Saturday, June 17, 2023


Tesla’s New Charging Standard Makes Competition Near-Impossible

  • Despite current federal funding favoring the CCS format, there's flexibility for NACS to meet the minimum standards for government funding, paving the way for increased infrastructure.

  • The support for NACS is likely to increase the number of charging stations, with major companies such as ABB, Blink Charging, and Chargepoint, among others, announcing their backing. Ford and GM will start adding NACS to their vehicles from 2024-2025.

Now that Ford and GM are joining forces with Tesla on charging infrastructure, the industry tide seems to be turning to one accepted standard: Tesla's North American Charging Standard (NACS) port.

Brilliantly using an analogue to the old Blu-ray vs HD DVD wars of days past, The Verge highlights how Tesla is shouldering its way to the front of the line when it comes to EV charging protocols.

Combined with Ford and GM, Tesla's standard now makes up 72% of the U.S. market. Its closest competitor, the CCS, gets the ill fated comparison to HD DVD, the now defunct video format from years past.

With Ford and GM agreeing to use that charging standard, it’s a bit like Samsung saying they will use the Apple lightning charger on its phones.”

CCS is still on the dole from the U.S. government, however, as federal funding remains limited to the CCS format, the report says. 

White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson told the Verge that there are minimum standards chargers must meet to get funding, but that NACS could meet this threshold: “Those standards give flexibility for adding both CCS and NACS, as long as drivers can count on a minimum of CCS.”

Guidehouse Insights principle research analyst Sam Abuelsamid added: “I’m guessing that lobbyists from GM and Ford are talking DOE to get those rules changed ASAP.”

Here are the charging station companies that have announced support for NACS, according to a newly released report from electrek:

  • ABB
  • Blink Charging
  • Chargepoint
  • EVgo
  • FLO
  • Tritium
  • Wallbox

Tesla has 45,000 charging stations around the world, 12,000 of which are in the U.S. Tesla owners also receive a J1772 adapter with their car that allows them to access more than 53,000 other Level 2 stations in North America. 

The number of stations will likely increase now that Ford and GM are adding NACS natively to future vehicles, beginning in 2024-2025.

Edmunds executive director of insights Jessica Caldwell concluded: “Behind cost, consumers’ biggest concern when considering an EV purchase involves charging as it’s an overwhelming unknown to so many."

She finished: "And for EVs to truly take off, there needs to be some standardization so consumers feel comfortable knowing they have ample charging locations to turn to and won’t be left stranded on the side of the road.”

How Chinese Military Equipment Found Its Way Into The Ukraine War

  • Chinese-made military equipment, including a multipurpose vehicle model called the Tiger, has been spotted in use on the Ukrainian battlefield, raising suspicions about China's covert role in the conflict.

  • While there's no concrete evidence of China providing formal military aid to Russia, Chinese exporters have reportedly supplied components of weapon systems to sanctioned Russian defense companies, indicating a possible loophole in sanction enforcement.

  • Recent investigations have traced the flow of Chinese components into Iran, then to Russia, and finally used against Ukraine, highlighting the complex supply chains that can circumvent sanctions.

It's been a constant since Moscow's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, but Chinese parts and components -- as well as drones and some weapons -- are finding their way onto the battlefield and helping Russia's military.

Finding Perspective: The issue was pushed back into the spotlight following a video posted to Telegram by Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov showcasing an array of new military equipment, including eight Chinese-made unarmed armored personnel carriers.

The vehicles appeared to be a multipurpose model called the Tiger or China Tiger and the video brought renewed scrutiny of Chinese weaponry helping the Kremlin's war effort -- a possibility raised by Western governments and experts for some time.

It's difficult to determine when or how the Chinese vehicles ended up in Chechnya, or how they might be deployed on the battlefield -- if at all.

While the equipment is no doubt Chinese-made, multiple military experts I spoke with said it was unlikely this was from a formal sale, saying that the Tiger is widely exported around the world -- including across Africa and to Tajikistan -- and that Kadyrov states in the video that "we regularly purchase military equipment that helps our fighters be more effective in solving the tasks assigned to them."

Why It Matters: There is no evidence so far that China has provided any formal military aid, such as shipments of ammunition or full weapons systems.

Doing so would bring major reputational costs to Beijing and China has instead pivoted to taking up a diplomatic position around the war to frame itself as a peacemaker.

Still, Chinese exporters have supplied components of weapons systems and dual-use technology to sanctioned Russian defense companies.

