacific Ocean with radioactive wastes. It has discounted the radiation risks and turned its back on the clear evidence that sufficient storage capacity is available on the nuclear site as well as in surrounding districts," Kazue Suzuki, the climate and energy campaigner at Greenpeace Japan, said.

Earlier in the day, the Kyodo news agency reported that Japan had finalized its decision to release toxic water into the ocean, as the NPP was running out of storage capacity. Despite neighboring states' concerns, Japan's leadership said there would be no negative impact on the environment or human health.

Japan warned in December that it was running out of storage capacity and would release the water used to cool the Fukushima Daiichi reactor into the Pacific in 2021, prompting concerns of pollution among neighbors. The wastewater discharge is now planned for 2023, but only after it is greenlighted by the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

The Fukushima NPP was heavily damaged in March 2011 after a 9.0-magnitude earthquake in the Pacific Ocean triggered a massive tsunami that hit the plant and caused three nuclear reactors to melt down.

Alberta bill removes mandatory vaccinations, repeals Bill 10 powers

Alberta's public health act is more than 100 years old.

Michelle Bellefontaine 

© Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press The Alberta government is removing a requirement for mandatory vaccinations in the Public Health Act.

Mandatory vaccinations and other measures currently enshrined in the Public Health Act to manage health emergencies would be dropped under new legislation tabled in the Alberta legislature on Monday.

Bill 66, the Public Health Amendment Act, repeals powers the government gave itself through legislation passed in April 2020.

The measures in Bill 10, the Public Health Emergency Powers Amendment Act, allowed ministers to unilaterally amend legislation by ministerial order. The measure was meant to keep public services operating but was widely criticized for being unconstitutional by giving the government too much power.

Health Minister Tyler Shandro said Bill 10 was drafted in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to address fears the legislature would not be able to meet.

However, MLAs managed to adapt and kept meeting safely, he said.

"The legislature has continued to successfully debate and the government has passed critical legislation to support lives and support livelihoods through this extraordinary time," Shandro said.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms filed a constitutional challenge shortly after Bill 10 was passed into law. .

Last October, Shandro announced the government would repeal the the legislation. Last month, an Alberta Court of Queen's Bench judge dismissed the court action for that reason.

Edmonton-City Centre MLA David Shepherd, the NDP Opposition critic for health, said the changes proposed in Bill 66 have more to do with blowback over Bill 10 than with improving public health.

"It's mostly about cleaning up the political messes for Jason Kenney and the UCP," he said.

Shepherd said the NDP proposed amendments to limit the government's powers when Bill 10 was first debated, but they were voted down by the UCP majority in the legislature.

He said Kenney chose to strike a special committee of MLAs to examine the Public Health Act rather than admitting he made a mistake.
Vaccination a 'personal choice'

Other measures included in Bill 66 includes a provision to immediately tell someone who is being detained for public health reasons where they are going and lists criteria that must be met before they can be examined or given medical treatment.

The bill defines the qualifications for a chief medical officer of health and mandates the Public Health Act is reviewed every decade. It also removes a provision for conscripting Albertans to help during a public health crisis.

Lorian Hardcastle, an associate professor who specializes in health law at the University of Calgary, said the power to unilaterally amend legislation goes back to 2002, when the government implemented changes in the period after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 amid concerns the legislature would be unable to meet during a crisis.

"This was a power that was unique to Alberta," she said. "No other province allowed the minister of health to amend other statutes during a public health emergency."

Alberta's public health act is more than 100 years old.

Last June, the government appointed a special committee of MLAs to review the act and suggest updates.

The committee's report, tabled in October 2020, said MLAs received 41 public submissions against mandatory immunizations during a pandemic.

People who made submissions argued vaccinations should be a personal choice and mandating them is an overreach of government power.

Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health, told the committee last summer that the power to mandate immunizations has never been used, so she had no issue with the government taking it out of the legislation.
Among the Covid sceptics: ‘We are being manipulated, without a shadow of a doubt’

Who are the people who have come to follow wild conspiracy theories about Covid-19?

by Samira Shackle
Thu 8 Apr 2021 

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, Anna, a young woman from Bradford, was waiting for surgery for endometriosis. The surgery was cancelled, leaving her in excruciating pain. She was forced to close her business, a small tattoo studio that she had opened two years earlier, at the age of 24. She could no longer pay for the weekly counselling that had been helping her deal with her troubled childhood. Her partner lost his job. Anna was convinced that if she caught Covid, she would die. “I was in a terrified bubble, having the news on constantly, crying, worrying, panicking,” she told me. For weeks, she waited anxiously for news about support for shuttered businesses. The cash grant, when it finally came, fell far short. Other business expenses – insurance, bills – went on her credit card. She considered suicide.

Feeling abandoned by the government and frustrated by the daily press briefings, Anna and her partner researched the virus online. On Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, they came across theories about the origins of coronavirus that the mainstream media weren’t talking about – that it was engineered in a lab in China, say, or that it had been artificially spliced with HIV. Some of it seemed implausible to Anna, but it was enough to convince her that the media wasn’t telling the full story. “Loads of people were saying ‘even if you die from a heart attack, they’ll put it down as a Covid death’. I was looking into that, and how many people who died had pre-existing health conditions,” she said. “It was to make me feel better, so I wouldn’t be as scared.

She read dense, seemingly scientific material which claimed that PCR testing – the throat and nasal swabs that are considered the gold standard of Covid tests – leads to enormous numbers of false positives. She read that the World Health Organization had said that Britain is testing at too high a sensitivity. She read about the cost of lockdowns, and Sweden’s more permissive approach. She read about the death rate; 1% didn’t sound that high at all. Looked at another way, 99% survived. By the end of the first lockdown, Anna was no longer afraid. She was angry. “I’d been sat in my house for four months, in absolute agony, no mental health support, no financial support, and it did an absolute number on me,” she said.

