Thursday, July 21, 2022


This week, Democratic leaders said they have no choice but to accept a small health care bill in lieu of the bold policies they campaigned on.

BY JULY 20, 2022

Joe Manchin addresses reporters outside a hearing July 19. 

Joe Manchin will get his way — again. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer told reporters Tuesday that he will accept the West Virginia conservative’s reconciliation compromise. It has a provision to lower prescription drug prices, and healthcare subsidies, and — perhaps most importantly for Schumer — the votes to pass. But it’s a crummy deal overall, especially considering what it once was. Gone are the tax increases on the wealthiest Americans, which Manchin said just a few months ago were key to beating back inflation (something he claims to care about). Gone are the environmental measures, the necessity of which has been underscored in recent days by historic heat waves and unprecedented wildfires. Gone is much of the ambition that once characterized the Democrats’ legislative agenda.

Democrats swept into Washington last year on a promise not just to hit the reset button after four years of Donald Trump, but to enact a bold platform. The signature piece of that agenda was the Build Back Better plan, the very bill that Manchin has whittled down from a transformational, $2 trillion package to “rebuild the backbone of the country” to what is now essentially a narrow piece of healthcare legislation. Democrats have little choice but to take it at this point — it’ll improve peoples’ lives, and a win is a win. “We have to be pragmatic in making progress, step by step,” as Congressman Ro Khanna told NBC News. And yet, the scaled-back bill is something of a symbol of the Democrats’ scaled-back legislative ambitions, largely due to hold-outs within their own ranks.

“He has sabotaged the president’s agenda,” progressive Senator Bernie Sanders said of Manchin on Sunday.

It’s not that the party hasn’t notched a number of policy wins. Since Joe Biden took office, they have passed COVID reliefinfrastructure, and gun safety legislation; the latter was the first such bill in three decades. They have also confirmed almost 70 judges, including Ketanji Brown Jackson — the first Black woman on the high court. All of that is impressive, and none of it should be taken for granted. But much of that success has been overshadowed by setbacks — on Capitol Hill, where Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, and 50 obstructionist Republicans have killed or weakened major parts of the Biden agenda; in state legislatures, which have been petri dishes for extreme conservative policy; and especially at the Supreme Court, where an unaccountable right-wing supermajority has, just in its most recent term, dismantled abortion rightsthe administrative state, and the effort to regulate firearms. Democrats are taking action “step by step, as Khanna put it. But it feels as though the Trumpian right is moving its own agenda forward in massive leaps.

Biden is paying for that frustration in the polls, and his party may pay for it in November’s midterms — and it’s true that the Democrats own some of the blame for their own struggles. But perhaps the bigger problem with their legislative agenda is the decay of the legislative process itself, which at this point seems designed to ensure as little as possible makes it through the partisan gridlock. Much of the GOP is plainly uninterested in the actual business of legislating; they’ve outsourced that task to the Supreme Court. Jim Jordan, one of the top Republicans in the House, all but admitted as much Tuesday as he condemned a Democrat-led effort to codify same-sex marriage rights into federal law.

Democrats, meanwhile, have essentially had to rely on agencies and executive action to do much of the work of governance. But in this game of rock-paper-scissors, the conservative court seems to have the advantage, as evidenced in decisions handcuffing the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory authority and preventing the Biden administration from enacting its COVID vaccination and testing requirements.

The president and his party are not powerless, of course. Biden is expected to announce executive action to combat climate change, and is considering declaring a climate emergency, which could broaden his power to unilaterally address the issue. “If the Senate will not move to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry,” Biden said in a statement last week, “I will take strong executive action to meet this moment.” Democrats, meanwhile, would have a better opportunity to take up bolder legislation on the climate, reproductive rights, and other issues if they can expand their majority enough to take away Manchin’s leverage. “We’re going to have to get two more Democrats, real Democrats [in the Senate], who will actually help us to implement the president’s agenda, not obstruct it,” Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal told reporters this week. But that’s a tall task — and unless and until it comes to pass, the soaring ambition Biden and the majority of his party ran on will be weighed down by the far narrower vision of Manchin.

Why Joe Manchin Does Not Care if His Party Hates Him

Philip Elliott
Tue, July 19, 2022 


Capitol Hill
Sen. Joe Manchin, Democrat of West Virginia, and Sen. Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, head to a vote on Capitol Hill on March 30, 2022, in Washington, DC. 
Credit - Jabin Botsford—The Washington Post/Getty Images

The contempt was sincere when Sen. Bernie Sanders took the airwaves last weekend to voice a common frustration in the Senate’s Kennedy Caucus Room: Sen. Joe Manchin was an unreliable negotiator who had double-crossed Democrats once again.

“The problem was that we continue to talk to Manchin like he was serious. He was not,” he told ABC’s This Week. In a Senate famed for its comity, this was the equivalent of unleashing an airhorn inside an oboe recital.

There’s one problem with this rage. Manchin has always been a proud fly in the legislative ointment, an unrepentant naysayer to party orthodoxy who is not worried about his relationships in the Capitol. And that’s why he will probably be the last statewide elected Democrat to represent West Virginia for a long time: he values his constituents’ contempt of Washington far more than he fears his colleagues’ contempt of him. And when it comes to President Joe Biden’s frustrations with Manchin’s singular and capricious veto-proof whimsy, Manchin truly cannot be bothered. Voters in West Virginia prize Manchin’s perceived indifference to party politics, and Manchin likes to serve them a skillet of stick-it-to-the-man every chance he gets.

