Sunday, March 12, 2023

Did Einstein Say, 'The World Will Not Be Destroyed by Those Who Do Evil'?

Every now and then the internet gets something right.

David Emery
Published Mar 11, 2023

Albert Einstein once said, "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them."

Correct Attribution

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Thanks to the internet, Albert Einstein, the renowned 20th-century physicist and originator of the Theory of Relativity, is also famous for saying things he did not, in fact, ever say.

That's not to say that every single quote ascribed to Einstein on the internet is bogus, however. Take this statement, which has circulated online for well over a decade: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

In our searches of newspaper archives, we found instances of this quote being cited verbatim dating back to at least 2011. For example, San Angelo Standard-Times columnist Britt Towery wrote, in the Oct. 21, 2011, edition of the paper:

Albert Einstein knew more than just a little science. He is credited with saying: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything."

However, in none of the scores of examples we examined was there a source, date, or location cited that would permit us to verify the attribution to Einstein. We finally found what we were looking for in one of our favorite (and one of the most reliable) internet reference sites, Quote Investigator.

Quote Investigator located a variant of the statement, also attributed to Soros, that is a translation into English of something Einstein originally wrote in German:

[Pablo Casals] perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.

The passage appeared in that form in the English translation of a book originally published in French in 1955, "Conversations with Casals," by Josep Maria Corredor. The passage by Einstein came from a note he wrote in German to the author in 1953. Here is that note in English (via Quote Investigator):

It is certainly unnecessary to await my voice in acclaiming Pablo Casals as a very great artist, since all who are qualified to speak are unanimous on this subject. What I particularly admire in him is the firm stand he has taken, not only against the oppressors of his countrymen, but also against those opportunists who are always ready to compromise with the Devil. He perceives very clearly that the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.

We were able to find instances of this variant in other sources dating back much further than the internet version. For example, it was cited verbatim in 1964 in the Dec. 12 edition of the Santa Maria Times, which contained an article entitled, "Casals: A Legend in His Own Time."

Quote Investigator "conjectures" that the popular internet variant of the quote (among others) was derived from Einstein's 1953 statement about Casals, stipulating that "it remains possible that Einstein made a separate statement in this family which QI has not yet discovered." Despite that possibility, Snopes concludes that since both variants convey the same message, with the same meaning, and using similar verbiage, that "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything" is correctly attributed to Einstei

David Emery is a Portland-based writer and editor with 25 years of experience fact-checking rumors, hoaxes, and contemporary legends.

‘Prosecute Me For WHAT?!’ Anthony Fauci Erupts Over ‘Insanity’ of ‘Irresponsible’ Calls for His Arrest


Mar 11th, 2023

Dr. Anthony Fauci erupted on CNN Saturday when anchor Jim Acosta brought up the subject of the “far right” and “others in the GOP” talking about arresting or prosecuting the former NIAID director for his handling of the covid pandemic under presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk in December tweeted that his “pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci,” Acosta noted on CNN Newsroom, and others on the right have said or implied the same, including Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas.

“What’s your response to that?” Acosta asked.

“Well, I mean, there’s no response to that craziness, Jim,” said Fauci. “I mean, prosecute me for what? What what are they talking about? I mean, I wish I could figure out what the heck they were talking about.”

“I think they’re just going off the deep end. That’s the answer to your first question,” he said. “It doesn’t make any sense to say something like that, and it actually is irresponsible.”

Fauci said that the rhetoric has a “deleterious” effect on his family, and results in death threats.

Of course, it’s going to have a difficult effect and a deleterious effect on my family. I mean, they don’t like to have me getting death threats all the time.

Every time somebody gets up and spouts some nonsense that’s misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies, somebody somewhere decides they want to do harm to me and or my family.

So that’s the part about it that is really unfortunate. The rest of it is just insanity, the things they’re saying.

But it does have a negative effect when people take it seriously and take it out on you and your family, which is the reason why I still have to have protection, which is really unfortunate.

Fauci said it is “unacceptable” to take “a political view on a public health problem,” and that people should unite against a “common enemy.”

COVID-19 'not engineered as bio weapon', says Dr Anthony Fauci, as he hits back at his Republican critics
Dr Anthony Fauci says he believes that COVID-19 was "a natural occurrence" from animal to human. (AP: Graeme Jennings)

Anthony Fauci, former chief medical adviser to the US president, says he has "an open mind" about the origins of COVID-19, but insists it was "not engineered as a bio weapon" by China or anybody else.

Key points:Dr Fauci was speaking on the third anniversary of coronavirus being declared a pandemic

He says it's possible that COVID-19 leaked from a lab after an animal-to-human virus was being clinically studied

He rejected claims from Republican politicians that he pushed a single narrative during the pandemic as part of a cover-up

Speaking on the third anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring coronavirus a pandemic, Dr Fauci said he agreed with many leading epidemiologists that COVID-19 was likely a "natural occurrence from animal to human".

"Evolutionary virologists … wrote two very important, well-written peer-reviewed pieces in Science magazine strongly suggesting that in fact it was a natural occurrence from an animal to a human," Dr Fauci told Jim Acosta on CNN.

"But [while they] strongly suggest it, it doesn't nail it down definitively and that's the reason I say to do this day I will keep a completely open mind as to what the original [cause] is."

COVID-19 has caused almost 7 million deaths globally since was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019.

