Saturday, May 28, 2022

The sonnenrad and the Buffalo shooter: How the 'black sun' became a symbol of hate

The Conversation
May 27, 2022

People embrace at a vigil outside of Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York a day after a mass shooting left 10 people dead, in what authorities described as a racially motivated attack

Just before the supermarket shooting that killed 10 people on May 14, 2022 in Buffalo, New York, the suspected terrorist posted a manifesto online. The top is adorned with a “sonnenrad,” or “black sun,” an old Nordic symbol.

The sonnenrad is composed of 12 repeated runes – letters from ancient Germanic languages – arranged in a wheel. Each rune represents a sound, like in the Latin alphabet, but they also have a meaning when they stand alone.

The sonnenrad is a well-known Nazi and neo-Nazi symbol that has been seen in other white supremacist attacks. For the Nazis, the rune in the design stood for “victory.” What is less discussed but nonetheless important is that the symbol has a spiritual component. It is connected to a contemporary religious movement, folkish Heathenry – a form of contemporary Paganism.

Today, “Heathen” is an umbrella term used by people who practice various forms of spirituality inspired by Nordic cultures. Folkish Heathenry, specifically, was resurrected from Nazi spirituality. In the 1960s, a group in Florida began spreading spiritual ideas inspired by Nazi writings, and they gained adherents throughout the United States. In turn, they also influenced some other heathen groups to embrace white identity politics.

Understanding the sonnenrad’s spiritual roots can provide a better grasp of the implications of its use and its importance to members of the far right.

Many kinds of paganism

Heathens are a minority form of contemporary Paganism, which is itself a minority religion. Adherents not only live throughout the United States but are active in Northern Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

All forms of contemporary Paganism are shaped by pre-Christian spiritual practices. Contemporary Pagans rely on archaeological, historical and mythological accounts, mixed with modern occult practices, to create a religion that speaks to their lives in the 21st century but is inspired by past practices.

As a sociologist of religion who has studied contemporary Paganism for over 30 years, I know that all forms of Paganism share a number of similarities. Contemporary Pagans venerate gods and goddesses, view the Earth as sacred, celebrate the changing seasons in a set of yearly holidays and participate in magical practices. Most members of these religions are white. In a survey I conducted with religion scholar James Lewis, which I discuss in my book “Solitary Pagans,” we found that the majority are socially liberal and open to variety in all aspects of life, including ethnic and racial differences.

People who identify as “Heathens” differentiate themselves in several ways from other Pagans. They celebrate the ancient Norse gods once worshiped in Scandinavia, Iceland and Germany. When discussing ethical issues or exploring how best to know and celebrate the gods, they rely on medieval Icelandic texts about them: most importantly, two called the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda. Runes, normally carved or drawn on stones, are used in their rituals and divination – that is, foretelling the future.

Within Heathenism, there is a growing divide between those who are more liberal or middle of the road politically and folkish Heathens who are politically right-wing. Inclusive Heathens believe all who “hear the Norse gods’ call” should be welcomed into the religion, regardless of race or ethnic background.

Folkish Heathens, on the other hand, state that the religion should be restricted to those of “pure” northern European heritage; in other words, a religion for white people only. They view the religion itself as part of their white identity and have incorporated Nazi writings into their spirituality.

Folkish Heathens joined in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, and since then, more inclusive Heathens have been declaring that folkish Heathens do not represent their religion.

Nazi occultism

Adolf Hitler was not particularly religious, but some of his lieutenants embraced a form of occult worship that focused on the ancient Norse gods. They viewed it as a religion of the “volk” or folk – the common man and woman who the Nazi Party romanticized as the heart of the nation.

Since extreme antisemitism was at the heart of Nazi ideology, the fact that Jesus was Jewish and Christianity grew out of Judaism troubled some Nazis. Therefore, they viewed Norse traditions as an appealing alternative and imagined it as the “true” faith, the religion of the original occupants of Northern Europe. Their religion emphasized healthy outdoor living and a connection of the folk to “their” land. The people and the nation were tied to the land in a mystical manner.

Propaganda suggested that people considered “outsiders” or “others” were like weeds: They needed to be eliminated both for the health of the nation and for the health of the folk, who were imagined as the “true” people of the land. The runes, the worship of Norse gods – particularly of Odin, who was viewed as a warrior god – and the sonnenrad were all part of this spiritual component that infused elements of the Nazi agenda. The sonnenrad, for example, was embedded on the floor of a palace for SS officers.

