Saturday, September 09, 2023


Newly discovered fungus helps destroy a harmful food toxin

Scientists identify a fungal strain that transforms patulin, a dangerous mycotoxin sometimes found in fruits, into less toxic byproducts

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Patulin is a hidden threat in apples and apple juice. 



Patulin (C7H6O4), a mycotoxin produced by several types of fungi, is toxic to a variety of life forms, including humans, mammals, plants, and microorganisms. In particular, environments lacking proper hygienic measures during food production are susceptible to patulin contamination as many of these fungi species tend to grow on damaged or decaying fruits, specifically apples, and even contaminate apple products, such as apple sauce, apple juice, jams, and ciders.

Responsible for a wide variety of health hazards, including nausea, lung congestion, ulcers, intestinal hemorrhages, and even more serious outcomes, such as DNA damage, immunosuppression, and increased cancer risk, patulin toxicity is a serious concern worldwide. As a result, many countries have imposed restrictions on the permitted levels of patulin in food products, especially baby foods as infants are more vulnerable to the effects of patulin.

Treatment of patulin toxicity include oxygen therapy, immunotherapy, detoxification therapy, and nutrient therapy. However, as prevention is often better than cure, scientists have been on the lookout for efficient ways to mitigate patulin toxicity in food products. To this end, a research team including Associate Professor Toshiki Furuya from Tokyo University of Science (TUS) in Japan, recently screened for soil microorganisms that can potentially help keep patulin toxicity in check. Their study, published online in Volume 12, Issue 4 of MicrobiologyOpen on 11 August 2023, was co-authored by Ms. Megumi Mita, Ms. Rina Sato, and Ms. Miho Kakinuma, all from TUS.

The team cultured microorganisms from 510 soil samples in a patulin-rich environment, looking for those that would thrive in presence of the toxin. Next, in a second screening experiment, they used high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to determine the survivors that were most effective in degrading patulin into other less harmful chemical substances. Accordingly, they identified a filamentous fungal (mold) strain, Acremonium sp. or “TUS-MM1,” belonging to the genera Acremonium, that fit the bill.

The team then performed various experiments to shed light on the mechanisms by which TUS-MM1 degraded patulin. This involved incubating the mold strain in a patulin-rich solution and focusing on the substances that gradually appeared both inside and outside its cells in response to patulin over time.

One important finding was that TUS-MM1 cells transformed any absorbed patulin into desoxypatulinic acid, a compound much less toxic than patulin, by adding hydrogen atoms to it. “When we started this research, only one other filamentous fungal strain had been reported to degrade patulin,” comments Dr. Furuya. “However, prior to the present study, no degradation products had ever been identified. In this regard, to our knowledge, TUS-MM1 is the first filamentous fungus shown to be capable of degrading patulin into desoxypatulinic acid.

Moreover, the team found that some of the compounds secreted by TUS-MM1 cells can also transform patulin into other molecules. By mixing patulin with the extracellular secretions of TUS-MM1 cells and using HPLC, they observed various degradation products generated from patulin. Encouragingly, experiments on E. coli bacterium cells revealed that these products are significantly less toxic than patulin itself. Through further chemical analyses, the team showed that the main agent responsible for patulin transformation outside the cells was a thermally stable but highly reactive compound with a low molecular weight.

Overall, the findings of this study take us a step closer toward efficient solutions for controlling the levels of patulin in food. Dr. Furuya speculates: “Elucidating the pathways via which microorganisms can degrade patulin would be helpful not only for increasing our understanding of the underlying mechanisms in nature but also for facilitating the application of these organisms in biocontrol efforts.

Let us hope that these efforts will pave the way for safer fruit-based foods and beverages!

Patulin toxicity is a serious food safety hazard, and scientists are looking for ways to control it. Now, researchers from TUS, Japan, have identified, for the first time, a mold strain that can convert patulin into desoxypatulinic acid and other less toxic substances, with potential applications for patulin biocontrol.


The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Image Source Link:




About The Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science (TUS) is a well-known and respected university, and the largest science-specialized private research university in Japan, with four campuses in central Tokyo and its suburbs and in Hokkaido. Established in 1881, the university has continually contributed to Japan's development in science through inculcating the love for science in researchers, technicians, and educators.

