Thursday, June 27, 2024

Is the drumbeat of war on the Israel/Lebanon front a prelude to all-out war?


Recent weeks have witnessed a sharp escalation of the exchange of fire between the Lebanese resistance and Israeli forces in South Lebanon/North of the Zionist state. This escalation has been accompanied by an escalation of statements and threats between the two sides, with increasing Israeli threats to launch an all-out war on all areas where Hezbollah is deployed and inflict on them a fate similar to that of the Gaza Strip in terms of the intensity of destruction.

However, while Israeli army sources assert that it is fully prepared to wage this war, these assertions are contradicted by the ongoing efforts to increase the number of mobilized reservists from 300,000 to 350,000 by raising the age of exit from the reserve (from 40 to 41 for soldiers, 45 to 46 for officers and 49 to 50 for specialists such as doctors and aircrew members).

Moreover, these efforts continue to clash with the insistence of the Zionist military command on the need to end the exemption from conscription for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students, which would increase the number of soldiers without increasing the burden on the families and jobs of the current recruits and hence on the country’s economy. Thus, while efforts to increase mobilization certainly indicate the determination of the military leadership to complete preparations for an all-out war on Lebanon, they indicate at the same time that the escalation of threats from the Israeli side does not reflect a real intention to launch a full-scale war on Lebanon in the current circumstances, especially since everyone realizes that the cost of such a war for the Zionist state will be much higher than the cost of invading Gaza, both in terms of human cost (even if the Zionist army refrains from invading Lebanese territory and limit itself to intensive bombardment, as is likely, the number of bombing casualties inside the State of Israel will inevitably be greater than in the war on Gaza), military cost (the type of equipment the Zionist army will need to use against Hezbollah), or economic cost.

This reality creates a serious problem for Israel, as it cannot wage an all-out war on Lebanon without massive increase in aid from the United States compared to the already great aid provided by Washington in the genocidal war waged on Gaza. Moreover, since Hezbollah is organically linked to Tehran, an all-out war by Zionist forces against Lebanon could expand to include Iran, which could fire rockets and drones into the State of Israel, as it did last April. In light of this dependence of the Israeli attack on US aid, Netanyahu’s sudden escalation of rhetoric against the Biden administration in recent days is further evidence of the Zionist government’s unwillingness to launch an all-out war on Lebanon in the current circumstances, as Netanyahu’s behaviour towards Washington contradicts his army’s need for even more American support than it has received so far.

It has thus become clear that Netanyahu is betting on Donald Trump’s winning a second term in the US elections scheduled for early November. He is acting like a gambler who decided to throw everything he had on the table playing double or quits. Besides, Netanyahu is politically benefiting from the escalation of tensions between him and the Biden administration, which increases his popularity by portraying him as a Zionist ruler who stands up to external pressures even in the most difficult circumstances. He is preparing for a new round of this political game by showing the significant political support that he enjoys in the US Congress against the Biden administration when he goes to Washington to deliver his fourth speech to a joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate on July 24.

If Trump wins the election, Netanyahu will be looking for a support free from the kind of limitation and pressure that the Biden administration has recently tried to impose on him. If Trump fails to win, Netanyahu is likely to negotiate with the Biden administration and the Zionist opposition to obtain guarantees enabling him to break his reliance on the Zionist far right in his government and form a “national unity” cabinet that he would head until the next elections in 2026. The opposition, for its part, will certainly try to get rid of him, by splitting the coalition on which his current government is based in the Knesset and forcing early elections.

Do not think however that the political struggle within the Zionist political elite is between hawks and doves: it is rather between hawks and vultures. Both sides, Netanyahu and the opposition, believe that there is no third option on their northern front but for Hezbollah to acquiesce and accept to withdraw north in implementation of Resolution 1701 adopted by the UN Security Council following the 33-day war in 2006, or for them to wage a fierce war against Hezbollah at a high cost, which they all see as necessary in order to reinforce their state’s deterrent capacity, significantly diminished on the Lebanese front since 7 October.

25 June 2024

Souce Gilbert Achcar’s blog.


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Seagrass Meadows are Rapidly Expanding Near Inhabited Islands in Maldives – Here’s Why
June 25, 2024
Source: The Conversation

Image by Matthew Floyd

Swimming through the crystal clear waters of the Maldives, a nation renowned for its marine life, it could be easy to forget that these delicate ecosystems stand on the frontline of climate change and that seagrass habitats are in crisis globally.

Now, my research, which combined hundreds of hours of fieldwork with thousands of satellite images, has uncovered something unexpected: Maldivian seagrasses have expanded three-fold over the last two decades – and island populations could be playing a part.

I also discovered that seagrass is surprisingly three times more likely to be found next to inhabited islands, rather than uninhabited. So this flowering plant seems to benefit from living in seas close to humans.

Seagrasses grow along coasts all around the world. They can help guard against climate change yet they are frequently underappreciated. In the Maldives, seagrass meadows are dug up to maintain the iconic white beaches that are a frequent feature of honeymoon photos.

Important marine habitats have declined in the Maldives. Amid this backdrop of environmental uncertainty, I have spent more than three years studying seagrasses here alongside a team of scientists. We found that seagrasses are faring remarkably well and one of the most plausible drivers could be the supply of nutrients from densely populated areas, such as tourist resorts.

Every day, human activities could provide valuable nutrients for seagrass habitats in an otherwise nutrient limited environment. Food waste is traditionally discarded into the sea from the beach and rain can wash excess fertilisers from farmland into the ocean. As human populations and fertiliser use have both increased, we suspect that seagrass meadows have started to thrive and expand as a result of this increased nutrient supply.

Additionally, building work around islands may create more suitable habitats for seagrass. Land reclamation is widespread across the country as the population has expanded by 474% since 1960.

During this development, sand is dug up from the seabed and some inevitably spills into the water. The structure of seagrass meadows can slow down local water currents, promoting suspended sand grains to sink and creating more sediment for future generations of seagrass to grow into.

Currently, nutrient inputs seem to be creating just the right conditions for seagrasses. But if nutrients continue to increase, there is a risk that the seagrasses will be outcompeted by seaweeds and smothered. Continued land reclamation works that disregard seagrass may also remove this important habitat. So the future of this Maldivian success story may therefore largely lie in our hands.
The ecotourism paradox

Although seagrass removal has done little to curb habitat expansion, it highlights a troubled relationship with the tourism industry upon which so many jobs in the Maldives depend. Because it can ultimately make water depths shallower, seagrass can limit boat access and mooring, and therefore interfere with daily life. The proliferation of seagrass in areas of domestic refuse has understandably damaged its image in the eyes of the public.

But, by making coastal waters shallower, seagrasses reinforce coastal protection. And by growing close to refuse sites, they absorb excess nutrients and clean the water of pathogens. Despite being a vital tool in the fight against climate change, seagrass clearly has an image problem on the islands.

As a marine ecologist, I firmly believe that conservation scientists – and ecotourists – have an important role to play in conveying the value of seagrasses. Conservationists must also fully appreciate the challenges that meadow expansion can bring to local communities, and understand how the needs of conservation and tourism may differ.

There is hope. A campaign called #ProtectMaldivesSeagrass, recently launched by Blue Marine Foundation and Maldives Underwater Initiative, led to 37 resorts (out of a total of 168) pledging to protect their seagrass meadows. Additionally, the data from my research can be used to protect seagrass habitats and quantify their value to people and nature.