‘Folk’ views today

Similarly, folkish Heathens in the U.S. have come to see the land as “belonging” to white people, even though everyone except Indigenous peoples immigrated or were brought here. As with the Nazis, the land is viewed as connected spiritually to a “people.”

In his manifesto, the suspected shooter in Buffalo contends that he is not religious, although he ends with the words “I will see you in Valhalla,” the Norse afterlife for warriors. This was the same ending that the terrorist who had killed 51 people at two mosques in New Zealand in 2019 used in his manifesto. The 2022 manifesto relied on this earlier one as a model, and both illustrate the racist conspiracy theory known as the “great replacement.”

The use of Heathen imagery in both of these manifestos is not, however, simply an act of imitation. Folkish Heathens are part of the far right and their imagery, that of a “pure” white world, is appealing to other members of the far right. Folkish Heathens interact with both other Pagans and others on the far right online and in person. Heathen religious rituals and imagery are becoming integrated into far-right groups.

Images like the black sun do not just emerge from the ruins of Nazi Germany, but directly from those who are practicing a contemporary religion. The participation of folkish Heathens is an important piece of the puzzle in understanding the far right.

By Helen A. Berger, Affliate Scholar at the Women's Studies Research Center, Brandeis University

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Antony Blinken stresses need for Israel to complete investigation of Abu Akleh killing

The US secretary of state raised the journalist's death in a call with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Israel's foreign minister, Yair Lapid, on Friday. EPA

The National
May 28, 2022

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Israel to expedite its investigations into the killing in the West Bank of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh during a call with Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Friday.

"Secretary Blinken underscored the importance of concluding the investigations into the death of Palestinian-American Shireen Abu Akleh," the US State Department said.

Abu Akleh, a veteran journalist for Al Jazeera, was shot dead on May 11 while covering an Israeli military raid in the city of Jenin in the occupied West Bank. She had been wearing a helmet and a press vest that clearly identified her as a journalist.

Al Jazeera US-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh shot dead

The Palestinian Authority said on Thursday its investigation showed Abu Akleh was shot by an Israeli soldier in a "deliberate murder". Israel denied the accusation and said it was continuing its own investigations. The PA has refused to hand over the bullet recovered from Abu Akleh's post mortem to Israel and is demanding an international investigation into her death.

The Israeli army said she might have been shot accidentally by one of its soldiers or by a Palestinian militant in an exchange of fire.

Palestinian Attorney General Akram Al Khatib told reporters on Thursday that its enquiry showed there had been no militants close to Abu Akleh when she died.

Abu Akleh had covered Palestinian affairs and the Middle East for more than two decades. Qatar's Al Jazeera TV Network, which also says Israel had killed the reporter, said it would refer the case to the International Criminal Court.


Abu Akleh's death sparked widespread anger at a time of heightened Israeli-Palestinian tensions following a series of deadly attacks by Palestinian militants inside Israel and Israeli military raids to arrest suspects in the West Bank, mostly in and around Jenin.

On Saturday, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported the death of a fifth teenager to be killed during Israeli military raids over the past month.

The ministry said Zaid Ghunaim, 15, was wounded by Israeli gunfire in the neck and back during an operation in a town near Bethlehem on Friday and that doctors failed to save his life.

The official Palestinian news agency, Wafa, cited witnesses as saying Ghunaim came upon the soldiers in Al Khader and tried to run away but the troops fired at him. Online videos purportedly of the shooting’s aftermath show bloodstains near a white car parked in a passageway.

The Israeli military said soldiers opened fire at Palestinians who threw rocks and Molotov cocktails, endangering the troops.

“The soldiers provided an injured suspect with initial treatment at the scene” before transferring him to Palestinian medics, the military said.

Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said Israeli forces “deliberately” shot at Ghunaim with the intention to kill him.

Tensions are expected to escalate on Sunday, when Israeli ultranationalists plan to march through the main Muslim thoroughfare in the Old City of Jerusalem. The march is meant to celebrate Israel’s capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war. Israel subsequently annexed the area in a move that is not internationally recognised.

The Palestinians seek East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state.

Mr Blinken emphasised US support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in his call with Mr Lapid on Friday, the State Department said, as well as the Biden administration’s commitment to Israel’s security.

With reporting from agencies.


Bubs Australia to ship at least 1.25 million baby formula cans to US

28 May 2022 - BY REUTERS

US Department of Health and Human Services allowed global farm commodities trader Cargill Inc to provide raw materials needed to maximize the production of infant formula by invoking the Defence Production Act.