Manchin had committed in private last year to supporting the parts of the second iteration of Biden’s Build Back Better plan with plenty of strings attached. Manchin didn’t like parts of the first one, but promised to like the second one—that is until the sequel also ran afoul of his need to scuttle huge swaths of Democrats’ agenda, such as a tax hike on the wealthy. So Manchin pivoted, and tried a third time to outline what he could accept, and Democrats acquiesced. And then, again, the proposal ran aground of the SS Manchin’s norms because, in his mind, more government spending would only hasten inflation.

Welcome to governing in 2022, with Prime Minister Manchin running the show. (Credit where it’s due to The New Republic for the analogy.) The entire country’s agenda is set by the one Senator who stands in the breach. The Senate is split 50-50, and on matters extraneous to the budget, a 60-vote threshold is needed. However, if the Senate rule-maker gives the lawmakers a pass, Democrats can play with a 51-vote majority on anything deemed budget-adjacent, thanks to Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote. All that means that if every member of the Senate’s Democratic caucus sticks together to tuck novel ideas into the budget, they can actually get stuff done.

Democrats know they’re in a precarious position. Their governing majority is as fragile as they come, the political equivalent of a faberge egg. Anything approaching a slammed door crashes this souffle. And a dozen or so midterm races from Washington state to New Hampshire threaten those egg whites’ stability as much as any jackhammer on the street.

Put another way: Manchin has the detonator to the Democratic majority in his paws and is at best indifferent to their fate. (In his latest thwarting of the White House’s agenda, Manchin could ultimately damage U.S. credibility by derailing a global minimum tax the Biden administration negotiated with more than 100 countries.)

Manchin has long insisted that he cannot hurt his constituents. That means catering to his state’s vaunted—but vanishing—coal industry. Anything broaching green jobs is toxic for his coal-country neighbors. It’s a branding exercise that may, perhaps, keep him holding on as West Virginia’s last Democratic Senator. President Donald Trump won West Virginia by 39 points in 2020; Manchin won re-election two years earlier by three points. Manchin knows his value to his party, and Democratic leaders are careful to give him sufficient space to stay in the seat as long as he wants.

But there are limits, especially when Democrats realize their coast-to-coast hopes hinge on a Red State legislator who has an effective veto. Democrats had hoped to defend their slim majority on an agenda that defeated Covid-19, rebuilt roads and bridges and tunnels, stitched a new social safety net, saved the planet, and lowered drug prices. At best, their to-do list is half done, and Democrats now are saying they’ll take a mini-version of the to-do list just to show some progress and boost Biden’s abysmal polling.

Manchin now says he may support a two-year provision to cap prescription drug prices but wants to wait until the fall for the big-ticket items left in the queue, meaning they’ll slip past Election Day and likely into a lame-duck Congress, when it will be too late for these measures to energize voters in tight races around the country. It’s not hard to imagine why so many of Manchin’s colleagues in tough re-election fights hold him in such contempt.
President Joe Biden: Climate change is code red for humanity
By A.L. Lee & Doug Cunningham

U.S. President Joe Biden waves as he departs the White House en route to Somerset, Massachusetts to deliver remarks on a clean energy future on Wednesday. Biden said "climate change is code red for humanity.". Photo by Yuri Gripas/UPI | License Photo

July 20 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden Wednesday used a stop at the former Brayton coal power plant in Somerset, Mass., to call climate change "a clear and present danger" as he touted clean energy projects.

Biden said that in coming days he will announce executive actions to combat the climate emergency.

"Climate change is literally an existential threat to the nation and the world," Biden said. "When it comes to fighting climate change I will not take no for an answer. I will do everything in my power to win a clean energy future."

The president delivered his remarks at the former Brayton coal fired energy plant in Somerset, which is being turned into a factory to make under-sea cables for wind turbines at sea.

Biden said climate change is an emergency and "in the coming weeks I'm going to use my power as president to address it."

Biden said extreme climate-change related events caused $145 billion in damages in the United States last year alone, adding that it caused 5 million acres to burn. He noted, additionally, that extreme weather has already caused billions of dollars in damage to military installations in the United States.

Since Congress is not acting on the climate change emergency, Biden said he will soon sign executive actions to address the climate emergency.

According to the White House, they will include $2.3 billion in infrastructure funding to help communities increase resilience to heat waves, drought, wildfires, flood, hurricanes, and other hazards by preparing before disaster strikes. The money is coming from FEMA's Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities program.

Biden said his administration is moving to consider offshore wind power in the Gulf of Mexico near Galveston, Texas and off the coast of Lake Charles, Louisiana.

Biden will also direct the Secretary of the Interior to advance wind energy development in the waters off the mid- and southern Atlantic Coast and Florida's Gulf Coast.

The Labor Department will also move to help protect millions of workers from heat illness and energy through increased inspections focused on 70 high-risk industries across 43 states, he said.

"We're going to build a different future, one with clean energy and green jobs," Biden said. "When I think about climate change I think jobs."

Biden traveled to the defunct power plant to announce the actions, which follow a legislative defeat in Congress in which Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., opposed a proposed suite of new environmental measures and programs.

The actions do not appear to include any emergency declarations as extreme heat grips various parts of the world.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said earlier in the day, however, that option is "still on the table."