With a mission of “Creating science and technology for the harmonious development of nature, human beings, and society,” TUS has undertaken a wide range of research from basic to applied science. TUS has embraced a multidisciplinary approach to research and undertaken intensive study in some of today's most vital fields. TUS is a meritocracy where the best in science is recognized and nurtured. It is the only private university in Japan that has produced a Nobel Prize winner and the only private university in Asia to produce Nobel Prize winners within the natural sciences field.



About Associate Professor Toshiki Furuya from Tokyo University of Science

Dr. Toshiki Furuya is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Department of Applied Biological Science at TUS. He completed his graduation and post-graduation from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. He has won many awards, including the 24th Excellent Paper Award by Society of Biotechnology in 2016. His areas of research include applied biochemistry, microbial metabolism, enzyme catalysis, bioproduction, and bioremediation.


Funding information

There is no funding to declare.


Laws of God and nature, social norms and customs: Leopoldina Annual Assembly is dedicated to rules and laws

Meeting Announcement


While laws govern coexistence in society, they also manifest in social norms and customs, are unalterable as laws of nature, or categorical in a religious context. This broad spectrum of laws of God and nature, rules and regularities is at the heart of this year’s Annual Assembly of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, which will be held in Halle (Saale)/Germany on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 September and online. We cordially invite you to this event and would appreciate an announcement of this date in your medium.

Leopoldina Annual Assembly 2023
“Law(s) Rules of Reality – Rules for Reality”
Thursday 28 September and Friday 29 September 2023
Leopoldina Main Building
Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale)/Germany and online

Dr Reiner Haseloff, Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt, and Professor Dr Sabine Döring, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, will give welcome speeches to open the assembly on Thursday. In the opening panel, Leopoldina Member Professor Dr Lorraine Daston, science historian, and philosopher Professor Dr Michael Hampe will discuss laws of nature. The evening presentation will be given by musicologist Professor Dr Hans-Joachim Hinrichsen on “The exception as the rule. Beethoven and the legalities of musical freedom.”

During the opening of the assembly, the Cothenius Medal 2023 will be awarded to Leopoldina Member Professor Dr Jürgen Troe for his lifetime of scientific achievement. The physician made a significant contribution to understanding the molecular foundation of reaction processes with his analysis of chemical reactions and description of large reaction systems such as combustion processes and reactions in the atmosphere.

On Friday, the Annual Assembly’s four specialist sessions will look at various aspects of rules and regularities in the natural, human and social sciences. Speakers include Leopoldina Member Professor Dr Magnus Striet, a fundamental theologian exploring various religious laws, and the mathematician Professor Dr Hélène Esnault who will talk about the concept of “right” and “wrong” in mathematics. The interaction of laws and conventions in everyday life are the focus of the speech by Professor Dr Ursula Rao, ethnologist. In her presentation “Observations on legal gender order”, the legal scholar Professor Dr Anna Katharina Mangold looks at the connection between nature and the law.

The scientific coordination of the Annual Assembly 2023 has been taken over by the Romance scholar Professor Dr Andreas Kablitz, Senator of the Section Cultural Sciences, the physicist Professor Dr Konrad Samwer, and the legal scholar and former President of the German Federal Constitutional Court Professor Dr Andreas Voßkuhle.

The event is open to all interested parties and is free. The link for mandatory registration by 5 September and the programme can be found here:

The event will also be broadcast live via the Leopoldina YouTube channel:

The Leopoldina on X:

About the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
As the German National Academy of Sciences, the Leopoldina provides independent science-based policy advice on matters relevant to society. To this end, the Academy develops interdisciplinary statements based on scientific findings. In these publications, options for action are outlined; making decisions, however, is the responsibility of democratically legitimized politicians. The experts who prepare the statements work in a voluntary and unbiased manner. The Leopoldina represents the German scientific community in the international academy dialogue. This includes advising the annual summits of Heads of State and Government of the G7 and G20 countries. With around 1,700 members from more than 30 countries, the Leopoldina combines expertise from almost all research areas. Founded in 1652, it was appointed the National Academy of Sciences of Germany in 2008. The Leopoldina is committed to the common good.