Bubs Australia Ltd plans to ship at least 1.25 million cans of its baby formula to the US to help ease a nationwide shortage, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Friday.

Some of it is currently in stock for transport and more will be produced by the Australian company in the coming weeks and months, according to the FDA.


Meanwhile, the US department of health and Human Services allowed global farm commodities trader Cargill Inc to provide raw materials needed to maximise the production of infant formula by invoking the Defence Production Act.

Cargill supplies dozens of products to infant formula makers and the move will allow the manufacturers to produce at full capacity to address the “urgent marketplace shortages”, the department said in a statement.

The Biden administration had earlier decided to urgently meet the nationwide shortage by importing emergency supplies from Europe, the first of which arrived earlier this week.


Bubs' supply is another import allowed by the FDA as part of its regulatory flexibility started earlier this month to mitigate one of the biggest baby formula shortages in recent history.

The shortage is partly due to Abbott Laboratories' manufacturing plant in Michigan recalling some products including Similac in February.

Abbott said on Tuesday it plans to restart production at the facility on June 4, adding it would prioritise making EleCare and supplying it on or about June 20.
Iran Seizes Two Greek Oil Tankers In Persian Gulf In Response To US Seizure

Iran had threatened to take "punitive action" earlier over Greek involvement in the US seizure of an Iranian oil tanker in Greek waters.

UPDATED: 28 MAY 2022 

In latest escalation with the West, Iran on Friday seized two Greek oil tankers in the Persian Gulf in apparent retaliation to Greece's help to the United States in seizing an Iranian-flagged tanker in the Mediterranean Sea.

The seizure by Iran's Revolutionary Guard comes as tensions remain high between Iran and the West over stalled negotiations regarding its rapidly advancing nuclear program. This is also a break from recent months during which no major incident happened in the Persial Gulf, despite the area having seen a series of attacks since former President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew America from the accord in 2018.

The Guard issued a statement on its website, accusing the unnamed tankers of unspecified violations.

Greece's Foreign Ministry said it made a strong demarche to the Iranian ambassador in Athens over the “violent taking over of two Greek-flagged ships” in the Persian Gulf.

“These acts effectively amount to acts of piracy,” a ministry statement said.

The ministry called for the immediate release of the vessels and their crews, and said these acts would have “particularly negative consequences” in bilateral relations and in Iran's relations with the European Union, of which Greece is a member.

The ministry's statement said that earlier Friday, an Iranian helicopter landed on the Greek-flagged Delta Poseidon in international waters some 22 nautical miles off the coast of Iran.

“Armed men then took the crew captive,” it said, adding that two Greek nationals were among the crew.

“A similar incident has been reported on another Greek-flagged vessel, that was carrying seven Greek citizens, close to the coast of Iran,” the ministry said.

A Greek official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the attack with a journalist, identified the second ship as the Prudent Warrior. Its owner, Polembros Shipping in Greece, earlier said the company was “cooperating with the authorities and making every possible effort to address the situation effectively”.

Greek officials did not identify the nationalities of the other crew onboard the vessels.

A US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said it appeared the two ships had come close to — but not in — Iranian territorial waters Friday before drifting off into Iranian waters. The ships also had turned off their tracking devices, another red flag, the official said. However, neither had issued a mayday or a call for help, the official said.

Iran had threatened to take “punitive action” earlier Friday over Athens being involved in the U.S. seizure of an Iranian oil tanker in Greek waters.

Iran's Nour News website, close to its security services, made the threat just as shipping news site Lloyd's List said it believed two Greek tankers had been seized in the Persian Gulf. Quoting anonymous industry sources, Lloyd's reported that the two ships had been boarded after Iranian military helicopters approached them on Friday afternoon. It said both tankers had just been loaded with Iraqi crude oil.

The crude oil cargo of an Iranian-flagged tanker that was stopped in Greek waters last month has been seized and is being transferred to another vessel following a request from the United States, a Greek official said Thursday.

The official said following a “judicial intervention by US authorities concerning the ship's cargo” the process is currently underway, at US government expense, for the oil “to be handed over” off the port of Karystos on the Aegean Sea island of Evia.

The official, who asked not to be identified in order to discuss the case, did not provide further details. A Justice Department spokesman in Washington and the US Embassy in Athens declined to comment Thursday.

