Sunday, May 26, 2024


Book Review: Who Owns the Moon? – In Defence of Humanity’s Common Interests in Space

 By Leonard David
 May 22nd, 2024

Who Owns the Moon? – In Defence of Humanity’s Common Interests in Space by A.C. Grayling; Oneworld Publications/distributed by Simon & Schuster (2024); Hardcover, 224 pages; $26.95.

Multiple countries have the Moon within its cross-hairs, for scientific purposes, for industrial gain, as well as to salute its military usefulness. Of late, China has put into action a lunar agenda that includes outreach to the Moon, planting taikonaut footprints there in the time-aged, dusty topside.

Meanwhile, NASA’s Artemis project also aims to “reboot” the Moon in a few years time.

So not only is this book timely reading – it’s a must-read. As the world’s superpowers and corporations jostle for control in space, it asks: who really can claim ownership of that world?

“To answer this question we have to look at some highly relevant precedents,” the author writes, as this is the aim of the volume.

Grayling is the founder and principal of the New College of the Humanities at Northeastern University, London, and its Professor of Philosophy.

Within its pages, the key chapters discuss the global commons, Antarctic protection, the high seas and deep oceans, as well as tackling a major issue of the day: Is the United Nations Outer Space Treaty “good enough” or ripe for an overhaul?

A space spinoff for discussion is addressed in this volume. That is, is there something available to humankind that is more powerful than partisan self-interest, be it profit motive, diplomatic power and national prestige?

The book concludes with a section, “what will happen…what can be done?” Grayling writes that the answer will take maturity, wisdom – “neither of which has evolved to a sufficient degree so far,” but there are some encouraging signs.

The book has a handy bibliography and very healthy section of notes for the reader to pursue.

Grayling makes the case for a new global consensus, one that recognizes the rights of everyone who lives on this planet, but also longingly looks at the Moon and ponders how it fits into our 21st century landscape of posturing politics, resource requirements, and whether the Moon is an extension of human conflict.

For more information on this timely book, go to:

NASA indefinitely postpones launch of Boeing’s Starliner crewed capsule


The countdown clock at Kennedy Space Center’s press site sports the Boeing CST-100 Starliner logo for its Crew Test Flight mission awaiting launch from neighboring Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. (Richard Tribou/Orlando Sentinel)

By RICHARD TRIBOU | | Orlando Sentinel
PUBLISHED: May 22, 2024

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER — NASA announced late Tuesday that it was no longer aiming for a Saturday launch of a pair of astronauts aboard Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner as teams discuss a helium leak found on the spacecraft.

While the range was cleared for Sunday and Tuesday backup launch windows, NASA said the next possible launch “is still being discussed.”

At issue has been a helium leak found on Starliner’s propulsion module. NASA previously stated that the leak had undergone pressure tests mimicking what would be endured during launch, and was “stable and would not pose a risk at that level during the flight.”

But discussion about its potential danger continues.

“The team has been in meetings for two consecutive days, assessing flight rationale, system performance, and redundancy. There is still forward work in these areas,” NASA said in an emailed statement. “NASA will share more details once we have a clearer path forward.”

It’s another in a series of delays to get the first crewed launch of the Starliner spacecraft off the ground. NASA’s Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were strapped in and ready to fly when teams scrubbed an attempt back on May 6 because of a valve issue with United Launch Alliance’s Atlas V upper stage.

The decision was made to roll the rocket back off the pad at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s Space Launch Complex 41 to replace the valve. While that work was being done, managers began taking a closer look at a helium leak also discovered on May 6 but not deemed big enough to stop the countdown at the time.

NASA had initially targeted May 17, and then May 21 and then May 25, but now all have been taken off the board.

With it off the pad, and in ULA’s Vertical Integration Facility at SLC-41, a deeper dive has been taken to assess the risk of the leak, which was traced to a flange on one of the reaction control system thrusters within one of the four engine compartments of Starliner’s service module.

If it’s determined work needs to be done on the service module, it could mean returning the Starliner to Boeing’s facilities at KSC for repairs, which would push the launch attempt to later this summer. NASA has not indicated what options are on the table.

Boeing is trying to join SpaceX as one of two providers under NASA’s Commercial Crew Program to provide transportation of astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

SpaceX has been flying its Crew Dragon spacecraft since May 2020 to the ISS while Boeing has had to undergo major software, hardware and management changed to the Starliner program putting Boeing now four years behind.

When it does launch, the Crew Flight Test aims to let Williams and Wilmore test out the spacecraft’s manual flight backup options to what would normally be an automated system that docks with the ISS. They will spend about eight days on board before returning to Earth for a landing in the desert in the western United States.

If all goes well, the first crew rotation mission, Starliner-1, could come as early as February 2025, and be the first of six contracted flights for Boeing through 2030 with one launch a year trading off duties with SpaceX.

For now, SpaceX’s Crew-7 remain on board the ISS awaiting to welcome the Starliner crew, but will be replaced this August when Crew-8 launches from KSC to replace them.

If Starliner’s test flight gets delayed too much, the Crew-9 team could take the February 2025 launch slot.

Euclid space telescope captures stunning new image of the dark universe

Thu, May 23, 2024 

Dazzling stars and swirling galaxies: The European Space Agency (ESA) has released new images taken by the Euclid space telescope, calling the pictures "unprecedented" and a "treasure trove."

Mars' Moon May Not Be What We Think, Scientists Claim

Sharon Adarlo
Fri, May 24, 2024 

Phobos Anomaly

The conventional wisdom about Mars' small and misshapen moons, Phobos and Deimos, is that they were either created like Earth's Moon — carved out of the planet by an impact with a huge object — or that they were passing asteroids that Mars' gravitational field captured, or perhaps remnants from an earlier and larger moon that broke apart.

But a team of scientists from France and Germany have now proposed that Phobos may have been formed from a comet — and that means Deimos could be from the same celestial body, too.

In their study, a preprint for the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, the scientists stake their claim on images of Phobos taken between 2004 and 2022 by the Mars Express spacecraft, a joint mission by NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency.

By analyzing details and data from the images, which Live Science lays out in an excellent explainer, the scientists discovered that Phobos has certain properties regarding how it reflects sunlight and its porous sand-like surface that are similar to comets whose orbits are heavily influenced by Jupiter.

From these observations, the scientists suggest that Phobos is actually a comet that Mars' gravitational field captured in the distance past. That could also mean, the scientists reason, that Phobos and Deimos both came from the same comet that was subsequently torn apart.

Moon Detective

In order to find out more about the origins of these moons, Japan is planning on launching sometime this decade the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission, a spacecraft dedicated to studying the two lumpy Martian moons.

First, it will orbit Phobos and perform observational studies of that moon before moving onto Deimos and Mars. Then it will attempt to land on the surface of Phobos and collect samples of the moon for a return trip back to Earth.

Studying these samples will hopefully uncover a rich trove of information such as chemical composition — but perhaps most tantalizingly of all, provide an answer to the mysterious origins of Phobos and Deimos.

More on Mars: Probe Detects "Unknown Features" Inside Martian Moon Phobos

Lost photos suggest Mars' mysterious moon Phobos may be a trapped comet in disguise

Mars and its twin moons Phobos and Deimos.
A composite photo of Mars with its twin moons Phobos and Deimos. New research suggests the pair may in fact be two halves of an ancient comet captured by Mars long ago. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/GSFC/Univ. of Arizona)

Mars' moon Phobos may actually be a comet — or at least part of one — that was gravitationally captured by the Red Planet long ago, a new preprint study based on previously unpublished photos suggests. 

For years, researchers have puzzled over the origins of Phobos and its twin, Deimos. Some have theorized that the moons are former asteroids lured in by Mars' gravity, because their chemical composition is similar to that of certain rocks in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. However, computer models simulating this capture process have not been able to replicate the pair's near-circular paths around Mars. 

Another hypothesis suggests that a giant impact, like that which created our moon, gouged the duo out of the Red Planet; but Phobos has a different chemical composition from Mars, making this scenario unlikely, too. 

Figuring out exactly how Phobos was born is one of the aims of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) mission, slated to launch in 2026. Sonia Fornasier, an astronomy professor at the Paris Cité University and lead author of the new study, is an instrument scientist for the MMX mission. While she and other scientists were analyzing images to fine-tune the spacecraft's planned path, Fornasier stumbled upon unpublished photos. 

Hundreds of black 'spiders' spotted in mysterious 'Inca City' on Mars in new satellite photos

Taken by high-resolution cameras onboard the Mars Express spacecraft, a European Space Agency (ESA) orbiter that has studied Mars and its moons since 2003, these 300-odd images exquisitely document Phobos' features. That includes the 9-kilometer-wide (5.6-mile-wide) Stickney crater, Phobos' largest landmark. 

Fornasier and her colleagues used the snapshots to analyze the intensity of sunlight Phobos reflected from different angles. This technique, called photometry, allowed them to determine how much light Phobos reflected when the sun was right in front or at an offset angle.         

The researchers discovered that Phobos's surface didn't reflect light uniformly. Some regions, like the northeastern rim of the crater, were highly reflective. But the team's analysis also showed that overall, Phobos's surface appeared noticeably brighter when the sun was directly overhead. This phenomenon, called an opposition surge, is characteristic of many airless solar system objects. Also, the researchers found that Phobos's surface was porous, like sand. This led the team to suggest the moon's surface may be cloaked by a thick dust layer with grooved particles, whose shadows vanished when directly illuminated. 

