Thursday, March 09, 2023

An extremely alarming call for Putin. The ghost of 1917 appeared in Russia

Wed, March 8, 2023 


The incident in Bryansk which happened last week is a consequence of Putin's attack on Ukraine. Before Russia started this war, none of the Russian nationalists had the determination to take up arms and start fighting, to call for the overthrow of Putin's regime and to seize power by military means.

Read also: Incident in Bryansk Oblast ‘part of transformative processes in Russia,’ Ukrainian intel says

We remember that this has happened before in Russian history. And this happened in the 20th century, when in 1914 the Russian Empire was one of those that started World War I. And in 1917, a revolution occurred: all over Russia, bands of armed men who participated in the war began to seize power under the leadership of various leaders - leftists, rightists, anarchists, monarchists, and so on. Perhaps history repeats itself, as the classics said, but on a new level.

About the chronology. Let's recall an interesting moment. On Feb. 28 of this year, Putin spoke to the board of the FSB. This is his alma mater, the environment in which he was formed as a personality - KGB, FSB. So: Putin's texts in this case are prepared very carefully, and every word and every instruction is important. This speech was short, but Putin gave it a special emphasis – he even emphasized that the special task of the FSB and units of the FSB border troops is to provide cover and protect the border precisely on the Ukrainian-Russian section. And, probably, here he had in mind the entire length of the border.

And now, a day after these instructions, on March 2, when Putin warned that there could be terrorist attacks, hostage taking, attacks on civilians, on critical infrastructure facilities, events are taking place. And the assessment that the Kremlin gave them through Putin's mouth, that this was a terrorist act, looks like a preparation that was really prepared in advance.

It is important to understand that this assessment is one phenomenon, and what actually happened is another one.

Read also: Russia's second big offensive: What Putin is betting on - a simple explanation

I have a version that the information was so impressive to the Russian special services that they simply decided to use this blank to impose their version of events and at the same time make everyone forget more quickly what really happened there.

Then Putin said that these are people who set themselves the task of depriving Russia of its historical memory, history, traditions, and language. This list is evidence that the truth is so terrible and unbearable for the Russian authorities that they need to find some excuse, to tell the biggest unimaginable lie. According to Goebbels, when the most incredible lie is told to a society which is policed, under control, where there is a monopoly of power over the sources of information, it will be perceived as the most plausible version. So they took this terror attack as stock.

Perhaps they themselves realized that somewhere there is a ghost of 1917: that there are Russians who are ready to take up arms and provide an example that this government should be overthrown by armed force. They could perceive it as a wake-up call, because I will remind you that until March 2, almost all Russian opposition forces did say that "we will reconcile by peaceful means." There were statements about the environment that "we will federalize" Russia, that there will be a number of states or a number of subjects of the federation or confederation - it doesn't matter. But no one called to take up arms and overthrow Putin's power by military means. That's exactly what they did on March 2. A little known Russian volunteer corps.

But for the FSB, with its institutional memory that still stretches back to the tsarist guard, it reminded them of the year 1917, when a revolution broke out in Russia during World War I and the Bolsheviks seized power by force of arms. And then Lenin and Trotsky were called agents of German intelligence who want to destroy Russia.

This testifies to a huge fright in the FSB.

This testifies to a huge fright in the FSB. They would really like to forget about this incident as soon as possible. Because with their paranoia and persecution mania, they could have thought that if they didn't do it, if they didn't label this incident as terrorism, if they didn't force everyone to forget it faster, then somewhere it might unwittingly cause a counter-reaction in other regions of Russia.

And since the FSB is overextended now by controlling the society, in order not to allow any dissidence, hunting those who are against the war, it may not have the time and thus sleep through any real violent armed actions against state authorities. They are afraid of this most of all now.

The Russian "ultra-patriotic community" immediately started chanting that war should be declared - "call a spade a spade, let's declare war." Let's not forget that these are Soviet people, a Soviet type of thinking, formed back in the days of the Soviet Union. Voenkors, members of the State Duma are preparing a certain media environment in which Putin's words will be heard not sensationally, not radically, but routinely. They are preparing their media environment, society for the fact that Putin can really declare war.

They are preparing people that Putin could say this, announce this, and it would not sound unexpected, radical, not to raise questions in society.

Regarding the war. Let us recall Lenin's article, which he wrote in 1914, where he claimed that the task of the Bolsheviks was to turn this imperialist war into a civil war. And now the FSB, the Kremlin also think, are afraid that this "special military operation" will turn into a special Russian revolution, into a civil war: Russians against foreign Russians, foreign Russians against Russians, poor against the rich, true Russian nationalists against Putinist fascists.

They think (from the point of view of the FSB) that the appearance of this investigation about Putin's palaces, about his wife Kabaeva, his children, his luxurious life on the anniversary of the start of the war and this incident in the Bryansk region, when they called on the Russians to overthrow the Putin regime by armed force, are the links of a chain. To show that Putin is a tsar who is not real, who is incapable, thinks only of himself, cares only about himself, his children are from different women, he is detached from life and is not capable of ruling Russia, that his clique illegally and forcibly keeps Russia under his rule. And that's why they should be overthrown. Because the king lost his legitimacy, broke down and so on.

And they think that this is informational preparation for the beginning of a rebellion or a revolution. And that this incident in the Bryansk region is only the first hint that there really is some attempt, either within the country independently or with the support of foreign special services, to turn the war against Ukraine into a civil war in Russia. This is what they fear.

Read also: Three options for the future of Russia

And that is why they are trying to intercept the information thesis that there will be no civil war, but there will be a real war against Ukraine, against the collective West. That is, efforts will be directed in the informational plane in order to prevent the spread of the thought and idea that in Russia, not a peaceful, but rather an armed revolution and uprising is possible.

Such an idea can provoke a spontaneous involuntary protest in Russia.

There are certain signs of why they are afraid of this, why they are also preparing for it. In February, Rashid Nurgaliev was appointed first deputy secretary of the Security Council of Russia. He is a former interior minister. He was pulled out of some kind of retirement, out of mothballs, for what? It is a signal that there will be a new curator in the domestic power vertical, who ran the Ministry of the Interior at a time when Russia was fighting internal threats, including the Chechen resistance across the country. So, they also see that there are some real signs that stricter control is needed along the lines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB inside Russia.

The FSB fears that radicalization will affect the most educated, most radical part of Russian society. That it may affect mainly young people or even old people who, being highly educated, will compare Putin's secret railway with another railway.

When was the first railway in Russia built? To Tsarske Selo! Between one tsar's palace in St. Petersburg and another palace in Tsarskoe Selo. Also a special railway. People will draw parallels in Russia between this. We simply do not fully understand this Russian cultural context. But there, about the 20th century, about the tsarist regime, about the revolution, the role of Bolshevism, the role of monarchists, republicans, the 1990s, about the shelling of the parliament - it's all alive. This is all being discussed in certain circles. This is the first point

Secondly: let's not forget that there are still explosions in different areas of Russia. It is not always and only drones, but also human efforts. In the summer of last year, a wave of arson struck military commissariats in various regions across Russia.

