Saturday, October 08, 2022

GOP Senate Nominee: Abortion Decisions 'Belong' to GOP ‘Gentlemen’ State Reps

Jennifer Bendery - Yesterday 

New Hampshire GOP Senate nominee Don Bolduc told supporters this week that he thinks the future of abortion rights “belongs” to Republican “gentlemen” state lawmakers, who he claims know best how to give women a voice on their reproductive rights.

During a Wednesday night town hall in Auburn, New Hampshire, Bolduc, a retired Army brigadier general, weighed in on whether he thinks abortion rights should be decided at the state level or the federal level.

“It belongs to the state. It belongs to these gentlemen right here, who are state legislators representing you,” Bolduc said, motioning to at least two Republican state representatives in the room, Jason Osborne and Jess Edwards.

Edwards, for one, voted against sidelining a bill in March that would have banned abortion upon the detection of a so-called fetal “heartbeat,” a misleading reference to cardiac activity in an embryo. That means the bill would have banned abortion after about five weeks, a point at which many people don’t even know that they are pregnant.

Here’s a shot of Bolduc’s campaign event, with Edwards seated nearby (HuffPost circled him with a yellow line). Bolduc tweeted out this image after the event.

New Hampshire Republican Senate candidate Don Bolduc talks about abortion rights at a campaign event. (Photo: Don Bolduc's Twitter account)© Provided by HuffPost

Bolduc went on to say that “as a man,” he thinks that women “get the best voice” on their reproductive rights when state legislators decide how to regulate them.

“That is the best way, I think, as a man, that women get the best voice: at the state level, not at the federal level,” he said.

Bolduc said his opponent, Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan, simply doesn’t understand that the best way to regulate women’s access to abortion care is on a state-by-state basis.

“She needs to get on board with the Supreme Court decision” to end Roe v. Wade, he said.

Here’s an audio clip of Bolduc’s remarks on abortion rights.

Bolduc campaign spokesperson Kate Constantini did not respond to a request for comment on why Bolduc thinks abortion rights are best decided by Republican “gentlemen” state legislators, or why he thinks they know best how to give women “a voice” on abortion matters.

Instead, Constantini accused Hassan of lying about Bolduc’s record.

“Senator Hassan shamelessly continues to lie about General Bolduc’s position, trying to scare voters and distract from her abysmal record,” she said. “The general opposes a federal ban on abortion and believes this decision should be in the hands of the states. Senator Hassan needs to end the lies and face the fact that she can no longer hide behind her deceit.”

Sydney Petersen, a spokesperson for Hassan’s campaign, said it’s clear that Bolduc thinks politicians know better than women what’s good for them.

“Every chance he gets, Bolduc reinforces that he believes politicians ― and more specifically Republican men ― should control a woman’s most personal decision about her future,” said Petersen. “His most recent comment further underscores that if elected, he would dismiss half the population and it’s clear that he would be a yes vote for a nationwide abortion ban.”

Hassan has been leading in the polls against Bolduc for months. She has widened her lead to nearly 8 points in the weeks since Bolduc became the official GOP nominee.

A recent Axios story suggested that internally, though, her campaign manager is sounding the alarms that polling may be inaccurate and Hassan may be in more trouble than it looks

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.

LACONIA, NH - SEPTEMBER 10: Republican Senate candidate Don Bolduc greets supporters at a town hall event on September 10, 2022 in Laconia, New Hampshire. Bolduc is running against Bruce Fenton and Chuck Morse in the in the upcoming GOP primary. (Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images)© Provided by HuffPost
This brilliant pink diamond sold for about $60 million

In this undated photo released by Sotheby's, The Williamson Pink Star is seen. The pink diamond was auctioned off at $49.9 million in Hong Kong on Friday, Oct. 7, 2022, setting a world record for the highest price per carat for a diamond sold at auction. - Sotheby's/AP

Zoe Sottile - 

A stunning pink diamond has sold for nearly $60 million, more than twice the expected price.

