Wednesday, June 23, 2021

6 Amazon employees reveal what's driving people to quit, as the company reportedly worries it's burning through workers so fast that it could run out of people to employ (Ben Gilbert) 

© Ben Gilbert/Business Insider An Amazon fulfillment center employee in Staten Island, NY. Ben Gilbert/Business Insider

Amazon burns through hourly employees so quickly that execs worry about running out of people, the NYT reports.

Insider spoke to 6 current and former Amazon employees who explained why they think turnover is high.

They all cited similar issues, including surveillance, the monotonous nature of the work, and burnout.

Amazon has been hiring hundreds of thousands of workers for roles in its warehouses, which it calls fulfillment centers, but those employees have been quitting almost as fast as they can be hired, according to a recent report from The New York Times.

Many of the over 350,000 workers Amazon hired from July to October stayed with the company "just days or weeks," the report said.

An Amazon warehouse employee in Michigan told Insider that "almost everybody I know [at Amazon] is looking for another job."

Insider spoke with half a dozen current and former Amazon employees across the country who work in a variety of fulfillment center roles about why they think the company has such high attrition rates. They all cited similar issues: The monotonous nature of the work, the surveillance of their productivity, and rapid burnout. Though they requested to remain anonymous, Insider confirmed their identities and verified their employment records.

"I lasted longer than anybody else in my group that had started" at the same time, a former seasonal employee in Washington, who worked at a fulfillment center from September to October 2020, told Insider. "The entire group of people that I was hired with did not make it two weeks. I was literally the only one [of 23 people]."

Specifically, the current and former employees pointed to entry-level warehouse jobs as most ripe for turnover, including "pickers" - the people who pick items for orders, pack those orders into boxes, and get those boxes loaded into trucks.

"It's super tedious, and no one wants to do it," the employee in Michigan said.
© Ben Gilbert/Business Insider An Amazon fulfillment center employee in Staten Island, NY. Ben Gilbert/Business Insider

"As a picker, they want you to pick 4,000 items a shift ... and you're stuck at one station for 10 hours with two 30-minute breaks," they said. "You're sore at first, and you think it's okay. Imagine working here four days a week, you're doing that same thing over and over again: Picking 4,000 items. It wears out."

Amazon employees also cited the company's notoriously dogged approach to efficiency, in which the company uses technology to track workers' productivity and timeliness. Being just five minutes late to clocking in results in a write-up from management, several employees said.

"You're constantly trying to defend your employment," a former Amazon employee in California told Insider.

Prior to the pandemic, hourly employees had a turnover rate of about 3% weekly, or roughly 150% annually, data reviewed by The Times indicated. That reportedly led some Amazon executives to worry about running out of hirable employees in the US.

An Amazon representative told the Times, "Attrition is only one data point, which when used alone lacks important context." The company did not respond to Insider's request for comment.

Amazon went on an extended hiring spree in 2020 as it attempted to keep up with a massive spike in demand during coronavirus lockdowns. As Americans increasingly turned to Amazon for things like toiletries and groceries, the company repeatedly touted major hiring pushes.

In May 2021, Amazon started offering $1,000 signing bonuses to new employees.

The Army Might Really Build Walking War Machines
Kyle Mizokami 
JUNE 23,2021

© AFP Contributor - Getty Images A new paper from U.S. Army Research lab scientists suggests walking military vehicles could someday become real.

A new paper from U.S. Army Research lab scientists suggests walking military vehicles could someday become real.

Research shows legged vehicles would expend about as much energy as wheeled and tracked vehicles.

The study says there isn’t a power disadvantage to legged combat vehicles.

A new study from U.S. Army Research Lab (ARL) scientists reveals there’s nothing stopping the military from producing walking combat vehicles—at least from a power perspective, anyway. The research shows legs use essentially the same amount of power as wheels or tracks, so there’s no disadvantage to using them.

In the PLoS ONE study, scientists say both artificial and biological locomotion systems—literally from 1 gram to 35-ton vehicles—have approximately the same power requirements to move a unit of mass over land. Animals or machines using legs, wheels, or tracks use the same amount of energy.© Sunset Boulevard - Getty Images The ED-209 autonomous law enforcement robot from the 1987 movie Robocop.

The study uses something called the Heglund Formula, which estimates the energy required for animal locomotion, as a basis. This formula shows a remarkable consistency among terrestrial animals large and small, but doesn’t cover manmade terrestrial vehicles. The study expounds on the original formula to include human-designed and -built vehicles using different types of locomotion.

So, from a power perspective, engineers now have a green light to design walking war machines up to 35 tons. (For anything above 35 tons, they’ll need a different formula.) A combat robot walking on four legs, like ED-209 from Robocop or a robot from the Gundam universe, will use about the same amount of energy to get around as an M1A2 Abrams tank.

Combat vehicles with legs have some advantages over vehicles with tracks and wheels. A legged vehicle can travel down steep hills easier, for example, or pick their way across fields of boulders or other very rough terrain. Walkers also sit higher than conventional combat vehicles, giving the operator a better field of view.
Sergei Bobylev - Getty Images Research suggests Russia’s Uran-9 combat robot would use about the same amount of energy if it had legs than the tracks shown here. Whether or not it would be practical, however, is another story.

