Monday, August 29, 2022

Frog forelimbs may be adapted for love and war as well as jumping

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Frog skeleton 



Hold out your arm with your palm facing downward. Now rotate your hand 90 degrees to give a thumbs-up without moving your elbow. If you look closely, you’ll notice the two bones in your forearm, called the radius and ulna, move around each other as you rotate your hand. We’re able to do this because the radius and ulna meet up at the elbow and wrist but are otherwise unconnected.

For frogs, it’s a different story. A frog’s radius and ulna are fused into a single bone, which scientists think acts as a shock absorber when jumping. In a new study published in the Journal of Anatomy, researchers at the Florida Museum of Natural History show that their quirky legs might also be an adaption for fighting and for grasping mates during reproduction.

According to lead author Rachel Keeffe, who recently obtained her doctoral degree in zoology at the University of Florida, the results make intuitive sense, given that not all frogs are so keen on the whole jumping idea.

“Many people think frogs jump, and a lot of them do. But there are also frogs that live their entire lives underground; there are frogs that glide; there are arboreal frogs that mostly climb like monkeys; there are frogs who primarily live underwater; and then there are frogs that just mostly walk. Frogs have evolved to move in so many ways, but the radius and ulna bones are always fused together,” Keeffe said. 

Having some degree of fusion between these two bones is not a trait unique to frogs. Animals like horses, goats and bats have semifused radii and ulnae, which likely helps make them such great runners and flyers.

Fusion between bones is also beneficial for jumping animals, of which frogs are the unparalleled champions among vertebrates. Bullfrogs, for example, are some of the largest frogs on record and can jump a distance of up to six feet. For a human male of average height to achieve a comparable feat, he would need to jump about 50 feet forward.

Scientists assumed frogs long ago traded in forearm flexibility for stronger bones to aid in jumping.

To investigate this question, Keeffe used 3D modeling to determine how well frog bones held up during jumping while adding in simulations for mating as well. Frog reproduction typically involves the male clinging to the back of the female with his forearms, a behavior referred to as amplexus.

The Florida Museum has a large collection of digitized specimens thanks to the openVertebrate (oVert) project, which meant Keeffe had several references to choose from for modeling the arm bones. Over the course of several months in 2020 and 2021, she created a model of a bullfrog forearm from a museum specimen along with hypothetical models with varying degrees of fusion between the radius and ulna.

She created a model in which the two bones were separate, one in which the bones were partially fused like they are in horses and bats, and one with a single bone instead of two. Each of these models had a variant in which the bones were solid instead of hollow as they are in life.

Keeffe ran jumping simulations with software often used by engineers when building things like bridges and space shuttles. In each case, she modeled a large amount of force on the end of the bone connected to the foot to create a worst-case scenario.

Her results weren’t immediately intuitive. In both jumping and mating simulations, the hypothetical semifused model experienced smaller amounts of stress than the model of a fused radioulna that frogs actually have. This was the case for every simulation, regardless of whether the bones were hollow or solid.

Keeffe suspects the answer likely has to do with a balancing act between how high a frog can jump and how much of an impact it can withstand upon landing.

“The semifused model has less stress, but it also has slightly more volume, and thus weight, than the bullfrog model we tested,” she said. “If you fuse two bones together, you’re improving the strength while decreasing the weight.”

Thicker and lighter bones are useful for jumpers that can’t afford to get weighed down by a heavy skeleton.

This didn’t explain why non-jumping frogs retained the fused bone, however. According to her results, the fused bones of males receive more stress during the mating practice of amplexus than semifused bones. Amplexus can last weeks or even months in some species and generate up to 52 times the weight of the male frog in clasping force. Male frogs are often known to be territorial and regularly use their forelimbs to fight over potential mates, all of which results in the very real possibility that their bones might fracture or break if not strong enough.

Keeffe noticed that the impact of landing was distributed throughout much of the forearm. During amplexus, however, the stress was restricted to a single location: the exact point where a tendon connected to the bone. It also happened to be where the two combined bones were sturdiest. While clasping exerted less pressure on the partially fused bones, the tendon creating that pressure could only be attached to either the radius or the ulna in the hypothetical model, both of which are weaker structures on their own.