Both these properties are also features of Jupiter-family comets, which are comets whose orbits are gravitationally tweaked by Jupiter. These include the "rubber ducky" Comet 67P, which ESA's Rosetta mission studied up close in 2016. In fact, Phobos' photometric properties matched Comet 67P's almost perfectly. So, the team concluded that Phobos was possibly a comet captured by Mars. 

The study's findings have implications for Deimos, too. Fornasier noted that if Phobos was once a comet, Deimos may have been one as well. In fact, based on the study, her team suggests the two moons may have once been joined together as a single bilobed comet that was trapped and eventually torn apart by Mars' gravity. In other words, Mars’ twin moons may actually be two halves of a single whole.

"If the Martian satellites are indeed captured comets, this implies that comets may be captured also by telluric [terrestrial] planets," Fornasier added. She said that some moons of gas giants like Saturn likely originated from the Kuiper Belt, the doughnut-shaped region that swathes the solar system, and from which many comets arise. However, astronomers haven't identified a "comet moon" for terrestrial planets before now, making Phobos a potential first.  

Nonetheless, the comet interpretation has problems, too. Some photometric parameters, like the fraction of light scattered, don't match those of comets. In any case, Fornasier said, dynamical simulations — which consider movements of celestial objects, including Mars and Phobos — will help the team determine the likelihood of such a comet entrapment. Ultimately, though, the MMX program, which will physically sample bits of Phobos, is probably the best hope of resolving the murky origins of this mysterious moon. 

The new study is forthcoming in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, and available on the preprint server arXiv.

Abha Jain
Live Science contributor

Abha Jain is a freelance science writer. She did a masters degree in biology, specializing in neuroscience, from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, and is almost through with a bachelor's degree in archaeology from the University of Leicester, UK. She's also a self-taught space enthusiast, and so loves writing about topics in astronomy, archaeology and neuroscience

The origin of the sun's magnetic field could lie close to its surface

Sunspots and flares could be a product of a shallow magnetic field, according to surprising new findings that may help scientists predict space weather

May 22, 2024
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Surprise findings suggest sunspots and solar flares could be generated by a magnetic field within the Sun's outermost layers. If confirmed, the findings could help scientists better predict space weather.Share:


The sun's surface is a brilliant display of sunspots and flares driven by the solar magnetic field, which is internally generated through a process called dynamo action. Astrophysicists have assumed that the sun's field is generated deep within the star. But an MIT study finds that the sun's activity may be shaped by a much shallower process.

In a paper appearing in Nature, researchers at MIT, the University of Edinburgh, and elsewhere find that the sun's magnetic field could arise from instabilities within the sun's outermost layers.

The team generated a precise model of the sun's surface and found that when they simulated certain perturbations, or changes in the flow of plasma (ionized gas) within the top 5 to 10 percent of the sun, these surface changes were enough to generate realistic magnetic field patterns, with similar characteristics to what astronomers have observed on the sun. In contrast, their simulations in deeper layers produced less realistic solar activity.

The findings suggest that sunspots and flares could be a product of a shallow magnetic field, rather than a field that originates deeper in the sun, as scientists had largely assumed.

"The features we see when looking at the sun, like the corona that many people saw during the recent solar eclipse, sunspots, and solar flares, are all associated with the sun's magnetic field," says study author Keaton Burns, a research scientist in MIT's Department of Mathematics. "We show that isolated perturbations near the sun's surface, far from the deeper layers, can grow over time to potentially produce the magnetic structures we see."

If the sun's magnetic field does in fact arise from its outermost layers, this might give scientists a better chance at forecasting flares and geomagnetic storms that have the potential to damage satellites and telecommunications systems.

"We know the dynamo acts like a giant clock with many complex interacting parts," says co-author Geoffrey Vasil, a researcher at the University of Edinburgh. "But we don't know many of the pieces or how they fit together. This new idea of how the solar dynamo starts is essential to understanding and predicting it."

The study's co-authors also include Daniel Lecoanet and Kyle Augustson of Northwestern University, Jeffrey Oishi of Bates College, Benjamin Brown and Keith Julien of the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Nicholas Brummell of the University of California at Santa Cruz.

Flow zone

The sun is a white-hot ball of plasma that's boiling on its surface. This boiling region is called the "convection zone," where layers and plumes of plasma roil and flow. The convection zone comprises the top one-third of the sun's radius and stretches about 200,000 kilometers below the surface.

"One of the basic ideas for how to start a dynamo is that you need a region where there's a lot of plasma moving past other plasma, and that shearing motion converts kinetic energy into magnetic energy," Burns explains. "People had thought that the sun's magnetic field is created by the motions at the very bottom of the convection zone."

To pin down exactly where the sun's magnetic field originates, other scientists have used large three-dimensional simulations to try to solve for the flow of plasma throughout the many layers of the sun's interior. "Those simulations require millions of hours on national supercomputing facilities, but what they produce is still nowhere near as turbulent as the actual sun," Burns says.

Rather than simulating the complex flow of plasma throughout the entire body of the sun, Burns and his colleagues wondered whether studying the stability of plasma flow near the surface might be enough to explain the origins of the dynamo process.

To explore this idea, the team first used data from the field of "helioseismology," where scientists use observed vibrations on the sun's surface to determine the average structure and flow of plasma beneath the surface.

"If you take a video of a drum and watch how it vibrates in slow motion, you can work out the drumhead's shape and stiffness from the vibrational modes," Burns says. "Similarly, we can use vibrations that we see on the solar surface to infer the average structure on the inside."

Solar onion

For their new study, the researchers collected models of the sun's structure from helioseismic observations. "These average flows look sort like an onion, with different layers of plasma rotating past each other," Burns explains. "Then we ask: Are there perturbations, or tiny changes in the flow of plasma, that we could superimpose on top of this average structure, that might grow to cause the sun's magnetic field?"

To look for such patterns, the team utilized the Dedalus Project -- a numerical framework that Burns developed that can simulate many types of fluid flows with high precision. The code has been applied to a wide range of problems, from modeling the dynamics inside individual cells, to ocean and atmospheric circulations.

"My collaborators have been thinking about the solar magnetism problem for years, and the capabilities of Dedalus have now reached the point where we could address it," Burns says.

The team developed algorithms that they incorporated into Dedalus to find self-reinforcing changes in the sun's average surface flows. The algorithm discovered new patterns that could grow and result in realistic solar activity. In particular, the team found patterns that match the locations and timescales of sunspots that have been have observed by astronomers since Galileo in 1612.

Sunspots are transient features on the surface of the sun that are thought to be shaped by the sun's magnetic field. These relatively cooler regions appear as dark spots in relation to the rest of the sun's white-hot surface. Astronomers have long observed that sunspots occur in a cyclical pattern, growing and receding every 11 years, and generally gravitating around the equator, rather than near the poles.

In the team's simulations, they found that certain changes in the flow of plasma, within just the top 5 to 10 percent of the sun's surface layers, were enough to generate magnetic structures in the same regions. In contrast, changes in deeper layers produce less realistic solar fields that are concentrated near the poles, rather than near the equator.

The team was motivated to take a closer look at flow patterns near the surface as conditions there resembled the unstable plasma flows in entirely different systems: the accretion disks around black holes. Accretion disks are massive disks of gas and stellar dust that rotate in towards a black hole, driven by the "magnetorotational instability," which generates turbulence in the flow and causes it to fall inward.

Burns and his colleagues suspected that a similar phenomena is at play in the sun, and that the magnetorotational instability in the sun's outermost layers could be the first step in generating the sun's magnetic field.

"I think this result may be controversial," he ventures. "Most of the community has been focused on finding dynamo action deep in the sun. Now we're showing there's a different mechanism that seems to be a better match to observations." Burns says that the team is continuing to study if the new surface field patterns can generate individual sunspots and the full 11-year solar cycle.

This research was supported, in part, by NASA.

Story Source:

Materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Original written by Jennifer Chu, MIT News. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:Geoffrey M. Vasil, Daniel Lecoanet, Kyle Augustson, Keaton J. Burns, Jeffrey S. Oishi, Benjamin P. Brown, Nicholas Brummell, Keith Julien. The solar dynamo begins near the surface. Nature, 2024; 629 (8013): 769 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07315-1
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "The origin of the sun's magnetic field could lie close to its surface." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 May 2024. <>.

Scientists locate origin of the sun’s magnetic field

Katie Hunt, CNN
Sat, May 25, 2024 

I was lucky enough to catch an awesome glimpse of the northern lights from my own home this month when the biggest solar storm to reach Earth in two decades made auroras visible at latitudes much farther south than usual.

Despite living in the light-filled streets of central London, my smartphone camera picked up a green haze and a pulsing sheet of purple and pink light. Capturing the moment was an unforgettable experience and one that I had thought would involve expensive travel to the northernmost reaches of our planet.

