Sunday, December 18, 2022

Children and young people need lessons in building strong relationships to counteract negative role models and “Disneyfied” portrayals of love, experts say

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Children should get lessons in school on how to build strong relationships to counteract negative role models and any “Disneyfied” portrayals of love they are exposed to, experts have said.

Learning how to build and sustain a strong partnership should be an integral part of work in schools to promote good health and wellbeing, according to a new study.

Relationship distress is associated with public health problems such as alcohol misuse, obesity, poor mental health, and child poverty.

Children should learn how relationships require work, how to manage expectations and that ‘good’ relationships do not just happen.

Young people who took part in a new study said relationship education would help them to develop better skills to manage communication and conflict. They said they would welcome lessons on how to manage different stages in relationships, how to sustain happy relationships, and how to end relationships that could not be sustained, and cope with the aftermath.

The interdisciplinary research, by Simon Benham-Clarke, Jan Ewing, Anne Barlow and Tamsin Newlove-Delgado from the University of Exeter, was carried out as part of the Beacon project, funded by the university’s Wellcome Centre for the Cultures and Environments of Health.

Experts conducted focus groups with 24 young people from the South West aged between 14 and 18 and ten relationship professionals. All recognised the importance of schools supporting young people to build healthy relationships.

Simon Benham-Clarke said: “Our research shows schools need improved support to run relationships education, including specialist expertise and resources, and guidance on signposting pupils to external sources of help. Positive relationship behaviours should be modelled, integrated and built on throughout curriculums nationally and reflected in a school’s ethos.”

“Those we surveyed highlighted the importance of teaching skills such as relating, communication, empathy, respect, conflict resolution and repair and ending relationships kindly and safely.”

Dr Newlove-Delgado said: “Young people saw schools as offering an unbiased and alternative perspective on relationships, particularly for those who might have more challenging backgrounds, however a desire was expressed for a greater focus in schools on how relationships ‘work’ rather than on sex education.”

“Participants also felt that talking about family and peer relationships should come first, building up to later discussions about romantic relationships in later years at school, with some highlighting links between patterns of relationship behaviour.”

“Some young people were concerned about whether education about romantic relationships could put people of their age under pressure if it were too early.”

Professor Barlow said: “Those we surveyed felt schools could improve relationship outcomes for pupils in other ways beyond the relationship education lesson, such as having someone to talk to, in person and in private. Others wanted signposting and information about sources of help outside the school setting.”

Dr Ewing said “While young people’s families were seen as the primary source of learning about healthy relationships, there was clear support for schools’ role to augment this, as not all families exhibit healthy relationships. Relationship professionals thought that there were key transition moments in life, getting married or having a baby, where people are receptive to learning relationship skills, but that schools had a critical role in teaching and embedding critical skills around initiating and maintaining a healthy relationship.”

There was strong support for relationships education to start early, preferably in primary schools, exploring what a healthy friendship and relating well to others looks like before moving onto romantic relationships, which would give young people vital life skills. Starting early, in primary schools and with counselling support where needed, was thought to be particularly important for young people whose parents were locked in conflict.

Two fungi work together to kill fig trees

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Ceratocystis ficicola 



In many countries, the number of fig trees have been declining. While there are numerous explanations, one key problem is fig-wilting disease. A recognized cause of this disease is a fungus, Ceratocystis ficicola, which is transmitted by an ambrosia beetle, Euwallacea interjectus. Now, a group from Nagoya University in central Japan has identified another fungus, Fusarium kuroshium, which is harmless by itself, but ravages fig trees when found together with C. ficicola.  

Along with known agents, such as C. ficicola, many other fungi are believed to be important in fig-wilting disease. These include F. kuroshium, a well-known infective agent of fig and avocado trees. As these fungi are frequently found on the heads, including a special organ for storing fungi, of wild and reared E. interjectus adult females, it has long been suspected that they are responsible for the spread of disease.  

To determine whether the fungi are related to the damage of the fig trees, Dr. Zi-Ru Jiang and Associate Professor Hisashi Kajimura of the Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, in partnership with the Hiroshima Prefectural Institute of Technology, Kobe University, and the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, inoculated fig saplings with various combinations of fungi collected from E. interjectus. As a control, they also included Neocosmospora metavorans, which is found in a wide range of plant hosts, including avocado and Robusta coffee. Some saplings received only one of the three fungi, and one group received a combination of F. kuroshium and C. ficicola.  

