Sunday, May 19, 2024


Pickleball courts in a legal pickle #ASA186

When advising on the noise associated with pickleball, loudness is just one of many concerns, and solutions require infrastructure or limitations on play.

Reports and Proceedings


Pickleball courts 



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OTTAWA, Ontario, May 17, 2024 – Pickleball Legal Consultant is a job title that likely did not exist a decade ago, but as pickleball courts infiltrate neighborhoods to satiate an appetite for a sport whose namesake is a snack, communities take issue with the resulting influx of noise. Now homeowners’ associations and city councils face litigation by those whose lives are disrupted by pickleball’s din.

Charles Leahy, an attorney, retired mechanical engineer, and former HOA board member became interested in this issue after his HOA dismissed the recommendations of noise consultants and failed to install noise absorbing barriers. Litigation over noise nuisance ensued and threatens closure of the courts.

Leahy sought to understand how acoustic engineers assess the noise, how they fashion their recommendations, and what best practices engineers can employ to persuade the community that the noise is real and needs to be mitigated. He will present his work Friday, May 17, at 8:35 a.m. EDT in a session dedicated to pickleball as part of a joint meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Canadian Acoustical Association, running May 13-17 at the Shaw Centre located in downtown Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

“Compared to tennis, pickleball is a much smaller court, easier to learn, and especially accessible to seniors,” said Leahy. “Each tennis court can become up to four pickleball courts. Tennis involves a soft and compressible ball and a racket with strings. Pickleball is a hard plastic ball and a hard paddle. Tennis produces a ‘thunk’ sound versus pickleball ’pop,’ which is louder, sharper, more piercing, and more frequent. Thus, more annoying.”

Communities looking to invest in – and those facing lawsuits because of – the courts often seek out engineering consultants to advise them. Leahy examined over 70 pickleball consultant noise reports and compared their recommendations with the American National Standard Institute. He found many reports considered only the decibels associated with the noise, but other factors are important too.

“It’s not just the loudness, it’s the impulsive sharpness and randomness of the ‘pops,’” said Leahy. “It’s the persistence and repetition of the random noises over many hours a day, usually seven days a week.”

His best recommendation is to build courts far from homes, at least 600-800 feet away to allow the sound to naturally dissipate. Less desirable (or more difficult or costly) solutions include enclosing the courts within a building or wall barriers or using less noisy paddles and balls.

“Pickleball has a highly impulsive noise, with each court generating about 900 pop noises per hour,” said Leahy. “It’s incompatible with residential living. Cities can also locate pickleball in industrial and commercial neighborhoods rather than close to homes.

“The benefits of pickleball to the players are undeniable, and the demand for more pickleball courts is real and genuine. However, there needs to be more research, more planning and prevention, and more effort to avoid ending up in front of the judge and jury.”


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The Acoustical Society of America is the premier international scientific society in acoustics devoted to the science and technology of sound. Its 7,000 members worldwide represent a broad spectrum of the study of acoustics. ASA publications include The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (the world's leading journal on acoustics), JASA Express Letters, Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Acoustics Today magazine, books, and standards on acoustics. The society also holds two major scientific meetings each year. See


•            fosters communication among people working in all areas of acoustics in Canada 
•            promotes the growth and practical application of knowledge in acoustics 
•            encourages education, research, protection of the environment, and employment in acoustics 
•            is an umbrella organization through which general issues in education, employment and research can be addressed at a national and multidisciplinary level

The CAA is a member society of the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE) and the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) and is an affiliate society of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV). Visit



From fungi to fashion: mushroom eco-leather is moving towards the mainstream

Mycelium leather – a bio-fabricated material made from the roots of fungi – has growing potential to scale up


As fashion designers look for alternatives to leather, growing mycelium – or fungi-based – ‘leather’ substitutes using a new paste media has opened up the possibility of growing this bio-fabricated material faster, and of cultivating it more easily.  

Researchers investigating how to grow and cultivate mycelium leather more effectively tested their hypotheses by growing and harvesting mycelium leather mats using a new paste of their own design as a substrate. Their findings are published in the Cambridge University Press journal Research Directions: Biotechnology Design. 

Mycelium materials offer a low-cost and environmentally sustainable alternative to some petroleum-based materials and a more sustainable and ethical alternative to animal-derived leather. They can be grown on a wide variety of agricultural and industrial organic waste or side streams.  

