Sunday, December 18, 2022


Illegal TV streaming sites cost European economies over three billion Euros

Reports and Proceedings


A new study by Bournemouth University estimates that TV companies in Europe lost €3.21 billion in 2021 because of people using illegal streaming sites to watch TV. The researchers also estimate that the illegal providers made €1.06 billion from Europe in the same year – almost a fifth of which came from the UK.

The study was commissioned by the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance (AAPA) trade body which represents providers of internet protocol television (IPTV). The figures relate to the 27 EU countries and the UK. 

Any lost revenues by legitimate TV providers have the potential to affect their customers in the form of higher subscription prices, or through lower investment in new content and services. Countries’ economies can also be affected by lost tax income.

Professor Dinusha Mendis, Director of Bournemouth University’s Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management, who led the project said:

“This report directly sheds light on the level of financial loss that is incurred at all levels, as a result of criminal networks facilitating access to unauthorized content, signalling that more needs to be done to tackle illegal IPTV in Europe and UK.

“It raises awareness of this issue, and we hope that it will lead to policy makers, law enforcement and industry taking action to tackle piracy going forward.”

The report estimates that over seventeen million people in the 28 countries accessed pirate streaming sites in 2021, around 4.5% of the countries’ populations. Nearly a third of those were aged sixteen to twenty-four. The UK and Ireland were amongst the countries with the highest percentage of their populations watching TV illegally – with 6.6% and 7.2% respectively. The Netherlands had the highest percentage.

The UK generated the most revenue for the illegal industry with €194.6 million – nearly a fifth of the total estimated revenue across all countries.

In 2019, Professor Mendis was part of the team that carried out a study on behalf of the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) into the scale of the illegal market; this new research goes further by exploring the cost to the legal industry and the number of young people who watch pirate content.

Economist Dr. Antanina Garanasvili of Gobelin House, who worked on the Report said:

“As an economist it is important to bring this problem to the forefront as much as possible. By introducing the additional metric, it was possible to quantify the number of young users who access illicit IPTV, thereby demonstrating the size of this problem at the moment”.

The new report notes that piracy can be driven by overall perception and a 2020 report by the EUIPO found that more than a quarter of Europeans thought it was acceptable to watch pirated online content - young people were particularly more likely to have a tolerant attitude.

Sheila Cassells, Executive Vice-President of AAPA, wrote in the report: “Illicit IPTV is a relatively recent phenomenon in the realm of digital piracy. Several factors contribute to its proliferation, including the low entry barriers for pirate services and the high rewards with limited risk of enforcement. Technical and legislative challenges make fighting this form of piracy difficult."

The researchers also noted that their study only looked at one method of accessing pirated content. Social media platforms and apps also provide access to content so the overall figures are likely to be higher.

The share of population using illicit IPTV is estimated based on the population watching Internet streamed television provided by Eurostat (dataset on internet activities). The potential losses in revenue incurred by legitimate AV service providers are estimated based on the number of households that use illicit IPTV services. These numbers were estimated by identifying the share of users who are willing to pay for IPTV subscriptions (based on data supplied by AAPA members) and also by estimating the number of legal Pay-TV providers (based on data obtained from European Audiovisual Observatory).

The full report is available on the AAPA website.

The Dutch cycle twice as much as Germans in Winter

It’s the mobility culture, stupid! Winter conditions strongly reduce bicycle usage in German cities, but not in Dutch ones

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Differnt bicycle cultures 



The Dutch use their bicycles around twice as often as their German neighbours in the winter months. Generally, bicycles are used more often in the Netherlands than in Germany. In the summer (June to August) the Dutch use their bicycles for 23.0 percent of their journeys – in Germany only 16.7 percent. The Dutch also use their bicycles in the winter (December to February) for 20.5 percent of their journeys. On the other hand, the Germans only use their bicycles for 10.3 percent of their journeys.