Iran's seizure on Friday was the latest in a string of hijackings and explosions to roil a region that includes the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which a fifth of all traded oil passes.

The US Navy blamed Iran for a series of limpet mine attacks on vessels that damaged tankers in 2019, as well as for a fatal drone attack on an Israeli-linked oil tanker that killed two European crew members in 2021.

Iranian hijackers also stormed and briefly captured a Panama-flagged asphalt tanker off the United Arab Emirates last year, as well as briefly seizing and holding a Vietnamese tanker in November.

Tehran denies carrying out the attacks, but a wider shadow war between Iran and the West has played out in the region's volatile waters. Meanwhile, the Guard is building a massive new support ship near the strategic Strait of Hormuz as it tries to expand its naval presence in waters vital to international energy supplies and beyond, according to satellite photos obtained by The Associated Press.

(With AP inputs)
The Legacy of Cyril and Methodius
by Stefano Caprio

The mission of the two Thessalonian brothers is indeed a prophecy not only of the development of the peoples of Eastern Europe, but even of their conflicts. Well before the Baptism of Kiev in 988, the endless wars between Russians and Poles, up to the present conflict, Europe had remained unfinished. And their language remained 'written on water' and blood, waiting for a new miracle of peace.

In recent days, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Gundjaev) commented on the memory of saints Cyril and Methodius, "equal to the apostles", also known as the "masters of the Slavs", whom the Orthodox Church celebrates on 24 May and whom the Polish pope, John Paul II, wanted as Catholic patrons of Europe.

The Patriarch reiterated the themes he has expounded on in several homilies during this dramatic period of war, recalling the common roots of the Slav peoples, and in particular of Russians and Ukrainians and of "all the states on whose territories the Russian Orthodox Church exists and acts, where I hope we can strengthen that communal faith (sobornaja) that the holy Masters have embedded in the depths of the Slav people's experience".

The mission of the two Thessalonian brothers is truly a prophecy not only of the development of the peoples of Eastern Europe, but even of their conflicts. They were sent by the Byzantine Emperor Michael III in the year 862, at the request of Prince Rostislav, leader of the Slavs of Great Moravia, who had vainly sought an audience with Pope Nicholas I in Rome. The latter did not believe in the sincerity of these barbarians who wanted to become Christians.

Cyril's name was still Constantine, he was a philosopher and man of letters at the pinnacle of Constantinople's culture, and he decided to bring his brother, the monk Methodius, who shared with him his Macedonian origins and knowledge of the Slavic dialect, which they elevated to the dignity of an official, even liturgical language. He expressed his doubts to the emperor that the task might be as futile as 'writing words on water'. Instead, they succeeded in inventing an alphabet, Glagolitic, which was later replaced by Cyrillic, and performed the miracle of having it approved by both Rome and Constantinople, uniting Eastern and Western Europe.

The two brothers arrived in Rome just before Christmas in the year 867, travelling along the ancient Roman road known as the Flaminian Way, and instead of the hostile Nicholas I they found another pope, Hadrian II, elected a month before their arrival. He solemnly welcomed them at the Porta Flaminia, as they were carrying the remains of Saint Clement, the fourth pope of Rome chosen by Saint Peter himself, from the Crimea.

The Slavs became heralds of a universal Christianity, and the martyr's relics still rest in the extraordinary basilica of St Clement, together with those of Constantine himself, who fell ill in Rome and took monastic vows before dying, taking the name Cyril, the same name taken in his honour by the current patriarch of Moscow.

Methodius was sent by the pope to Moravia with the dignity of archbishop, but was blocked and imprisoned by the Bavarian bishops, who considered him an usurper of their territory. With great difficulty he managed to be freed, but had to take refuge with his disciples in more southern territories, Macedonia and Bulgaria, which remained vassals of the Byzantines.

The dream of the great sobornaja unity of the Slavs, evoked by Kirill of Moscow, was left hanging over a divided reality, the Catholic West Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes and Croats) against the Orthodox East Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Russians), with a series of 'in-between' territories marking their incommunicability: the Finno-Ugric Baltics, the Hungarian Magyars, the Latin Wallachians and Moldavians (now Romanians), and above all then the Ukrainians, a border people who assume in themselves elements of both sides.

Well before the Baptism of Kiev in 988, the endless wars between Russians and Poles, Russians and French, Russians and Germans, up to the present conflict, Europe had remained unfinished and divided, and even today it is still unable to piece together the whole picture. The language of Cyril and Methodius remained 'written in water' and blood, waiting for a new miracle of peace and unity between 'brother' peoples.