A new report from The Wall Street Journal found that Iranian drones used by Russia in Ukraine had new Chinese parts that were made this year.

The revelation shows that new Chinese components are continuing to flow into Iran, where they then make their way to Russia. According to an investigation, the Chinese part was made in January, shipped to Iran, installed, and then sent to Russia and used against Ukraine in April.

While this stops short of full-blown military support, it highlights the complexities of supply chains and the multitude of ways countries can still skirt sanctions.

Another recent investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project tracked an export path for Chinese drones from China to Russia to the battlefield via the Netherlands and Kazakhstan through a collection of Russian-owned companies.

Expert Corner: Slovakia, Elections, And Taiwan

Readers asked: "Along with the Czech Republic, Slovakia has been one of Taiwan's strongest supporters in Europe. The country is set to hold parliamentary elections in late September amid rising populism and growing pro-Russian, anti-Ukraine rhetoric on the political spectrum. How might that affect relations with Taipei?"

To find out more, I asked Matej Simalcik, the executive director of the Central European Institute of Asian Studies in Bratislava:

"There's still time until the elections and the polling is not yet conclusive about what the result may be or what kind of constellation of parties can form a coalition. But at the moment, the election could go either way and that could impact relations with China and Taiwan, even though neither are big election topics in Slovakia.

"In general, you can divide Slovak politicians into three groups when it comes to China. The first are those that are pragmatically pro-Chinese and see it as a source of economic benefits. The second are more ideologically inclined towards China. These two groups are mixed and matched across several political parties, but share elements of their worldview when it comes to economics and politics that tends to favor Chinese interests. The third group are those that are opponents of China ideologically while calling for some form of limited trade relations.

"Should the opposition form a government [likely led by former Prime Minister Robert Fico's Smer-SD party] then we'd see the first two groups have a larger voice. It's also important to observe that many of these politicians that tend to be pro-Chinese are also pro-Russian and they don't back China out of sheer goodwill. It's generally a very cold political calculus where they can use China in a way that fits into their anti-West narratives related to domestic politics or the war in Ukraine."


Bacteria Breakthrough Could Simplify Rare Earth Element Processing

  • The research from Penn State discovered a new method of separating rare earth elements using bacterial protein, which has a unique ability to distinguish between different rare earths.

  • The bacterial protein was isolated from a specific type of bacteria found naturally in English oak buds and showed a strong capability to differentiate between lighter and heavier rare earth elements.

  • This discovery could lead to more efficient, environmentally friendly mining and recycling practices for the tech sector, fundamentally changing how critical minerals like rare earths are harvested and purified.

Penn State scientists have discovered a new mechanism by which bacteria can select between different rare earth elements. That is using the ability of a bacterial protein to bind to another unit of itself, or ‘dimerize,’ when it is bound to certain rare earths, but prefer to remain a single unit, or ‘monomer,’ when bound to others.

The research paper reporting the discovery has been published in the journal Nature.

Penn State researchers have discovered a protein found naturally in a bacterium (Hansschlegelia quercus) isolated from English oak buds exhibits strong capabilities to differentiate between rare earths. Harnessing its power could revolutionize the entire tech sector by fundamentally changing how critical minerals like rare earths are harvested and purified. Image Credit: Penn State. Creative Commons

The discovery is important because rare earth elements, like neodymium and dysprosium, are critical components to almost all modern technologies, from smartphones to hard drives, but they are notoriously hard to separate from the Earth’s crust and from one another.

By figuring out how this molecular handshake works at the atomic level, the researchers have found a way to separate these similar metals from one another quickly, efficiently, and under normal room temperature conditions. This strategy could lead to more efficient, greener mining and recycling practices for the entire tech sector, the researchers state.

Joseph Cotruvo Jr., associate professor of chemistry at Penn State and lead author of the paper said, “Biology manages to differentiate rare earths from all the other metals out there – and now, we can see how it even differentiates between the rare earths it finds useful and the ones it doesn’t. We’re showing how we can adapt these approaches for rare earth recovery and separation.”

Rare earth elements, which include the lanthanide metals, are in fact relatively abundant, Cotruvo explained, but they are what mineralogists call “dispersed,” meaning they’re mostly scattered throughout the planet in low concentrations.

“If you can harvest rare earths from devices that we already have, then we may not be so reliant on mining it in the first place,” Cotruvo said. However, he added that regardless of source, the challenge of separating one rare earth from another to get a pure substance remains.