Therefore, the seasonal differences in bicycle usage in the Netherlands are much less than those in Germany. This is shown by a study carried out by the sociologist Dr Ansgar Hudde from the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology of the University of Cologne. Hudde explains the differences in cycling are due to different mobility cultures in both countries. The study was published under the title ‘It’s the mobility culture, stupid! Winter conditions strongly reduce bicycle usage in German cities, but not in Dutch ones’ in the Journal of Transport Geography.

Since the climate conditions for cycling in the Netherlands and Germany are similar, this does not explain the differences in bicycle usage. “The joint analysis of behavioural and climate data shows: We in Germany are more sensitive to cold and darkness. The fact that the Dutch tend to cycle all year round and Germans only do so in the summer has little to do with the different climate, but rather with the different mobility cultures”, Dr Hudde explains. There is a cycling culture in Germany that reflects and encourages such seasonal patterns. This is also illustrated for example by the German term ‘Fahrradsaison’, which translates to ‘cycling season’ and indicates that there is a season in which one rides their bicycle, but which also means that there is a season where one does not cycle. “Even biking events like ‘cycling in the city’ or ‘cycling to work’ only take place in the summer”, Hudde continues. “They send out a signal that cycling is for the summer and not for the winter”.

In his study, Ansgar Hudde evaluated representative statistical data on mobility in Germany and in the Netherlands. Data from 335,000 trips made by 98,000 people from 263 medium and large towns were evaluated. The mobility data were linked to city-specific climate data and analysed jointly. Due to the large discrepancies between bicycle usage in towns and in the countryside, the statistical evaluation was confined to medium and large towns (more than 50,000 inhabitants).

The results of the study are important for the discussion about sustainable mobility policies. If more people were to cycle in the autumn and winter, emissions of CO2 and fine particles would be reduced and traffic jams or congestion caused by public transport could also be avoided. “Imagine you were stuck in a traffic jam in your car in the winter, and saw relatively empty cycle paths. You would most likely be twice as annoyed about car lanes being turned into cycle paths”, Hudde asserts. If the cycle paths are well used throughout the year, then this will lead to greater support for pro-cycling policies. Better bicycle usage in the winter can be achieved, for example, by improving the infrastructure and path lighting. In addition, bicycle events that occur in the winter could also contribute to cycling becoming more popular in the colder months in Germany. Hudde sums up: “The Netherlands shows that when it comes to the topic of year-round cycling, there is huge potential for a better traffic situation and more sustainability.”

World cardiology leaders call for global action to reinvent randomized clinical trials

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Sophia Antipolis, 16 December 2022:  The current model for randomised clinical trials must be redesigned for the 21st century, according to the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), American Heart Association (AHA), World Heart Federation (WHF) and American College of Cardiology (ACC).


The joint statement is published simultaneously in the flagship journals of all four organisations: European Heart Journal,1 Circulation, Global Heart and Journal of the American College of Cardiology.


ESC President Professor Franz Weidinger said: “Randomised trials are the gold standard method for evaluating new therapies and improving patient care. However, the cost and complexity of trials are becoming prohibitive and the current model is unsustainable. Cardiology provided the foundation for an era of highly successful clinical trials and is well placed to lead the way on modernisation.”


“Without sustained efforts to increase the application of streamlined approaches, and a more supportive regulatory environment for those who do choose to generate randomised evidence (instead of the adversarial approach that is often taken in regulatory audits), patients will suffer from important clinical questions not being addressed reliably, either because trials are too small or, due to excessive financial or bureaucratic obstacles, are never done at all,” states the paper.


The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated highly streamlined trials that were easy to administer in busy hospitals. Only essential data were collected and much of the follow-up information was obtained from national electronic health records (EHRs) when possible. In addition, digital advances have allowed app-based data collection, remote monitoring and virtual trial visits which can enhance efficiency while maintaining safety.