The massive rock sold for 453.2 million Hong Kong dollars, or around $58 million, on Friday, according to auction house Sotheby’s. The stone was expected to sell for around $21 million.

The 11.15 carat pink diamond, referred to as the “Williamson Pink Star,” is one of the purest, pinkest diamonds ever to come to auction, according to a news release from Sotheby’s.

“The discovery of a gem-quality pink diamond of any size is an extremely rare occurrence – something that, with the recent closure of the Argyle mine, seemed until recently – highly improbable,” said Wenhao Yu, chairman of Jewellery and Watches at Sotheby’s Asia, in the release. “Driven by a limited supply and rising demand, prices for top-quality large pink diamonds over 5 carats have increased exponentially over the past decade, serendipitously setting the scene for the appearance now of this one-of-a-kind stone.”

The pastel-hued diamond was named in honor of two other pink diamonds, the CTF Pink Star, which sold for $71.2 million in 2017, and the “Williamson” diamond, a pink diamond gifted to Queen Elizabeth II.

The Williamson Pink Star was cushion-cut from a 32-carat rough diamond mined at the Williamson Mine in Tanzania, says Sotheby’s.

The stone is unique for both its size and its color. Pink diamonds are some of the rarest variants, according to Sotheby’s, and this rock is a particular standout because of its purity and clarity.

Hong Kong was the diamond’s last stop after traveling on a tour that included Dubai, Singapore, and Taipei.

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Fossils aplenty in B.C. town; digging for them encouraged

Doyle Potenteau - 

Looking for a quick getaway that’s close and offers something unique?

Fossils of leaves found near Princeton, B.C.© Submitted

The Town of Princeton in B.C.’s Southern Interior is rich with fossils, and digging for them is encouraged.

The mayor of Princeton, Spencer Coyne, said the town has a huge fossil history, and that it dates back to the late 1800s.

Read more:
Alberta man discovers prehistoric mammoth tusk in yard on Saddle Lake Cree Nation

“We’ve had a couple of really unique finds here,” said Coyne, adding locals have been digging for fossils as long as he can remember. “We have two species now that are only found in Princeton.”

“We’re talking about insects, plants and, if you’re really, really lucky, you’re going to find a fish,” the mayor continued. “You need to look for a shale outcropping. That’s kind of the key, looking for shale.

“You look between the layers of shale and you’ll find fossils.”

Kathy Simpkins, a volunteer at the Princeton and District Museum, said several papers have been written about the types of plant, fish and insect fossils found in and around Princeton.

The fossils range from around 50 million years ago, with Simpkins noting some are now extinct, while others have relatives living elsewhere in the world, but no longer in B.C.

“They’re Eocene fossils, so after the age of dinosaurs, but not long after,” said Simpkins. “The rock around here is 50 to 51 million years old, and the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.”

A satellite rendition can be viewed online of what the Earth looked like 50 million years ago.

At the time, Simpkins says the ocean was slightly closer to B.C., and the Cascade Mountain range had yet to form, resulting in a warmer climate despite being at a higher elevation.

“It gave this interesting mix of birch and pine along with sassafras trees and palm-like trees,” said Simpkins. “It’s not the usual forest you’d see here today.”

If unearthing fossils is for you, the first stop is Princeton’s museum, where examples of what can be found are on display.

“You can get it in your mind’s eye of what the rock will look like, the colours and the shape, whether it’s blocky or rounded. That’s really helpful for finding fossils.”

Prehistoric shark tooth fossil discovered by boy in his Alberta yard
View on Watch  Duration 1:52

Simpkins says easy places to find fossils include gravel bars and sandbars along the Tulameen or Similkameen rivers, as long as it’s safe to do so.

“There’s lots of cobbles of petrified wood, and sometimes cobbles you can break open and find (fossils of) leaves, twig impressions and sometimes even an insect.”

