Wednesday, May 15, 2024

'Maximum chaos.' UC academic workers authorize strike, alleging rights violated during protests

Jaweed Kaleem, Suhauna Hussain
Wed, May 15, 2024 

Unionized UC academic workers picket in November 2022. Members of United Auto Workers Local 4811 authorized a strike Wednesday, alleging that their rights were violated by actions against pro-Palestinian protests. (Christina House / Los Angeles Times)

The union representing 48,000 graduate student teaching assistants, researchers and other student workers across the University of California’s 10 campuses has voted to authorize a strike and cause "maximum chaos," alleging that its workers' rights have been violated at several universities by actions against pro-Palestinian protests, union leaders announced Wednesday evening.

The walkouts, which are still being planned, were approved by 79% of the 19,780 members of the United Auto Workers Local 4811 who voted. The strike vote comes as campuses throughout the UC system have been roiled by tensions and protests over the Israel-Hamas war, including a violent mob attack on a pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA.

Though the vote gives the union permission to strike as soon as Wednesday night, it was unclear when or where the walkouts would occur. The union represents teaching assistants, tutors, researchers and postdoctoral scholars.

The union rebuked UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Irvine for crackdowns on pro-Palestinian student protesters. On Wednesday evening, scores of police officers in riot gear were moving on pro-Palestinian demonstrators at UCI who occupied and barricaded the physical sciences lecture hall.

Rafael Jaime, the union’s co-president and a PhD candidate in UCLA’s English department, said the goal would be to “maximize chaos and confusion” at universities where the union alleges officials have violated workers' rights over workplace conditions during student protests against the Israel-Hamas war.

“Our members have been beaten, concussed, pepper sprayed, both by counter-protesters and by police forces. As a union, it is our responsibility to stand beside them,” the union said in a statement. "In order to de-escalate the situation, UC must substantively engage with the concerns raised by the protesters — which focus on UC’s investments in companies and industries profiting off of the suffering in Gaza."

In a letter sent to graduate student workers on Wednesday, the University of California warned students against striking.

"The University’s position is that the Union’s strike is unlawful, and as a result, a work stoppage is not protected strike activity. This means that participating in the strike does not change, excuse, or modify, an employee’s normal work duties or expectations. And, unlike a protected strike, you could be subject to corrective action for failing to perform your duties," the unsigned letter from the office of the president said.

The academic worker strike would be modeled after last year's "stand up" strikes at against Ford, Stellantis and General Motors and similar to recent strikes at Southern California hotels. The walkouts would not target all campuses at once, Jaime said, but one by one based on how receptive administrations are to pro-Palestinian activists.

UC Riverside and UC Berkeley have reached agreements with protesters to end encampments and explore divestment from weapons companies. Leaders at those universities have rejected calls to target Israel specifically or for academic boycotts against exchange programs and partnerships with Israeli universities.

While some Jewish students have supported pro-Palestinian protests, national Jewish groups have criticized the divestment push, saying it is antisemitic because it aims to delegitimize the only predominantly Jewish nation.

Union members began casting their ballots online Monday. The strikes, Jaime said, could run for any length of time through the end of June. The period covers a critical moment on campuses during finals and commencement exercises.

In November and December 2022, the union walked our for six weeks, winning significant improvements in wages and working conditions and energizing a surge of union activism among academic workers across the nation.

Before the strike vote results came out, the University of California said the union was inappropriately flexing its muscle on a political issue.

Read more: UCLA chancellor faces growing faculty criticism, no-confidence vote, after weeks of turmoil

"UC believes that the vote currently being conducted by UAW leadership sets a dangerous precedent that would introduce non-labor issues into labor agreements," said UC Office of the President spokeswoman Heather Hansen.

The disagreement hinges on whether student workers such as Jaime, who was part of pro-Palestinian protests at UCLA the night a violent mob attacked the encampment, are striking over a "workplace issue or political speech," said John Logan, a professor in the department of labor and employment studies at San Francisco State University.

"The contract between UAW and UC does include language on academic freedom, but the university could say, 'Yes, speech is protected, but the actions you engaged in go far beyond speech, preventing students from getting into [a] library or other campus [areas] that are not protected,'" Logan said.

Another challenge was turnout. Pro-Palestinian activism has touched every UC campus, but it has been stronger at those in or near big cities. A union referendum last year in support of a permanent cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war and divestment passed by 90%, but received fewer than 6,000 total votes. The most recent contract ratification had more than 36,000 votes. Turnout for the strike vote was high but less than the contract ratification.

As college presidents across the country have faced criticism for calling in police in riot gear to clear pro-Palestinian encampments, the move to threaten a strike is one of the biggest actions by an American labor union in support of Palestinians.

The vote came after the union filed charges with the state labor board over arrests of pro-Palestinian graduate student protesters at UCLA and suspensions and other discipline at UC San Diego and UC Irvine, accusing the universities of retaliating against student workers and unlawfully changing workplace policies to suppress pro-Palestinian speech.

The universities have broadly said they were attempting to ensure safe campus environments while respecting free speech rights. Internal and external investigations are underway at UCLA.

Some members said they believed the union's criticism of the campus protest crackdown did not go far enough. Many student protesters have called for campus police to be defunded or for universities to vow to never again call municipal police to campus. The union did not include those in its strike-related demands.

"It's really disappointing to me as a Black person that the union did not take a strong stance on policing and racial profiling on campus," said Gene McAdoo, a doctoral student in the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies. "They portray themselves as radical, yet aren't on this issue."

McAdoo still voted in support, he said, because "withholding our labor gives us a lot of power and leverage to push the UC administration to meet [Students for Justice in Palestine] demands for divestment. That is the ultimate goal of this movement. But I also know that there is an undercurrent of folks who are still pushing for cops off campus."

It’s not the first time UAW workers have pushed for divestment. In 1973, Arab American workers in Detroit auto plants walked off the job in protest of the UAW’s investment in Israeli bonds.

But for a union to vote on a strike while a contract is in place is "unheard of in modern times,” said Jeff Schuhrke, a labor historian who teaches at SUNY Empire State University.

While the union demands on academic freedom, free speech and protection from violence could arguably center on workplace conditions, they also explicitly support protesters' calls for divestment from weapons manufacturers and other companies profiting from Israel's war in Gaza.