WHF President Professor Fausto Pinto said: “The pandemic reinforced the value of digital technology in healthcare and demonstrated the power of partnerships in global health. It also showed the importance of using digital tools to improve the organisation, development, and implementation of clinical trials, essential to drive innovation in care and meet unexpected challenges such as a pandemic. The future of clinical investigation needs to be carefully tailored to address the several challenges it faces, and digital technology will certainly play a major role.”


EHRs have huge potential for trial recruitment and follow-up but remain an underused resource. This is due to restricted access to records and reticence among regulatory authorities to accept EHR-based outcome data. On the other hand, inappropriate emphasis is often placed on observational analyses of routine healthcare data to bypass the challenges of randomised trials.


AHA President Dr. Michelle A. Albert said: “With this document, our societies wish to engage in the development of guidance that allows broader use of real-world data, housed in routine EHRs, to conduct the trials that are needed to improve patient care along with addressing unmet medical needs. Pragmatic clinical trials that allow flexibility while promoting innovation are required to address health care needs for different racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups. This guidance is also an opportunity to have a close look at the real-world implementation of care practices designed to improve health equity."


During the past 25 years there has been an enormous increase in the rules and related bureaucracy governing clinical trials. The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) guideline for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) aims to ensure the safety and rights of trial participants and safeguard patients impacted by the results. However, the guideline is often over-interpreted thereby prohibiting the conduct of affordable clinical trials.


ACC President Dr. Edward T. A. Fry said: “Clinical trials like the Apple Heart Study, along with many conducted throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, have shown it is possible to conduct high quality trials safely, efficiently and effectively. Importantly they have also highlighted new opportunities to reach patient populations spanning race and gender, socioeconomic status and geography. As such, the ACC, ESC, AHA and WHF fully support adoption of the revised guidelines put forth by the Good Clinical Trials Collaborative (GCTC) that keep the best parts of existing clinical trial guidelines, while also acknowledging new innovations and technologies available to clinical trial researchers both now and looking to the future. In a rapidly changing and increasingly global world, there is no excuse for clinical trials not to keep pace with recent advances and the proposed GCTC guidelines are an important step forward in ensuring we are able to optimise our efforts to provide the best possible patient care and outcomes when it comes to new and emerging medical therapies, devices or treatment strategies.”





Study reveals that wild African elephants choose paths leading directly to their favourite food

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Elephant footprint tracking in Sagalla. 



As human-elephant conflict continues to rise across Africa, researchers are searching for new ways to keep a watchful eye on wild African elephants, even looking to space technologies for guidance.

In the rural community of Sagalla in Tsavo Kenya, a hotspot for crop-raiding elephants, researchers at Save the Elephants and the Department of Biology at the University of Oxford have, for the first time ever, tracked the footprints of elephants using a high-resolution hand-held Garmin GPS that captures point to point fixes at every 3-5 seconds, and overlaid it with free high-resolution satellite imagery to identify how plant diversity on a micro scale affects elephant movement. 

In the process, they’ve discovered that elephants make considered decisions about which paths to take based purely on their favourite food. The findings, recently published in the journal, Remote Sensing, may be critical in helping conservationists forecast potential human-elephant conflict (HEC) hotspots.

The Sentinel 2A imagery, obtained through an open-source satellite managed by the European Space Agency, has enabled scientists to map every single piece of vegetation within each 10m pixel in and around Sagalla. While elephants are normally tracked at 1-hour intervals, the handheld satellite GPS captures all the twists and turns, every thorny thicket, every tree that an elephant would take on its chosen path. The elephant data from the study covers the period from January 2015 to 2020.

The results show that bull elephants prefer to walk paths that have or lead to plants called Combretum and Cissus which are only eaten by bulls. Family groups will walk paths that have Commiphora and Terminalia, which are a dietary preference for family groups comprising females and young calves. Furthermore, when the two groups combine and move together, they choose paths that have or lead to areas where both preferred delicacies are available, in other words ensuring there’s something for everyone. 