But a combat vehicle won’t actually encounter a steep downhill or boulder-strewn path very often. A higher-sitting vehicle may offer a lofty view of the battlefield, but enemies would also spot it from farther away than a low-slung battle tank. Plus, legs concentrate the vehicle’s weight into a relatively small area, as opposed to tank tracks, making them vulnerable to getting stuck.

The principal author of the study himself discourages the idea of large combat walkers like Star Wars’s AT-AT. “I doubt practicality of large legged machines, except in highly specialized contexts,” the ARL’s Alexander Kott told Forbes.

That’s totally fine—as long as we all agree the AT-AT is a small legged machine.


UNESCO says industry, poor governance 'likely' endanger Canadian World Heritage site

Canada's largest national park is now so threatened by upstream development and divided governance that it likely meets the criteria to be placed on the list of World Heritage sites in danger
]© Provided by The Canadian Press

UNESCO released the draft finding on Alberta's Wood Buffalo National Park this week. The agency has been concerned about the park — the world's second-largest freshwater delta — since 2017, when it found 15 of 17 of the park's ecological benchmarks were deteriorating.

Despite welcoming federal moves that include $60 million for water management and monitoring, the latest report says the park's main challenges remain unaddressed.

"The World Heritage Centre ... considers it likely that the property now meets the criteria for inscription on the list of world heritage in danger," the finding says.

UNESCO applauded Canada's efforts to improve water levels in the park, which have been in long-term decline through climate change and developments such as British Columbia's Site C dam, upstream of the park. But it said no governments have taken long-term measures to ensure enough water reaches the delta, despite concerns expressed in a previous report.

"It is of serious concern that mechanisms to determine and agree on environmental flow regulation ... are still not in place five years after the mission."

The report also notes the oilsands tailings ponds upstream from the park continue to grow. It points out other studies have concluded those ponds are already leaching into the Athabasca River through groundwater and that governments are now studying how water could be released into it.

Meanwhile, Alberta has made no progress on a promised risk assessment of the ponds, says the report.

"It is of high concern that the risk assessment of the tailings ponds ... has not started."

UNESCO says the park's real problem is that the threats it faces come from outside its borders and that B.C., Alberta and Ottawa haven't worked together on an overall plan for the watershed.

"Overarching governance challenges remain," it says.

A spokeswoman for the Mikisew Cree, who live near the park and depend on it to practise their treaty rights, welcomed UNESCO's conclusion that Wood Buffalo's problems can't be solved by a three-year Parks Canada action plan.

"To get to the root of the problem is to solve the governance issue," said Melody Lepine. "Work as a nation to come to some sort of agreement.

"They can throw some money at Parks Canada, but the big issue is water governance."

Lepine said the Mikisew doesn't want any treated tailings pond water in the Athabasca.

"It's almost like you give your head a shake — What? Are they actually considering that?

"We do not support any releases into the river."

In a statement, Parks Canada said more than $87 million has been earmarked for the park and that enhanced research, monitoring and management has already begun.

"Since the action plan was finalized in 2019, notable progress has been made, with more than half of the identified actions completed or underway."

The B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation said the province has worked with the federal government, Alberta, Northwest Territories and Indigenous partners on the development of the Wood Buffalo National Park Action Plan.

The ministry said in an email that the work includes implementing the environmental flows and hydrology aspects of the plan.

It noted that the Peace Athabasca Delta is more than 1,100 km downstream of the Site C project and is fed mostly by the Athabasca River.

The ministry said during the environmental assessment of Site C, BC Hydro commissioned studies from leading experts to evaluate the potential downstream effects of the project and in all cases, it was concluded that the project would have no notable effect on the delta.

The Alberta government did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the UNESCO report.

UNESCO has asked Canada to invite an investigation team to visit and assess the park. That team would confirm whether Wood Buffalo should join the 51 other sites on the list of endangered World Heritage Sites and recommend measures to address the threats it faces.

Created in 1922, Wood Buffalo contains nearly 45,000 square kilometres of boreal forest, wetlands, lakes, rivers and plains.

Millions of birds that migrate all over North America make it their breeding ground. It is home to one of the largest remaining and most genetically diverse herds of wood bison. It boasts the world's last remaining natural breeding colony of whooping cranes.

It is also essential to the life and culture of the Mikisew Cree, said Lepine.

"This is important for us."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published June 22, 2021.

— Follow Bob Weber on Twitter at @row1960

Bob Weber, The Canadian Press
DICTATORSHIP OF THE BOURGEOISE Supreme Court rules California must pay private businesses to allow union access

By Ariane de Vogue and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN

 Wed June 23, 2021

(CNN)The US Supreme Court said Wednesday that California cannot allow unions to enter the private property of agricultural businesses to address workers unless the businesses are compensated for the visit, in a case that could have broad property rights implications.

The ruling will imperil not only union organizers in California seeking to reach workers but could make it more difficult for the government to allow temporary access in other areas.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the 6-3 decision. Justice Stephen Breyer, joined by his liberal colleagues Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, dissented, emphasizing the power of the strong conservative majority.