Anna was not the only one to respond this way. During the first few months of the pandemic, a broad movement coalesced online. At the most extreme end were outright Covid deniers, those who believed that the virus didn’t exist and the pandemic had been fabricated. At the other were Covid sceptics or anti-lockdowners, those who thought that the numbers were exaggerated or that the government had an ulterior motive for restricting freedoms. Over the past year, these views have attracted more and more adherents. Occasionally, the most extreme activists have taken direct action: setting fire to 5G masts which they suspected of spreading the virus, entering Covid wards and attempting to remove relatives, visiting hospitals to film empty corridors and posting them as “evidence” that the public is being lied to about the numbers of sick and dying. On New Year’s Eve, a doctor at St Thomas’ hospital in London filmed a crowd of protesters who had gathered outside holding placards and chanting “Covid is a hoax”.

“A lot of people think that they’re the only ones that think like they do, and they’re not,” the British businessman Simon Dolan told me in January. Early in the pandemic, Dolan, who owns a chartered airline and a motor-racing team and lives in Monaco, attempted to prove through the courts that lockdown was unlawful. The case failed, but as it picked up media attention, people contacted him to express their support – mostly small business owners, he said, and others directly affected by strict lockdown rules. “There’s thousands and thousands, more as time goes past, that think this stuff has been really overblown and there is something a bit fishy about it.”

Although these are minority views, polls suggest the numbers are significant. A YouGov survey in October found that the number of people in the UK who thought that Covid fatalities had been exaggerated was about 20%. “Civilians have come across conspiracy theories in a way they haven’t ordinarily,” said Peter Knight, a professor at Manchester studying Covid-19 disinformation. As death rates soared in December and January, Facebook groups, Instagram accounts and Telegram channels dedicated to downplaying the pandemic attracted thousands of followers.

Covid scepticism is not limited to a single demographic. Many Facebook accounts are run by suburban mums, who post memes about children being traumatised by masks. Other Covid sceptics, particularly some regulars at street protests, are members of far right and football hooligan groups. Some are fans of David Icke, the conspiracist’s conspiracist, who believes that coronavirus is spread by 5G. Still others came to the movement via alternative health and new age communities, jumping into Telegram conversations about the Illuminati to talk about homeopathy and vibrations. Some are simply, like Anna, small business owners who have suffered major personal fallout over the past year. All share a conviction that they are seeing something that the mainstream is blind to.

As the vaccine rollout continues to log impressive numbers, and lockdown restrictions are eased, the movement’s appeal might be expected to fade. But it seems there is, instead, a renewed energy. Like apocalyptic cults that immediately say they had simply misinterpreted a prophecy when the world fails to end, there are at least some strains of Covid scepticism where views remain the unchanged, no matter what occurs. “A lot of these organisations are here to stay in one form or another,” said David Lawrence, who tracks disinformation for the anti-extremist organisation Hope Not Hate. “They might rebrand, they might shift focus, but a lot of people have more or less given up their normal lives to do this. They’ve really bought into it. They won’t give up that easily.”

Of the hundreds of Facebook and Instagram accounts spreading disinformation about Covid, three organisations emerged during the first lockdown to dominate the scene: Stand Up X, which had 40,000 followers on Facebook before it was removed in September, and remains active on Instagram and Telegram; Save Our Rights UK, which has 65,000 followers on Facebook; and Stop New Normal, which sprang up around Piers Corbyn, the brother of the former Labour leader, who is often the headline act at anti-lockdown rallies. (Piers Corbyn is one of four anti-lockdown candidates standing for London mayor in May, along with the actor Laurence Fox, the London Assembly member David Kurten and the American conspiracy theorist and podcaster Brian Rose, who interviewed Icke in March.)

From April 2020 onwards, all three groups began organising small protests, and on 16 May they attracted national attention when protesters clashed with police at Hyde Park in London. Corbyn was arrested along with 18 others. “That event got a lot of press because it was confrontational,” said Lawrence. “The rallies elsewhere flopped, but it was the first properly coordinated attempt to have protests around the country.”
Piers Corbyn being arrested at an anti-lockdown protest in Fulham, west London, February 2021. Photograph: Ray Tang/Rex/Shutterstock

Protests continued through the early summer but struggled to get traction. Most groups remained focused on internet activism. When following anti-lockdown accounts on Facebook or Instagram, it is striking is how quickly the posts about the supposed dangers of vaccines and the memes depicting government ministers as cult leaders lose their power to shock and are simply folded into the fabric of the everyday, appearing alongside pictures of friends’ babies and job news. On lively Facebook groups, people swap stories about hardship under lockdown, and approvingly share screenshots of tweets by mainstream lockdown sceptics such as Toby Young and Allison Pearson. One particularly popular figure is the backbench Tory MP Charles Walker, who voted against the second and third lockdowns and recently staged a protest against ongoing Covid restrictions in which he walked around London holding a pint of milk. “Charles Walker, one of the very few good ones”, wrote one admirer on Telegram.

Alongside this, there is more extreme content – people posting about the government using vaccines to implant microchips in your brain or about the New World Order, a longstanding conspiracy theory that a shadowy elite is secretly plotting to bring about a worldwide totalitarian government. The tone of the posts, even when describing conspiracies to end humanity as we know it, is not panicked, but worldly wise: come on, is it still not obvious what’s really going on? It is easy to assume these wilder theories would put any reasonable person off. But that isn’t how disinformation works. Just as with any other belief system, it’s possible to subscribe to elements of something while not agreeing with everything.

This was Anna’s experience. She didn’t agree with everything that people posted on the different Instagram accounts she followed; she’d had a lot of medical treatment in her life, so she had no time for the anti-vaxxers, and as a sceptic rather than a denier, she believed that the pandemic was real, just exaggerated. But it was easy enough to disregard the comments about the virus being a hoax. And it wasn’t just the sceptics who were extreme, she felt. When friends posted anti-lockdown content on their main feeds, Anna saw others jumping down their throats, “telling business-owners they should die because they want to earn a living,” she said. “It’s scary. It really is.”

As restrictions loosened last summer, Anna had her long-delayed endometriosis surgery. As soon as it was permitted, she reopened her tattoo studio. But she was still frustrated that journalists weren’t asking the prime minister about false positives in PCR testing, or inflated death rates, or the fact that hundreds of thousands of people had been forced into debt. “Everyone was calling them conspiracy theories,” she said. “It’s just degrading, when people have got actual, genuine questions about things.”