Read also: Russia should cease to exist within current borders, says NSDC secretary

In various regions, the FSB reads information about how people violate the draconian measures aimed at suppressing the truth about the war. They see this picture in different regions. They understand that these are signs of a certain protest movement, a certain social environment, which under certain conditions can be radicalized to the extent that people can take up arms. The only question is how they will get these weapons, who will organize them.

And that is why this Russian volunteer corps is an extremely alarming call, in fact a wake-up call for Putin's Russia, which says that dozens of people can appear who can seize power in a separate territory and successfully resist the repressive apparatus in Russia.

If this happens in several regions, it will be a total disaster. As soon as such a mutiny or armed action achieves minimal success, it begins to spread on social networks, and then the FSB will be afraid that the domino principle will happen, that this process will start. And that the first minimal success will encourage other people to take up arms or even without arms to attack the same authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and seize power. And go all the way to the overthrow of the Putin regime.

That is why they are so scared now. Therefore, they try to use the very first way - to break this topic with information. True, they have a small toolkit, that is, to talk about the war, about something else, so that people do not think about palaces, about a king who is not capable of anything, who is destroying the Russian state. Because the main message is that Putin is not strengthening the Russian state, he is destroying it. In order to not destroy it, it is necessary to destroy him. This may be the theme of the Russian revolution in the 21st century.

Opinion: QAnon has gone local, with strange repercussions in California's Shasta County and beyond

Mia Bloom
Thu, March 9, 2023 

A Shasta County resident expresses his concerns about voter fraud before the Board of Supervisors in Redding last fall. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

The Shasta County Board of Supervisors has “upended the county’s election process,” the Los Angeles Times reported last week, “canceling its contract with Dominion Voting Systems.” The county could opt to hand-count ballots instead, which would likely delay results and promote more suspicion of elections. One supervisor said he had explored seeking the services of Mike Lindell, the pillow purveyor and prominent conspiracy theorist.

Shasta, a deep-red county in California's far north, has proven vulnerable to causes that are on the national fringe but being pushed by the forces that supported Donald Trump's false election fraud allegations. Militia members and other hard-right activists led a recall of a member of the all-Republican county board last year and have since attained a majority, leading to last week's official endorsement of baseless suspicions about Dominion.

The current state of QAnon and related conspiracy theories is no exception to the old axiom that all politics is local. Since President Biden’s inauguration put an end to efforts to keep Trump in office, these theories have trickled down from national to local politics, influencing local officials responsible for crucial policymaking on voting, education and more.

The wide-ranging, baseless set of beliefs known as QAnon portrays Trump as a messianic figure fighting an evil cabal of Democratic elites and Hollywood celebrities who rule the world and molest and murder children. In 2020, adherents coalesced around “stop the steal” allegations that machines manufactured by Dominion had somehow changed the results in key states. The allegations surfaced in a few states in which Dominion machines were never even used.

A focus on Dominion’s nefarious ballot alterations and the company's supposed origins in Venezuela — it's actually Canadian — became a mainstay of Trump’s refusal to accept the election results. More than two years later, such conspiracies continue to pervade right-wing politics below the national level. At last weekend’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), for example, featured speaker and Arizona gubernatorial race loser Kari Lake continued to argue that the 2022 election was stolen from her.

Such conspiracy beliefs have been promoted by far-right figures such as Lindell and Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and amplified by right-wing media. Research I conducted found 97 QAnon-supporting candidates in the 2020 primaries, with California, Florida, Texas and Arizona leading the country.

The campaigns and their supporters have been shockingly successful at promoting the belief at the grassroots level. Polls by the Public Religion Research Institute and NPR/Ipsos have found that as many as one in three Americans believes key tenets of the QAnon conspiracy theory. Far-right media echo chambers played a crucial role in achieving this level of acceptance of fringe beliefs. We know more about that thanks to Dominion’s $1.6-billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News.

After Jan. 6, 2021, QAnon influencers pivoted to propaganda on local wedge issues such as the content of K-12 education (especially “critical race theory”) and trans rights, implying that studying race caused homosexuality and sexual dysmorphia, as I and Sophia Moskalenko describe in our recent book on QAnon. Much of this propaganda appeals to a Republican base comprising groups in which QAnon theories have been enthusiastically embraced, including evangelicals.

Devotees were encouraged to act locally for greatest impact. In particular, they were encouraged to run for local offices, including city and county positions and especially school boards, which entice conspiracy theorists with the promise of extending their influence to future generations. From Michigan to California, dozens of elected local officials have promoted QAnon conspiracy theories like the one surrounding Dominion. Another California county, Kern, kept its Dominion machines last week only after much deliberation.

School boards all over the country are now occupied by people whose social media feeds are packed with calls to “patriots” and “digital soldiers” to join the movement and prophecies that nothing can “stop what is coming.” Time magazine investigated school boards in Michigan and Nevada and found, as one student put it, “far-right conspiracists or radicals to be infiltrating the most basic unit of American government.” Beyond their impact at the local level, these offices often serve as springboards for state and national candidacies.

And beyond hurting children’s education and the rights of trans people and other minorities, these theories undermine our democratic institutions. It should come as no surprise that since its beginnings in 2017, QAnon was amplified by U.S. adversaries such as Russia and China. Conspiracy theories about Dominion, stolen elections and an evil cabal spread at the local level are mirrored by Russian disinformation campaigns at home and abroad. The theories have much the same effect as some of Russia’s tactics during the 2016 presidential campaign, when its agents created fake Facebook accounts to pit neighbor against neighbor, encourage protests and violence on both sides of controversies, and weaken public trust.

QAnon’s infiltration of local politics furthers the global goals of malign foreign actors over the long term. It’s only by recognizing the hidden motivations and roots of these conspiracy theories that we may begin to inoculate ourselves against them.

Mia Bloom is a professor of communication and Middle East studies at Georgia State University, a fellow with New America’s International Security Program and a coauthor of “Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon.”

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.
Women's Day protesters rally for rights, with focus on Iran and Afghanistan

Tue, March 7, 2023

MEXICO CITY/ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Rallies marking International Women's Day took place around the world on Wednesday with a focus on Afghanistan, where girls are denied the right to education, and Iran, which has seen mass protests on women's rights in recent months.

Activists donned purple and held demonstrations from Jakarta and Singapore to Istanbul, Berlin, Caracas and Montevideo.

In the Americas, reproductive rights were a key theme after the landmark Roe v. Wade U.S. abortion ruling was overturned last year and with abortion tightly restricted in much of Latin America. Women have also demanded action on high rates of unsolved killings of women and girls.

In Mexico City, 67-year-old Silvia Vargas said she had been attending demonstrations since her daughter Maria Fernanda, who was lesbian, was killed in 2014.

"Not everyone gets human rights, governments and institutions determine them," she said, saying authorities had made her feel her daughter's sexuality and murder were shameful. "I'm going home to an absence that has marked me for life."

Across South America, from Montevideo on the Atlantic coast to the Andean city of Quito, thousands took to the streets, including indigenous people, students and workers.

In Brazil's Rio de Janeiro, women demanded the legalization of abortion and action on femicides, while in Chile's Santiago protesters, dancers, artists and even pets crammed the streets.

