Saturday, December 30, 2023


In coastal communities, sea level rise may leave some isolated

Study exposes social, racial vulnerabilities caused by global warming

Peer-Reviewed Publication


COLUMBUS, Ohio – Amid the threat of dramatic sea level rise, coastal communities face unprecedented dangers, but a new study reveals that as flooding intensifies, disadvantaged populations will be the ones to experience some of the most severe burdens of climate change.

While accelerating sea level rise will result in widespread intermittent flooding and long-term inundation in many coastal communities, the paper, recently published in Nature Communications, showed that when these levels increase above 4 feet, minority populations will be disproportionately at risk of isolation.

Rising sea levels could lead to isolation by disrupting transportation networks and roads, meaning that those affected lose access to essential locations such as critical emergency services and schools. 

The study further exposed that renters and older adults face a greater risk of isolation, highlighting the growing connection between historical drivers of existing social inequality and the groups that incur the most risk of climate change.

According to Kelsea Best, lead author of the study and an assistant professor of civil, environmental and geodetic engineering at The Ohio State University, the first step in better characterizing these threats is changing how researchers assess community risk, as most studies measure this by exclusively determining impacts via direct flooding. But concentrating on this sole measurement neglects more complex aftereffects of sea level rise, such as isolation, and reinforces inequality in coastal areas, Best said. 

“We need to re-conceptualize how we measure who is burdened by sea level rise because there are so many ways that people might be burdened before their home is flooded,“ she said. 

Current reports estimate that around 20 million coastal residents in the U.S. will be affected by rising sea levels by 2030, but the paper notes that this number doesn’t include the whole impact global warming will have on certain communities and demographics. 

Notably, because people need access to essential places like grocery stores, public schools, hospitals and fire stations, Best and her colleagues argue that an inability to reach these places impacts individuals just as negatively as if they were living in inundated homes themselves, and should be documented as such. 

Most importantly, their results expose one of the main reasons for these vast differences in risk: A group’s risk of isolation is intimately entwined with specific road networks and where vital services are located in relation to where affected individuals reside. 

They identified these disparities in risk by overlaying OpenStreetMap (OSM) road network data with National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAAmean higher high water (MHHW) scenarios. These projections were then combined with recent census data to estimate the percentage of a population that would be left out or missed in estimates of who would be impacted by sea level rise if researchers only counted those who suffered direct inundation. 

“If we take a one-size-fits-all approach, or a seemingly ‘neutral’ approach to understanding who gets access to safe, affordable housing and community in a world with climate change, then we’re really just exacerbating these inequities and it’s not good enough,” said Best. “We have to deliberately seek to provide access to adaptation resources to groups of people who have historically been left out and therefore have fewer resources to respond in the first place.”

The researchers showed that Hispanic populations are often overrepresented in the total citizenry for being at risk of isolation beginning at 4 feet of sea level rise, and Black populations are overrepresented after 6 feet. Alternatively, white populations are underrepresented after 5 feet of sea level rise. 

But to determine when these disparities will begin to develop, Best’s team compared two long-term sea level rise scenarios: an intermediate scenario in which global sea level rise increased by a meter by 2100, and a high scenario in which that number increased to 2 meters by the same year. 

Alarmingly, the study found strong evidence that these isolation effects would set in by 2120 in the intermediate scenario and as early as 2090 in the high scenario. “This timeline matters from a planning and adaptation perspective,” said Best. “Part of why we included the temporal piece is to say this issue would not be as much of a problem if we had urgent, aggressive mitigation. 

“The effects of climate change are going to be further reaching and more cascading than might be directly obvious, and those effects are not going to be felt equitably,” said Best. “So we need to be thinking about those populations most at risk from the beginning and develop policies to support them.” 

The work was supported by the Clark Distinguished Chair Endowment (given to study co-author Deb. A. Neimeier of the University of Maryland) and the National Science Foundation. Other co-authors were Qian He from Rowan University, Allison C. Reilly from the University of Maryland, and Mitchell Anderson and Tom Logan from the University of Canterbury. 


