Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald opens up about hopes for 2024 election

The Sinn Fein chief added she would talk to any and all parties after the polls close, even arch enemies Fine Gael

NEWS By Ferghal Blaney
27 DEC 2023
Mary Lou McDonald
 (Image: Conor Ó Mearáin / Collins Photo Agency)

Leo Varadkar could serve as Tanaiste under Taoiseach Mary Lou McDonald in a Sinn Fein-led government after the next General Election.

Ms McDonald wouldn’t rule it out and added: “I would prefer a different outcome but that would be a question for him.” The prospect of the current Taoiseach and Fine Gael leader playing second fiddle in a Sinn Fein administration is something being contemplated by Ms McDonald.

The Sinn Fein boss also spoke candidly about her friendly relations with Celtic Tiger property developer Johnny Ronan and how the current Government were “absolutely to blame” for the recent Dublin riots.

Read more: Mary Lou McDonald bravely opens up on hysterectomy and says she is 'extremely lucky'

In the exclusive Christmas interview with the Irish Mirror, Ms McDonald explained why government party attempts to keep linking Sinn Fein to their past links to the IRA are “just distraction politics”. The Sinn Fein chief added she would talk to any and all parties after the polls close, even arch enemies Fine Gael, which could see Mr Varadkar serving as her No2 in a coalition.

Sinn Fein is galloping ahead in the polls by an average 10 points at the moment, which means Ms McDonald would logically be given first bite at forming the next government, with her as Taoiseach.

Mr Varadkar has repeatedly said he would not do business with Sinn Fein, but recent Irish political history is littered with examples of old political enemies doing a deal to get power.

These include Fianna Fail going into coalition with the Progressive Democrats from 1989, Labour and Fine Gael, most recently for the 31st Dail from 2011, and finally Fianna Fail and Fine Gael, the oldest rivals in the Dail with their enmity stemming from the Civil War of a century ago, backing each other in power-sharing deals since 2016.

Ms McDonald said: “Look, I’m going to talk to everyone. I think they’ve been indicating that they won’t talk to me, I just think that’s so childish.

“I remember after the last election all that was going on, but I think at some level there has to be some level of respect.

“Whatever about Sinn Fein, the people who vote for us are not second-class citizens, they’re good people, they’re citizens here, they pay their taxes, they go to work, do their thing and their vote is as valuable as anyone else.”

In respect of the recent Dublin riots, Ms McDonald said: “What happened that night reflected that the gardai did their best and fair play to them.

“Some of them were very isolated and left I think in very dangerous circumstances and control was lost in the capital city, that’s quite something, that’s pause for reflection and concern for everybody and not least for people who live in the inner city.

“The story has moved on, but for those communities it hasn’t moved on, they’re still fearful and many of them are very angry.

“Absolutely [the Government are to blame], listen to me, we had more gardai in 2009 than now, even though we’ve a much bigger population.”

Speaking about Johnny Ronan, Mary Lou said: “I’d a good chat with him, I thought he was grand.

“He is who he is, our paths had never crossed, we had a good chat and I said to him what I’ve said to everyone, if I were to boil down what will a Sinn Fein government do, we will build houses.”

Ms McDonald refuted links to criminality or paramilitarism.

Sinn Fein Vows to Expedite Irish Unification Preparations if Elected

By: BNN Correspondents
Published: December 26, 2023 

The leader of Sinn Fein, Mary Lou McDonald, has unequivocally declared her party’s commitment to expedite preparations for the unification of Ireland if they secure power in the subsequent general election. McDonald highlighted that Sinn Fein would press the UK government to delineate the criteria for initiating a vote on constitutional amendments in Northern Ireland, subtly suggesting the feasibility of a border poll within the term of the next Dail. This proclamation asserts Sinn Fein’s unwavering dedication to Irish unity and insinuates a potential shift in the political landscape contingent on the party’s ascension to governmental control.

Reimagining Irish Unity

McDonald’s assertions signal that a Sinn Fein-controlled government would engender a substantial transformation in the approach to unification. This could potentially entail the establishment of a minister of state role to steer unity preparations and the advocacy for the creation of a civic platform, such as a citizens assembly, to delve into the implications of a unified Ireland. Furthermore, she underscored the necessity of ensuring that unionist viewpoints are adequately represented in any discourse concerning unification.