Burning candles and fumes from cooking is harmful for people with mild asthma

A new study from Aarhus University shows that young individuals with even mild asthma should remember to turn ventilation all the way up when cooking or burning candles. The fumes can cause irritation and inflammation in the body.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Postdoc Karin Rosenkilde Laursen 



A cosy set table, a nice steak in the pan, and romantic candlelight may sound like the start of a lovely evening. However, a new study from the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University suggests that you should be cautious about inhaling too much of the cosy atmosphere. Karin Rosenkilde Laursen, a postdoc at the department and co-author of the study, says:

"Our study shows that indoor air pollution caused by fumes from cooking and burning candles can lead to adverse health effects such as irritation and inflammation in young individuals with mild asthma. Among other things, we’ve found indications of DNA damage and signs of inflammation in the blood."

When we turn on the oven, place a pan on the hob, or light candles, ultrafine particles and gases are produced, which we then inhale. Previous studies have shown that these particles and gases can be detrimental to health. What sets this study apart is that the researchers have focused on the effects on young individuals with mild asthma, aged between 18 and 25, says Karin Rosenkilde Laursen:

"In the study, we observed that even very young individuals with mild asthma can experience discomfort and adverse effects if the room is not adequately ventilated during cooking or when burning candles. Young people are generally fitter and more resilient than older and middle-aged individuals. Therefore, it is concerning that we observed a significant impact from the particles on this particularly young age group."

But not only people diagnosed with asthma need to keep an eye on the indoor climate, she says.

"Even though the study focused on young asthmatics, its findings are interesting and relevant for all of us. Winter is approaching, a time when we tend to light many candles and perhaps are less likely to open doors and windows while cooking. By prioritising a healthier indoor climate, even when we're cosying up indoors, we may be able to help reduce the incidence of serious lung and cardiovascular diseases, as well as cancer."

Karin Rosenkilde Laursen plans to follow up this study with another examining how emissions from cooking and candles affect healthy adults.

The research results - more information 

  • Studytype: The study is a randomised controlled double-blind exposure study in which 36 young asthmatics were exposed to three different exposures in the climate chambers at Aarhus University. They were exposed to emissions from cooking, emissions from burning candles and finally clean air. Each time, the participants were exposed for five hours under highly controlled conditions. During the exposures, we measured particles and gases, and participants reported symptoms related to irritation and general well-being. Biomarkers in relation to airway and systemic inflammatory changes were assessed before exposure, immediately after exposure and again the next morning.
  • Partners: The Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University. The Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, The Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Gothenburg, Aarhus University Hospital.
  • Funding: The study is financed by Realdania Research grant of DKK 2.8 million. 
  • Read more in the scientific article


Using digital systems to reduce cable clutter for on-board networks in vehicles

Research project at FAPS at FAU wants to return manufacturing to Germany

Grant and Award Announcement


Vehicle on-board networks have played a central role ever since the introduction of electric cars. The cable clutter in each car represents the increase in electrification of vehicles which will one day enable autonomous driving with safety-critical functions. This will finally transform on-board networks into the nervous system of mobility. Currently, manufacturing processes for these wiring harnesses require large numbers of personnel and are not highly automated.

As part of the “Next2OEM” project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Climate Action, researchers at FAU now want to examine, digitalize and automate the entire value chain. This will eliminate both the “clutter” of steps in the process and in the responsibilities involved. At the end of the project carried out by the Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems (FAPS), a prototype will be produced that will ensure on-board networks are “Made in Germany” once again. The Next2OEM project has an overall volume of over 24 million euros and is scheduled for completion in January 2026.

Complex nerve pathways in on-board networks

For drivers, on-board networks are a type of black box as they are practically invisible. However, these customer-specific wiring harnesses form a complex “nerve system” in a vehicle. Even a medium-sized passenger car contains an average of around 3000 individual cables that, along with other components in the on-board network, come to a total weight of 55 kilos.