Hopefully, the unexpected – yet welcome – success of seagrass in the Maldives is a cause for conservation optimism. And perhaps tourist resorts can learn to love their newly expanding neighbours.
Activist Diary #2: Life as an Activist
June 25, 2024
Source: Originally published by Z. Feel free to share widely.

Image by Peter Bohmer, in Greece

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the roar of its mighty waters.” Frederick Douglass

I have been an activist for reform and revolutionary transformation since 1967. For me, being an activist has meant directly involving myself in activities groups, and organizations in order to change policies at a local and national level and to raise consciousness about the causes, consequences and solutions to poverty and the inequality of income and wealth, police brutality and repression, U.S. militarism and intervention in other countries, climate justice, for quality health care and housing for all, and for reproductive rights. This in addition to solidarity with liberation struggles and ending capitalism and ending capitalist alienation, exploitation, and oppression. Being anti-racist has also been central to my theory and practice since the 1960’s, strongly influenced by the Civil Rights and Black Freedom Movement and in the 1970’s, the Chicano and American Indian Movement (AIM).

Here are five key moments, examples from the 1960’s in furthering my lifelong commitment to activism for a better world.

Vietnam Summer, 1967

This was my first organizing experience although I had attended a few anti-Vietnam war and civil rights demonstrations and SDS meetings before. We first educated ourselves at the Vietnam Sumer office in Boston about the history of Vietnam and French and U.S. colonialism there. I remember then going door to door and asking people if they were willing to discuss the Vietnam War. In 1967, most people who answered the door supported the war and thought opposing the US war against Vietnam as being disloyal to US troops (this changed substantially after the 1968 Tet offensive in Vietnam). If people were interested in talking with us and possibly opposing the US role, we asked them to invite their neighbors and we presented a slide show about the war followed by a discussion. We then asked the people if they opposed the Vietnam war to actively show their opposition in a way that they decided on. Common was a visit with the assembled group to their Congressperson’s office to express their opposition to the US war against Vietnam. We stayed in touch with them.

I was shy at first and would only go door to door with a more experienced organizer, but I increasingly found my voice. It has never left. One of the key organizers, Mike Ferber, suggested I read two books, The Political Economy of Growth by Paul Baran and Monopoly Capital by Paul Sweezy and Paul Baran. These books changed my life as I was by this time although not earlier, ready to integrate their analysis into my very being. Both books showed the limits of reform, the irrationality of capitalism, and how much of the wealth in the U.S. and Western Europe came from extracting the surplus (wealth) from what we called the Third World and now call the Global South. Having a political economic analysis has been one reason for my continued activism. Anger at injustice and excitement are not enough. I also saw first-hand how people can change but we have to go out to meet them, not expect them to come to our events.

March on the Pentagon, 1967

In October 1967, there was a large, well over a hundred thousand people protesting the Vietnam War in a march from Washington DC to the Pentagon. Just before 5 PM when our permit ended, civil rights activist and comedian Dick Gregory asked if we were going to be just 9-5 protesters and what was more important the law or justice. I was very moved. Since then, I have always prioritized justice over what is legal. Everyone I had come with, we were from Boston, returned to DC then where we were staying. I decided to stay at the Pentagon as did 10,000 others. It was the demonstration where protesters, mainly women, put flowers on the bayonets of the military police (MP) guarding the Pentagon and tried to talk to the soldiers; almost all refused. I was inspired by the community that formed among us resisters: welcoming, sharing food and stories. Many had driven east from the recently completed, “Stop the Draft Week” in Oakland, CA. Many of us burned our draft cards.

At about 9 PM, the last camera left, the British BBC. After that the military police turned violent, beating people with their bayonets on the grass by the Pentagon. A few of us, a small minority fought back. What also affected me was that James Reston, the major NY Times reporter and friend of the powerful and wealthy wrote, shortly thereafter on the front page of the NY Times that the demonstrators had turned violent. I had seen the opposite and when I found out that Reston had been in Denver the day of the march although his article implied, he was at the Pentagon. My belief in the objectivity of the New York Times was forever shattered. I continue to read the NEW York Times but since than always critically.

Noam Chomsky, 1968

In spring, 1968, I took a class at MIT where I was a graduate student in economics with Noam Chomsky and Louis Kampf, “Intellectuals and Social Change”. It furthered my transition to becoming a lifelong radical left activist. By radical I mean going to the root of then problem, which I consider to be capitalism, and seeing fundamental change coming primarily from the bottom up.

Noam Chomsky has been a big influence in my life. I have learned so much from Noam Chomsky, much more than in this paragraph. I learned that building strong and growing social movements and protests in the streets are more important in changing policy, such as ending the Vietnam war, than trying to convince politicians through arguments and lobbying, or electing liberal politicians. I also learned that claims of expertise and saying we should unquestionably accept the so-called experts are used to justify policies such as carrying out the Vietnam War in order to silence dissenting voices and to delegitimize grass roots movements. Similarly, the term, national interest, or the assertion, “this war serves the national interest” is usually used to disguise the interests of the capitalist class. The interests of working people diverge from those with economic power. Thank you, Noam!

Chicago, 1968

Another formative event was the 1968 Democratic Party Convention in Chicago. I had planned to go but was working with a group, Mothers for Adequate Welfare, a branch of the National Welfare Rights Organization. We were demanding a guaranteed income of $6500 for a family of four (about $40,000 in today’s prices). This was an early form of a Universal Basic Income (UBI). I hadn’t finished writing my report to the Boston City Council at the time the buses were leaving from Boston to Chicago so I couldn’t go. I remember watching the convention every night that August at a bar in Brattleboro, Vermont. I was enraged each night at the beatings of protesters by the Chicago Police under the orders of Mayor Richard Daley and of the nomination of Vice President Hubert Humphrey, a Democrat who had publicly supported the Vietnam war. This reinforced my perspective that ending the war was not going to come from within the Democratic Party even though the majority of the country now opposed it.

I realized that anger and rage at injustice are important and necessary fuel for long-term activism, although hopefully our anger is primarily directed at structures of oppression and those with economic and political power—and not at someone who has cut us off driving. Continuing anger at injustice is an important factor in my continuing activism up to and including the present. Today my central focus is directed towards ending U.S. support for Israel, and in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against the Israeli War and Israeli Occupation. As I write this on May 11, 2024, the growing and inspiring student movement in solidarity with Palestine and against U.S. and university complicity with Israel and U.S support for Israel, reminds me of 1968, e.g., the Columbia University uprising, and the upcoming Democratic Party Convention in Chicago that plans to nominate another pro war President, Biden. I expect massive protests at the 2024 Chicago Democratic Party Convention this August although hope that US support for Israel stops by then and that there is a permanent cease fire. The global movement in support of Palestine although not yet sufficient to change U.S. and especially, Israeli policy is so important.

Anti-Imperialist Coalition in Boston, 1969

I was active in the fall of 1969 in an anti-imperialist coalition in Boston, The November Action Coalition (NAC) Our focus was ending the direct support of MIT for the US military in Vietnam, i.e., developing weapons systems for them. We blocked the entrance to one of the main MIT weapons labs, The Instrumentation Lab, until the police forced us away from the entrance, their clubs swinging.

One of the member groups of NAC was the Boston Black Panther Party (BPP) which I respected and learned from. Impressive to me was their free breakfast program in Roxbury and their organizing of low-income Black youth. The murder of 21-year-old leader of the Chicago BPP, Fred Hampton on December 4, 1969, affected me more than any of the many assassinations in the 1960’s. The willingness of the US government to kill revolutionaries especially Black leaders had become even more apparent. I remember being depressed and not being able to get out of bed for a few days after Fred Hampton’s brutal murder by the state and thinking because I was white, I was somewhat safer. I thought about the level of my commitment to transforming the U.S. Reflecting deeply on his assassination furthered my commitment to ending racial capitalism even if it meant serious risks.