As expected, the saplings infected with C. ficicola wilted, whereas the other two groups infected with only N. metavorans or only F. kuroshium did not, suggestingthat these two fungi are not harmful to fig trees. However, in the combination group, the saplings wilted less than two weeks after infection and had a larger area of dead wood. It seems that F. kuroshium and C. ficicola worked together in a symbiotic way that accelerated wilting in the saplings. The findings were reported in Microorganisms.  

“A combination of the ambrosia beetle and its fungi may lead to symptoms of fig-wilting disease in the case of mass beetle attacks and decreased resistance in host trees. Therefore, understanding the relationship between C. ficicola and its symbionts may be useful in developing suitable disease control strategies,” explains Kajimura. “This study suggests that symbiotic fungi do not kill fig trees by themselves, but that synergistic effects are driven by their coexistence with companion fungi, and that they have a more detrimental effect on fig trees than the companion fungi alone. This fact leads to additional targets for control and provides important clues to improve integrated pest management methods in the future.” 

Warwick University to host UK’s most powerful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instrument

A consortium led by the University of Warwick has been awarded £17M to procure the UK’s most powerful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument at 1.2 GHz. There are only seven such machines currently operating around the world. 

Grant and Award Announcement


A consortium led by the University of Warwick has been awarded £17M to procure the UK’s most powerful Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) instrument at 1.2 GHz. There are only seven such machines currently operating around the world.  The funds have been awarded to a consortium of six UK Universities through the UKRI Infrastructure Fund.  Other Universities in the consortium are Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Southampton and St Andrews. 


In the UK and at Warwick University, researchers are using NMR technology to improve green infrastructure by expanding their knowledge of how to make more efficient plant biofuels, to improve batteries and solar cells. The instrument will also be used in research on anti-microbial resistance and drug design and delivery.  Scientists from around the country will be able to use the facility and students at Warwick and other universities will gain invaluable experience on the state of the art NMR instrument enabling them to compete at the cutting edge of scientific research.


Professor Steven Brown, from the University of Warwick's Solid State NMR Group, commented: “It is exciting that Warwick has been selected as the site for this world-class NMR instrumentation. I look forward to working with the consortium partners and the UK community to deliver this world-class resource for UK science.” 


Professor Caroline Meyer, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research) at the University of Warwick, said: “This instrument will provide the greatest resolution and sensitivity yet – allowing us to make scientific breakthroughs that will benefit us all as they improve our technology in a range of areas.”  


Jane Nicholson, Research Base Director at EPSRC, part of UK Research and Innovation said: “This national facility, one of only seven 1.2 GHz magnets in the world, will advance the study of all types of molecules.   


“The applications will be many and varied with the potential for new insights into areas such as materials for energy applications, catalysis, pharmaceutical research, synthetic biology and antimicrobial resistance.”  


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments are used to analyse complex materials to work out their structure. This is done using magnets that are about one million times more powerful than the earth’s magnetic field. They work on the magnetic field of each atom in the material being investigated and provide detailed information on the atomic-level structure of that material.  

The 1.2 GHz NMR spectrometer will be housed in a new building and will create two new jobs for scientists. It builds upon current capability at 1.0 GHz at the Warwick-hosted UK High-Field Solid-State NMR National Research Facility. 



PolyU researchers compile world’s first “atlas” of airborne microbes that provides an important new perspective for public health research

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The research team analysed the bacterial communities of 370 individual air particulate samples collected from 63 sites around the world, from ground level to mountaintops, as well as from densely populated urban centres to the Arctic Circle. 



Bacteria are truly abundant across the Earth’s surface, from the soil to the oceans. The microbial population of the air that surrounds us is comparatively unknown, but a research expedition led by PolyU scientists is about to change that. After nearly a decade of effort, they have compiled a comprehensive map of the world’s airborne microbes, providing fresh insights into how these species interact with the surface environment – as well as their likely future changes.