Other places include banded stretches of rock near roads and highways, where sometimes rocks containing fossils tumble into ditches. Again, pending the location, safety is a priority as traffic can be nearby.

Asked what type of tools hopeful explorers should bring, Simpkins said an old butter knife can sometimes work wonders.

“Just that flat edge,” said Simpkins. “It’s flat enough to help split those layered rocks. Some people use a wide, flathead screwdriver. Sometimes people get excited and want to use a rock hammer and an actual cold chisel.”

Video: Meet Dave: Unique ancient shark skeleton on display at Manitoba fossil museum

Eye protection is also highly suggested, with Simpkins noting “sometimes you can get by without any heavy equipment at all. Sometimes they’re just laying there, waiting for you to flip the rock over and have a peek.”

The Princeton and District Museum is located in the downtown core, and is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., every day during summer. And in it are fossils aplenty.

“People will come in and wonder if they have a fossil after finding something,” said Simpkins. “We try to help them out as best we can.”

“It’s a fun thing to do, looking for fossils,” she added. “If you have something interesting, or unusual or weird, bring it to your local museum, whether it’s Princeton or another place in B.C., and try to get it identified.

“Sometimes it does turn out to be a new species and you can get your name written up in a science paper, and it’s kind of cool.”

Video: Fossil species named in honour of Manitoba paleontologist

Coyne says searchers have to be cognizant of private or protected property, but that there are a number of areas to dig for fossils along Highway 5A and around the community. He says the best deposits can be found alongside roads.

“They’re just about everywhere,” said Coyne. “Find a piece of shale, break it in half and you might just be lucky.

“If you’re into rock-hounding and looking for fossils, Princeton is one of the best places to be.”

Video: Perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo found inside fossilized egg in China
It's 'entirely illegal' for China to open police stations here, says Ottawa
Tristin Hopper - Friday

Aileen Calverley with Hong Kong Watch testifies before a House of Commons committee regarding reports that the People's Republic of China has opened three police stations around Toronto
.© Provided by National Post

Federal officials confirmed this week that it would be “entirely illegal” for Beijing to open police stations on Canadian soil, but that it would nevertheless fit within a pattern of growing Chinese interference in Canadian affairs.

“The activity that’s being alleged (the police stations) would be entirely illegal, totally inappropriate and would be the subject of very serious representations,” Weldon Epp, a China lead with Global Affairs Canada, told a Tuesday meeting of the House of Commons committee on relations between Canada and the People’s Republic of China.

The hearing was dominated by recent reports that Chinese law enforcement had opened three “service stations” in the Greater Toronto Area.

Last month, a report by the human rights group Safeguard Defenders detailed the existence of more than 50 “service stations” operated around the world by Chinese security services.

Three of them were in Canada, in Toronto neighbourhoods heavily populated by Chinese-Canadians.

The three addresses, provided to the National Post by Safeguard Defenders, show a private home in Markham, a convenience store in Scarborough and an address also listed as the headquarters of the Canada Toronto Fuqing Business Association.

The official word from China is that the stations are merely places for expats to conveniently renew IDs or drivers’ licences.

When one such station was discovered in Dublin, Ireland, the Chinese embassy’s official explanation to The Irish Times was “the pandemic made international travels not easy and quite a few Chinese nationals found their Chinese ID cards and/or driver licences expired or about to expire, and yet they could not get the ID renewed back in China in time.”

But according to Safeguard Defenders, the stations are clandestine hubs in the Chinese program of “involuntary return” — a system by which China compels its expats to return home for punishment in instances where they’re deemed to have violated Chinese law while abroad.

In just the last year, China itself has boasted that 230,000 of their nationals have been “persuaded to return” on various charges.

Epp told the committee that Canada has not filed a diplomatic complaint with Beijing over the stations pending the results of an RCMP investigation to confirm the allegations within the Safeguard Defenders report.

But he did tell the committee that there is “growing evidence of foreign interference” in Canada by China.