"This is an issue that has been front of mind for him. This is an issue that's been ... a priority," she said.

Biden's moves toward new climate actions come after days of record-setting heat in Britain and other parts of Europe, including France, Spain and the Netherlands. The mercury in London on Tuesday surpassed 104 degrees Fahrenheit -- an all-time record.

A man leaps into the water in Whitstable, Kent, in Britain on Tuesday -- the same day the country set a new all-time heat record of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Experts say the extreme heat is a reflection of climate change. Photo by Hugo Philpott/UPI

Wednesday will bring some relief, however. The forecast for London shows a high of about 80 degrees.

Many European nations have been hit by devastating wildfires across large swaths of Spain, Portugal and France, where thousands of residents were forced to evacuate this week when temperatures neared 110 degrees.

Nearly a dozen fires burned across London and the heat warped the runway at London's Luton airport on Monday, forcing it to close for several hours.

At least 1,100 people have died from the heat in southern Europe and the wave is also being blamed for hundreds of deaths on the Iberian peninsula.

In the United States, record high temperatures have been broken in areas this week from California to the Mississippi River Valley and throughout the South and Northeast.

In Texas, where temperatures topped 100 degrees on Tuesday, the statewide power-grid run by Electric Reliability Council of Texas was handling the heat with no widespread blackouts.
Global extinction threat may be much higher than previously thought

A new study suggests the danger for massive loss of species across the planet is much higher than previously thought, with about 30% of species threatened or driven extinct since the year 1500. 
File Photo by sittitap/Shutterstock

July 19 (UPI) -- The threat of extinction to all species on Earth may be much higher than previously thought, a new study suggests, after a biodiversity survey found that about 30% of species have been globally threatened or driven to extinction since the year 1500.

An international team of researchers surveyed a "large and diverse group" of biodiversity experts from around the world "who collectively study all major taxa and habitats in freshwater, terrestrial and marine ecosystems," according to the study published this week in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

The 3,331 biodiversity experts from 113 countries were asked to estimate past and future global biodiversity loss as well as rank factors that drive species to become globally threatened or extinct.

The experts, who had all published significant studies on biodiversity of their own, also ranked the drivers of global biodiversity loss and estimated its impacts on ecosystems and people.

The researchers, led by University of Minnesota associate professor Forest Isbell, compared the survey results to other sources of information and noted that the study carries importance because "decision makers often rely on expert judgment to fill knowledge gaps."

"Expert judgment has provided estimates and predictions of key unknowns in fields as diverse as nuclear power safety, volcanic eruptions, climate change and biodiversity loss," the study reads.

"The most accurate estimates and predictions come from large and diverse groups of experts, in part because expertise declines precipitously outside an individual's area of specialization."

A previous 2019 report from the United Nations compiled by just 145 experts from 50 countries found that about 12.5% of all species on Earth, or about 1 million species, were estimated to have been globally threatened or driven to extinction since the year 1500.

Isbell told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that the estimate provided by the survey may differ from previous estimates because it takes into account less studied species such as insects.

"Experts also acknowledged substantial uncertainty around their estimates, with perhaps as few as 16% or as many as 50% of species threatened or driven extinct over this time," Isbell noted in a press release.

Akira Mori of the University of Tokyo in Japan, a co-author of the paper, said that the study is "unprecedented" because it brought together such a large group of regional experts from around the world.

The study also made a number of conclusions consistent with previous studies, including identifying human land-use changes and overexploitation as top drivers of global loss for commonly studied land-based species while overexploitation and climate change were drivers for the loss of marine life.

For other commonly studied species like amphibians, reptiles and birds, changes in how humans use the land and sea were the most important drivers for biodiversity loss.

Meanwhile, climate change and pollution were found to be the top drivers for biodiversity loss for species less commonly studied such as aquatic invertebrates and microbes.

About 100 million in U.S. under 'excessive heat' warnings as mercury rises

Triple digits are displayed on a bank marquee in St. Louis, Mo., on July 5. Many parts of the U.S. have seen excessive heat this summer, and forecasters say that some regions will see more in the coming days. Photo by Bill Greenblatt/UPI | License Photo

July 20 (UPI) -- Dangerously hot conditions across the United States are extending Wednesday into the Northeast with at least one-third of the U.S. population under heat warnings and advisories in more than 20 states, officials said.

The National Weather Service said that roughly 100 million people are under excessive heat warnings and advisories and about 60 million will see triple-digit temperatures over the next week. That includes large portions of the southern Plains, lower Mississippi Valley, lower Ohio Valley and parts of the Tennessee Valley.

Forecasters said that more heat records across Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas were expected to be broken Wednesday.

Oklahoma recorded a high of 103 degrees Fahrenheit on Tuesday, according to Oklahoma Mesonet.

"This is the first time in our network's history to have 120 sites hit that mark on the same day," Oklahoma Mesonet, a joint academic weather project, said in a tweet.

A map by the National Weather Service shows areas of the U.S. that are expected to see excessive heat beginning on Wednesday. Image courtesy National Weather Service

In Arkansas, Little Rock saw triple-digit temperatures on Tuesday for the tenth day so far this year, the NWS said. In Texas, Fort Worth recorded a high of 109 degrees, and the heat there could be even hotter on Wednesday.

The NWS says that 265 million people nationwide will experience temperatures above 90 degrees in the coming days, with some of the most intense heat in the southern Plains.