Dr Fauci, a key advisor on the US Coronavirus Task Force under then-president Donald Trump when COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020, said any sinister origins of COVID-19 had effectively been ruled out after numerous investigations.

"One of the things that people maybe don't really appreciate is that all of the intelligence agencies agree unanimously that this was not engineered, namely they didn't deliberately do this to make a bio weapon," Dr Fauci said.

"Everybody agrees with that no matter what your prior thoughts were."

Former CDC director Robert Redfield says Dr Fauci sidelined him for an important phone call to discuss coronavirus in 2020. (AP: Andrew Harnik)

Dr Fauci, long considered his nation's top diseases expert, came under attack during a hearing in the House of Representatives in Washington last week. Republicans claimed he had promoted the view that an infected animal spread the virus to humans to deflect attention from US-sponsored research at China's Wuhan Institute of Virology.

At the hearing, former Center for Diseases Control (CDC) director Robert Redfield accused Dr Fauci of freezing him out a high-level phone call among experts during the early stages of the pandemic in 2020 "because they wanted a single narrative and I obviously had a different point of view".

Dr Redfield suspected that coronavirus had leaked from a Chinese lab rather than being transmitted from bats in a Wuhan food market.

Dr Fauci rejected Dr Redfield's claims of bias against him as "completely untrue", adding that other people on the call had the opinion that COVID-19 might have been an engineered virus.

Dr Fauci (left) during a coronavirus briefing with then-president Donald Trump at the White House in 2020.(AP: Patrick Semansky)

While he does not believe the virus was concocted artificially, Dr Fauci acknowledged that it was still possible that COVID had leaked from a lab as part of "a natural occurrence".

Three years into COVID pandemic

As much as we don't want it to be, COVID is still very much with us. But what have we learned that could help us accelerate a real and sustained exit, write Michael Toole and Brendan Crabb.

"A lab leak could be that someone was out in the wild, maybe looking for different types of viruses in bats, got infected, went into a lab and was being studied in a lab and then came out of the lab," Dr Fauci said.

"If that's the definition of a lab leak, then that is still a natural occurrence.

"The other possibility is that someone takes a virus from the environment that doesn't actually spread very well in humans then manipulates it a bit and accidentally it escapes and accidentally infects someone and you get an outbreak.

"[But] there are no lab leaks that have led to pandemics."

Dr Fauci, 82, who was accused by Mr Trump in 2020 of making "a lot of mistakes" in his handling of coronavirus, stepped down from his role as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden last December.

He has long been the target of anti-vaxxers who blame him for the vaccine mandates imposed by some US states during the height of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Can the First Amendment Protect Drag Performances?

A protestor holds a sign that reads, “Drag is a part of our culture.”
States attempting to ban drag performances are likely to encounter legal challenges, says this free speech scholar.

MAR 10, 2023

On March 2, 2023, Tennessee became the first state to enact a law restricting drag performances.

This law is part of a larger push by Republican lawmakers in numerous states to restrict or eliminate events like drag shows and drag story hours.

These legislative efforts have been accompanied by inflammatory rhetoric—not grounded in fact—about the need to protect children from “grooming” and sexually explicit performances.

Such rhetoric reveals that those seeking to restrict drag performances sometimes don’t understand what drag is or seeks to do.

Drag is an art form in which performers play with gender norms. Drag shows often include dancing, singing, lip-syncing, or comedy. Some common forms of drag include cisgender male and transgender female performers dressed in stereotypically feminine ways and cisgender female and transgender male performers dressed in stereotypically masculine ways.

Drag artists also participate in many other kinds of events. For example, drag queens host family-friendly story hours at local libraries where they read age-appropriate books to children.

Current Supreme Court decisions suggest that laws like the one just passed in Tennessee probably violate the First Amendment’s protection of free speech. This is, in part, because many drag performances are protected by the First Amendment, which safeguards not only spoken, written, and signed speech but also many other actions meant to convey messages.

Republican legislators appear to have written the law to try to avoid running afoul of the First Amendment by treating drag shows as if they meet the legal definition of obscenity. Speech, including expressive conduct, that meets the Supreme Court’s criteria for obscenity is not covered by First Amendment protection.

I’m a scholar who studies U.S. free speech law. Looking at the text of Tennessee’s new law, I see several ways in which this anti-drag law appears susceptible to significant First Amendment challenges.

Tennessee’s New Law

The law amends what Tennessee considers “adult cabaret entertainment” and bans “male or female impersonators” from performing on public property or in any other location where the performance “could be viewed by a person who is not an adult,” when such performances are “harmful to minors” as that phrase is defined by Tennessee law.

This law thus regulates not only public spaces but also privately owned locations, like bars and performance venues. A first violation is a misdemeanor. Subsequent violations are felonies.

Because the law is limited to drag performances that are “harmful to minors,” in theory, most drag shows should be unaffected.

But various Republican legislators in Tennessee have recently fought to prevent even vetted family-friendly drag shows with no lewd or sexual content from being held in public.

Given this, drag performers and other artists have reasonable grounds for suspecting that Tennessee officials may seek to interpret the new law broadly to include many kinds of drag performances and other shows that play with gender norms.

Given the popularity of drag shows, this new law could stifle a lot of expression and damage the ability of full-time drag performers to make their living.

But even if Tennessee officials interpret the new law narrowly, the law still appears likely to run afoul of the First Amendment.

Drag Is Protected “Expressive Conduct”

The First Amendment protects more than just written, oral, or signed speech. It also protects many other actions designed to convey ideas. The legal terms for these actions are “expressive conduct” or “symbolic speech.”