“Evidence suggests that the largest source of foreign interference in Canada by state actors is coming from (People’s Republic of China) sources,” said Epp, citing the latest report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians.

He also said that the previous two years have brought a distinctive chill to his usual contacts with People’s Republic of China critics or dissident groups based in Canada.

“It’s really only in the last couple of years that the balance of conversation has shifted to them talking about how intimidated they feel within Canada, and the growing risk they feel for raising concerns, even within Canada,” he said.

Questions regarding the alleged police stations dominated the two-hour hearing, with Conservative, Liberal and NDP representatives all pressing Global Affairs on what risk the stations may pose to Chinese-Canadian constituents.

“I don’t think any of us are, to be honest, surprised,” said Heather McPherson, the NDP’s Foreign Affairs Critic. “We’ve heard for a long time about people intimidated and threatened in this country.”

The hearing also heard from Aileen Calverley, head of the group Hong Kong Watch, who dismissed the notion of the locations as “service stations,” since Chinese expats could just as easily seek such services at a consulate or embassy.

“ With the police stations, they can intimidate people like us,” she said. “I’ve been living in Canada for many decades, now I feel frightened .”

It’s not unprecedented that Canada would have the occasional foreign police officer posted within our borders. The New York City Police Department, for one, has operated an intelligence post in Toronto ever since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But these postings are all done with Canada’s official sanction and often under the auspices of bilateral treaties, neither of which apply in the case of the Chinese “service stations.”

“There is space for legitimate police liaison state to state, but the allegations reported in the press would fall well outside of that,” said Epp.

The committee also touched on increasingly aggressive Chinese behaviour with regards to Taiwan, including several recent incidents in which Chinese warplanes buzzed Royal Canadian Navy vessels transiting the Taiwan strait.

Paul Thoppil, the assistant deputy minister for Global Affairs, chalked it up to Beijing’s embrace of “the view that international rules and norms don’t apply to ‘great’ powers in their spheres of influence.”

Canada to allow international students to work more hours due to labour shortage

OTTAWA — Canada will temporarily allow international students to work more than 20 hours a week, in a bid to address ongoing labour shortages.

Canada to allow international students to work more hours due to labour shortage© Provided by The Canadian Press

Speaking at a coffee shop in Ottawa Friday morning, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said the changes will start on Nov. 15 and be in effect until the end of 2023.

"This change is going to help sustain Canada's post-pandemic growth," Fraser said. "It's also going to give many post-secondary students a greater opportunity to support themselves."

The labour market remains exceptionally tight, with nearly one million job vacancies reported in the second quarter of 2022.

The Canadian Alliance of Student Associations welcomed the announcement, saying it was a step toward improving international students' educational experience.

“Allowing international students to work more off-campus hours will help students afford their education and increase educational experiences," said Christian Fotang, the alliance's chair.

"This is not only a win for international students, but also for Canada.”

Mikal Skuterud, an economics professor at the University of Waterloo, said it's understandable that students would be supportive of the change, but warned it comes with trade-offs.

Skuterud said international students are often filling low-skilled jobs and the new policy will incentivize more employment in low-paying parts of the economy.

"The whole framing of the issue around labour shortage is problematic. Why are labour shortages a problem?" Skuterud said.

Shortages incentivize competition among employers, he added, which drives up wages and improves working conditions.

If Canada wants to help international students cope with expenses, then it should take a look at the exorbitant tuition fees they pay, Skuterud said.

Fraser also announced a pilot program to help automate the application process for students to extend their study permits.

That will allow for some applications to be automatically approved, but the new process will not automatically reject claims.

Fraser said the pilot is aimed at reducing immigration backlogs and freeing up officers to work on more complex applications.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 7, 2022.

Nojoud Al Mallees, The Canadian Press
Planned condo development on Juno Beach site cancelled after government deal


OTTAWA — A proposed condominium development on Juno Beach in France has been cancelled after public outcry and a three-year legal fight.