It has made anti-racism and solidarity with people of color and movements, then called, Third World people, inside and outside of the United States, central to my theory and associated practice. So has solidarity with societies such as Cuba defending themselves from the U.S. war and blockade against them. Fred Hampton Presente!

Another group within the November Action Coalition (NAC), whose theory and practice have influenced me in a major way was Bread and Roses, a socialist women’s liberation organization. Bread and Roses differentiated itself from left organizations who claimed a women’s organization or women’s caucus was unnecessary or divisive, and from other women’s groups that claimed women could not work with men. Within NAC, Bread and Roses won their demands to be able to caucus at any time which would temporarily halt the meeting, and that all the leadership committees such as the steering, tactics, and media committees be at least one-half women. Bread and Roses challenged sexism within NAC and in the society. They were socialist and feminist, an anti-imperialist women’s group both within NAC and beyond. Bread and Roses was autonomous rather than separatist. The concept of autonomy together with principled unity, e.g., working against all forms of oppression in a group with the goal of unity, are a central part of my perspective and organizing.


Our activism makes a difference; we usually win less than what we demand but nevertheless the gains matter. Those who concede will never admit that raising the social cost to them of continuing oppressive policies was the cause of their conceding, but this is often the case. By social cost, I mean that the cost, not mainly in dollars, but loss of legitimacy of the elites and the growth of anti-capitalist movements, causes them to concede, at least partially. This is because the social cost of not conceding begins to threaten their rule. An example is the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa from 1976 to the early 1990’s, where those in power in South Africa increasingly feared not only losing their political power but also their economic power if they didn’t release ANC leaders including Nelson Mandela from prison and concede to elections where the Black population could vote, i.e., universal suffrage. I was active in the anti-apartheid movement in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, and especially in Pittsburgh from 1984 to 1987 with a strong multi-racial group, Pittsburghers Against Apartheid. We contributed to the end of apartheid, an important victory led by the people and movements inside South Africa although structural racism continues there and whites still have most of the economic power in a very unequal capitalist economy.

I have continued to be active from 1967 to the present and will continue to be so. I advocate for a participatory socialist society. Check out the group Real Utopia,, that I am a member of. I am anti-capitalist but equally important for me and necessary and desirable is to be for a liberatory and ecological socialist alternative on a global level.

Although I have suffered some serious repression, it has not been a sacrifice to be an activist. Most of my closest friends are people I have been active in the struggle with. We have accomplished some real gains although they are never permanent as we can see in the current growth of authoritarian, racist, patriarchal, anti LGBT, anti-environmental and anti-immigrant movements, and political parties such as the Republican Party and similar authoritarian anti-immigrant parities globally. Being involved and active in the struggle for societal liberation has kept me young in spirit. I can look myself better in the mirror, and it has given my life more meaning.

Free Palestine!

Si se puede!

Peter Bohmer is a member of Real Utopia, Economics for Everyone (E4E), and Palestine Action of South Sound (PASS). He is Faculty Emeritus in Political Economy at The Evergreen State College.

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Peter Bohmer has been an activist in movements for radical social change since 1967, which have included anti-racist organizing and solidarity movements with the people of Vietnam, Southern Africa, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Palestine and Central America. For his activism and teaching, he was targeted by the FBI. He was a member of the faculty at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA from 1987 to 2021 where he taught political economy. He believes alternatives to capitalism are desirable and possible. Peter is the proud parent of a daughter and three sons.
Dynamics of the Polycrisis

By Jeremy Brecher
Senior Strategic Advisor, LNS Co-Founder
June 26, 202
Source: STRIKE!

Listen to the audio version >>

“Polycrisis” is a word that has recently come into use to characterize the way crises in many different spheres – ranging from geopolitics and economics to climate and pandemic – are aggravating each other and even converging. This commentary, the second in a series on “The Polycrisis and the Global Green New Deal,” gives an overview of polycrisis dynamics. Subsequent commentaries in this series will look at some of these dynamics in greater depth and at how the polycrisis can be addressed by the development of a global insurgency and a multi-level Green New Deal.

“Polycrisis” is a buzzword, but one that, like “globalization” a few decades ago, captures something important about what is going on in the world. Crises can no longer be understood as crises “in” international relations, economics, governance, or climate. Rather, the crises in these different spheres are increasingly aspects of the polycrisis.

The key concept for the polycrisis is interaction. It cannot be understood by simple cause-and-effect models within a single sector or even within the world order as a whole. The interaction of forces, acts, and events determines its patterns and its course.

There are many dynamics operating within the polycrisis; this commentary focuses on some of the most important ones. Obviously, others could be listed as well – and still others are likely to emerge as the polycrisis proceeds. However, these should be enough to show why no single aspect of the crisis in the world order can be understood, let alone addressed, without regard to the others.

There are contradictory tendencies both within and among these dynamics. For example, there is a fracturing of globalization but at the same time continued growth in world trade and the concentration of global economic power. Such contradictions make it of limited value to extrapolate these polycrisis dynamics into longer-term trends, other than the probability of increasing conflict and chaos.

I will sometimes use categories like geopolitics, deglobalization, governance, and climate. These are meant merely as categories of convenience. They are simply loose groupings of loosely related phenomena. They are not intended as analytical categories for understanding the polycrisis. On the contrary, the polycrisis is defined by the extent to which its dynamics cross all such categories.

Many topics will reemerge repeatedly both in this Commentary and throughout this series. That is a necessary consequence of the intertwined, interactive character of the polycrisis. Here is a synopsis of some of them.

Unleashed warfare: The past two years have seen more violent conflict than at any time since the end of World War II, according to the Uppsala conflict data program.[1] Great power rivalry has rapidly moved from a period of relative détente and unipolar US dominance, through the rising tensions of “the new cold war,” to direct military engagement with great power surrogates in Ukraine, the Asian Pacific, and the Middle East. The three great powers, China, Russia, and the US, are cajoling and bribing lesser countries to join their blocs. Lesser countries are resisting, trying to support each other in that resistance, playing off great powers against each other, and trying to make a cafeteria of alliances with different powers in different arenas. The whole dynamic has the eerie appearance of choosing up sides for World War III.

Vicious circles of conflict: While great powers may perceive their own actions, such as augmenting preparation for war, as defensive, they are often perceived by their opponents as aggressive and threatening. They may therefore be met with actions that further escalate conflict. The result is an interactive “vicious circle” of escalation. This process can often lead to results that are intended by nobody but that have devastating consequences for the protagonists as well as for bystanders – World War I is often held up as a classic example. The current arms race and expansion of weapons production is another obvious example. Threats to use nuclear weapons from officials in Russia and Israel, along with the termination of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty — the cornerstone of the transition from the Cold War to an international arms control regime – indicate where such uncontrolled escalating conflict is headed. The cycle of escalation can be seen in the threat by France that NATO troops might be sent to Ukraine, followed by Russia’s counter-threat that NATO troops in Ukraine would mean war with Russia with a high risk of nuclear war that would destroy Europe.