The study is important because understanding how elephants access their favourite vegetation could help conservation managers focus resources onto potential conflict hotspots outside protected areas and better protect plant diversity within parks and buffer zones. Mapping the location and composition of specific vegetation species within plant communities also helps scientists to better understand the impact of human encroachment and vegetation removal on elephant movement.

Lead author Gloria Mugo, from Save the Elephants, says, ‘It is incredible the level of detail we can infer from free satellite imagery about the processes that control the spatial dynamics of elephant movements. A lot is known about what kinds of foods are eaten by elephants, however, being able to single out the fact that their movements can be driven by their fancied, gender-based diet, helps to further our understanding of micro-level ecological interactions.’

Sagalla, a male elephant in his 40’s, with a fitted GPS-Collar foraging in the wildly-vegetated area of Sagalla, Taita-Taveta county. Photo Ewan Brennan/Save the Elephants.

Save the Elephants, the University of Oxford and the Sagalla community have been working together since 2009, starting with a project to explore how beehive fences could be used to reduce conflict with elephants. The satellite imagery project came about when the Sagalla community asked the researchers to help them better understand why and where elephants were foraging in the buffer zone of vegetation between the houses and the park boundary.

Dr Lucy King, Department of Biology, University of Oxford and Head of Save the Elephant’s Co-existence Programme said: ‘The insight that different compositions of elephant groups prefer different vegetation patches could help us better understand where elephants are moving to within community areas to focus mitigation efforts, and also will promote better understanding for management of vegetation quality and composition inside wildlife reserves to keep parks more attractive to elephants inside than outside.’

The paper ‘Mapping Floristic Composition Using Sentinal-2A and A Case Study Evaluation of its Application in Elephant Movement in Sagalla, Tsavo,’ has been published in the journal, Remote Sensing

Link to images here: Please note captions and credits for both images


For more information, please contact

Jane Wynyard

Head of Communications

Save the Elephants

+254 708 669 635

About Save the Elephants

Based in Kenya, Save the Elephants works to secure a future for elephants. Specializing in elephant research, they provide scientific insights into elephant behavior, intelligence, and long-distance movements and apply them to the challenges of elephant survival. Education and outreach programs share these insights with local communities as the true custodians of this rich heritage. The team works towards a future of harmonious coexistence between humans and elephants. High-tech tracking helps plan landscapes while low-tech beehive fences, among other tools, provide farmers with protection as well as income. To battle ivory poaching, Save the Elephants teamed up with the Wildlife Conservation Network created the Elephant Crisis Fund to identify and support the most effective partners in Africa and in nations with ivory markets to stop poaching, thwart traffickers and end demand for ivory.

About the University of Oxford

Oxford University has been placed number 1 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the seventh year running, and ​number 2 in the QS World Rankings 2022. At the heart of this success are the twin-pillars of our ground-breaking research and innovation and our distinctive educational offer.

Oxford is world-famous for research and teaching excellence and home to some of the most talented people from across the globe. Our work helps the lives of millions, solving real-world problems through a huge network of partnerships and collaborations. The breadth and interdisciplinary nature of our research alongside our personalised approach to teaching sparks imaginative and inventive insights and solutions.

Through its research commercialisation arm, Oxford University Innovation, Oxford is the highest university patent filer in the UK and is ranked first in the UK for university spinouts, having created more than 200 new companies since 1988. Over a third of these companies have been created in the past three years. The university is a catalyst for prosperity in Oxfordshire and the United Kingdom, contributing £15.7 billion to the UK economy in 2018/19, and supports more than 28,000 full time jobs.