The strike vote "is not about economics. It’s not about a raise, or more benefits. It’s political,” Schuhrke said.

The professor said that harked back to the origins of the student labor movement, when the first graduate unions formed in the 1960s during the campus free speech and antiwar movements.

AFT Local 1570, a union of teaching assistants formed at UC Berkeley in the throes of the campus free speech movement, voted in 1966 to strike against the University of California in response to police arresting students conducting a sit-in around a U.S. Navy recruitment table on campus.

The Teaching Assistants’ Assn. at University of Wisconsin-Madison, which grew out of the anti-draft sit-in and campus demonstrations against Dow Chemical for its role in production of napalm and other weapons for the Vietnam War, is the oldest still-existing graduate union in the U.S.

"The graduate union movement is coming full circle," Schuhrke said.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

University of California student workers vote to strike amid Gaza protest furor

Nick Niedzwiadek
Wed, May 15, 2024 

Thousands of unionized student workers across California’s premier public universities on Wednesday blessed a potential strike in the aftermath of crackdowns on recent campus protests.

Of the 19,780 votes cast by members of a local unit of the Unite Auto Workers, about 79 percent were in favor of authorizing a strike, easily clearing the two-thirds threshold necessary.

Earlier this week graduate students, teaching assistants and post-docs represented by UAW Local 4811 began voting to authorize a work stoppage in response to labor violations allegedly committed by university officials amid the turbulence earlier this spring. Among their demands is amnesty for students and faculty members arrested during the unrest.

“At the heart of this is our right to free speech and peaceful protest,” UAW 4811 President Rafael Jaime, who is also a PhD student in the UCLA English Department, said in a release. “If members of the academic community are maced and beaten down for peacefully demonstrating on this issue, our ability to speak up on all issues is threatened."

Beyond the prospect of work stoppages, labor unions that represent members at a host of colleges including the University of Southern California and UCLA have filed unfair labor practice charges alleging that officials violated workers’ rights in the process of shutting down pro-Palestinian encampments and other demonstrations this spring.

Nationally, the UAW was ahead of many other unions in calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and much of its membership growth in recent years has been by organizing grad students and other campus workers — putting it at the vanguard of recent labor clashes with college administrators struggling to control protests over Israel’s war against Hamas.

Union President Shawn Fain spoke out against universities’ forceful response two weeks ago, saying that if they “can’t take the outcry, stop supporting the war.”

The local unit has not said when any stoppage would begin. Instead, it has sought to emulate the “stand-up” strategy UAW deployed to great effect in last year’s negotiations with a trio of U.S. car companies, in which individual units go on strike with little notice — allowing leadership to dial up pressure over time rather than everyone stopping work at once.

The student workers would deploy the same strategy campus by campus, at the direction of the union's executive board.

At the same time, with spring terms recently ended, a work stoppage over the summer months may be less of a blow to universities. In an explanatory post, the union said a "strike will go on no longer than June 30th."

The union has issued a series of demands to UC leadership — ranging from the amnesty to divesting from defense companies with ties to Israel — to head off a strike. However, it’s doubtful that officials are willing to negotiate on such issues.

“UC believes that a strike sets a dangerous precedent that would introduce non-labor issues into labor agreements.,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

“While we acknowledge the profoundly troubling issues about the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and understand their impact on our students and employees, the University maintains that these issues fall outside the scope of negotiation for employment and the implementation of existing labor contracts.

Police converge on pro-Palestinian protest at UC Irvine after a building is occupied

Hannah Fry, Terry Castleman
Wed, May 15, 2024 

Orange County sheriff's deputies form a line at UC Irvine on Wednesday after protesters entered the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall on campus. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

Scores of police officers converged on UC Irvine on Wednesday as a pro-Palestinian demonstration escalated, with protesters occupying and barricading the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall, which is near their encampment.

The escalation of the protest began about 2:30 p.m., according to a university spokesperson. School officials have sent out two alerts telling students to shelter in place.

The building takeover was broadcast live on Instagram by several pro-Palestinian accounts. The videos showed a hectic scene as students clad in keffiyehs ran to and from the area by the lecture hall, setting up a wooden fence barrier, tents, signs and other materials.

"Avoid the area," read a campus alert. "If you are in the area shelter in place for your safety until further notice."

No classes were being held in the Physical Sciences building today, said Tom Vasich, UCI spokesperson. But classes were being held in other nearby buildings, two of which were locked down.

Law enforcement officers from across the region arrived at the university. There were as many as 200 on scene, a law enforcement source told The Times, from agencies including the California Highway Patrol, Orange County Sheriff's Department and police departments from Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Irvine.

People leave the protest area at UC Irvine. Protesters told The Times that the building occupation followed the suspension of students on the protest negotiating team. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

The demonstrations came after students said members of the protest negotiating team were suspended by the university. “They forced our hand,” said a student who declined to give her name for fear of retaliation by the university.

Police gave a dispersal order shortly before 4 p.m., students said.

Sarah Khalil, a fourth-year student at UCI, said she was prepared to stand her ground and face arrest. “This cause is way bigger than any of us,” she said with tears in her eyes.

The moves by UCI police came after authorities removed camps at UCLA, Cal Poly Humboldt and USC. Protesters at UC Riverside and UC Berkeley had agreed to end their camps in exchange for concessions from the university.

Student representatives met with UC Irvine leadership two weeks ago to discuss whether the university would agree to their demands for divestment from companies with ties to Israel and weapon manufacturers in exchange for an end to the campus encampment. But talks were not fruitful, according to student organizers.

Protesters have asked for an end to “violent extremism” funding, amnesty for student protesters, a commitment to an academic boycott of Israel and removal of what the group calls “Zionist programming.”

On Tuesday, pro-Palestinian protesters at UC Berkeley removed tents on a central campus plaza in an agreement that appeared to end one of the largest and longest student encampments in the country as Chancellor Carol Christ said she would initiate a discussion about the university’s investments in weapons companies and the possible divestment from them.

Onlookers film as police descend on the Irvine campus Wednesday afternoon. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

On Wednesday, however, there were new developments at UC Berkeley as protesters occupied Anna Head Alumnae Hall, a condemned building on campus.