Some activities courts have recognized as expressive conduct include making and displaying art and music, picketing, marching in parades, desecrating a U.S. flag, burning a draft card, dancing, and other forms of live entertainment.

Drag shows typically consist of various forms of protected speech, such as telling jokes and introducing performers, and protected expressive conduct, such as lip-syncing and dancing. Thus, drag shows are usually covered by the First Amendment.

But Tennessee’s new law insinuates that drag performances might be part of a category of speech exempt from First Amendment protection: legally defined obscenity. If this were so, then Tennessee’s law likely would pass constitutional muster. But the law seems to target more than merely legally obscene material.

However, Tennessee lawmakers have not provided viable examples of obscene drag performances in Tennessee. And current Supreme Court precedent makes it highly unlikely that all the expressive conduct Tennessee seeks to regulate falls into the narrow legal category of obscenity.

Defining Obscenity

In considering whether something is legally obscene, the Supreme Court requires courts to consider whether: 1. The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interest; 2. The work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct defined by the applicable state law; and 3. The work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.

In the relevant part of its criminal code, Tennessee law states:

“Harmful to minors means that quality of any description or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual excitement, sexual conduct, excess violence or sadomasochistic abuse when the matter or performance (a) Would be found by the average person applying contemporary community standards to appeal predominantly to the prurient, shameful or morbid interests of minors; (b) Is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable for minors; and (c) Taken as whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific values for minors.”

Given the similarities between Tennessee’s description of “harmful to minors” and the Supreme Court’s definition of “obscenity,” Tennessee appears to be trying to avoid First Amendment scrutiny for its new law.

But there are some important differences between Tennessee law and the Supreme Court’s description of obscenity.

Perhaps most importantly, the Supreme Court limits obscenity to speech that lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value full stop; not just work that lacks such serious value specifically for minors.

As is widely recognized, drag is artistic and political. Drag performers use drag to push artistic boundaries and to discuss pressing political issues.

There is no First Amendment requirement to determine when or whether the value of speech applies “for minors.” Adults living in a democratic society need to be able to discuss a wide range of issues, not all of which will have value for children. Supreme Court free speech precedent recognizes this.

Thus, Tennessee probably cannot rely on a claim that it is criminalizing only legally obscene expressive conduct. Instead, it must regulate drag performances in accordance with the First Amendment’s free speech protections.

Discriminatory and Overly Broad

Freedom of speech, like all rights, is not absolute.

The Supreme Court has allowed states to put some limits on protected speech. For example, states may impose restrictions on the time, place, and manner in which speech occurs, so long as such limitations are content-neutral.

Examples include requiring permits to hold parades on city streets and not allowing loud music between midnight and 6 a.m. on public sidewalks.

However, Tennessee’s law goes far beyond these kinds of limited regulations of protected speech in at least two ways.

First, it legislates more than mere time, place, and manner restrictions. Instead, the law bars, at all times, “male or female impersonation” that it deems “harmful to children” from any public property and from many private venues too. This is a wholesale ban on such speech in all public forums and in many private spaces. Courts will likely find this too broad.

Second, by singling out “male and female impersonators,” Tennessee’s law fails to be content-neutral. It instead discriminates on the basis of the expressive conduct’s content.

Tennessee’s new law bolsters the case that anti-drag laws are antidemocratic, discriminatory, and unconstitutional.

This story has been corrected to describe the amended version of Tennessee’s SB3, which was signed into law on March 2, 2023, and to remove reference to a Kentucky state legislator.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

More Virginia school districts to allow collective bargaining, this week in the war on workers

Laura Clawson for Daily Kos Labor
Daily Kos Staff
Saturday March 11, 2023 · 4:

There’s a great new trend in Virginia school districts. In 2020, the state legalized collective bargaining for public workers, but made it a decision at the local government level. This week, both Charlottesville and Fairfax County passed measures allowing collective bargaining for school district employees. They follow Prince William County, where school employees voted in February for the Prince William Education Association to be their exclusive bargaining representative.

Fairfax County and Prince William County have the two largest school districts in Virginia.

According to Fairfax County school board member Karl Frisch, the vote “is a demonstration not only of our commitment to improving school staffing, pay, and morale but also to better outcomes for students. In addition to engaged parents, there is no greater driver of student success than classroom teachers.”

● Now that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is in a position to sign laws, as Arkansas governor she signed a measure loosening child labor protections. Specifically, children under 16 won’t have to get parental permission or an employment certificate from the state Division of Labor, basically making it easier for employers to exploit kids without any adult oversight. But don’t worry! According to a spokesperson, “All child labor laws that actually protect children still apply and we expect businesses to comply just as they are required to do now.”

● And it’s a trend. Ohio is also considering loosening child labor laws.

● Sen. Elizabeth Warren forcefully challenged Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell over the likely effects of the Fed’s current policy of raising unemployment to combat inflation:

Senator Warren: There’s been 12 times that we’ve seen a one-point increase in the unemployment rate in a year — that's exactly what your Fed report has put out as the projection. And the plan based on how you're going to keep raising these interest rates. How many times did the economy fail to fall into a recession after doing that out of 12 times?

ChaIr Powell: I think the number is zero.

Senator Warren: I think the number is zero, that's exactly right. So, then the question becomes, we have two million people out of work. Can you stop it at two million people?