The first rule of any conspiracy-based movement is that nobody wants to be called a conspiracy theorist. Almost every Covid sceptic I spoke to for this story warned me to avoid talking to other people in the movement with more extreme views. One activist told me that journalists just want to focus on the “wacky” when actually “most people who oppose lockdown just want to do sensible things”. Simon Dolan told me not to “go down the 5G route” as this was a “small minority”. He went on to tell me that “we are being manipulated, without a shadow of a doubt” and that the UK is artificially turning up the sensitivity on PCR tests to give a higher infection rate “to make the government look good”. After our phone call in January, he forwarded me a theory that PCR testing was going to be made less sensitive again. This supposed shift, which would presumably reduce the case numbers, arrived just when Joe Biden took office – something that “could be read by some as more than a coincidence”, he added.

Covid conspiracies – in common with most conspiracy theories – are often presented in the form of complex, pseudo-technical documents. The idea that the WHO has criticised the UK’s use of PCR testing, for instance, is based on a misreading of a highly technical bit of lab guidance attached to the tests. This kind of thing is difficult to factcheck, and besides, factchecking is of limited use in changing believers’ minds, because sources such as the BBC or the Office for National Statistics are seen as untrustworthy, part of the lie. “If you don’t want to be convinced, then it’s not going to happen,” says Jon Roozenbeek, a Cambridge academic who studies disinformation.

Over the summer of 2020, the focus of the Covid sceptic movement shifted away from 5G and Chinese labs, and on to the restrictions on businesses and social gatherings. On 29 August, a major rally was held in Trafalgar Square. It is difficult to trace who exactly organised it, but David Icke was the headline speaker and all the main players had some involvement. (“I think it’s almost been a deliberate tactic on the organisers’ front to obscure who exactly was behind the protests, to present them more as a grassroots thing,” says Lawrence.) People in the movement say there were 50,000 people there; the Metropolitan police placed the numbers closer to 10,000.

For many people who had spent months consuming Covid-sceptic content online, the rally was a revelation. “I just got this energy from seeing so many like-minded people,” a London-based Polish man named Luca told me. He had gravitated towards the movement after seeing posts on his cryptocurrency groups about the “Great Reset” – a common theory that the pandemic is cover for a globalist conspiracy. The atmosphere at the Trafalgar Square protest was friendly and celebratory, and Luca came away feeling he had made new friends. “It was amazing,” he said.

A month later, another large protest took place in Trafalgar Square. It was once again headlined by Icke and drew similar numbers. “I was quite taken aback to see just how diverse the mix of people was,” said Lawrence of Hope Not Hate. “I can’t think of a similar time where conspiracy theorists have been so organised and able to get those kinds of numbers out on the street.”
An anti-lockdown protest in Trafalgar Square, London, September 2020. Photograph: Mark Thomas/Rex/Shutterstock

In September, as concern grew about the spread of disinformation, Facebook shut down some of the biggest Covid sceptic groups, including Stand Up X. Most migrated to Instagram, which, despite being owned by Facebook, was not subject to the same crackdown. All the major groups made more use of their channels on Telegram, the largely unmoderated messaging app. The platform isn’t as widely used as Facebook – most of the main Covid sceptic Telegram groups have between 5,000 and 15,000 users – but discussion is lively, with members swapping thousands of messages a day. And the closed nature of the platform – with groups essentially operating like giant WhatsApp chats – helps to entrench people in their positions.

Anna signed up to an anti-lockdown Telegram group, but it made her uncomfortable; when she talks about the pandemic, she is respectful of those who don’t share her perspective. It wasn’t like that on Telegram. “I found people to be quite militant and set in their views,” she said. “You have to be willing to have your mind changed.” After a fortnight, she left and went back to Instagram, where there were plenty of accounts sharing content that she preferred – including anti-lockdown activists from the US and Europe. She didn’t come across anything that changed her mind.

Covid scepticism is a global phenomenon. Although its central tenets are reasonably consistent – that the pandemic is exaggerated, or that we’ve been lied to about its origins, or that it’s cover for something more sinister – it has different inflections around the world. In the US, many Covid sceptics are also libertarians paranoid about government intervention, who advocate for gun rights and see masks as fundamentally “un-American”. In Germany, anti-lockdown rallies – which have attracted tens of thousands of people – are promoted and sometimes organised by the far right. In France, already one of the most vaccine-hesitant countries in the world, Covid sceptics have harnessed existing suspicion of big pharma and venal politicians. In Britain, Covid scepticism is often framed in terms of our fundamental rights and freedoms: the right to protest, the right to make a living, the right to make our own decisions. There is much talk of Magna Carta.

In November, during the second lockdown, hairdresser Sinead Quinn became a hero of the movement when she announced she would keep her salon in Bradford open. In the window, she pinned a piece of paper on which she had typed: “I do not consent. This business stands under the jurisdiction of Common Law. As the business owners, we are exercising our rights to earn a living.” Citing “article 61 of Magna Carta 1215”, the document claimed that “we have a right to enter into lawful dissent if we feel we are being governed unjustly”. The notion that citizens don’t have to follow unjust laws, and can only be fined or arrested if they give their consent, is a commonly circulated bit of disinformation. This clause of Magna Carta applied only to a small group of barons, not the public at large, and in any case, it never became statutory law. (In January, Kirklees council obtained an injunction to prevent Quinn from opening her business during a national lockdown again.)