"This is an active crime scene, it is not nonviolent civil disobedience," said UC Berkeley spokesperson Dan Mogulof.

He said that Wednesday marked the 55th anniversary of People's Park, and that protesters were "vandalizing an unsafe, boarded-up, fire-damaged building next to People's Park."

UC Irvine police called in multiple agencies. As many as 200 were on campus, according to a source. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

UC Berkeley officials said, however, they had "confirmed that the coalition with whom the university reached an understanding yesterday did not initiate today's action."

The Berkeley agreement joined ones at at least four other California universities and several across the country that forged settlements with activists to end campus encampments that some Jewish students say have included antisemitic signage and chants.

Although no schools have agreed specifically to divest from ties to Israel — a demand of protesters — each has indicated that it will explore proposals to tighten investment policies regarding companies that sell weapons.

Pro-Palestinian protesters link arms to form a blockade to the Physical Sciences build at UCI on May 15, 2024.A weeks-long pro-Palestine protest at UC Irvine demanding the university divest from Israel over the Hamas war took a tense turn Wednesday, May 15,2024, when protesters blocked the entrance to the physical sciences building in an apparent occupation of the facility. (Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times)More

UC Riverside Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox signed off May 3 on an agreement to end the encampment at his campus. It was the first such agreement at a UC campus and said that the university would publicly make a “full disclosure” of the companies and size of its investments.

It also said that UC Riverside would form a task force that includes students and faculty to “explore the removal of UCR’s endowment from the management of the UC investments office and the investment of said endowment in a manner that will be financially and ethically sound for the university with consideration to the companies involved in arms manufacturing and delivery.” The task force would present its findings to the board of trustees by March 21, 2025.

Times staff writers Richard Winton and Jaweed Kaleem contributed to this report.

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.

Pro-Palestinian protesters occupy building, create encampment at UC Irvine

Marc Sternfield
Wed, May 15, 2024 

Police responded to the campus of the University of California, Irvine, on Wednesday, where pro-Palestinian demonstrators overtook a building and constructed a barricaded encampment.

Video streamed to the Instagram handle “ucidivest” shows protesters hanging banners from the Physical Science Lecture Hall and scrambling to pitch tents.

In a text message alert, UCI called it a “violent protest” and urged students to avoid the area. “If you are in the area, shelter in place for your safety until further notice,” the university said.

The protest encampment at UC Irvine on May 15, 2024. (KTLA)

The protest encampment at UC Irvine on May 15, 2024. (KTLA)

Protesters set up an encampment on the campus of UC Irvine on May 15, 2024. (KTLA)

Protesters set up an encampment on the campus of UC Irvine on May 15, 2024. (IG: ucidivest)

The protest encampment at UC Irvine on May 15, 2024. (KTLA)

Dozens of law enforcement officers were seen staging in a campus parking lot and creating a skirmish line a short distance from the demonstrators, who were positioned both inside and outside of the encampment’s wood palette barriers.

Last week, the university suspended several student protesters for what it called “multiple conduct violations” following another campus demonstration. Some of those suspended were members of a group that had been negotiating with UCI administrators over their demands.

The demonstrators are calling for the university to divest from its relationships with Israel over the Jewish state’s military offensive in Gaza following the Oct. 7, 2023, attack by Hamas.

Universities across California and the nation have seen similar demonstrations. At UCLA, police dismantled an encampment on Royce Quad in early May that was the site of escalating tensions and violence. A similar scene unfolded at USC, a private university, roughly a week earlier.

Both crackdowns resulted in dozens of arrests.

This is a developing story. Stay with KTLA 5 News for updates.

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South Africa seeks halt to Israel's Rafah offensive at World Court

Wed, May 15, 2024 

ICJ holds public hearings on the legal consequences of Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories, in The Hague

By Stephanie van den Berg

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - South Africa will ask the top U.N. court on Thursday to order a halt to the Rafah offensive as part of its case in The Hague accusing Israel of genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The hearings at the International Court of Justice, also known as the World Court, come after South Africa last week asked for additional emergency measures to protect Rafah, a southern Gaza city where more than a million Palestinians have been sheltering.

It also asked the court to order Israel to allow unimpeded access to Gaza for U.N. officials, organisations providing humanitarian aid, and journalists and investigators. It added that Israel has so far ignored and violated earlier court orders.

On Thursday, South Africa will present its latest intervention seeking emergency measures starting at 3 p.m.(1300 GMT).

Israel, which has denounced South Africa's claim that it is violating the 1949 Genocide Convention as baseless, will respond on Friday. In previous filings it stressed it had stepped up efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza as the ICJ had ordered.

Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations told Army Radio on Wednesday the short notice the court gave for the hearings did not allow sufficient legal preparation, adding that was "a telling sign".

The Israel-Hamas war has killed nearly 35,000 people in Gaza, according to health authorities there. About 1,200 people were killed in Israel and 253 taken hostage on Oct. 7 when Hamas launched the attack that started the war, according Israeli tallies.

South Africa accuses Israel of acts of genocide against Palestinians. In January, the court ordered Israel to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza, allow in more humanitarian aid and preserve any evidence of violations.

The hearings on May 16 and 17 will only focus on issuing emergency measures, to keep the dispute from escalating. It will likely take years before the court can rule on the merits of the case.

The ICJ's rulings and orders are binding and without appeal. While the court has no way to enforce them, an order against a country could hurt its international reputation and set legal precedent.

(Reporting by Stephanie van den Berg, additional reporting by Henriette Chacar in Jerusalem; Editing by Anthony Deutsch, William Maclean)

Turkey says it will apply to intervene in ICJ genocide case against Israel

Tue, May 14, 2024

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan visits Venezuela

ANKARA (Reuters) - Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Tuesday that Turkey decided to submit its declaration of official intervention in South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Earlier this month Fidan announced the decision to join the case launched by South Africa as Ankara stepped up measures against Israel over its assault on Gaza, which has killed more than 35,000 people and launched after militant group Hamas' Oct. 7 rampage.

"We condemned civilians being killed on October 7," he told a press conference with his Austrian counterpart.

"But Israel systematically killing thousands of innocent Palestinians and rendering a whole residential area uninhabitable is a crime against humanity, attempted genocide, and the manifestation of genocide," he added.