Striking graduate student workers at Temple University have announced a tentative agreement that they say includes significant advances on their four core demands.

In Connecticut:

A labor arbitrator has ordered $45.4 million in bonuses for 36,000 essential state employees, about $1,200 per worker, to recognize the risks they faced staffing essential services, with no vaccine protection, during the worst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Biden’s $5 trillion tax gambit catches Congress by surprise 

President Biden
Greg Nash
President Biden speaks to reporters as he returns to the White House in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, March 9, 2023. Biden held an event in Philadelphia, Pa., to discuss his newly released FY 2024 budget.

President Biden went big in his $6.8 trillion annual budget proposal to Congress by calling for $5 trillion in tax increases over the next decade, more than what lawmakers expected after the president downplayed his tax agenda in earlier meetings. 

It’s a risky move for the president as he heads into a tough re-election campaign in 2024.  

Senate Democrats will have to defend 23 seats next year, including in Republican-leaning states such as Ohio, Montana and West Virginia, and Americans are concerned about inflation and the direction of the economy.

Republicans say Biden’s budget plan marks the return of tax-and-spend liberal politics; they warn higher taxes on corporations and the wealthy will hurt the economy.  

Biden, however, thinks he can win the debate by pledging that he won’t raise taxes on anyone who earns less than $400,000 a year.

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, called Biden’s ambitious tax plan “jaw-dropping.” 

“This is exactly the wrong approach to solving our fiscal problems,” he said of the $5 trillion aggregate total of proposed tax hikes. “I think this sets a new record, by far.” 

Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that advocates for lower taxes, said “in dollar terms, it’s the largest tax increase in American history.”  

A surprise and a ‘negotiating position’

Many lawmakers were expecting Biden to propose between $2 trillion and $2.5 trillion in tax increases, based on what he said in his State of the Union address on Feb. 7 and on what media outlets reported in the days before the White House unveiled its budget plan.  

The $5 trillion in new tax revenues is more than what the president called for last year, when Democrats controlled the House and Senate.   

In October of 2021, when Biden was trying to nail down a deal with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on the Build Back Better agenda, he proposed a more modest $2 trillion in tax increases. 

The headline number even surprised some Democratic policy experts, though they agree the federal government needs to collect more revenue.

“I didn’t expect to see a number that big, but I’m not alarmed by it. I think it’s a negotiating position,” said Jim Kessler, the executive vice president for policy at Third Way, a centrist Democratic think tank.

Biden told lawmakers at his State of the Union address that his budget plan would lower the deficit by $2 trillion and that he would “pay for the ideas I’ve talked about tonight by making the wealthy and big corporations begin to pay their fair share.”  

The president then surprised lawmakers with a budget proposal to cut $3 trillion from deficit over the next decade and to do it almost entirely by raising tax revenues.

Biden has called for a 25 percent tax on the nation’s wealthiest 0.01 percent of families. He has proposed raising the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent and the top marginal income tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent. He wants to quadruple the 1 percent tax on stock buybacks. He has proposed taxing capital gains at 39.6 percent for people with income of more than $1 million.

Kessler noted that Biden’s budget doesn’t include significant spending cuts nor does it reform Social Security, despite Biden’s pledge during the 2020 election to reduce the program’s imbalance. 

Kessler defended the president’s strategy of focusing instead on taxing wealthy individuals and corporation.

“The amount of unrealized wealth that people have at the top dwarfs anything that we’ve ever seen in the past,” he said.

He said “these are opening bids” ahead of the negotiations between Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to raise the debt limit.  

Senate Republicans are trying to chip away at Biden’s argument that his tax policy will only hit wealthy individuals and companies.

“It’s probably not good for the economy. Last time I checked, most tax increases on the business side are passed on to consumers, and I think we need to control spending more than adding $5 trillion in new taxes,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

Norquist, the conservative anti-tax activist, warned that if enacted, raising the corporate tax rate would reverberate throughout the economy.  

“The corporate income tax, 70 percent of that is paid by workers and lower wages,” he said.  

He said raising the top marginal tax rate and capital gains tax rate would hit small businesses that file under subchapter S of the tax code.

“When you raise the top individual rate, you’re raising taxes on millions of smaller businesses in the United States,” he said. “Their employees end up paying that because that’s money they don’t have in the business anymore.” 

How does Biden compare to predecessors?

Norquist noted that Obama and Clinton both cut taxes during their administrations, citing Clinton’s role in cutting the capital gains rate and Obama’s role in making many of the Bush-era tax cuts permanent. 

“Both of them ran a more moderate campaign. This guy is going Bernie Sanders,” he said of Biden, comparing him to the liberal independent senator from Vermont. 

Biden’s budget is a significant departure from the approach then-President Obama took 12 years ago, when he also faced a standoff with a GOP-controlled House over the debt.  

In his first year working with a House GOP majority, Obama in his fiscal year 2012 budget proposed cutting the deficit by $1.1 trillion, of which he said two-thirds should come from spending cuts and one-third from tax increases. 

Obama later ramped up his proposal in the fall of 2011 by floating a plan to cut the deficit by $3.6 trillion over a decade and raise taxes by $1.6 trillion during that span.  

Concerning for some Dems

Republican strategists say they’ll use Biden’s proposed tax increases as ammunition against Democratic incumbents up for re-election next year.  

National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said Biden’s budget provides “a contrast” ahead of the election.  