In the future, she hopes to create more models based on different species and hopes to re-create this experiment for other types of locomotion, using these models as a point of comparison. She also plans to 3D-print the current models to see how well they hold up to the digital simulations. “Hopefully, I’m going to use them as much as possible, considering how long it took to make them,” she said. 

Developing an automated, AI-based programming coach to provide instantaneous and formative feedback to students

Grant and Award Announcement


SMU Assistant Professor Don Ta 



By Jovina Ang

SMU Office of Research & Tech Transfer – “Correct. Good job.” “Wrong. Try again.”

These are the typical outcome-based feedback provided by most computer programming grading tools including commercial ones like Gradescope.

“Existing grading tools, including many research prototypes, are not enough to meet the needs of instructors teaching computer programming,” Assistant Professor of Computer Science (Education) Don Ta told the Office of Research & Tech Transfer.

“While some tools are good for summative assessment, they are incapable of providing a holistic assessment on the cognitive process and approach taken by students when working on algorithm design or writing code to solve a problem,” he continued.

“Thus, to provide constructive feedback, Computing and Information Systems (CIS) instructors like myself have to review hundreds and, sometimes, thousands of lines of code. This is a long-drawn process as there can be 400-500 students enrolled in the introductory programming course at SMU,” he added.

“Based on my years of experience teaching computing, I am aware that students learn best when they are given timely, frequent, formative and personalised feedback. The more students get feedback including suggestions for relevant code samples and are given additional programming tasks to work on their previous mistakes, the faster they will improve their skills in code reading, algorithm designing and code writing, which are among the core skills of any CIS student,” he went on.

In order to develop a tool that provides instantaneous and constructive feedback to students, Professor Ta and his three collaborators, SMU Associate Professor of Computer Science Shar Lwin Khin, SMU Professor of Information Systems (Education) Venky Shankararaman, and Associate Professor Hui Siu Cheng from the School of Computer and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, were recently awarded a Tertiary Education Research Fund (TRF) grant by the Ministry of Education. The project will realise a web-based tool named AP-Coach, which stands for Automated Programming Coach.

This research furthers Professor Ta’s prior work which focused on the accuracy and effectiveness of auto-scoring for codes and short text in natural languages.

The research

The AP-Coach will be tested out on a pilot class comprising first year undergraduate SMU students who are enrolled in the introductory programming Python course, starting January 2023. It will be rolled out to the rest of the students in subsequent semesters if it proves to be useful for learning.

The primary objectives of the AP-Coach are to automate the code reviewing process at scale, while at the same time, to enhance learning by providing instantaneous, constructive and personalised feedback to students by showing them hints on what should be the next steps, relevant code samples, and giving them additional suitable programming tasks to hone their learning in code reading, algorithm designing and code writing.

The AP-Coach will look at the code or pseudocode submitted by the students to generate relevant and personalised feedback with the use of similarity matching algorithms based on recent advances in AI (code embedding and natural language processing models), and software engineering techniques to assess abstract syntax structures of code.

To provide more practice tasks, the AP-Coach will be designed to auto-generate diverse programming exercises and pseudocode using AI techniques such as the OpenAI GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) model, which is an auto-regressive language model capable of producing human-like text and code.

The tool is also designed to monitor student progress. Each student will be given a summary of the mistakes made throughout the 13-week course. The students can also use the AP-Coach to review past programming exercises.

To ascertain the effectiveness of AP-Coach, student proficiency in code reading, algorithm designing, and code writing will be monitored over several consecutive semesters.

Implications of the research

There are three important implications from this research.

One, it has been found that immediate and relevant feedback is highly motivating for students. It also enables independent learning.

Second, effective and automatic coaching not only scales the code reviewing process, but it also significantly reduces the workload for instructors. Thus, instructors would have more time to help and guide the weaker students.

Third, the AP-Coach can be an important step towards making AI-enabled education in Computer Science a reality.

AI-enabled education is an exciting discipline in learning and teaching, and Professor Ta looks forward to finding out how the tool can be useful to students.