In the past, the value chain simply grew with the product and process structures without rethinking it. For example, priority was given to cost efficiency which led to excessive logistics. Due to the cheaper costs involved, North Africa and Ukraine have become established manufacturing locations. In some cases, this can mean that cables and smaller components are shipped back and forth across the globe before ending up in Germany for final assembly at an original equipment manufacturer (OEM). The Russian invasion of Ukraine made the lack of resilience of these supply chains obvious and, during the coronavirus pandemic in particular, the fragility of procurement processes became apparent.

FAPS and project partners examine entire value chain

To enable reshoring of wiring harness manufacturing to Germany in future, FAPS and the Next2OEM partners are developing something known as a graph-based information model. This model is based on digital data and how they are exchanged for each product and every manufacturing and transport process. This digital ecosystem facilitates the newly-developed manufacturing processes in Next2OEM. The aim is to implement automated wiring harness manufacturing and installation at OEMs. The Next2OEM project will result in a demonstration system for highly-automated wiring harness manufacturing in a vehicle.

This will include, for example, solutions to manage the handling of components and cables with unstable forms. In addition, it will ensure traceability back to the component and process level for the first time. Furthermore, in terms of the impact on the environment, it will shorten logistics routes and thus reduce the CO2 footprint. Data will become available about which components were installed and checked when and where and the size of a product’s CO2 footprint virtually at the touch of a button.

All partners at one table

The consortium comprises partners from the entire value chain including everything from plug-in connector manufacturing and cable assembly, shaping, cable protection, testing and logistics to the assembly of the wiring harness into the car body. Consortium leader AUDI AG is responsible for testing and validating the feasibility of the prototype of the entire system.

The project partners are TE Connectivity and KOSTAL Kontakt Systeme as connector manufacturers, semantic PDM for the development of the graph-based information model, and Kromberg and Schubert as wiring harness manufacturers. Other important partners in automation include Komax Taping, Komax Testing, Stefani Maschinenbau, BÄR Automation and ArtiMinds Robotics.

Using artificial methods for growing crops could help solve global food security

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Artificial methods of growing lettuce produce twice the amount of the crop as traditional field-based methods, according to a new study from the University of Surrey. The meta-analysis also found that it was quicker to grow lettuce using artificial methods, with production rates 50% faster in summer periods and up to 300% faster in winter. 

Researchers reviewed over 120 published papers to try to understand the impact of using controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) systems to grow lettuce – a high-value crop commonly grown in these systems.  

The study found that, on average, CEA methods produce double the yields compared to field-based agriculture (3.68 kg m−2 vs 1.88 kg m−2). The team also found that the cultivation time of CEA yields was, on average, 40 days. This was shorter than the average field-based cultivation time of 60–120 days. 

Interestingly, the team also found that using CEA methods for vertical farming (where crops are grown in stacked layers) yielded significantly higher results (6.88 kg m−2) than field-based agriculture.  

Dr Zoe M Harris, co-author of the study from the University of Surrey, said: 

"The climate emergency presents a frightening number of challenges for us all, including global food security. Controlled-environment agriculture could allow cultivation of crops in harsh environments, or in changing climates. Being able to quantify the benefits CEA can have on yield and growth rate is essential to advancing our understanding of where and when this technology can bring the most value to society.  

"We hope that our findings underscore the importance of understanding CEA growth factors and emphasise the need for ongoing research in the area of controlled-environment agriculture." 

The study has been published in the journal Plants

The University of Surrey is a leading research institution that focuses on sustainability to deliver impacts that benefit society and help deal with the many challenges of climate change. Surrey is also committed to improving its own resource efficiency on its campuses in Guildford and aspires to be a sector leader. It has set a commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030. In April, it was ranked 55th in the world by the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings, which assesses more than 1,400 universities' performance against the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).      


Notes to editors 

  • Dr Zoe M Harris is available for interview upon request.  

  • For more information, please contact the University of Surrey's press office via 


Pulmonary embolism deaths, disparities high despite advancements in care

The condition affects around 900,000 Americans each year.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Over the last 20 years, treatments for pulmonary embolism advanced greatly. Several new therapies were developed alongside widespread adoption of emergency response teams for the condition, which is marked by a blockage of the arteries in the lungs often caused by a blood clot.