"Perhaps for the first time since Justice Amy Coney Barrett joined the court in October, here we see the full force of the new 6-3 conservative majority embracing a broad view of property rights both in general and at the specific expense of organized labor," said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law.

READ: Supreme Court opinion in California unions and property rights case

"Indeed, it's just the third time all term that the court split right down party lines in a signed opinion and the first in a non-criminal case," Vladeck said. "In that respect, it is, almost certainly, a harbinger of things to come."

The case involved a challenge to a California state law that allows union organizers to enter the property of a business three times a day for 120 days a year. Organizers are permitted a one-hour visit to speak to workers during break time.

While unions don't need to obtain an employer's consent before entering the property, they have to file written notice of their intent with the state's Agricultural Labor Relations Board.

Two agricultural businesses, Cedar Point Nursery, a strawberry grower, and Fowler Packing Corporation, a shipper of grapes and citrus, challenged the law as applied to them.

The dispute pitted agricultural businesses and property rights advocates against big labor unions and raised questions concerning when the government can allow access to private property without compensation.

"The access regulation amounts to simple appropriation of private property," Roberts wrote in the majority opinion. He added that the "access regulation grants labor organizations a right to invade the growers' property. It therefore constitutes a per se physical taking. "

Roberts suggested that the ruling would not impact the ability of the government to come on to property for health and safety inspections because such access is beneficial to the agricultural employers and the public.

The lawyer for the two businesses, Joshua Thompson of the Pacific Legal Foundation, had argued that the regulation violated the Fifth Amendment, which reads that private property cannot be taken by the government for public use "without just compensation."

He told the justices that the law allows the union members onto the property against the wishes of the businesses and amounts to a "taking" of the property without compensation. He equated the visits to a permanent physical invasion of the property and said it didn't matter that entry was only allowed during a limited time frame because the right to access was permanent.

In general, the courts have allowed the government to place "use restrictions" on private property without compensation, such as those related to zoning laws. But when the government allows a structure or a person to be on the property permanently, it must compensate the property owner.

California's Solicitor General Michael Mongan, who was appointed by the state's Democratic leadership, defended the law, saying that it authorized only a limited number of organizers to enter the farms for the sole purpose of speaking with employees under strict time limits.

The California Agricultural Labor Relations Act was enacted in 1975 because of union organizers' typical inaccessibility to farmworkers, who are sometimes migratory, following one harvest to the next, live in temporary housing and lack modern technology and English language skills.

The Biden administration supported California's position in the case, a change from the previous Trump administration, which had backed the employers.
Lower courts had ruled against the businesses, holding that the right of access to the property does not qualify as a "taking" under the law because the access is not permanent.

The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals noted that the regulation did not "allow random members of the public to unpredictably traverse their property 24 hours a day, 365 days a year."

Writing for his liberal colleagues, Breyer said that the access at issue in the case was "temporary," not "permanent," and therefore it does not constitute a government "taking" under the law. He said that the agricultural employers are not "forever denied" any power to control the use of their property.

The regulation, Breyer said, is "not functionally equivalent to the classic taking in which government directly appropriates private property or ousts the owner from his domain."

He also questioned the reach of the opinion, expressing fear, for instance, that a landowner might reject a law authorizing temporary access "to verify proper preservation of wetlands or the habitat enjoyed by an endangered species, or for that matter, the safety of inspected meat."

Madagascar food crisis driven by climate change, WFP says, as millions globally risk famine

By Amy Cassidy, David McKenzie and Ingrid Formanek, CNN 

Climate change is the driving force of a developing food crisis in southern Madagascar, the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has warned.
© Laetitia Bezain/AP Men dig for water in the dry Mandrare river bed, in Madagascar, Monday, Nov. 9, 2020. As a consequence of three straight years of drought, along with historic neglect by the government of the remote region as well as the COVID-19 pandemic,1.5 million people are in need of emergency food assistance, according to the U.N. World Food Program.(AP Photo/Laetitia Bezain)

The African island has been plagued with back-to-back droughts -- its worst in four decades -- which have pushed 1.14 million people "right to the very edge of starvation," said WFP executive director David Beasley in a news release Wednesday.

"I met women and children who were holding on for dear life, they'd walked for hours to get to our food distribution points. These were the ones who were healthy enough to make it," Beasley said.

"Families are suffering and people are already dying from severe hunger. This is not because of war or conflict, this is because of climate change. This is an area of the world that has contributed nothing to climate change, but now, they're the ones paying the highest price."An estimated 14,000 people are already in catastrophic conditions, according to the WFP, a number that is predicted to double to 28,000 by October. Thousands in southern Madagascar have left their homes in search of food, while those who remain are resorting to extreme measures such as foraging for wild food to survive, the WFP said.

"This is enough to bring even the most hardened humanitarian to tears. Families have been living on raw red cactus fruits, wild leaves and locusts for months now. We can't turn our backs on the people living here while the drought threatens thousands of innocent lives," said Beasley.

"Now is the time to stand up, act and keep supporting the Malagasy government to hold back the tide of climate change and save lives.''