Republicans and Blacks most hesitant to get COVID vaccine, PSU spatial analysis finds

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Vaccine hesitancy remains a public health challenge that cuts across the country as the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, but Republican voters and Black people are among the most hesitant to get the shot, according to a new Portland State University study.

Arun Pallathadka, a Ph.D. student in PSU's Earth, Environment and Society's program, and Heejun Chang, professor of geography, conducted a spatial analysis of vaccination data at the county level across the U.S. to identify the social, ecological and technological factors impacting vaccine rates.

Among the findings:

  • Vaccine hesitancy is strong in many Republican counties across the U.S., especially in the Mountain States, Southwest and the South, which other research has shown to be fueled in part by the misinformation spread by politicians. In the Northeast, however, many Republican counties in the Virginias and New Jersey as well in New England states such as Maine and Vermont show higher vaccination rates, suggesting libertarian-leaning or moderate Republicans may differ on the issue of COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Vaccine hesitancy is strong among the Black population, particularly in the South, Mountain States, Southwest as well as the Pacific Northwest. Prior research has shown that a combination of lack of healthcare access, medical racism and misinformation has led to that hesitancy.
  • The most highly educated demographics are more likely to get vaccinated, and this trend is strong in many urbanized parts of the U.S., while populations with lower educational attainment show vaccine hesitancy in many of the relatively less urbanized counties in the South, Southwest and Mountain States.
  • Populations with access to broadband internet and health facilities per 10,000 residents are also positively linked to vaccination rates. 

The researchers said that the findings indicate that a regional approach may better serve vaccination efforts than a universal approach.

"Public health officials and policymakers need to recognize that space matters to COVID-19 vaccination efforts," Pallathadka said. "This study demonstrates how spatially explicitly health policies are required to boost vaccination rates, especially targeted towards significant local factors we have emphasized in the study."

The findings were published in Environmental Research: Health. Daikwon Han, an associate professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Texas A&M, is also a co-author of the study.

Lithuanians developed a takeaway food package that does not contain a single gram of plastic

Kaunas University of Technology researchers together with business and citizens created a takeaway food box, which solves all these issues and is entirely plastic-free.

Business Announcement


Aelita Zabulione, KTU researcher 



Takeaway food became an integral part of our lives. However, despite the convenience of such a service, frequent users have to face its drawbacks: the contents of the food can accidentally leak, the meal cools down, and the package does not always suit the size of the portion. Kaunas University of Technology researchers together with business and citizens created a takeaway food box, which solves all these issues and is entirely plastic-free.

“Kaunas citizens, with the help of professionals in their field and guided by scientists, are starting a real revolution in the world of takeaway food. Everyone can create innovations,” says Aelita ZabulionÄ—, a junior researcher at the Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania.

During the laboratory session organised by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Food community (EIT FOOD), ordinary citizens tried to discover the shortcomings of the currently used takeaway food packaging.

In the workshop, they were working together with packaging experts from the “Spaudos departamentas” and the representatives of a restaurant “Daugirdas” located in Kaunas, Lithuania.

During this session, the idea was born – to co-create solutions that would eliminate the shortcomings of ordinary takeaway packaging.

Citizens contributed to the creative process

The start of the project was a three-course dinner attended by a group of 16 people, whose ages ranged from 22 to 60 years. During the dinner, people evaluated the packaging of their food and shared their insights.

The plastic packaging used during the dinner perfectly reflected the typical shortcomings of takeaway food boxes. First of all, it was hard to adapt the package to a certain size. Secondly, the parts of the meal were not separated well enough from each other. Lastly, it was not clear how to dispose of the used package – wash it, recycle it, or throw it away with household waste.

During the dinner, the participants shared their experience that even after the simplest business lunch, an impressive pile of packaging remains in the office that later would end up in landfills for hundreds of years. Therefore, the most essential part of the project was the search for sustainable packaging materials.

The main complaint of the participants was the wrong temperature of the meal. Considering several food delivery companies operating in the city that use different transportation equipment, it was decided that it is almost impossible to expect to receive steaming hot food.

Therefore, participants of the project indicated the need to create a package in which food, prepared in a slow, nutrient-saving way, could be easily heated at home, without a need to transfer it from the package. For this, cardboard is the most suitable material.