A cubic metre of “empty” air contains 10,000 bacteria or more, and interest in the role of air as a habitat – not merely a conduit – for microbes has grown enormously since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with researchers on the mainland and the US, the PolyU-led team spent around a year sampling airborne microbes across the world, from ground level to mountaintops. Combining their own results with the most accurate global data collected in past studies, they and their research partners compiled the first ever atlas of the global airborne microbiome.

The atlas provides a wealth of insights into the microbial communities floating above the ground. There is no doubt that the air is a unique harbour of bacterial life. Genetic analysis by the team showed that the core communities – the handful of species that form an outsized proportion of the microbe population – were not the same in the air as those in marine or soil ecosystems. In fact, even though the air is a free-flowing medium with seemingly no internal boundaries, these core bacterial communities are distinctly localised and stable.

The research team analysed the bacterial communities of 370 individual air particulate samples collected from 63 sites around the world, ranging from those at ground level (1.5 – 2 m high) to rooftops (5 – 25 m high) and high mountains (5,238 m asl), as well as from densely populated urban centres to the Arctic Circle, for a more diverse coverage in terms of altitudes and geographic regions.

Prof. Xiang-dong LI, Chair Professor of Environmental Science and Technology and Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment of PolyU who led the research team, said, “We have verified that human activities have certainly changed the structure of microbiomes in the natural ambient air, particularly with a higher abundance of pathogenic bacteria in urban air. Having experienced the pandemic for three years, people now pay more attention to this invisible but influential microbial community. The research outcomes could be served as a critical reference for predicting planetary microbiome responses and the health impacts of inhalable microbiomes with future environmental changes.”

The researchers estimate that the total number of microbes occupying the sea or soil is thousands of times larger than those in the air. Nonetheless, the aerial diversity of microbes – known as “richness” – is just as high. This suggests that surface habitats directly contribute microbes to the air. Overturning previous assumptions, vegetation is not the main terrestrial source of airborne bacteria, and the Earth’s vast tracts of soil provide very small fraction. The crashing of waves, the shaking of leaves, and even frequent activities and constant respiration of animals and humans are bigger drivers of bacterial exchange between the surface and the air.

Macroscopic life, notably animals and plants, is most diverse in equatorial regions (consider, for example, warm and wet rainforests), and its diversity decreases closer to the poles. For microbes, the picture is more interesting – moving from the equator, diversity maximises at mid-latitudes before falling away again. This pattern was well established for terrestrial and aquatic microorganisms, but the new atlas confirms that it applies to the airborne microbiome, too. The authors surmise that the “bump” in diversity at mid-latitudes is caused by stronger sources of microbial input to those regions.

Overall, the researchers estimate that half of airborne bacteria originate from ground sources. Urban air has especially high rates of human-associated bacteria – some harmless, others pathogenic. Direct transfer of germs from people to air is not our only effect on the airborne microbial world. Broad-scale activities such as industrialisation disrupt natural environments and impact air quality. This weakens the environment’s “filter” effect on microbial structure, making the composition of airborne bacteria more affected by random processes – although weather still plays an important role too.

The close relationship between modern human activities and the microbes around us underscores the need to predict future changes accurately. The inhalable infectious bacteria that proliferate in cities are particularly of concern considering rapid urbanisation and our growing understanding of airborne contagion, spurred by COVID-19 research. Climate change is another impetus, given the marked effect of temperature on microbial richness, as revealed by the atlas. Hence, the study provides an invaluable resource and an important new perspective for future public health research.

The PolyU team collaborated with Prof. James M. TIEDJE, University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University and scientists from mainland China in the study. The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (, a peer-reviewed journal of the USA National Academy of Sciences.

 Structure of global airborne bacterial communities. 

The structure of globally distributed airborne bacterial communities. (A) Locations where air samples and environmental data were collected across the globe. (B) The number, proportion, and relative abundance of the global core OTUs compared with those of the remaining bacterial OTUs. (C) The taxonomic composition of the global core bacteria at the phylum and class level. (D) The global airborne bacterial community co-occurrence network. The connections (edges) stand for a strong (Spearman’s ρ > 0.6) and significant (p < 0.01) correlation. The nodes represent the combined OTUs with unique annotations for genus level in the datasets. The size of each node was proportional to the mean relative abundance across 370 samples. Nodes were colored by the phyla of the bacteria. (E) “Small-network” identification based on a “smallworldness” index and the average shortest path length of the global bacterial community network in air, marine, and soil environments. (F) Degree—the betweenness centrality plot of each node in the co-occurrence network. The nodes in red are viewed as keystone species. The size of the nodes shows the relative proportions of the OTUs in the total microbiome.