The WFP needs $78.6 million dollars to provide lifesaving food in the next lean season and prevent a greater tragedy, it said.

Beasley's warning came a day after the WFP said 41 million people in 43 countries were now teetering on the edge of starvation, with 584,000 already experiencing famine-like conditions across Madagascar, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Yemen. This number has increased from 27 million in 2019.

Conflict, climate change and economic shocks are all driving the rises in hunger, the WFP said, with those pressures on food security compounded by steep price increases for basic foods this year.

"Global maize prices have soared almost 90% year-on-year, while wheat prices are up almost 30% over the same period. In many countries, currency depreciation is adding to these pressures and driving prices even higher. This in turn is stoking food insecurity in countries such as Lebanon, Nigeria, Sudan, Venezuela and Zimbabwe," said the WFP statement.

The WFP needs about $6 billion to provide 139 million people this year with life-saving food and nutritional assistance, it said, in what the UN agency describes as "the biggest operation in its history."

Fired Winnipeg lab scientist listed as co-inventor on two Chinese government patents

The high-profile scientist who was fired from Canada’s top infectious disease lab collaborated with Chinese government scientists on inventions registered in Beijing, but closely related to her federal job, intellectual property documents indicate.© Provided by National Post Xiangguo Qiu's ouster from the National Microbiology Laboratory remains cloaked in mystery and has been the subject of ongoing debate in Parliament.

Xiangguo Qiu, who’s also under investigation by the RCMP, is listed as an inventor on two patents filed by official agencies in China in recent years.

Qiu was a long-time federal civil servant when the patents were registered in 2017 and 2019 for innovations related to the Ebola and Marburg viruses, key focuses of her work at Winnipeg ’s National Microbiology Laboratory.

Qiu’s ouster from the lab remains cloaked in mystery and has been the subject of ongoing debate in Parliament, as opposition parties try, largely in vain, to obtain information on why she and husband Keding Cheng — another scientist at the lab — were let go.

Qiu had extensive dealings with China and Chinese scientists in recent years, including repeated trips to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a “level-four” disease lab like Winnipeg’s.

One of the patents listing her as a co-inventor — with five other people — was filed with the Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration by the country’s National Institutes for Food and Drug Control. It describes an “inhibitor for Ebola virus.” Qiu won fame in Canada for helping develop a treatment for Ebola, though the Chinese drug seems different.

The other patent that includes Qiu and six collaborators as inventors was registered by the Inspection and Quarantine Technology Center of Fujian province. It’s for a “detection method,” or test, for Marburg, a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola.

Neither Chinese patent makes any mention of her Canadian government employer.

The federal Public Servants Inventions Act states that the federal government owns all inventions “made by a public servant that resulted from or is connected with his duties or employment.”

And the legislation says a government employee cannot file a patent outside the country without the minister’s permission.

Mark Johnson, a spokesman for the Public Health Agency of Canada, refused to comment on whether Qiu had obtained such permission.

Asked if the agency — which administers the lab — was even aware of the patents, he said, “We cannot comment on this matter.”

Qiu could not be reached about the issue, and did not respond to previous phone messages left by the Post.

Whatever the Canadian government’s involvement in its employee’s Chinese-government-owned innovations, the situation seems like a mess, said Mark Warner, a prominent trade lawyer and former legal director of the Ontario Research and Innovation Ministry.

“If her contract permitted it, that would be a scandal,” he said. “If the contract didn’t permit it and they ignored the contract, that would be a scandal. If the contract didn’t even turn its attention to this, that would be a scandal, too.”
© Provided by National Post The National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg where scientists Xiangguo Qiu and Keding Cheng worked until they were escorted out in July 2019, and finally fired in January 2021.

It appears Qiu was either in violation of the inventions law or got permission from the minister, said Richard Gold, an intellectual property expert at McGill University.

Gold said he could only speculate on what happened but “this sounds very much like she did not get permission and that the government has a claim to the Chinese application.”

Canadian authorities have generally given short shrift to economic and national security issues when publicly funded researchers collaborate with foreign companies and governments, said Myra Tawfik, a University of Windsor professor specializing in intellectual property.

The case of Qiu’s patents, she said, “should be a cautionary tale.”

China’s aggressive attempts to lure scientific talent from the West have become an increasing concern for security agencies, with some researchers in the U.S. actually charged criminally with failing to divulge their Chinese paid work.

In most cases, the scientists recruited by Beijing have been academics or private-sector researchers, not direct government employees.

Johnson said national microbiology lab workers must abide by the inventions legislation. But asked if the Public Health Agency was concerned about one of its employees working with the Chinese government in such a way, Johnson said “open science and collaboration” are core to its work.

“The NML has policies and processes that allow for scientific collaboration and these are reviewed periodically as part of the Science Excellence initiative to adapt them as needed,” he said.

Qiu immigrated from China in 1996 with medical and immunology degrees and worked at the NML since at least 2003. With colleagues there, she helped develop an Ebola treatment based on so-called “monoclonal antibodies,” which became part of a drug called Z-Mapp. For that work she was awarded the Governor General’s innovation award in 2018 — the year between the two China patents.