With greater uptake and scaling of production, these products have the potential to become more economically viable than established traditional materials. They can also be optimised to meet consumer demands. 

The researchers examined mushroom compatibility for the purposes of leather mat development by using two fungal species: Ganoderma lucidum (reishi), a medicinal mushroom widely used within bio-design; and Pleurotus djamor (pink oyster), a gourmet mushroom that has the tendency to quickly colonise the substrate and enter the fruiting stage – meaning it produces mushroom fruit bodies fast.  

By carefully formulating a new paste substrate for the mushrooms to grow in, the researchers sought to enhance nutrient availability from the mushrooms; enable their scalability; and streamline their cultivation processes.  

Different species of mushrooms have their own preferences for substrates, meaning that an important part of growing mushrooms – and mycelium leather – involves matching one’s mushrooms with the best available substrate. Common substrates include straw, coffee grounds, and manure.  

Mycelium leather is produced by growing the fungus as a biological tissue or mat on top of a liquid or solid substrate, or as fungal biomass in submerged liquid fermentation. Solid-state fermentation offers superior growth conditions; however, liquid-state surface fermentation allows mycelium mats to be harvested more easily, although growth rates are slower due to lower oxygen levels. Lastly, liquid-state fermentation gives improved yields, yet the product must be further manipulated to produce a mycelium mat. 

As a response to these challenges, the researchers developed a new method for cultivation based on a paste consistency substrate that offers the benefits of high nutrient content as well as small nutrient particle size, aiding the uptake of nutrients. 

The researchers found that by using this particular paste, they were able to grow thicker mycelial mats over a shorter period of time in comparison to growth on nutrient-enriched agar or liquid culture. Moreover, further benefits of this growth method became apparent during the harvesting stage, as the mats had grown strong enough that it was possible to peel them without needing to cut the sheet.  

Lead author of the study Assia Crawford, of the University of Colorado in the United States, said:  

“As our world searches for sustainable alternatives to traditional materials, there has been growing interest in using living organisms to produce biodegradable material substitutes with low environmental impact – such as mycelium leather, which is an eco-friendly leather alternative.  

“The extensive treatment needed to transform hide into traditional leather comes with high environmental costs, Moreover, petrochemical alternatives like faux leather, which have become increasingly popular in response to the challenges of animal leather production and associated ethical concerns, also have significant environmental impacts associated with the extraction of fossil fuels, long degradation spans, and potential off-gassing risks. Developing better alternatives is crucial in today’s environmentally fragile world.  

“Bio-design methods like the ones explored in our study contribute to developing high-quality, scalable, biodegradable material alternatives. These in turn have the potential to address the environmental challenges of high textile consumption. Indeed, the flexible nature of pure mycelial mats is a compelling potential substitute for non-woven materials such as animal-derived leather and petroleum-based faux leather alternatives. As researchers, we have a responsibility to continue developing better materials in response to the climate crisis, which is what the study aims to do.” 


Deep-sea sponge's “zero-energy” flow control could inspire new energy efficient designs, according to research co-led by NYU Tandon School of Engineering


The Venus flower basket sponge, with its delicate glass-like lattice outer skeleton, has long intrigued researchers seeking to explain how this fragile-seeming creature’s body can withstand the harsh conditions of the deep sea where it lives.

Now, new research reveals yet another engineering feat of this ancient animal’s structure: its ability to filter feed using only the faint ambient currents of the ocean depths, no pumping required. 

This discovery of natural ‘“zero energy” flow control by an international research team co-led by University of Rome Tor Vergata and NYU Tandon School of Engineering could help engineers design more efficient chemical reactors, air purification systems, heat exchangers, hydraulic systems, and aerodynamic surfaces.

In a study published in Physical Review Letters, the team found through extremely high-resolution computer simulations how the skeletal structure of the Venus flower basket sponge (Euplectella aspergillum) diverts very slow deep sea currents to flow upwards into its central body cavity, so it can feed on plankton and other marine detritus it filters out of the water.

The sponge pulls this off via its spiral, ridged outer surface that functions like a spiral staircase. This allows it to passively draw water upwards through its porous, lattice-like frame, all without the energy demands of pumping.  

"Our research settles a debate that has emerged in recent years: the Venus flower basket sponge may be able to draw in nutrients passively, without any active pumping mechanism," said Maurizio Porfiri, NYU Tandon Institute Professor and director of its Center for Urban Science + Progress (CUSP), who co-led the study and co-supervised the research. "It's an incredible adaptation allowing this filter feeder to thrive in currents normally unsuitable for suspension feeding."