The storms that create spectacular auroras such as those I witnessed originate from the sun’s dynamic magnetic field, an astrophysical enigma that scientists this week came closer to unraveling.
Solar update

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory scientists used computer models to generate a four-day, time-lapse view of the sun's changing magnetic field. The field lines are more concentrated in regions more magnetically intense. - NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory

Figuring out how the sun’s magnetic field works will help scientists improve the forecasting of space weather, which dazzles night sky watchers but can disrupt GPS and communication satellites.

The sun’s looping magnetic field lines, which form a tangled web of structures more complex than those on Earth, are difficult to study directly. To grasp what’s going on, scientists create mathematical models.

A new model, which took more than a decade to develop and required a NASA supercomputer to conduct the detailed calculations, found that the sun’s magnetic field is generated much closer to the surface than previously thought.

The team believes its model is more accurate because it accounts for a unique solar feature.

A long time ago

A single gold earring found in the ruins of a 2,000-year-old building in the Pyrenees is a clue to how a devastating fire may have started. The inferno consumed the wooden structure, situated in an Iron Age settlement called Tossal de Baltarga, and killed six animals penned in a stable.

Archaeologists believe the fire was deliberate. Had it been accidental, the building’s owners likely would have released the livestock and returned after the fire died down to retrieve their hidden gold, which was concealed in a jar.

The arsonists may have been an invading army under Hannibal, the Carthaginian general who led troops against the Roman Republic, according to the new study.

The fates of the people who used the building are unknown, but the excavation uncovered telling details of the lives of an Iberian people called the Cerretani.
Sky watch

The moon is seen above the megaliths that make up Stonehenge, located on the Salisbury Plain in the county of Wiltshire in England. - Andre Pattenden/English Heritage

The builders of Stonehenge placed the huge stones that make up the prehistoric monument in line with sunrise and sunset on the longest and shortest days of the year, revealing an intimate understanding of the sun that’s still palpable today.

But does the 4,500-year-old site in southwest England — and potentially other megalithic monuments around the world — also align with the moon?

The idea that Stonehenge has a lunar link first gained ground in the 1960s. However, the concept hadn’t been systematically explored — until now.

This summer, archaeologists are using the lunar standstill, a little-known phenomenon that happens every 18.6 years, to investigate.
Across the universe

Space scientists have observed the edge of a black hole — an area known as the “plunging region” — for the first time.

Andrew Mummery, lead author of a new study on black holes and a research fellow at the University of Oxford, compared it to “the edge of a waterfall” at the end of a river, where orbiting material from nearby stars plummets into the abyss.

In the plunging region, matter can no longer stay in orbit and instead hurtles into the black hole. But unlike at the black hole’s event horizon, or surface, light can still escape at this point.

The study’s findings, which Albert Einstein predicted, could help astronomers better understand the formation and evolution of black holes.
Wild kingdom

The Eurasian jay may be capable of a humanlike feat of memory, according to new research. - Philippe Clement/Arterra/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

Corvids — the group of birds that includes crows, ravens and jays — are famously smart. One corvid species may even be capable of something researchers refer to as “mental time travel.”

This type of recollection enables the mind to recall a seemingly unimportant bit of information that you didn’t consciously commit to memory — for instance, remembering what you had for lunch yesterday.

Researchers working with Eurasian jays trained to find food hidden under cups said these birds may be capable of the feat of memory.

In the experiment, which involved decorated cups, the jays were able to remember what a particular cup looked like, even after the cups were rearranged and a time delay.

And in other corvid news, crows can count up to four, the latest research has found.

Dive into these mind-expanding stories.

— Thomas Midgley Jr. was a gifted American inventor who made a lasting mark on history. However, his ingenious solutions created even bigger problems.

— Microplastics have been found in human testicles, underscoring the urgent need for more research to understand what role plastics may play in driving infertility.

— An Austrian winemaker has uncovered hundreds of mammoth bones in his cellar, a discovery that one expert labeled an “archaeological sensation.”

Don’t go just yet: NASA has announced the latest on the much delayed Boeing Starliner crewed mission.

Like what you’ve read? Oh, but there’s more. Sign up here to receive in your inbox the next edition of Wonder Theory, brought to you by CNN Space and Science writers Ashley Strickland and Katie Hunt. They find wonder in planets beyond our solar system and discoveries from the ancient world.

Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time

The results offer a new way to probe supermassive black holes and their evolution across the universe

Date: May 22, 2024

Source:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Astronomers have a new way to measure how fast a black hole spins, by using the wobbly aftermath from its stellar feasting. The results offer a new way to probe supermassive black holes and their evolution across the universe.


Astronomers at MIT, NASA, and elsewhere have a new way to measure how fast a black hole spins, by using the wobbly aftermath from its stellar feasting.

The method takes advantage of a black hole tidal disruption event -- a blazingly bright moment when a black hole exerts tides on a passing star and rips it to shreds. As the star is disrupted by the black hole's immense tidal forces, half of the star is blown away, while the other half is flung around the black hole, generating an intensely hot accretion disk of rotating stellar material.

The MIT-led team has shown that the wobble of the newly created accretion disk is key to working out the central black hole's inherent spin.

In a study appearing in Nature, the astronomers report that they have measured the spin of a nearby supermassive black hole by tracking the pattern of X-ray flashes that the black hole produced immediately following a tidal disruption event. The team followed the flashes over several months and determined that they were likely a signal of a bright-hot accretion disk that wobbled back and forth as it was pushed and pulled by the black hole's own spin.

By tracking how the disk's wobble changed over time, the scientists could work out how much the disk was being affected by the black hole's spin, and in turn, how fast the black hole itself was spinning. Their analysis showed that the black hole was spinning at less than 25 percent the speed of light -- relatively slow, as black holes go.

The study's lead author, MIT Research Scientist Dheeraj "DJ" Pasham, says the new method could be used to gauge the spins of hundreds of black holes in the local universe in the coming years. If scientists can survey the spins of many nearby black holes, they can start to understand how the gravitational giants evolved over the history of the universe.

"By studying several systems in the coming years with this method, astronomers can estimate the overall distribution of black hole spins and understand the longstanding question of how they evolve over time," says Pasham, who is a member of MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research

The study's co-authors include collaborators from a number of institutions, including NASA, Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, the University of Leeds, the University of Syracuse, Tel Aviv University, the Polish Academy of Sciences, and elsewhere.

Shredded heat

Every black hole has an inherent spin that has been shaped by its cosmic encounters over time. If, for instance, a black hole has grown mostly through accretion -- brief instances when some material falls onto the disk, this causes the black hole to spin up to quite high speeds. In contrast, if a black hole grows mostly by merging with other black holes, each merger could slow things down as one black hole's spin meets up against the spin of the other.

As a black hole spins, it drags the surrounding space-time around with it. This drag effect is an example of Lense-Thirring precession, a longstanding theory that describes the ways in which extremely strong gravitational fields, such as those generated by a black hole, can pull on the surrounding space and time. Normally, this effect would not be obvious around black holes, as the massive objects emit no light.

But in recent years, physicists have proposed that, in instances such as during a tidal disruption event, or TDE, scientists might have a chance to track the light from stellar debris as it is dragged around. Then, they might hope to measure the black hole's spin.

In particular, during a TDE, scientists predict that a star may fall onto a black hole from any direction, generating a disk of white-hot, shredded material that could be tilted, or misaligned, with respect to the black hole's spin. (Imagine the accretion disk as a tilted donut that is spinning around a donut hole that has its own, separate spin.) As the disk encounters the black hole's spin, it wobbles as the black hole pulls it into alignment. Eventually, the wobbling subsides as the disk settles into the black hole's spin. Scientists predicted that a TDE's wobbling disk should therefore be a measurable signature of the black hole's spin.

"But the key was to have the right observations," Pasham says. "The only way you can do this is, as soon as a tidal disruption event goes off, you need to get a telescope to look at this object continuously, for a very long time, so you can probe all kinds of timescales, from minutes to months."

A high-cadence catch

For the past five years, Pasham has looked for tidal disruption events that are bright enough, and near enough, to quickly follow up and track for signs of Lense-Thirring precession. In February of 2020, he and his colleagues got lucky, with the detection of AT2020ocn, a bright flash, emanating from a galaxy about a billion light years away, that was initially spotted in the optical band by the Zwicky Transient Facility.

From the optical data, the flash appeared to be the first moments following a TDE. Being both bright and relatively close by, Pasham suspected the TDE might be the ideal candidate to look for signs of disk wobbling, and possibly measure the spin of the black hole at the host galaxy's center. But for that, he would need much more data.

"We needed quick and high-cadence data," Pasham says. "The key was to catch this early on because this precession, or wobble, should only be present early on. Any later, and the disk would not wobble anymore."

The team discovered that NASA's NICER telescope was able to catch the TDE and continuously keep an eye on it over months at a time. NICER -- an abbreviation for Neutron star Interior Composition ExploreR -- is an X-ray telescope on the International Space Station that measures X-ray radiation around black holes and other extreme gravitational objects.

Pasham and his colleagues looked through NICER's observations of AT2020ocn over 200 days following the initial detection of the tidal disruption event. They discovered that the event emitted X-rays that appeared to peak every 15 days, for several cycles, before eventually petering out. They interpreted the peaks as times when the TDE's accretion disk wobbled face-on, emitting X-rays directly toward NICER's telescope, before wobbling away as it continued to emit X-rays (similar to waving a flashlight toward and away from someone every 15 days).