On a cold day in mid-January, two women met at Seven Sisters station in north London. They each had a stack of crudely printed leaflets, notifying businesses of “the Great Reopening” and urging them to open their doors on the 30th in defiance of lockdown. The Great Reopening was promoted by all the main Covid sceptic groups, who hoped that collective action could force the government to lift restrictions. They were inspired by Italian anti-lockdown activists who used the hashtag #ioapro (I Open) to encourage restaurants to open their doors in mid-January. The leaflets included an email address; anyone who made contact would receive a long, dense email setting out Magna Carta and “common law” defence. (Later, on Telegram, the Great Reopening organisers clarified that after speaking to a lawyer they’d established that “parliamentary law always trumps common law” and retracted their advice to use this defence.)
Sinead Quinn in her salon in Bradford on the day of the ‘Great Reopening’, 30 January 2021. Photograph: Danny Lawson/PA

The two women, Lucy and Julia, had initially connected via Telegram. This was the first time they’d met in person. Lucy is in her late 20s, an actor who was out of work and socially isolated during lockdown. Julia is in her 50s and has long been “into alternative health” and suspicious of vaccines. As they walked along the high street, sticking leaflets through the letterboxes of shuttered nail salons and restaurants, they chatted. Lucy had never been involved with anything like this before, but the more she read, the more convinced she was that the pandemic was being exaggerated, and that lockdown was a means for government to increase its control. “I have lost friends,” she said. “But it’s given me a lifeline. If we don’t come out of lockdown this year, I’ll probably kill myself. I’m not the only one who feels like this.” Julia agreed with her. “It’s so frustrating to see your loved ones blindly swallowing propaganda. I’m really scared about how many people will take this gene-altering vaccine because the government has lied and created all this fear.” Before they went their separate ways, they agreed to meet up more often.

In the week before the big day, Telegram users encouraged one another to phone businesses to check if they knew about the Great Reopening. Many were disappointed to find that no one had heard of it. On the morning of the Great Reopening, one user urged others to keep on message: “No Illuminati or unrelated chat today. Only reopening chat.”

The Great Reopening was a flop. About 70 businesses in the UK agreed to open, sharing their details on an online spreadsheet. “Really only 70 with nearly 13,000 members just in here!” wrote one disappointed user on Telegram. In the late morning, I stopped off at the only business in my vicinity listed on the site – a small clothing boutique in north London. A woman was inside, but the door was locked. I knocked and asked if she had reopened that day. She nodded, adding knowingly: “We had a visit.” She was not alone in this; all the businesses listed online were shut down by police early in the day.

On Telegram, people complained about the poor showing. “Most people are lazy as fuck,” wrote one user. “We have been living among stupid robots far too long!”; “We’re up against a highly sophisticated, well-funded propaganda machine, so it is not going to happen overnight,” counselled another.

Even the area where the anti-lockdown movement had previously found success – street protests – floundered over the winter. The day of the Great Reopening was cold and wet, but a small group of protesters still showed up in Hyde Park, as they have most weekends since the summer. Four riot vans were parked at nearby Marble Arch and a further six vans did circuits around the park. “It’s become a weekly occurrence,” a police officer told me. “Sometimes it gets rowdy, but it’s like any other protest – there’s a few troublemakers, but mostly it’s fine.”

The protest was sparsely attended; people milled around, trying to work out who else was there to demonstrate. On Telegram, messages had gone out telling people to gather at midday with the grand aim of “marching on parliament”. But there was no clear plan, and no one was leading the protest.

Luca, the Polish man who had attended the big Trafalgar Square rallies in the summer, had come along. He told me that a few weeks earlier, he’d been arrested after a protest in Clapham turned violent. But it hadn’t put him off. He firmly believed that the pandemic was a globalist conspiracy, and that it was vital to resist. He broke off, looking nervously at the police. “They’re going to come over here if they see us talking,” he said.

Eventually, a group of about eight people identified one another and started chatting under a gazebo as they sheltered from the rain. They were an unlikely group – two middle-aged women in brightly coloured winter coats, two men from Essex with a carrier bag full of beer tins, who cheerfully told me they were “from the far right”, an older man with a shock of grey hair, and Luca, a self-described “tech-libertarian”. No sooner had they begun to talk than four of the police vans that had been circling the park drove up to them.

“Go home, there is a national emergency,” the police officers shouted. “You are not allowed to be here.”

The two women shouted back at them. “We’re in the park, we’re allowed to be in a public place.”

Other would-be protesters looped around the park, not wanting to stop while the police were there. Two older men in leather jackets kept walking once they saw the altercation. As they strolled out of the park, I saw that one of them had “FLU WORLD ORDER” scrawled across the back of his jacket in large letters. People gradually dissipated, leaving just Luca and the two men with the bag of tins. They told me that they had lost their jobs in the pandemic; they’d worked in the building trade. An aunt’s hairdressing salon had gone bust. They’d first come across the protest movement through “Patriot groups” on Facebook.

One said sadly that his grandparents wouldn’t see him any more. “They believe this whole thing, hook, line and sinker. They’ve been brainwashed by the BBC. To be honest, I don’t blame them. I put it on for 15 minutes the other day, and I could feel myself getting brainwashed, too, so I switched it off.”

As the UK’s vaccination programme picked up steam over February, and infection numbers dropped, Boris Johnson announced the roadmap out of lockdown. It was greeted with predictable scepticism by anti-lockdowners. “Subject to conditions being met … Behave and you get freedom at the end. Or what you think is freedom,” Sinead Quinn, the hairdresser, posted on Instagram. Keep Britain Free, a group founded by Dolan, tweeted that Johnson “has spearheaded the greatest destruction of our freedoms over the past year and is still refusing to hand them back”.

Many of the anti-lockdown Telegram channels refocused on opposing vaccinations. People asked for advice about stopping their parents and grandparents from taking the jab. “Unfortunately, many who took the jab are likely to die within the next 3 to 18 months,” stated one user. Disagreement was unwelcome. In mid-March, when one user posted that they were going to get their vaccine as soon as they were eligible, the administrator replied: “You are in the wrong group then.” Someone else responded “What a fucking nob head trying to instigate something.” “Defo a troll,” another agreed. The user was blocked.

Although vaccine uptake is high – more than 90% of over-70s in England have had it – many doctors have encountered scepticism. “I’ve had patients with Covid who say, ‘I don’t want to go to hospital because the oxygen will kill me’,” says Siema Iqbal, a GP in Manchester. Many of her older patients get their information from their children, who are immersed in denialist social media groups. “Sometimes we’ve found elderly people will not take the vaccine because the children have said ‘don’t have it’,” Iqbal said. “They’re not just affecting their own uptake. They’re affecting a big, multi-generational household.”