Sen. John Tester (D-Mont.), who faces a tough re-election in a state that former President Trump with 57 percent of the vote, said he’s leery about trillions of dollars in new taxes.  

Asked Wednesday if he’s worried about how Montanans might react to Biden’s proposed tax increases, Tester replied: “For sure. I got to make sure that will work. I just got to see what he’s doing.”  

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who is up for re-election in another red state, has called on his fellow Democrats to focus more on how the federal budget has swelled from $3.8 trillion in 2013 to $6.7 trillion today.  

“Can we just see if we can go back to normal? Where were we before COVID? What was our trajectory before that?” he asked in a CNN interview Thursday.  

“How did it grow so quickly? How do we have so many things that are so necessary that weren’t before?” he said of the federal budget and debt.

White House brands Freedom Caucus deficit plan as ‘tax breaks for the super wealthy’


The podium in the White House briefing room. 
(Brendan Smialowski/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)

The White House branded the House Freedom Caucus’ deficit plan as “tax breaks for the super wealthy and wasteful spending for special interests,” as the two sides continued to trade jabs amid an escalating debt ceiling battle.

“MAGA House Republicans are proposing, if spread evenly across affected discretionary programs, at least a 20 [percent] across the board cut,” White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt said in an initial analysis of the proposal.

LaBolt pointed to several typically Republican issue areas that would be impacted by such cuts, including law enforcement, border security, education and manufacturing.

“The one thing MAGA Republicans do want to protect are tax cuts for the super-wealthy,” he added. “This means that their plan, with all of the sacrifices they are asking of working-class Americans, will reduce the deficit by…$0.”

The Freedom Caucus on Friday unveiled its initial spending demands for a possible debt ceiling increase, as the potential for default looms this summer. The proposal would cap discretionary spending at fiscal 2022 levels for 10 years, resulting in a $131 billion cut from current levels. Defense spending would be maintained at current levels.

LaBolt claimed that the proposal would also defund police and make the border less secure, turning around two accusations that Republicans have frequently lobbed at the Biden administration.

Such spending cuts would, according to LaBolt’s analysis, eliminate funding for 400 state, local and tribal police officers and several thousand FBI agents and personnel and “deny the men and women of Customs and Border Protection the resources they need to secure our borders.”

He also criticized the Freedom Caucus’s calls to end President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and to rescind unspent COVID-19 and Inflation Reduction Act funds, claiming they would increase prescription drug and energy costs and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.

The analysis also accused the group of hard-line conservatives of making plans that would actually increase the federal deficit by $114 billion, and allow “the wealthy and big corporations to continue to cheat on their taxes.” Biden’s $6.8 trillion budget released on Thursday included tax hikes on the wealthy.

LaBolt’s 20 percent number represents a slight adjustment from Biden’s claim on Friday that the plan would require a 25 percent cut in discretionary spending across the board.

“If what they say they mean, they’re going to keep the tax cuts from the last president … no additional taxes on the wealthy — matter of fact reducing taxes — and in addition to that, on top of that, they’re going to say we have to cut 25 percent of every program across the broad,” Biden said during remarks on the economy. “I don’t know what there’s much to negotiate on.”

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-Pa.) hit back at the president on Friday, accusing him of misrepresenting their proposal.

“For him to mention things like firefighters, police officers and health care — obviously, either he didn’t watch the press conference, he can’t read, or someone is, you know, got their hand up his back and they’re speaking for him, because those are just abject lies,” Perry told The Hill. “It’s the same old, you know, smear-and-fear campaign by the Biden administration.”
In the Extinction Capital of the World, A Native School Is Restoring Indigenous Forests

Every week for the semester, The Waipā Foundation, a living learning center and NativeNative Hawaiʻian, runs an after-school program for local kids on Kauaʻi. The program provides space for the kids to: finish their homework, grow food for their families, and other cultural activities.
 (Photo: Stacy Sproat).


Hawaiʻi is home to nearly half the country’s threatened or endangered species. A Native Hawaiʻian school system that provides land for more than 300 of the state’s threatened, endangered, or rare species is building back Indigenous forests, while also training the next generation of land protectors.

This story was produced as part of the Solution Journalism Network’s 2022 Climate Cohort.

ISLAND OF HAWAIʻI—Botanists Reid Loo and Nāmaka Whitehead speak about the Indigenous plants of Hawaiʻi Island as though they are speaking about relatives. As Native Hawaiʻians, they are. They remember what certain plants looked like as babies, where they’ve traveled to and from, and the folklore of those relatives they never got a chance to meet.

“We recognize a shared ancestry with our islands and all of the species, the landforms, the weather forms, and everything else that exists upon our islands,” said Whitehead, a senior natural resource manager for the Kamehameha Schools, the largest land steward in the state of Hawaiʻi. “They shaped who we are as Hawaiʻians— every single one of them— and therefore, they're all critical to our identity.”

Since British explorer James Cook landed on Kauaʻi Island in 1778, invasive species have afflicted the Hawaiʻian ecosystem—from early European settlers and American missionaries who introduced new diseases and colonial attitudes, to pigs and goats the colonizers brought with them that fed on Indigenous vegetation. In more recent times, a fast-killing fungus wiped out thousands of Hawaiʻi’s sacred ʻōhiʻa trees, and the tourism industry that took root in the 1960s has exponentially driven up the cost of property and rent, resulting in disproportionate levels of homelessness among Native Hawaiʻians.