“Whether you are mining the metals from rock or from devices, you are still going to need to perform the separation. Our method, in theory, is applicable for any way in which rare earths are harvested,” he said.

All the same — and completely different

 In simple terms, rare earths are 15 elements on the periodic table – the lanthanides, with atomic numbers 57 to 71 – and two other elements with similar properties that are often grouped with them. The metals behave similarly chemically, have similar sizes, and, for those reasons, they often are found together in the Earth’s crust. However, each one has distinct applications in technologies.

Conventional rare earth separation practices require using large amounts of toxic chemicals like kerosene and phosphonates, similar to chemicals that are commonly used in insecticides, herbicides and flame retardants, Cotruvo explained. The separation process requires dozens or even hundreds of steps, using these highly toxic chemicals, to achieve high-purity individual rare earth oxides.

“There is getting them out of the rock, which is one part of the problem, but one for which many solutions exist,” Cotruvo said. “But you run into a second problem once they are out, because you need to separate multiple rare earths from one another. This is the biggest and most interesting challenge, discriminating between the individual rare earths, because they are so alike. We’ve taken a natural protein, which we call lanmodulin or LanM, and engineered it to do just that.”

Learning from nature

Cotruvo and his lab turned to nature to find an alternative to the conventional solvent-based separation process, because biology has already been harvesting and harnessing the power of rare earths for millennia, especially in a class of bacteria called “methylotrophs” that often are found on plant leaves and in soil and water and play an important role in how carbon moves through the environment.

Six years ago, the lab isolated lanmodulin from one of these bacteria, and showed that it was unmatched – over 100 million times better – in its ability to bind lanthanides over common metals like calcium. Through subsequent work they showed that it was able to purify rare earths as a group from dozens of other metals in mixtures that were too complex for traditional rare earth extraction methods. However, the protein was less good at discriminating between the individual rare earths.

Cotruvo explained that for the new study detailed in Nature, the team identified hundreds of other natural proteins that looked roughly like the first lanmodulin but homed in on one that was different enough – 70% different – that they suspected it would have some distinct properties. This protein is found naturally in a bacterium (Hansschlegelia quercus) isolated from English oak buds.

The researchers found that the lanmodulin from this bacterium exhibited strong capabilities to differentiate between rare earths. Their studies indicated that this differentiation came from an ability of the protein to dimerize and perform a kind of handshake. When the protein binds one of the lighter lanthanides, like neodymium, the handshake (dimer) is strong. By contrast, when the protein binds to a heavier lanthanide, like dysprosium, the handshake is much weaker, such that the protein favors the monomer form.

“This was surprising because these metals are very similar in size,” Cotruvo said. “This protein has the ability to differentiate at a scale that is unimaginable to most of us – a few trillionths of a meter, a difference that is less than a tenth of the diameter of an atom.”

Fine-tuning rare earth separations

 To visualize the process at such a small scale, the researchers teamed up with Amie Boal, Penn State professor of chemistry, biochemistry and molecular biology, who is a co-author on the paper. Boal’s lab specializes in a technique called X-ray crystallography, which allows for high-resolution molecular imaging.

The researchers determined that the protein’s ability to dimerize dependent on the lanthanide to which it was bound came down to a single amino acid – 1% of the whole protein – that occupied a different position with lanthanum (which, like neodymium, is a light lanthanide) than with dysprosium.

Because this amino acid is part of a network of interconnected amino acids at the interface with the other monomer, this shift altered how the two protein units interacted. When an amino acid that is a key player in this network was removed, the protein was much less sensitive to rare earth identity and size. The findings revealed a new, natural principle for fine-tuning rare earth separations, based on propagation of miniscule differences at the rare earth binding site to the dimer interface.

Using this knowledge, their collaborators at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory showed that the protein could be tethered to small beads in a column, and that it could separate the most important components of permanent magnets, neodymium and dysprosium, in a single step, at room temperature and without any organic solvents.

“While we are by no means the first scientists to recognize that metal-sensitive dimerization could be a way of separating very similar metals, mostly with synthetic molecules,” Cotruvo said, “this is the first time that this phenomenon has been observed in nature with the lanthanides. This is basic science with applied outcomes. We’re revealing what nature is doing and it’s teaching us what we can do better as chemists.”