The Department of Biology is a University of Oxford department within the Maths, Physical and Life Sciences Division. It utilises academic strength in a broad range of bioscience disciplines to tackle global challenges such as food security, biodiversity loss, climate change and global pandemics. It also helps to train and equip the biologists of the future through holistic undergraduate and graduate courses. For more information visit

Mammals island-hopped from Australia to colonise the world

Australian Scientists Confirm Marsupial and Placental Mammals Evolved in the Southern Hemisphere

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Professor Kris Helgen, Professor Tim Flannery examining mammal skulls 



Australia, home to the most unusual animal species on the planet that defy imagination, can now lay claim to being the wellspring of modern mammal evolution. Published in the Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, Alcheringa, lead authors Professors Tim Flannery and Kris Helgen from the Australian Museum, along with Dr Thomas Rich from Museums Victoria and Professor Patricia Vickers-Rich from Monash University, and Dr E. Grace Veatch of the Smithsonian Institution, argue that the ancestors of Theria (placental and marsupial mammals) evolved in Gondwana 50 million years before migrating to Asia during the early Cretaceous Period around 126 million years ago.

Professor Flannery, Honorary Associate, Australian Museum, said that for almost 200 years it has been believed that the placental mammals, and the related marsupials, had originated in the northern hemisphere, as that is where the majority of mammal diversity is now found, and where the most abundant fossils occur.  

“However, our studies of the tribosphenic molars of therian mammals found in early and middle Jurassic sediments from Madagascar, South America and India (which are up to 180 million years old) predate the oldest such remains from the Northern Hemisphere by 50 million years,” Flannery said.

“Furthermore, our research shows that therian fossils from the Cretaceous of Australia, dating from around 126 to 110 million years ago, share characteristics with both these Jurassic Southern Hemisphere forms and the modern Northern Hemisphere Theria,” Flannery explained.

“This new research has completely revised and turned on its head our understanding of early mammal evolution. It's the most important piece of palaeontological research, from a global perspective that I've ever published, but it may take some time to find full acceptance among Northern Hemisphere researchers" Flannery added.

Chief Scientist of the Australian Museum, Professor Kris Helgen, said that during the Cretaceous period, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Antarctica, Africa, Madagascar, and the Indian Subcontinent were all joined in one southern supercontinent, Gondwana, and that early versions of many mammal lineages must have existed at this time, but evidence of their presence in the fossil record, their anatomical features, and their evolutionary relationships have been slow to reveal themselves, preventing in-depth assessments until now.

 “Our research indicates that Theria evolved in Gondwana, thriving and diversifying there for 50 million years before migrating to Asia during the early Cretaceous. Once they arrived in Asia they diversified rapidly, filling many ecological niches,” Helgen said.

Helgen said that teeth are a useful tool in identifying mammals, and that advances in imaging techniques have greatly helped in identifying where the fossils fit in to the wider evolutionary picture.

“A key component to the evolutionary success of Theria lies in their teeth. With their sophisticated molars, known as tropospheric molars, they were able to crush, puncture, and cut through food simultaneously.” Helgen explained.             

While the eureka moment happened in comparisons made earlier this year, the research to find key mammal fossils has been painstaking. Fellow palaeontologists, Dr Tom Rich and Professor Patricia Vickers-Rich searched Cretaceous age rocks for 23 years before turning up the first mammal fossil.

“Dating mammal lineages depends on both genetic analysis and the fossil record. We also date the rock around the fossil. With our latest research we have succeeded in filling the gaps to draw a detailed portrait of the early evolutionary history of Theria.” Dr Rich said.

 “These astonishing series of discoveries have completely changed our long-held theory of mammal evolution. Indeed, it turns our ideas of mammal evolution on its head,” Dr Rich added.       

 Australia is small in size compared to the other continents, yet it has more high-level mammal diversity than any other continent. More than 350 native mammals are known from Australia, half of which are marsupials such as the kangaroos, wombats, koalas, and Tasmanian devils. In Australia these coexist with the egg laying monotremes (echidna and platypus) which are the only non-therian mammals alive today, as well as the placental rodents and bats.                