Hawaiʻi is a hotspot for biodiversity preservation, in part because of the dangers it’s up against: More than 100 plant species have already gone extinct, and nearly a third of its roughly 1,400 plant species—the vast majority of which are found nowhere else in the world—are listed as threatened or endangered, according to the state Division of Forestry and Wildlife. While Hawaiʻi makes up barely 0.3% of the nation’s total land mass, it’s home to 44% of the country’s endangered and threatened plant species. It has been dubbed the “extinction capital of the world.”

Over the last 20 years, Kamehameha Schools—an Indigenous-led school system—has been utilizing its two largest assets to restore Hawaiʻian identity: the thousands of acres of land it owns, and its predominantly Native Hawaiʻian student body to care for and learn from the land. Through various programs and partnerships, the school has revived thought-to-be-extinct species, restored Indigenous forests across the state, and brought Native Hawaiʻians back to the lands they’ve been dispossessed of.

“We want our people to engage more with endangered species so that they can know and love them,” Whitehead told Native News Online at the school’s West Hawaiʻi office in late January. “That relationship is really critical both to our own health and identity, but also to the continued survival of the species. If we don't know them, then people won't care about them.”

Reid Loo explains the importance of aʻaliʻi, or Dodonaea viscosa growing in one of the Indigenous forests Kamehameha Schools keeps as conservation lands in January. The plant is traditionally used to make medicines, lei, and more. 
(Photo: Jenna Kunze)

The wish of a princess

Kamehameha Schools was founded in 1887 through the land endowment of former Native Hawaiʻian Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, the great-granddaughter of King Kamehameha I, who united the islands into the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi in the early 1800.

In 1883, ten years before the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi, the Princess, “witness[ing] the rapid decline of the Hawaiʻian population, along with the loss of Hawaiʻian language, culture, and traditions,” conveyed her estate to create a school system that prioritized Native Hawaiʻian enrollment. But those efforts were thwarted after the U.S. illegally annexed Hawaiʻi in 1900, and Kamehameha Schools was counted among seven Indian boarding schools statewide that operated with “deliberate polic[ies] to suppress ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i’’ or Native Hawaiʻian language.

Kamehameha Schools is the only institution that remains open today, with the mission to help students “deepen their connection to culture and ‘āina,” or love of the land.

In 2021, Kamehameha Schools enrolled 1,403 students—the majority of whom identify as Native Hawaiʻian—on three campuses, according to the school’s annual report.

The princess’s 375,000 acres, about 9% of the total landmass in Hawaiʻi, remain the largest private land holding in the state. Kamehameha Schools leased most of the land for ranching up through the late ’90s, botanist Whitehead told Native News Online, but over the last 20 years, the school has reoriented itself towards conservation and preservation.

That shift came from a change in Indigenous leadership after four respected elders in 1997 publicly charged those managing Kamehameha School’s estate with “gross incompetence and massive trust abuse.” Around the same time, there was a rise of community activism around “āina-based learning” (land-based learning) and changes in the Hawaiʻi ranching sector.

After a reorganization in the early 2000s, Kamehameha Schools created its cultural resource department and an ‘Āina Ulu program — an arm of the school that integrates culture and place-based education into its curriculum.

Through ‘Āina Ulu, Kamehameha Schools leases its land to about 20 Native Hawaiian organizations that each steward and conduct eco-cultural education for school children and community members. Of the school’s 190,000 conserved acres, about a quarter of it is stewarded by Native Hawaiian organizations and used for place-based learning.

“Somebody smart looked at the economics and said ‘Hey, we lease our lands to any generic Tom, Dick or Harry, as long as they pay us,’” Mahealani Matsuzaki, the Āina Ulu program’s land education administrator for the last 16 years told Native News Online. “But if we rented it to our own Native peoples, both as regular tenants, (and) as Hawaiʻian nonprofits, we would magnify our mission. The Native Hawaiʻian organizations actually bring back Hawaiʻians to a community that has been dispossessed because of the cost it takes to live or work there.”

Whitehead described the divergence in Kamehameha School’s land management as a re-alignment with Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s original mission to serve her people.

“It was a larger shift in thinking—or perhaps a return in thinking— about our relationship with and stewardship of ʻāina, as well as the role of ʻāina in achieving our mission,” Whitehead said.

From pasture to ‘recovering Native forest’

At the foothills of Volcanoes National Park on the eastern side of the “Big Island” of Hawaiʻi, Reid Loo stops his pickup truck short outside a chain-link fence that asks visitors “Please Close the Fence—Ungulate-Free Zone.”

We are entering Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest (Keauhou is located within the larger district of Ka‘ū, so the forest name follows the format similar to: city, state) indicates a sprawling preserve of 32,000 acres.

The entrance to Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest. 
(Photo: Jenna Kunze)

The fencing that has surrounded the property since the early 2000s has kept out ungulates—hooved mammals such as pigs, goats, and deer—who pose some of the biggest threats to biodiversity in the state. With no natural predators, ungulates run wild and have devastated the island’s natural biodiversity by overgrazing on native plants, eroding the soil, and disturbing the earth to create rooting opportunities for invasive plant species and mosquitoes, botanists say.

“The history of fencing is really important, because ungulates modify our natural environment… by opening up space, which is then colonized by invasive species,” Loo said. He starts “nerding out” on the dimensions of the fence the school has specifically contracted to taper out at the bottom, to let small animals through but not wild ungulates. “And that competes with our native flora, which then declines, because invasive species typically are faster growing. That's what slowly causes habitat to decline.”