The researchers took this pattern of wobbling and worked it into the original theory for Lense-Thirring precession. Based on estimates of the black hole's mass, and that of the disrupted star, they were able to come up with an estimate for the black hole's spin -- less than 25 percent the speed of light.

Their results mark the first time that scientists have used observations of a wobbling disk following a tidal disruption event to estimate the spin of a black hole. As new telescopes such as the Rubin Observatory come online in the coming years, Pasham foresees more opportunities to pin down black hole spins.

"The spin of a supermassive black hole tells you about the history of that black hole," Pasham says. "Even if a small fraction of those that Rubin captures have this kind of signal, we now have a way to measure the spins of hundreds of TDEs. Then we could make a big statement about how black holes evolve over the age of the universe."

This research was funded, in part, by NASA and the European Space Agency.

Story Source:

Materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Original written by Jennifer Chu, MIT News. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:Dheeraj R. Pasham, Michal Zajaček, C. J. Nixon, Eric R. Coughlin, Marzena Śniegowska, Agnieszka Janiuk, Bożena Czerny, Thomas Wevers, Muryel Guolo, Yukta Ajay, Michael Loewenstein. Lense–Thirring precession after a supermassive black hole disrupts a star. Nature, 2024; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07433-w

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Using wobbling stellar material, astronomers measure the spin of a supermassive black hole for the first time." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 May 2024. <>.

A 'planet parade' is coming, but you may have the date wrong

Scott Sutherland
Fri, May 24, 2024 

A 'planet parade' is coming, but you may have the date wrong

There's been a lot of talk on the internet about the so-called "rare planetary alignment" that's supposedly coming up in early June. However, don't believe the hype.

The night sky can put on some spectacular events at times. There are around a dozen meteor showers that send streaks of light over our heads throughout the year. The occasional comet will wow us with its bright tails. A lunar eclipse will turn the Full Moon blood red or a solar eclipse will blot out the Sun. And yes, the planets can sometimes array themselves across the night like a string of bright pearls.

Unfortunately, the odds of being disappointed by these events can sometimes be quite high.

A meteor shower or a comet can be spoiled by the urban light pollution many of us live with on a nightly basis, or even by the light of a Full Moon. An overcast sky can ruin our chances of seeing any of these events, by completely blocking the view.

Or, sometimes, the very technological tools we use to help us get the most out of these night sky events accidentally work against us, by presenting them in a way that raises expectations to unreasonable levels.

Sadly, this appears to be the case with the "June 3rd planetary alignment" that's supposedly coming up.

According to sources on the web, this all started back towards the end of April, with an article written for the planetarium app known as Sky Tonight.

It described an alignment of six planets stretching across the sky on the morning of June 3, 2024.

"In the early morning, six planets — Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune — will align in the sky," the article reads. "Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be spotted with the naked eye, but you'll need a telescope or high-powered binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus. Let's take a closer look at the conditions for observing the planets."

Indeed, if we use a free planetarium program like Stellarium to view this event, it does look fairly impressive. In addition to those six planets, even the Waning Crescent Moon gets in on the show!

June 3 Alignment - No Atmo

A simulated view of the sky at 5:15 a.m. EDT, on June 3, 2024, from southwestern Ontario, shows six planets lined up along with a thin Waning Crescent Moon. To make the alignment stand out better, the planets are presented as 150 times their normal size, the Moon is shown at 4 times its normal size, and the background stars have been dimmed. (Stellarium/Scott Sutherland)

However, in addition to all of the adjustments made to the above view to make the planetary alignment stand out, there's also one crucial feature missing from it.

To better represent what the sky will really look like at that time, the simulation needs to also account for the effects of Earth's atmosphere.

June 3 Alignment - Atmo
June 3 Alignment - Atmo

This view of the sky shows the exact same scene as the previous image, from the same location and at the exact same date and time, however the celestial objects have been returned to their normal size and the effects of Earth's atmosphere have been added back into the simulation. (Stellarium)

The problem with all of the hype about this 'planet parade' is that the timing of the event will make it impossible for us to actually see all of it.

While Saturn, Neptune, and Mars rise before morning twilight, from our perspective here on Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus are very close to the Sun right now. Thus, by the time all six planets have crested the horizon, the entire sky will be lit up by the rising Sun.

So, despite all the hype about seeing a 'six-planet parade' in the sky, sadly, it won't be visible to us — at least not on 3rd of June. More on that, below.

What will we see on June 3?

The Sun may be spoiling our view of the full planet parade on June 3, but for those of us with clear skies, we may be able to see part of it.

If you are up very early on that day, before morning twilight begins, Mars, the Moon, and Saturn will be together in the eastern sky. Neptune will also be there, but will not be visible to the unaided eye. A telescope or pair of binoculars will be needed to see it.

Saturn rises around 2:20 a.m., the Moon follows at around 3:10 a.m., and Mars crests the horizon around 3:30 a.m., local time.

June 3 - 4 am - alignment
June 3 - 4 am - alignment

The part of the June 3 planet alignment that will actually be visible in the predawn sky is shown in this simulation, with reveals the predawn eastern sky at 4:20 a.m. local time. (Stellarium/Scott Sutherland)

If June 3 doesn't work for you, these same objects will be together in the eastern predawn sky from around May 28 through June 5, with the Moon starting off to the west of Saturn and tracking past the planets throughout that week.

DON'T MISS: Take a mind-bending plunge into a supermassive black hole

The real 'planet parade' is still to come

If you really want to see multiple planets lining up in a 'parade', keep your eyes on the eastern pre-dawn sky as the month of June progresses. However, be sure to watch before twilight begins, as that will make it easier to see.

On the 1st and 2nd of the month, the Waning Crescent Moon will be situated between Mars and Saturn, just above the eastern horizon. Then, on the 3rd and 4th, it will have shifted over to the other side of Mars. For those with binoculars or a telescope, Neptune will be found between Mars and Saturn on all four of these nights, while Uranus will be just in the process of rising (but may be masked by the beginning of twilight).

These four planets will rise earlier and earlier throughout June, thus putting them higher in the sky when dawn approaches.

Mark June 15 on your calendar, because that will probably be the best morning to catch five planets in alignment, as Jupiter joins the others early enough to not get lost in the light of dawn.

June 15 Jupiter Uranus Mars Neptune Saturn Alignment
June 15 Jupiter Uranus Mars Neptune Saturn Alignment

Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, and Saturn are shown here in alignment at around 4:40 a.m. EDT on June 15, 2024, from southwestern Ontario. (Stellarium/Scott Sutherland)

Those five planets will remain visible in the night sky for the rest of the summer, rising earlier and earlier throughout the season. (Remember that Uranus and Neptune will not be visible to the unaided eye.)

Starting on the morning of June 27, all five will be well above the horizon before morning twilight starts, just in time for the Moon to join the show once again. The Waning Gibbous Moon will be hanging out near Saturn on the 27th, the Last Quarter Moon will nearly block Neptune from view on the 28th (and will completely occult the planet when viewed from farther south), and then the Waning Crescent Moon will drop into alignment with the others on the 29th.

June 29 Jupiter Uranus Mars Moon Neptune Saturn Alignment
June 29 Jupiter Uranus Mars Moon Neptune Saturn Alignment

Five planets align with the Waning Crescent Moon at 4:40 a.m. on June 29, 2024. (Stellarium/Scott Sutherland)

If you keep watch on these worlds throughout the summer, you can see them change up their order in the sky as their orbits cause them to pass each other from our point of view here on Earth.

Watch for Mars and Uranus to switch places in the order around mid-July, with Mars and Jupiter slipping by each other to change things up again in mid-August.

Planetarium apps

It was mentioned, above, that the technological tools we use to help us visualize night sky events can sometimes work against us.

As the images used in this article demonstrate, these apps can present views of the sky that don't match up with reality. Some don't even have an option for factoring in whether it's day or night at your location. They simply show the position of the Sun, planets, constellations, stars, and galaxies, as they appear around Earth, at that time.

This is not to say that astronomy and planetarium apps are a bad thing, though. On the contrary, they are invaluable tools for skywatchers and stargazers of all levels of expertise and enthusiasm.

June 29 Planet Moon Alignment - Idealized
June 29 Planet Moon Alignment - Idealized

This idealized view presents the sky without the effects of Earth's atmosphere, with the planets at 1000 times their normal size in our sky, the Moon at 4 times its normal size, and with all of the stars removed. This not only emphasizes the alignment, but also demonstrates how, although these programs are quite valuable for the information they can relay, they can also present views of our sky that greatly differ from reality. (Stellarium/Scott Sutherland)

However, when we use these apps, it's up to us to be mindful of what they are showing us.

Does the app allow you to enter your location, so it can take into consideration whether it's day or night when a celestial event is occurring? Is the app presenting the Moon and planets as they would actually appear, or does it show them as oversized, idealized versions to make them stand out against the background?

Knowing the answers to these questions, or picking an app that simulates the sky as close to reality as possible, can help prevent disappointment.

Watch below: What's that in the sky? How to identify that flash of light you just saw

Click here to view the video

Biden has appointed 201 judges, boosting diversity of federal courts

Senate confirms nominees from Arizona and California, adding two more women to a group far more diverse than those appointed by past presidents

By Tobi Raji
Updated May 22, 2024 

The Senate on Wednesday confirmed two women of color as President Biden’s 200th and 201st judicial nominees, a significant milestone for Democratic and White House efforts to diversify and remake a federal court system that grew increasingly conservative under President Donald Trump.