Sinn Fein’s Vision for Ireland’s Future

The Sinn Fein president also deliberated on the potential influence of these initiatives on relations with the UK government, underscoring the party’s conviction in the feasibility of working on powersharing in Northern Ireland while simultaneously laying the groundwork for Ireland’s future. This stance harmonizes with the tenets of the Good Friday Agreement, which accentuates the democratic resolution of the constitutional quandary without compulsion or intrusion.

McDonald’s vision for a Sinn Fein-led government’s role in unification efforts encompasses the active promotion of conversations and preparations for constitutional transition, both north and south of the border. She articulated confidence in the productive nature of these discussions, emphasizing the potential for collaboration and revelation inherent in the process.

Implications for Coalition Partners and Commemorations

McDonald also broached the potential hurdles of securing coalition partners for a Sinn Fein-led government due to the party’s assertive approach to unification. While other political parties may diverge on the timing of a border poll, she stressed that the principle of Irish unity and the democratic adjudication of partition through a referendum are principles widely endorsed among the signatories of the Good Friday Agreement.

As a prospective taoiseach, McDonald conveyed her willingness to partake in commemorative events aligned with the unionist tradition in Northern Ireland, such as Remembrance Sunday. Her commitment to a balanced and respectful representation of all traditions across Irish society was also underscored.

Ultimately, McDonald’s declarations reflect Sinn Fein’s preparedness to take significant strides towards Irish unification if they gain power, emphasizing the importance of transparent criteria for triggering a vote on constitutional amendments, inclusive dialogue, and proactive preparations for the future of Ireland. These insights afford a comprehensive understanding of Sinn Fein’s vision for unification and the potential implications of their leadership within the context of Irish politics.

Sinn Fein victory in Irish election could lead to unification poll, says party leader

HOLDING a referendum on Irish unification could be possible under a Sinn Fein government if they win the next election, party leader Mary Lou McDonald has said.

McDonald said if Sinn Fein secures power following the next General Election in Ireland it would use its mandate to press the UK Government to clearly spell out the criteria for determining the threshold for triggering a vote on constitutional change in Northern Ireland.

One option Sinn Fein would consider if in government would be the creation of a minister of state role with responsibility for driving unity preparations, McDonald added.

Her party has long been calling for the current Irish government to establish a citizens’ assembly to examine what a unified island of Ireland might look like, including how public services would operate or how different traditions and cultures would be incorporated.

McDonald pledged that Sinn Fein would deliver on that if elected, and insisted any such forum would be designed to ensure unionist perspectives are fully heard.

In a wide-ranging interview with the PA news agency, the Sinn Fein president also signalled that, as Taoiseach, she would have no issue attending commemorative events associated with the Unionist tradition in Northern Ireland, such as Remembrance Sunday.

'Constructing a new Ireland'

McDonald said the current Fine Gael, Fianna Fail and Green Party coalition in Dublin should have already created a “democratic space” to begin conversations and preparations for “constitutional transition”.

“And certainly Sinn Fein in government would very proactively promote not just that conversation, but real preparations north and south – a real conversation between and across systems around how we maximise the huge opportunity that presents us,” she said.

She added: “There has to be a step-change in that regard, as regards a new Ireland, constructing a new Ireland and creating the drivers for that.”

Pressed on whether it was a realistic proposition that a border poll could be held within the lifetime of the next government in Ireland, McDonald (below) replied: “It could be. But it would certainly require a level of diligence and work.

“One thing for sure is, it will only happen if you have a government that’s actually serious about the proposition and actually fully understands what it can mean for Ireland, and who is ambitious to create that space and those opportunities for our people.”

Asked if the creation of a junior ministry for unification was a possibility under a Sinn Fein-led government, McDonald added “we will consider any and all of those approaches”.

'British government must be more transparent'

Under the terms of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the Northern Ireland Secretary of the day is obliged to call a border poll if evidence points to a shift in public mood in favour of constitutional change.

The criteria for assessing public opinion has never been set out publicly, however.

“It’s a question that has been put to successive British prime ministers and they have thus far refused to set out in their view what’s the test, what’s the tipping point,” said McDonald.

“I think people deserve clarity on that point. And I would very much hope that a new British government and incoming British government would be more transparent on that question than has been the case so far.”

If the opinion polling of the last year is borne out when the votes are counted at a general election – one must be held before the spring of 2025 – then Sinn Fein will emerge as the largest party.