Other healthcare professionals I spoke to had experienced online abuse from Covid sceptics, or found their daily work disrupted by organised campaigns. Earlier this year, Stand Up X encouraged followers to call hospitals to ask about their capacity. One hospital receptionist in southern England told me she had fielded several of these calls a week in January. “This was such a busy time, and we’re talking to people at the worst moments of their lives, calling up to ask if they can visit their dad before he dies. Then in among that you get someone demanding to know how many Covid patients we have and how many spare beds, because they’re essentially saying ‘you’re a liar’.”

In recent weeks, street protests have returned with an energy not seen since the autumn. On 20 March, a protest was held to mark a year since lockdown began. Police vans gathered near Marble Arch and helicopters circled overhead. People streamed towards Hyde Park Corner. There were young people in athleisure, older men in full black paramilitary-style gear, older women in tie-dye. A small child handed me a leaflet that said: “SOS – what is happening to our world?”, advertising an evangelical church.

As Hyde Park Corner came into view, so did the crowds of people, cheering and blowing whistles. A young black man in a “Black Lives Matter” T-shirt shouted into a megaphone: “People, how powerful is this?” A few paces on, a white man in a baseball cap that read “Make England Great Again” stood on a railing, looking down at the crowd. A woman held up a placard that said “Censor paedophiles, not scientists”. More than one person wore a six-pointed yellow star, reminiscent of those that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany, with “Covid” or “Exempt” written in the centre. Spontaneous chants went up of: “Freedom! Freedom!” and “We are the people! We are the power!”

A woman and a bus driver during an anti-lockdown protest in London, 20 March 2021. Photograph: Neil Hall/EPA

The demonstrators marched to Marble Arch and down Oxford Street, blocking traffic. They banged on the windows of buses, shouting good-naturedly at passengers to take their masks off. A few obliged; more than one bus driver reached out of the window to shake hands with protesters and give them the thumbs up. The atmosphere was like a carnival; people smoked spliffs and drank beers. Two rastas with greying dreads played handheld drums and people danced alongside them. A group of young women in brightly coloured clothes held placards that said “My body, my choice” on one side and “Make Orwell fiction again” on the other; near them, a man in a union jack suit with “Brexiteer” emblazoned on the back walked alone. A large group of police stood at Bond Street station. People booed them. A man with a megaphone shouted: “Your job is to protect the people and you’re oppressing them. They want to see their families. You’re disgusting.”

People had travelled from all over the country; one man in his 40s drinking a can of lager said he’d come from Blackpool. It was his sixth visit to London to protest; until last year, he’d never attended a march. “It’s the biggest hoax in world history,” he told me. “We’re going to turn into a communist country like China. Is that what you want?” When I asked about the roadmap out of lockdown, he told me that the country would be “locked down illegally for at least two years” because of invented variants. A woman in her 50s dressed in brightly coloured patchwork, with glitter smeared on her cheeks, told me she had travelled from the Midlands, where she works as a psychotherapist and home-schools her teenage children. “I’ve never been a protest person, but we care about our freedom, and we’re not going to collude with the New World Order,” she said. “This last year made me get out of my little bubble and look at the wider world.”

By the evening, the crowds began to disperse. The mood on the Telegram channels was jubilant. “GUYS FUCKING AMAZING ABSOLUTELY BUZZING THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING OUT TODAY THEY HAVE TO TAKE NOTICE NOW. WE JUST ACHIEVED THE BIGGEST MARCH IN THE WORLD THIS WEEKEND,” one of the organisers wrote. People insisted that more than 100,000 people had attended (it was likely closer to 10,000). They turned their attention to another protest to take place in late April. Other, more localised protests continued, too; in late March, a group of maskless protesters entered a Tesco in Chelmsford. Videos of the action went viral.

Why can’t we agree on what’s true any more?
Read more

Not everyone who broadly supports the cause has been protesting in the streets, but most feel alienated and pessimistic about lockdown actually easing. Anna’s endometriosis flared up over the winter, and she suffered a severe adverse reaction to anaesthesia. She almost died. “I’ve got a lot of feelings about how I’ve spent the last year of my life, and it has essentially been trapped indoors for nine out of 12 months,” she said. “If a partner had done to me what the government has done over the past year, there’d be abuse charges: telling me I can’t work, I can’t see my family, I can’t see my friends, you’re only allowed to rely on me for money. I feel gaslighted.”

Her health problems meant less time to engage with anti-lockdown activism, but as the movements have broadly shifted to anti-vaccine content, she, too, has become more receptive to their concerns. She understands why older people are taking the Covid vaccine, but feels young people are being “coerced”, and worries that it is “experimental”. For months, anti-lockdown groups have warned of vaccine passports; the government is now talking seriously about this possibility. “We were being called conspiracy theorists, and now it’s actually happening,” she told me. “I’ve definitely fallen out with the government, and I will never, ever trust them again.”

For most people, it is easy to ignore the fact that this scepticism still exists, but this loss of trust will find another outlet when the pandemic eventually ends. After I left the protest, I walked back along the Strand. The police vans at Charing Cross station were the only sign something was unusual. Most shops were shut, people picking up coffee or snacks wore masks, and hand-sanitiser dispensers stood at regular intervals along the street. An old woman, who had diverged from the protest crowd, handed out leaflets warning of the risks of masks and vaccines. Passersby took the leaflets, and dropped them, without looking, as they carried on walking.

Some names have been changed

Lockdowns put in place to counter 
COVID-19 could pose a risk of radicalizing Canadians
 towards violence, as security experts warn there is a growing risk of terrorism from incelswhite supremacists and anti-authority extremists.


© Provided by Global News Demonstrators scuffle with Italian Policemen during a protest by Restaurant and shop owners outside the Lower Chamber in Rome, Tuesday, April 6, 2021. Demonstrators demanded to reopen their business and protested against restrictive measures of the Italian Government to cope with the surge of COVID-19 cases. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini)

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians identified the growing threats from violent misogyny and violent hate groups as among the leading threats facing the country today.