Scientists develop low-cost system to measure space weather without leaving the ground

Peer-Reviewed Publication


MI Sensor 



A research team from the Institute of Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) at Nagoya University in Japan used a sensor manufactured by Aichi Steel Corporation to build a magneto-impedance sensor magnetometer (MIM) that measures variations in the Earth’s geomagnetic field. Since geomagnetic fluctuations are closely related to phenomena taking place in outer space, researchers in upper atmospheric physics and space physics can use the MIM to determine the status of space weather from the ground without the use of satellites. They reported the results in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics.  

“In recent years, space travel by private citizens has become more common. In addition, the Japan-US-EU joint Gateway Projects to build a space station in lunar orbit have been launched,” explains lead author Masahito Nosé. “Therefore, we need more real-time space weather information to know what is happening in space to the safety and maintenance of spacecraft.”  

Although people often imagine space to be a vacuum, it is filled with space plasma, consisting of charged particles held in a hot gas. When these particles interact with the Earth's magnetic field, they cause ‘space weather’ effects, such as geomagnetic storms or space auroras, that can affect satellites, space stations, and astronauts. Despite the importance of monitoring space weather, it is difficult for a device to remain in space and continually monitor the space environment. On the other hand, environmental changes that occur in space can be observed from the ground because they are transmitted as electromagnetic waves along the Earth's magnetic field. Unfortunately, standard approaches to making such observations have struggled because it is necessary to capture weak magnetic field fluctuations, often a fraction of the size of the Earth's magnetic field.  

Associate Professor Nosé of ISEE, in collaboration with Aichi Steel Corporation, has developed a low-cost system to measure the Earth's magnetic field using the magneto-impedance (MI) effect, which was discovered in 1993 at Nagoya University. Although the Aichi Steel Corporation sensor originally measured only the AC components of the geomagnetic field, the researchers implemented a magnetic-flux locked loop circuit in the MI sensor to extend the measurement range.  

The newly developed MIM is suitable for observations of phenomena such as storms generated by an enhancement of the solar wind dynamic pressure and long-period geomagnetic pulsations. It is also lightweight, power efficient, and comparatively inexpensive. This should make it easier to construct a multi-point observation network, which could speed up space environment monitoring and space weather research.  

Nosé installed the MIM for a month of continuous observation at the Mineyama observatory for experimental field observations near Kyoto, Japan. Although weak geomagnetic fluctuations are difficult to capture, he identified those approximately 1/100,000th the size of the earth's magnetic field.  

“Various phenomena that occur in space are transmitted as electromagnetic waves in a plasma along the magnetic field of the Earth, causing weak geomagnetic fluctuations on the ground. Therefore, using the magnetic sensor developed in this research, it is possible to investigate phenomena occurring in space without leaving the ground,” explains Nosé. “These geomagnetic fluctuations reflect the electromagnetic energy in space that is related to phenomena such as the generation of auroras and the weight and density of plasma in space. We expect that detailed analysis will lead to the development of real-time monitoring of the space environment and the advancement of space weather research.” 

Funding: This study was supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (21H01147), Challenging Research (Pioneering) (Grant 17K18804), and Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research (Grant 16H06286) as well as Ito Kagaku Shinkou Kai and Yamada Science Foundation. 

What pretend play tells us about social cognition


Peer-Reviewed Publication


Why did Sarah go to the kitchen?

Every day we adopt the perspective of other people in order to understand their behaviour: Let’s say Sarah went to the kitchen. I recognise that she did so because she wanted to get coffee and believes that there’s coffee in the kitchen. “The important thing is that this also applies when I myself don’t want coffee, or when I know that in fact the coffee has run out and therefore it won’t be possible to get any in the kitchen,” explains Julia Wolf. “In other words, in order to understand others, it’s important to be able to adopt their perspective, even if it differs from your own.” The ability to do this is a key milestone in the development of social cognition. Evidence suggests that this ability usually develops around the age of four.