Contact: Kelsea Best,

Written by: Tatyana Woodall,


FASHI releases the largest extragalactic HI catalog with FAST

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The promotional image of FASHI 



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The FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) was designed to cover the entire sky observable by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), spanning approximately 22000 square degrees of declination between -14 deg and +66 deg, and in the frequency range of 1050-1450 MHz, with the expectation of eventually detecting more than 100000 HI sources. Between August 2020 and June 2023, FASHI had covered more than 7600 square degrees, which is approximately 35% of the total sky observable by FAST. FASHI team has detected a total of 41741 extragalactic HI sources in the frequency range 1305.5-1419.5 MHz. When completed, FASHI team will provide the largest extragalactic HI catalog and an objective view of HI content and large-scale structure in the local universe.

Lister Staveley-Smith, a professor at the University of Western Australia and a peer reviewer of the paper, called their work: “That’s an impressive milestone. That’s is an extremely important contribution to astronomical research, particularly in the field of galaxy evolution.”

Hélène Courtois, a professor at the University of Lyon 1, called their work: “The paper is a fantastic news for projects like Cosmic Flows!! I didn’t know that the FASHI survey was already going so strongly since 3 years!! The quality of the spectra that are shown is exquisite, the completeness of the sample is amazing and showing the excellent sensitivity of the instrument. The area surveyed in just 3 years gives high hopes that the full sky that can be accessed by the FAST will be covered in a record of time! The paper was a total surprise to me , and reading page after page of the article was just like being a child unwrapping slowly and with delight a Christmas gift.”

The work was recently published in the journal SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy. Researchers from Guizhou University, the National Astronomical Observatories under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Peking University in China contributed to the study.


FASHI sky distribution of the currently released 41741 H I sources (in blue dots) in the galactic hemispheres, showing the coarseness of the limits imposed by practical and scheduling constraints. For comparison, ALFALFA α100 (Haynes et al., 2018) and HIPASS galaxies (Koribalski et al., 2004; Meyer et al., 2004; Wong et al., 2006) are also shown with red and green points, respectively. The two black dashed lines indicate the position of the of the galactic plane at galactic latitude b = ±10deg.


©Science China Press

See the article and download the catalog:

The FAST all sky HI survey (FASHI): The first release of catalog

Sodium’s high-pressure transformation can tell us about the interiors of stars, planets

Scientists reveal how the element’s electrons chemically bond when under pressures like those found below Earth’s crust

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Travel deep enough below Earth’s surface or inside the center of the Sun, and matter changes on an atomic level. 

The mounting pressure within stars and planets can cause metals to become nonconducting insulators. Sodium has been shown to transform from a shiny, gray-colored metal into a transparent, glass-like insulator when squeezed hard enough. 

Now, a University at Buffalo-led study has revealed the chemical bonding behind this particular high-pressure phenomenon.

While it’s been theorized that high pressure essentially squeezes sodium’s electrons out into the spaces between atoms, researchers’ quantum chemical calculations show that these electrons still very much belong to the surrounding atoms and are chemically bonded to each other.

“We’re answering a very simple question of why sodium becomes an insulator, but predicting how other elements and chemical compounds behave at very high pressures will potentially give insight into bigger-picture questions,” says Eva Zurek, Ph.D., professor of chemistry in the UB College of Arts and Sciences and co-author of the study, which was published in Angewandte Chemie, a journal of the German Chemical Society. “What’s the interior of a star like? How are planets’ magnetic fields generated, if indeed any exist? And how do stars and planets evolve? This type of research moves us closer to answering these questions.”

The study confirms and builds upon the theoretical predictions of the late renowned physicist Neil Ashcroft, whose memory the study is dedicated to.

It was once thought that materials always become metallic under high pressure — like the metallic hydrogen theorized to make up Jupiter’s core — but Ashcroft and Jeffrey Neaton’s seminal paper two decades ago found some materials, like sodium, can actually become insulators or semiconductors when squeezed. They theorized that sodium’s core electrons, thought to be inert, would interact with each other and the outer valence electrons when under extreme pressure. 

“Our work now goes beyond the physics picture painted by Ashcroft and Neaton, connecting it with chemical concepts of bonding,” says the UB-led study’s lead author, Stefano Racioppi, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the UB Department of Chemistry. 

Pressures found below Earth’s crust can be difficult to replicate in a lab, so using supercomputers in UB’s Center for Computational Research, the team ran calculations on how electrons behave in sodium atoms when under high pressure. 

