Sunday, July 07, 2024

An Ancient Empire – Its Propaganda and Modern Parallels

Some 2700 years ago, a young king began his reign in Assyria. At the time, it was the world's greatest empire and the Assyrians had reached that peak through sheer brutality.

JULY 5, 2024

Some 2700 years ago, a young king began his reign in Assyria.  At the time, it was the world’s greatest empire and the Assyrians had reached that peak through sheer brutality … although that appeared to be not unusual for those days. 

The Assyrians lived in that part of what is now northern Iraq as among the earliest peoples of the region.  As loose-knit tribes, they were not yet a political force although that was to change.  It took a forceful ruler to coalesce them into a power capable of challenging their traditional rivals and antagonists, the Babylonians.  That ruler was Sargon II who ruled from 721 – 705 B.C.  He built a walled city with massive defensive walls (100 feet high and 100 feet wide), and a 20 ton winged bull with a human head stood as guardian at one of the gates.

It was the Assyrian deity — worshiped and revered — and the city it guarded was Dur-Sharrukin.  Intended by its builder to be the greatest city the world had ever known, the effort did not last — for Sargon II was shortly to die in battle, and his son Sennacherib who succeeded him abandoned the project. 

Susceptible to the building genes inherited from his father, the son soon undertook an even vaster enterprise.  His city, Nineveh, described in the Old Testament as a place of indulgence and avarice, was (according to Greek and Roman sources) of unparalleled size and riches.  The Assyrians had prospered, and in 701 B.C. when they campaigned against the Biblical Kingdom of Judah, it became an event to be related in the Bible.

They are described as being brutal:  a rebellion against them would usually lead to severe reprisals — the execution of military leaders might be understandable but they would burn down the rebellious city and transfer out the whole population — an action reminiscent of Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union.  Does the history of the world have a way of repeating itself?   

Assyrian engineering feats remain a marvel for they brought water down from the river to the city through deep covered channels, so it remained cool, for the inhabitants.  Nineveh was packed with people archeologists have ascertained, and in the kind of heat Iraq experiences water was vital. 

Sennacherib’s son Ashurbanipal ruled for 38 years, extending the empire in all directions and keeping the Babylonians at bay.  Reliefs of him show the practice of manly arts like fighting a lion so the public could remain in awe.  The propaganda arts it turns out  — are not new or confined to Hitler or Stalin and other modern leaders. 

Even Biden’s team is busy whitewashing his shockingly wooden debate performance ascribing it to jet lag, or the onset of flu, etc.  And the other candidate, Donald Trump, appears to follow in Goebel’s footsteps in repeating his slogans often enough …. that they begin to be the ‘truth’. 

One almost wishes Biden would wrestle a lion (like an Assyrian king in one relief) or Trump an alligator to bring life to a dead election.  Perhaps that is not fair as the party conventions have yet to be held. But then the candidates are already picked …. yawn! 

Dr. Arshad M. Khan
Dr. Arshad M. Khan
Dr. Arshad M. Khan is a former Professor based in the US. Educated at King's College London, OSU and The University of Chicago, he has a multidisciplinary background that has frequently informed his research. Thus he headed the analysis of an innovation survey of Norway, and his work on SMEs published in major journals has been widely cited. He has for several decades also written for the press: These articles and occasional comments have appeared in print media such as The Dallas Morning News, Dawn (Pakistan), The Fort Worth Star Telegram, The Monitor, The Wall Street Journal and others. On the internet, he has written for, Asia Times, Common Dreams, Counterpunch, Countercurrents, Dissident Voice, Eurasia Review and Modern Diplomacy among many. His work has been quoted in the U.S. Congress and published in its Congressional Record.


3,000-Year-Old Lost Anatolian language ‘Kalašma’ deciphered

In 2023 excavation site at the foot of Ambarlikaya in Boğazköy-Hattusha in Turkey, a cuneiform tablet with a previously unknown Indo-European language was discovered. The newly-discovered language, Kalašma, belongs to the Anatolian-Indo-European languages family.

Based in central Anatolia, Türkiye, and with Hattuša as its capital, the Hittite Kingdom and later Empire is acknowledged as one of the principal Old World empires of the Eastern Mediterranean and Near East between 1650 and 1200 BCE from both rich archaeological remains and textual sources.

The tablet contains an introduction stating that a ritual expert conjures in (the language of) Kalašma.The Hittite ritual text refers to the new idiom as the language of the land of Kalašma. This is an area on the north-western edge of the Hittite heartland, probably in the area of present-day Bolu or Gerede.

“These texts show that Anatolia was a multilingual and multicultural place in 2000 BC,” says Prof. Andreas Schachner, head of excavations at Hattuša.