But then in July 2019, Qiu, her husband and students from China working in her lab were escorted out of the facility . Their employment finally ended in January. The Public Health Agency has offered little explanation, saying initially the matter dealt with policy and administrative issues. Meanwhile, an RCMP investigation of the situation has languished for two years with no end in sight.

Adding another wrinkle to the saga, Qiu was involved in a shipment of samples of Ebola and another lethal virus to the Wuhan lab in 2019, though the agency says that episode was unconnected to her removal.

The Globe and Mail reported recently that Qiu was barred from the lab after she and Cheng failed to pass screening by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, but that has not been confirmed by the government. The Globe also detailed her work with Chinese scientists, including a military researcher who worked for a time at the Winnipeg lab.

Qiu is listed as an inventor of the monoclonal antibodies for Ebola and Marburg i n patents filed in Canada and the United States. But it appears that versions of the two Chinese patents have not been registered anywhere else.

The Ebola “inhibitor” is based on a “bicyclic amine compound,” different technology than used in Z-Mapp. It’s unclear where the invention is at in development.

The Marburg test is touted in the patent as having high specificity in detecting the virus, being easy to use and fast, producing results within 90 minutes.

Qiu is listed as an author of several papers dealing with Marburg while working for the government, the most recent published this May.

UK Tory austerity wrecked our education system – the term ‘white privilege’ has nothing to do with it

Diane Abbott
Tue, June 22, 2021

‘It is the Tory government that has cut per-pupil funding in real terms’ (Getty)

Today’s Education Select Committee report on the position of white working-class children shows just how ruthless the Tories are prepared to be in pursuance of electoral advantage through divisive “culture wars”.

Tory MPs have hijacked the education committee and its report in order to continue fighting these wars. It is a crude and partisan attempt to distract from the effects of the Tory government’s underfunding of education and its failure to address so many of the serious issues in the school system.

This report frequently quotes Tony Sewell’s discredited Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report. To me, the fact that it quotes this, rather than any serious work on race and education, is a clue that its motivation is about party politics rather than a meaningful effort to raise the achievement of all working-class children.

The Tory MPs on the committee call for an end to the use of the term “white privilege”. This is completely gratuitous. No serious academic discusses education policy in terms of “white privilege”, and in my view, anyone who believes the problems of working-class children – including those who are white – are caused by too much education about racism needs to reconnect with planet Earth.

The reality of course is that the education system has failed whole cohorts of pupils because of factors including austerity, underfunding, and efforts to homogenise the curriculum, as well as the underpayment and mistreatment of hardworking teachers and staff.

It is galling to hear Tory MPs talk about poor outcomes. But they only seem concerned about poor outcomes for white working-class children. Yet it is the Tory government that has cut per-pupil funding in real terms. The Conservatives also cut the lifeline that was the educational maintenance allowance (EMA), and trebled tuition fees, as well as cutting funding for libraries.

When they had an opportunity to level up educational outcomes, they chose to direct the money to their own constituencies in more prosperous areas. They have also presided over a surge in unemployment among younger workers during the pandemic. This is the party that recently mounted a huge defence of its disgraceful policies on free school meals. It clearly does not have the interests of working-class children at heart, of whatever colour.

Instead, this aspect of the report fits in with its denial of the existence of institutional racism. Today is Windrush Day. It is absolutely obvious that institutional racism does exist and the Windrush scandal is a product of it. But, for me, the government’s denial means that ministers feel under no obligation to tackle it. At the same time, as a recent Tory adviser confirms, this government promotes “culture wars”, which include overt racism, purely for electoral purposes.

It appears to me that this is an abuse of the committee system and its reports. Usually, these committees try to gather, sift and weigh evidence objectively. Their purpose is to improve policy and, if necessary, hold the government to account. Frequently they arrive at recommendations by consensus. But not a single Labour member voted for the report. It is extremely rare to divide a committee in this way, and I pay tribute to my excellent colleague Kim Johnson, in particular, for offering an alternative and for drawing attention to the Tories’ determination to cherry-pick data.

Education, with its vital role for our children’s future, is of the utmost importance. The government is failing on this issue, as on so many others, and must not be allowed to fuel “culture wars” as a distraction from that.

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‘It’s heartbreaking’: CDC ban could separate US troops from the dogs they rescue during deployments


A U.S. soldier who adopted Abu while deployed to Jordan said she is concerned she will not be able to bring the dog home after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a temporary ban on imports of dogs from 113 countries at high risk for rabies. (Courtesy photo)

A new U.S. health rule means troops could lose what a soldier described as “that one good thing” that happens during deployments — the dogs they meet and forge deep bonds with in places like Jordan, Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It’s heartbreaking that the CDC would opt to take that one good thing away from soldiers,“ a service member deployed to Jordan said after the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week declared 113 countries to be high-risk areas for rabies and temporarily banned dogs from those countries from being brought into the U.S.

Afghanistan, Djibouti, Georgia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya and Saudi Arabia are on the list.

“Deployments are very tough and having the opportunity to adopt a true friend I’ve made here has meant the world to me,” said the soldier in Jordan, whose dog, Abu, won’t have all the vaccinations it needs to be able to go to the U.S. before the ban takes effect on July 14. The soldier asked not to be named to avoid repercussions; troops are not authorized to have pets while deployed.