The electrons become trapped within the interspatial regions between atoms, known as an electride state. This causes sodium’s physical transformation from shiny metal to transparent insulator, as free-flowing electrons absorb and retransmit light but trapped electrons simply allow the light to pass through. 

However, researchers’ calculations showed for the first time that the emergence of the electride state can be explained through chemical bonding.

The high pressure causes electrons to occupy new orbitals within their respective atoms. These orbitals then overlap with each other to form chemical bonds, causing localized charge concentrations in the interstitial regions.

While previous studies offered an intuitive theory that high pressure squeezed electrons out of atoms, the new calculations found that the electrons are still part of surrounding atoms.

“We realized that these are not just isolated electrons that decided to leave the atoms. Instead, the electrons are shared between the atoms in a chemical bond,” Racioppi says. “They're quite special.”

Other contributors include Malcolm McMahon and Christian Storm from the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Science at Extreme Conditions.

The work was supported by the Center for Matter at Atomic Pressure, a National Science Foundation center led by the University of Rochester that studies how pressure inside stars and planets can rearrange materials’ atomic structure. 

“Obviously it is difficult to conduct experiments that replicate, say, the conditions within the deep atmospheric layers of Jupiter,” Zurek says, “but we can use calculations, and in some cases, high-tech lasers, to simulate these kinds of conditions.”






Further evidence for quark-matter cores in massive neutron stars

New theoretical analysis places the likelihood of massive neutron stars hiding cores of deconfined quark matter between 80 and 90 percent. The result was reached through massive supercomputer runs utilizing Bayesian statistical inference.

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Layers inside a massive neutron star 1 



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New theoretical analysis places the likelihood of massive neutron stars hiding cores of deconfined quark matter between 80 and 90 percent. The result was reached through massive supercomputer runs utilizing Bayesian statistical inference.

Neutron-star cores contain matter at the highest densities reached in our present-day Universe, with as much as two solar masses of matter compressed inside a sphere of 25 km in diameter. These astrophysical objects can indeed be thought of as giant atomic nuclei, with gravity compressing their cores to densities exceeding those of individual protons and neutrons manyfold.

These densities make neutron stars interesting astrophysical objects from the point of view of particle and nuclear physics. A longstanding open problem concerns whether the immense central pressure of neutron stars can compress protons and neutrons into a new phase of matter, known as cold quark matter. In this exotic state of matter, individual protons and neutrons no longer exist.

”Their constituent quarks and gluons are instead liberated from their typical color confinement and are allowed to move almost freely,” explains Aleksi Vuorinen, professor of theoretical particle physics at the University of Helsinki.

A Strong Phase Transition May Still Ruin the Day

In a new article just published in Nature Communications, a team centred at the University of Helsinki provided a first-ever quantitative estimate for the likelihood of quark-matter cores inside massive neutron stars. They showed that, based on current astrophysical observations, quark matter is almost inevitable in the most massive neutron stars: a quantitative estimate that the team extracted placed the likelihood in the range of 80-90 percent.

The remaining small likelihood for all neutron stars to be composed of only nuclear matter requires the change from nuclear to quark matter to be a strong first-order phase transition, somewhat resembling that of liquid water turning to ice. This kind of rapid change in the properties of neutron-star matter has the potential to destabilize the star in such a way that the formation of even a minuscule quark-matter core would result in the star collapsing into a black hole.

The international collaboration between scientists from Finland, Norway, Germany, and the US was able to further show how the existence of quark-matter cores may one day be either fully confirmed or ruled out. The key is being able to constrain the strength of the phase transition between nuclear and quark matter, expected to be possible once a gravitational-wave signal from the last part of a binary neutron-star merger is one day recorded.

Massive Supercomputer Runs Using Observational Data

A key ingredient in deriving the new results was a set of massive supercomputer calculations utilizing Bayesian inference – a branch of statistical deduction where one infers the likelihoods of different model parameters via direct comparison with observational data. The Bayesian component of the study enabled the researchers to derive new bounds for the properties of neutron-star matter, demonstrating them to approach so-called conformal behavior near the cores of the most massive stable neutron stars.

Dr. Joonas Nättilä, one of the lead authors of the paper, describes the work as an interdisciplinary effort that required expertise from astrophysics, particle and nuclear physics, as well as computer science. He is about to start as an Associate Professor at the University of Helsinki in May 2024.