Planned condo development on Juno Beach site cancelled after government deal
© Provided by The Canadian Press

The Canadian and French governments are helping the town of Courseulles-sur-Mer buy a parcel of land where a developer planned to build a 70-unit building.

Veterans Affairs Canada says the construction "posed a threat to both the integrity of Juno Beach itself, and Juno Beach Centre operations."

Developers planned to use a private road next to the centre for nearly two years during construction, which the centre says would cause "chaos" and safety concerns for visitors.

Federal and local governments are also negotiating a 99-year lease to protect a parcel of land where Canadian soldiers landed on D-Day in June 1944, including a portion of Juno Park where visitors to the centre tour old bunkers.

The plans sparked a campaign called Save Juno Beach, which encouraged people to write letters to members of Parliament and French officials calling for a halt to the development plans.

"Canadians make a promise every Remembrance Day to never forget the sacrifices made for future generations. And this year, we forced our government to step up and protect the legacy and reputation of our country as an ally and force for good in a war-torn world," the group's founder, Cindy Clegg, said in a statement.

The Juno Beach Centre, a privately run museum that was built in 2003, has run into financial difficulty due to the pandemic and a legal fight with the building's developer.

"The settlement will ensure that the Juno Beach Centre and the Canadian memorial presence in Normandy are preserved for generations to come," the centre said in a statement Friday.

Veterans Affairs agreed in January to provide up to $500,000 over the next two years to cover some of the Juno Beach Centre's expenses and help it weather the pandemic, on top of the $500,000 Ottawa gives the museum each year.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 7, 2022.

The Canadian Press
U.S. reports highly lethal bird flu in Arkansas chickens

Publishing date: Oct 07, 2022 • 

CHICAGO — A highly lethal form of avian flu infected a commercial flock of breeding chickens in Arkansas, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Friday, widening an outbreak of the disease in the key southern producing region.

Nationwide, more than 47 million birds have been killed by avian flu or culled to control its spread this year in the nation’s worst outbreak since a record 50 million birds were wiped out in 2015.

Top states for raising broiler chickens for meat, such as Georgia and Alabama, had largely escaped infections in commercial flocks before the case in Arkansas.

Arkansas produced more than 1 billion broiler chickens last year, making it the third biggest producing state, U.S. government data show.

The disease hit a commercial broiler breeder chicken flock in Madison County, Arkansas, in the northwest corner of the state, the USDA said. State officials quarantined the premises, and birds there will be culled, the agency said.

Europe has experienced its worst bird flu crisis ever this year, with nearly 50 million poultry culled. The persistence of the virus over the summer has raised the risk of widespread infections next season, the EU’s Food Safety Agency said. (Reporting by Tom Polansek; Editing by David Gregorio)
‘It’s horrifying’: 1st case of fatal viral disease spreads to wild rabbit in Alberta

Carolyn Kury de Castillo - 6h ago

A large number of deaths of feral domestic rabbits has occurred in Calgary, and this time, it's in Nose Hill Park.

Dead feral domestic rabbits in Nose Hill Park in Calgary© Maureen Hurley

Local veterinarians are raising the alarm about the first time a highly contagious disease has made the jump to a wild rabbit in the city.

Maureen Hurley normally encounters around 50 or 60 feral rabbits around the Nose Hill parking lot near Edgemont, but this weekend she hasn't seen any jumping around.

"It's been really sad. I noticed on Tuesday about four dead ones lying around," Hurley said.

A look under a storage container reveals one live rabbit but many more dead ones -- likely the latest victims of a highly contagious virus called rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHDV2).

Read more:
‘Nasty virus’ may be to blame for mass die off of Calgary’s feral rabbit population

"I did see somebody putting some in a plastic bag the other day and pulling some out from underneath but there were some that they couldn’t reach, so there are dead ones under there," said Dr. Leticia Materi, a veterinarian at the Calgary Avian and Exotic Pet Clinic.

"There's been a mass die-off of animals in the Nose Hill Park area."