Farther west, the NWS said excessive heat is forecast in central California on Wednesday -- and along the Colorado River in the Southwest on Thursday and Friday.

Many locations in the United States and Europe have seen historic heat this week, which experts say is a reflection of the growing climate crisis. President Joe Biden was set to travel to Massachusetts on Wednesday to announce new executive actions to address climate change.
Madrid street-sweeper's death prompts curbs on heatwave working hours

Wildfires in Spain

Wed, July 20, 2022

MADRID (Reuters) - The death of a Madrid street-sweeper from heat stroke has prompted companies providing the service in the Spanish capital to adopt measures including halting work during heatwaves, the Madrid mayor announced.

José Antonio Gonzalez, 60, died on Saturday after collapsing at work the previous day. Emergency services said his body temperature was close to 42 degrees Celsius and he died from heat stroke in hospital.

The man's son, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, told El Pais newspaper that his father was hoping to have a one-month contract extended and was working that afternoon because he had swapped shifts with a colleague.

"I am convinced that he did not stop cleaning that street until he fainted. He thought his contract was not going to be renewed and he was giving his all to prove himself," he said.

His contractor, Urbaser, did not respond to a request for comment.

The death prompted municipal worker unions to call for a change in working conditions. On Tuesday, the unions and contractors providing municipal services - Cespa, Urbaser, OHL, Urbaser, Acciona and FCC - signed a new agreement that suspends street sweeping on afternoons where average temperatures climb above 39 degrees Celsius.

Over certain temperatures, the companies must also provide sun cream and caps to the 7,000 workers they employ and use only air-conditioned vehicles.

Madrid Mayor Jose Luis Almeida in a tweet on Tuesday night applauded the agreement. "The unfortunate death we experienced last Saturday cannot be allowed to happen again," he said.

The agreement came too late however for another Madrid street sweeper, who collapsed with heat stroke on Tuesday and was admitted to hospital where he remains in "very serious" condition, the hospital said.

El Pais reported that during the most recent heatwave at least 14 cleaners in Madrid were treated for dizziness and vomiting. Madrid's City Council did not respond to a Reuters request for information.

Emergency services were battling wildfires across southern Europe on Wednesday as warnings sounded in London after Britain's hottest day that the fight against climate change needed to be stepped up.

(Reporting by Belén Carreño, editing by Aislinn Laing and Nick Macfie)

Spanish worker's death shows need to adapt to climate change

Wed, July 20, 2022 

MADRID (AP) — When José Antonio González started his afternoon shift sweeping the streets of Madrid, the temperature was 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) amid a heat wave gripping Spain.

After a long time without a job, González couldn’t afford to pass up a one-month summer contract to sweep the city, where he lived in a working-class neighborhood. Three hours later, the 60-year-old collapsed with heat stroke and was found lying in the street he was cleaning.

An ambulance took the father of two to the hospital, where he died on Saturday.

His death is driving a debate in Spain about the need to adapt labor arrangements to climate change. The poorest in society, often the elderly and the low-paid such as construction workers and delivery riders for whom heat stress is a workplace hazard, have long been identified as being at a disadvantage in attempts to adjust to rising temperatures.

“It’s obvious that social inequalities play a part” in how much people suffer during heat waves, says Júlio Díaz of Spain’s Carlos III Health Institute.

“Enduring a heat wave in an air-conditioned house with a swimming pool is not the same as five people in the same room with a window as the only source of fresh air,” he told Spanish public broadcaster RTVE.

The recent torrid weather in Europe, which has seen a spike in the number and size of wildfires, is forcing the issue to the forefront.

France has already taken some steps to alleviate heat inequality after a 2003 heat wave caused 15,000 heat-related deaths, many of them older people left in city apartments and retirement homes without air conditioning.

Ahead of France's latest heat wave, which set some record temperatures this week, the government reminded employers of their legal obligation to protect workers in extreme heat. That includes free drinking water, ventilation and, if possible, changing working hours and providing extra breaks.

And as Britain prepared for this week’s heat wave, which saw temperatures hit a national record of 40.3 degrees Celsius (104.5 Fahrenheit) on Tuesday, labor unions urged the government to impose maximum workplace temperatures for the first time. Many homes, small businesses and even public buildings in Britain do not have air-conditioning.

Unite, the country’s biggest union, is pushing for a maximum workplace temperature of 27 C (80.6 F) for “strenuous’’ jobs and 30 C (86 F) for sedentary jobs. The union also says employers should be required to take steps to reduce indoor temperatures and impose strict protections for outdoor workers whenever temperatures reach 24 C (75.2 F).

“As the climate changes, it is vital that health and safety law is updated in line with the serious challenges this presents for workers,” said Rob Miguel, Unite’s national adviser on health and safety.

In Madrid, González’s 21-year-old son, Miguel Ángel, says his father, days before he died, had searched on the internet for “how to deal with heat stroke.” The evening before he died, he had arrived home from his cleaning shift gasping for air.

Scientists say the worsening of pre-existing illnesses, not heat strokes themselves, are the main cause of deaths linked to the high temperatures.

The Carlos III Health Institute estimates that 150 deaths in Spain were somehow linked to the heat wave on the day that González died. The following day, the institute attributed 169 deaths to the heat, bringing a total of 679 cases during just the first week of the heat wave.

Ramming home the danger, another Madrid street sweeper was hospitalized with heat stroke on Tuesday.