Professor Helgen said human habitation and the rapid rate of climate change has had a huge impact on the country’s flora and fauna. Destruction of habitat, plus introduction of exotic species has led to many of Australia’s unique mammals becoming extinct. Sadly, in the recent 2022 State of the Environment report, Australia now holds the record for the extinction of the most mammals across the world.

“If we can change the planet so profoundly, it is in our capability to rectify and stem the loss. We now know more about how our mammals evolved, and now we have to ensure that what is left pulls through the current extinction crisis we humans have triggered,” Helgen said.

Mesozoic Southern Hemisphere tribosphenidan mammal dentaries (IMAGE)



What goes into a retailer’s decision to lower prices?

“Price frictions” are often a major deterrent

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Key Takeaways:

  • Researchers discover three common reasons retailers may be reluctant to adjust prices.
  • Sometimes retailers decide to discontinue a product from the shelf instead of lowering the price.


BALTIMORE, MD, December 15, 2022 – Holiday shoppers are finding that discounts among some of the items on their shopping lists are a little easier to find this year due to higher inventories at retailers and a slowing demand due to inflation and certain recessionary economic conditions. At the same time, consumers may notice that some retailers are slower to reduce prices to generate sales.

This is a result of “price frictions,” which make it more difficult and sometimes less cost-effective to lower prices. Price frictions are the focus of a new study that identifies three reasons retailers are reluctant to adjust new product prices.

The study, published in the current issue of the INFORMS journal Marketing Science, is titled “Price Frictions and the Success of New Products” and is authored by Diego Aparicio of IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain, and Duncan Simester of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“Price frictions are simple obstacles that make it more complicated for retailers to adjust prices. We found that retailers may be reluctant to adjust prices on a new product because there may be no price changes on related products, or state-level pricing laws require price stickers on each package, or the initial prices end in 99 cents. Our research has found that larger price frictions often lead a retailer to discontinue a poor-performing item before changing its price,” says Aparicio.

“A popular pricing tactic is 99-cent endings: $2.99, $9.99, etc. We see this everywhere! Surprisingly, 99-cent endings are a price friction that make it harder for new products to succeed. Intuitively, retailers like to retain 99-cent price endings. And if a new product has low initial sales, retailers prefer not to touch a 99-cent price instead of triggering a promotion, and as a result, the product is more likely to be discontinued in the short-term. This is a novel side effect of price endings that managers and scholars might want to input in their models,” adds Aparicio.

The researchers focused on two events in which retailers face initial demand uncertainty: new stores and new products. The researchers chose these events on the assumption that uncertainty increases the likelihood that retailers will make price adjustments after observing initial sales. This enabled the researchers to determine when and how retailers decided whether to lower prices or discontinue their sales of underperforming new products altogether.


Link to Study


About INFORMS and Marketing Science

Marketing Science is a premier peer-reviewed scholarly marketing journal focused on research using quantitative approaches to study all aspects of the interface between consumers and firms. It is published by INFORMS, the leading international association for the decision and data sciences. More information is available at or @informs.


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INFORMS advances and promotes the science and technology of decision-making to save lives, save money and solve problems. As the largest association for the decision and data sciences, INFORMS members support organizations and governments at all levels as they work to transform data into information, and information into insights that lead to more efficient, effective, equitable and impactful results. INFORMS’ 10,000+ members are comprised of a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students from a variety of fields.

Child labor contributes to the preservation of forest cover

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Child labour 



The work with forest preservation in southwestern Ethiopia, where smallholder coffee farmers play an important part, is essential for global sustainability. But there are also negative consequence to the synergy between smallholder cash crop production and biodiversity values. A new study conducted by researchers from Stockholm University, Norwegian University of Life Scinences, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research and Addis Ababa Universty published in the International Journal of Educational Development, shows that child labour plays an important role in the system.