Magistrate Judge Angela Martinez, a Latina who previously served as an assistant U.S. attorney, was approved to become a federal judge in the District of Arizona in a 66-28 vote, with 45 Democrats, three independents and 18 Republicans supporting her nomination.

Dena M. Coggins, who is Black and Asian American, was confirmed as a federal judge in the Eastern District of California, 50-44, with yes votes from 46 Democrats, two independents and two Republicans.

Together they bring additional ethnic and gender diversity to a cohort of judges nominated by Biden that even before Wednesday included more women, people of color and LGBTQ individuals than those nominated by any other president in U.S. history.

“Judges matter. These men and women have the power to uphold basic rights or to roll them back,” Biden said in a statement following the vote to confirm Martinez. “They hear cases that decide whether women have the freedom to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions; whether Americans have the freedom to cast their ballots; whether workers have the freedom to unionize and make a living wage for their families; and whether children have the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water.”

Biden’s diversity record on federal judges
(The Washington Post)
How do President Biden and President Donald Trump compare on the judges they’ve appointed to the federal bench? 
We’re tracking the race, age and gender of their judicial picks.

More than four years have passed since Biden promised to appoint judges who reflect the diversity of the United States as part of his presidential campaign’s pitch to Black voters. Since then, the Senate has confirmed 200 of his judicial nominees.

They include Judges Zahid N. Quraishi, the first Muslim to sit on a federal district bench; Nusrat Choudhury, the first Muslim woman to serve as federal judge; Nancy Abudu, the first Black woman to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit; Sara Hill, a member of Cherokee Nation and Oklahoma’s first Native American federal judge; Irma Carrillo Ramirez, the daughter of Mexican immigrants and the first Latina judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit; Jerry Edwards, first Black federal judge in the Western District of Louisiana; and Amanda Brailsford, the first woman to serve as district court judge in Idaho.

Biden’s barrier-breaking nominees also include Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman to sit on the nation’s highest court.

“I’m very proud to be one of Biden’s many nominations of women and people of color,” U.S. District Judge Susan DeClercq, the first federal judge of East Asian descent in Michigan, said in an interview. “I think that we need a lot more administrations like that to make up for the years and decades where women and people of color were definitely not represented.”

Biden’s push to remake the federal judiciary extends far beyond racial and gender lines. He has nominated a several judges who come from diverse professional backgrounds such as civil rights lawyers, labor lawyers and public defenders, as well as those who are openly LGBTQ. Judge Beth Robinson, for example, is the first openly gay woman to serve on any federal appeals court, and Nicole G. Berner is the first openly gay judge and first labor lawyer on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit.

In an emailed statement, Berner cited the importance of bringing her experience as an openly gay person, as well as “a professional background representing workers and their unions” to the federal bench.

“A court comprised of judges with a broad range of professional and personal backgrounds is better equipped to delve deeply into the variety of cases that come before them,” her email said.

Maya Wiley, who heads the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of more than 200 groups, echoed the idea that it was crucial for the federal bench to include groups that have long been underrepresented.

“For decades, we’ve made it clear: Civil rights lawyers, public defenders, and other lawyers from diverse professional backgrounds belong on the federal bench,” Wiley said in a statement. “And already, many of these fair-minded judges have played key roles in bringing justice to people across the country.”

Only 13 percent of Biden’s judicial picks have been White men, according to a Washington Post analysis of self-reported race and ethnicity data from the Federal Judicial Center.

By contrast, Trump’s nominees were predominantly White and male. Eighty-four percent of Trump’s judicial picks were White and 76 percent were men, according to the analysis. The former president did not name a single Black judge to any U.S. appeals court.

DeClercq said it’s important to have a diverse federal judiciary that is reflective of the country because it adds perspective when hearing cases.

“In the judiciary in particular, we are called upon to neutrally decide cases that come before us, and the cases that come before us come from all the corners of our community, from businesses, from schools, from people — from individual people — from prisoners,” DeClercq said. “I think that if you don’t have some diversity of perspective and experience, you’re not the best person [for the job].”

She described in the interview how she became interested in a legal career as young girl after watching attorneys work through her parents’ divorce, eventually becoming a civil rights lawyer.

“I’m certainly very proud to be the first East Asian judge on this bench. But what I’m also very proud of is, I am also a naturalized citizen who was on this bench and I’m also the daughter of a disabled single mom who’s on this bench," she said. "And so I think, again, diversity goes beyond simply race and gender. And I think that all of those things will help me in this job and will make me a better judge.”

Trump also significantly reshaped the federal judiciary during his term in office by filling 237 vacancies, including three on the Supreme Court. It is unlikely that Biden — himself a former chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee — will exceed Trump’s confirmations before the end of the year, committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) told reporters Wednesday afternoon.

There are 22 nominees pending in the Senate, according to data compiled by the American Constitution Society. Of those, 10 are waiting for a vote by the full Senate. Senate Democrats would need to work at breakneck speed to confirm all 22 nominees, plus the additional 14 needed to tie Trump’s total.

An earlier version of this article incorrectly said President Donald Trump set a record for judicial appointees in a single term. The article has been corrected.

By Tobi RajiTobi Raji covers the federal judiciary and the Supreme Court as a part of The Washington Post's Opportunity Program. She was previously a researcher for The Early 202, a pre-dawn newsletter about the nation’s major power centers, including the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court. She joined The Post in 2021. Twitter
Why the Greenfield tornado was so powerful

At least 20 tornadoes were reported Tuesday, mostly in Iowa. The Greenfield tornado was especially violent, causing multiple injuries and fatalities.

By Matthew Cappucci
Updated May 22, 2024

MIAMI, Okla. — Multiple injuries and fatalities have been confirmed in Greenfield, Iowa, after a catastrophic tornado laid siege to the community of roughly 2,000 on Tuesday. A swarm of tornadoes, some violent, tore across the Corn Belt and Upper Midwest, part of what the National Weather Service warned would be a “particularly dangerous” severe weather outbreak

At least 20 tornadoes were reported Tuesday, mainly in southwestern Iowa, but more across Minnesota and Wisconsin will probably be confirmed in the days ahead. The Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center had drawn a Level 4 out of 5 risk zone across Iowa early Tuesday afternoon, cautioning that some tornadoes could be “strong” and remain on the ground for considerable distances.

The Greenfield storm comes exactly 11 years and one day after a catastrophic tornado struck Moore, Okla. That was the last EF5 tornado on the 0-to-5 Enhanced Fujita scale to be confirmed in the United States. It’s possible that the catastrophic damage in Greenfield could earn an EF4 or EF5 rating.

On Wednesday, the Weather Service rated the Greenfield tornado “at least EF-3” based on initial surveys of damage and wrote on X that there will be additional evaluation. “Results are subject to change,” it wrote on X.

How the Greenfield tornado became so powerful

For days, meteorologists had anticipated the formation of severe thunderstorms near and just east of the Nebraska-Iowa border because of an intense storm system predicted to sweep from Nebraska to Minnesota on Tuesday.

A complex of storms rolled through Omaha around sunrise, unleashing 60 to 70 mph winds, reports of hail to the size of billiard balls and flooding rains. By midmorning, the atmosphere was already becoming primed for a second round as a narrow filament of warm, moist air surged north ahead of an approaching cold front.

Tornadoes touch down in Iowa amid severe weather warnings

An outbreak of severe weather, including widespread damaging winds and tornadoes, occurred across the nation’s heartland on May 21. (Video: Alice Li/The Washington Post)

The humid air arrived as a warm front, which marked the northern edge of the soupy air, and punched north into Iowa, arriving less than two hours before the tornadoes. It’s probable that this front imparted additional low-level twist to help the Greenfield storm rotate even more violently.

Storms began to erupt in the early afternoon just to the south, near the Missouri-Iowa border, and began to rotate as they raced to the northeast.

By midafternoon, several tornado warnings — some for confirmed “large and extremely dangerous” twisters — were issued by the Weather Service for the southwest Iowa towns of Red Oak, Villisca, Brooks and Carbon. A second rotating storm dropped another tornado near Brooks beginning at 3:07 p.m. while the Villisca tornado was still on the ground tracking to the north. A tornado near Corning eventually traveled northeast and grew into the monstrosity that would ravage Greenfield.

Inside the Greenfield tornado

A mobile DOW, or Doppler on wheels — an ultrasensitive radar on a truck — was collecting data as the tornado tore through Greenfield. It detected winds of at least 250 mph just above the ground.

Debris was lofted to 40,000 feet — as high as many commercial aircraft fly. Debris height is proportional to tornado strength, indicating that this was an EF4 or EF5 tornado.

The Weather Service issued a warning for the twister 46 minutes before it touched down, giving residents time to shelter, probably reducing the death toll.

Damage observed in Greenfield, which includes several foundations wiped bare, would also suggest an EF4 or EF5 rating will be assigned.

That said, the National Weather Service will consult with structural engineers as they survey the damage, working to use observed damage as an approximation for wind speeds. Even if it’s known that a tornado contained winds of 200 mph or more, an EF5 rating can be assigned only if damage commensurate with that rating is found. Often, that’s quite difficult, as the majority of structures fail before winds reach those top-tier thresholds.