In places accustomed to high temperatures, such as Spain's southern Andalusia region, construction workers already work only morning hours during the summer.

Three days after González's death, Madrid officials agreed with labor groups that street cleaners could postpone their afternoon shift and work instead amid cooler evening temperatures.


Hatton contributed from Lisbon, Portugal. John Leicester in Le Pecq, France and Danica Kirka in London contributed.

Trucker protests halt cargo movement at California's No. 3 seaport

 Independent truck drivers gather to delay the entry of trucks at a container terminal at the Port of Oakland, during a protest against California's law known as AB5, in Oakland, California

Wed, July 20, 2022 
By Lisa Baertlein

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Protesting truckers stopped traffic on Wednesday at a Northern California port, one of the busiest in the United States, as they demonstrated against a new state labor law that makes it harder for independent truckers to operate.

Drivers picketed gates and blocked other truckers from hauling cargo in and out of the port. The protests in Oakland began on Monday and have grown larger and more disruptive with each passing day.

Late on Wednesday, Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan acknowledged protesters' frustration with California's "gig worker" law and warned that a prolonged shutdown would "damage all the businesses operating at the ports" and cause customers to shift cargo to rival seaports.

The protesters worry that the law, which could soon be put into effect, will impose hefty costs on them that will slash their earnings.

SSA Marine, which manages the largest terminal at the Port of Oakland in the San Francisco Bay area, closed operations on Wednesday due to the protests, which ground business at other marine terminals to a virtual halt.

SSA and Everport terminal managers sent International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) dock workers home for safety reasons, a source familiar with the situation said Wednesday.

Terminal representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The new law, formally called AB5, sets tougher standards for classifying workers as independent contractors.

Trucking industry legal challenges delayed enactment of the law for more than two years, but the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case on June 30, clearing the way for it to go forward.

Backers, including the Teamsters and the ILWU, say AB5 aims to clamp down on labor abuses and push companies to hire drivers as employees - which would enable them to join unions and collectively bargain with employers.

Some 5,000 truckers work at the Oakland port, which is a major hub for agricultural exports including almonds, rice and wine.

The protests in Oakland followed actions last week at the nation's top two seaports, at Los Angeles and Long Beach in Southern California.

The three California ports handle about half of the nation's container cargo volume. The trucker protests come as the ILWU, which represents dock workers at those and other U.S. West Coast ports, is in high-stakes contract talks with terminal operators that employ them.

Protest organizers say their actions will continue until they get an audience with Governor Gavin Newsom, who did not respond to requests for comment on Wednesday.

On Monday, the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development said: "Now that the federal courts have rejected the trucking industry's appeals, it's time to move forward."

(Reporting by Lisa Baertlein in Los Angeles; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Cynthia Osterman and Richard Pullin)

Trucker protest shuts down operations at California port

 The protest that began Monday, July 18 involves hundreds of independent big-rig truckers that have blocked the movement of cargo in and out of terminals at the port, which is one of the 10 busiest container ports in the country. 
(AP Photo/Noah Berger, File) 

Wed, July 20, 2022 

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Truckers protesting a state labor law have effectively shut down cargo operations at the Port of Oakland, it was announced Wednesday.

“The shutdown will further exacerbate the congestion of containers" and port officials are urging operations at shipping terminals to resume, a port statement said.

The protest that began Monday involves hundreds of independent big-rig truckers that have blocked the movement of cargo in and out of terminals at the port, which is one of the 10 busiest container ports in the country, according to its website.

There was no immediate word on when the protest might end but it's exacerbating supply-chain issues that already have led to cargo ship traffic jams at major ports and stockpiled goods on the dock.

The protest comes as toymakers and other industries enter their peak season for imports as retailers stockpile goods for the fall holidays and back-to-school items.

The truckers are protesting Assembly Bill 5, a gig economy law passed in 2019 that made it harder for companies to classify workers as independent contractors instead of employees, who are entitled to minimum wage and benefits such as workers compensation, overtime and sick pay.

A federal appeals court ruled last year that law applies to some 70,000 truck drivers who can be classified as employees of companies that hire them instead of independent contractors.

The International Brotherhood of Teamsters called it a “massive victory" for exploited truckers. But the California Trucking Association, which sued over the law, had argued the law could make it harder for independent drivers who own their own trucks and operate on their own hours to make a living by forcing them to be classified as employees.

The legal battle stalled enforcement of the law but last month the U.S. Supreme Court recently decided it wouldn't review the decision.

Truckers are now asking Gov. Gavin Newsom to meet and discuss the issue.

Meanwhile, there's been no word on when the state might begin enforcing the law, which is still being contested in lower courts.

Messages seeking comment from the governor's office and the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development weren't immediately returned Wednesday evening.

The director of the business and economic development office, Dee Dee Myers, emailed CNBC that “it’s time to move forward, comply with the law and work together to create a fairer and more sustainable industry for all.”

Ports already have been struggling to handle container traffic, much of it from Asia. After the COVID-19 pandemic began to take hold in 2020, cargo traffic to ports slumped drastically. But then it recovered and has been booming since.

“We understand the frustration expressed by the protestors at California ports,” Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan said in the port statement. “But, prolonged stoppage of port operations in California for any reason will damage all the businesses operating at the ports and cause California ports to further suffer market share losses to competing ports.”

While the port handles many different types of cargo, it is an important distribution point for California's agricultural products.