Kaunas citizens, researchers and businesses created an innovative takeaway food box during a joint workshop.



Food in cardboard boxes can be heated in the oven

Cardboard can be recycled up to 6 times and after a certain processing method is applied, it is possible to compose a cardboard package that can withstand heating in the oven.

This type of cardboard is covered with a special non-flammable material, which takes up less than 10 per cent of the weight. Moreover, the designed packages have specially adapted inserts – tabs which allow you to easily adjust the box size and separate the necessary components of food.

The boxes designed during the workshop come in three sizes, allowing for more economical and sustainable use of resources and making the packaging adaptable for different meals. To preserve the aesthetic appearance of the food during transportation, a special sleeve has been created – it holds the boxes in place, preventing them from rolling and moving around. The sleeve weighs less than a regular paper bag.

Per consumer request, clear instructions are printed on the packages which contain information on how they must be recycled, how long and at what temperature they can be heated.

“There is also a special supportive frame that prevents the lid from buckling and ruining the wonderful view of a restaurant’s masterpiece – after all, we also eat with our eyes”, emphasizes KTU researcher ZabulionÄ—.

This innovation benefits not only the consumer but also the restaurant. The cardboard is perfectly suited for various types of printing – the restaurant logo or other important information can be displayed on the boxes.

Furthermore, the packages have been designed in such a way that when they are empty, they easily fit into each other and save storage space. After using the package, it can be sent for recycling or composted.

“Soon these boxes, created by Lithuanian consumers and businesses, will be one of the package options when ordering food at home,” ZabulionÄ— is convinced.

Preventing dye aggregation with molten salts to improve solar cell performance

Scientists make use of “ionic liquids” to solve one of the main challenges holding back dye-sensitized solar cells

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Ionic liquids prevent the aggregation of dye molecules in solar cells. 



Solar cells are quickly becoming one of the main ways to produce clean electricity in many countries in the world. Over the past few decades, a tremendous amount of effort has been dedicated to making solar power more prominent. However, the technology currently faces several challenges that limit their widespread application.

In the case of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)—a highly promising photovoltaic technology—one of the main problems is dye aggregation. By design, DSSCs are electrochemical systems that mimic photosynthesis in plants; they rely on special photosensitive dyes to convert sunlight into electricity. Ideally, the dye should be applied evenly over the surface of an oxide electrode behind a transparent layer so that energy from absorbed sunlight can be transferred easily to the dye’s electrons. This process generates free electrons that power an external circuit. However, most dyes tend to aggregate over the electrode surface in a way that hinders the desired flow of both light and electric charges. This takes a toll on the performance of DSSCs that has proven difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, a team of scientists led by Associate Professor Tomohiko Inomata of Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan, may have just found a solution to this problem. In their recent study published in RSC Advances, they showed that certain ionic liquids (molten salts that are in liquid state at relatively low temperatures) can suppress dye aggregation to an impressive degree. Other members of this research team included Ms. Ayaka Matsunaga and Prof. Tomohiro Ozawa from Nagoya Institute of Technology, and Prof. Hideki Masuda from Aichi Institute of Technology, Japan.

But, how do ionic liquids achieve this feat? To shed light on the exact mechanism at play, the researchers focused on two ionic liquids with markedly different molecular sizes and two types of dyes. Both the ionic liquids had a similar molecular structure comprising an anchor that binds well to the electrode (titanium dioxide, TiO2), a main polymer chain linking this anchor to a phosphor atom, and three additional short polymer chains protruding from the phosphor atom and away from the main “vertical” chain.

The researchers submerged the TiO2 electrodes in solutions with different dye-to-ionic-liquid proportions and carefully analyzed how the different molecules adhered to them. After optimizing the synthesis procedure, they found that DSSCs made using the ionic liquid with a longer molecular structure had a remarkably better performance than their counterparts with non-modified oxide electrodes. “The spatially bulky molecular structure of ionic liquids acts as an effective anti-aggregation agent without significantly impacting the amount of dye adsorbed into the electrode,” explains Dr. Inomata. “Most importantly, the introduction of the larger ionic liquid improves all the photovoltaic parameters of the DSSCs.”