Breakdown of international cooperation: The world’s great problems can only be addressed through international cooperation. Such cooperation has never been strong but it has been real, operating through the various branches of the United Nations, through cooperation among governments, and through international organizations of many kinds. But even this weak cooperation has been undermined by the predominance of geopolitics and other aspects of the polycrisis. This is evident in the arena of security, where periodic attempts at international cooperation have been blocked by the ambitions of the great powers. It is obvious in the failure of international cooperation to protect the earth’s climate. It is apparent in the decline of economic cooperation and the rise of economic nationalism and rival blocs. It is clear in the failure of global public health cooperation in the face of the COVID pandemic and the weakness of subsequent cooperation to prevent or contain future pandemics. And it is revealed in the failure to control the widely recognized threats of new technologies, such as nanotechnology, drones, and Artificial Intelligence.

Thucydides trap: At the end of the Cold War the US had its “unipolar moment” of global hegemony, but now faces economic, political, and military challenges from countries around the world. While no power currently seeks to replace the US as global hegemon, many countries and regions are resisting the efforts of the US to control them. In a pattern well-known in history and often characterized as the “Thucydides trap,” the rising wealth and power of China is coming into conflict with the desire of a hegemonic United States to maintain its global dominance. The polycrisis is greatly aggravated by the US belief that the loss of US domination is the cause of the polycrisis and that restoring unipolarity and global domination is both feasible and the key to overcoming the polycrisis. In reality, no increase in US geopolitical and military power is likely to contain let alone reverse the polycrisis. Conversely, there is little reason to believe the polycrisis can be resolved simply by weakening US power and replacing it with a polycentric world order of less great but still self-aggrandizing states.

War crime wave: Mass atrocity violence has grown rapidly, due to the proliferation of wars, the support by the geopolitically motivated great powers for their own and their allies’ war crimes, and the abandonment of UN and other international implementations of the “duty to protect.” The killing of 1,200 Israelis, followed by the killing of more than 36,000 (and counting) Palestinians. These war crimes followed the mass killing of civilians in Syria and Ukraine, the internment of one million Uyghurs and other Muslims in China, war crimes in Ethiopia, ethnic cleansing in Sudan’s Darfur province, and the displacement of two million Rohingya and other Muslims in Myanmar. Kate Ferguson of the NGO Protection Approaches says, “We face the likelihood that this violence is going to characterize the next political era. In fact, I wonder if we’re not already in that era.”[2]

Fragmented globalization: For the four decades after 1980 a process of economic globalization increasingly integrated the global economy. Soviet, Chinese, and US trade blocs largely dissolved. Companies moved production around the globe to wherever labor, environmental, and other costs were lowest. Production developed into a transnational “global assembly line.” Huge financial flows raced around the globe – often producing global financial crises. International trade agreements and institutions like NAFTA and the World Trade Organization moved the world toward a single little-regulated market. But, largely as a result of growing economic nationalism and burgeoning great power conflict, economic warfare has broken out among the great powers. The US is trying to hobble Chinese economic development, for example by its “chip war” intended to prevent China from accessing advanced computer chip technology. In the context of the Ukraine war, the EU and Russia have battled over energy trade. US industrial policy to subsidize “green” production in the US has been seen in Europe as the opening of a trade war to make European clean energy goods uncompetitive in the US market. While this process is sometimes described as “deglobalization,” in fact transnational economic activity continues to grow, but in the form of a struggle to control fragmented transnational economic networks.

“Deglobalization” is not, however, leading to a restoration of the integrated national economies that preceded the era of globalization; in 2023 goods traded across borders reached an all-time high.[3] Rather, deglobalization is leading to bullying designed to line up countries in support of one or another superpower. For example, US semiconductor companies, at the instigation of the US government, recently coerced a Persian Gulf technology company to break off cooperation with Chinese manufacturers. While such coercive “friendshoring” could potentially lead to the re-emergence of trade blocs, at present it is creating more of an economic war of all against all. Lesser countries and businesses seek to “mix and match” their allegiances, but they meet heavy pressure to choose up sides.

Geopolitics trumps all: Deglobalization is part of a broader trend: the subsumption of the economic and indeed all else to the geopolitical conflict of the great powers. The slogan of the Clinton era, “It’s the economy, stupid!” is being reversed to read “It’s the enemy, stupid!” Whether in trade, health, energy, or political alliances, geopolitical “necessities” are increasingly overriding all other public, and even private, interests.

Inequality: The dynamics of plutocratic policymaking, crony capitalism, deregulation, detaxation, and subsidy of fossil fuels and the wealthy are driving more extreme inequality. Despite the fragmentation of globalization, global concentration and centralization of capital continue apace; consider, for example, Nippon’s pending purchase of U.S. Steel. Since 1995, the share of global wealth possessed by billionaires has tripled, from 1% to over 3%; 2020 marked the steepest increase in global billionaires’ share of wealth on record. The share of wealth of the global top 0.01% rose from 7% in 1995 to 11% in 2021. Over the past two decades the gap between the average incomes of the top 10% and the bottom 50% of individuals within countries has almost doubled. The share of income presently captured by the poorest half of the world’s people is about half what it was 200 years ago. The poorest half of the world’s people own just 2% of total wealth, while the richest 10% of the global population own 76%.[4]

Democracy deficit: Ostensibly most of the world’s governments are in some sense democracies. The great majority of them hold some kind of elections that purportedly select their national leaders. Historically the extent to which ordinary people have been able to influence the actions of their governments has varied from country to country and from time to time. However, everywhere at all times it has been quite limited, even in the most “democratic” countries. The ability of ordinary people to make governments serve their interests and wishes has sharply diminished throughout the world. The dominance of neoliberal practice has delegitimated action by government to serve public purposes. The capacity of governments to shape social realities has declined in tandem. With the worldwide concentration of wealth and the power it provides, most governments have moved closer to what can be described without exaggeration as plutocracies, in which actual power resides with a tiny minority of wealthy individuals and organizations. The inability of government to provide benefits for ordinary people has led to deep popular alienation from the institutions of government and politics. At the supranational level, there is little if any institutionalized opportunity for ordinary people to affect global governance and the world order.

Rise of fascist and para-fascist movements: Extreme right and fascist movements have arisen in many places around the world and have won governing authority or participation in governing coalitions in Argentina, Italy, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Russia, India, and Israel – not to mention the once and perhaps future President Donald Trump in the US. While these movements vary somewhat from country to country, they have strong common themes, including fear of and hostility toward immigrants; anti-feminism, homophobia and transphobia; and a backlash against perceived progressive social change, such as the now worldwide “war on woke.”[5] All scorn democratic principles; encourage violence; scapegoat disempowered social groups; follow charismatic leaders; and whip up a mass base.[6] These movements are linking up through international organizations and networks and are providing each other support.

Climate crisis: The last months of 2023 were the hottest in 125,000 years. Global warming is causing heat waves, disease outbreaks, floods, droughts, and melting of Arctic and Antarctic ice caps. The longer-term business-as-usual structure of the world order, with its nation-state rivalry, great power dominance, drive for unlimited capital accumulation, domination of governments by fossil fuel interests and the wealthy, and pathetically inadequate capacity to represent global human interests, has been more than adequate to promote the continuation and expansion of fossil fuel extraction and burning. But the polycrisis is aggravating the climate crisis and making it more intractable. For example, after Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, government financing for fossil fuels increased sharply and subsidies almost doubled from 2020 rates.[7] Meanwhile, the climate crisis is aggravating other aspects of the polycrisis. Drought in Panama, for example, has cut the number of ships that can go through the Panama Canal by half, aggravating supply chain pressures and therefore inflation.[8] Desertification has forced mass migration, which in turn has provided fodder for anti-immigrant fascist and para-fascist movements in the US, Europe, and elsewhere. The earth has recently passed a number of irreversible climate “tipping points” that will guarantee additional global warming even if fossil fuel burning is reduced.