Cotruvo believes that the concept of binding rare earths at a molecular interface, such that dimerization is dependent on the exact size of the metal ion, can be a powerful approach for accomplishing challenging separations.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” he said. “With further optimization of this phenomenon, the toughest problem of all – efficient separation of rare earths that are right next to each other on the periodic table – may be within reach.”

A patent application was filed by Penn State based on this work and the team is currently scaling up operations, fine-tuning and streamlining the protein with the goal of commercializing the process.

Other Penn State co-authors are Joseph Mattocks, Jonathan Jung, Chi-Yun Lin, Neela Yennawar, Emily Featherston and Timothy Hamilton. Ziye Dong, Christina Kang-Yun and Dan Park of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory also co-authored the paper.


This is definitely exciting work, important and worthwhile. The rare earth elements are essential for the continued growth of much of the high tech economy and are also used as political weapons. Breaking out from today’s circumstances is crucial for many industries and their products.

Yet for now, this technology is in the discovery phase. It is a very long way to commercial scale. But it is so important and the amount of capital and cash flow at stake is sure to drive this technology along.

Let's not overlook the amazement factor here. This technology is using organic compounds to do what has been the province of inorganic compounds. One might hope that not only will the rare earth elements become more available and sensibly priced, the processing might be much more environmentally friendly.

By Brian Westenhaus via New Energy and Fuel

Completion of German waste repository delayed

15 June 2023

Work to convert the former Konrad iron ore mine into Germany's first repository for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LLW/ILW) is running about two years behind schedule, according to the country's federal radioactive waste company, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE). The repository will not be completed in 2027 as planned, it said.

An aerial view of the Konrad 2 site (Image: BGE)

The Konrad mine - in Salzgitter, Lower Saxony - closed for economic reasons in 1976 and investigations began the same year to determine whether the mine was suitable for use as a repository for LLW/ILW.

In 2002, the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment issued a planning approval decision for the Konrad repository. Following multiple legal proceedings, this approval was confirmed by the Federal Administrative Court in 2007. A construction licence was issued in January 2008.

In April 2017, BGE assumed responsibility as the operator of the Asse II mine and the Konrad and Morsleben repositories from the Federal Office for Radiation Protection.

The Konrad mine is being converted for use as a repository under the supervision of BGE. The two mine shafts are being renovated and equipped with the necessary infrastructure underground. Among other things, this infrastructure includes transport galleries and the emplacement areas at a depth of around 850 metres. Above ground, construction work is under way on new buildings, including the reloading hall.

BGE said on 13 June that construction activities for the Konrad repository were well advanced, but there were "still some hurdles to overcome".

It noted all new buildings at Konrad 1 - the conventional part of the repository through which workers and material are brought underground and out again - have now been constructed. All underground cavities necessary for the operation of the repository have also been excavated and the underground expansion is almost complete.

At Konrad 2 - where waste will be accepted and transported underground - the construction of the storage shaft is currently on schedule. However, in a reassessment of the remaining construction work, BGE has concluded that the work is about two years behind schedule. "The completion of the Konrad repository in 2027, which has been assumed since 2017, can no longer be achieved," it said.

BGE said there were three main reasons for the delay at Konrad 2. Firstly, BGE needed longer to redesign the contractual relationships with the general planners than expected when it was founded. The general planners draw up the plans for the buildings and facilities on Konrad 2 on behalf of BGE. Secondly, following the March 2011 accident at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant, safety requirements for nuclear facilities in Germany were improved. This also applies to the safety requirements for protection against earthquakes. BGE said it underestimated the task of incorporating the higher safety requirements into the execution planning of all buildings and entailed special efforts for all those involved. Thirdly, it said the implementation planning for all structures is based on the approval for the Konrad repository. In many cases, the planning is accompanied by nuclear approval procedures. These procedures have taken longer than scheduled, BGE said.

The final disposal of up to 303,000 cubic metres of LLW/ILW at Konrad is set to begin in the early 2030s.  This waste represents 95% of the country's waste volume, with 1% of the radioactivity. At present, this waste is stored above-ground in interim storage facilities at more than 30 locations in Germany. Once within the Konrad repository, the containers will be immobilised with suitable concrete and securely sealed off during emplacement operations. Once operations are complete, all cavities of the mine will be backfilled and sealed in a manner that ensures long-term safety.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

Operating permit issued for Chinese molten salt reactor

15 June 2023

The Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been granted an operating licence for the experimental TMSR-LF1 thorium-powered molten-salt reactor, construction of which started in Wuwei city, Gansu province, in September 2018.