Needless to say, improving solar cell technology could give us an edge in the fight against the ongoing energy and climate crisis. Although ionic liquids are typically expensive, the way it is used by the team is, in fact, cost-effective. “Put simply, the idea is to apply ionic liquids only at the required part of the device—in this case, the electrode’s surface,” states Dr. Inomata.

The team believes that the widespread use of electrodes modified with ionic liquids could pave the way for highly functional yet affordable materials for solar cells and catalytic systems. Since the structure of ionic liquids can be tuned during their synthesis, they offer a much-needed versatility as anti-aggregation agents.

Let us hope these findings lead to a brighter future for DSSCs and, eventually, for the planet.


About Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) is a respected engineering institute located in Nagoya, Japan. Established in 1949, the university aims to create a better society by providing global education and conducting cutting-edge research in various fields of science and technology. To this end, NITech provides a nurturing environment for students, teachers, and academicians to help them convert scientific skills into practical applications. Having recently established new departments and the “Creative Engineering Program,” a 6-year integrated undergraduate and graduate course, NITech strives to continually grow as a university. With a mission to “conduct education and research with pride and sincerity, in order to contribute to society,” NITech actively undertakes a wide range of research from basic to applied science.



New ammonia production method could open doors for alternative fuel, energy storage

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Nanoporous VN film is designed as an efficient NO reduction reaction (NORR) catalyst toward ammonia electrosynthesis. 



A solution to climate change could be sitting under your bathroom sink. Ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3) that is commonly known for its use as a household cleaner, could be used as an alternative fuel for vehicles or as a potential energy storage medium. However, traditional methods of producing ammonia from nitrogen oxide (NO) on a large scale are not energy efficient, and some of the more recent efforts to produce ammonia from an NO reduction reaction have low ammonia yields. Now, researchers from Tsinghua University Press in China have developed an eco-friendly, energy-efficient method for producing ammonia through an electrocatalytic NO reduction reaction.

The work was published in the journal Nano Research Energy on July 07.

“The industrial-level NH3 production is still heavily relying on the Haber–Bosch process, requiring drastic reaction conditions due to the sluggish kinetics, and the energy input aspect of the process inevitably results in a large amount of greenhouse gas emissions,” said corresponding author Xijun Liu of the School of Resource, Environments and Materials at Guangxi University in Nanning, China. His reference to the Haber-Bosch process alludes to one of the first — and, since its development in the early 1900s, one of the most common — NH3 production processes.

Because of these drawbacks, previous research has explored electrocatalytic — simply, a catalyst in an electromagnetic reaction — ammonia production in water because of its zero-carbon output using noble metal-based materials, carbon-based materials and single-atom catalysts. However, the yield rate was far lower than the U.S. Department of Energy target, according to the researchers.

The researchers explored NO reaction reduction (NORR) to ammonia using the synthesis of nanoporous vanadium nitride (VN) film supported on carbon fiber cloth (written as np-VN/CF). They tested the new method, the novelty of which lies with using existing materials of VN film in a new way and for a new purpose, with a zinc-nitrogen oxide battery.

“This designed catalyst shows a high power density and a high corresponding ammonia yield rate when used as the cathode in a home-assembled Zn–NO battery,” Liu said. “We also found that the faraday efficiency ¾ or how well the electrons, or charge, are transferred in an electrochemical transformation ¾ was improved. The achieved NORR performance metrics are comparable to the recently reported best results.”

The high faraday efficiency can be attributed in part to the fact that part of the nitrogen was “doped” into carbon fiber cloth, making it more likely to be highly conductive and therefore favor the charge transfer.

To test the method with the battery, the researchers bubbled NO feeding gas into the cathode — or negatively charged portion of a battery — chamber of the battery, which was separated from the positive charge by a bipolar membrane. The obtained Zn-NO battery performance outperformed previously reported results, according to the researchers. The measurements attained from the experiments were tested in a three-electrode system and compared with the NORR activity of a commercial VN powder—as opposed to film—cast onto a carbon fiber cloth. The VN film version outperformed the powder version, which had been used in previous research, in all of the measurements taken. The researchers also performed density functional theory computations to offer an in-depth insight into NORR.