The finding came in a new report that also warned the very same measures currently in place to keep Canadians safe from the ferocious spread of the virus could lead some to radicalize online.

"This is becoming a real, real problem," said David McGuinty, chair of the committee behind the unanimous report as well as the Liberal MP for Ottawa South.

Read more: Terrorists using coronavirus pandemic to stoke extremism, UN official warns

McGuinty said the committee couldn't yet determine whether pandemic isolation and anger will lead to a rise in support for the kind of violent misogyny espoused by incels. But he said the committee did hear in classified briefings over the last year that the potential for radicalization during the pandemic is real — and that the terrorism threats facing the country have changed significantly over the last two years.

In particular, the report cited what is known as "ideologically motivated violent extremism" — a broad term that includes xenophobic violence, anti-authority violence, gender-driven violence, and "other grievance-driven and ideologically motivated violence."

Video: COVID-19 conspiracy theories: psychological distress can lead to radicalization

While there were roughly 100 such groups operating in Canada in 2015, now there are more than 300.

Primarily located in southwestern Ontario, southern Quebec and southern Alberta, the groups often overlap with varying degrees of hatred of women, minorities and government. Many of them include what are often known as neo-Nazi groups as well.

Read more: The rise of white supremacy and its new face in the 21st century

And while the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for such groups in terms of financing, they rely mainly on social media for radicalizing and recruiting new followers — and that, the pandemic may be providing, the report suggests.

"The RCMP assesses that the restrictions, including Iockdown measures, put in place during the pandemic could result in people looking for advice or information over the Internet and accessing extremist echo chambers," the report said.

"This risk is magnified by the challenges of social isolation and financial hardship during restrictions. These same restrictions also make it difficult for others to identify individuals who may be on a path to radicalization."

Video: Hundreds defy curfew in Montreal in destructive protest of COVID-19 measures

The restrictions imposed by governments around the world in a desperate bid to slow the spread of the virus have caused widespread economic blows to people and businesses, as well as significant mental health suffering as the pandemic stretches into its second year.

Those factors, coupled with frustration at measures like physical distancing and the wearing of masks, have led some to jeopardize both their own health and the health of others by ignoring public health rules.

Read more: Coronavirus pandemic may cause decline in democracy, rise in extremist groups: report

And as anti-lockdown protests spread around the world, the concern is that those frustrated by the measures in place at home will turn to the internet, and be drawn to ideologies designed to lure them in to violent extremism.

"CSIS has uncovered extensive ideologically motivated violent extremism activities in the past two years (notably right-wing extremist groups), as demonstrated through online activity and physical attacks," the report noted.

"The sizable increase in this activity throughout 2020 suggests the terrorist threat landscape is shifting."

It went on to note that "low-sophistication attacks on unsecured public spaces" remain the main physical threat to the country.

Video: Busting myths and misinformation: the fight for the truth about COVID-19

Low sophistication typically refers to attacks that need little to no technical skill or coordination in order to cause casualties: things like van attacks or violent rampages with readily available weapons such as knives.

It is distinct from the highly sophisticated nature of organized attacks like building and planting explosive devices, cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, or multi-pronged simultaneous attacks.

McGuinty said the question now is how will national security officials respond.

"We're hoping that the government will become seized with it. This is a an evolving, risky area," he said.

"This is exactly why we wanted to put it in the report, so that the government of Canada and Canadians would say, 'Hey, we need to look at this now objectively and figure out how we're going to how are we going to wrestle it to the ground?'"

Video: Capitol riot: FBI director says attack involved militia extremists, white supremacists

Lockdown fatigue is giving way to protests and defiance across the country

Tyler Dawson

With protests breaking out in different parts of the country, and some businesses flatly refusing to follow COVID-19 health orders, lockdown fatigue is giving way to lockdown rage more than a year into the pandemic.

© Provided by National Post Police struggle with protesters trying to tear down a fence outside GraceLife Church near Edmonton on Sunday, April 11, 2021. The church has been fenced off for repeated violations of COVID-19 rules.

On Sunday, hundreds of people weathered the ice and the chill to protest the closure of the Edmonton-area GraceLife church that has been ignoring public health rules for months. On the other side of the country, windows were smashed and garbage torched in Old Montreal as protesters rejected the province’s latest curfew rules, calling for “freedom for the young.”

As the country battles the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, with variants spreading rapidly and the vaccine roll-out slow to catch up, governments have once again stepped up public health restrictions. In Alberta, that meant shuttering indoor dining, and capacity restrictions on indoor gatherings and retail. In Quebec, it has meant a return to an 8 p.m. curfew. In Ontario, already under stay-at-home orders, students won’t return to in-person learning next week after a delayed school break.

“We often hear it’s a race against the variants, but I think it’s also a race against complacency and rage,” said Tim Caulfield, Canada Research Chair in Health Law and Policy, at the University of Alberta. “I believe that Canada can, ultimately Canada will come together, and we’re going to win this race, but you can certainly see the tensions rising.”

Clearly, people are tired of the pandemic and the restrictions, even if they are still following the rules. Recent polling on the pandemic from the Angus Reid Institute shows that 29 per cent of Canadians are “having a pretty tough time with things” at this point, while 54 per cent are “experiencing some difficulty but nothing major.”

© Giuseppe Valiante/The Canadian Press People take part in an anti-curfew protest in Montreal on Sunday April 11, 2021.

The evidence is everywhere, in casual conversations with friends and family, and at businesses defying public health orders, such as the Whistle Stop Café, in Mirror, Alta., which has refused to close despite visits from police and health officials, or the hair salon in Barrie, Ont., which also defied orders to close despite threats of fines.

Even in the corridors of power. Last week, 17 United Conservative Party members of the Alberta legislature spoke out against the most recent round of provincial restrictions in a very public airing of internal dissent among the 63 UCP MLAs.

On Monday, Maxime Bernier, leader of the fringe People’s Party of Canada, addressed a crowd at the Alberta legislature in Edmonton, where someone held a Western Independence Party flag, and protesters chanted “lock her up!” in reference to Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s chief medical officer of health.