Children as young as two pretend to drink tea

But even earlier than that, children have the ability to pretend play. They pretend the sofa cushion is a cat and a toy brick is a train. When they engage in this make-believe, children usually don’t mistake it for reality, but understand perfectly well what is real and what is not. So it looks like even two-year-olds show highly developed cognitive skills in pretend play, such as the ability to distinguish between pretence and reality, and thus to adopt different perspectives about a situation. Plus, pretend play is a social phenomenon: children also pretend play with others. If someone pretends to pour tea into a child’s empty cup, the child may follow suit and pretend to drink from that cup. “This indicates that children are not only able to take alternative perspectives, but also to deduce another person’s perspective from their behaviour and respond appropriately,” elaborates Julia Wolf.

But does that mean that children can attribute a mental state to others at such an early age? “In my opinion, it doesn’t,” concludes Julia Wolf. While pretend play requires children to share a common pretend perspective, it doesn’t require them to distinguish between their own perspective and that of another person. “If a child is pretending to be at a tea party with their father, they don’t need to distinguish between their own pretend perspective and their father’s,” points out the researcher. “Rather, the pretend perspective is shared. Thus, there’s no need to attribute mental states to another person.”

It’s the context that counts

"Still, pretend play remains crucially important for theories on the development of social cognition,” says Wolf. It not only indicates that it is possible to take on another perspective in some contexts, but also that children are able to adopt a perspective that contradicts reality – contrary to what some other theories claim. Moreover, the fact that they are aware that what is pretended is not real indicates that they are also able to coordinate these different perspectives to a certain extent. “This suggests that much of the ability to adopt perspectives, which is necessary for social cognition and the attribution of mental states, is already present at an early childhood stage,” says Julia Wolf. “What we need to take into account, then, is: in what kind of context are the children embedded in, and to what extent can this context support the adoption of other perspectives?”

When flight leads to trauma

Research project offers psychotherapeutic help to traumatized refugees of war and violence

Business Announcement


FRANKFURT. People who have fled to Germany to escape war and violence often suffered traumatic experiences. Torture, rape or attacks can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Those affected suffer from symptoms such as nightmares, vivid memories of the trauma, sleep disorders, concentration problems, anxiety and other distressing negative feelings. That is why many refugees urgently need psychotherapeutic help.

The research project Brief Imagery Rescripting for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Refugees (ReScript) at Goethe University’s Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy helps to improve the care of adult refugees suffering from PTSD. The project, led by Prof. Regina Steil (Frankfurt), Prof. Thomas Ehring (Munich) and Prof. Nexhmedin Morina (Münster), investigates the effectiveness of an innovative treatment for traumatized refugees. Affected people aged 18 and above are offered psychological diagnostics and therapy; if needed, an interpreter can support. The flight may have taken place in recent years, for example due to the war in Ukraine, but may also have happened decades ago; refugees affected by the war in the former Yugoslavia or Russia can also come forward.

The treatment consists of ten double sessions, held over a 12-week period, with a comparison group receiving the same treatment after a waiting period. The therapy’s success is recorded diagnostically in both groups before and after treatment, as well as three and 12 months later.

Goethe University currently has several free treatment places. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Fostering policy dialogue and knowledge exchange of pollinator protection: new Safeguard policy brief

The EU project Safeguard released its first policy brief with study-based policy recommendations as part of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.