“Our work shows the potential application of nanoporous materials for high-performance electrochemical NH3 production,” Liu said.

Next steps for the research would include efforts to scale the proof-of-concept demonstrated in this experiment.

“This work further confirms that the electroreduction of NO is a promising strategy for ambient ammonia synthesis that should be continuously developed,” Liu said.

The Natural Science Foundation of China and the Tianjin Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars funded this research.

The other authors of the paper are Defeng Qi of the School of Resource, Environments and Materials at Guangxi University and of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin China; Fnag Lv, Mengmeng Jin and Jun Luo of the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Tianjin University of Technology; Tianran Wei and Dui Ma of the School of Resource, Environments and Materials at Guangxi University; Ge Meng of the College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering at Wenzhou University in Wenzhou, China; Shusheng Zhang of the College of Chemistry in Zhengzhou University in Zhengzhou, China; Qian Liu of Chengdu University in Chengdu, China; Wenxian Liu of the College of Materials Science and Engineering; and Mohamed S. Hamdy of the Department of Chemistry, College of Science at King Khalid University in Abha, Saudi Arabia.

About Nano Research Energy 

Nano Research Energy is launched by Tsinghua University Press, aiming at being an international, open-access and interdisciplinary journal. We will publish research on cutting-edge advanced nanomaterials and nanotechnology for energy. It is dedicated to exploring various aspects of energy-related research that utilizes nanomaterials and nanotechnology, including but not limited to energy generation, conversion, storage, conservation, clean energy, etc. Nano Research Energy will publish four types of manuscripts, that is, Communications, Research Articles, Reviews, and Perspectives in an open-access form.

About SciOpen 

SciOpen is a professional open access resource for discovery of scientific and technical content published by the Tsinghua University Press and its publishing partners, providing the scholarly publishing community with innovative technology and market-leading capabilities. SciOpen provides end-to-end services across manuscript submission, peer review, content hosting, analytics, and identity management and expert advice to ensure each journal’s development by offering a range of options across all functions as Journal Layout, Production Services, Editorial Services, Marketing and Promotions, Online Functionality, etc. By digitalizing the publishing process, SciOpen widens the reach, deepens the impact, and accelerates the exchange of ideas.

Behind the scenes of the $3.7 million hydrogen energy ‘earthshot’ at UVA

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced the award during her visit

Grant and Award Announcement


Granholm Visits UVA 



The U.S. Department of Energy announced Thursday that the University of Virginia will receive $3.7 million to pioneer clean energy through a more efficient “green” way of producing hydrogen.


Yes, the world’s lightest element and the most abundant element in the universe could also be an answer to two of the world’s most vexing problems: high energy demand and climate change.

The three-year grant is part of the current administration’s “Earthshot” challenge to move the nation to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

On the heels of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s visit to the University to make the announcement, here’s what’s you need to know about the work UVA is leading.

The Team Unlocking Hydrogen

Hydrogen, which can be produced by the molecular separation of water in a process known as “water splitting,” has the potential to be a major component of an overarching clean energy plan.

If it can be produced cheaply enough on an industrial scale through a process called electrolysis, using a plentiful renewable energy source such as solar energy to drive the reaction, the positive environmental and economic impacts would be substantial, experts say.

Sen Zhang, a UVA associate professor of chemistry who serves as the project’s principal investigator and team lead, said if the research is successful, it “will potentially transform the U.S. and global energy portfolio.”

Commonwealth Professor of Chemistry T. Brent Gunnoe, a co-investigator on the project, agreed.

“If you can produce inexpensive hydrogen using solar energy, it opens the door to paradigm shift for energy production and use,” Gunnoe said. “It really opens up an enormous range of options, including both energy and large-scale chemical production that is necessary for modern society.”

Zhang and Gunnoe will partner with two other faculty members in the Chemistry Department: Charles Machan, an associate professor of chemistry, and Huiyuan Zhu, a newly hired assistant professor of chemistry.

The professors will be assisted by undergraduate and graduate students on the effort.

The University will also team up with co-investigators from Brookhaven National Laboratory, the California Institute of Technology, Columbia University and the University of Delaware to work on separate but related aspects of the challenge.