However, at that point, it would almost certainly still need to find smaller coalition partners to secure enough seats for a Dail majority.

McDonald rejected the suggestion that such a front-foot approach to unification may create difficulties when trying to find partners willing to sign up to an agreed programme for government.

“When you look at any of the political parties, each of them, at least rhetorically, say that they are for reunification,” she said.

 11 passengers injured after 'freak' turbulence forces UK-bound jet to be diverted to Bermuda

There's a type of turbulence that can’t be seen by pilots, or easily picked up by 
radar or satellite. It could become more prevalent.

Freak turbulence has left 11 passengers injured on a Manchester-bound flight.

About 225 passengers and 13 crew were on board the Maleth Aero flight on Sunday (Monday NZT) after a P&O Caribbean cruise.

The turbulence occurred around two hours after departure from Barbados, with pilots forced to divert the aircraft to Bermuda.

Upon landing, 11 passengers were treated for minor injuries.

Passengers stayed in hotels in Bermuda

Lack of available flights coupled with reduced operational hours over the festive period meant passengers had to stay in hotels in Bermuda over Christmas, a P&O spokesperson said.

A replacement plane was due to take off at 4pm on Boxing Day (local time) and arrive back in the UK in the early hours of December 27.

A P&O Cruises spokesperson said: “A flight from Barbados to Manchester was diverted to Bermuda following freak turbulence.

Maleth Aero is a Maltese passenger charter airline.

‘Very sorry’ for disruption

“Having explored all flying options and due to airport operating times, guests are in hotels today [Dec 25].

“The flight home is due to depart tomorrow morning [Dec 26], following required legislative aircraft checks.

“We are very sorry for this disruption to their journey following their holiday and we are working with the airline and hotels to take care of them and ensure they get home as soon as possible tomorrow.”

Owen Darrell, Bermuda’s minister of national security, said: “We are aware of the situation and are diligently working to ensure the wellbeing of all involved. We are extremely grateful for the quick response of all our emergency services personnel who ensured the safety of the passengers and crew.”


LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for MH370 

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Comment: Search results for WATERSPOUT 


Metal detectorist stumbles on ‘mesmerising’ ancient gold treasure in Wales, photo shows

Aspen Pflughoeft
Tue, December 26, 2023 
While searching a field in Wales, a metal detectorist stumbled on a delicate ancient artifact with a “mesmerising” effect. A photo shows the treasure from more than 2,800 years ago.
Mark Hackman was metal detecting in a field of Michaelstone-y-Fedw Community in October 2021 when he stumbled on the ancient metallic object, according to a Dec. 21 news release from Amgueddfa Cymru Museum Wales shared with McClatchy News.
The very small artifact is shaped like a “C,” a photo shows. It measures about an inch across and weighs less than an ounce, the release said.
Archaeologists identified Hackman’s find as a penannular ring, or hair-ring, from the late Bronze Age. These types of rings were used between 1150 and 800 B.C. as an “adornment for the hair, although it is possible they were ear or nose adornments.”

The 2,800-year-old ring found in Newport.
The center of the ring is a “copper-alloy core” while the outside “is decorated with gold foil,” archaeologists said. The ring might have been intentionally altered “in order to ‘ritually decommission’ the ring before it was buried.”
Chris Griffiths, a researcher with the museum, said in the release that “the artistry and care which went into the creation of this small penannular ring cannot be overstated.”
“The way in which these stripes would have reflected the light of the sun or a fire would have been mesmerising, perhaps helping to mark the status of its wearer who lived in this part of Newport, around 3,000 years ago,” Griffiths said.
Hackman said in the release that “as an amateur metal-detectorist, it was an honour to be the person who found this lovely treasure. I hope that future generations are able to enjoy and learn more about the lives of people who lived here thousands of years ago.”
Similar hair-rings have been found “in Britain, Ireland, and parts of Belgium and France,” the release said.
The Newport Museum and Art Gallery hopes to acquire the ring after it is independently evaluated.
Michaelstone-y-Fedw Community is in Newport and about 130 miles west of London.

Metal detectorist stumbles on very rare gold treasure from 2,500 years ago, photos show

While searching a field in Norway, a metal detectorists uncovered a golden rope-like object. He immediately recognized it as something special — and archaeologists agreed.