By nightfall in Mexico's second-largest city, Monterrey, protesters clashed with police and some set a local government palace gate on fire.

In Manila, activists calling for equal rights and better wages scuffled with police blocking their protest. "Girls just want to have fun...damental rights", read one poster. Turkish police fired pepper spray to disperse protesters in Istanbul.

In Paris, demonstrators marched to demand better pensions for women who work part-time and in Tel Aviv women formed human chains to protest against a judicial overhaul that they fear will harm civil liberties.

Protesters flooded the streets of several Spanish cities to demand equal rights and the rooting out of "machismo" but divisions in the feminist movement over issues such as transgender rights and prostitution led to competing rallies.

Many protests included calls for solidarity with women in Iran and Afghanistan.

"Afghanistan under the Taliban remains the most repressive country in the world regarding women's rights, and it has been distressing to witness their methodical, deliberate, and systematic efforts to push Afghan women and girls out of the public sphere," Roza Otunbayeva, head of the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, said in a statement marking the day.

In London, protesters marched to the Iranian embassy in costumes inspired by the novel and television series "The Handmaid's Tale", while in Valencia, Spain, women cut their hair in support of Iranian women.

The death last September of 23-year-old Mahsa Amini while in the custody of morality police in Tehran unleashed the biggest anti-government protests in Iran in years.

In recent days, Iran's clerical rulers have faced renewed pressure as public anger was compounded by a wave of poisonings affecting girls in dozens of schools. Iran has arrested several people it said were linked to the poisonings and accused some of connections to "foreign-based dissident media".

As Washington marked International Women's Day, the United States imposed sanctions on two senior Iranian prison officials it accused of being responsible for serious rights abuses against women and girls.

Britain also announced a package of sanctions against what it described as "global violators of women's rights", while the EU announced new sanctions on Tuesday.


Some governments marked Wednesday with domestic legislative changes or pledges.

Canada repealed historic indecency and anti-abortion laws, French President Emmanuel Macron said he backed the inclusion of the right to abortion in the constitution, and Ireland announced a referendum to remove outmoded references to women in its constitution.

Italy's first female prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said state-controlled companies should have at least one leader who is a woman.

In Japan, which ranked 116 out of 146 countries on gender parity in a World Economic Forum global report last year, chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said progress had been made on improving women's working conditions but more had to be done.

"The situation for women, who are trying to balance household and workplace responsibilities, is quite difficult," he said. "Measures to tackle this are still just halfway complete."

In Russia, where International Women's Day is one of the most celebrated public holidays, the head of its upper house of parliament used the occasion to launch a vehement attack on LGBT lifestyles.

"Men and women are the biological, social and cultural backbones of communities," Valentina Matviyenko wrote in a blog on the Federation Council's website.

"Therefore, there are no dangerous gender games in our country and never will be. Let us leave it to the West to conduct this dangerous experiment on itself."

In the Colombian capital of Bogota, 45-year-old psychologist Paulina, who did not give a surname, said "invisible violence" was a problem for women everywhere.

"Even as we are victims of abuse, they say 'You had a skirt on, a shirt showing cleavage, you were looking for it, right?'."

(Reporting by Reuters bureaux; Writing by Raissa Kasolowsky, Rosalba O'Brien and Sarah Morland; Editing by Edmund Blair, Gareth Jones, Alison Williams and Gerry Doyle)

Georgia to drop foreign agents bill after massive protests

Wed, March 8, 2023 

TBILISI, Georgia (AP) — Following days of massive protests, Georgia’s governing party said Thursday it would withdraw draft legislation that opponents warned would stifle dissent and curtail media freedoms, ushering in Russian-style repression.

The bill would have required media and nongovernmental organizations that receive over 20% of their funding from foreign sources to register as “agents of foreign influence.” Its opponents argued that it was inspired by a similar law used by authorities in Russia to silence critics and could hinder Georgia’s aspirations of one day joining NATO and the European Union.

Protests against the bill began last week, but swelled in recent days to bring tens of thousands of people to the streets of the capital, Tbilisi — and were met with tear gas and water cannons. The Interior Ministry said 133 demonstrators have been arrested.

Citing the “controversy in society” the bill triggered, the governing Georgian Dream party and its allies said they would withdraw the proposed law. But that process might be complicated since it has already passed its first of three required readings.

A group of activists spearheading the protests said demonstrations would resume on Thursday evening to ensure the bill is actually abandoned. They are also demanding the release of those arrested.

Georgia’s president, Salome Zourabichvili, had already said she would veto the bill — a move that indicated a growing divide between her and the Georgian Dream. Zourabichvili does not belong to any party, but the ruling one backed her candidacy in the 2018 presidential election. Since assuming office, however, she has increasingly disagreed with their decisions and policies, especially on foreign affairs.

Opposition parties have in recent years accused the Georgian Dream of pursuing pro-Russian policies while claiming to be Western-oriented. The party's opponents charge that its founder, billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili who made his fortune in Russia, has continued calling the shots in the Black Sea nation of 3.7 million, even though he currently doesn't hold a government job.

The party has repeatedly denied any links to Russia or leaning towards it.

Though they agreed to withdraw the bill, the Georgian Dream party and its allies alleged that public opinion had been misled about the proposal.

“The bill was labeled falsely as a ‘Russian law’ and its adoption in the first reading was presented in the eyes of a part of the public as a departure from the European course,” lawmakers said.

The proposed law did appear similar to one enacted in Russia in 2012 that has been used to shut down or discredit organizations critical of government.

The Georgian bill's authors said it would make clear when the work of entities is financed by representatives of foreign states — but opponents saw it as a step toward introducing the same heavy-handed tactics that Russian President Vladimir Putin has used to crack down on dissent.

Two European Parliament members who handled the body's relations with Georgia, Maria Kaljurand and Sven Mikser, indicated that concerns the controversial bill could harm Georgia's EU prospects were well-founded. The proposed law “goes directly against the Georgian authorities’ declared ambition to receive candidate status for EU membership," they said.

Ruling politicians began to back off the bill on Wednesday evening, as tens of thousands of people took to the streets. They announced that Thursday's discussions of the proposal would be canceled, and Parliament speaker Shalva Papuashvili asked for the measure to be assessed by the Venice Commission. The commission advises the Council of Europe, the continent’s leading human rights body, on constitutional matters.

The EU delegation in Georgia welcomed the announcement of the withdrawal on Thursday, as did Khatia Dekanoidze, a parliament member from the pro-Western United National Movement party. She said that “our children managed to achieve this.”

Riot police block a street to stop protesters outside the Georgian parliament building in Tbilisi, Georgia, Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Police in Georgia's capital have fired water cannons and tear-gas to disperse demonstrators around the parliament building protesting a draft law aimed at curbing the influence of "foreign agents," among fears it could be used to silence opposition. 
(AP Photo/Zurab Tsertsvadze)

An alligator egg was taken from a zoo 20 years ago. The now 8-foot reptile has returned, authorities say.

Wyatte Grantham-Philips, USA TODAY
Tue, March 7, 2023 

A decades-long journey from a Texas zoo to a rural backyard came full circle when police located an alligator and returned it to the zoo where a gator egg went missing more than 20 years ago.