The project dovetails with UVA’s Grand Challenge to generate research that promotes environmental resilience and sustainability.

The Opportunities Ahead

Carbon dioxide, emitted from cars and industry, is considered one of the major contributors to climate change.

If hydrogen were cheaper, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, which use compressed hydrogen gas and emit only water, would become more viable. However, these vehicles still have some challenges to overcome. Range of travel and the relatively more flammable fuel are concerns.

But for these UVA researchers, the bigger play is liquid engine fuels made with a process that doesn’t require new petroleum extraction.

Scientists know how to combine hydrogen with carbon dioxide to produce liquid fuels that are safe to use, Zhang said. And they know how to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere – although this vision requires the development of large-scale technologies for capture.

In theory, scaling up fuel made from cleaned air and clean hydrogen obtained through renewable energy would mean ratcheting down the amount of carbon dioxide being added to the air – creating a clean energy win.

And that’s just vehicles. Clean hydrogen could serve as a source of energy for power hogs such as computer data centers, while revolutionizing the production of fertilizer and other products. Currently, the hydrogen to produce ammonia in fertilizer is accessed using fossil resources, and it’s responsible for the addition of massive amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, Gunnoe said.

The sticking point to utilize clean hydrogen is cost. Researchers need to find a way to produce the hydrogen at about a fifth of the current expense in order to reach market feasibility, the Department of Energy says.

Zhang confirmed UVA is up for the challenge.

“Our project aligns with the Department of Energy's ‘1-1-1’ mission of reducing the hydrogen production cost using water electrolyzers to $1 per one kilogram in one decade,” he said.

The Tech They’ll Be Working On

So what exactly is an electrolyzer?

It’s the apparatus that will produce the hydrogen. The device relies on a chemical process activated by electricity (such as through solar energy) to split the H2O molecules.  

Specifically, the researchers are investigating the component parts of an emerging type of water electrolyzer that uses hydroxide. The chemical compound is stored in a central solid polymer membrane to help separate out the hydrogen from the oxygen.

The team essentially wants to figure out ways to make the core reaction that takes place faster and the materials used more robust.

“The materials used currently as electrocatalysts in water electrolyzers are too expensive, too slow, and they’re not stable enough,” Gunnoe said.

Gunnoe and Machan will work on developing tailored molecules for the reaction that splits the water.

Zhang and Zhu will use those molecules to create the advanced materials that will function as the catalyst in the electrolyzer.

The affiliated researchers outside of UVA will work on other aspects of the electrolyzer, including durability testing and computational design – on up to eventually building a full protype with the most ideal components, Zhang said.

The Exciting Future

The researchers are going to see how fast they can move the needle forward over the course of the three-year grant.

“It is a very bold and ambitious vision for the future,” Gunnoe said. “I don’t want to paint the picture that we are two or three years from this at the industrial level. There is a tremendous amount of science that needs to evolve. Under Sen’s leadership and with our talented partners, I am confident that we are going to make significant contributions over the next three years.”

Fourth-year chemistry student Shen-Wei Yu said he is passionate about working on the project because it’s green from start to finish.

“I’m excited because we can use renewable energy such as solar to get a very clean hydrogen,” Yu said.

Tangi Akauola, a second-year graduate student, said working on the project appeals to his sense of civic duty.

“What motivated me to join the Zhang lab is that we’re at the heart of creating an infrastructure in this country that can support a clean sustainable energy in the form of hydrogen gas,” Akauola said.

He added that, as a generation, “We care a lot about the future of this country, because it’s the country we’ll inherit.”

The students working on the project, along with chemistry faculty members and UVA administrators, were among those lucky enough to meet with Granholm during last week’s visit, which included a guided lab tour and enthusiastic remarks from UVA President Jim Ryan.

The energy secretary congratulated UVA on landing the project and broadly touted the future of hydrogen, which she said will include not only new technological development, but investment in regional hubs for hydrogen production.