“The supply chain already is in crisis. This is a huge disruption,” Peter Friedmann, executive director of the Agriculture Transportation Coalition told the Wall Street Journal.

California Port Closes Gates for Third Day Amid Protests

Augusta Saraiva and Ngai Yeung
Wed, July 20, 2022 

(Bloomberg) -- California’s third-busiest port shut down some of its gates and marine terminals for a third day Wednesday as truckers protesting a gig-work law that could take 70,000 drivers off the road blocked access to the operation.

Management at the Oakland International Container Terminal decided to close operations due to the independent trucker protest, and the port’s three other marine terminals are effectively shut down for trucks, port spokesman Robert Bernardo said. Some vessel-labor operations were under way.

SSA Marine Inc., the largest terminal operator at Oakland, shut down all operations for the day Tuesday, he said.

Protests began across California last week after the Supreme Court on June 30 refused to review a case challenging the application of Assembly Bill 5 to truckers. The law, passed in 2019, requires workers satisfy a three-part test to be considered independent contractors, or else be seen as employees entitled to job benefits. About 70,000 truck owner-operators in the state must now comply with the law.

The trucking industry relies on contractors -- who until now have had flexibility to operate on their own terms -- and has fought to be exempt from state regulations for years.

“Ongoing protests will only drive Oakland customers away and encourage them to take their business to other seaports,” Bernardo said. “They need to take their message to Sacramento.”

After ranking as the fourth-busiest hub in the US just a few years ago, the Port of Oakland now barely cracks the top 10. Container traffic fell for three straight months through May on an annual basis as bottlenecks mount.

Import dwell time is rising at the fastest pace on the West Coast, with containers now sitting at the terminal for an average of 17.5 days, up from 12.4 last week, according to supply-chain data provider project44.

Bill Aboudi, president of trucking company Oakland Port Services, said truckers are planning to continue protesting every day until their concerns are heard.

“One day is OK and it doesn’t hurt the terminal,” he said. “But on the third they’re really hurting, and the fourth day they might retaliate.”

Dockworkers Affected

When faced with the demonstration outside of the ports, some dockworkers chose not to enter the terminal, Bernardo said.

The guiding principles of their labor organization -- the International Longshore and Warehouse Union -- state that “every picket line must be respected as it were our own.”

The union said in a statement on Twitter that it supports AB5. Farless Dailey III, the ILWU’s Local 10 president, said in a separate statement that “workers stood by on health and safety, as is permitted in our contract when conditions at the terminals present a risk.”

The ILWU contract that lapsed at the start of the month established union members have a right to refuse to cross legitimate and bona fide picket lines without being in violation of their labor duties.

The ILWU is currently negotiating a new contract for 22,000 dockworkers across 29 West Coast ports with the Pacific Maritime Association., which represents more than 70 employers. Discussions for a new agreement started on May 10 in San Francisco, and the most recent accord expired on July 1.

Both parties have reaffirmed their commitment to avoiding disruptions even as the expiration open the doors to strikes, lockouts and stoppages.

On Monday, ILWU International President Willie Adams expressed support for the 115,000 US rail workers as their labor-bargaining process enters a White House mediation phase after 2 1/2 years of failed discussions resulted in workers threatening to strike this week.

With the Biden administration’s intervention, the unions operating at 30 railroads won’t be able to strike at least until September.

“They heroically stayed on the job without a contract or a raise,” Adams said. “It is beyond time for the private railroad companies to reach a fair agreement with the rail workers who delivered the goods -- and the profits.”

(Updates with comment from trucker in ninth paragraph, ILWU in 13th)


Illicit drugs: Africa's growing silent crisis

The World Health Organization has warned that many young Africans are turning to substance abuse. The UN predicts that by 2030 the number of drug users in Africa will have increased substantially.

A bizarre sight welcomes anybody who enters the home of Asia Bianca and her husband in the Kenyan coastal town of Malindi. An infant's slippers, strewn with cigarette waste and drug paraphernalia. This is no ordinary home.

The slippers belonged to their little daughter, who died six months after she was born.

"When we went to bed, she was fine. Then when I woke up, she was foaming at the mouth. So I got scared and hoped when I was high on heroin that I hadn't placed my hand or leg on her, causing her to suffocate," a visibly downcast Bianca tells DW.

Despite doctors ruling out her fears, Bianca still carries the guilt of her daughter's death. The 20-year-old and her husband are some of the 3,000 active injecting drug users in Malindi.

She says she was introduced to the habit by her ex-boyfriend, who used to lace her cigarettes with heroin secretly.

By the time she realized what was happening, she was already hooked.

What is drug and substance abuse?

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes substance abuse as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.

It says that illicit drug use has adverse health and social consequences because it puts a heavy financial burden on users, their families and society.

"The government has forgotten us. We are left homeless, sick at home, or sick in the streets, so we have no choice but to support each other," Yassir Abdallah, a recovering addict in Malindi, told DW.

The UN estimates that by 2030, the number of drug users in Africa will have increased by 40%.

Across the continent, drug addicts often face discrimination and a lack of support, making it difficult for them to regain their lives even if they stop using.

"Such persons need treatment and critical attention," said Richard Opare, a former addict who is now a drug addiction management professional in Ghana's capital, Accra.

"When they walk into the [rehabilitation] centers, many of the drug addicts are not ready," he said.