Ingar Karlsen was scanning the plowed field in Inderøy with a metal detector when he stumbled on the metallic artifact, according to a Dec. 15 news release from Trøndelag County Municipality. The item looked like a delicate gold rope and had an oval shape.

Karlsen knew he’d found something unique, the release said. He reported the discovery to archaeologists, who identified the artifact as a very rare type of gold bracelet from the Bronze Age.

In Norway, the Bronze Age lasted from 1800 B.C. to 500 B.C., according to the Large Norwegian Encyclopedia. The exact age of the gold bracelet is unknown but archaeologists said it is more than 2,500 years old.

The ancient gold bracelet sits on a dirt pile before being cleaned.

Photos show the ancient jewelry before and after being cleaned. Before, the bracelet looked like it could be easily mistaken for a piece of string. Afterward, it appears shiny, with the delicate design clearly visible.

Archaeologists said the entire bracelet is made of gold and was likely buried in a grave. Previous excavations found 22 skeletons from the Bronze Age buried near where the bracelet was found, the release said

The 2,500-year-old gold bracelet after being cleaned.

Only two similar bracelets have been found in Norway, archaeologist Harald Bugge Midthjell said in the release. The other golden rope bracelets were found in large burial mounds and interpreted as gifts from allies in Denmark.

Inderøy is in Trøndelag County and about 270 miles north of Oslo.

Justin Trudeau petitioned to apologise for Canada's past treatment of British child migrants

About 115,000 British children were sent to Canada from their orphan homes in the UK, with many suffering abuse and were put to work. They're still waiting for an apology from Canada's government, whose prime minister has now been petitioned to change that.

James Matthews
US correspondent @jamesmatthewsky
Tuesday 26 December 2023 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau 

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being petitioned to apologise to British child migrants who suffered "shame and isolation".

It is the latest move by campaigners demanding an official apology for the treatment endured by youngsters shipped to Canada in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The petition, initiated by the group Home Children Canada, states child migrants were subjected to abuse and stigmatisation, and that many died "ashamed of their history and deprived of their family".

About 115,000 youngsters, so-called British Home Children, were shipped to Canada from the UK between 1869 and 1948.

Typically, they were used as cheap labour and put to work on farms or as domestic servants and many have told stories of overwork and mistreatment.

They were transferred from orphan homes in the UK but campaigners for the Home Children say that many were only temporary residents of the orphanages and had families who were unaware they made the trip to Canada.

Now, those campaigners have submitted a petition calling on Justin Trudeau to follow the example of the UK and Australia in issuing a formal apology, something the Canadian government has resisted.

Presented to Canada's House of Commons, the petition states: "Home children/child migrants were, as a result of the system, thrust into difficult and inappropriate personal living circumstances exacerbated by a belief that they were unwanted by parents and, as a result, denied access to siblings and/or other relatives."

"We… call upon the prime minister to sincerely apologise to Home Children/child migrants who suffered in shame and isolation, to those who died while being ashamed of their history and deprived of their family, to elderly survivors burdened by their past, and to descendants grappling with the inter-generational impacts of a system that mistreated and separated their families."

Canada's British 'Home Children'

One of the last British "Home Children" survivors in Canada says their dying wish is to receive an apology from the Canadian government for their role in the migration scheme.

One of the last surviving British Home Children, George Beardshaw, supports the campaign for an apology.

In an interview with Sky News in September 2023, George, aged 100, said: "People thought that Britain was sending over some of the scum from off the streets of London, they all thought we were thieves.

"Some got pitchforks through them. Some slept in the barn with the cattle."

The UK and Australian governments have issued official apologies for their parts in child migrant schemes.

In 2017, Canada's House of Commons passed a motion of apology, but there has been none from the government itself.

In September 2023, Sky News asked Mr Trudeau if his government owed an apology to British Home Children. He didn't address the question, saying only: "Good to see you."

In response to the latest petition, the Canadian government told Sky News: "The government of Canada is committed to keeping the memory of the British Home Children alive so that we can all learn from past mistakes.

"As adopted by the House of Commons in February 2018, the government of Canada supports the designation of 28 September as British Home Child Day in order to raise awareness and ensure the recognition of the many contributions British Home Children have made to Canada.

"The government has supported a number of outreach, commemorative and educational initiatives to recognise the experience of the Home Children.