Investigators believe the alligator egg was taken from the Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo in New Braunfels. They believe the egg hatched into a female alligator that grew to be nearly 8 feet long before authorities discovered it in a Caldwell County woman's backyard while they were in the area for a separate incident, Texas Game Wardens public information officer Jen Shugert told USA TODAY.

The woman, who has not been identified by name, told officials that she had acquired the alligator egg at the Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo.

This 8-foot alligator found in a Texas woman's backyard was relocated to Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo.

The woman told Jarrod Forthman, the zoo's director, that "she stuck (the egg) in her pocket... and walked out the door" while volunteering at the zoo more than 20 years ago, Forthman told USA TODAY. "I guess she essentially confessed to stealing it."

The woman cared for the alligator well, both Shugert and Forthman said, and the animal was in good health when officials found it. But she was unable meet the requirements for permits needed to keep the reptile.

"The owner fed it well (and) it was healthy by everyone's standards. It had just outgrown its habitat, unfortunately," Shugert said.

More: Alligator on a leash surprises park-goers in Philly. It was Wally the emotional support gator.

So, it was time to find the gator a new home – and officials decided to relocate it to the same zoo that the egg originated from.

After several weeks of preparations, officials from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Animal World & Snake Farm Zoo moved the gator to the zoo on Friday.

"She's doing fantastic. We introduced her to the group immediately on Friday after we found out it was a female," Forthman said, noting that female alligators are usually easier to introduce to groups "because the males are much more territorial."

In New York: 4-foot alligator found in lake at New York City park, transported to zoo for rehabilitation

Forthman added that alligator can now be seen in the zoo's big pond by visitors – including the previous owner.

The woman raised "a nice, happy healthy alligator that just unfortunately, the law wasn't going to allow her to have. So we're going to take care of it and let her come out and see the gator as often as she would like," he said. "Whether she... rightfully owned that alligator or not, that's still her pet that she's had for decades."

Alligators are protected under Texas law.

No one can take, purchase, sell or possess an alligator without a permit – which are difficult to get, Forthman said.

The individual in possession of this alligator was cited with two misdemeanors, Shugert said. Each citation carries up to a $500 fine.

"Alligators don’t make good pets, y’all," the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department wrote in a Friday Instagram post.

Exclusive-U.S. probe of beagle breeder Envigo scrutinizes top animal welfare officials' inaction

Owners of Envigo beagles meet up for a reunion in Charlottesville

Thu, March 9, 2023 
By Sarah N. Lynch and Rachael Levy

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Top animal welfare officials at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) were subpoenaed last year by a federal grand jury seeking to establish why they took no action against animal research breeder Envigo, despite repeatedly documenting the mistreatment of thousands of beagles, according to several people familiar with the matter.

A deputy administrator of the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Dr. Elizabeth Goldentyer, and its animal welfare operations director, Dr. Robert Gibbens, were ordered to appear before a grand jury in the Western District of Virginia as part of a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) into Envigo, the sources said.

Envigo, a major U.S. animal research breeder, shuttered its Cumberland, Virginia facility last year after the Justice Department searched it and seized more than 4,000 beagles in May 2022. The company later settled civil charges alleging it had shown a “disregard” for the dogs’ welfare, and agreed to forfeit the beagles.

The Justice Department’s decision to subpoena government witnesses who would normally testify voluntarily to help build the government’s criminal case was highly unusual, according to a half-dozen legal and animal welfare experts.

The decision to exclude APHIS - the federal regulatory agency responsible for conducting compliance inspections at animal facilities across America - from the May 2022 search of the Envigo facility was also extraordinary, the experts said.

“That is not only unheard of, that is orders of magnitude out of normal,” said V. Wensley Koch, a retired 30-year veteran of APHIS.

Prosecutors asked Goldentyer and Gibbens, who appeared in November and August, respectively, about their management of the Envigo inspections and why they did not take any action against the company, despite the extensive documented evidence of violations, several of the sources said.

Reuters was not able to determine how they responded to the questions.

Spokespeople for the USDA and APHIS declined to comment, citing the ongoing investigation.

Goldentyer and Gibbens declined to comment through an APHIS spokesperson, but in a previously unreported October letter to U.S. senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine of Virginia, the agency said it had "worked diligently to improve animal welfare at Envigo."

Spokespeople for the Justice Department and the U.S. Attorney's office for the Western District of Virginia declined to comment, as did the USDA inspector general's office.

To piece together a picture of how APHIS operates, Reuters relied on more than 800 pages of internal documents obtained through a public records request by the animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), public government watchdog reports, inspection records, and interviews with animal welfare experts.

The documents, which have not been previously published, show a sharp divide between top officials and inspectors over how to handle the litany of problems that successive inspections found at the Envigo facility over a period of months.

The inspectors wanted APHIS to take a tougher stance against the company for the mistreatment of the beagles.

It is too early to determine where the subpoenas will lead since the grand jury's primary goal is to determine whether to bring criminal charges against Envigo or its executives for animal welfare violations, obstruction of the USDA, making false statements and defrauding the United States, according to a court filing.

The subpoenas and the nature of the questions show that prosecutors are also investigating possible wrongdoing by APHIS leaders, including Goldentyer and Gibbens, several of the sources said.

The APHIS inspectors who documented dozens of violations at Envigo in 2021 and 2022 were also compelled last year to appear before the grand jury, where they were asked about possible flaws with the inspection process and were ordered to provide all records related to Envigo, according to sources who spoke anonymously because the matter is not public.

The actions by those inspectors are not under scrutiny, one of the sources added.


Between July 2021 and March 2022, inspectors documented more than 60 violations during four visits to Envigo's Cumberland facility, public records show. More than half were deemed "direct” or “critical" violations. Direct violations indicate an animal is facing immediate harm.

Problems included dangerous flooring, failing to provide veterinary care, unsanitary conditions, euthanizing dogs without anesthesia, under-feeding mothers nursing puppies and failing to document the cause of death for hundreds of puppies.

APHIS policy states that inspectors who find a "direct" violation must return for a follow-up inspection within 14 days.

Yet, this did not happen with any of the agency's inspections of Envigo, public records show.

APHIS leaders and inspectors sometimes disagreed about what details should be included in their reports and how resources should be deployed, emails show.

Lead inspector Rachel Perez-Baum asked APHIS leaders in September 2021 to increase staffing and send four or five inspectors for a planned October inspection due to problems such as "uncooperative facility management” and “poorly managed and incomplete records.”

But Gibbens and other APHIS leaders declined, saying in an email that due to “optics" and the risks of COVID-19, the team needed “to be limited to three.”

Her supervisor, Dana Miller, agreed with Perez-Baum, and made a final plea to send inspectors in pairs, after Envigo's staff “attempted to recant” their statements by claiming inspectors misunderstood them.

The three inspectors found more "direct" violations in the October inspection, public records show.

Perez-Baum and Miller declined to comment.

Daphna Nachminovitch, a senior vice president at PETA, warned APHIS that month about problems at Envigo following an undercover investigation by the animal rights group. She now says she believes the agency failed to do its job.

APHIS "must be held accountable for its failure to enforce the law," she said.