Incoherence: In the complex, contradictory, chaotic world of the polycrisis, apparent trends and tendencies conflict. In that context, policies of nation states and other actors are likely to be incoherent and even self-contradictory, producing unintended side effects far different from their intent. For example, US interest in a two-state solution in Palestine has been combined with unwavering support for an Israel that has said it will oppose a two-state solution under all conditions. A purported commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been combined with a licensing of huge fossil fuel extraction projects in Alaska and the Gulf South.

Unpredictability: The polycrisis as a whole and the interaction of its different elements make rational anticipation of future developments extremely difficult. Consider the unanticipated eruption of the COVID pandemic; the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war; and the war and genocide in Gaza. The subsidies and trade barriers the US erected to block import of “green” goods from China also caused disruption in the economies of its European allies. European restrictions on Russian fossil fuel exports led to a boom in Russian energy sales in the rest of the world. US support for Israeli genocide in Gaza led to unanticipated attacks in the Red Sea by the Houthi.

While all these examples could to some extent have been predicted, they were no more certain than many other events that were just as reasonably predicted, but that did not in fact transpire. In 2023 escalating conflict between the US and China over Taiwan and massive currency defaults were both widely predicted, for example, but did not transpire. The policies of Donald Trump during his presidency were so self-contradictory and erratic that efforts at predicting them would have been absurd; the same applies to a possible future Trump presidency. (Such wild shifts and inexplicabilities have been normal in past fascist regimes.) Perhaps the only thing that can be confidently predicted in the polycrisis is the likelihood of intensified unpredictability.

Decline of social learning: Governments and societies can learn from the feedback from their actions. After the devastation of the Great Depression, countries around the world adopted financial regulation and Keynesian budgetary policies to stabilize the growth of their economies. After coming to the verge of nuclear holocaust in the Cuban Missile Crisis, US President John Kennedy backed away from Cold War belligerence and moved toward advocating a form of common security; the US and the Soviet Union began moving toward détente and arms control. After the string of financial crises that culminated in the Great Recession, many developing countries began accumulating financial reserves to protect against currency crises. But so far there is scant evidence of any social learning regarding the dynamics of the polycrisis. Military build-ups and aggression seem to be met with arms races and further aggression. The cascading evidence of climate catastrophe is met by doubling down on fossil fuel extraction and burning. No feedback loops seem to connect these actual results to the actors and actions that could correct their causes.

The folly factor: Perhaps the most pervasive dynamic of the polycrisis is folly. Rational pursuit of self-interest has become increasingly scarce in the polycrisis. This is evident in the incoherent, self-contradictory, foolish behavior of powerful institutions. Governments and corporations pursue expansion of fossil fuel extraction and burning even though they have every reason to know that it will lead to their own destruction. Countries engage in military build-ups, even though they have every reason to know that they will only provoke reciprocal build-ups among their opponents, leading to augmented mutual threat. Corporations fight to dismantle financial regulation, even though experience has shown that such deregulation will lead to greater financial crashes. But it is also folly for the people of the world to acquiesce or even participate in the destruction of our world. To engage in actions every day that may be intended to provide a better life, but that in practice are destroying the very basis of wellbeing for ourselves and our progeny. To allow ourselves to be sucked along by the blandishments of the powerful.

While folly has been an abiding feature of human life, today’s polycrisis grows out of and also augments the fundamental folly that, in today’s world, self-preservation can be attained without common preservation.[9]

Fixing one or another aspects of the polycrisis is unlikely to establish stability, let alone sustainability or justice. Nor is change – even revolutionary change — in one or another nation likely to long resist the dynamics of the polycrisis. There is little reason to think that the disordering of the world order will automatically lead to socialism or some other possibly more positive alternative. But the polycrisis does foreclose some old and open some new possibilities for collective action. We will explore these in later commentaries in this series.

[1] Uppsala conflict data program, Uppsala conflict data program. See also Paul Post, “Not a World War, But a World at War,” The Atlantic, November 17, 2023

[2] Julian Borger. “World Faces ‘Heightened Risk’ of Mass Atrocities due to Global Inaction.” The Guardian, December 8, 2023, sec. Law.

[3] Tim Sahay. “A Year in Crises.” Phenomenal World. December 21, 2023.

[4] World Inequality Report. “The World #InequalityReport 2022 Presents the Most Up-To-Date & Complete Data on Inequality Worldwide”: World Inequality Report 2022. October 9, 2021.

[5] Walden Bello, “Fascism 101: Why We Need to Spell It out ” 2023. December 22, 2023.

[6] Alberto Toscano, “The Rise of the Far Right Is a Global Phenomenon.” In These Times, November 21, 2023.

[7] Fiona Harvey, “World behind on almost every policy required to cut carbon emissions, research finds.” The Guardian, November 14, 2023.

[8] Jonathan Yerushalmy. “Changing Climate Casts a Shadow over the Future of the Panama Canal – and Global Trade.” The Guardian, December 22, 2023.

[9] Jeremy Brecher, Common Preservation in a Time of Mutual Destruction (Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021). Many of the systems concepts that underlie the interpretation in this commentary are developed further in this book.

Jeremy Brecher is a historian, author, and co-founder of the Labor Network for Sustainability. He has been active in peace, labor, environmental, and other social movements for more than half a century. Brecher is the author of more than a dozen books on labor and social movements, including Strike! and Global Village or Global Pillage and the winner of five regional Emmy awards for his documentary movie work.
Iran’s Hijab Law and Electoral Scrutiny
iJune 26, 2024
Source: New Politics

Amidst the sham or state-orchestrated presidential election in Iran, a grim reality unfolds. Women are being violently arrested by the Morality Police for refusing to comply with mandatory hijab rules or wearing “improper” hijab, dubbed “Bad Hijab.” This misogynistic backlash follows the historic 2022 Woman Life Freedom uprising, led by Iranian women. Despite severe punishments, fearless women persist in their resistance, marking a turning point in the fight against the mandatory hijab.

As the presidential election proceeds, following the death of Ebrahim Raisi, a review of the candidates’ views reveals that none is likely to bring meaningful change to women’s rights and freedom of choice in clothing. Only one candidate refrains from openly supporting the current crackdown. The state’s war on women extends beyond the mandatory hijab crackdown. It encompasses unjust court sentences and violations of women’s rights in prisons.

The imprisonment of Nobel Peace laureate Narges Mohammadi and the harsh 21-year sentence imposed on Kurdish women’s rights activist Zhina Modares Gorgi demonstrate the regime’s unyielding stance. The enforcement of mandatory hijab has reached a point of no return, and Iran’s government has already lost the battle in the war on women and girls.

The current crackdown in Iran, following the inspiring Woman Life Freedom movement, has unleashed a wave of violence and repression as harsh as one can imagine. The reality is that those in power in Iran have not only ignored the demands of women and youth, but have responded with even greater brutality, consistent with historical patterns: When governments face instability or weakness, they often resort to more repressive measures to maintain control. Iran’s rulers are no exception. The combination of corruption, polycrisis and popular discontent has led to a harsher crackdown aimed at preserving their grip on power.