She said the first reported cases this summer were in Manchester Industrial and Seton.

"This virus is highly contagious and it’s only a matter of time before large pockets of feral rabbits are affected. It is spread, not only by rabbit to rabbit but also by scavengers and people can pick it up on their hands and clothing," Materi said.

Since the end of August in Calgary, there have been seven confirmed cases of feral domestic rabbits.

RHD is contagious among rabbits, hares and pika -- members of the order called lagomorphs -- but has not been known to pass on to humans or other animals.

Now a case in Calgary of a mountain cottontail in Queen's Park Cemetery shows the virus has made the jump to a wild animal for the first known time in the province.

"It's the first that we have identified here in Alberta," said Dr. Jennifer Davies, a veterinary pathologist and director of the Diagnostic Services Unit with the faculty of veterinary medicine at the University of Calgary.

Read more:
Deadly rabbit virus enters southern Alberta: ‘This disease is very scary’

"They (wild rabbits and hares) won't have immunity, and it could lead to significant die-offs in the population and they are an important part of our ecosystem as herbivores and prey species for other carnivores and scavenging animals," Davies said.

Materi said RHD has been seen in Edmonton and in the Lethbridge area and has been been making its way through Ontario now.

She said the concern now is the disease spreading outside urban areas.

"It's horrifying. It could potentially have a devastating effect on certain species. If it gets into the wild population, there is a chance that it can spread beyond the borders of the city," Materi said.

Hurley said the suffering could have been avoided by people not dumping their unwanted pets.

"People keep dumping and abandoning them. They are little domestic animals," Hurley said. "It’s really cruel to dump them because they can’t really fend for themselves and they become vulnerable to predators and disease, starvation and winter temperatures."

Rabbit owners are being warned to get their pets vaccinated and stay away from known hot spots.

Dead rabbits in the city can be reported to Alberta Environment and Parks or the city at 311.
Scientists predicted how much higher seas will rise due to ice melt — it's grim

Cathrine Versfeld, and ,Universe Today - 7h ago

Recent climate research published in Nature Climate Change has confirmed that melting icecaps in Greenland will contribute to a minimum of 27 centimeters rise in ocean levels even if we collectively stop burning fossil fuels immediately.

Scientists predicted how much higher seas will rise due to ice melt — it's grim© Provided by Inverse

We have reached a “point of no return.” And what makes it worse is that this is the most conservative estimate, as it only factors in the contribution made by the ice shelf in Greenland. Projections have also confirmed that overall planetary warming has exceeded the original estimates for global heating and that we are in for a difficult millennium if drastic action isn’t taken immediately.

The relationship between planetary and climate science is extremely important, and the two disciplines frequently intersect. When, for example, it was discovered that there had been water on mars, planetary scientists were able to identify features and rock formations that could only have come from contact with water. Similarly, the expansion of orbital science and communications satellites has helped weather and planetary scientists get a better understanding of large-scale changes on the earth’s surface, including major changes in our oceans. Such a massive amount of data was never possible to collect before, even with multi-generational observations, when changes were observed on the Earth’s surface through measurements and photography over many decades.

Although historical research has been based on computer models that take data to create likely models for the future, the inclusion of satellite data in this more recent study has shown a much grimmer prognosis than was previously projected. The satellite data measured ice loss in Greenland between the years 2000 and 2019 and provided more accurate measurements than were previously available. The results have allowed scientists to measure actual melting of the ice shelf, accounting for factors like snowfall. And although it’s hard to fathom the long-term effects of rising sea levels when you live inland, an estimated 600 million people are living in coastal regions, defined as anywhere less than 10 meters above sea level, and they will all be at risk soon.

Hitting rock bottom

Jason Box from the National Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), who led the research, has confirmed that these current, devastating estimates are still the “rock-bottom minimum.” He projects that, even conservatively, we will see these numbers more than double in the next century. The reason for this is that the research has only accounted for global heating. But there are many other ways that ice sheets can melt at their margins in other regions, which are due to a range of different factors. So, although this new study has provided a more concrete way to estimate the future loss of ice (and the resulting rise in sea levels) it does not provide a definite timeline.