Meeting Announcement


Safeguard policy brief 



Safeguard’s policy brief was distributed at a side event of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15) and was showcased at the EU commission's stand. The side event – titled “Pollinator protection: strengthening policies, knowledge exchange and engagement” – took place on 10 December, Saturday, and provided an overview of pollinator-related projects and initiatives that support the implementation of the International Pollinator Initiative

Globally, pollinators play a key role in human survival. 75% of crops are dependent on animal pollination (Klein et al. 2001), including many nutrient-rich food crops (Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2019). But beyond just the immediate threat to food security and health, pollinators play an essential role in helping to achieve global policy targets such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Post-2020 biodiversity targets, and those outlined in the International Pollinators Initiative

In this complex context, the EU-funded research project Safeguard (Grant agreement No. 101003476) is dedicated to expanding current assessments of the status and trends of European wild pollinators and contributing to Europe’s capacity to reverse the losses of wild pollinators. As part of this effort, the project issued its first policy brief providing policymakers with concrete research-based recommendations on the consideration of pollinators. Created under the leadership of project partner University of Reading (UREAD) with the valuable support of external Safeguard advisory board members, the policy brief provides a short introduction to a study the UREAD partners did to map the importance of pollinators to the SDGs and vice versa. The policy brief presents some preliminary results from an expert elicitation exercise that involved 17 pollinator experts from around the world and identifies five recommendations policymakers should consider to support pollinators and help achieve the SDGs. For example, to help restore the terrestrial ecosystems, related policies should support concrete actions to protect and enhance diverse pollinator assemblages.

The brief also gives insights on the direct relationship between pollinators and a few of the indicated in the study SDGs - Zero Hunger (2), Life on Land (15), Clean Water and Sanitation (6), No Poverty (1) and Responsible Consumption and Responsible Production (12). Furthermore, the policy brief highlights the most relevant targets linked to those SDGs.


Read the full policy brief here.


Klein et al. 2001
Klein Alexandra-Maria, Vaissière Bernard E, Cane James H, Steffan-Dewenter Ingolf, Cunningham Saul A, Kremen Claire and Tscharntke Teja 
Importance of pollinators in changing landscapes for world crops
Proc. R. Soc. B.274303–313

Chaplin-Kramer et al. 2019
Chaplin-Kramer Rebecca, Dombeck Emily, Gerber James, Knuth Katherine A., Mueller Nathaniel D., Mueller Megan, Ziv Guy and Klein Alexandra-Maria 
Global malnutrition overlaps with pollinator-dependent micronutrient production
Proc. R. Soc. B.28120141799-20141799


This project receives funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003476.

Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the EU nor the EC can be held responsible for them.

MARM, the new three-leg robot to transport weights and manipulate components in Space

Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has recently realized a new prototype robotic platform for space applications

Business Announcement


Genoa (Italy), 16th December 2022 –  

MARM, the new three-leg robot to transport weights and manipulate components in Space (VIDEO)

Researchers at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT – Italian Institute of Technology) has recently realized a new prototype robotic platform for space applications. The new robot, called MARM, has three limbs that can be used to walk, move, grasp and transport payload modules while self-relocating itself on the space infrastructure under microgravity environment. The robot is meant to assist astronauts in assembling and maintaining infrastructures while they are in space or, in the future, on other planets. The MARM prototype will be tested in a physical simulator arrangement prior to the development of the space-qualified version. The robot was designed and manufactured by IIT, in collaboration with Leonardo S.p.A and GMV.

Robotic applications in the field of space exploration present unique environments, conditions and opportunities for the development of new platforms. In fact, while the technologies required for robotic control, locomotion and manipulation on Earth are quite advanced, the conditions of the orbital environment, such as the microgravity are posing new challenges to the robotics research community.

Developing tools to assist astronauts in installing, inspecting, maintaining and repairing space infrastructures  is the goal of the MIRROR (Multi-arm Installation Robot for Readying ORUs and Reflectors) project, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA), where the new robot has been born. Therefore, in the framework of the MIRROR project, IIT researchers realized the MARM (Multi-Arm Relocatable Manipulator) platform, which is a prototype robotic system capable of performing grasping, transportation and assembling modules, while moving itself on the space infrastructure.

The robot was designed and manufactured by IIT's Human and Humanoid Centered Mechatronics Lab, coordinated by Nikolaos Tsagarakis, in collaboration with Leonardo S.p.A and GMV. The MARM robot represents the last generation of robot realized by Nikolaos Tsagarakis’ team, therefore his research group at IIT designed and produced also the humanoid robot WALK-MAN and the Centaur-like robot CENTAURO, and is working on the modular configurable collaborative robot CONCERT funded by the EU. 