Patriarch Kirill wished on the occasion of the feast to express his thanks to the Orthodox metropolitans and bishops, both Russian and from other nations, who have expressed solidarity with him in recent times. Indeed, he is well aware that the division of the war is closely linked to divisions in the Churches and in the Orthodox Churches, which are leaving the Moscow Patriarchate in an increasingly uncomfortable and isolated condition.

Kirill recalled the patriarchs of the past who have "expressed personal ideas, even very interesting ones", but ended up provoking further schisms and conflicts, such as that of the Old-Believers in the 17th century because of a patriarch, Nikon (Minin) who claimed to rule even over the tsar, and was eventually dismissed by a local synod, as many would like to see happen to Kirill himself.

So Kirill justified himself by saying that 'the main task of the patriarch is not to generate ideas and try to propose them to the people of believers, but first and foremost to guarantee the unity of the episcopate, and through it the unity of the whole Church'. These words sound like a surrender to the official ideology, which imposes military action as an indispensable act to reunite the historical peoples of Russia, without any other "interesting ideas" and discordant opinions.

In fact, the Patriarch insists, 'we live in a time of great suffering, when external forces seek to destroy the unity of the Russian Orthodox Church, and tear our Church in Ukraine from the fullness of the Russian Church... I pray every day, that the Lord will give strength to our brothers who are thus subjected to hard trials, that they may preserve their fidelity'.

The Patriarch casts all the blame on the 'external enemies who seek followers and supporters within our Church', and want to destroy true Russian Orthodoxy. He recalls when 'we resisted together the most dangerous pressures at the time of state atheism and were able to guard the purity of our Church from all temptations and dangerous ideas', the times when he himself trained as a young bishop collaborating with the Soviet regime, when Ukrainians in dissent from Moscow, especially Greek Catholics, were harshly persecuted. He now says he 'feels the weight of the patriarchal cross', aware that a decisive game is being played for the future of Orthodoxy.

The Ukrainian autocephalous Church, detached from Moscow because of the 'external enemies' condemned by Kirill, the first of whom is the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew II, came together on the very day of Saints Cyril and Methodius in a synod held in the cathedral of St Sophia in Kiev, the mother-church of Russian Orthodoxy. After pointing out that several hundred Moscow parishes have already passed under the leadership of Kiev, Metropolitan Epifanyj (Dumenko) made an explicit appeal "to the hierarchs, clergy and faithful of the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine" to unite in the single independent Church, and together appeal to Constantinople, the other ancient patriarchates and all the Orthodox Churches in the various countries to demand the dismissal of Kirill.

It should "bring the Russian Patriarch to answer canonically for spreading the heretical teaching of ethno-filetism" - religious nationalism - "on the basis of the ideology of the Russian World, which has led to the blessing of the Russian armies in the war in Ukraine and to provoke schisms in Orthodoxy at every latitude, particularly after the creation of Russian eparchies on the canonical territory of the Patriarchate of Alexandria".

Autocephalous Ukrainians cite as an example to follow the behaviour of the Church of Serbia, which in recent days recognised from Belgrade the autocephaly of the Church of North Macedonia, already blessed as canonical by the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Indeed, the peaceful reconciliation and separation between Serbs and Macedonians has something of the miraculous, and must be considered largely an effect of the Ukrainian conflict.

For years, the Serbs had in turn threatened to have to intervene even by force, something they proved to be no less capable of doing than the Russians already thirty years ago, fighting for Kosovo 'the homeland of the local Orthodox Church'. Then they tried to prevent the division of a part of their Church, formed by the union of various jurisdictions just like in Ukraine, into a State that Serbia tried in turn not to recognise and that became independent with no less uncertainty and suffering than Kiev, North Macedonia of Skopje and Ohrid, ancient cities with Orthodox schools that taught Cyrillic to all the other southern and eastern Slavic peoples.

The Slavic apostle Methodius and his disciples had in fact taken refuge in the Balkans and Macedonian territories, from which the two brothers had departed at the beginning of the mission. The first to attempt to create independent ethnic patriarchates were the Bulgarians and the Serbs, who were stifled first by the Byzantines and then by the Ottomans; the Russians have for a thousand years pretended to interpret this aspiration of the Slavs for unity free from any other master, ending up in turn becoming masters of other Slavs who do not want to submit to them. What is at stake is not only Orthodoxy and its many jurisdictions, among which Catholics try to fit in with varying fortunes as brothers and mediators; it is the whole of Europe that must rediscover the sense of its own history, its own unity, its own faith.