”It is fascinating to concretely see how each new neutron-star observation enables us to deduce the properties of neutron-star matter with increasing precision.”

Joonas Hirvonen, a PhD student working under the guidance of Nättilä and Vuorinen, on the other hand emphasizes the importance of high-performance computing:

”We had to use millions of CPU hours of supercomputer time to be able to compare our theoretical predictions to observations and to constrain the likelihood of quark-matter cores. We are extremely grateful to the Finnish supercomputer center CSC for providing us with all the resources we needed!”

Original publication: Annala, E., Gorda, T., Hirvonen, J. et al. Strongly interacting matter exhibits deconfined behavior in massive neutron stars. Nat Commun 14, 8451 (2023).


Poisonous Words and the Massacre of Wounded Knee

Levi Rickert
Thu, December 28, 2023 

An iconic photo of Big Foot left frozen from the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee
 (Photo/Public Domain)

 Today marks the 133rd anniversary of the Massacre of Wounded Knee during the wintry week between Christmas and New Years back in 1890.

Nine days before the massacre that left hundreds of Sioux men, women, and children dead, an obscure weekly newspaper in South Dakota ran an editorial about the death of the Hunkpapa Lakota leader Sitting Bull. In the opinion piece, L. Frank Baum, publisher of the Saturday Pioneer, wrote:

“The Whites, by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation? Their glory has fled.”

Early in the morning on Dec. 29, 1890, across the state of South Dakota at Wounded Knee Creek, the Sioux, who were captured the previous afternoon by members of the US 7th Cavalry Regiment, were surrendering their weapons. A shot was fired. The Calvary proceeded to shoot unarmed and innocent Sioux elders, women, and children. While an accurate account will never be known, it is believed between 250 and 300 Sioux were massacred that day.

Snowfall was heavy that December week. The Sioux ancestors killed that day were left on the frigid wintery plains of the reservation before a burial party came to bury them in one mass grave.

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After the mass killing of Natives, Baum picked up his poisonous pen again and wrote another editorial for his Saturday Pioneer newspaper. This time, he wrote:

“The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth. In this lies future safety for our settlers and the soldiers who are under incompetent commands. Otherwise, we may expect future years to be as full of trouble with the redskins as those have been in the past.”

Ten years later, Braum wrote a children’s book called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Yes, that one. It was eventually made into one of the most famous movies of all time. When I was a youth, my siblings and I would make popcorn and sit and watch the movie when it was broadcast yearly. As an adult, I discovered Baum’s hatred and poisonous racism towards Native Americans. Suffice it to say, I stopped watching the film.

Now, I realize Braum did not single-handedly cause the genocide of Native Americans. But, he contributed to it with his editorials and his calls for the extermination of Native people. His family later apologized for Baum’s racist editorials.

This is why history matters. If you know your history, you know your place in this world.

In recent weeks, the Republican presidential front-runner, former president Donald Trump, has stated in his stump speech that immigrants entering the U.S. illegally are “poisoning the blood of our country.” There has been pushback that Trump borrowed the line from Adolf Hitler’s rhetoric in his autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf, which set the principles behind Nazi Germany’s genocide of more than six million Jews.

Trump denies reading the book. I don’t doubt his claim because he is known for not being a reader. But I’m guessing that some of his speech writers and political advisers may have — and they certainly play a role in the words that come out of candidate Trump’s mouth.

I suspect most Americans don’t subscribe to the belief that immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.

I also believe that most Americans would agree that racism has been a true poison in our country throughout the last two centuries, though it’s not something we’ve been able to eradicate.

That’s why it’s important we remember the Massacre of Wounded Knee, as well as the rhetoric and words used to justify it. Because it’s a potent reminder of what racism has led to in this country: the death of innocent Native people whose ancestors lived on this land since time immemorial.

Thayék gde nwéndëmen - We are all related.


About the Author: "Levi \"Calm Before the Storm\" Rickert (Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation) is the founder, publisher and editor of Native News Online. Rickert was awarded Best Column 2021 Native Media Award for the print\/online category by the Native American Journalists Association. He serves on the advisory board of the Multicultural Media Correspondents Association. He can be reached at"





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