Storm chaser Reed Timmer captured drone video (displayed above) depicting potent subvortexes, or smaller whirls that made up the parent funnel. Each subvortex can double the realized wind speed, since the rotational velocity of each whirl adds to that of the larger main funnel.

At one point, one of the subvortexes even had another subvortex inside it — something that’s virtually unheard of.


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Jason Samenow contributed to this report.

By Matthew CappucciMatthew Cappucci is a meteorologist for Capital Weather Gang. He earned a B.A. in atmospheric sciences from Harvard University in 2019, and has contributed to The Washington Post since he was 18. He is an avid storm chaser and adventurer, and covers all types of weather, climate science, and astronomy. Twitter

Rare tornado hits Haiti, injuring more than 50 people and leaving hundreds homeless

The Haiti tornado has left over 300 families homeless

Associated Press
Published May 22, 2024 4:

A rare tornado in northern Haiti has injured more than 50 people and destroyed more than 200 homes, the U.N. said Wednesday.

The tornado hit the community of Bassin-Bleu on Tuesday, leaving more than 300 families homeless, according to the U.N. 
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

A rare tornado in northern Haiti has injured more than 50 people and destroyed more than 200 homes. (Photo by THONY BELIZAIRE/AFP via Getty Images)

The office noted that at least 10 people are seriously injured, with local media reporting they were hospitalized.

The office said Haiti’s civil protection agency and the Red Cross were the first respondersand are evaluating the damage.

The civil protection agency said heavy rain is expected for most of Haiti, including the area hit by the tornado, warning of possible flooding and landslides.

Why it's hard to predict the weather

weather forecast
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain

Will it rain tomorrow or will it be sunny? Better data and more computing power have made weather forecasts more accurate.

But doesn't it seem like, despite promises of a sunny summer, we'll still have to make contingency plans for indoor activities? Why is it so difficult to predict the weather? We've asked Nikolaos Kourentzes, a forecasting researcher at the University of Skövde.

With increased computing power and good data, weather forecasts have improved. But they are not infallible. Nikolaos Kourentzes is a professor of informatics at the University of Skövde and an expert in forecasting.

He has helped the International Monetary Fund develop forecasting tools for setting interest rates and has also worked with  and simpler statistical models of weather for applications in renewable energy.

Forecasts are better than we think

He believes we need to consider what we expect from forecasts. Short-term forecasts are usually based on large simulation models of weather. These can show how different parts of weather systems interact and affect each other. However, this information is usually distilled down to just a few key pieces of information for us weather amateurs, such as temperature and precipitation.

Forecasts may accurately show various weather data like , wind, and air pressure, but if they slightly mispredict the temperature, many people dismiss the entire forecast.

Weather is a personal experience for many, and as weather amateurs, we lack precise definitions and metrics. How many raindrops are needed for you to consider it rainy? He illustrates this with an example.

"I'm from Greece, and even a small rain shower is too much, so I would say it's rainy in Sweden. But I have also worked in England, and my colleagues there would probably say it's very dry and beautiful weather in Sweden. My point is that without well-defined measurements that we can follow,  will play a big role when we make statements about the accuracy of weather forecasts."

Forecasts are therefore better than we think. Moreover, as with all forecasts, we tend to remember the incorrect ones more vividly, such as when bad weather ruins a planned outdoor lunch. On the days before, when we are busy with work or other activities, forecasts can be very accurate without us noticing.

Complex models

Another aspect to consider is the complexity of the simulation models. Weather systems are chaotic, and our understanding of the physics behind them is still incomplete. Small errors can have significant impacts over time.

"Errors can easily creep into the simulation models. Because they are large models and chaotic systems,  are reliable, but as time goes on, the small error at the beginning can cause forecasts to be off in the long run."

Computing power and  have done wonders for the quality of weather forecasts, but to get good long-term forecasts, other models may be needed—models that, in addition to physics, rely on AI and statistics about how the weather tends to behave.

'A gap in the research community'

To get even better forecasts in the future, Kourentzes believes that weather forecasters and "regular" forecasters need to meet and collaborate. Regular forecasting research rarely deals with  because it is considered a matter for physicists rather than statisticians. He believes the truth probably lies somewhere in between.

"We should bridge this gap in the . Currently, the two groups don't understand each other when it comes to jargon and modeling methods. With our respective expertise, more computing power, AI, and a better understanding of physics, I am convinced that we can make even better forecasts in the future."

Provided by University of Skövde

AI weather forecasts can capture destructive path of major storms, new study shows


Whose art is it anyway? Inside the cultural battle between pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian protesters

Since the war broke out, debate has raged over the political meaning of art


Does this child see the anti-war in Picasso’s Guernica or something else entirely? Courtesy of Getty Images

By Mira Fox
May 17, 2024

At a Seder at Yale’s protest encampment this spring, students put their arms around each other and swayed. “If we build this world from love, then God will build this world from love,” they sang, gathered around a sheet painted as a Seder table.

The words are lyrics from Olam Chesed Yibaneh, a Hebrew folk song composed by Rabbi Menachem Creditor, who wrote it for his oldest child’s naming ceremony in 2002. But despite the fact that Creditor himself has a long history of progressive activism, he was irate to see his tune sung at a pro-Palestinian protest. In an interview with the Forward, he said that the students were “misappropriating its message of love and support for Israel,” using his song about peace to obscure the antisemitism that he believes lies at the heart of the pro-Palestinian protests.

Yale Jews for Ceasefire, the group hosting the Seder, in a statement responding to Creditor, said that, for them, the song imagines “a future where Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace, in a world built from love.” They were undeterred by Creditor’s disagreement with their cause, saying that they “respect” his own interpretation of the song, but reaffirming their embrace of Olam Chesed Yibaneh.

Art — paintings, music, books, movies — has become part of the culture war swirling around Israel and Gaza that has been gaining steam steadily since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7 and Israel’s subsequent response. Concerts have been canceled and art has been damaged by protesters, all part of a battle over the political meaning and value of art.

Art has always had an uneasy relationship with political messaging, and utility. Does it hinge on the art itself or the artist’s intentions? Or something else entirely?

Is art’s political message ever clear?

Banksy’s graffiti “Rage, Flower Thrower” in Bethlehem, in the West Bank. Courtesy of Getty Images

Plenty of art is overtly political, aiming for a clear message. It’s hard to miss the point of the piece in this year’s Whitney Biennial that spelled out “Free Palestine” in blinking lights — though, in fact, it took some time for the museum to notice. The guerilla artist Banksy has painted graffiti in Bethlehem and Ramallah, images of doves in military vests and a militant in a kaffiyeh hurling a bouquet; these pieces too, by virtue of both their placement and content, seem to make a clear political statement.

But often, it’s not so obvious. Pablo Picasso created numerous anti-war paintings, including the masterpiece Guernica; earlier this year, protesters brought Palestinian flags to demonstrate in front of the piece, an attempt to underline its message, and another artist used its imagery in her own work about the horrors of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

Yet even a piece like Guernica, today perhaps best known for its anti-fascist message, might not seem like it’s about war at all if you haven’t heard about it or read the helpful wall text. The cubist work is full of horses and faces, but also abstract shapes and shadows, a disembodied arm holding a lantern. Indeed, in its time, Picasso was criticized for the work’s ambiguity.

The artists’ identity

Artists can’t always control the impact of their work, but their identity can still, sometimes, shape its message. When the 2017 Whitney Biennial featured a painting of a mutilated Emmett Till in an open coffin, what the artist intended as an indictment of anti-Black racism was seen as emblematic of it; protesters saw a white artist co-opting and making a spectacle out of Black pain. The fact that this wasn’t what the artist intended doesn’t change the message that audiences took away from it.

This case is not unlike that of the Jewish reggae artist Matisyahu, who writes songs about peace. His anthem “One Day” is, in a literal sense, clearly a song about peace for all. Nevertheless, the artist has had numerous concerts canceled since the war broke out; some audiences today interpret his music as supporting war since he’s a Jewish, Zionist man who performed at the March for Israel in Washington, D.C., this past November.

For the seemingly avid users of a list of authors’ stances on Israel, which supports writers it has identified as pro-Palestinian and discourages people from reading books by those it has deemed Zionists, the actual content has nothing to do with their value; that’s defined entirely by their authors’ identities and social media posts.Jackson Pollock’s One: Number 31, 1950. Courtesy of Getty Images

Who gets to say what any given work of art means has been debated throughout history. The ideas evoked by staring at Jackson Pollock’s splatter paintings, for example, are as abstract as the pieces themselves. Many people walking into a gallery don’t know that Pollock was part of the abstract expressionism movement or steeped in Jungian psychoanalysis, nor do they apply that lens to attempt to understand his art.