Over two months ago, in the early morning of Sunday April 14, the Islamic Republic of Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel, deploying over three hundred cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones. This marked the first direct military engagement between the Iranian government and Israel. Coinciding with this military escalation, the Islamic Republic announced the implementation of the so-called “Light” or “Noor” Plan or Campaign aimed at intensifying measures against opponents of mandatory hijab. The Iranian government justified this plan as a response to citizen complaints about the increasing number of women not wearing the mandatory hijab in public spaces. However, Iranian civil and political activists suggest that the true purpose of the Noor Plan is to preempt potential protests and opposition amidst the government’s current vulnerability. The plan aims to enforce Islamic Sharia laws, and the compulsory Hijab, in Iran, which mandate women to cover their hair and wear modest clothing, with non-compliance punishable by public reprimand, fines, or arrest. This development highlights the complex interplay between geopolitical tensions and domestic policies in Iran, warranting further academic, journalistic, and activist scrutiny and analysis.

The recent wave of suppression against women not adhering to the mandatory Hijab has revived the 45-year history of repression, harassment, and denial of women’s rights for their presence in public spaces, particularly in the streets. The Noor campaign implemented to enforce the mandatory hijab and disregard women’s share of the public space and safe streets, is repeating previous unsuccessful attempts since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The desire of the majority of Iranian society is freedom to choose one’s clothing, and hijab by choice!

For 45 years, the story of imposing the mandatory hijab and resistance against it has continued. The disturbing sounds of the slogan “either a headscarf or get hit on your head” still linger in the memories of those who protested during the first protest against the Islamic Republic on March 8, 1979. While prior to the 1979 revolution women faced harassment and sexual harassment in public places, they were not being systematically arrested, beaten and detained.

For 45 years ago, the mandatory hijab has been enforced through various plans, including the “Hijab and Chastity Plan” and the “Moral Security Plan,” using tools like green vans and Irshad (enlightenment) patrols to control public spaces, and create a gendered, tense, and unsafe environment for women. These plans have wasted significant funds on creating an atmosphere detrimental to safety and security, instead of empowering and improving people’s lives.

The mental and physical well-being of half of society — women and girls — should not be bound by the obligatory hijab. History reminds us that wherever there is oppression, struggle is inevitable. As Langston Hughes poetically asked, “What happens to dreams deferred? Do they dry like a raisin in the sun? Or will they explode?”

The struggle against oppression is a perennial phenomenon in human societies, as eloquently captured by Langston Hughes’ poignant query, “What happens to dreams deferred?” Do they wither like a raisin in the sun or explode in a burst of resistance? The Iranian women’s movement embodies this struggle. They have continuously contested the imposition of mandatory hijab and the erasure of their presence in public spaces since the inception of the Islamic Republic.

The first wave of protests erupted on March 8, 1979, as women took to the streets in various cities, defying the authoritarian regime’s attempts to silence them. The revolutionary uprising in 2022, dubbed “Woman, Life, Freedom,” was the culmination of decades of suppressed anger and aspirations, as women and girls reclaimed their rightful place in public spaces and streets.

Young women, in particular, have played a pivotal role in this struggle, courageously occupying public spaces and asserting their agency in the face of systemic repression. The Noor Plan is the latest iteration of this oppression, aiming to enforce the mandatory hijab and curtail women’s autonomy over their bodies and choice of clothing. However, this plan has been met with widespread domestic and international condemnation, with scholars like Tahira Taleghani (daughter of the deceased Ayatollah Taleghani) emphasizing that the compulsory hijab violates women’s freedom and dignity. Even some members of parliament have opposed the plan, recognizing its illegality and futility.

Despite the regime’s efforts to suppress dissent through plainclothes police, facial recognition cameras, and security charges, the will of the majority of Iranians remains unbroken. The Noor Plan has only exacerbated social tensions and crises, deepening the chasm between the people and the government.

In reality, the street belongs to the citizens. Women and girls, as half of Iranian society, demand their share of public space and safety. They seek a secure environment where their human rights, including voluntary hijab, gender equality, and social justice, are respected and protected by the government’s political will. Today, the street has become a platform for women’s agency, as they creatively and innovatively assert their presence, multiplying courage and planting seeds of hope in hearts.

As Arundhati Roy remind us, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

Elahe Amani is Chair, Women’s Intercultural Network; board member, National Association for Community Mediation, Emerita, California State University; and editor of the women’s section of the monthly journal, Peace Mark, a publication of the Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRA).
Summer of Resistance: Heating up Political Mobilization from Turtle Island to Palestine
June 26, 2024
Source: Originally published by Z. Feel free to share widely.

Over half a century ago, the long hot summer of ‘67 and “Summer of Love” struck twin cornerstones of the American socio-political structure. 2020’s summer saw its own popular mobilization across class and country following the police murder of George Floyd. Only a year ago, the Writer Guild and labor unions across the US rippled summer-autumn in a wave of strikes concomitant with Atlanta’s collection of 115,000 signatures for its referendum to Stop Cop City.

2024 shows definite signs of joining the national legacy of seasonal spikes in political engagement and motion. This summer opened with the surge of pro-Palestinian encampments and walkouts at 80+ American universities, including UGA in late April, in 45 states. This wave followed seven months of American tax dollars and munitions funneling into the latest Israeli campaign in Gaza – with the Palestinian death toll currently estimated at over 37,000, at least two-thirds women and children. Echoing the rallying call from Atlanta, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights declared the coming months a Summer of Resistance aiming to stop arming Israel and stop the epidemic of militarized police training facility projects in Georgia and other states.

This broad invitation “from Turtle Island to Palestine” to mobilize for a free Palestine comes in tandem with the announcement last month from Georgia community leaders of Atlanta’s #SummerOfResistance beginning Juneteenth at Gresham Park and set to conclude in September. Planned events include teach-ins, trainings, mutual aid, music, art, and yes, plenty of rallies.

The Free Palestine and Stop Cop City movements have frequently combined forces for almost a year now. Block Cop City last November incorporated several chants for a Free Palestine from the river to the sea in its march on the Weelaunee construction site; rallies in front of Governor Kemp’s mansion have done the same. A major unifying thread between the two movements emerged in the form of the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) Program, partnered with the IDF since 1992 to train Georgia (and over a dozen other states’) police chiefs and sheriffs on tactics honed in militarized police forces. And even before GILEE and Atlanta’s most recent fronts in activism arose, organizers have long recognized the two pronged history of Black as well as Palestinian and Arabic folks’ struggles from Gaza to the states (see Angela Davis’ Freedom is a Constant Struggle (2016), in particular, the Palestinian activists who identified Ferguson police using the same tear gas and military-grade equipment on Black populations that the IDF uses on Gazans).

The summer months have been baking Georgia for weeks now, and many of us have a little extra time on our hands, whether in the form of summer break, PTO from our careers and gigs, or plain unabashedly lazy weekends. And that’s okay. But whether you’re a student caught in the lacuna between classes or a cog working your butt off in the machine six days a week, you have enough time this summer to educate yourself, educate others, and walk with the folks putting their present and futures on the line to stop an extended ongoing US-prepaid massacre in the almighty name of petroleum dollars (see Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle (1983) and Pappé’s On Palestine (2015)). Several events are on Atlanta’s docket for a summer with eyes on Cop City and Gaza, including a fatefully – if not peculiarly – placed presidential debate on June 27th. The south is no stranger to resistance, particularly in these long hot Anthropocenic summers.

Free Palestine! Free the ATL 61!

ZNetwork is funded solely through the generosity of its readers.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Israel Lobby vs a Pro-Palestine Socialist in Brooklyn



In a Brooklyn state house race, pro-Palestine socialist Eon Huntley is challenging incumbent Stefani Zinerman. Zinerman is receiving funding from a pro-Israel PAC as well as rich donors like the Walmart heir — money that she is calling “reparations.”