A foreign ministry official said Turkey had not yet submitted the formal application to the ICJ.

(Reporting by Huseyin Hayatsever; Writing by Tuvan Gumrukcu; Editing by Jonathan Spicer)

World Court to hold hearings over Israel's Rafah attacks

Updated Tue, May 14, 2024 

FILE PHOTO: Smoke rises following Israeli strikes, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Rafah

By Stephanie van den Berg

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The U.N.'s International Court of Justice will hold hearings on Thursday and Friday to discuss new emergency measures sought by South Africa over Israel's attacks on Rafah during the war in Gaza, the court said Tuesday.

The measures form part of an ongoing case South Africa filed at the ICJ in December last year accusing Israel of violating the Genocide Convention during its offensive against Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel has previously said it is acting in accordance with international law and has called the genocide case baseless and accused Pretoria of acting as "the legal arm" of Gaza's ruling Hamas militants.

South Africa will address the court on Thursday after it asked the ICJ, also known as the World Court, last week to order Israel to cease its Rafah offensive and allow unimpeded access to Gaza for U.N. officials, organisations providing humanitarian aid, and journalists and investigators.

Israel will present its side of the case on Friday, according to the court schedule.

The war has killed nearly 35,000 people in Gaza, according to health authorities there. About 1,200 people were killed in Israel and 253 taken hostage on Oct. 7 when Hamas launched the attack that started the war, according Israeli tallies.

The hearings in The Hague will only focus on issuing emergency measures, to keep the dispute from escalating, before the court can rule on the merits of the case, which usually takes years. While the ICJ's rulings are binding and without appeal, the court has no way to enforce them.

(This story has been corrected to fix the day from Monday to Tuesday in paragraph 1)

(Reporting by Stephanie van den Berg; Editing by Andrew Heavens and Nick Macfie)

ACLU backs efforts to sink bill stripping any nonprofit that 'bankrolls terrorists' of tax-exempt status

Brianna Herlihy
Wed, May 15, 2024 

FIRST ON FOX: A new bill that would strip the tax-exempt status of nonprofits found to be materially supporting terrorists – which passed the House with broad bipartisan support – is facing lobbying efforts to sink it by groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

The bill, introduced by Reps. David Kustoff, R-Tenn., and Brad Schneider, D-Ill., passed the House of Representatives in April by a sweeping vote of 382-11. Sens. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Angus King, I-Maine, have pushed a companion version of the bill. A spokesperson for Cornyn called the legislation a "commonsense" proposal to ban tax breaks for anyone who "bankrolls terrorists."

The ACLU has joined calls for Congress to kill the bill from groups like Council on American-Islamic Relations and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) – the center of a recent lawsuit alleging that it and National Students for Justice in Palestine are "collaborators and propagandists for Hamas."

The ACLU argued in a letter obtained by Fox News Digital that the prohibitions instituted by the bill, which would amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, are already illegal under current law.


Anti-Israel protesters demonstrate along NYPD police lines outside of Columbia University’s campus in New York City on Thursday, April 18, 2024.

The group also claimed "the legislation raises serious constitutional concerns," and because it "vests vast discretion in the Secretary of the Treasury, it creates a high risk of politicized and discriminatory enforcement."

However, Kustoff, one of only two Jewish Republicans in Congress, is baffled by the opposition.

"Several weeks ago, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to pass bipartisan legislation I introduced that does one simple thing: take away the tax-exempt status of nonprofits that give financial support to terrorist groups and organizations," he told Fox News Digital.

"This bill and its purpose are clear and simple. The American taxpayer should not unknowingly be funding terrorists. It should be a no-brainer," he said.

"Now, there are some left-wing radical groups, and at least one pro-Hamas group, trying to influence the United States Senate," he said.

"Even in deeply divided Washington, 382 Members of Congress agree that any organization that funds terrorism should not receive tax-exempt status under the U.S. tax code," he said.

Rep. David Kustoff, R-Tenn.

The ACLU claimed in its letter that "there has been no evidence presented as to the necessity of this legislation, and the lack of guardrails creates the potential for a future administration to weaponize this legislation to further its own political motives to target U.S. nonprofits, exposing them to stigmatizing and financially devastating punishments."

It also claimed the bill raises due process concerns, alleging it "switches the burden of proof about whether a nonprofit provides material support from the government to the nonprofit."

However, Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values disagrees. "A tax exemption from the federal government is not a right, it’s a privilege. The burden of proof is on the organization to demonstrate that it is not using its tax exemption to engage in activities forbidden by a tax-exempt organization."

Under the current U.S. tax code, an entity’s tax-exempt status is suspended if it is designated by the U.S. Department of State as a terrorist organization, which includes groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and al Qaeda.

Cornyn says the legislation would extend the current prohibition to include organizations that provide material support or resources, such as finances, services or training, to a terrorist organization within the past three years.

Kia Hamadanchy, senior policy counsel at ACLU said in a statement, "While it is already illegal under current law to provide material support to foreign terrorist organizations, by vesting vast discretion in the Secretary of Treasury, this bill creates a high risk of politicized and discriminatory enforcement."

"As drafted the lack of due process protections would hand current and future presidential administrations a tool perfectly designed to stifle free speech, target political opponents, and punish disfavored groups on both ends of the political spectrum," Hamadanchy said.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas.

"If this legislation isn’t necessary, how is it that American Muslims for Palestine are still tax-exempt? Within 36 hours of the atrocities of October 7, AMP’s campus arm, Students for Justice in Palestine, had already emerged with a detailed 'Day of Resistance' toolkit for campus chapters to hold activities in support of Hamas," said Menken.

"They declared that they not only support the messaging of Hamas, but they part of it," Menken said, referring to the toolkit document released by the groups.

AMP, headquartered in Falls Church, Virginia, is currently under investigation by Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares for allegedly soliciting contributions in the commonwealth without first having registered with the commissioner of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Miyares also announced in November that he is investigating allegations the group may have used funds raised for illegal purposes under state law, including benefiting or providing support to terrorist organizations.

Earlier this month, a major U.S. and global law firm, Greenberg Traurig, filed a federal lawsuit representing nine survivors of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on southern Israel, arguing that NSJP and AMP are working in the United States "as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas."