The MARM robotic platform consists of a central body, three limbs and a docking device (useful for both powering and sending/receiving data). It was built following a computational design approach, which considered and optimized the robot performance   related to mobility and flexibility. In fact, the kinematics and transport/operational capacity were tested, in both the presence and absence of gravity, considering different kinematic models, which differed in the length and conformation of limbs, links and joints.

The MARM platform can thus use its three limbs to move around, grasping the standard interconnections on the station's surfaces and crawling over them, and also to assemble and position components (in particular modular hexagon tiles, 1.2 m wide and 0.2 m thick, weighing about 12 kg) and to manipulate the so-called Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs).

MARM's three limbs, which are connected to the central pelvis base, represent the main difference of this robot compared to previously developed technologies: the three limbs endow the robot with greater locomotion and manipulation flexibility and, at the same time, a wider manipulation range, allowing it to transport large payloads and assemble and install them, even in bi-manual mode.

In addition, thanks to the three limbs arrangement, the robot is capable of performing full body motions while once in position, the limbs used for anchoring can facilitate the assembly operation by adjusting the MARM central pelvis base, reducing the forces transferred to the station truss. This is one of the main advantages of having multiple limbs instead of using the same limb for crawling and assembly.

According to the envisioned scenario, the MARM platform will be able, through its electromechanical  and control components and thanks to a perception system and the  continuous exchange of inputs/outputs, to pick up a payload  from a store, relocate itself while  carrying it, and assemble it at the desired location.

The MARM platform prototype will be used to evaluate the above scenario in a physical simulator arrangement in order to assess the feasibility of such solution prior to the development of the space-qualified version.

Research into the chemistry of environmentally friendly power generation at the ELTE Eötvös Loránd University

Accurate knowledge of the ignition of methane-air mixtures will help to increase the efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of heating and power generation

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Location of the regions in the (T, p, φ) space; 




Researchers of the Faculty of Science at the ELTE Eötvös Loránd University investigate the properties of methane, the most important component of natural gas. Accurate knowledge of the ignition of methane-air mixtures will help to increase the efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of heating and power generation, and could also lead to further developments in industrial safety, chemical and energy engineering.

In Hungary, the majority of households use natural gas for heating:

it is one of the most environmentally friendly ways of keeping our homes warm.

However, natural gas also plays an important role in electricity generation. Solar and wind power generations have high fluctuations, and an effective way to compensate for this is to use gas turbines and gas engines based on natural gas combustion, which can quickly make up for the missing electricity.

A significant proportion of natural gas is methane to varying degrees depending on the area; in Hungary natural gas contains nearly ninety-seven per cent methane. In order utilize this colourless, odourless, flammable substance more efficiently in environmentally friendly power generation, it is important to study the explosion of methane-air mixtures, the spread of flame in gas engines, and the formation of harmful pollutants during the combustion of natural gas.

The Chemical Kinetics Laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry and the Department of Applied Analysis and Computational Mathematics of the Institute of Mathematics at ELTE - Éva Valkó, Máté Papp, Peng Zhang and Tamás Turányi - investigated the ignition of methane-air mixtures based on a detailed reaction kinetics model. The sensitivity vector of the ignition time was calculated by varying the initial temperature (T), pressure (p) and methane-to-air equivalence ratio (ϕ) over a wide range. A cluster analysis of the resulting more than 14 thousand sensitivity vectors showed that five domains can be identified in the (Tpϕ) space, and that in each domain a different set of chemical reactions leads to methane ignition. The results were published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.

For a visual summary of the research results please look at Youtube video

"Operation of gas engines include compressing a mixture of natural gas and air rapidly to reach a given temperature and pressure. The time to explosion for this high-pressure, hot gas mixture is critical.

If a reliable computer model based on a detailed reaction mechanism is available, it can be used to determine whether or not an explosion will occur,"

says Prof. Tamás Turányi, the head of the research.

For years, Tamás Turányi's research group has also been investigating the so-called e-fuels, which can overcome the above mentioned limitation of renewable energy production, namely the large fluctuations in the amount of electricity produced. In e-fuels, the energy content of excess electricity can be stored and then converted back into electricity. One such fuel is ammonia, which has the advantage of being produced using mature technology and is easy to transport and store.

More details on this research can be found in the group's website