Bernier has been touring British Columbia and Alberta, calling for an end to lockdowns. He said the protest is a “ideological revolution,” and railed against business closures, mask laws, curfews, and as-yet non-existent vaccine passports.

“I’m saying ‘no’ to ‘show me your papers,'” said Bernier. “I’m saying ‘yes to our freedoms, to who we are as Canadians.'”

© Giuseppe Valiante/The Canadian Press Hundreds of people gather to take part in an anti-curfew protest in Montreal on Sunday April 11, 2021.

As the rally came to a close, there was a loud chant of “freedom!” in the square in front of the legislature building.

In Montreal, meanwhile, police said seven people were arrested and 107 tickets related to public health violations were given out Sunday evening to protesters.

Nationally, the RCMP said they’ve issued 129 fines related to the federal Quarantine Act since March 2020.


Multiple other cities and towns across the country, including Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver, have seen protest rallies and marches, with COVID restrictions blending together with a number of public grievances. GraceLife, the church outside of Edmonton, has become a lighting rod for the far-right, both in Canada and the United States. The story has caught the attention of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and U.S. conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Sunday’s protest drew some notorious right-wing figures from within Canada.

“The church example has emerged as a focal point for those who are frustrated with the lockdown, and not just in Canada,” said Caulfield. “Unfortunately, that kind of rhetorical strategy works.”

The question now is, how much longer politicians can hold the line? Caulfield pointed out that even though protesters are making plenty of noise, the vast majority of Canadians continue to follow public health rules.

“Most Canadians have been amazing. Most Canadians do understand how important these public health measures are,” said Caulfield. “Often, understandably, the news focuses on the other side of the equation, those who are frustrated and are acting out.”

“Just asking people over and over again to follow the restrictions isn’t enough,” said Caulfield. “And shaming people into following restrictions, also, not enough … we need to engage people, we need to listen to them.”
DARPA awards nuclear spacecraft contracts to Lockheed Martin, Bezos' Blue Origin and General Atomics

Michael Sheetz 

The Pentagon's DARPA awarded contracts to General Atomics, Lockheed Martin and Jeff Bezos' space venture Blue Origin under the agency's DRACO (Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations) program.

DARPA says a nuclear powered spacecraft has the potential to achieve both the high power of an chemical-based propulsion system and the high efficiency of an electrical-powered system.

"This combination would give a DRACO spacecraft greater agility to implement the Department of Defense's core tenet of rapid maneuver in cislunar space (between the Earth and moon)," DARPA s

© Provided by CNBC An artist's rendering of a DRACO spacecraft.

The Pentagon's research and development arm on Monday awarded a trio of companies with contracts to build and demonstrate a nuclear-based propulsion system on a spacecraft in orbit by 2025.

General Atomics, Lockheed Martin and Jeff Bezos' space venture Blue Origin won the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA awards, under the agency's Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations program or DRACO.

The goal of the program is deceptively simple: Use a nuclear thermal propulsion system to power a spacecraft beyond low Earth orbit.

The Pentagon's research and development agency says a nuclear powered spacecraft has the potential to achieve both the high power of an chemical-based propulsion system and the high efficiency of an electrical-powered system.

"This combination would give a DRACO spacecraft greater agility to implement the Department of Defense's core tenet of rapid maneuver in cislunar space (between the Earth and moon)," the agency said.

The contracts awarded to the companies are for the first 18-month phase of the program, with two tracks.

In Track A, General Atomics will tackle the preliminary design of a nuclear thermal reactor and the concept for a propulsion subsystem, with its contract worth $22.2 million.

In Track B, Blue Origin and Lockheed Martin–awarded $2.5 million and $2.9 million, respectively–will each develop spacecraft concept designs.

"Nuclear thermal propulsion is a transformative technology that will dramatically change the way spacecraft will operate, increasing agility and allowing more efficient travel to Mars and beyond in far less time than conventional propulsion systems," Bill Pratt, Lockheed Martin Space's manager of Human Exploration Advanced Programs, said in a statement to CNBC. "A lot of work was done on nuclear propulsion in previous decades and we'll leverage that expertise as we combine it with modern digital engineering modern spacecraft design and creativity to advance this new capability."

"Blue Origin is excited to support DARPA in maturing spacecraft concepts for this important technology area," Brent Sherwood, the company's senior vice president of advanced development programs, said in a statement to CNBC.

DARPA expects the first phase of DRACO work to be done by late 2022, with following phases to be up for grabs.
Lawmakers, industry call on Biden to fund semiconductor production amid shortage

Maggie Miller, THE HILL

A bipartisan group of more than 70 House and Senate lawmakers on Monday called on President Biden to support funds for semiconductor research and manufacturing as Biden hosted a meeting with technology leaders to discuss a critical shortage in chips.

© Getty Images Lawmakers, industry call on Biden to fund semiconductor production amid shortage

In a letter to Biden spearheaded by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), the lawmakers asked that he work to fund initiatives for semiconductors created by the CHIPS for America Act, legislation included in the most recent National Defense Authorization Act, noting the need to compete with China.

"We would specifically request you consider joining us in support of funding levels that are at least the authorized amounts proposed in the original bill as you work with Congress on a package of policies to better compete with China and how best to strengthen our country's economic competitiveness and resiliency as well as national security," the lawmakers wrote.

They specifically cited concerns around keeping up with China on semiconductor manufacturing, describing the need to do so as a "national security priority."

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has aggressive plans to reorient and dominate the semiconductor supply chain, pouring over $150 billion in semiconductor manufacturing subsidies and investing $1.4 trillion in their efforts to become the dominate global technological power," the group wrote to Biden. "Even full funding of the originally filed CHIPS provisions pales in comparison to the investments being made by the CCP, which speaks to why consideration of an even higher level of funding is worthwhile."

The lawmakers also asked that Biden include funds for semiconductor research and manufacturing in the annual budget proposal to enable federal agencies to support the effort to boost chip production.

"We are committed to meeting the national imperative of securing our critical supply chains and look forward to working with you and your Administration to achieve this vital objective," they wrote.