Through NSJP, AJP Educational Foundation Inc. – also known as AMP – allegedly "uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond," according to the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern Division of Virginia, Alexandria Division.

The litigation alleges AMP "serves as Hamas’s propaganda division in the United States" and "was founded from the ashes of disbanded organizations created by senior Hamas officials after those organizations and related individuals were found criminally and civilly liable for providing material support to Hamas and other affiliated terrorist groups."

AMP’s co-founder and current chairman, Hatem Bazian, supported the first SJP chapter as a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, the lawsuit notes.

In an email to Fox News Digital, a representative for AMP said it does not support the bill "due to the inherent flaws in the proposed bill."

The proposed legislation "grant[s] the Secretary of the Treasury broad discretionary powers to terminate the tax-exempt status of nonprofit organizations based solely on a subjective declaration that they are ‘terrorist supporting organizations,'" the representative said.

The representative also said AMP utilizes donations "completely within the United States to support its mission of educating American Muslims and the American public on the rich history and culture of Palestine."

Hamas chief says Israeli amendments on ceasefire proposal led to deadlock

Nidal al-Mughrabi
Wed, 15 May 2024 

By Nidal al-Mughrabi

CAIRO (Reuters) - Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh blamed Israel on Wednesday for a deadlock in Gaza ceasefire negotiations and reiterated key demands including that any agreement provide a framework for a permanent end to Israel's offensive in the enclave.

Earlier this month, the Palestinian group said it agreed to a truce proposal from Qatari and Egyptian mediators that Israel previously accepted.

Israel disputed this, saying the three-phase proposal

approved by Hamas was unacceptable because terms had been watered down. Ceasefire talks in Cairo broke up this month with no agreement.

"They also introduced amendments to the proposal that put the negotiation into a deadlock," said Haniyeh, who is based in Qatar, in a televised speech.

Haniyeh said his group was determined to pursue all available ways to end the war in Gaza, leaving the door open to more mediation efforts, but he held to the group's key demands.

"Any efforts or agreement must secure a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive pull-out from all of the Gaza Strip, a real prisoner swap deal, the return of the displaced, reconstruction, and lifting the blockade," said Haniyeh.

Israel says it wants to reach a prisoners-for-hostages deal but has so far refused any commitment to end the military offensive in Gaza, which it said seeks to annihilate Hamas.

Haniyeh, whose group has been running Gaza since 2007, rejected any post-war settlement in Gaza that excludes the group. "Hamas existed to stay," he said.

"The movement (Hamas) will decide, along with all national factions, the administration of the Gaza Strip after the war," said Haniyeh.

Israel says Hamas can't have any role in ruling Gaza after the war is over. Its ally, the United States, says it wants to see Gaza and the West Bank reunited under Hamas' rival, the Palestinian Authority, which currently has limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Health authorities in Gaza say the war has killed almost 35,000 people since the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel. Some 1,200 people were killed in Israel and 253 were taken hostage on Oct. 7, according to Israeli tallies.

(Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi, additional reporting by Muhammad Al Gebaly; Editing by Chris Reese and Cynthia Osterman)

House Democrats Fume Over Unprecedented Israeli Rebuke Of Lawmakers

Akbar Shahid Ahmed
Updated Wed, May 15, 2024 

One week after Israel’s ambassador to the U.S. sent dozens of Democrats in the House of Representatives an unprecedented rebuke, congressional staff say they’re still fuming over the letter, a note that accused lawmakers of aiding the Palestinian militant group Hamas, of misrepresenting Israeli policy and of inappropriately trying to influence President Joe Biden.

The situation reflects how intense tensions between the Israeli government and many influential Democrats have become as Israel escalates its U.S.-backed military campaign in Gaza and conditions darken for the 2.3 million Palestinians there, congressional aides told HuffPost. They cast the move from the Israeli diplomat, Michael Herzog, as a sign of both Israel’s disregard for U.S. concerns about matters like humanitarian aid for Palestinians and its lack of respect for members of Congress, including many who are generally supportive of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

“It really is a stunning document,” said one Democratic staffer. “The tone of this letter is not reflective of the fact that the U.S. is the primary guarantor of Israel’s security. An unaware reader would assume that Israel is the superpower in this relationship and the U.S. the recipient of aid.”

Multiple parts of Herzog’s message were “verging on offensive,” argued another Democratic aide, pointing as an example to an assertion that Congress is overlooking the brutal Hamas-led attack on Israel on Oct. 7.

“It seems that Hamas’s massive invasion on October 7th, its ruthless massacre of Israelis and the kidnapping of hostages to Gaza have been too easily forgotten,” the ambassador wrote in his message, which Politico first reported on.

HuffPost this week obtained copies of the letter received by multiple lawmakers.

Sent on May 8, Herzog’s missive represents the Israeli response to an earlier May 3 letter from House Democrats to Biden arguing Israel is violating a U.S. law that outlaws sending weapons to countries blocking American aid. Led by Reps. Jason Crow (D-Colo.) and Chris Deluzio (D-Pa.), both moderates, that letter was signed by 88 Democrats, the most who’ve so far signed a statement alleging Israel is breaking the law. It was released days before the Biden administration issued its own opinion denying that is the case. (No Republicans signed the May 3 letter.)

The two aides, both of whom work for lawmakers who signed the Crow-Deluzio letter, and others described the Israeli pushback as more intense than what they have experienced previously — mirroring heightened disputes as critics of the Gaza war become more vocal, skepticism about it gains broader currency and its toll becomes harder to deny.

“Never before have we received such a harsh letter from the Israeli government. But then again, never before have we been so critical of their actions,” the second aide said. A third aide to another legislator who signed the congressional letter highlighted both Herzog’s Oct. 7 claim and his suggestion that House Democrats were aiding Hamas as particularly disturbing.

And a fourth staffer, a senior foreign policy aide, told HuffPost that, in addition to sending Herzog’s letter, the Israeli embassy had reached out to multiple signatories of the May 3 statement for meetings or calls.

The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

In his letter, Herzog suggested U.S. lawmakers were not adequately doing their jobs. “It is disappointing that you have reached this determination on such a sensitive matter without having conducted sufficient due diligence to learn, check and corroborate the full facts of the matter, without requesting information from Israel, an ally of the United States, or listening to its side of the issue and without waiting for the U.S. Administration to reach its own conclusion, instead attempting to lead it towards a pre-determined one,” Herzog wrote.