Tokyo launches an advisory service to protect migrant workers

by Guido Alberto Casanova

The serious demographic crisis in the Land of the Rising Sun opens the door to foreigners. Today there are 1.72 million, but more than six million are needed. In many cases they are victims of abuse or oppressive conditions. The JP-MIRAI - in several languages - aims to help immigrants solve problems and settle disputes.

Tokyo (AsiaNews) - Among more developed nations, Japan is usually singled out as one of the most reluctant to open its borders to foreign workers. However, with a patently visible demographic crisis, in recent years the Tokyo government has begun to take some important steps to remedy the lack of local labour.

Today, around 1.72 million foreign nationals reside and work in the Rising Sun, two and a half times the number present a decade ago. Yet, well below the estimated 6.74 million migrant workers the nation will need by 2040.

The condition of foreign workers in Japan is very harsh and immigrants, lacking adequate support, are often abused.

A few weeks ago in Miyagi prefecture, three Vietnamese women workers, who had been forced out of their jobs and had decided to join the local union to assert their rights, were told to leave the union as a prerequisite for applying for re-employment.

By comparison, at the beginning of the year, a company in Hokkaido demanded two million yen in damages (around 17,000 euro) for 'dereliction of duty' from foreign employees at its plant who had gone on strike to demand better working conditions.

Even with regard to physical mistreatment, foreigners are often confronted with an oppressive reality. In January, a Vietnamese technical trainee reported two years of mistreatment by his Japanese colleagues, some of which had resulted in several broken bones or stitches in his lip. The worker demanded an official apology and compensation from the employment agency and the company.

To cope with these and other difficulties, a counselling service for foreign workers operated by JP-MIRAI (Japan Platform for Migrant Workers toward a Responsible and Inclusive Society), an independent body set up by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, local governments and trade unions, went into operation this week.

This service, available in several languages including Mandarin and Vietnamese, will help foreign workers to solve problems in the workplace such as unpaid wages, visa difficulties or health care. JP-MIRAI aims to act as an intermediary between foreign workers and company management, anonymously reporting employee difficulties and complaints to the latter. Should the problems be particularly serious, the platform's advisors can refer workers to a lawyer to initiate legal action.

For the time being, the service is in a pilot phase. Financing the initiative are eight Japanese companies, including Toyota and Seven&i Holdings, whose employees will be able to take advantage of the JP-MIRAI counselling. For the first year, up to 20,000 workers will have access to this service, which can be expanded to 200,000 next year and one million in 2024. The target is ambitious, and it will be necessary to wait before evaluating its effectiveness, since adherence on the part of companies (some of which have preferred not to communicate their participation to the public) remains voluntary for the time being. While the pressure to preserve human rights in the workplace is increasing in the rest of the world, something is also moving in Japan; there is still a long way to go, but the steps taken are in the right direction.

China, Russia reportedly block UN statement on Myanmar crisis

The UN Security Council sought to address ongoing violence in Myanmar since the February 2021 military coup ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. Over 1,800 people have been killed in the aftermath.

Last year's coup sparked widespread resistance to the army's takeover in Myanmar

 — with the military responding with a violent crackdown on demonstrators

China and Russia blocked the UN Security Council from issuing a statement on the crisis in Myanmar on Friday, according to diplomats familiar with the talks.

The statement, expressing concern at the violence and humanitarian situation in the country, was aimed at pushing Myanmar's military leaders to take steps to resolve the crisis.

The move comes a day after  Russia and China had vetoed a UN Security Council move to implement new sanctions on North Korea after the country's latest ballistic missile tests.

What did the statement say?

The Security Council was briefed virtually behind closed doors by Cambodia's Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, the special envoy for Myanmar for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the UN envoy for Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer.

The proposed press statement, drafted by the United Kingdom, had expressed concern at the "limited progress” in implementing a five-point plan on ending the crisis.

The 10-nation ASEAN group issued the Five Point Consensus on Myanmar's crisis in late April 2021.

It called for the immediate cessation of violence, a dialogue among all concerned parties, mediation of the dialogue process by an ASEAN special envoy, provision of humanitarian aid through ASEAN channels, and a visit to Myanmar by the special envoy to meet all concerned parties. Myanmar, a member of ASEAN, has not been willing to implement the plan.