Eon Tyrell Huntley is running to represent New York State Assembly District 56 in Bed-Stuy and Crown Heights. (Eon for Assembly)

Is “Palestine on the ballot” in a race for New York State Assembly in Central Brooklyn’s 56th District? Challenger Eon Huntley clearly thinks so. As for incumbent Democrat Stefani Zinerman’s view of the slaughter in Gaza, that depends on who you ask.

Backed by New York City’s chapter of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and closely tied to Jabari Brisport, the area’s state senator and a DSA leader, Huntley’s campaign poses a threat to the Brooklyn Democratic Party old guard. Hakeem Jeffries and Tish James are trying to circle the wagons behind Zinerman, a former aide to longtime state senator Velmanette Montgomery, Brisport’s predecessor.

Zinerman, as reported by New York Focus, is one of nine candidates receiving funding from Solidarity PAC, a pro-Israel group that publishes a “Wall of Shame” that disparages elected officials critical of Israel.

Late last week, Public Advocate Jumaane Williams announced his somewhat unexpected endorsement of Zinerman. Unlike Jeffries and James, Williams has been a vocal supporter of a cease-fire in Gaza.

In a statement, Williams cited Zinerman’s “experience and leadership as a Black woman representing Central Brooklyn.” Regarding Gaza, Williams explains that “I am also glad that Zinerman has called for a ceasefire, which is immediately needed to end this violence.”

Zinerman’s position on the Palestine crisis may be news to many voters, since it can’t be found via any simple Google search. Her campaign also does not have an active website.

“We haven’t seen any evidence that the assemblywoman supports a cease-fire,” Huntley says. “My record is clear,” he adds, citing his participation in several peace protests and Palestine solidarity teach-ins held in his campaign office.

“That’s the first I’ve heard of it,” Brisport says regarding Williams’s description of Zinerman’s position.

Zinerman did not respond to our requests for comment.

Huntley and Brisport stress that Zinerman has not signed on to the “Not on Our Dime!” legislation that prohibits New York nonprofits from funding settlements in the occupied territories. DSA’s Zohran Mamdani is the lead sponsor in the Assembly, with Brisport at the forefront in the State Senate.

Other DSA legislators, including Brooklyn’s Phara Souffrant Forrest and Julia Salazar, are cosponsors. So is State Senator Robert Jackson, a veteran Harlem Democrat. But the Democratic Party leadership is not yet on board.

“It would be a meaningful expression of support for Zinerman to cosponsor Not on Our Dime,” says Huntley, although he is not holding his breath.

In addition to the pro-Israel PAC funding, Zinerman has received four-figure contributions from Emma Bloomberg, the former mayor’s daughter, as well as Walmart heir Jim Walton (a Koch brothers ally) and various Wall Street players.

Zinerman raised eyebrows by telling Politico last week that “Everyone is spending money on the district, so as far as I’m concerned it’s reparations.”

“That is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard in my life,” says Brisport. “It degrades the concept of reparations.”

“People tell themselves anything when they are taking money from the same forces that are initiating displacement in our neighborhood,” observes Huntley. “I would never be so flippant about resources that are only benefiting me.”

Asked whether he agrees with Zinerman’s “reparations” comment, Williams opted not to respond.

Money clearly talks in the current Democratic primary. On June 25, we’ll find out what walks.Republished from The Indypendent.

Theodore Hamm is chair of journalism and new media studies at St Joseph’s College in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. His book, Bernie’s Brooklyn: How Growing Up in the New Deal City Shaped Bernie Sanders’ Politics is now available from O/R Books.
Movement Lessons from Climbers With Palestine’s Yosemite Banner Hang

“Oh, you don’t know how to organize a sit-in at an Israeli consulate? No problem. What do you know how to do? Do that thing, but for Palestine.”
June 26, 2024
Source: Convergence

Earlier last week, a group of seasoned rock climbers calling themselves “Climbers With Palestine” scaled the 3,000-foot wall of the iconic El Capitan granite monolith in Yosemite National Park (on the ancestral lands of the Mewuk people) to unfurl a massive banner reading “Stop the Genocide.”

The June 17 action, coordinated by Palestinian and Jewish climbers, among others, demanded an end to the US-backed genocide in Gaza and to Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestine. The action quickly went viral on social media and received significant coverage in both climbing and mainstream press.

The route up “El Cap” (as it is affectionately known in the climbing community) is daunting and arduous. World-class climbers travel from around the world and some spend years training to test their skills on this climb. Climbing “big walls” like El Cap involves hauling hundreds of pounds of rope, equipment, food, and water up a sheer rock face, and sleeping for multiple nights on the wall itself on ledges or portaledges (portable cots that attach to otherwise sheer vertical faces).

Spending several days on the ground in Yosemite supporting this action, I was reminded of an important principle of movement building. For our social movements to win, we need both escalating direct actions that create real economic, political, and social consequences for those committing, financing, and sanctioning genocide (which, due to the secrecy and stakes of those actions, often entail a limited number of people) and we need hundreds of thousands of people organizing the communities that they already belong to and leveraging the skills that they already have.

Start where you are

Increasingly bold and disruptive actions for a permanent ceasefire and a free Palestine in which we’ve taken over or shut down highways and bridges, state capitals and federal buildings, Israeli consulates and weapons manufacturers, may make it feel like the only way to get involved is through high-stakes, technical actions or mass mobilizations in the streets. Both are absolutely critical, but the high-stakes actions are often not publicly announced and marching and chanting while holding a sign simply isn’t for everyone. As a result, many people horrified by the genocide want to take action but don’t know where, when, or how to do so.

What then is to be done? As one friend recently joked, “Oh, you don’t know how to organize a sit-in at an Israeli consulate? No problem. What do you know how to do? Do that thing, but for Palestine.”

Climbers With Palestine’s epic banner hang in Yosemite is just one example of that idea, but it offers us three important lessons about growing our movement ranks:Organize in the communities you’re part of, where you live, and around the multiple diverse identities that matter to you and make you a whole person (e.g. parent, teacher, student, health care worker, midwife, elder, artist, union member, soccer coach, etc.);
Leverage the skills that you have (e.g. climbing, construction, art-making, cooking, growing food, conflict resolution, writing, speaking, event planning, etc.) to take strategic action to advance the movement to end the genocide; and
Build relationships with others who can support you with the technical expertise you’ll need to make your action or efforts successful (e.g. legal advice, media lists, sound equipment, documentation, help with safety and de-escalation, etc.).

For Climbers With Palestine, it all started with two climbers who noticed each other posting about Palestine. The group held events in key climbing strongholds like Bishop, Joshua Tree, and Yosemite National Park to educate climbers and build support. At those gatherings, they screened the film “Resistance Climbing,” held Zoom Q & A’s with climbers in the West Bank, and raised funds for organizations like the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund and Doctors Without Borders.

Having first done that education and built that support in prior months, Climbers With Palestine then felt ready to take bolder action on El Cap. Their escalation paid off in two important ways.

First, with the action going viral, the entire climbing world is talking about Palestine. Climbing communities are now abuzz with climbers asking how to learn more about what is happening in Gaza, how to educate more climbers where they are already (e.g. gyms, national parks, online forums, etc.), how to continue to build with climbers in Palestine, and how to leverage our climbing, rigging, and anchor-building skills to support direct actions.