At higher flow speeds, the lattice structure helps reduce drag on the organism. But it is in the near-stillness of the deep ocean floors that this natural ventilation system is most remarkable, and demonstrates just how well the sponge accommodates its harsh environment. The study found that the sponge’s ability to passively draw in food works only at the very slow current speeds – just centimeters per second – of its habitat.

"From an engineering perspective, the skeletal system of the sponge shows remarkable adaptations to its environment, not only from the structural point of view, but also for what concerns its fluid dynamic performance," said Giacomo Falcucci of Tor Vergata University of Rome and Harvard University, the paper’s first author. Along with Porfiri, Falcucci co-led the study, co-supervised the research and designed the computer simulations. "The sponge has arrived at an elegant solution for maximizing nutrient supply while operating entirely through passive mechanisms."

Researchers used the powerful Leonardo supercomputer at CINECA, a supercomputing center in Italy, to create a highly realistic 3D replica of the sponge, containing around 100 billion individual points that recreate the sponge's complex helical ridge structure. This “digital twin” allows experimentation that is impossible on live sponges, which cannot survive outside their deep-sea environment.

The team performed highly detailed simulations of water flow around and inside the computer model of the skeleton of the Venus flower basket sponge.  With Leonardo's massive computing power, allowing quadrillions of calculations per second, they could simulate a wide range of water flow speeds and conditions. 

The researchers say the biomimetic engineering insights they uncovered could help guide the design of more efficient reactors by optimizing flow patterns inside while minimizing drag outside. Similar ridged, porous surfaces could enhance air filtration and ventilation systems in skyscrapers and other structures. The asymmetric, helical ridges may even inspire low-drag hulls or fuselages that stay streamlined while promoting interior air flows.

The study builds upon the team’s prior Venus flower basket sponge research published in Nature in 2021, in which it revealed it had created a first-ever simulation of the deep-sea sponge and how it responds to and influences the flow of nearby water. 

In addition to Porfiri and Falcucci, the current study’s authors are Giorgio Amati of CINECA; Gino Bella of Niccolò Cusano University; Andrea Luigi Facci of University of Tuscia; Vesselin K. Krastev of University of Rome Tor Vergata; Giovanni Polverino of University of Tuscia, Monash University, and University of Western Australia; and Sauro Succi of the Italian Institute of Technology.

A grant from the National Science Foundation supported the research. Other funding came from CINECA, Next Generation EU, European Research Council, Monash University and University of Tuscia. 


About the New York University Tandon School of Engineering

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering is home to a community of renowned faculty, undergraduate and graduate students united in a mission to understand and create technology that powers cities, enables worldwide communication, fights climate change, and builds healthier, safer, and more equitable real and digital worlds. The school’s culture centers on encouraging rigorous, interdisciplinary collaboration and research; fostering inclusivity, entrepreneurial thinking, and diverse perspectives; and creating innovative and accessible pathways for lifelong learning in STEM.  NYU Tandon dates back to 1854, the founding year of both the New York University School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. Located in the heart of Brooklyn, NYU Tandon is a vital part of New York University and its unparalleled global network. For more information, visit



Black adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease live in more polluted areas, US study finds

Study of 107 older adults finds that non-white New York and North Carolina residents with mild cognitive impairment reside in places with more environmental injustices than their white peers


Alisa Adhikari 



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DURHAM, NC – May 16, 2024: A study by Duke and Columbia Universities finds older, non-white adults are more likely to live in areas with higher air pollution and near toxic disposal sites, among or environmental injustices, potentially underlying their cognitive health.

“A lot of money has been spent on understanding the genetics and pathological characterization of Alzheimer's disease,” said P. Murali Doraiswamy, MBBS, FRCP, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University’s School of Medicine, and senior author of the study. “But we still don’t have a good way to quantify the dozens of environmental  risks for the disease and how they may interact together.”

The results add to a growing area of research exploring the connections between environmental factors and brain health, racial injustices, and aging, and suggests looking at a patient’s address may be just as important for care providers to consider as listening to their heart or ordering a brain scan.

The results were published May 14, 2024 in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports.