Council diplomats, speaking to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said China and Russia objected to parts of the text.

Why did China object?

Following the meeting, China and the United Kingdom blamed each other for the failure of the negotiations.

The Chinese delegation said it proposed "slow" progress rather than "limited" progress on the Five Point Consensus, saying in a statement that this wording "is factual but less condescending," according to news agency AFP.

China also said it was a "real shame" that there was no agreement, adding there was only a slight difference that was "not impossible to overcome.”

The UK said China was asking "too much," which led to the collapse of the negotiations.

China and Russia form part of the permanent members of the UN Security Council

 — meaning they hold veto power

What is the situation in Myanmar?

Myanmar saw weeks of street protests in the aftermath of the February 2021 military coup that ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi.

The junta claimed that the general election in November 2020, which Suu Kyi's party won in a landslide, was marred by widespread fraud.

Suu Kyi faces several charges brought against her by the military. She has already been sentenced to 11 years in prison, and also faces more charges that her supporters and human rights activists say are an attempt to discredit her and legitimize the military's seizure of power. 

The combined charges against her carry prison sentences that could total over 150 years. Since the coup, more than 1,800 people have been killed in Myanmar in a deadly crackdown on dissent, according to a local monitoring group.

ss/rs (AP, AFP)

Tampa Bay Rays, Yankees use social media to spread gun violence facts

By The Associated Press
Published: May. 27, 2022

The New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays used their social media accounts during Thursday night’s game between the teams to spread information about how gun violence affects American life.

The move was made in response to recent mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo. Several notable sports figures — including Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr — have used their platform over the past few days to plead for action to combat gun violence.

MLB's social media accounts are usually used during games to show video highlights, relay baseball statistics or exchange witty jokes with other accounts about the action on the field. On Thursday, that was replaced by posts like, "Firearms were the leading cause of death for American children and teens in 2020."

Both accounts then posted a link to the source of their information.

“In lieu of gave coverage and in collaboration with the Tampa Bay Rays, we will be using our channels to offer facts about the impacts of gun violence." the Yankees said in a statement. "The devastating events that have taken place in Uvalde, Buffalo and countless other communities across our nation are tragedies that are intolerable.”

The Rays also released a statement, saying that the recent shootings “cannot become normal.”

“We all deserve to be safe — in schools, grocery stores, places of worship, our neighborhoods, houses and America. The most recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde have shaken us to the core. The Tampa Bay Rays are mourning these heartbreaking tragedies that took the lives of innocent children and adults.

“This cannot become normal. We cannot become numb. We cannot look the other way. We all know, if nothing changes, nothing changes.”

The Uvalde school shooting was particularly personal for Rays reliever Brooks Raley, who is from Uvalde and still has family who live in the town. He attended the school where the shooting occured.

The NBA’s Miami Heat also took a different approach to raising awareness and calling for change following the Uvalde shootings. Before Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals against the Boston Celtics on Wednesday night, the Heat held a moment of silence in memory of those who were killed -- followed by a statement urging fans to call lawmakers and demand change.

“The Heat urges you to contact your state senators by calling 202-224-3121 to leave a message demanding their support for common sense gun laws,” public address announcer Michael Baiamonte read to the fans, some of whom broke into applause as he spoke.

The moment was also broadcast as part of ESPN’s telecast of the game.

Associated Press 2022
'Democracy can be fragile': New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern pays glowing tribute to the late Benazir Bhutto

She shared fond memories of the former premier during a speech at Harvard University's commencement ceremony.

Photo: AP, The Boston Globe

We love seeing women support women, so we loved seeing New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern paying homage to the late Benazir Bhutto, the first and only woman prime minister of Pakistan, in her speech at Harvard University's commencement ceremony.

On Thursday, New Zealand's premier took the stage at Harvard University to speak to graduates. While she appreciated some of her country people being a part of the ceremony as graduating students, she spoke more about her "connection" to the late Benazir.

"In June 1989, the prime minister of Pakistan stood on this spot and delivered the commencement address titled Democratic Nations Must Unite. She spoke about her journey, the importance of citizenry, representative government, human rights and democracy," began Ardern.

She also added her personal experience of meeting Benazir in Geneva in June 2007. Ardern described it as a conference that drew together "progressive parties from around the world", Benazir being one of them. "Seven months later, she was assassinated. Now there will be opinions and differing perspectives written about all of us as political leaders. Two things that history will not contest about Benazir Bhutto — she was the first Muslim female prime minister elected in an Islamic country when women in power was a rare thing. She was also the first to give birth in office," she said.