A spokesperson for biopharmaceutical company Inotiv, which acquired Envigo in November 2021, said the company is “fully cooperating” with the Justice Department and no longer sells or breeds dogs.

Envigo “places the highest priority on the welfare of the animals in our care and looks forward to an appropriate resolution of DOJ's ongoing investigation,” the spokesperson said, declining to discuss the probe or prior USDA inspections.


Tensions between Gibbens and Miller escalated shortly after Envigo appealed some of the findings from the October inspection, emails show.

Miller expressed concerns after learning that Gibbens and other appeal review team members planned to side with Envigo by striking two of four contested citations from the final report.

One removed citation faulted Envigo for interfering with the inspection by providing "false information" and ordered the company not to "interfere with, threaten, abuse ... or harass any APHIS official."

Gibbens told Envigo APHIS would strike the citation because the company ultimately provided the requested information.

Less than a year later, however, federal investigators told a judge they had probable cause to believe the company made false statements and obstructed the USDA in their search warrant application.

Reuters could not determine why APHIS never took action against Envigo, nor referred it to the Justice Department. APHIS has authority to confiscate animals, revoke or suspend licenses, and pursue fines through negotiated settlements or administrative proceedings.

Internal records show APHIS initiated a probe into Envigo in 2021. In early 2022, APHIS leaders discussed entering a civil settlement with Envigo, emails show, but no action was ever taken.


Tensions peaked between APHIS leaders and inspectors after a 107-page report from a third inspection in November 2021 was rescinded by APHIS managers, who ordered the inspection team to edit it down to 22 pages.

The move caused consternation among some inspectors and led several employees to file complaints to the USDA's inspector general, sources familiar with the matter said.

One of the complaints, seen by Reuters, alleged the report was cut after lawyers for Envigo contacted Deputy Administrator Goldentyer. Reuters was unable to determine why the report was trimmed.

While the final public report contains the same citations as the 107-page draft, it is missing many of the details to back them up, a comparison of the two documents show.

Among the cuts: graphic details about faulty euthanasia practices and detailed accounts of dog-fighting behavior deemed "extremely abnormal for the breed."

As inspectors prepared for another inspection last March, Miller emailed staff to tell them Goldentyer was removing her from supervising Envigo inspections. Miller said she was disappointed but offered no explanation.

“O.M.G,” inspector Kelly Maxwell responded in an email, adding that removing Miller was "pretty extreme."

Maxwell declined to comment.

The March 2022 inspection uncovered five violations, two of which were “direct.”

APHIS did not follow up until May 3, when inspectors cited Envigo for one violation: Failing to fix the dangerous flooring.

Two weeks later, federal agents executed the search warrant where they found 446 dogs in "acute distress" and in need of immediate veterinary treatment.

(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch and Rachael Levy in Washington, editing by Ross Colvin)
Turkish earthquake survivors reconsider election loyalty to Erdogan

A Turkish flag with the Bosphorus Bridge in the background flies 
on a passenger ferry in Istanbul

Tue, March 7, 2023
By Can Sezer and Jonathan Spicer

KAHRAMANMARAS, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan could have relied on strong voter backing from Cigdemtepe and other villages and towns across southeast Turkey in the past, but a huge earthquake and a slow rescue response has made once loyal support more uncertain.

There are signs his AK Party (AKP) is increasingly aware that it cannot take past votes for granted, as officials talk of accelerating rebuilding plans before elections in May, which may prove the toughest of Erdogan's more than two decades in power.

"This whole village has voted AKP even though no one knows why," said a truck driver in Cigdemtepe, which is perched above cotton and garlic fields in Kahramanmaras province, a region where whole urban centres were destroyed.

"The earthquake definitely changes our opinion because the first responders and tents were very late to arrive," he said.

How big a challenge Erdogan faces is difficult to determine, given the lack of polling in the region. In addition, the opposition has dithered before finally agreeing on a candidate to challenge Erdogan, unsettling voters, while experts say those affected by the quake could swiftly change their minds.

But Reuters interviews with nearly 30 residents in the past week in Kahramanmaras, Adiyaman and Gaziantep - provinces where white tents dot the landscape of buckling or collapsed buildings - suggest political loyalties, even among once diehard Erdogan backers, are shifting.

"My mind is completely changed," said a student in rural Kahramanmaras, who like others was reluctant to give their name. "We breathe AKP here but this earthquake changed everything for us. These people don't know what they are doing."

The deadliest disaster in Turkey's modern history devastated cities and towns and killed tens of thousands of people a month ago, mostly in a conservative stronghold that has heavily backed Erdogan and the AKP for two decades.

While only a tiny sample of the 14 million people affected by the earthquakes in southeastern Turkey, the opinions of those interviewed shed light on how these mostly rural and working class voters could affect presidential and parliamentary polls.

Many resented years of permissive AKP construction policies that allowed up to eight-storey concrete apartments to be built - thousands of which were destroyed in the tremors.

Some were irked by what they saw as insensitive statements by political leaders including Erdogan, who asked for forgiveness last week for a response to the earthquake that could have been faster, while some others ridiculed the government's plan to rebuild the region in just a year.

But people also struggled to imagine voting for opposition parties and their newly-named candidate, Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

The AKP has ruled Turkey with little serious electoral challenge since 2002, and party insiders told Reuters they are aware of the anger among their voter base in the southeast but confident a combination of swift rebuilding and a confused opposition will deliver victory.

One party official said they would "re-direct" residents' focus to efforts to rebuild and stress no one but Erdogan could do this quickly. Another said they would showcase reconstruction in an area where 227,000 buildings collapsed or face demolition.

Pollsters have mostly avoided surveying those in the disaster zone, while national surveys found the AKP has maintained its support. They point to a tight election contest despite a cost-of-living crisis that had gripped Turks long before the magnitude 7.8 quake and aftershocks brought more criticism of the government.


The centrist opposition bloc finally on Monday named former civil servant Kilicdaroglu, leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP) since 2010, as its candidate.

The region voted 65% or more for the AKP and its nationalist ally the MHP in the last election in 2018. Many residents told Reuters that opposition parties were late to name a candidate and that they would only support one with nationalist roots, such as Ankara mayor Mansur Yavas - who is slated to be one of Kilicdaroglu's vice presidents should he win.

One construction materials trader in Adiyaman, a city of 650,000 whose downtown is a wasteland of crumbled concrete, laughed at the idea of Kilicdaroglu as president.

Umur, a young accountant in the city, said he intended to cast his first-ever ballot for the opposition but only if the candidate was "a low-profile and effective person like Yavas".


Officials briefly floated the idea of delaying elections - before backtracking and pressing ahead with a date of May 14, a decision some find hard to comprehend.

"It is not wise to hold elections in May. People hurt, we still hurt," said Mahmut, an insurance worker in the town of Besni, where after the quake he said he could hear his cousins under the rubble for two days before their voices stopped.

Erdogan's request for forgiveness had been poorly received, he said, adding he normally votes for the MHP.

"There are many who want to vote for the opposition...and I could too, but I wouldn't vote for Kilicdaroglu because he has not won a single election," he said.