Location and Brain Health

Where someone lives can influence their brain health. Middle-aged women get a cognitive boost when residing in areas with more trees, flowers, parks and other green spaces, whereas living in poorer neighborhoods with more polluted air elevates risks for and rates of Alzheimer’s disease.

These are piecemeal examples, though.

“An all-encompassing snapshot tying multiple environmental factors and resources available based on where someone lives to neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer's disease, has not been explored as well,” said Alisa Adhikari, a clinical research associate in Dr. Doraiswamy’s lab and the study’s first author.

Race and Place on the Mind

107 participants aged 55 – 95 with mild cognitive impairment living in or around New York City, NY or Durham, NC were recruited to study the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training therapies, such as crossword puzzles and brain games, on slowing dementia progression over 78 weeks.

To get a fuller sense of how place, race, and the mind influence each other, co-author Adaora Nwosu pulled in data from the Center for Disease Control’s Environmental Justice Index (EJI). The EJI provides location-specific information about 36 environmental and social burden indicators such as neighborhood walkability and access to green spaces, diesel exhaust, air, water and noise pollution levels, as well as the likelihood of living in older homes with greater exposure to lead or asbestos.

Non-white participants, mainly Black enrollees, were found to face higher environmental burdens.

“Minorities had greater exposure to ozone, diesel, particulate matter, carcinogenic air toxins, lack of recreation of parks, and proximity to toxic disposal sites,” Adhikari said, which she says explains, in part, the higher environmental burden scores.

Older non-white adults also scored much worse on social vulnerability metrics, such as more likely to live in older homes within poorer neighborhoods, which the authors suggest may be a result of past injustices.   

There were no connections found, however, between race, location, and measures of cognitive decline likely due to all participants actively taking medicine and doing brain training exercises to curb neurological symptoms, as part of the study’s original research design.

Analysis of the EJI data also revealed that adults from the New York City site tended to live in areas with markedly higher pollution compared to counterparts in Durham, which may have impacted or accelerated their decline even before enrolling in treatment.

“This was eye-opening for us,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “We tend to treat all sites and all subjects in a clinical trial as homogeneous with regards to environmental exposures. Moving forward, this type of metric may prove useful to help us better study how environmental exposures impact clinical trial outcomes.”

ZIP Codes as Part of a Checkup

Dr. Doraiswamy described the findings as a “pilot study,” and as such, his team is now planning for a larger, national study with thousands of participants that includes more objective neurodegeneration measurements like MRI brain scans to better assess cognitive health over time.

“The intent is not to substitute for clinical history or a blood test or require this for entry into a research study,” Dr. Doraiswamy said. “It's just that with clinical history, there's no way of measuring objectively what kind of a neighborhood exposures a person has unless you actually go and visit every single patient's home and take measurements with a sensor and so on and so forth.”

Ultimately, the team hopes that this study will spur more collaborations between clinical and environmental researchers to mitigate racial injustices and ensure everyone has access to a brain healthy environment.

Study suggests that air pollution promotes inflammation in the brain, accelerating cognitive decline and increasing risk of dementia

This is the first study in Denmark showing a link between air pollution and dementia. "The novelty of this study is the very detailed and accurate data that we use," says researcher behind the study. 


Results from new study suggests that long-term exposure to air pollution leads to increased risk in dementia in Denmark. 

"We also find association with noise, but this seems to be explained by air pollution primarily. Our study is in line with growing international knowledge on this topic." says Professor at Section of Environmental Health Zorana Jovanovic Andersen.

This is an important finding which adds that air pollution, beyond well-known effects on respiratory and cardiovascular system, also has major impacts on our brain, promoting inflammation in the brain, accelerating cognitive decline, and increasing risk of dementia.

"This is the first study in Denmark showing a link between air pollution and dementia. Although air pollution levels in Denmark have been declining and are relatively low, compared of the rest of Europe and world, this study shows that there are still significant and concerning health effects that demand more action and policies towards reduction of air pollution. As we are going to live longer, and more and more people will be diagnosed with dementia, this finding is important as it offer an opportunity to prevent new dementia cases, and ensure more healthy aging, by cleaning up the air we breathe," says Zorana Jovanovic Andersen. 

An internationally unique study

The study followed a cohort of nurses for 27 years, from 1993 until 2020.