"The second and only other leader to have given birth in office, almost 30 years later, was me," said Ardern. She shared that her daughter, Neve Te Aroha Ardern Gayford, was born on on June 21, 2018, Benazir's birthday.

"The path she carved as a woman feels as relevant today as it was decades ago. And so too is the message she shared here in this place. She said partway through her speech in 1989 the following, 'We must realise that democracy can be fragile.' Now I read those words as I sat in my office in Wellington, New Zealand, a world away from Pakistan. And while the reasons that gave rise to her words then were vastly different, they still ring true."

Ardern appreciated what Benazir said 33 years ago and believed that indeed, "democracy is fragile".
Obituary: Mountaineering community mourns demise of ‘humble master’

Jamil Nagri Published May 28, 2022 - 
ALI Raza Sadpara at a mountaineering shop in Skardu.—Dawn

GILGIT: Legendary mountaineer Ali Raza Sadpara passed away on Friday morning at a hospital where he was under treatment for the critical injuries he had sustained over 10 days ago. He was 56.

His funeral prayers were offered in the Olding village of the city here and attended by a large number of people from all walks of life. He was buried in his native graveyard in Skardu. Fellow climbers, politicians, the army chief and the civil society expressed condolences with his family and called Sadpara’s passing “a great loss for Pakistan”.

On May 17, the veteran mountaineer had suffered serious injuries when he slipped off a cliff and fell into a ditch. He was immediately rushed to the Skardu District Headquarters Hospital where his spinal cord was found fractured and ribs broken. He was being treated at the hospital since then and died on Friday morning.

Ali Raza Sadpara was scheduled to attempt an ascent of K2, the world’s second-highest peak, this summer, and was practising for the purpose. Starting climbing mountains at the age of 20 as a porter, he soon became the strongest high-altitude porter in 1992. He also has to his credit the honour of climbing Pakistan’s 8,000-metre peaks (or 8,000ers) 17 times, including the Broad Peak (8,047m) five times, Gasherbrum-II (8,035m) four times, Gasherbrum-I (8,068m) four times and Nanga Parbat (8,125m).

Muhammad Ali, a tour operator from Gilgit-Baltistan, said Ali Raza was among the pioneers of high altitude climbing. He was considered the most technical and strongest climber, who not only promoted adventure tourism in Pakistan, but also guided and trained renowned mountaineers, including the late Muhammad Ali Sadpara — who had died while climbing K2 last year, Hasan Sadpara and Nisar Sadpara.

Sadiq Sadpara, who has summited five peaks above 8,000m in Pakistan and been a part of many expeditions with the deceased mountaineer, lauded Ali Raza’s stamina at high altitude. “We lost another star, the vacuum cannot be filled,” he said.

Luke Smithwick, an American climber, said it’s important to remember “a humble master” who climbed the mighty 8,000ers many times.

Renowned clim­ber Sirbaz Khan said the legendary Ali Raza had spent his life serving the country and trained a whole generation of mountaineers. “We called him ‘ustaadon ka ustaad’.”

Another eminent mountaineer, Sajid Ali Sadpara, said above everything, Ali Raza was a good human being who had taught his equally famed father. He said despite old age, Ali Raza had an amazing stamina and was more active than young climbers.

Naila Kiani, Pakistan’s first female climber to summit an 8,000m peak in Pakistan, undertook the Gasherbrum II expedition with Ali Raza last year, and had planned to summit K2 with him this summer. Mourning the loss of her “teacher, guide, friend”, she said: “He made us laugh like crazy during the most difficult times in the last expedition. Why did you have to leave so soon before seeing all of your dreams come true? You taught climbing to so many people, helped the Pakistan Army on so many missions, rescued so many people in the mountains. A true hero, a legend. Chacha, your name will live forever.”

President Dr Arif Alvi expressed grief over Mr Sadpara’s demise.

In a message of condolence, the president prayed to Allah Almighty to rest the departed soul in eternal peace and grant courage to the bereaved family to bear the loss with fortitude.

Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa also expressed grief over his demise. “May Allah Almighty bless the departed soul in eternal peace, Ameen,” he was quoted as having said in a tweet by the Inter-Services Public Relations.

Gilgit-Baltistan CM Khalid Khurshid Khan, opposition leader Amjad Hussain, and members of the GB Assembly also expressed condolences.

Published in Dawn, May 28th, 2022