Mehmet, 52, a construction subcontractor living with his wife and child in a tent in Adiyaman, said "everyone" votes for Erdogan as president and he would too, but he would punish the AKP party by voting for the MHP.

Mehmet Ali Kulat, chairman of MAK polling company, said based on previous earthquakes survivors tend to blame the government at first, then later back whomever rebuilds homes.

There are only about 55 buildings in Igdeli, where villagers erected their own tents and intend to rebuild themselves.

"The government of the past 20 years is not working for the people," said 70-year old farmer Mehmet. "I don't believe the opposition is up to the task either. But we need fundamental change."

(Additional reporting by Orhan Coskun in Ankara; Writing by Jonathan Spicer, Editing by Alexandra Hudson)
Pakistani police probe officers over women’s march violence

Activists from the group 'Women Democratic Front' take part in a rally to mark International Women's Day, in Lahore, Pakistan, Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The day officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977, is celebrated around the world on March 8. 
(AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary) 

Thu, March 9, 2023

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani police are investigating officers after violence at a march to mark International Women's Day in Islamabad, a spokesman said Thursday. Three constables have been suspended from duty for misusing their authority.

Hundreds of people gathered in a central area of the city to mark the occasion on Wednesday, amid tight security. Organizers said the event was aimed at seeking rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Some conservative groups last year threatened to stop similar marches by force.

The demonstrators faced strong resistance from police, who charged at them with batons as they tried to enter the rally area, which was blocked off by shipping containers.

“The constables involved in the baton charge have been suspended from their duties on charges of misuse of authority,” Islamabad police spokesman Taqi Jawad said.

There was no official order to use force against rally-goers, and the officers involved in the violence “acted in the heat of the moment,” he said.

The inspector general of Islamabad Police, Akbar Nasir Khan, has ordered an inquiry into three constables and there is an investigation to see if more officers were involved in the violence. A report will be submitted in the coming days, according to Jawad.

Islamabad police apologized Wednesday to the women’s march protesters for the "unacceptable use of violence." It said police stood in solidarity with the rally participants and their struggle for the protection of women’s rights.

Academic and gender studies expert Dr. Farzana Bari, one of the protest’s main organizers, condemned the violence.

She suffered scratches to the face and a ligament injury to the hand after being pushed by police onto barbed wire.

She said officers failed to protect women on the internationally observed day.

“Police baton-charged us and two transgender people who suffered injuries were shifted to hospital due to bleeding,” she told The Associated Press. “The police earlier issued us warnings to call off the march in view of the possible attacks by religious fanatics, however (they) indulged in violence themselves.”

In the eastern city of Lahore, Punjab Police on Wednesday registered a case against former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s political party after one of his supporters died at a rally. The case is based on a complaint about the death.

Police used water cannons and fired tear gas to disperse Khan’s supporters, with more than 40 arrested for defying a government ban on holding rallies in the city.

Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, or PTI, blamed the police for the death of its activist in the security crackdown near the former premier’s house in an upscale part of Lahore.

A spokesman for Punjab police Agha Ehtesham denied Thursday that officers were responsible for the death. He blamed the casualty on stone-throwing protesters.

The inspector general of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, has set up an inquiry committee to investigate the matter, said Ehtesham.


Associated Press writer Babar Dogar contributed to this report from Lahore, Pakistan.
How Japanese electric car makers took wrong turns while China plotted to rule the roads

Howard Mustoe
Wed, March 8, 2023 

Workers perform an inspection on a completed Haval F7 crossover sport utility vehicle (SUV) - Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg

When they were asked to jump-start the UK’s ailing car industry in the 1980s, Japanese car makers helped turn an industry marred by strikes and unpopular vehicles back into an export market for the UK, bringing faster and more efficient car building methods.

Toyota and Nissan still build thousands of cars in the UK, and brought some of the first hybrid and battery-powered cars to British motorists with the Prius and Leaf.

But now signs are emerging that the giant car makers are starting to struggle with the global push to electrification, particularly Toyota, which has long resisted the move.

As recently as December, executives at the company were wavering over the push to battery-powered cars, with Akio Toyoda, the company's president and grandson of its founder Kiichiro Toyoda insisting that a “silent majority” of car companies is concerned that electric vehicles will not alone be able to end reliance on fossil fuels.

Former president of Japanese automaker Toyota, Akio Toyoda - BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP via Getty Images

Mr Toyoda steps aside at the end of this month in favour of Koji Sato.

Mr Sato has promised to jump-start the company’s electrification after the company spent years touting its hybrid Prius as the answer to decarbonisation, together with the long-term plan of using hydrogen, a strategy not matched by rival car companies.

Meanwhile, Nissan’s problems are more financial. Yesterday, its credit rating was cut to junk status by S&P Global, which said profits will come under pressure in another tough year for the carmaker.

Yet Japan’s car makers are still large and profitable. Nissan returned to profit last year with a surplus of 385bn yen (£2.37bn) after two years of losses. Toyota made a pre-tax profit of 3.99 trillion yen and Honda booked 1.07 trillion yen.

The country is number two in global rankings in car production and it has maintained its place since 2019.

But challenges from close neighbour China and other rising electric car makers are on the horizon.

Production dipped from 8.3m in 2019 to 6.6m in 2021, a loss of 21pc, much less than major European competitor Germany’s 34pc fall in the same period.

But at the same time, Chinese production held steady at 21m from 2019 to 2021, according to the latest figures gathered by the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers.

And no Japanese car maker is in the top-20 electric car makers, a list topped by Tesla, relative newcomer BYD, which is Chinese, and Volkswagen, according to Bloomberg data.

Nissan’s Leaf is a popular car in the UK and when it was launched more than a decade ago, the company had much of the battery-powered market to itself.

A charging cable is attached to a Nissan Leaf electric car - REUTERS/Edgar Su/File Photo

In the fuel-efficient hybrid arena, Toyota’s Prius has dominated for more than 20 years. But the carmakers have not capitalised on this lead.

In the EV market in the UK, the Leaf was the fifth-best seller, beaten by the Volkswagen ID.3, the Kia e-Niro And Teslas Model 3 and Y.

Former Nissan boss and Leaf backer Carlos Ghosn told Bloomberg in January that the company “lost its early-mover advantage” in the technology, although he made the comments after dodging an arrest warrant in Japan over financial misconduct at the car firm, charges he denies from his hideout in Lebanon.

Early efforts at rival Toyota have not run entirely smoothly. Last year in the US, Toyota launched its first mainstream battery car in the US, the BZ4X SUV. Toyota has now fixed the problem, but early buyers were told to return their cars to dealers because the wheels could fall off.

The companies must avoid the kind of malaise they were key to ending in the 1980s, when Toyota, Honda and Nissan set up factories in the UK, says Prof David Bailey, a car industry expert at Birmingham University.

“Toyota got its strategy badly wrong in terms of hybrid short term, hydrogen long term. They're now having to reorientate pretty quickly towards pure EVs,” he said, while Nissan must reinvigorate its relationship with partner firm Renault to seize the day, he said.

Renault and Nissan formed an alliance in the wake of the French company’s rescue of its Japanese partner, with a view to sharing costs which never quite got going, says Bailey.