Despite these innovations, a Michigan Medicine study finds that the death rate for pulmonary embolism remains high and unchanged in recent years – more often killing men, Black patients and those from rural areas.

The results are published in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

“These findings are surprising and counterintuitive to the advancement in care for patients with pulmonary embolism over the last decade, as well as other studies suggesting a downward trajectory in mortality from other major causes of cardiovascular death,” said lead author Mohamed Zghouzi, M.D., who was a vascular medicine fellow at the University of Michigan Health Frankel Cardiovascular Center at the time the work was done.

Researchers analyzed over 100,000 deaths related to pulmonary embolism between 2006 and 2019 using national data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

They found that the death rate due to pulmonary embolism did not change significantly from 2.8 deaths per 100,000 people over the course of the decade. However, the mortality rate increased significantly among men, as well Black patients, who were nearly two times more likely to die from the condition compared to white patients.

In rural areas, 4 patients per 100,000 died of pulmonary embolism, which is nearly double that of large metropolitan areas.

“Seeing a higher incidence of blood clots, including pulmonary embolism, in Black populations, patients in rural areas and those with lower socioeconomic status suggests that social determinants of health play a role in the incidence and outcomes of venous thromboembolism,” said Geoffrey Barnes, M.D., M.Sc., co-author and associate professor of cardiology-internal medicine at U-M Medical School.

Pulmonary embolism is most often caused by a blood blot in the legs, called deep vein thrombosis, that travels through the body up to the lungs. It affects around 900,000 people in the U.S. each year, with 10-30% of people dying within one month of diagnosis, according to the American Lung Association.

“These findings highlight a need for both increased funding for research focused on the underlying causes of these mortality rates and disparities, as well as targeted interventions and programs aimed at improving outcomes for pulmonary embolism in all patients,” Barnes said.

Additional authors include Hunter Mwansa, M.D., Supriya Shore, M.D., Syed Nabeel Hyder, M.D., Neil Kamdar, Victor M. Moles, M.D., James Froehlich, M.D., Vallerie V. McLaughlin, M.D., Brahmajee Nallamothu, M.D., and Vikas Aggarwal, M.D., all of Michigan Medicine at the time of the work, Timir K. Paul, M.D., Ph.D., of University of Tennessee at Nashville, Kenneth Rosenfield, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital, and Jay Giri, M.D., of University of Pennsylvania.

Funding: GDB – consulting for Abbott Vascular, Boston Scientific. JG has served on advisory boards and received research funds to the institution from Abiomed, Boston  Scientific, Abbott  Vascular,  Inari  Medical. KR: Consultant/Scientific  Advisory Board, Abbott Vascular, Althea Medical,  Angiodynamics, Boston Scientific, Penumbra. Board Member and Founder: National PERT Consortium. All other authors have no relevant relationships to disclose.

Paper cited: “Gender, Racial, and Geographic Disparities in Pulmonary Embolism-related Mortality Nationwide,” Annals of the American Thoracic Society. DOI: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202302-091O


Is digital media use a risk factor for psychosis in young adults?

Young adults who have more frequent psychotic experiences also tend to spend more time on digital media, study finds

Peer-Reviewed Publication


On average, young adults in Canada spend several hours on their smartphones every day. Many jump from TikTok to Netflix to Instagram, putting their phone down only to pick up a video game controller. A growing body of research is looking into the potential dangers of digital media overuse, as well as potential benefits of moderate digital media use, from a mental health standpoint.

A recent McGill University study of 425 Quebecers between the ages of 18 and 25 has found that young adults who have more frequent psychotic experiences also tend to spend more time using digital media. Interestingly, the study, which surveyed the participants over a period of six months, also found that spending more time on digital media did not seem to cause any change in the frequency of psychotic experiences over time, said lead author and psychiatry resident at McGill, Vincent Paquin.  

By "psychotic experiences," the researchers refer to a range of unusual thoughts and perceptions, such as the belief of being in danger and the experience of hearing and seeing things that other people cannot see or hear. These experiences are relatively common, affecting about 5% of young adults.