The CDC could grant a waiver to people wanting to bring a dog into the U.S. from a high-risk country, but will only do so in “extremely limited” cases if permission is requested at least 6 weeks before the dog enters the United States, the disease prevention agency says on its website.

“Dogs that arrive from high-risk countries without advance written approval from CDC will be denied entry and returned to the country of departure at the importer’s expense,” the CDC warns.

Abu sleeps against the leg of the U.S. soldier who adopted her while deployed to Jordan. A rule announced June 14, 2021 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will ban soldiers from bringing dogs into the U.S. from 113 countries at high risk for rabies, including Jordan. (Courtesy photo)

Several soldiers said the ban, which will run for one year, will most likely force them to say goodbye to the dogs they formed bonds with on deployment — dogs like Pepper, who was skin and bones when she was found three months ago by a U.S. soldier on patrol in Jordan.

“I want nothing more than to bring her home and show her a better life,” said the soldier, who also asked to remain anonymous. “This ban will make me have to leave her here.”

The temporary ban was driven in part by a sharp rise in the number of dogs whose humans tried to bring them into the U.S. with “improper” rabies certificates, CDC spokesman Dave Daigle said in an email. Some of the dogs’ rabies certificates were outright fakes, media reports have said.

At the same time, the coronavirus was sweeping the world, stretching global health care resources thin.

The temporary dog import ban seeks to minimize the risk of rabies being reintroduced in dogs in the U.S., at a time when the world's focus is on tackling the coronavirus, the CDC said.

“A rabid dog importation would detract resources from the COVID-19 response efforts,” Daigle said.

Rabies in dogs was eliminated in the U.S. in 2007 following an extensive pet vaccination effort.

But Puppy Rescue Mission, which arranges medical care for dogs and cats adopted by deployed soldiers and helps transport the pets to the U.S., said the ban is too broad and would have severe consequences on the abandoned animals and troops.

“We will be forced to tell our service members to leave behind their best friend to suffer a short, pain-filled life of torture and abuse,” PRM’s founder, Anna Cannan Chiasson, said in a statement. “This will be devastating to morale, both on the battlefield and when they return home.”

Explosion Triggered Near New US Navy Aircraft Carrier During Shock Trials Registered as 3.9 Magnitude Earthquake

The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) completes the first scheduled explosive event of Full Ship Shock Trials while underway in the Atlantic Ocean, June 18, 2021. The U.S. Navy conducts shock trials of new ship designs using live explosives to confirm that our warships can continue to meet demanding mission requirements under harsh conditions they might encounter in battle. (Jackson Adkins/U.S. Navy)

20 Jun 2021
Business Insider | By Ryan Pickrell

The U.S. Navy triggered an explosion near its new aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford, off the U.S. East Coast on Friday during shock trials, and the big blast registered as a 3.9 magnitude earthquake, USNI News reported, citing U.S. Geological Survey data.

The U.S. government agency recorded the activity as an "experimental explosion" about 100 miles off the coast of Florida, where a Navy spokesperson confirmed to Insider the Ford is undergoing shock trials.

Shock trials test a ship's ability to withstand brutal battle conditions, specifically the detonation of ordnance nearby. By setting off controlled explosions near Navy ships, the Navy can identify critical shock-related vulnerabilities.

The Navy released video footage of the explosive shock trials from different angles. The Navy video, which appears to have been taken from aboard the Ford, shows the intensity of the nearby explosion.

USS Gerald R. Ford, a first-in-class vessel and the Navy's most advanced aircraft carrier, was "designed using advanced computer modeling methods, testing, and analysis to ensure the ship is hardened to withstand battle conditions, and these shock trials provide data used in validating the shock hardness of the ship," the service said.

 Carrier passes explosive 'shock trial,' US Navy says The U.S. Navy conducted a first “Full Ship Shock Trial” for its new first-in-class aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R Ford. (Credit: US Navy via Storyful) 

Commenting on the results of the first explosive event, posts on the Ford's official social media pages said that "the leadership and the crew demonstrated Navy readiness fighting through the shock, proving our warship can 'take a hit' and continue our mission on the cutting edge of naval aviation."

 The Navy explained in a Facebook post on the testing that it "conducts shock trials of new ship designs using live explosives to confirm that our warships can continue to meet demanding mission requirements under harsh conditions they might encounter in battle."

 Shock trials were born from observations during World War II, a 2007 Navy-sponsored study said. During the war, the Navy discovered that while "near miss" explosions did not severely damage the hull or superstructure of ships, the shock from the blast would knock out key system and cripple the vessels. In response, the study explained, the Navy created a "rigorous shock hardening test procedure" known as shock trials. 

 The latest shock trials involving the Ford are the first aircraft carrier trials since those involving the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in 1987. 

 The Navy said that the trials are being conducted in a way that "complies with environmental mitigation requirements, respecting known migration patterns of marine life in the test area." The service also stated that it "also has employed extensive protocols throughout [full-ship shock trials] to ensure the safety of military and civilian personnel participating in the testing evolution."