But you don’t need that information to connect to the power, color and movement of his work, just like it’s possible to connect to Taylor Swift’s breakup ballads without being a Swiftie steeped in the pop star’s dating history. I grew up singing classical choral music, almost all of which was written for the church, and I still find the requiems and masses deeply moving despite the lyrics praising Jesus. Am I engaging with this music wrong?
Seeking clarity in abstraction

Nevertheless, people seem hungry for instructions about which concerts to attend and which to protest, which books to read and which to decry, what art is good — morally and politically speaking — and which is bad. Since Oct. 7, lists have been circulating, telling anyone, depending what political circle they’re in, which celebrities or influencers, writers or actors, are canceled. People want a simple, definite answer. That’s easier to get if you’re willing to boil the art itself down to its creators’ opinions. But that’s against the nature of art.

“While there is one text for Hamlet, every person who sees the play sees a different Hamlet. Moreover, every time you see Hamlet, it is different,” wrote New York Magazine’s art critic Jerry Saltz in a 2018 piece about how to be an artist. “This is the case with almost all good art. It is always changing, and every time you see it anew, you think, How could I have missed that before? Now I finally see! Until the next time it rearranges your thinking.”

Perhaps it’s easier to accept the mutability of a work when the artist is dead, unavailable to dictate what it “really” means, their own lives far enough removed from our own that we can encounter their work directly. But today, many artists are actively attempting to use their art for political purposes, and tell the audience what it’s supposed to stand for.

Last month, numerous authors withdrew their work from consideration for the PEN America Literary Awards; they said the organization had not done enough to protect Palestinian writers.

While they succeeded at making a political statement — the awards were canceled, the prize money donated — that impact isn’t necessarily about the novels themselves, but instead about book sales and fanfare. It may earn those authors brownie points from the pro-Palestinian books list and praise from certain corners of the internet, but it isn’t directly related to the artistry of their work. If there is any related political impact, it has to do with proving that it’s more profitable for authors to make statements supporting Palestinians, perhaps encouraging more authors to do the same. But the contents of the books themselves are unchanged by their authors’ personal political action; they remain good, or not, and anyone can declare them best of the year — and, indeed, the titles remained on PEN America’s public list of finalists.

“The art scene often confuses art’s soft power with the power to wield public sentiment and direct public action,” wrote Seph Rodney, the former senior critic at Hyperallergic, in a piece about the debate surrounding a new public art installation which adds a female figure to the statuary at the New York State Supreme Court. Action, he points out, is “something that humans do, not inanimate objects.” Artists can take political action but their art, by itself, cannot.

Still, their art can have a political impact. It can inspire, it can cause people to question new things or reach a new understanding through empathy or emotion. And art can empower artists to have a political impact — after all, the PEN America boycott would never have had any impact at all had PEN not given the artists a public platform. It’s a potent, convoluted mix of forces.

But art, still, has a life of its own; the artist can’t control it any more than any individual observer. You can, of course, show people new interpretations, encourage them to look more deeply or from another perspective. You can reject someone else’s interpretation of a piece, or change your own. But ultimately, you can’t control what anyone else thinks art means. A song designed to be pro-Israel can become an anthem for pro-Palestinian protesters. And maybe there’s not really any contradiction there, after all.

Mira Fox is a reporter at the Forward. Get in touch at or on Twitter @miraefox.

 At the Forward, our Vision and Mission articulate the change we want to see in the world, and how we can help make it happen. Our Values describe the essential pieces of who we are and how we operate. After 120+ years spent serving the Jewish community, and with our new global reach and purely digital focus, there are a lot of stakeholders who rightfully feel a deep connection to the Forward and what we do. The articulation of our Vision, Mission, and Values is informed by that history and those relationships.


The Forward envisions a vibrant, connected global Jewish community informed by our shared history and committed to justice, compassion, truth and our collective responsibility to bridge our divides.


The Forward is the most significant Jewish voice in American journalism. Our outstanding reporting on cultural, social and political issues inspires readers of all ages and animates conversation across generations and different segments of our community. Our English and Yiddish platforms build on a century-old legacy maintained in our archives and lead to a deeper understanding of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.


Integrity: We provide fair and full reporting in the highest tradition of public-service journalism, a cornerstone of resilient democracy. Through our work, we help build the foundation for a just, open, pluralistic society.


How university presidents have failed us during this turbulent year on campus

Campus leaders should be more focused on educating their community’s on how to think, than what to think

Outside Columbia University’s gates last month. 
Photo by Charly Triballeau/AFP via Getty Images

By Jodi Rudoren
May 24, 2024

As my niece graduated from Syracuse University this month, her dad — my brother-in-law — shared a story from his time at Haverford College.

It was 1986, and one of the people slated to receive an honorary degree, Drew Lewis, had sparked controversy on campus because of his role in the Reagan administration breaking the air traffic controllers’ strike. Twenty-eight professors signed a letter of protest, and a few dozen students wore white armbands at commencement.

Lewis, after a speech defending his actions during the strike, startled the crowd by ripping off the ceremonial hood. He explained that he believed in the Quaker values that guided Haverford — he was Class of 1953 — including the goal of consensus. Since there was no consensus on him getting the degree, he declined it. The crowd roared in standing ovation.

At first I heard this as a story of courage, humility and a less-toxic political moment. But as it sank in, I began to see a cautionary tale for all that has gone so very wrong on American campuses this spring.

Colleges and universities should not yearn for consensus. They must be places of vigorous debate, dissent and diversity of thought. Where people can wear armbands and sign letters and give and get honorary degrees and none of it stops the essential functions of teaching and learning, which most of all requires open minds.

Lee C. Bollinger, the First Amendment scholar who was president of Columbia University from 2002 to 2023, often talked about this in his convocation speeches welcoming first-years to campus, many of which are collected in his new book, In Search of an Open Mind.

“I would always say, you have to understand: You’re in a place now where lots of things are going to upset you,” Bollinger told me, in his first interview since the campus protests exploded at Columbia and across the country.

“You have these young people who are having their first true academic experience of being open to all kinds of things they’d never thought about before, some of which are going to be upsetting and even offensive, and they’re trying to find their way through this to become a person who has certain values, certain beliefs,” he explained. “That’s often a tension.”
Lee C. Bollinger, the First Amendment scholar, was president of Columbia University from 2002 to 2023. Photo by Stan Honda/AFP via Getty Images

I reached out to Bollinger this week, as a third round of embattled university presidents was grilled on Capitol Hill about their handling of the protests and hate speech, for a couple of reasons.

He not only led Columbia through all manner of turmoil over 21 years, but before that spent six at the helm of the University of Michigan, where he successfully defended affirmative action at the Supreme Court. The son and grandson of newspapermen who grew up developing film and melting lead for linotypes, Bollinger does not just study free speech principles, he breathes them.

“Whenever you have people who strongly disagree, where people are saying outrageous things and very hurtful things and dangerous things, you really need to have a campaign to try to come to terms with that without using censorship,” he told me.

“It’s hard when people are angry and so passionate — and maybe wrong and misguided as well — to try to bring this to a better place,” Bollinger added. “But that is the true challenge of the First Amendment, or a democracy, or certainly a university.”

We met in Ann Arbor in 2001, when I was covering higher education for The New York Times and he was battling back challenges to Michigan’s push to diversify its student body. I described him then as an unpretentious Renaissance man who “easily mixes intellectual pronouncements with deadpan humor,” a runner of marathons, fan of Paul Simon, owner of a Labrador, driver of a Jeep.

Now 78, Bollinger is finishing up a sabbatical year at his summer home in Maine, and will be back at Columbia Law School teaching about the First Amendment this fall. He has not spoken out about the campus protests because he made a vow to himself long before Oct. 7 not to say anything that could be construed as critical of his successor for at least this first sabbatical year.

So I agreed not to ask about Columbia’s new president Minouche Shafik, who is under fire from all sides for her handling of the protests, in order to get his broader insights — especially about the role of the university president, over time and at this critical time.

For it seems to me that never have so many smart people bungled things as badly as university presidents have on Israel-Palestine this year. Watching their mealy-mouthed statements in the fall and overly aggressive crackdowns this spring, I’ve been disappointed by the lack of thought leadership and what seems like a tragic narrowing of the space for the truly difficult conversations that should be a hallmark of higher education.

And now, a staggering number of top schools — Yale, Harvard, U.Penn, Cornell, UCLA, Notre Dame, among others — are all on the hunt for new presidents, in some cases to replace folks forced to resign for mishandling this year’s madness.

I asked Bollinger what it takes to succeed in what he called “the greatest job in the world even though it’s among the most difficult.”

You have to come from within academia, he said, and understand its “very special culture and very distinct organizational characteristics.” You have to stay connected, by continuing to teach and do research. You cannot lose the faculty.

“A university is a bizarre organization,” Bollinger noted. “You would never in your wildest dreams design a university in the way a university is, and yet they are among if not the prime example of successful American institutions.

I gleaned another critical characteristic as he spoke — to retain some humility despite being the smartest person in most rooms. And: Take the long view.

“Right now universities are under the gun and they’re criticized,” he continued, “but the fact of the matter is, by any standard — student demand, contribution to the well-being of society, the creation of modern life — universities are among the most successful institutions in the United States. They are the envy of the world.”

A protester at Thursday’s House hearing about antisemitism on campus.
 Photo by Michael A. McCoy/Getty

Bollinger is an outlier, having spent more than two decades running Columbia. The average tenure these days is less than six years, according to a study by the American Council on Education, down from 8.5 in 2006. A century ago it was more like 10 or 14, and again Columbia was an outlier, with Nicholas Murray Butler running the place for an astonishing 43. (“The last two years he was blind and everybody assumes not really capable and yet he continued,” Bollinger said.)