“This is internationally unique and necessary in regards of the development of dementia which can take many years. Second, the air pollution was estimated for each participant for a total of 41 years (from 1979 until 2020), which is also incredible. Third, we had extensive details about participant’s lifestyle and socio-economics and all our result take them in consideration. The novelty of this study is the very detailed and accurate data that we used,” says Research Assistant from Section of Environmental Health StĂ©phane Tuffier.

“Nurses with higher physical activity had a lower risk of dementia when exposed to air pollution compared to nurses with less physical activity. This indicates that physical activity might mitigate the adverse effects of air pollution on cognitive decline and risk of dementia,” Tuffier says.


Research supports Sunak’s ‘smoke-free generation’ policy but British ministers will miss key levelling up health targets

UK Government needs range of public health policies to close health inequalities

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The Government will miss key health inequalities targets that are a cornerstone of its levelling up agenda, new research suggests.

Although the study concludes that a notional immediate outright ban on tobacco sales would eventually increase healthy life expectancy by 2.5 years, it would not be enough for the Government to meet the targets for reducing health inequalities set out in its levelling up white paper. An immediate ban on smoking would, however, extend the working lives of both men and women, the paper concludes, with the greatest impact in more deprived areas.

Local government secretary Michael Gove’s 2022 levelling up white paper pledged to narrow the difference in ‘healthy life expectancy’ (HLE) between England’s most prosperous and most deprived local authorities by 2030, and to boost overall HLE by five years by 2035. HLE measures the number of years lived in at least reasonable health. In the UK it has risen more slowly than life expectancy in recent decades – meaning people are typically spending more years in poor health, with obvious implications for NHS and social care budgets.

The researchers, drawn from Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), Heriot-Watt University and LCP, analysed the likelihood of the 2035 target being met. They published their paper, The great health challenge: levelling up the UK, in The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice.

Lead author Les Mayhew, Professor of Statistics at Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), said: “It is clear that drastic smoking cessation intervention is necessary to increase healthy life expectancy across the population and to narrow pernicious health inequalities. The rolling ban proposed in the Government’s current legislation is a good first step but further research could strengthen the case for an outright ban.

“Policymakers need to commit to politically difficult policies even if improvements in population health are gradual and long-term. With an ageing population, the pressure on policymakers to intervene in behaviours that shorten working lives will become irresistible – as seen already with the current focus on sickness and disability benefits.”

The analysis confirmed that people who have never smoked typically enjoy an additional six years of HLE. Earlier research has shown that smoking kills around 78,000 people in England each year and leads to around 500,000 hospital admissions.

Recent research by the International Longevity Centre concluded that smoking cuts UK economic output by £19.1 billion, due to shorter working lives. Welfare and healthcare costs would boost that figure significantly.

The latest study also concluded:

  • The nine year gap in average life expectancy between the richest and most deprived local authority areas almost doubles, to 17 years, for years lived in reasonable or good health.
  • A 1-year improvement in health expectancy increases life expectancy by 4.5 months. This means the gap between lifespan and healthspan gets smaller so that people live both longer and in better health.
  • Lung cancer deaths in different local authority areas revealed a correlation with the number of years spent in good health. HLE was lowest in cities, including London, the north of England and the midlands – and notably low in an arch linking Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Hull.
  • A targeted campaign in areas with high levels of smoking would significantly reduce health inequalities but the results would take time to work through.
  • Targeted smoking cessation policies would extend working lives, reduce the welfare bill and ease pressure on NHS and social care budgets.

Andrew Cairns, Professor of Actuarial Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University, said: "Our paper confirms that a smoking ban on those born in 2009 or later is one of the best ways to improve the health of people living in more deprived areas of the UK. The findings vividly illustrate the transformative impact of this measure on the health landscape. It coincides with a parliamentary debate, signalling a concerted effort towards a healthier future for all."

Mei Chan, Senior Statistician in LCP’s Health Analytics, said: “Our study has shone a light on the importance of measuring how much time people spend in good health rather than just focusing on life expectancy. While recent political events have put the issue of smoking into the spotlight, the UK Government already had ambitious targets in place. It’s clear that more needs to be done to meet the ambitious target to improve healthy life expectancy by five years and narrow the gap between the richest and poorest areas.

“The study also highlighted that lifestyle-related risk factors such as smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption and physical activity are interconnected, particularly in more deprived communities. The rolling smoking ban is a promising start, though the use of joined-up policy approaches tackling multiple lifestyle factors would strengthen the long term impact of the smoke free generation policy.”