“Our findings are reassuring because they do not show evidence that digital media can cause or exacerbate psychotic experiences in young people,” said Paquin. “It is important to keep in mind that each person is different. In some situations, digital media may be highly beneficial for a person’s well-being, and in other cases, these technologies may cause unintended harms.”

Accessing mental health services through digital media

The researchers hope their findings will help improve mental health services for young people. By better understanding the types of digital contents and activities that matter to young people, mental health services can be made more accessible and better aligned with individual needs, they say.

“It is important for young people, their families, and for clinicians and policymakers to have scientific evidence on the risks and benefits of digital media for mental health, Paquin said. “Considering that young adults with more psychotic experiences may prefer digital technologies, we can use digital platforms to increase their access to accurate mental health information and to appropriate services.”

About the study

Associations between digital media use and psychotic experiences in young adults of Quebec, Canada: a longitudinal study by Vincent Paquin et al., was published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.


A global observatory to monitor Earth's biodiversity

Peer-Reviewed Publication


At a time of unparalleled rates of biodiversity loss, a new interconnected system to monitor biodiversity around the world is needed to guide action quickly enough to target conservation efforts to where they are most needed.

"The lethal combination of habitat loss, the exploitation of natural populations, and climate change is causing species extinction rates not seen since the last mass extinction 65 million years ago," said Prof. Andrew Gonzalez, Liber Ero Chair in Conservation Biology at McGill University and co-Chair of GEO BON. "We lack the means to monitor these impacts fast enough across most areas of the planet."

Operating much like the existing global network of weather stations that monitor climate change and its impacts, the Global Biodiversity Observing System (GBiOS), is a proposal developed by scientists from the Group of Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and its partners, that will combine technology, data, and knowledge from around the world to foster collaboration and data sharing among countries and to provide the data urgently needed to monitor change and target action.


GBiOS can galvanize collaboration on the critical issue of biodiversity data access, sharing, and equitable use. "It can provide the information we need at the pace we need it to support countries as they make progress towards their biodiversity goals", said Prof. Alice Hughes, Associate Professor at The University of Hong Kong, and one of the dozens of scientists who collaborated to develop the proposal for GBiOS.

GBiOS is a missing piece of the science-policy puzzle needed to support the Global Biodiversity Framework agreed upon at the COP-15 conference in Montreal last year, contributing to a representative and inclusive understanding of biodiversity change and supporting effective implementation of policies that are designed to reverse biodiversity loss and achieve the global goals for nature in the coming decades.

The article A global biodiversity observing system to unite monitoring and guide action by Andrew Gonzalez et al., appeared in Nature Ecology and Evolution.



Why men, wealthy people and maritime residents are more likely to develop skin cancer

Study compares UV exposure and behaviours among different groups in with the goal of improving public health efforts aimed at reducing melanoma rates

Peer-Reviewed Publication


A new study led by McGill University examines why people living in Atlantic regions are more at-risk for developing melanoma than other Canadians, providing lessons on skin cancer prevention for the whole country.  

Rates of melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, have been rising globally, including in Canada. Current estimates indicate that up to 1 in 3 Canadians will develop some form of skin cancer during their lifetime. While some Atlantic provinces such as Prince Edward Island (PEI) and Nova Scotia have the highest incidence rate of melanoma in the country, neighbouring provinces like New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador have rates below or comparable to the Canadian average. 

To find out why, the researchers compared UV exposure and behaviours among different groups in Atlantic Canada based on income, education, and gender, among other factors. 

Higher-income individuals more at risk for melanoma 

The study found that higher-income individuals had an increased risk of melanoma. Risk factors contributing to this include more lifetime sun burns, tanning bed use, and being tanned. Similarly, individuals with university education had higher rates of recreational sun exposure but were less likely to use tanning beds.  

“A higher socio-economic status is known to be associated with more vacations in sunny climates and recreational tanning, which likely ultimately drives melanoma incidence in this population,” highlights Dr. Ivan Litvinov, an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine and Chair of the Dermatology Division at McGill University.  

However, the study also showed that individuals earning less than $50,000 a year were more likely to work outdoors and experience occupational sun exposure, placing them at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. These findings suggest that policies to protect outdoor workers could help reduce melanoma risk, say the researchers. 