The pair recently renewed this arrangement, evening out the shareholdings they have in each other and promising closer cooperation.

But China looms as a challenger to the firms, with dozens of car brands eyeing Toyota, Honda and Nissan’s markets, including the UK.

Up to 30 new electric vehicle brands are eyeing up the UK car market, most of them Chinese, according to an industry report seen in January by The Telegraph.

They are particularly interested in the cheaper end of the market, preparing to sell mass market battery-powered cars to Britain. This is a field being vacated by many western incumbents as they pursue more affluent and profitable motorists.

Visitors look at BYD ATTO 3 electric cars on display at the EV Station on the first day of the Bangkok EV Expo 2023 - DIEGO AZUBEL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Companies like BYD and Ora, which already have agreements in place with UK dealers, will be joined by a raft of other car makers including Chery, Dongfeng and Haval, a pattern likely to be repeated elsewhere.

While China is still making more than 21m cars a year, domestic demand is stalling and the country’s access to lithium supply and processing means it can undercut the competition.

“China is going to set the global standard in terms of making cheap electric cars. So unless the Japanese industry, US industry, the European industry adapts quickly, I think that the mass car industry risks being wiped out by the Chinese in terms of cheap electric cars,” says Bailey.

Yet the advantages Nissan, Toyota and Honda brought to European and US car buyers 40 years ago should not be forgotten, says Bailey, especially in an era where if consumers are paying more for cars – which they are – they will demand durability as well as economy.

“That big trump card I think for all of them is quality,” says Bailey.

New electric brands like Tesla and Polestar have made exciting cars to drive, but their fast development has led to teething issues.

Last year, US data company JD Power said new vehicle quality fell 11pc in 2022, led by Polestar, while Tesla was seventh from the bottom when it came to problems per 100 vehicles.

Japanese car makers have time to catch up with them, if they seize the chance, said Bailey.
Poisonous cough syrup killed 300 children across the world – officials fear more could soon die

Samaan Lateef
Wed, March 8, 2023 

Safitri Puspa Rani cries as she holds a picture of her late son Panghegar Bhumi in Jakarta. The boy died from fatal acute kidney injury days after a doctor prescribed him cough syrup linked to more than 200 child deaths in Indonesia 
- BAY ISMOYO/AFP via Getty Images

International investigators probing the fatal poisoning of 300 young children with deadly cough syrup fear the lethal ingredient may still be circulating in global supply chains.

There is frustration that authorities in India, where two separate batches of the syrups came from, are putting the country’s commercial interests above patient safety by withholding vital information.

It is understood that the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Substandard and Falsified Medical Products team has yet to receive any data or documents collected by Indian officials investigating the production of cough syrup at Marion Biotech – one of two Indian pharmaceuticals embroiled in the scandal.

This is despite products made by the company being linked to the deaths of 20 children in Uzbekistan and the WHO appealing to the Indian authorities for information.

“We would have expected and hoped for a much quicker response from the Indian authorities,” said a source close to the WHO investigation.

Getting information about the manufacturing companies involved is vital so it can be understood whether or not there are tainted or mislabeled raw ingredients circulating in international supply chains, which could be used by other manufacturers unwittingly.

“This is the nightmare scenario,” said the source. “If we don’t get to the bottom of this, it could pop up again later.”

A photograph shows collected cough syrups in Banjul, The Gambia 
- MILAN BERCKMANS/AFP via Getty Images

The cough syrup deaths, which occurred in Uzbekistan, the Gambia and Indonesia, have become the biggest tainted medicine scandal since contaminated cough syrup killed 365 people in Panama in 2006.

The latest disaster has seen hundreds of small children – most of them under five – die of kidney failure after being given over-the-counter cough syrups by their parents.

In each case, there has been confirmed or suspected contamination of the medicines with solvents called diethylene glycol (DEG) or ethylene glycol (EG).

These chemicals can be toxic in even small amounts, initially causing abdominal pain, headaches, vomiting, diarrhoea and acute kidney damage that often proves fatal.

Penny Ward, a visiting professor in pharmaceutical medicine at King’s College London, said initial gastrointestinal symptoms “can be overlooked or put down to other causes in countries where such problems are often seen in children.”

“Hence these kids then present in the later phases when renal failure has occurred and … [by then] it may be too late,” she added.

In the UK and other developed countries, it is rare for children to die in these circumstances, not only because drug regulation is stronger, but because dialysis and transplantation are available.

But in those nations where such services are hard to access, such as the Gambia or Uzbekistan, poisoning of this type can be terribly drawn out, eventually culminating in a painful death.

‘He fell into a coma and died’

Ebrima Sagnia, from Old Yundum in Gambia, west Africa, witnessed his two-year-old son Lamin die over five heart wrenching days in September last year.

He had given the little boy syrup purchased at a local pharmacy because he was feeling out of sorts.

But after being given the medicine, Lamin’s condition worsened and he didn’t appear to be passing urine. He was taken to hospital but doctors found his kidneys had failed.

“They said they suspect the cause of the kidney failure is due to the paracetamol syrup that we gave him,” Mr Sagnia told the Telegraph. “My child eventually died in the hospital after being admitted for five days.”

Gambia’s parliament estimates at least 70 children died in the country of cough syrup poisoning between June 4 and November 6 last year.

An inquiry concluded “all the cases of acute kidney injury are linked to the consumption of the contaminated medical products imported” from India.

Riski Agri holds a bottle of cough syrup consumed by his Farrazka at their house in Jakarta. The five-year-old underwent dialysis for his failing kidneys after he took the medicine - BAY ISMOYO/AFP via Getty Images

Five thousand miles away in the Central Asian nation of Uzbekistan, another 20 children died in frighteningly similar circumstances.

Jasur Lafasov’s 18-month-old son, Ilhom Khayrullaev, passed away just after Christmas.

The toddler had developed a nasty cough and the local doctor prescribed cough syrup. Initially the cough improved but he then fell ill and stopped passing urine.

“On December 28, after work I went to see my son and his condition improved a little”, said Mr Lafasov. “He looked at me when I called his name. After that, he fell into a coma and died on the same day.”

Tests showed his kidneys and liver had both failed. Doctors at the hospital in Karshi said he had been poisoned by the cough syrup – again imported from India.

The third country to record deaths is Indonesia, where as many as 200 children have died.

Tainted cough syrups have also recently turned up in Senegal, Philippines, and East Timor, according to the WHO, although no deaths have yet been reported.
Spotlight on ‘the world’s pharmacy’

It is not known, but investigators suspect that some or all of the poisoning cases may be connected.

Respectable pharmaceutical manufacturers rigorously test the raw materials they purchase for toxins and they also test samples of their finished medicines.

This should be enforced by regulation in the country of manufacture but it is evident that it does not always happen.

“The international system pharmaceutical market works on the principle of reliance,” said an expert close to the WHO. A regulator in one country should be able to rely on the checks and assessments made by regulators in other WHO member states. If this doesn’t happen, the system starts to break down.

“This situation we have now is putting the system of reliance within the WHO under stress,” the source added.

The first Indian firm in the spotlight is Maiden Pharmaceuticals, which is based in the northern state of Haryana. It manufactured the syrup medicine that has been blamed for the deaths in Gambia.