The May 3 letter from Democrats included a condemnation of Hamas and a demand for it to release Israeli hostages. The lawmakers also decried an April 13 attack on Israel by Iran, which backs Hamas, following an Israeli strike on an Iranian embassy on April 1. And the majority of signatories had just days earlier voted for $26.4 billion in additional U.S. aid to Israel. Still, Herzog implied they were bolstering Israel’s enemies.

“I believe we can agree that a Gaza not ruled by Hamas is the future we all want to see. I wonder if the position expressed in your letter helps bring this future closer or pushes it further away,” Herzog wrote. “Denying Israel the weapons it needs to defeat Hamas and creating daylight between our countries on the basis of unsubstantiated claims may serve to embolden Hamas and fuel its perception that time is on its side.”

The ambassador closed with an ominous warning to the U.S. lawmakers, writing: “People who genuinely care about the security of Israel should be extremely careful in calling for curtailing U.S. security aid. ... Both friends and foes of the United States, in our region and elsewhere, are taking careful note and drawing conclusions.”

In a notable contrast, Herzog and his team did not make similar protests to the seven senators who signed a March 12 letter similarly arguing Israeli aid restrictions made it illegal for the country to receive U.S. military support, a Senate aide told HuffPost. That letter, however, was released before a fresh wave of condemnations of Israeli restrictions on humanitarian aid from Biden, following the deaths of several international aid workers, as well as limited concessions from Netanyahu on the issue.

The first House aide called the Israeli gambit “embarrassing.”

“It’s disrespectful but unsurprising from a government that has repeatedly made clear they do not care about the attitudes of the American public, or their representatives,” that aide added.

On Wednesday, a spokesperson for the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C. defended Herzog’s letter and Israel’s approach to aid.

“The letter of the 88 members of Congress ... is based on unsubstantiated claims and jumped to conclusions before the U.S. administration concluded its investigation. Therefore, we felt it was important to share the facts of what’s happening on the ground,” the spokesperson argued in a statement to HuffPost. Saying Israel “has many friends in Congress from both sides of the aisle,” they said the amount of assistance entering Gaza has “drastically increased” and continued: “Hamas started this war, fully knowing the harm and suffering it would inflict upon the Palestinian people.”

The spokesperson also pointed to the Biden administration’s recent report denying any Israeli violation of international and U.S. law regarding humanitarian aid.

On Feb. 8, Biden responded to growing outcry over Israel’s actions — including turning back trucks full of assistance, launching attacks on humanitarian facilities and a refusal to use all available aid routes — by pledging to issue a report on whether Israel’s conduct in Gaza was in line with international and American law.

Palestinians walk through the debris after an Israeli air and ground offensive in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
Palestinians walk through the debris after an Israeli air and ground offensive in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. via Associated Press

Calls for accountability further intensified when, on April 1, an Israeli airstrike killed several workers with the food aid nonprofit World Central Kitchen. By that point, food was already so scarce in parts of Gaza that famine had begun there, according to an April 2 cable from the U.S. Agency for International Development revealed by HuffPost. Officials at USAID concluded that Israeli aid policy was breaching U.S. law, according to an internal assessment obtained by Devex later that month.

The administration issued its report on Israel’s conduct on May 10. It described “deep concerns during the period since October 7 about action and inaction by Israel that contributed significantly to a lack of sustained and predictable delivery of needed assistance at scale,” saying Palestinians are still receiving “insufficient” aid.

But citing some tweaks to Israeli policy following pressure from Biden in April, the administration claimed Israel was abiding by U.S. statutes.

Outside humanitarian groups said Israel’s shifts in aid policy in April produced “no significant improvement” — and that even small gains have been almost fully lost in recent days, as Israel has advanced on the remaining section of Gaza outside its military’s control.

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who mandated Biden’s assessment of Israeli compliance with international law, called the administration’s findings on aid “especially” lacking amid a generally disappointing report.

“For the greater part of the period since October 7, the Netanyahu government has restricted the flow of humanitarian assistance and that they have not facilitated the distribution of humanitarian assistance. That’s why we have the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis that we have now,” Van Hollen told reporters on May 10.

USAID chief Samantha Power and Cindy McCain, the head of the World Food Programme, have said famine is now underway in Gaza.

“It looks at a snapshot right now and says that they find that the Netanyahu government is not currently in violation,” Van Hollen said of the report, “but they entirely duck the question of the conduct of the Netanyahu government with regard to humanitarian aid up to this point.”

Herzog’s letter and the Israeli spokesperson’s May 15 statement to HuffPost also focused on changes implemented in recent weeks. “At no point during the war has Israel had a policy of deliberately withholding humanitarian aid from entering Gaza,” the ambassador argued — though Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Oct. 9 he had implemented “a complete siege” on the region, providing “no electricity, no food, no fuel.”

The push-pull in Congress over Israel’s Gaza operation is continuing to heat up, with defenders of the country’s actions particularly focusing on quelling public challenges from Democrats. 

Democratic Majority for Israel, an ardently pro-Israel group, pushed House Democrats not to sign the May 3 letter, one aide told HuffPost. The aide noted the organization is now sending congressional offices copies of comments from national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who on Monday affirmed “ironclad” U.S. support for Israel and tempered the impression that Biden is winding down U.S. support for the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

On Tuesday, after Sullivan’s comments, the Wall Street Journal revealed that Biden is seeking to provide Israel with an additional $1 billion worth of arms.

Israel’s campaign in Gaza has killed around 35,000 Palestinians so far, according to local authorities. The Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack killed nearly 1,200 Israelis, per the Israeli government.

Crowd Erupts After Columbia Grad’s Mic Cuts Off When She Mentions Gaza

Edith Olmsted
Wed, May 15, 2024 


The crowd at a Columbia University graduation ceremony burst into an outraged uproar after the speaker’s microphone appeared to turn off when she mentioned Israel’s deadly military campaign in Gaza.

Saham David Ahmed Ali, a candidate for a Masters degree in Public Health, was invited to make remarks on behalf of the graduating class at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health.