Men are more skeptical of sunscreen 

Looking at differences between men and women, the researchers found that women had less sun exposure and practiced more sun protection compared to men. Men were more likely to report more lifetime sunburns as well as occupational and recreational sun exposure. They also had higher rates of melanoma and other skin cancers. 

Nevertheless, women tended to wear fewer long-sleeve shirts and frequented tanning beds more. These behaviours, the researchers say, may explain findings in a previous study that show women are more likely to develop melanoma in their extremities.  

When it comes to skin cancer prevention, their study found that men express more negative beliefs toward sunscreen use than women. Consistent with this, women were more concerned about new moles and were more likely to seek medical advice from a family physician. The researchers say these behavior patterns may account for the overall lower melanoma incidence and mortality in women.

Putting sun protection knowledge into practice  

The findings also show that people living in the most high-risk communities of PEI and Nova Scotia had more sunburns and sun exposure compared to people in regions like Newfoundland and Labrador. Surprisingly, those living in these high-risk communities had more knowledge of sun protection and melanoma awareness as well. 

“To prevent skin cancer many Canadians really need to act on the knowledge they already have. Applying sunscreen is one of the effective ways to prevent skin cancer,” says Dr. Litvinov. 

Public health efforts aimed at reducing skin cancer should be tailored to target specific demographic groups, the researchers say. “You need to have a different sun protection message when you’re talking to a single young man versus a mother of three children,” says Dr. Litvinov. 

“Governments also have a direct role to play in combatting rising rates of melanoma. It’s projected that the financial burden of skin cancer to the Canadian healthcare system could rise to one billion annually by 2030,” he adds. “Canada should follow in the footsteps of many countries that have removed sales tax on sunscreen to promote their use.”  

About the study 

Assessing Skin Cancer Risk Factors, Sun Safety Behaviors and Melanoma Concern in Atlantic Canada: A Comprehensive Survey Study” by François Lagacé et al. was published in Cancers. 

The search for the super potato

Scientists have assembled the genome sequences of nearly 300 varieties of potatoes and its wild relatives to develop more nutritious, disease-free, and weather-proof crop

Peer-Reviewed Publication


As climate change continues to pose severe challenges to ensuring sustainable food supplies around the world, scientists from McGill University are looking for ways to improve the resilience and nutritional quality of potatoes. Professor Martina Strömvik and her team have created a potato super pangenome to identify genetic traits that can help produce the next super spud.  

“Our super pangenome sheds light on the potato’s genetic diversity and what kinds of genetic traits could potentially be bred into our modern-day crop to make it better,” says Professor Strömvik, who collaborated with researchers across Canada, the Unites States and Peru. “It represents 60 species and is the most extensive collection of genome sequence data for the potato and its relatives to date,” she adds.  

A genome is an organism’s complete set of genetic instructions known as the DNA sequence, while a pangenome aims to capture the complete genetic diversity within a species, and a super pangenome also includes multiple species. 

Imagining a disease-free and drought or frost-proof potato 

The potato is a staple food source for many people around the world – and it’s one of the most important food crops globally, after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. “Wild potato species can teach us a lot about what genetic traits are critical in adapting to climate change and extreme weather, enhancing nutritional quality, and improving food security,” says Professor Strömvik. 

To build the potato pangenome, the researchers used supercomputers to crunch data from public databanks, including gene banks in Canada, the United States, and Peru.  

According to the researchers, the pangenome can be used to answer many questions about the evolution of this important crop that was domesticated by Indigenous peoples in the mountains of southern Peru nearly 10,000 years ago. It could also be used to help identify specific genes to create a super spud using traditional breeding or gene editing technology.  

“Scientists hope to develop something that can defend against various forms of diseases and better withstand extreme weather like lots of rain, frost, or a drought,” says Professor Strömvik. 

About the study 

Pangenome analyses reveal impact of transposable elements and ploidy on the evolution of potato species” by Ilayda Bozan, Sai Reddy Achakkagari, Noelle L. Anglin, David Ellis, Helen H. Tai, and Martina V. Strömvik was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).