A cutaway of the TMSR-LF1 reactor (Image: SINAP)

"The thorium-fueled molten salt experimental reactor operation application and related technical documents were reviewed, and it was considered that the application met the relevant safety requirements, and it was decided to issue the 2 MWt liquid fuel thorium-based molten salt experimental reactor an operating licence," the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) said in a 7 June statement.

The NNSA noted that, when operating TMSR-LF1, SINAP "should adhere to the principle of 'safety first', abide by the regulations of the operating licence and permit conditions, and ensure the safe operation" of the reactor.

Construction of the TMSR-LF1 reactor began in September 2018 and was scheduled to be completed in 2024. However, it was reportedly completed in August 2021 after work was accelerated.

In August last year, SINAP was given approval by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to commission the reactor.

The TMSR-LF1 will use fuel enriched to under 20% U-235, have a thorium inventory of about 50 kg and conversion ratio of about 0.1. A fertile blanket of lithium-beryllium fluoride (FLiBe) with 99.95% Li-7 will be used, and fuel as UF4.

If the TMSR-LF1 proves successful, China plans to build a reactor with a capacity of 373 MWt by 2030.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

Canadian approvals milestone for drone delivery of radioisotopes

16 June 2023

Drone Delivery Canada has received authorisation for Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight flights and for the transportation of dangerous goods, which the company says is a significant milestone in the development of its Care by Air project to transport medical radioisotopes by drone. The project is the first of its kind within Canada.

Drone Delivery Canada hope to revolutionise deliveries in the healthcare segment (Image: DDC)

Transport Canada - the Canadian federal department responsible for most of the transportation policies and regulations on behalf of the Government of Canada - has approved Drone Delivery Canada to conduct Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight flights in the Golden Horseshoe/Southern Ontario area while transporting Class 7 dangerous goods. The flight authorisation means Drone Delivery Canada's drones will be able to operate beyond the visual range of operators, expanding the reach and capabilities of their autonomous fleet, while achieving a significant improvement in operational efficiencies, the company said.

The company's procedures, practices and personnel have been audited by both the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and Transport Canada to ensure that the strict safety requirements needed both to operate Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight (BVLOS) flights and to transport medical radioisotopes have been met. These authorisations will allow Drone Delivery Canada to further support the healthcare industry by delivering time-sensitive and life-saving products with increased speed and reliability, the company said.

Drone Delivery Canada has worked in collaboration with McMaster University - a producer of the medical isotope iodine-125 - DSV Canada Inc, Air Canada Cargo, Halton Healthcare and the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital to develop the Care by Air project, a 13.4 kilometre commercial route for the transportation of medical radioisotopes by drone. The project's first test flight demonstration, using Drone Delivery Canada's Sparrow drone, took place in October 2022.

All operations will be conducted in accordance with CNSC regulations, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations, the Canadian Aviation Regulations and Transport Canada special flight operations certificates, Drone Delivery Canada said.

"With BVLOS flights and dangerous goods transportation authorisation, we can now take a giant leap forward in transforming the way healthcare supplies are transported, ensuring faster delivery times and enhancing overall patient care," CEO of Drone Delivery Canada, Steve Magirias, said.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

Russian export push for floating nuclear power plants

16 June 2023

State nuclear power company Rosatom has signed an agreement with TSS Group to create a joint venture for the construction of a series of floating power units "with a capacity of at least 100 MWe and an assigned service life of up to 60 years for foreign markets and the subsequent sale of electricity from the floating power unit in the countries of presence".

(Image: Rosatom)

The aim is to follow this framework agreement with legally and financially binding documents in the future. The fleet will use RITM-200M reactors, derived from those used on Russia's latest nuclear-powered icebreakers.

The agreement says that "as target markets, the partners consider the countries of the Middle East, southeast Asia, and Africa. Energoflot is expected to be put into operation in the period from 2029 to 2036".

Andrey Nikipelov, deputy director general for mechanical engineering and industrial solutions for Rosatom, said people within Russia and elsewhere had been studying its floating power plant development "with great interest" and they were now able to "offer the market a whole family" of floating power units with a range of power and uses and suitable for conditions ranging from the Arctic to tropical climates.

He said: "In addition to environmental friendliness and stable operation, floating nuclear power units are able to provide energy independence - both from the main power grids, and in a broader sense - protection from the volatility of energy markets ... floating power units have great commercial potential both in Russia and abroad ...  and will create better living conditions for people and help economic development in different regions of the world."