Latest city-level emission accounting in China: cities are on the track toward net-zero emissions and 38 have achieved emission peak

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Emission peak of Chinese cities 



This study is led by Assoc. Prof. Yuli Shan (University of Birmingham / University of Groningen), Yuru Guan (PhD researcher, University of Groningen), Prof. Dabo Guan (Tsinghua University), Prof Klaus Hubacek (University of Groningen) and 5 other researchers. The study presents the most comprehensive and long-reaching time series (2001 to 2019) of CO2 emission inventories of 287 Chinese cities, covering 98%+ of China’s population, 99%+ of GDP, and 97%+ of CO2 emissions (compared to the national emissions from EDGAR) in 2014.

The emission inventories were compiled for 47 economic sectors and included energy-related emissions for 17 types of fossil fuels and process-related emissions from cement production. The inventories capture all direct emissions from human economic activities within the city boundary based on the administrative-territorial accounting approach recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Dr Shan tells us “This accounting approach has been widely used for designing low-carbon policies and allocating responsibility for global climate change targets”. “It's also worth mentioning that the emission factors of fossil fuels we used were collected from our previous studies, which are based on a wide survey of over 4,243 state-owned Chinese coal mines in China”, Dr Shan emphasizes.

Prof. Guan mentions that “this city-level emission estimates are consistent with our CEADs team’s previous accounting of national and provincial emissions in terms of methods, scope, and data sources. So, we are now able to compare emissions across scales”. Prof. Guan and Dr. Shan have established an open-access dataset called CEADs (Carbon Emission Accounts and Datasets for Emerging Economies) since 2016. CEADs team works on the emission accounting methods and applications for China and other emerging economies. Dr Shan is the subject leader in environmental accounting and Prof. Guan is the founder of CEADs.

Based on the long time-series city-level emission data, Dr Shan and his colleagues tested the status of the emissions peak in 287 Chinese cities based on several conditional functions, the Mann-Kendall (MK) trend test, and cities’ decoupling of emissions and social development indexes (e.g., level of economic development and size of the population). The MK trend test is a nonparametric statistical method recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and has been widely used to detect time-series trends of climate sequences.

They found that 38 Chinese cities have proactively peaked their emissions (i.e., cities reduced emissions significantly for at least five years while economy and population kept increasing), 21 cities have passively declined their emissions (i.e., cities have achieved emission decline for more than five years but their economy or population also decreased during the same period), 20 cities are at a plateau phase (i.e., emissions declined for more than five years but might rebound to a higher level afterward), and the remaining 139 cities are still increasing their emissions or reduced emissions temporarily for less than five years. Looking into the emission drivers in each city, Dr Shan found that proactively peaked cities have achieved emission decline mainly due to efficiency improvements and structural changes in energy use, while passively emission declined cities have an economic recession or population loss as one possible reason for emission decline.

This study provides policy recommendations for achieving emission peaks and carbon neutrality in different types of cities. “It is not easy to reduce every ton of emissions”, Dr Shan says, “the reduction strategy cannot be designed with one-size-fits-all mitigation policies for all cities, but has to be individualized, considering cities’ resource endowment, industrialization level, socio-economic characteristics, and development goals.” Prof. Hubacek says that “emission peaked cities should provide successful models for other non-peaked cities. Super emitters with laggard technologies and production efficiency should have more stringent policies and targets for emission reduction, while less developed regions could have more emission space for economic development.”

This study also suggests that passively emission declined cities need to face up to the reasons that caused the emission to decline, and fully exploit the opportunities provided by industrial innovation and green investment brought by the low-carbon targets to achieve economic recovery and carbon mitigation goals. The proactively peaked cities need to seek strategies to maintain the downward trend in emissions and avoid an emission rebound.

The latest emission inventories of Chinese cities are now freely available (for non-commercial use only) to the public and the scientific community from CEADs dataset website ( Please cite the following papers when using the data.

  1. Shan et al. City-level emission peak and drivers in China (2022) Science Bulletin.
  2. Shan et al. City-level climate change mitigation in China (2018) Science Advances’
  3. Shan et al. Methodology and applications of city level CO2 emission accounts in China.  (2017) Journal of Cleaner Production
  4. Shan et al. An emissions-socioeconomic inventory of Chinese cities (2019) Scientific Data

See the article:

Shan et al. City-level emission peak and drivers in China (2022) Science Bulletin.