"These include the designation of the immigration experience of former Home Children as a national historic event; and the establishment of a commemorative plaque at the site of a former receiving home in Stratford, Ontario."
UK conservationists helping protect rare zebras from pipeline scheme in Kenya

Hampshire-based Marwell Wildlife has fitted GPS collars to monitor endangered Grevy’s zebras.

The project, has been launched ahead of an oil pipeline, motorway and railway called the LAPSSET corridor (Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport) which will cut across the zebra’s range, potentially splitting the population.


Conservationists from a Hampshire zoo have been working to help protect the world’s most endangered zebra species before a major infrastructure project is set to disrupt their natural habitat in Kenya.

The animal welfare specialists from Marwell Wildlife have been fitting GPS collars to monitor the movements of 20 Grevy’s zebras in northern Kenya to collect data which will be used to help monitor their movements and help safeguard the species.

The project, which is being run with the Kenya Wildlife Service, has been launched ahead of an oil pipeline, motorway and railway called the LAPSSET corridor (Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport) which will cut across the zebra’s range, potentially splitting the population.

A spokeswoman for the charity which runs Marwell Zoo near Winchester said: “These infrastructure projects are recognised as one of the greatest emerging threats to the Grevy’s zebra population in Kenya.”

Professor Philip Riordan, Marwell Wildlife’s director of conservation, said: “The Grevy’s zebra is one of the most endangered mammals in the world and Kenya is the last stronghold for this species with less than 3,000 animals remaining.

“We’re working with our colleagues to ensure we have as much knowledge about Grevy’s zebra, particularly given the amount of infrastructure and development across the region that might affect the animals.

“By collaring them, we hope to gain more insights that can inform not just our conservation work but the mitigations that we might advise being put in place to ensure this species has a future.”

The team of conservationists fitted the collars to 20 of the zebras, which will help inform planning and conservation measures aimed at mitigating the impact of the LAPSSET scheme on the species.

The vets also checked over the zebras before fitting each collar while others photographed the Grevy’s unique stripe pattern, hooves and teeth.

Tanya Langenhorst, senior conservation biologist at Marwell, said: “We also took this opportunity to collect as many biometrical data as possible, blood and faecal samples, body temperature and measurements of body parts, so we can learn more about this amazing species.”

She added: “Grevy’s Zebra Trust and Marwell are using the EarthRanger (ER) platform to visualise the almost real time movement of the Grevy’s zebra.

“We’ll be able to identify which habitats are critical for Grevy’s zebra distribution, dispersal and movement, and why these areas are important.

“Our findings will be reported to Kenya Wildlife Service and the LAPSSET planners, so that mitigating measures such as over and under-passes can be implemented where most suitable.”

The collaring project is the latest initiative involving Marwell Wildlife, which has helped create a national conservation strategy for Grevy’s zebra in Kenya and has carried out previous surveys. It also manages the International Studbook and the European Ex situ Programme (EEP) for the species


Artist collecting 1,984 copies of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four for display

It will be on show on Jura, in the Inner Hebrides, where Orwell wrote the book almost 75 years ago.

An artist is collecting 1,984 copies of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four for a display on the island where it was written on its 75th anniversary.

Orwell wrote the dystopian novel on Jura in the Inner Hebrides between 1946 and 1948, while living in a cottage with no heating or hot water

The writer, known to islanders by his real name Eric Blair, left the island in January 1949 due to severe tuberculosis, and the novel was published on June 8 of that year.

It became a literary classic, loved by many for its satirical exploration of class and resistance against authority.

Artist Hans K Clausen, who first read it aged 16, is collecting used copies of the book for an art installation, The Winston Smith Library Of Victory and Truth, to go on display in Jura Village Hall on June 8 and 9, 2024.

He has 1,200 copies of the book in 20 different languages so far, and is appealing for donations of “worn and personalised” copies.

This is about creating a monument to publishing and the defiance of the printed word - affirming the timeless power of storytelling that transcends borders, cultures and ideologies


Most of the books are annotated and some contain mementoes, including pressed flowers, old bus tickets and sweet wrappers.

Others contain personal and birthday messages, doodles, and names – including a copy from a school library which has a log showing one pupil borrowed the book repeatedly

Mr Clausen said the display is intended to celebrate the “defiance” of print and the power of sharing books, as well as spark “creativity, curiosity and conversation”.

He also hopes to collaborate with a gin distillery on Jura to create a Winston Smith Gin – because the spirit is the only pleasure allowed in Orwell’s post-war London, known as Airstrip One.