Sergey Velichko, chairman of TSS Group, an oil and gas construction and engineering specialist, said the need for low-carbon energy generation was "becoming more and more urgent in the world - customers need a stable, economically predictable and sustainable source of energy". He added that floating nuclear power plants can meet that need and "allows the client to receive as much energy as he needs and in what place" and is "an investment in a future that is more environmentally friendly and predictable for us and our children".

Rosatom is already in the process of constructing four floating power units for the Baimskaya ore zone which highlights floating nuclear power plants' ability to be transported to hard-to-reach areas. It said: "In countries with developing economies, affordable energy is the key not only to the dynamic development of industry but also a factor in the growth of the well-being of the population."

Construction began last August, at a Chinese shipyard, of a barge that will later be fitted with two RITM-200M reactors for the first of the four floating nuclear power plants for the Cape Naglounyn project which will power the mining development at Baimskaya in the Russian Arctic. It will supply 103 MWe but, as the development requires 300 MWe, three are needed, with a fourth to be installed as backup for refuelling and maintenance.

Russia already has one floating nuclear power plant, the Akademik Lomonosov, which is stationed at Pevek where it supplies heat and power to the town. This is based on two KLT-40S reactors generating 35 MWe each, which are similar to those used in a previous generation of nuclear powered icebreakers. So-called 'modernised floating nuclear power plants' like the ones for Cape Nagloynyn feature reactors from the new RITM series, as used in the latest generation of icebreakers. RITM units can also be used on land and a single-reactor plant is planned for Ust-Kuyga in Russia's far east.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

IAEA's Grossi 'learned a lot' from Zaporizhzhia visit

16 June 2023

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said it was important to "see with my own eyes" the water supply situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant after leading the latest rotation of agency experts to the plant where they will be stationed.

There is sufficient water at the plant for cooling for months (Image: IAEA)

The IAEA team had to cross the frontline between Russian and Ukraine controlled areas on foot to reach, and later return from, what is Ukraine's and Europe's largest nuclear power plant. Grossi said his visit, which lasted a matter of hours was "compact, but was important for me because it concentrated on the situation as a consequence of the destruction of the dam".

He was able to see the water levels of the reservoir, the canal and inlets and the cooling ponds at the plant itself and discuss with plant managers the "contradictory" readings there appeared to have been at times since the Nova Kakhovka dam was damaged earlier this month.

(Image: IAEA)

Grossi also said he was able to visit the nearby Zaporizhzhia thermal power plant, which the IAEA has been seeking to visit for a number of weeks, to see the switchyard which could help improve the security of power supplies to the plant, which is currently relying on one external high voltage line.

Speaking during the visit on Thursday, he said: "What is essential for the safety of this plant is that the water that you see behind me stays at that level ... with the water that is here the plant can be kept safe for some time. The plant is going to be working to replenish the water so that safety functions can continue normally."

Answering media questions, he said that it was not realistic in the current conflict to expect the two sides to sign a formal agreement on nuclear safety measures for Zaporizhzhia, but said that there had been political agreement at the United Nations Security Council - including from Russia and Ukraine - on the five basic safety principles he outlined, which include not firing on the nuclear plant, not firing from the nuclear plant and not using it as a military base.

He said that the expanded IAEA team of experts stationed at Zaporizhzhia will be monitoring compliance with those principles, adding: "The IAEA is not going anywhere, we are staying and I will be back here."

In a message on Twitter posted after he left the plant, Grossi added that "we believe we have gathered a good amount of information for an assessment of the situation".

A destroyed bridge means part of the journey was on foot (Image: IAEA)

The team climbing up a slope (Image: IAEA)

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been under the control of Russian forces since the start of March 2022. Five of the six reactors are in cold shutdown and one is in "hot shutdown" which means it can continue to produce heating for the plant and the nearby homes in Energodar. The State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine has said that the last reactor should also be put into cold shutdown for safety reasons, but Russia's Tass news agency quoted Renat Karchaa, advisor to the director general of Russia’s Rosenergoatom nuclear power engineering company, as saying "these demands cannot be justified from a legal or technological point of view".

The news agency also quoted Rosatom Director General Alexei Likachev as saying that in-person talks "with the IAEA are planned next week, the date and venue are being agreed".

Researched and written by World Nuclear News