Differing values of nature can still lead to joined up goals for sustainability


Recognising and respecting the different ways nature is valued can enable better environmental decision-making, according to new research led by the University of East Anglia (UEA).

International agreements such as the Sustainable Development Goals represent wide support for a sustainable future, living within planetary boundaries and ensuring a safer future for current and next generations.

However, there remain huge disagreements about how to advance such goals, often resulting in marginalisation, conflict and inaction.

The paper, published in the journal One Earth, examines the basis for this disagreement, reviewing four competing but well-established potential approaches towards resolving current environmental crises: Nature Protection; Green Economy; Earth Stewardship and Biocultural Diversity; and Degrowth and Post-growth.

One of the key findings is that there are clear differences in the way they value nature. In particular, Nature Protection tends to prioritise the intrinsic value of nature or ‘nature for itself’, while Green Economy tends to prioritise instrumental values of nature or ‘nature for society’.

Earth Stewardship and Biocultural Diversity recognise these values but also stress relational values of nature or ‘nature as society’; and Degrowth straddles these types of values, prioritising sufficiency and redistribution.

The international team of researchers finds that these different approaches to valuing nature are critical distinguishing features of such strategies, but also help to explain why compromise between them is often difficult.

Lead author Adrian Martin, Professor of Environment and Development at UEA’s School of Global Development, said: “There is a tendency not to be receptive to ideas that come from other pathways, making it hard to build the massive movement that is needed for transformation to solve the climate and biodiversity crises.

“However, the act of revealing this basis for disagreement also helps us to move forwards. It helps point the way towards a more inclusive and potentially more transformative environmentalism, recognising and respecting plural values of nature.”

The paper suggests three ways in which this can happen. Firstly, through ways of working that make plural values of nature visible and usable for decision-making; secondly by reforming relevant institutions, such as systems of laws, land tenure and economic incentives, to ensure that these plural values can be embedded in practice; and thirdly to address the power imbalances that underpin the current domination of the green economy pathway, involving, for example, the mobilization of civil rights movements.

“In this study we reveal the role that values play in underpinning different perspectives about how best to achieve sustainability and justice,” added Prof Martin. “We already knew that the environmental movement is fragmented but now we have a better understanding of why that is so entrenched.

“More importantly, we have the basis for better mutual understanding based on greater transparency about values and ways of working that respect the diversity of ways of valuing nature. Our hope is that this can support more inclusive and better environmental decision-making.”

‘Plural values of nature help to understand contested pathways to sustainability’, Adrian Martin, Erik Gomez-Baggethun, Martin Quaas, Ricardo Rozzi, Alejandra Tauro, Daniel P. Faith, Ritesh Kumar, Patrick O’Farrell, and Unai Pascual, is published in One Earth on May 17.


Ultraprocessed food consumption and cardiometabolic risk factors in children


About The Study: The findings of this study suggest that high ultraprocessed food (UPF) consumption in young children is associated with adiposity and other cardiometabolic risk factors, highlighting the need for public health initiatives to promote the replacement of UPFs with unprocessed or minimally processed foods. 

Corresponding Author: To contact the corresponding author, Nancy Babio, Ph.D., email

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link 


Editor’s Note: Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.

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About JAMA Network Open: JAMA Network Open is an online-only open access general medical journal from the JAMA Network. On weekdays, the journal publishes peer-reviewed clinical research and commentary in more than 40 medical and health subject areas. Every article is free online from the day of publication. 


UNC Greensboro researcher approved for NCInnovation grant funding for lithium refining research

Launch UNCG Reverse Pitch 



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UNC Greensboro researcher Hemali Rathnayake, Ph.D., has been approved for grant funding from NCInnovation to continue her work in developing a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate.

The grant approval is conditioned on standard next steps, including executed grant agreements and formal notification to government partners. This funding is part of NCInnovation’s larger mission to unlock the innovative potential of North Carolina’s world-class universities.

“From mobile phones to automobiles, our everyday modern lifestyle relies on lithium batteries. Purification of lithium is key to battery production, a critical emerging industry at home in Greensboro, our state and surrounding region, and globally. UNC Greensboro is proud of Dr. Hemali Rathnayake and the pioneering research she leads in the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process. The funding support from state legislators and NCInnovation is vital to continuing this applied research,” said Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.

“Dr. Rathnayake’s lithium refining solutions show incredible promise for North Carolina’s economy,” said Michelle Bolas, NCInnovation Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer. “This work has the capability to help advance our mission to make North Carolina THE innovation state.”