A 2011 Romanian edition which belonged to Mihaela Coman was accompanied by a note which said: “For my first 27 years, I lived in this book. I was always hungry, cold and scared – playing with equalities and better-world ideas can be dangerous.”

Mr Clausen said: “You enter all these rabbit holes with old books – there’s an antiquarian book market where they go for thousands of pounds, but it’s just a paper book. I love the material aspect of the book, not this preciousness.

“There’s a subplot into other people’s lives, some of the books have come from charity shops and have notes in them, one was a retirement gift from the 1970s.

“I’ve got a lot of decommissioned library books and there’s one from a grammar school down south, the same girl borrowed it four or five times.

“I do work for the NHS and believe there’s a therapeutic benefit to books in the same way to being outside, the experience of holding a book and the physical presence, getting away from screens.

“It’s entering a magical world, it’s just lovely.

“This is about creating a monument to publishing and the defiance of the printed word – affirming the timeless power of storytelling that transcends borders, cultures and ideologies.

“It’s also a celebration of the ethos of public libraries, the pleasure and enlightenment of reading, and the timeless joy of holding a book in your hands.”

Mr Clausen, who attended Edinburgh College of Art and has a studio in Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, described the project as “a sort of homecoming for Nineteen Eighty-Four”.

Visitors will be encouraged to take copies from the shelves, explore them and add their own responses so the library continues to evolve.

There will be a 1930s Remington Home Portable typewriter identical to the one Orwell used alongside the display, on which visitors will be invited to leave comments or reflections.

All book donors will receive an enamel badge, symbolising lifetime membership of The Winston Smith Library Of Victory and Truth.

Mr Clausen said: “Opening the packages, it’s like Christmas every day.”

To donate, email

UK becomes first G20 nation to halve carbon emissions

ByNeil Johnston
December 27, 2023 

The UK has become the first country in the G20 to halve its carbon emissions, the net zero minister said.

Claire Coutinho, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, said that new data indicating emissions had halved in 50 years show Britain was a world leader in tackling climate change.

Cooling towers at a decommissioned coal power station in Warrington, north-west England.

Data compiled by the Global Carbon Project, a research partner of the World Climate Research programme, show that UK CO₂ emissions are now down 52 per cent on the peak in the 1970s.

According to the data, updated last month, UK emissions from fossil energy production were 319 million tons in 2022 – down from 660 million tons in 1971.

As late as 2010, the UK was still emitting more than 500 million tons each year.

Coutinho shared an analysis of the data in a blog post from The Spectator magazine which first highlighted the figures.

“Britain is the first country in the G20 to halve its carbon emissions. We are world leaders in tackling climate change,” she said.

“That’s why it’s so important we make sure we’re not burdening hard-working families, but bringing them with us as we continue on our transition to net zero.”

According to the data, the UK first reached the milestone of halving emissions in 2020 as the country locked down but the data shows that it has now reached the target in a normal year where the economy was not crippled by a pandemic.

Each country’s peak emissions varies depending on their economy or circumstances but over the same period the US has gone from 4366 million tons to 5057 million tons. US emissions peaked in 2005 at 6132 million tons.

French emissions are below the UK at 298 million tons, but only down from a peak of 539 million tons in 1973 while Germany is emitting 666 million tons, down from 1118 in 1979.

An offshore wind farm near Hartlepool, in England’s north-east.

In contrast, emissions from emerging economies continue to rise.

China’s emissions are now 11,397 million tons compared to 808 in 1970 and 3649 in 2000 while India’s are 2830 compared to 182 in 1970 and 978 in 2000.

The data comes as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak overhauls the government’s net zero policies designed to help the UK meet its target of cutting its carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

Sunak has pushed back the ban on sales of new diesel and petrol cars from 2030 to 2035 and ditched plans for tougher energy efficiency rules for landlords.

The figures had gone under the radar but were spotted by Fraser Nelson, the editor of The Spectator, who said critics of the UK would be focusing on the data if it had gone in the other direction.


“A pretty major milestone has been achieved: Britain has become the first major country to halve its carbon emissions,” he said.

“The rapid pace of UK environmental progress means that our output is now below 319 million tons – half the 652 million tons at our 1970s peak.

“This is in spite of Britain now having a far larger population and economy than 50 years ago.”