Secondly, because the banner was also visible from the Yosemite Valley floor, it was seen by thousands of tourists from around the world who pass through the park daily, many of whom viewed the banner through binoculars pointed up at the rock provided by the park’s “Ask a Climber” station.

One key reason that their action was so wildly successful is because Climbers With Palestine did what they knew so well and then called on others who had expertise in areas they did not. For instance, they asked friends with more experience in direct action to make the banner, provide legal advice, write press releases, make pitch calls, do social media, and document the action.
Create your opportunity

Just to be clear: you don’t need to be able to scale a 3,000-foot granite wall! Rather, Climbers With Palestine is just one example among hundreds of efforts in which people who don’t necessarily consider themselves “activists” are nonetheless organizing their “sector of society” to stop a genocide.

Parents have organized Palestine story hours and chalk-ins. Teachers have developed ceasefire curricula. Artists, musicians, DJs, comics, and other cultural workers are making the movement irresistible, and calling on art institutions to back the call for a free Palestine. Medical workers are speaking out against the bombing of hospitals. Healers and counselors are offering their skills to activists traumatized by police violence. Kayakers are blocking oil tankers with ties to Palestine. Chefs, farmers, and other workers in the food, beverage, and hospitality industries are providing food to the movement, lifting up Palestinian cuisine against cooptation and erasure, and boycotting Israeli goods.

In other words, don’t wait for an invite to the kind of genocide-fighting action that speaks to you. Create it, then invite your people.

Who are you? What communities do you belong to? What skills do you have to leverage in service of stopping the genocide? What do you genuinely love doing together with other people you have trusting relationships with? Could you do that same thing in a way that would lift up the call for a free Palestine or move resources to communities doing that work?

Climbers With Palestine is just one example of this principle in action (and actually, only one of many formations of climbers supporting Palestine, such as Climb the Wall), but here are some of their members in their own words explaining how they organized within their communities while doing the thing they love:

Miranda Oakley

Miranda Oakley, Palestinian American professional climber, guide, and co-founder of Climbers With Palestine, carries her climbing haul bag, rope, and helmet back from the base of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park after the banner hang. Oakley is the first woman to rope solo El Cap in a single day. She has traveled to Palestine to climb with Palestinian climbers there.Brooke Anderson

“I hope that other climbers feel emboldened or inspired to speak out for the causes they believe in, especially about Palestine because I know it can be an intimidating subject to talk about. I also hope that our friends in Palestine feel the love and solidarity that we’re trying to send them. We’ve been doing some interviews on Zoom with Palestinian climbers, which was really cool to share with our climbing communities in the US. This genocide in Gaza has been hard on them, and there have been a lot arrests in the West Bank for speaking out. I’m speaking out here today because I can, and I know there are a lot of people who can’t. We went up El Cap because that’s something we can do. Even though there are risks in climbing, I honestly felt safer flying a banner up there than I would have down here on the ground. Since we’re all skilled in climbing, it’s something we could do to share our message. Now we’re asking folks to do what they can do. Obviously, not everyone can climb a wall. If you can, great. If you can’t, you can call your representative, boycott Israeli products, and talk to friends and family about it.”

Alix Morris

Alix Morris, co-founder of Climbers With Palestine and a former Yosemite Search and Rescue team member, sorts climbing gear in El Cap Meadow at the base of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park as the sun goes down on the eve of their ascent of El Capitan.Brooke Anderson

“I’m doing this because I care about our shared humanity, about people suffering, and about the unnecessary bloodshed in retaliation for the October 7 attack. It is really heartbreaking. It didn’t need to happen. I’m honestly surprised that more climbers haven’t used El Cap as a way to protest atrocities in the world. Why aren’t more climbers politically active? For me, based on my experience with El Cap—I’ve climbed it 27 times now—it is so natural to say ‘I have this skill set. I love this wall. I love Yosemite. I care so much about human rights. It’s a great way to blend the two.’ I wish other climbers could use their skills for the things that they believe in. I hope that climbers that see [the banner] on social media think more about [the genocide], have more conversations about it. We’ve all lost people close to us, especially climbers and those of us who’ve worked Search and Rescue, but the decimation of families in Gaza by the Israeli government, with US backing, is creating unfathomable suffering and is entirely preventable. It has to stop.”

Emily Meg Weinstein

Emily Meg Weinstein, a Jewish American climber and co-founder of Climbers With Palestine, on the ground at the base of El Cap in Yosemite National Park. Weinstein is a longtime climber who led the El Cap banner ground support and press team. Her debut memoir, Turn to Stone, is forthcoming from Simon Element in 2025.Brooke Anderson

“Climbers are known for being apolitical, but I don’t think that’s true. Climbers have a deep ethical and moral sensibility, as well as a spiritual connection to nature and all living things. Climbing as a sport—and our community as a whole—is all about protecting and even saving each other’s lives.

I’ve always loved how climbing instills and develops a warrior mindset, but a nonviolent one. The way those values are built into the climbing ethos and community creates an almost innate moral imperative to act to help others and protect life. That’s already in our blood as climbers. It warms my heart to see this community that we all rely on for so much love and connection reaching out across the world to do what climbers do, which is take bold action to protect each other. It also means a lot to me to speak up as a Jew, because at the bedrock of my Jewish identity is a deep love and respect for all life. Our toast is “l’chaim”—to life. There is an ancient idea that we Jews are meant to live in diaspora, in communities all over the world, so we can be “a light unto the nations.” We have been wanderers for millennia, and we have always been a multiracial, multiethnic, multinational community that has thrived wherever we have lived in freedom and safety, just as our Palestinian siblings once did, and shall again. My direct ancestors escaped and survived the genocidal violence of the Holocaust, as well as centuries of genocidal pogroms before that, at the hands (and hatchets and swords) of white Christian nationalists in the borderlands of Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus. But many more of my ancestors were martyred in those catastrophes. I honor the ancestors who gifted me my own life by being a light unto my own nation, and I honor our own martyred dead by standing up and speaking out for the living and the beloved in Palestine, who are just as much my blood as any Jew or gentile, and whose lives matter just as much as mine. There is nothing about Israel and America’s genocide against the Palestinian people that serves my Jewish light, life, or freedom, and anyone who claims otherwise tells a murderous lie. It is my mission as a Jew, an American, a writer, and a climber to use every skill and breath I have to fight until Palestine is free, from the river to the sea.”

Arjunia & George Oakley

Miranda Oakley’s parents, Arjunia (left) and George (right) Oakley, sit in the El Cap Meadow in Yosemite National Park as they watch Miranda deploy the “Stop the Genocide” banner. Brooke Anderson

Arjunia: “My family is from Ramallah, Palestine and we trace our family back 500 years to Ramallah. My parents immigrated in the 1950s. My parents had actually been in Jaffa in 1948 during the Nakba [what Palestinians call the great catastrophe, when they were forcibly displaced from their homes]. They had a life and a business there, but were forced out so they went back to Ramallah with hundreds of thousands of other people. They had a home there, but after ‘48 there was no opportunity, so we got refugee status and came to the U.S. by boat when I was just two years old. [The genocide] has been so horrible to watch, like a dark cloud. I worry about Miranda up there. I mean, I know she’s a good climber, but today she also has to haul that big banner. But mostly I’m just really proud of her, her passion for social justice and for Palestine.”

George: “When I was watching her climb, I knew she’d done the climb many times, including solo, it was unnerving to see how big [the rock] is and how small she is. But I’m really proud to see her take her passion and put it toward something that needs the message to get out.”

You can follow Climbers With Palestine on Instagram at @ClimbersWithPalestine.