During her address on Tuesday, she talked about her experience as a Columbia student amid the campus protests opposing Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, which administrators ordered to be violently disbanded by police.

“It feels dystopian to walk through Mailman’s halls everyday, scrolling through social media everyday, standing in our classrooms while I witness the genocide of the Palestinian people,” Ali said.

“The silence on this campus, and the pressure to say nothing while administration and professors assert ‘we are here for you,’ while we are actively witness the most televised genocide of our lives made me lose hope,” she said.

“Do they not see the decimation of the healthcare system in Gaza? The attacks on hospitals? Humanitarian workers? The mass graves outside of Al-Shifa hospital, found while we sat in our classrooms learning about—” Ali’s voice was cut off, as the microphone fizzled in front of her, appearing to turn off.

Ali pursed her lips, and cocked her head to the side, as the crowd in front of her burst into an uproar of indignant hollering. A moment later, she leaned down to speak into the microphone, which jolted back to life, only to turn off again a few seconds later.

As she stood quietly in front of her classmates and their families, a cheer began to grow throughout the audience. “Let her speak! Let her speak,” they cried.

After a moment she leaned down, and was able to resume her speech. “Whatever cause you have dedicated yourself to in this field… it is all intrinsically connected to other injustices in the world, including the liberation of the Palestinian people,” she said, calling for her fellow students to advocate for the victims of injustice in Sudan, Armenia, Tigray, Uyghur, Haiti, Yemen, Somalia, and Congo.

A spokesperson for the university denied that the microphone was cut off. “The momentary loss of audio during the speech was an unintentional technical glitch,” the spokesperson told the New York Post.

Online, Zionist critics have begun vehemently attacking Ali for her speech, claiming that she was attacking Jewish people by mentioning Israel’s campaign in Gaza, which has killed over 34,500 people.

Although Columbia president Minouche Shafik chose to cancel commencement, she has been unable to thwart student protesters who insist on standing up to their university. On Friday, a zip-tie wearing student protester tore up her diploma onstage. Columbia University is currently under federal investigation for allegations of anti-Palestinian racism.
Medics at UCLA protest say police weapons drew blood and cracked bones

Molly Castle Work and Brett Kelman
Updated Wed, May 15, 2024 

Inside the protesters' encampment at UCLA, beneath the glow of hanging flashlights and a deafening backdrop of exploding flash-bangs, OB-GYN resident Elaine Chan suddenly felt like a battlefield medic.

Police were pushing into the camp after an hours-long standoff. Chan, 31, a medical tent volunteer, said protesters limped in with severe puncture wounds, but there was little hope of getting them to a hospital through the chaos outside. Chan suspects the injuries were caused by rubber bullets or other “less lethal” projectiles, which police have confirmed were fired at protesters.

“It would pierce through skin and gouge deep into people’s bodies,” she said. “All of them were profusely bleeding. In OB-GYN we don’t treat rubber bullets. … I couldn’t believe that this was allowed to be (done to) civilians — students — without protective gear.”

The UCLA protest, which gathered thousands in opposition to Israel’s ongoing bombing of Gaza, began in April and grew to a dangerous crescendo this month when counterprotesters and police clashed with the activists and their supporters.

In interviews with KFF Health News, Chan and three other volunteer medics described treating protesters with bleeding wounds, head injuries, and suspected broken bones in a makeshift clinic cobbled together in tents with no electricity or running water. The medical tents were staffed day and night by a rotating team of doctors, nurses, medical students, EMTs, and volunteers with no formal medical training.

At times, the escalating violence outside the tent isolated injured protesters from access to ambulances, the medics said, so the wounded walked to a nearby hospital or were carried beyond the borders of the protest so they could be driven to the emergency room.

“I’ve never been in a setting where we’re blocked from getting higher level of care,” Chan said. “That was terrifying to me.”

Three of the medics interviewed by KFF Health News said they were present when police swept the encampment May 2 and described multiple injuries that appeared to have been caused by “less lethal” projectiles.

Less lethal projectiles — including beanbags filled with metal pellets, sponge-tipped rounds, and projectiles commonly known as rubber bullets — are used by police to subdue suspects or disperse crowds or protests. Police drew widespread condemnation for using the weapons against Black Lives Matter demonstrations that swept the country after the killing of George Floyd in 2020. Although the name of these weapons downplays their danger, less lethal projectiles can travel upward of 200 mph and have a documented potential to injure, maim, or kill.

The medics’ interviews directly contradict an account from the Los Angeles Police Department. After police cleared the encampment, LAPD Chief Dominic Choi said in a post on the social platform X that there were “no serious injuries to officers or protestors'' as police moved in and made more than 200 arrests.

In response to questions from KFF Health News, both the LAPD and California Highway Patrol said in emailed statements that they would investigate how their officers responded to the protest. The LAPD statement said the agency was conducting a review of how it and other law enforcement agencies responded, which would lead to a “detailed report.”

The Highway Patrol statement said officers warned the encampment that “non-lethal rounds” may be used if protesters did not disperse, and after some became an “immediate threat” by “launching objects and weapons,” some officers used “kinetic specialty rounds to protect themselves, other officers, and members of the public.” One officer received minor injuries, according to the statement.

Video footage that circulated online after the protest appeared to show a Highway Patrol officer firing less lethal projectiles at protesters with a shotgun.

“The use of force and any incident involving the use of a weapon by CHP personnel is a serious matter, and the CHP will conduct a fair and impartial investigation to ensure that actions were consistent with policy and the law,” the Highway Patrol said in its statement.

The UCLA Police Department, which was also involved with the protest response, did not respond to requests for comment.

Police face-off with pro-Palestinian students after destroying part of the encampment barricade on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in Los Angeles, California, early on May 2, 2024. Police deployed a heavy presence on US university campuses on May 1 after forcibly clearing away some weeks-long protests against Israel's war with Hamas.

Jack Fukushima, 28, a UCLA medical student and volunteer medic, said he witnessed a police officer shoot at least two protesters with less lethal projectiles, including a man who collapsed after being hit “square in the chest.” Fukushima said he and other medics escorted the stunned man to the medical tent then returned to the front lines to look for more injured.

“It did really feel like a war,” Fukushima said. “To be met with such police brutality was so disheartening.”