He explained that there was a screening system to determine which drug(s) an addict had used. Afterwards, therapists conducted an assessment to ascertain the severity of the problem. He said that drug addicts were given medical attention through the detox stage to ensure that they got better. 

Sharing needles when injecting drugs is linked to contracting HIV and Hepatitis

Heroin and cocaine on the beach

Best known for its white sandy beaches and Italian tourists, Malindi is home to one of the biggest group of heroin addicts in Kenya.

Like most coastal towns in the East African country, it is used by international traffickers as a transit point for drugs transported from Afghanistan to the West.

According to the UN drugs agency (UNODC), the most often used illicit drug on the continent is currently cannabis. The second most frequently used class of drugs are  amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS), which include "ecstasy" and methamphetamine.

However, more and more drug users are beginning to inject substances, though the practice is deemed particularly risky as sharing contaminated needles and syringes can transmit viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis B, and C.

In West Africa, Guinea-Bissau is also an important hub for drug trafficking — especially for cocaine. It began its transformation into a narco-state in 2005, when former president Joao Bernardo "Nino" Vieira — who had ruled the country with an iron fist from 1980 to 1999 — was reelected after returning from six years of exile in Portugal. 

"The drug lords feel right at home in Guinea-Bissau, like they are in paradise," Calvario Ahukharie, the former head of Interpol in Guinea-Bissau, told DW.

COVID and substance abuse

Experts say that the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment, the high cost of living and a lack of prospects have created "a perfect storm" for substance abuse on the entire continent.

"When schools closed [during the lockdown], the number of young drug users shot up," said Alphonse Maina, a volunteer with the Omari Project, a community-based rehabilitation center in Malindi.

"In Malindi, if you are not taking heroin, you are taking khat, smoking marijuana or cigarettes."

He and other experts say that people should treat drug abuse as a medical condition, not a crime. They say that it's critical to combat stigma and provide those who request it with free rehabilitation and medical care.

"If you're arrested with a small portion of heroin or cocaine for personal use, you go in for 15 years," Wamala Twaibu of the Uganda Harm Reduction Network said. His initiative has been criticized for offering legal support to those arrested for injecting drugs such as heroin.

"The law is not fair. And what is happening is that law enforcement is using the law to extort. To get money from these communities, already disadvantaged communities."

At the moment, the only support for Asia Bianca is her husband — who is himself an addict.

Eunice Wanjiru, Antonio Cascais and Michael Oti contributed to this article

Edited by Keith Walker

Albania belatedly begins to harness the power of the sun

Albania enjoys the most sunshine hours of any country in Europe

But the Ukraine war and rising prices for energy are making the Balkan country using more solar power for electricity production.

Albania gets more sunshine than anywhere else in Europe, 

with an average of 286 days, or 2,700 hours per year

Albania leads the Balkans in an ecological-footprint ranking by Global Footprint Network (GFN) — the organization behind the Earth Overshoot Day initiative. According to the ranking, Albania still has until November 3 when it's demand for ecological resources and services exceeds what planet earth can regenerate this year. Slovenia reached its Overshoot Day in April, while Serbia in early July.

But according to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the country makes too little from its huge solar potential with an installed photovoltaic (PV) capacity is just 22 megawatts (MW).

Most of Albania’s electricity is produced using hydropower generated by a network of dams along its mountainous rivers — hence, net energy imports are directly correlated to annual rainfall. 

Albania has recently seen rainfall drop below levels needed to replenish the reservoirs behind its dams

Albania is actually a net energy importer, with imports ranging from about 12% of its Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) in 2015 to a high of 46% in 2017.

The current government now has decided to change that — partly prompted by energy-price spikes and Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Under new plans, transmission system operator OST expects wind and solar power plants connected to its network to reach a combined 220.4 MW next year — almost ten times more than the current capacity. Untapped technical potential for deploying solar projects was up to 2,378 MW, OST said.

The government is also planning a new 210 MW dam to add to its existing 1,350 MW of hydropower. The €500 million ($490 million) project will make it possible to manage the water levels in the network, meaning Albania will be able to store water supply for use when most needed, for example, during peak summer months.

Brave new world

"Until recently, Albania had no supporting regulatory framework for deploying renewable energy sources other than hydropower plants," Albanian energy expert Lorenc Gordani told DW. 

"However, this changed with the adoption of the new Law on Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in 2017," Gordani said.

The new legal framework was followed with an agreement between the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and then with a second one between the EBRD in 2017. The agreements saw the commitment to develop up to 700 MW in PV and wind power by 2020.

The National Action Plan for Renewable Energies 2019-2020 was to increase the planned PV capacity from 120 MW to 490 MW and wind from 70 MW to 150 MW.

"This means there are today 1,300 MW worth of projects, ranging from 10 MW to 275 MW, partnered or looking for a partnership with foreign investors to develop," Gordani said.

Lorenc Gordani believes the new legal framework will liberalize Albania's

 energy market and accelerate new projects

Albania is also seeking to update management of its power system. It is planning to implement the EU's target model for the "day-ahead and intraday markets" by the end of this year.

Gordani said Albania's plans would enable the country to enter an emerging market of alternative renewables by matching "the interests of more prominent companies and promote more sustainable big projects based on market incentives."

This framework is "quite probable to enable the country to be able to produce all its energy needs by 2025," Gordani added.

The build-up of solar power is also aimed at helping Albania balance its hydropower ambitions with its environmental obligations. Green campaigners want the government to rely less on dams, because of their impact on river ecosystems.