The service also stated that it "also has employed extensive protocols throughout [full-ship shock trials] to ensure the safety of military and civilian personnel participating in the testing evolution."

Asian powers plot to fill US vacuum in Afghanistan

From Beijing to Ankara, the race for influence in Kabul is underway

A U.S. Marine shouts as he tries to protect an Afghan man and his child after Taliban fighters opened fire in the Helmand Province town of Marjah in Afghanistan in 2010. 
 © Reuters 

WAJAHAT KHAN, Nikkei staff writer
June 17, 2021

NEW YORK -- Forty-eight hours after meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Brussels, U.S. President Joe Biden met Wednesday with another leader of a country Washington has thorny ties to: Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As with Turkey, Biden seeks to build a constructive relationship with Russia as he tries to reestablish America's international alliances and partnerships. He also wants to clear his desk while setting his sights on China, Washington's primary "strategic competitor." But an additional factor driving Biden to push for normalized ties, even cooperation, with Ankara and Moscow is the increasingly fraught situation in Afghanistan.

Biden's decision to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan has spurred internal instability in the country, where violence is escalating as the Taliban score more battlefield victories against the Afghan government and foreign forces disengage. But Washington's decision to pull out has also triggered a regional power play, with different actors -- from China to Turkey, from Russia to India -- looking to take advantage of the diplomatic power vacuum in Kabul.

Afghanistan's political, economic and military dynamics have long been influenced by larger and more powerful neighbors Pakistan and Iran. But one regional player, Turkey, is positioning itself in a key security role after the Americans withdraw.

While other NATO members will have fully pulled out their forces by Sept. 11, 2021 -- the U.S. Central Command said last week that it had completed more than 50% of the "retrograde process," the Pentagon's version of withdrawal -- Ankara has announced that its forces will stay.

Turkey is not an immediate neighbor. It does not share a border with landlocked Afghanistan but lies further west, past Iran. But analysts see Turkey spotting a dual opportunity in Afghanistan. First, Ankara seeks to leverage some goodwill in its soured relationship with the U.S. by offering to protect Kabul's Hamid Karzai International airport, a crucial link to the world. The move, which came in the lead-up to Erdogan's Monday meeting with Biden in Brussels, also fits into Ankara's playbook of increasing its role on the international stage while positioning itself for a more influential role in Afghanistan.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left, meets with U.S. President Joe Biden on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels on June 14. © Reuters

The military presence of Turkey -- NATO's sole majority-Muslim member -- would seem more "benign" and a good fit to "straddle the sensitivities" of locals, according to Galip Dalay, a nonresident fellow at the Brookings Doha Center.

But the Taliban think otherwise.

Shortly after Turkey made its proposal, a Taliban spokesman sent a warning to Ankara, saying though Turkey is a "great Islamic country," it is still part of NATO and therefore obliged to withdraw from Afghanistan under the 2020 peace deal with the U.S.

Turkey is hardly alone in seeing the promise as well as the peril of stepping into the vacuum left by the U.S.

China, which shares a border with Afghanistan, has long had its eye on the country as an economic partner, one that could be a lucrative corridor for its Belt and Road infrastructure-building initiative as well as a source of minerals, according to Jason Campbell of Rand Corp. But Afghanistan's lack of security has proved a problem for Chinese investment.

In contrast to America's goals of securing Afghanistan and nation-building there, Beijing sees Afghanistan as an economic opportunity. But the experience of the U.S. and NATO since 2001 will give any country pause before becoming heavily involved, Campbell said.

A Royal Air Force C-130J cargo plane is refueled in Kabul, Afghanistan.
 (Photo courtesy of the U.K. Ministry of Defense)

"There's no other country that's going to want to 'own' Afghanistan to nearly the degree that the U.S. and NATO have over the last 20 years," he said.

So China is treading carefully, teaming up with strategic ally and "iron brother" Pakistan, which exercises considerable influence over the Taliban, and has embarked upon a separate trilateral dialogue with Kabul and Islamabad to secure and develop Afghanistan, vowing to fight terrorist groups that threaten all three countries, while pushing to enter via Belt and Road, also engaging in parallel diplomatic contact with the Taliban.

Toward Afghanistan's north, across the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, where Moscow still wields influence, analysts see Russia as relieved that the U.S. will no longer have a major military presence near its southern flank but also worried that the American failure to secure Afghanistan could lead to further instability, even an Islamist movement that could seep into its own backyard, according to Vinay Kaura, a nonresident scholar of the Middle East Institute.

Much as the Soviet Union trained Afghan security officials in the fight against Afghan mujahedeen in the 1980s, Russia is now training Kabul security force cadets while also considering a more robust defense relationship with the Afghan government, which has requested the purchase of Russian weapons as well as upgrades and maintenance for its military helicopter fleet.

For Shiite-majority Iran, the uneasy relationship with the Sunni Taliban has been mollified by a common adversary in the U.S. With the Americans out of the picture, and the Taliban gaining ground in Afghanistan, Iran has been practical about doing business with the insurgents. Earlier this year, the Taliban were invited to Tehran to meet with Iranian officials and discuss the Afghan peace process.