The fences’ value is clearly illustrated: Just outside of the gate, the land is cleared and looks like a grazed pasture. Inside the fence, there is a lush canopy of 100-foot-tall trees and other plants that stretches for miles.

PICTURED: The gate separating Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest's protected forest (left) from grazed pasture. (Photo: Jenna Kunze)

But that doesn't mean that the forest is safe from all threats.

In late 2015, land stewards across Hawaiʻi Island started noticing a disturbing trend: the yellowing and rapid dieoff of ʻŌhiʻa trees, one of Hawaiʻi’s most sacred and ecologically important trees. More than 100,000 ʻŌhiʻa trees, which compose 80% of the states’ native forests— or one million acres— have died in the last several years, according to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. Rapid ʻŌhiʻa Death (ROD), a little-known fungal disease, can kill the trees within a few weeks, sometimes within a few days.

When even just one ʻŌhiʻa dies, Whitehead said, it can have cascading effects on the local ecosystem. “We have tons of birds that rely on ʻŌhiʻa for all of their needs,” she said. “There's birds that only feed on the nectar of Ōhiʻa and birds that only eat insects that live between the leaves of the Ōhiʻa, and birds that only nest in cavities of the Ōhiʻa. If the Ōhiʻa forest dies, they die, too.”

The trees also provide a canopy for the forest, she added, so their death brings light in that enables weeds to grow and overwhelm native species.
‘A bright spot of hope in the conservation community’

Whitehead has worked for Kamehameha Schools’ natural-resources team for two decades. Conservation work can be painful, she said, and sometimes feels like a losing battle.

“It hurts the core of your being when you see [invasive species like ROD], because the Ōhiʻa was already ancient when all of these things that I read about in my history happened. This tree was ancient when Kamehameha was alive, and it’s going to die.”

PICTURED: In late 2015, ʻŌhiʻa trees, one of Hawaiʻi’s most sacred and ecologically important trees, began to rapidly die off from a fungal disease. More than 100,000 of the trees have died in the last several years, according to the Department of Land and Natural Resources. (Photo J. B. Friday, University of Hawaii)

That is why a staff member’s recent discovery of a thought-to-be extinct plant species on Kamehameha School land has become a symbol of hope for Whitehead and the Native Hawaiʻian communities.

In March 2021, a land steward from the Three Mountain Alliance, a partner organization, found a pod of three Delissea argutidentata plants poking out of a crater while she was collecting seeds from a nearby restoration area.

“She knew it was special, but didn’t know what it was,” Whitehead recounted. “It's a storied plant from this particular landscape. If you are a botanist who does any work in Kona, you have heard of this plant, because it has such a unique growth form. It has a relatively small-diameter trunk, and it used to grow straight up with no leaves or branches into the very top of the plant and then there would be this big poof of leaves. They were very tall, much taller than any other plant in its family.”

The plant, which can grow up to 35 feet tall, had been thought to be extinct in the wild for years. In 1992, a single Delissea argutidentata plant was found in a forest preserve in Kona on the Hawaiʻi Island, but it died in 2002. Some seeds were collected from that individual specimen and grown in a greenhouse, and several of its outplanted seeds that were reintroduced into the wild survive today.

In partnership with the state Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Three Mountain Alliance— a nonprofit organization funded by Kamehameha Schools and operated under the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaiʻi—Whitehead and her small team planted 31 Delissea plants, using seeds from the plant found in March 2021.

Of the 16 recognized species of Delissea, 14 are extinct, and the remaining two are endangered, according to Kamehameha Schools. The botanists can find no record of a Hawaiʻian name for Delissea argutidentata, but they guess it is related to a similar genus, Hāhā, which co-evolved with native birds.

“Hāhā are used in different ways,” Whitehead said. “People would [steam and] eat the leaves, but they primarily were a food source for native birds. All of the plants in the lobelia family that we have in Hawaiʻi have flowers that have this curved shape, the same curve as the bill of native birds. And without the plant, you can't have a healthy bird population, and without those birds, you can't really have healthy populations of these native lobelia, because they are what pollinate the flowers.”

Reviving extinct or endangered species is the name of the conservation game, but it's not always successful, Whitehead said. Kamehameha School’s lands provide habitat for over 302 rare species, 55 of which are being actively stewarded through recovery actions, including producing new plants from a parent plant, and outplanting.

“This kind of success story isn't something that we see very often to this level where the outplants are doing well,” she said. “This bright spot of hope in the conservation community (shows) there are positive things happening, and we can persist and overcome.”

The message extends to all Native Hawaiʻian relatives, she said.

“It's the same thing with our people. There's so many Hawaiʻians in jail and using drugs, and there's parts of our community where there's no jobs, nobody can afford houses, everybody has to move away. There’s so many problems in our communities, but stories of hope can uplift people, and we like to think that the connections that people are able to make to the forest strengthens their identity and their pride and who they are as Native Hawaiʻians.”

A Living Classroom

On a dewy morning in January, a group of five high school students stood in a line at the entrance of the gate to Kamehameha Schools’ Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest, wind pushing their hair back. In Hawaiʻian language, they asked educators on the inside of the fence for entry through a call-and-response song.

“Protocol,” Lahela Camara calls it. She’s the environmental educator for Three Mountain Alliance. She uses the song to welcome students to the forest by allowing them to ask permission for entry.

When permission is granted, the group’s teacher steps forward and offers hugs and an Aloha to each educator inside.