New plants

A large number of applications have been received for wind and solar power plants in the past two years, the OST said. 

Norwegian renewable-energy company Statkraft, for example, has launched the final stage of a floating solar plant on the Banja reservoir in southeastern Albania. Combined with the company's hydropower plant nearby, the two units will have a total capacity of 2 MW generated with the help of 6,400 panels.

Another solar plant is being built by French firm Voltalia and due to come online in 2024, injecting 100 MW of additional power into the grid. Voltalia also said it was starting work on the Karavasta solar park, which will be the largest in the Balkans.

"The main advantages of solar power in Albania are that solar is in general the lowest cost of energy," said Borge Bjorneklett.

The chief executive of Ocean Sun — a Norway-based manufacturer of floating solar power systems —  believes the solar plants he is installing in Albania have the additonal advantage of not using arable land and avoiding deforestation. In Albania, their proximity to hydropower reservoirs are reducing water evaporation from the reservoir, and would boost photovoltaic performance due to water cooling, he noted.

"Disadvantages are perhaps the novelty of the technology, bureaucratic, regulatory hurdles, poorly developed standards and certifications and a general skepticism with new technology," he added.

Edited by: Uwe Hessler

Opinion: North Macedonia and the EU — the European Theater of the Absurd

After waiting for 17 years, North Macedonia has taken the next step toward EU membership. The fact that no one is celebrating is due to the absurd conditions that await the Balkan country, writes Boris Georgievski.

There is plenty of anger about the concessions North Macedonia has had

 to make to Bulgaria in order to begin the process of EU accession talks

In the words of Eugene Ionesco, "absurd is that which has no purpose, or goal, or objective." The Theater of the Absurd literary movement, whose most prominent representative is the Romanian-French writer, currently serves as the best description of the relations between North Macedonia and the European Union. 

In the complicated relationship between the two, absurdity not only has no objective, but the purpose of joining the EU has been reduced to absurdity. It sounds complicated, and indeed it is.  

The highest representatives of North Macedonia and the EU held their first Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels on Tuesday. Four more countries — Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Albania — are in the formal process of negotiations to join the bloc and have held Intergovernmental Conferences. 

However, North Macedonia, which became an EU candidate country in 2005, will not start negotiations after Tuesday's meeting. Unlike the others, North Macedonia has embarked on what the formal Brussels dictionary describes as the beginning of the process of opening negotiations. 

In order to open negotiations, the country must first change its constitution and include the Bulgarian minority as a constituent part of it. But in the Macedonian parliament, there is no two-thirds majority in favor of taking that step. Aside from the nationalist opposition, many pro-Western intellectuals and politicians believe that this will only kindle further expectations and demands in Sofia. 

Bulgaria's demands on North Macedonia

Boris Georgievski, head of DW's Macedonian Service

Boris Georgievski, head of DW's Macedonian Service

What's in dispute is not just the issue of changing the constitution to accommodate Bulgarian interests, but everything else that Bulgaria demands from its Balkan neighbor.  

The majority of Macedonians in North Macedonia are offended because Bulgaria does not recognize them as a nation and does not recognize their language. With the help of France and other European countries, Bulgaria managed to impose its interpretation of the historical events as a de facto condition for North Macedonia's progress in the Negotiating Framework, the basic document and roadmap for the negotiations with the EU. 

The term "absurd" can be applied to the Negotiating Framework. In it, a Bulgarian unilateral declaration claims that the Macedonian language does not exist, and that it is actually a dialect of the Bulgarian language. There are similar requests regarding historical figures, from the Middle Ages until the beginning of the 20th century, in the textbooks in North Macedonia. Bulgaria insists that kings and revolutionaries from those periods should be identified as ethnic Bulgarians. 

Bulgaria has not tried to hide its agenda. During his visit to Berlin in May, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said: "We will not allow 'Macedonianism' to be legitimized in the EU." Bulgaria's official policy describes "Macedonianism" an ideology that, after World War II, "artificially" and forcibly turned Bulgarians into Macedonians. This position would rather foolishly assume that throughout history, especially in Europe, there are nations and languages that have been created "naturally."  

An adversary or a partner for the EU? 

How much does North Macedonia Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski (second left) really have to smile about?

Due to this historical dispute, Bulgaria has since 2019 repeatedly vetoed the beginning of North Macedonia's accession negotiations with the EU. Now the EU has come up with what it calls a "European compromise" — a proposal that turns the bilateral dispute between the two Balkan neighbors into an EU problem. 

When Macedonia was renamed North Macedonia in 2018 to satisfy Greek demands, which, like Bulgaria's, encroached on history and identity, the country was promised that the road to the EU was open. Now, nobody believes in such assurances anymore.

Brussels had hoped that starting the accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania would show its commitment to the Western Balkans countries and raise its image while simultaneously curtailing Russia's influence. But the result is a dramatic rise in anti-European sentiments in North Macedonia and an increase in the popularity of a pro-Russian party in the country. 

Both the EU and North Macedonia have now reached a dead end. If North Macedonia wants to continue on its European path, it would have to agree to the humiliating Bulgarian demands. 

Essentially, North Macedonia's choice is not to negotiate on identity issues and never enter the EU, or to accept that its citizens will never enter the EU as Macedonians with their Macedonian language. If the EU continues supporting such demands, it could soon have another adversary instead of a partner in Europe.