“By studying the extent of child labour use in coffee berry picking and guarding of food crops from forest-dwelling mammals in the region, we have gained new insights into the educational consequences of forest cover maintenance and coffee production,” says Tola Gemechu Ango, lead author of the study and researcher at the Deparment of Human Geography at Stockholm University.

A biodiversity hotspot

The forest in southwestern Ethiopia is a biodiversity hotspot of global importance. Here smallholder farmers produce coffee under the shade of trees. Coffee is the main source of cash income for several million people in Ethiopia, and also a primary export commodity for the country. Apart from the economic importance, the shade coffee production system has contributed to preserve forest cover and nurture habitats for forest-dwelling animals. Studying the connection between the coffee production and forest preservation, researchers have identified negative consequences. According to the study, the economic-environmental desireable synergy using smallholder shade coffee production to preserve the forest cover is burdended by an undesireable reliance on child labour that has negative effects on children’s schooling.

“This study increases our understanding of the compromise between educational, economic and environmental benefits of the forest conservation, and the need to address them to achieve transformation to sustainablity in rural settings,” says Tola Gemechu Ango. 

Absent from school

The research team studied boys and girls aged 5 to 17 in poor and wealthy households to see which groups of children participate more frequently in coffee berry picking and crop guarding, and were forced to be absent from school. The results of the study shows that 90 percent of the studied households, especially in the households living under poor conditions, used children in coffee berry picking and food crop guarding. Half of the children working while attending school were forced to frequently be absent from school to engage in these work tasks, suggesting that child labour and school absenteeism linked to coffee production and crop guarding are widespread problems in the region.

“Our results shows that there is a critical need to align sustainable development goals, in particular goals of biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation and poverty allevation with a respect for children’s right to education and personal development,” says Tola Gemechu Ango. 

Need to harmonize goals

National and interenational communities have actively promoted and supported forest conservation in the region to preserve biodiversity and to store carbon to mitigate climate change.

“In view of our results, concerted efforts that include suppport by national and international organisations to alleviate household poverty, to strenghten farmers’ coffee cooperatives and unions, and to develop and implement labour-saving technologies of coffee production might be a strategy to harmonize the various goals of sustainable development in a way that is better in line with the globally recognized human right of every child’s right to education,” says Tola Gemechu Ango. 

The team

Researchers included in the study are Tola Gemechu Ango and Lowe Börjeson, Stockholm University, Poul Wisborg, Norwegian University of Life Scinences, Feyera Senbeta, Addis Ababa University, and Habtamu Alem, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research.

Contemporary Japanese politics and anxiety over governance

Ken’ichi Ikeda (Doshisha University)

Book Announcement


Chapters start by revealing the declining impacts of social capital on politics, the shrinking range of political parties from which to choose, and the mixing of Asian values with liberal democratic values. Then, by conceptualizing and empirically examining anxiety over governance, i.e., the perception of excessive risk for future governance, Ikeda explores the links of anxiety to Japanese political behavior. While the high regard for democratic politics lowers anxiety among the Japanese, the changes in Japanese political behavior/environment and culture contribute to a generally high level of anxiety, which also had a significant negative impact on the evaluation of countermeasures against COVID-19.