Related video: Sea Level 'Fingerprint' Confirms the Greenland Ice Sheet Is Rapidly Melting
Duration 1:30 View on Watch

In terms of climate change, and global warming, the term “tipping point” has often been used as a phrase to identify the “point of no return.” This is the point at which the crises may become exponential and unstoppable, no matter what we do. And sadly, this study has confirmed that we are firmly at that point, as stated by William Colgan of GEUS:

“Whether it’s coming in 100 years or 150 years, it’s coming. And the sea-level rise we are committed to is growing at present because of the climate trajectory we’re on.”

But Colgan also points to a possible solution, provided action is taken quickly enough.

“The difference between 78 cm and 27 cm highlights the difference that can be made through implementing the Paris agreement. There is still a lot of room to minimize the damage.”

What needs to happen next

As glaciers and ice sheets in mountainous areas, including the Antarctic across the globe, begin to show a significant loss, fast and decisive policy changes may at least mitigate catastrophic future climate-related events.

As support grows within the scientific community, activists are helping to spread the word, because the real change will come from hard-line political and legislative action. In the words of Gail Whiteman at the University of Exeter, “The results of this new study are hard to ignore for all business leaders and politicians concerned about the future of humanity. It is bad news for the nearly 600 million people that live in coastal zones [less than 10m above sea level] worldwide. As sea levels rise, they will be increasingly vulnerable, and it threatens approximately $1 trillion of global wealth.”

Southern Hemisphere farmers will tell you in their dry, grassy summers that “Fire is an everybody problem.” It’s fair at this point to say that global warming is also an “everybody problem.” It is no longer a question of “if” but much more “when” and how we can mitigate the coming changes that await us all.

This article was originally published on Universe Today by Cathrine Versfeld. Read the original article here.
US soccer president tells CNN more misconduct cases reported

The U.S. Soccer Federation received three new reports of misconduct in the sport this week after details of systemic emotional abuse and sexual misconduct in the National Women's Soccer League were revealed in an independent investigation, U.S. Soccer Federation President Cindy Parlow Cone told CNN.

US soccer president tells CNN more misconduct cases reported© Provided by The Canadian Press

Parlow Cone was interviewed twice Friday by the television network and didn't provide details of the new misconduct cases. She said the U.S. Center for SafeSport and other authorities have been made aware of the three new reports.

“I’m also hoping that people do feel safe now to come forward or are … learning about where to come forward to report this because this is so important,” Parlow Cone told CNN. “We’re not going to be able to root it out unless more brave people come forward to tell us.”

Five of 10 NWSL coaches either were fired or stepped down last season amid allegations of misconduct.

More than 200 people were interviewed by investigators looking into the allegations of harassment and sexual coercion and abuse. The NWSL, U.S. Soccer, teams and individuals provided documents. The independent investigation, run by former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Q. Yates and the law firm King & Spaulding, focused on three former coaches: Paul Riley, with the Portland Thorns and later the North Carolina Courage, Christy Holly of Racing Louisville and Rory Dames of the Chicago Red Stars.

On Wednesday, the Portland Thorns dismissed a pair of team executives a day after owner Merritt Paulson removed himself from a decision-making role with the team. Chicago Red Stars owner Arnim Whisler also stepped back from his role, and Racing Louisville President James O’Connor apologized to fans and a former player who alleged she was sexually abused by Holly.

On Friday, England and the U.S. women's teams played a friendly before nearly 77,000 fans at Wembley Stadium. They wore teal armbands in solidarity with sexual abuse victims and together held a banner that read “Protect the Players” just before kickoff.

The Yates report made numerous recommendations to prioritize player health and safety. U.S. Soccer also said it would immediately implement programs to protect players.


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