Back on the front line, police had breached the borders of the encampment and begun to scrum with protesters, Fukushima said. He said he saw the same officer who had fired earlier shoot another protester in the neck.

The protester dropped to the ground. Fukushima assumed the worst and rushed to his side.

“I find him, and I’m like, ‘Hey, are you OK?’” Fukushima said. “To the point of courage of these undergrads, he’s like, ‘Yeah, it’s not my first time.’ And then just jumps right back in.”

Sonia Raghuram, 27, another medical student stationed in the tent, said that during the police sweep she tended to a protester with an open puncture wound on their back, another with a quarter-sized contusion in the center of their chest, and a third with a “gushing” cut over their right eye and possible broken rib. Raghuram said patients told her the wounds were caused by police projectiles, which she said matched the severity of their injuries.

The patients made it clear the police officers were closing in on the medical tent, Raghuram said, but she stayed put.

“We will never leave a patient,” she said, describing the mantra in the medical tent. “I don’t care if we get arrested. If I’m taking care of a patient, that’s the thing that comes first.”

The UCLA protest is one of many that have been held on college campuses across the country as students opposed to Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza demand universities support a ceasefire or divest from companies tied to Israel. Police have used force to remove protesters at Columbia University, Emory University, and the universities of Arizona, Utah, and South Florida, among others.

At UCLA, student protesters set up a tent encampment on April 25 in a grassy plaza outside the campus’s Royce Hall theater, eventually drawing thousands of supporters, according to the Los Angeles Times. Days later, a “violent mob” of counterprotesters “attacked the camp,” the Times reported, attempting to tear down barricades along its borders and throwing fireworks at the tents inside.

The following night, police issued an unlawful assembly order, then swept the encampment in the early hours of May 2, clearing tents and arresting hundreds by dawn.

Police have been widely criticized for not intervening as the clash between protesters and counterprotesters dragged on for hours. The University of California system announced it has hired an independent policing consultant to investigate the violence and “resolve unanswered questions about UCLA’s planning and protocols, as well as the mutual aid response.”

Charlotte Austin, 34, a surgery resident, said that as counterprotesters were attacking she also saw about 10 private campus security officers stand by, “hands in their pockets,” as students were bashed and bloodied.

Austin said she treated patients with cuts to the face and possible skull fractures. The medical tent sent at least 20 people to the hospital that evening, she said.

“Any medical professional would describe these as serious injuries,” Austin said. “There were people who required hospitalization — not just a visit to the emergency room — but actual hospitalization.”
Police Tactics ‘Lawful but Awful’

UCLA protesters are far from the first to be injured by less lethal projectiles.

In recent years, police across the U.S. have repeatedly fired these weapons at protesters, with virtually no overarching standards governing their use or safety. Cities have spent millions to settle lawsuits from the injured. Some of the wounded have never been the same.

During the nationwide protests following the police killing of George Floyd in 2020, at least 60 protesters sustained serious injuries — including blinding and a broken jaw — from being shot with these projectiles, sometimes in apparent violations of police department policies, according to a joint investigation by KFF Health News and USA TODAY.

Fractured skulls, lost eyes: Police break their own rules when shooting protesters with ‘rubber bullets’

'Less lethal' can still maim and kill A visual guide to weapons police use on protesters

Those maimed say enough is enough Police use of rubber bullets, bean bag rounds has left a bloody trail for decades.

In 2004, in Boston, a college student celebrating a Red Sox victory was killed by a projectile filled with pepper-based irritant when it tore through her eye and into her brain.

“They’re called less lethal for a reason,” said Jim Bueermann, a former police chief of Redlands, California, who now leads the Future Policing Institute. “They can kill you.”

Bueermann, who reviewed video footage of the police response at UCLA at the request of KFF Health News, said the footage shows California Highway Patrol officers firing beanbag rounds from a shotgun. Bueermann said the footage did not provide enough context to determine if the projectiles were being used “reasonably,” which is a standard established by federal courts, or being fired “indiscriminately,” which was outlawed by a California law in 2021.

“There is a saying in policing — ‘lawful but awful’ — meaning that it was reasonable under the legal standards but it looks terrible,” Bueermann said. “And I think a cop racking multiple rounds into a shotgun, firing into protesters, doesn’t look very good.”

This article was produced by KFF Health News, a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF — an independent source for health policy research, polling, and journalism. KFF Health News is the publisher of California Healthline, an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: UCLA protest violence: medics say police broke bones and drew blood

STV industrial dispute ends after staff accept improved pay offer

Lucy Jackson
Wed, 15 May 2024

Journalists at STV voted overwhelmingly in favour of a pay deal that amounts to an increase of up to 6.7 percent (Image: Colin Mearns)

AN industrial dispute at a Scottish television station that saw some programmes taken off air has ended after staff accepted an improved pay offer, a union has announced.

Journalists at the broadcaster STV, who had twice walked out this year over demands for a 6% pay rise, voted overwhelmingly in favour of a pay deal that amounts to an increase of up to 6.7%, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has confirmed.

The deal includes backdated pay increases, guaranteed bonuses, enhanced family policies and an agreement to undertake a joint exercise to review working practices and pay anomalies.

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The union says the deal came after striking union members attended the company’s annual general meeting on May 1 and secured commitments from chief executive Simon Pitts to engage in further talks.

Nick McGowan-Lowe, NUJ national organiser for Scotland, said: “This has been a slow and difficult dispute, but we have finally reached a pay offer that has been accepted by our members.

“Our members at STV have secured an improved settlement not just for the newsroom, but also for their other 400 colleagues across STV, who now have a guaranteed bonus in July and a further, increased potential bonus payable next year, as well as significant improvements to the maternity and adoption leave terms.

“None of this would have been achieved without the solidarity, determination and professionalism of STV’s journalists, who deserve fair pay and respect within the company as the public face of STV’s brand, and the leadership of our workplace reps.

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“We look forward to working with STV in addressing issues over workload and the commitment to the company to revert to a flat percentage award applied on an across-the-board basis in 2025.”

Newsroom staff around Scotland walked out for 24 hours on March 28 and again on May 1 when the company held its AGM in Glasgow.

On both dates STV pulled live news bulletins from the schedule and replaced them with alternative programming.

STV has been contacted for comment.