Dr. Rathnayake has led the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate (LCE). The global demand for lithium is experiencing substantial growth for its primary role in energy storage, electronic bikes, electrification of tools, and other battery-intense applications. North Carolina has a large and growing lithium and battery industry. Rathnayake’s refining technology has the potential to boost a sustainable domestic supply chain for lithium-based products.

UNC Greensboro researcher Hemali Rathnayake, Ph.D., has been approved for grant funding from NCInnovation to continue her work in developing a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate.

The grant approval is conditioned on standard next steps, including executed grant agreements and formal notification to government partners. This funding is part of NCInnovation’s larger mission to unlock the innovative potential of North Carolina’s world-class universities.

“From mobile phones to automobiles, our everyday modern lifestyle relies on lithium batteries. Purification of lithium is key to battery production, a critical emerging industry at home in Greensboro, our state and surrounding region, and globally. UNC Greensboro is proud of Dr. Hemali Rathnayake and the pioneering research she leads in the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process. The funding support from state legislators and NCInnovation is vital to continuing this applied research,” said Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.

“Dr. Rathnayake’s lithium refining solutions show incredible promise for North Carolina’s economy,” said Michelle Bolas, NCInnovation Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer. “This work has the capability to help advance our mission to make North Carolina THE innovation state.”

Dr. Rathnayake has led the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate (LCE). The global demand for lithium is experiencing substantial growth for its primary role in energy storage, electronic bikes, electrification of tools, and other battery-intense applications. North Carolina has a large and growing lithium and battery industry. Rathnayake’s refining technology has the potential to boost a sustainable domestic supply chain for lithium-based products.

UNC Greensboro researcher Hemali Rathnayake, Ph.D., has been approved for grant funding from NCInnovation to continue her work in developing a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate.

The grant approval is conditioned on standard next steps, including executed grant agreements and formal notification to government partners. This funding is part of NCInnovation’s larger mission to unlock the innovative potential of North Carolina’s world-class universities.

“From mobile phones to automobiles, our everyday modern lifestyle relies on lithium batteries. Purification of lithium is key to battery production, a critical emerging industry at home in Greensboro, our state and surrounding region, and globally. UNC Greensboro is proud of Dr. Hemali Rathnayake and the pioneering research she leads in the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process. The funding support from state legislators and NCInnovation is vital to continuing this applied research,” said Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.

“Dr. Rathnayake’s lithium refining solutions show incredible promise for North Carolina’s economy,” said Michelle Bolas, NCInnovation Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer. “This work has the capability to help advance our mission to make North Carolina THE innovation state.”

Dr. Rathnayake has led the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate (LCE). The global demand for lithium is experiencing substantial growth for its primary role in energy storage, electronic bikes, electrification of tools, and other battery-intense applications. North Carolina has a large and growing lithium and battery industry. Rathnayake’s refining technology has the potential to boost a sustainable domestic supply chain for lithium-based products.

UNC Greensboro researcher Hemali Rathnayake, Ph.D., has been approved for grant funding from NCInnovation to continue her work in developing a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate.

The grant approval is conditioned on standard next steps, including executed grant agreements and formal notification to government partners. This funding is part of NCInnovation’s larger mission to unlock the innovative potential of North Carolina’s world-class universities.

“From mobile phones to automobiles, our everyday modern lifestyle relies on lithium batteries. Purification of lithium is key to battery production, a critical emerging industry at home in Greensboro, our state and surrounding region, and globally. UNC Greensboro is proud of Dr. Hemali Rathnayake and the pioneering research she leads in the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process. The funding support from state legislators and NCInnovation is vital to continuing this applied research,” said Chancellor Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.

“Dr. Rathnayake’s lithium refining solutions show incredible promise for North Carolina’s economy,” said Michelle Bolas, NCInnovation Executive Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer. “This work has the capability to help advance our mission to make North Carolina THE innovation state.”

Dr. Rathnayake has led the development of a cost-effective and efficient lithium refining process for converting lithium into battery-grade lithium carbonate (LCE). The global demand for lithium is experiencing substantial growth for its primary role in energy storage, electronic bikes, electrification of tools, and other battery-intense applications. North Carolina has a large and growing lithium and battery industry. Rathnayake’s refining technology has the potential to boost a sustainable domestic supply chain for lithium-based products.