The letter was sent the same day Biden hosted some two dozen leaders involved in semiconductor production at the White House, including the CEOs of Google, AT&T, Dell Technologies, Intel Corp., Ford Motor Co. and General Motors (GM).

The meeting was held amid an increasing crisis in semiconductor production. A nationwide shortage has hit the automobile sector particularly hard, with chips used in multiple aspects of modern vehicles. GM was forced to shut down production at several North American plants last week due to the shortage.

Biden addressed the letter during remarks after the meeting, stressing that "China and the rest of the world is not waiting, and there's no reason why Americans should wait."

"We're investing aggressively in areas like semiconductors and batteries. That's what they're doing and others; so must we," he said.

Biden pointed to the American Jobs Plan, his $2.25 trillion infrastructure proposal, in noting that he is seeking a "significant" $50 billion investment to fund the semiconductor initiatives in the CHIPS for America Act as part of the package.

"For too long as a nation, we haven't been making the big, bold investments we need to outpace our global competitors," he said. "We've been falling behind on research and development and manufacturing, and to put it bluntly, we have to step up our game."

Biden also previously signed an executive order in February to address the semiconductor shortage and several other critical supplies and met with a bipartisan group of lawmakers the same day that included many of the letter's signatories.

Industry leaders emerged from Monday's meeting with Biden expressing confidence in the administration's efforts to combat the chip shortage.

"It was an excellent meeting," Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai said in a statement provided to The Hill. "We appreciate the Biden Administration's focus on the importance of semiconductor supply to innovation across industries. I was also impressed by the commitment of the President and his team to R&D so we can sustain U.S. leadership in technological innovation and support future economic growth."

Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger also emerged from the meeting with a positive outlook.

"It is clear there is broad bipartisan and cross-industry recognition that semiconductor manufacturing is a vital component of our national infrastructure that must be included in the American Jobs Plan," Gelsinger said in a separate statement. "We should seize this moment in time to solidify American strength and unity in this critical industry."

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), which represents several of the companies Biden met with, commended Biden for his prioritizing investment in chips.

"Today's meeting marks the continuation of a strong partnership between the Biden Administration and industry to strengthen America's semiconductor supply chain by enacting federal investments in domestic chip manufacturing and research," SIA President and CEO John Neuffer said in a statement.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell says Costco has pulled his products. It's the second-largest retailer to cut ties with him.

Grace Dean Apr. 13, 2021

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images, Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Costco has stopped stocking MyPillow's products, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told Insider.

Retailers have cut ties with the pillow brand after Lindell spread voter-fraud conspiracy theories.

Lindell blamed Costco's decision on "cancel culture."

Costco is the latest retailer to cut ties with MyPillow, according to the pillow company's CEO, Mike Lindell.

The big-box store stopped stocking MyPillow's products without telling the pillow company about the decision, Lindell told Insider in a phone interview Monday.

Major retailers have been severing ties with MyPillow after Lindell, a staunch ally of former president Donald Trump, spread voter-fraud conspiracy theories. Some of them have cited slow sales.

Costco is the second-largest retailer, behind Kroger, to stop selling MyPillow products. Costco sold out its MyPillow inventory and then stopped ordering new shipments, Lindell told Insider.

He blamed the move on "cancel cultu

Insider reported on Saturday that MyPillow's products had disappeared from Costco's site. At the time, the company wouldn't say whether it had pulled the brand.

Costco did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

Read more: The MyPillow guy says God helped him beat a crack addiction to build a multimillion-dollar empire. Now his religious devotion to Trump threatens to bring it all crashing down.

Lindell previously told Insider that at least 22 retailers had pulled its products since January, including Sam's Club, Kohl's, and Bed Bath & Beyond.

More than 100,000 people have also signed a petition calling on other retailers, including Amazon and Walmart, to follow suit and stop selling MyPillow's products.

Lindell said he expected the drop in retail sales to cost the company about $65 million in lost revenue this year, but that radio and podcast infomercials could plug the gap.

During an appearance on "The Domenick Nati Show" in mid-March, Lindell said retailers who said they'd cut ties because of slow sales were "lying" and were "big losers."

He said calls for retailers to stop selling his products came from bots and trolls, adding that the companies who kept stocking MyPillow were "thriving."

Lindell added that lots of customers had been buying directly through MyPillow, and that it had to hire more staff to meet demand.

HSBC bans clients from buying shares of MicroStrategy, which has become known for its massive bitcoin purchases

HSBC's move goes against the wave of institutions and major corporations adopting bitcoin.

ilee@insider.com (Isabelle Lee) 

© AP Photo/Frank Augstein 

HSBC has instituted a new policy preventing clients from purchasing and moving shares of MicroStrategy into their account, according to Reuters.

The decision comes as HSBC broadly clamps down on cryptocurrency trading.

MicroStrategy has repeatedly made headlines in recent weeks by buying large amounts of bitcoin.

HSBC has said it will prevent clients from purchasing and moving shares of MicroStrategy into their InvestDirect accounts, according to a March 29 message viewed by Reuters that referred to the stock as a "virtual currency product."

The decision comes amid a broader move by HSBC to limit cryptocurrency trading.

"HSBC has no appetite for direct exposure to virtual currencies and limited appetite to facilitate products or securities that derive their value from VCs (virtual currencies)," HSBC said in the same statement viewed by Reuters.

HSBC did not immediately respond to Insider for comment.

MicroStrategy last August became the first publicly listed company to buy bitcoin as part of its capital allocation strategy. It's since bought billions worth of the coin on multiple occasions, and currently holds $5.4 billion, according to a regulatory filing. Further, Michael Saylor's firm announced on Monday that it is paying non-employee board members entirely in bitcoin instead of cash.

HSBC's move goes against the wave of institutions and major corporations adopting bitcoin. Heavyweights including Goldman Sachs, Bank of New York Mellon, Tesla, PayPal, and Visa have started facilitating transactions in the coin, or accepting it as payment.

Bitcoin, the world's most popular cryptocurrency, rose as much as 2.6% to $61,229 on Monday ahead of Coinbase's listing this week.

Cryptocurrencies as a whole hit a record high of market capitalization of $2 trillion early this month, having doubled in value in just three months.