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of a university (also Columbia) before being elected president of the country. Bart Giamatti led one (Yale) before becoming commissioner of Major League Baseball. There have been a lot of labor lawyers, skilled at negotiations. Fundraising prowess is a huge qualification.

The job is at once like being a CEO of a complex corporation and a mayor of a small town. With the twist that most of the employees cannot be fired. (See above: You cannot lose the faculty.)

“If you want to change something in the university, you have to do more talking, more persuading, than I think any other job that I can imagine,” Bollinger said. “That sounds easy, but it’s not. And even when you do that, there’s going to be tension and criticism and debate.”

What about thought leadership? “There was always a question, and it’s now being debated, to what extent should university presidents be a voice in the world on public issues,” Bollinger said. “I felt very strongly that while not a voice on every single issue, certainly on a range of issues that are in my area of expertise — free speech, democracy, affirmative action.”

That’s what has been lacking this year. University presidencies should be a bully pulpit, one free of the base politics of, well, electoral politics. I don’t want these people to tell us what to think on the Israel-Hamas war, but I would love their take on how to think about it and other contentious topics of the day without tearing people apart.

And their students really need to hear more from them on all manner of things. How their endowments are invested. Why they chose who they chose to receive honorary degrees. Where they see the boundary between one person’s protest and another’s education. Perhaps a primer on the profound difference between being unsafe and feeling uncomfortable.

But it only works if the president cares more about the core values of the university — academic freedom, diversity of thought, tolerance of vigorous dissent and offensive speech — than about consensus.

Jodi Rudoren has been editor-in-chief of the Forward since 2019. She previously spent 21 years at The New York Times, including a stint as Jerusalem bureau chief. Twitter: @rudoren. Email:

Campus protesters want more than a free Palestine. They want a better America.

Biden needs to focus less on Israel to win young people’s votes

Student protesters are upset about the war in Gaza — but that’s far from their only motivating concern. Photo by Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Tamar Manasseh
May 22, 2024

CHICAGO — When I visited the pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of Illinois campus in downtown Chicago last week, I was at first surprised to see young women passing out fliers about reproductive rights. I encountered people of all ages and stripes, including those who usually make the news for being victims of perpetrators of gun violence.

Of course there were protesters wrapped in kaffiyehs and waving, wearing or otherwise displaying Palestinian flags, but there was also a gentleman who asked me, “Where the hell is even Pakistan,” apparently confusing two distant places that start with a P.

Everyone is out there for their own reasons, and they’re not all about Israel. Young people are being impacted by the same forces that are impacting all Americans everyday. Many are showing up at these protests hoping that their issue might get a sliver of the attention that the Gaza war is getting.

I, too, had my own reason for going. Since Oct. 7, I’ve been desperately trying to avoid talking about Israel and the war in Gaza, because I’m afraid of offending either my Jewish or my Black communities. But as the war has come to occupy an increasingly large space in everyone’s life, it became impossible to keep my head down, as friends and colleagues in both communities look to me to explain what is going on in the other.

So I went to see for myself what was happening inside one of the pro-Palestinian encampments that have dominated the headlines for weeks. What I saw and heard shocked me, and not for the reasons one might think.

I saw many protesters who clearly cared deeply about the conflict in Gaza and knew its details, explaining to anyone who would listen about what they were doing and why. But the more people I spoke to, the more things became apparent that are often hidden beneath the chants and the tents.

OPINION Which elite university figured out how to handle anti-Israel protests? Hint: It’s in Israel

This is not a news flash, but it is entirely true that not all of the protesters are students. And, as evidenced by the young man who did not even realize that it was Palestine and not Pakistan that he was ostensibly there to support, it became clear to me that many of the protesters aren’t even protesters at all. They’re simply Americans who believe that their concerns aren’t being heard by either party and who are attempting to get the attention of someone. Of anyone.

I saw people there who are food insecure and unhoused. A few told me they came to the encampment because there was free food and tents.

Most of the people I spoke with are not anti-Israel or pro-Palestine. They are anti-establishment. They don’t hate Jews. They hate Joe Biden and an administration that time and again has proven its ironclad commitment to Israel’s well-being while repeatedly failing to show that same level of support to issues that affect marginalized groups here like climate change, inflation, and gun violence.

This is the part that worries me most. At a time when the Biden administration should be focusing on the bread and butter issues to show Americans how it has helped them, it is spending too much energy on how best to prove its fealty to Israel.

This is a mistake. And neither Jews nor non-Jewish Black people can afford to let it happen.

Before I visited the encampment, I was talking with a young Black man who is not Jewish, and who is no expert in geopolitical disputes. When I mentioned the rise in antisemitism since Oct. 7, he stopped me and said: “America loves Jews more than it cares about us. No other group gets the same kind of attention that Israel and the Jewish people do from our government.”

He likened Jews to a favorite child, the one who always gets special treatment. As a parent, child, and a sibling myself, this makes a lot of sense to me. At different times, we all believe our parents may be favoring one of our siblings over us, and have no clue that our siblings are thinking the same.

In the best-case scenario, the kids all love each other deeply but harbor some resentment toward their parents for perceived favoritism. In the worst, however, the favorite son becomes like the biblical Joseph with his colorful coat.

In ancient times, Joseph’s brothers threw him into a pit and sold him off into slavery. Today, Joseph is simply canceled, ostracized on social media and protested against on college campuses.

I’m convinced that most of the protesters aren’t out there because they hate their siblings — or Jews, or even Israel. They’re doing it because in comparison to the support their government is giving the Jewish state, it’s become glaringly obvious how little it seems to support them.

Even if the war ended today, it would not change the fact that many young Americans and people from marginalized groups feel less protected by their country than they did before Biden and his team showed them what real, actual support looks like.

People are out there on campuses and in the streets around them because there is something profoundly broken in our country.

It’s far beyond time for Washington to begin spending the money we claim not to have on mental health services, education and improving the lives of Americans in need, in short, on creating peace at home. Maybe if we did so, there wouldn’t be so many people demanding radical change abroad.

OPINION The campus protests are no longer about Israel. They’re about America.

Tamar Manasseh is the founder and president of Mothers Against Senseless Killings. Follow her on X, @TamarManasseh.

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 At the Forward, our Vision and Mission articulate the change we want to see in the world, and how we can help make it happen. Our Values describe the essential pieces of who we are and how we operate. After 120+ years spent serving the Jewish community, and with our new global reach and purely digital focus, there are a lot of stakeholders who rightfully feel a deep connection to the Forward and what we do. The articulation of our Vision, Mission, and Values is informed by that history and those relationships.


The Forward envisions a vibrant, connected global Jewish community informed by our shared history and committed to justice, compassion, truth and our collective responsibility to bridge our divides.


The Forward is the most significant Jewish voice in American journalism. Our outstanding reporting on cultural, social and political issues inspires readers of all ages and animates conversation across generations and different segments of our community. Our English and Yiddish platforms build on a century-old legacy maintained in our archives and lead to a deeper understanding of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.


Integrity: We provide fair and full reporting in the highest tradition of public-service journalism, a cornerstone of resilient democracy. Through our work, we help build the foundation for a just, open, pluralistic society.

The Feminist Majority Foundation hosts the 16th annual Global Women’s Rights Awards

Madelyn Amos | May 22, 2024

Last Tuesday in Los Angeles, the Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF) was joined by some of the most inspiring women’s rights activists who have been on the frontlines of the fight for equality for the 16th annual Global Women’s Rights Awards. Awards were handed out to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work of three women in particular that have tirelessly worked to advance equality: Rep. Carolyn Maloney, Dr. Austin Dennard, and Sahra Mani.

Former U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney received the Champion of Equality Award from FMF co-founder and president Ellie Smeal, alongside Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. Known for her unwavering support for women’s rights during her congressional tenure, Maloney continues her advocacy today by leading the national Sign4ERA petition drive. Her dedication to securing the final ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment aims to enshrine women’s equality in the Constitution and establish a national legal standard banning all forms of sex discrimination. In her acceptance speech, Maloney stated, “In my 30 years in Congress, we have never been closer.”

The second award was presented to OB-GYN and activist, Dr. Austin Dennard, by actor Amy Brenneman. Dr. Dennard received the Courage Award for her bravery in stepping forward to tell her abortion story and becoming one of 22 plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Texas’ extreme abortion bans. After learning that her fetus had anencephaly and would not properly develop the brain or skull, Dr. Dennard was forced to travel out of state in order to not have to carry her nonviable pregnancy to term. This lawsuit marks the first time women have sued a state over abortion access since the Dobbs decision.

Finally, the Sahra Mani and the Bread and Roses documentary team were awarded the Mavis Leno Award for Global Women’s Rights. 

Philanthropist and former Tonight Show host Jay Leno, philanthropist and FMF board member Mavis Leno, and Dr. Sima Samar, former head of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission, presented this award to Mani, the film’s director. Bread and Roses offers an inside look into the resistance of Afghan women against the Taliban in Kabul. The film follows three Afghan women and shows how their lives have changed following the Taliban takeover in 2021 and their courageous defiance in the face of gender apartheid. Bread and Roses will be released on June 21, 2024.