Toward the east, India, which has long supported the government in Kabul with diplomatic support and investment, has reportedly reversed its long-standing policy of not dealing with the Taliban and is now engaging in direct talks with the insurgent group's leadership.

But Indian involvement in Afghanistan has long been countered by the presence of the one country that will have to pick up most of the pieces America leaves behind, whether it wants to or not: Pakistan.
A U.S. Marine has a close call after Taliban fighters opened fire near Garmsir in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in 2008. Today, most of Helmand is under the control of the Taliban. © Reuters

For decades, the Pakistanis have suffered both the brunt of and the blame for the conflict in Afghanistan.

Islamabad has implemented an open-border policy with its landlocked Western neighbor, allowing an estimated current population of more than 3 million Afghan war refugees and others to flow into mainland Pakistan.

The Pakistani military, initially with and then without American backing, has influenced the conflict in Afghanistan since the 1980s, first training and equipping sections of the Afghan mujahedeen with American support, and eventually backed various Taliban groups, into the 2000s and 2010s.

This involvement in the war has hyphenated Pakistan with the conflict in Afghanistan while alienating it from segments of the Afghan population. But now, as the power vacuum increases next door, Pakistan seems to be reimagining its own role in the region. National security adviser Moeed Yusuf calls Pakistan's new strategic policy "a shift of the imagination, pivoting from the geostrategic use of our vital position in the region, to geoeconomics," which includes a "core of economic security" and a "pillar of regional connectivity."

So the Pakistanis, often blamed for supporting insurgents in Afghanistan, are now asking for regional powers to share the burden of the expected collapse of the Afghan economy and state in the coming months. In the absence of a unified approach from neighbors, Islamabad is also bracing for impact for what is being perceived by its leaders as a turning back of the clock to the days before the 9/11 attacks on the U.S.

"There is going to be a vacuum, especially the way the Americans are conducting their pullout," said a senior security official on condition of anonymity.

"We had been warning about this very moment. This is not a responsible withdrawal. Let's not pretend this is not like the mistake made in the '90s," said the official, referring to the period of what many analysts in the region simply refer to as "abandonment" -- the disengagement from Afghanistan by Washington after the Soviet withdrawal.
U.S. Marines fill sandbags around their light-mortar position on the front lines of a Marine Corps base in southern Afghanistan in late 2001 as a cardboard sign warns that Taliban forces could be anywhere. © Reuters

That period led to the evolution of the Taliban, who rose from the ranks of the CIA-backed, anti-Soviet mujahedeen, or holy warriors, and also created a governance vacuum in Afghanistan that allowed for the rise of al-Qaida and other terrorist groups -- a crucial development that led to the Sept. 11 attacks.

"The U.S. said, 'Never again,' and yet, they're doing it again," the Pakistani official said of the American pullout.

"We bore the brunt that time. We will be unable to ignore it this time. But let's not look at Pakistan and say, 'You didn't do enough.' It's the Americans who are upping and leaving."

But Asfandyar Mir, a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, doubts Islamabad's claims.

"Pakistan remain[s] enormously influential, due to its support for the Taliban. It wants to see the Taliban return to power," he said.

"For now, Pakistan is walking the tightrope of retaining influence on the Taliban while avoiding an adverse fallout" with the West, Mir said.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani gestures during Afghan New Year celebrations in Kabul on March 21.

Madiha Afzal, a foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution, fears that the power vacuum will be widened by a civil-war-style faceoff between the Taliban and the government in Kabul, even as the regional players move in.

"The key dynamic, at least initially, will not be one of the external players jockeying for influence and control -- but the Taliban and Kabul fighting it out," she said.

"Each of these external players [China, Russia, Iran, India and Turkey] has some skin in the game and some moves up its sleeve," Afzal said.

"We've seen Turkey assert its role in recent days, and India change its tack and reportedly initiate discussions with the Taliban," she said. "Pakistan is perhaps in the strongest position, given its location and the history with the Taliban. Yet any role it plays will certainly be contested -- by Kabul, by the Taliban, and by other players."

"Afghanistan is making countries in the region and beyond nervous," Stanford's Mir said. "Yet instead of coming together and offering a coherent international response, they are pursuing independent tracks and further aggravating the crisis," he said.

"China, Russia, Iran, India and Turkey are jostling to become major players in a post-American Afghanistan with a hedging strategy," he said. "They are all engaging with the Taliban under the assumption that a Taliban reemergence is only a matter of time."

"To be sure, their appetite to do business with the Taliban is different -- Russia is much more open to the Taliban than, say, India," Mir said. "But some of these countries are strongly encouraging various Afghan actors to prepare for an anti-Taliban resistance movement -- especially if the Afghan government and security forces start to fold."

But what about Washington? Which country would it prefer to fill the expected vacuum?

"For the U.S., its main concerns will be around Russian and Chinese influence, and that of Iran -- or Pakistani hegemony," Afzal said. "It will accept a degree of Pakistani influence and will prefer that it is contained -- likely by Indian influence and a Turkish role," she said.

Additional reporting by Jack Stone Truitt in New York.