“So much of our connection [to our environment] has been severed by not having it in schools, or [incorporated in] just the way we live,” Camara told Native News Online. She said that Āina-based learning, or the outdoor education programs she runs—where community members come to Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest to plant trees, learn about endangered birds and plants, and connect with their Indigenous forests— are helping to restore that link.

It’s also helping get Native people back to the places they once had access to—as Hawaiʻi's tourism boom continues to drive up the cost of living.

Kamehameha’s oldest community partner, The Waipā Foundation and its predecessor organization, has been leasing 1,600 acres of land from the school on Kauaʻi’s North shore since the late 1980s, when local Hawaiʻian families learned of a resort and golf course development plan for the land. They organized to oppose the development, and proposed a different use for the space: a living learning center.

For decades since, The Waipā Foundation has served as a classroom for the continued practice and perpetuation of Hawaiʻian values and culture. A few of its regular events to fulfill its mission of restoring a vibrant ecosystem while inspiring healthy communities include: farmer’s markets, community work days, and a weekly poi days, where community members come to make poi— a staple food in the Hawaiʻian diet made from taro plants— and distribute it at cost to families throughout the island.

Community members, including Sproat (second from the right) gather to make poi through The Waipā Foundation's weekly program. 
(Photo courtesy of Waipā).

Through school field trips and extra-curricular activities, the organization in 2022 also welcomed more than 1,350 learners of all ages to participate in hands-on, land-based learning, Waipā executive director and Kamehameha graduate Stacy Sproat told Native News Online. A little less than half self-identified as Native Hawaiʻian, though racial data wasn’t collected from every participant.

While Waipā welcomes all visitors, Sproat said they run additional programs with local kids that focus on maintaining their connection with place and culture.

Kamehameha students working in the fields on March 1, 2023.
 (Photo: Stacy Sproat)

“In Hawaiʻi, and as with most Native people, we have been losing land and access to resources for hundreds of years,” Sproat said. “The colonization continues because of the severe gentrification of the communities surrounding Waipā. The social landscape and fabric of our community has been changing, to the point where now there are very few longtime families in our community.”

Ka’ui Fu, 36, comes from one of those local multi-generational families on Kauaʻi. As a middle schooler in the late 90s, she was a participant in one of Waipā’s first afterschool programs to connect youth to their community. Now she’s been groomed by Sproat to eventually take over the organization.

“At the heart of it, āina-based education has inspired me by giving me different ways that learning in a classroom could not,” Fu said. “I grew up in a traditional Hawaiʻian family, and that’s why my parents always had an interest in me being closer to my culture.The strength of āina-based education is that you’re learning specifically from place, with people. It opened my eyes to … new avenues of learning, new career paths, and being outside of the classroom with a cohort of people that were my family and my peers.”

Reid Loo at Keauhou, Kaʻū Forest in January 2023. 
(Photo:Jenna Kunze).

For Loo, a graduate of Kamehameha Schools, placing Native Hawaiʻians at the helm of conservation work only makes sense.

“Up until the ’90s and even into the 2000s, the [conservation] workforce was not representative of a lot of local demographics,” he said. “Programs like this have led to an increase in Hawaiʻians in positions of management or conservation.”

Today, half of Kamehameha Schools 17-person Natural and Cultural Ecosystems team has graduated from the school. All three natural resources management staff members, plus the team’s two interns, have also been educated within the school system.

Loo, a lifelong Hawaiʻian, has a personal stake in conservation work.

“In today's context, Hawaiʻians as a people are fighting a lot of the same things as our natural Kūpuna [ancestors]: our flora and fauna,” he said. “We’re getting priced out of our own home. We are disproportionately represented in the judicial system, and have a lot of challenges with health and access to education. If we want to remain in Hawaiʻi, we need to hold space as people and as our natural environment.”
Illuminative Launches Podcast about the Crimes of Indian Boarding Schools

Native-led social justice organization Illuminative is launching a new podcast examining the horrific abuse and neglect of Native American children at Red Cloud Indian School, a former boarding school on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation, home to the Oglala Sioux Tribe.

In the six-episode series titled “American Genocide,” Illuminative founder Crystal Echo Hawk (Pawnee) and Lashay Wesley (Choctaw) hit the ground on Pine Ridge in search of justice for the Native children who were abused and died at Red Cloud.

Red Cloud stopped boarding students in 1980 and today operates as a private Catholic school with more than 600 students from Pine Ridge attending. There has been no acknowledgment of the horrors committed by the institution during the Boarding School Era, a period between the late 1860s and the 1960s during which hundreds of thousands of Native American children were ripped from their homes and placed in government and church-run boarding schools the U.S. in an attempt to strip them of their Native culture and identity. 

 “We had no idea where this would end up when we first started — all we knew was that this story had to be told – and what we uncovered is far bigger than any of us could have imagined,” Echo Hawk toldVariety. “The United States government and Catholic Church blatantly committed genocide, and no one really knows about it outside of the Native community.”

“American Genocide” dives into the history of Red Cloud’s past and its perception today as a positive presence in the community. 

Episodes will give listeners an embedded perspective through interviews with school administrators, local elders and survivors, young activists, and U.S. Department of the Interior Deb Haaland while examining Red Cloud’s search for mass graves on its campus, growing tension between the school and community youth activists, and if the Catholic Church will close the school and return the land to the Oglala Sioux people. 

Listen to the trailer for ‘American Genocide’ at