Only last month two of its executives were sentenced to two-and-half years in jail for exporting substandard drugs to Vietnam a decade ago.

“This court has come to the conclusion that the complainant/prosecution has duly proved the charge ... beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt,” the judge, Sanjeev Arya, told the court.

A member of the Gambian Red Cross looks through sacks of seized cough syrups in Banjul
- MILAN BERCKMANS/AFP via Getty Images)

Despite its track record, the Indian authorities allowed Maiden to continue to trade and to export products internationally, including to Gambia.

Officials only launched an investigation into the company after four of its medicines exported to Gambia (Promethazine Oral Solution, Kofexmalin Baby Cough Syrup, Makoff Baby Cough Syrup and Magrip N Cold Syrup) were found by the WHO to be contaminated.

India’s drug watchdog, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), said it found multiple violations of good manufacturing practices and testing at Maiden but then claimed that the cough syrups themselves were clean.

This is despite independent laboratories in Switzerland, Ghana, and France all finding high levels of toxins in the syrups taken by the Gambian children.

“The Indian government has taken an appalling position of shielding the company rather than doing a transparent and thorough investigation of the international incident,” said Malini Asoila, of the All India Drug Action Network (AIDAN), a patients’ rights campaign group.

Despite India boasting of having become “the world’s pharmacy” due to the scale of its medicines exports, it is unclear if useful information will ever be recovered from Maiden.

When the Indian regulator visited the company in the wake of the Gambia deaths, inspectors found the premises were undergoing “renovation”.

Equipment used for manufacturing and testing cough syrups was alleged to have gone missing. And key information on batch numbers and manufacturing and expiry dates could not be found, according to a report seen by the Telegraph.

The inspectors wrote: “Complete plant is found under renovation. The firm failed to produce the log books of equipments and instruments regarding manufacturing and testing for the drugs in question.”

Police is seen at the gate of an office of Marion Biotech, a healthcare and pharmaceutical company and a part of the Emenox Group, whose cough syrup has been linked to the deaths of children in Uzbekistan, in Noida, India - Anushree Fadnavis/REUTERS

The second Indian company caught up in the scandal is Marion Biotech, which operates out of Uttar Pradesh, a state in the north. The WHO said two of its medicines, Ambronol syrup and DOK-1 Max syrup, were found to have unacceptable levels of EG and or DEG after the deaths in Uzbekistan.

Last month the firm told the government of Uttar Pradesh that it was being blamed for the deaths in Uzbekistan “to malign the image of India and the company”.

However, three Marion Biotech employees have since been arrested after Indian government testing found that 22 out of 36 cough syrup samples taken from the company contained EG and DEG.

This includes samples of drugs which were exported to Uzbekistan and consumed there, said Vaibhav Babbar, an inspector involved in the Marion probe.

“Because Marion’s drugs have gone to so many countries, I pray nothing happens elsewhere,” he told Reuters on Saturday. “The health ministry could issue an alert. They may do it. It will be good to issue an alert.”

A senior police officer involved in the arrests told local reporters: “These people were engaged in preparation and sale of fake drugs which caused serious harm to the public.

“Besides three suspects who have been arrested, there are two more directors of the company for whom searches are underway and they will be also arrested soon.”

The WHO is understood not to have received any information from the Indian authorities about the company despite asking for information.

“This has been going on for several months now and we are still struggling to find the contaminated material,” said the expert source.

Appealing for assistance from regulators globally, they added: “What we have is a spider’s web …. we have hundreds of deaths.”

While Marion Biotech and Maiden Pharmaceuticals have been linked to the deaths in Gambia and Uzbekistan, the fatalities in Indonesia have been tied to local companies.

The WHO and Indonesian authorities issued recall warnings in November for cough syrups made by four Indonesian manufacturers: PT Yarindo Farmatama; PT Universal Pharmaceutical; PT Konimex; and PT AFI Pharma.

The Indonesian companies involved have either denied that their products have been contaminated or declined to comment while investigations are ongoing.

But a lawyer for PT Universal Pharmaceutical Industries, Hermansyah Hutagalung, last month blamed the firm’s suppliers.

“Chase the suppliers, they’re the real criminals,” he said at the time. “They’re the ones that forge raw ingredients by falsifying raw ingredient documents all the way to pharmaceutical companies.”
‘Culprits must be punished’

The recent tragedies in Gambia, Uzbekistan and Indonesia are far from unique. Mass medicine poisonings involving DEG or EG contamination have a history going back nearly a century.

The first was in the United States in 1937 when DEG was used as a solvent in a liquid antibiotic, killing 100 people – a third of them children. The catastrophe ultimately led to the creation of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Yet in the last 30 years alone, there have been similar poisonings in Panama, China, Haiti, Bangladesh, Argentina, Nigeria, and India.

The problem is not typically caused by the active pharmaceutical molecules in medicines, say experts, but with the industrially-produced chemicals used to bulk up and stabilise the medicinal mixture, such as glycerine and propylene glycol.

These solvents can be contaminated, or even totally replaced, with DEG which has similar chemical properties. This can happen either through mislabeled products, human error or intentional adulteration.

Smita Salunke, chief scientific officer with the European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI), which works to make children’s medicines better and safer, told the Telegraph that DEG-contaminated glycerine had been responsible for many previous poisoning incidents.

parents of children, who they alleged were either killed or left sickened by tainted cough syrups, attend a hearing as part of a lawsuit at the South Jakarta district court, while wearing black shirts reading "I thought it was medicine, it was poison" to the court - GEMMA CAHYA/AFP via Getty Images

“Similar chemical properties of glycerine, propylene glycol and DEG make it possible for DEG to be passed as counterfeit chemicals deliberately or sometimes accidently,” she said.

Naresh Goyal, director of Maiden Pharmaceuticals, told the Telegraph he thought suppliers should be investigated for possible contamination.

He said: “There might be some intermediate which has come and is used by the companies. This may be one reason for the contamination, possibly.

“We are getting a quantity of 20 or 50 drums of propylene glycol and we are not testing every drum. We are testing the batches. It is possible that a contaminated batch has come which has been used somewhere.”

India’s drug regulator is reported to be investigating whether propylene glycol and glycerine used in the manufacture of cough syrup at Maiden might have been the source of the EG or DEG contamination.

The WHO last month also advised cough syrup manufacturers to check contamination in a number of ingredients, including propylene glycol and glycerine.

“The key question is this: Is the contaminated product in the supply chain or is it a simple substitution or accident?” said the expert source close to the WHO.

Enforcing standards in India’s drug industry can prove especially challenging due to the shadowy nexus of corrupt drug officials and pharmaceutical companies that has emerged within the country.

“Across India, there are drug officials who help the pharma companies to push through the substandard or fake medicines. The government needs to increase surveillance and monitoring systems,” a retired senior government drug official told The Telegraph.

“Culprits must be punished in faster ways so that no one can think of compromising the quality of drugs,” said Dr GN Singh, a former drugs controller general. “There is laxity on part of the whole system.”

Maiden Pharmaceuticals, Marion Biotech, India’s Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation, and the Indian health ministry were all approached for comment but did not respond.

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