    Chapter 1 captures the changes in Japanese political behavior in the 21st century by contrasting social capital and political actors as determinants. A gradual decline in social capital and weakening of the ties with political actors occurred. By examining the elections from 1983 to 2019, especially the 2009 election that switched power from the long-dominant Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Chapter 1 shows that the transition of power to the DPJ in the 2009 election was not supported by the social capital of civil society, but rather by perceptions regarding the political actors. The DPJ administration ended along with a decline in their reputation, whereas what is visible in the LDP administration after regaining power is a decline in the prospective expectations on the administration. 
   Chapter 2 examines the changes that have occurred in micro-level vote choice and macro-level meaningfulness since 1996 when voters became entitled to cast two votes in every national election in both Houses. Voting behavior is a choice for a set of alternatives, i.e., a set of political parties, but voters do not vote from the full range of the set as available choices; rather, they vote from a limited set of parties. On the other hand, the set of possible party choices defines the sense of meaningfulness that voting brings, i.e., the subjective empowerment on national politics. In fact, voters’ perceived set of party choices fluctuated in multiple LDP- and DPJ-centered clusters, and vote choices were basically distributed among possible choice sets of parties in each cluster. The LDP-centered clusters were consistently stable in determining vote choice, while the DPJ-centered clusters were less stable, and vote choice for the DPJ was rather heavily dependent on selective cues provided by its political actors. After the collapse of the DPJ administration, the perceived set of possible political parties to choose from has been greatly reduced to for or against LDP-centered clusters, along with the sense of empowerment.
    Chapter 3 examines whether the Japanese are unique in Asia and the world (which is often claimed) and whether such uniqueness is linked to the Japanese people’s social capital and their support for democracy, using extensive international comparative data from the Asian Barometer and World Values Surveys over a 20-year period. Although the Japanese are outliers in the Asian value system, which consists of the two dimensions of “vertical emphasis” and “harmony orientation,” in that the Japanese are weak in these characteristics, Japan is not uniquely positioned on the cultural map of the world. Nevertheless, Japanese people’s attitudes and actions are influenced by Asian values in terms of general trust and political participation, which are formed through social interactions with others, whereas this is not the case in terms of support for liberal democracy, which is enculturated by the post-war formal education. Overall, the Japanese may not necessarily be capable of making political and social decisions in a value-consistent manner, which may have a negative impact on the operation of the process of politics.
    Chapter 4 examines Japanese idiosyncrasy in their perception of social and national risk. In the World Values Survey, the degree of anxiety about future unemployment, education, and possible involvement in war, terrorism, and civil war perceived by the Japanese is considerably higher than objective indicators, demonstrating excessive risk perception, termed the “anxiety over governance index.” It was presumed that this excessiveness comes from Japanese people’s sense of worry over the future governance of their country. Analyses confirmed the excessive level of risk perception among the Japanese and revealed that this perception was reduced when the country was perceived to be democratically governed, i.e., the index was precisely related to perceptions of governance. Finally, anxiety over governance was more conceptually sophisticated as a pair conception, i.e., political distrust and anxiety over governance expressing diffuse negative evaluations of the past and the future, respectively.
    Chapter 5 explores the structure of Japanese anxiety over governance in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite Japan’s relatively good control during its first wave, an international comparative survey demonstrated that not only was there an overperception of risk, but the intensity of fear (risk perception) was positively correlated with a low evaluation of government handling ability, especially among the Japanese, which is consistent with Chapter 4. An Internet survey on the first general election of the Kishida administration in October 2021 revealed that Japanese excessive risk perception corresponded to the newly constructed direct measure of anxiety over governance, indicating that it was indeed anxiety about the future direction of Japanese politics and political dysfunction. Anxiety was reduced by perceptions of Japan’s degree of democracy, while its high level was explained by the cumulative negative effects of factors such as nonfunctioning social capital, reduced party choice, and inconsistent values.
    Chapter 6 examines a possible countervailing approach from citizens’ perspectives using an analysis of the 2021 election. While criticizing the government in the face of anxiety over governance, many Japanese are less involved in politics, even when confronted with the pandemic. However, the analyses indicated possible pathways for the Japanese to engage in politics, starting with protecting their everyday lives. The book closes by arguing that such grassroots movements are one way to reduce Japanese people’s anxiety over governance.

[Book URL]

[About the author] Dr. Ken’ichi Ikeda is a professor in the Department of Media Studies at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan since April 2013, after 21 years of teaching at the University of Tokyo. He has been involved in many national/international survey research as the Principal Investigator of Japan, such as Japanese Election Study, World Values Survey, Asian Barometer, and Comparative Study on Electoral Systems(CSES).