The tablets, written in Kalašma, a language similar to the Luwian used by the Luwians who lived in southern Anatolia and about whom little is known, contain texts on daily life and celebrations.

The 174 tablets containing the Kalašma language were deciphered in a study conducted by Prof. Dr. Daniel Schwemer from the Department of Near Eastern Languages at the University of Worzburg in Germany and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin Alparslan from the Department of Hittitology at Istanbul University.

“All texts under the responsibility of the German excavation team have been published,” Schacher said.

Prof. Dr. Schachner said, “Professor Daniel Schwemer, head of the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg in Germany, is working on the cuneiform finds from the excavation. He converted it from cuneiform to the Latin alphabet. Then linguistics experts Professor Elisabet Rieken and Assoc. Prof. Ilya Yakubovitich from the University of Marburg analyzed and deciphered the texts. It was a team effort.”

Professor Schachner said that there was no new alphabet in the Kalašma tablets, emphasizing that the cuneiform system, well known to the Hittites and taken from Mesopotamia, was used for writing.

The discovery of another language in the Boğazköy-Hattusha archives is not entirely unexpected, as Daniel Schwemer explains: “The Hittites were uniquely interested in recording rituals in foreign languages.”

Such ritual texts, written by scribes of the Hittite king reflect various Anatolian, Syrian, and Mesopotamian traditions and linguistic milieus. The rituals provide valuable glimpses into the little known linguistic landscapes of Late Bronze Age Anatolia, where not just Hittite was spoken. Thus cuneiform texts from Boğazköy-Hattusha include passages in Luwian and Palaic, two other Anatolian-Indo-European languages closely related to Hittite, as well as Hattic, a non-Indo-European language. Now the language of Kalasma added to these.

Professor Schachner said: “The content of the tablets does not actually convey very important information, but thanks to these texts we learn that Anatolia was a multilingual and multicultural region in 2000 BC. People knew and used at least a few of these languages. The Hittite view of the gods of another region is also confirmed by this text, because they included the gods of the conquered region into their system and worshipped them. In this way, they tried to bind those regions to themselves. These texts were written in this language so that they could pay their respects to the god they brought from Kalašma in a language they could understand. According to Hittite logic, that god would not understand the Hittite language.”

The work ‘Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi (Cuneiform Texts from Boghazköi)’, written by Prof. Dr. Schwemer on the decipherment of 174 tablets, is now available digitally. The final publication of the texts will take place in the coming days. Starting in November, the Kalašma texts will be published.

Long-Lost Home of 'King Pompey' May Have Been Found in New England

By Aristos Georgiou
Science and Health Reporter

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of what they believe was the 18th century home of "King Pompey"—an enslaved African who later won his freedom—in New England

Researchers identified the likely location of the homestead on the banks of the Saugus River in Massachusetts, where the man, named Pompey Mansfield, lived with his wife Phylis (or possibly named Phebe) more than 260 years ago.

Historical sources indicate that Mansfield was a prominent figure in the Black community who bought land and built a stone house in Lynn, Massachusetts, becoming one of the first Black property owners in colonial New England. At his home, Mansfield hosted free and enslaved Blacks from the region during an event known as "Black Election Day."

"King Pompey was an esteemed leader in the Black community but his home and property have always been a mystery," Kabria Baumgartner, Dean's Associate Professor of History and Africana Studies at Northeastern University, who was involved in the investigations, said in a press release.
Archaeologists at the dig site of what is believed to be the home of King Pompey. The location of his 18th century home had been lost. 

"I spend a lot of time in archives looking at written materials so to be on site and see this revealed has been exciting," she said.

To find the location of the home, a team of archaeologists from Northeastern and the University of New Hampshire spent months examining public documents, deeds and genealogical records. They also compared historical maps with contemporary topographic maps, cross-referencing them with probate records and historical newspapers to identify specific landmarks and narrow down the search area.

At one promising location on the banks of the river, the team began excavating and unearthed foundations that matched the documentation they had reviewed.

"The big find was the handmade pebble foundation without quarry rock," Meghan Howey, Professor of Anthropology and Director of the University of New Hampshire's Center for the Humanities, said in the press release. "That showed determination and ingenuity. And then the compelling match of the historical descriptions, the bend in the river, marshy meadow, oak trees.

READ MORE Archaeology

"We are thrilled. I'm extremely confident this is a foundation from the 1700s and everything that points to this being the home of King Pompey is very compelling."

The title of "King" was bestowed on Mansfield at an annual event known as "Black Election Day."

At the event, attendees voted for and crowned a "king" who would then be expected to deal with important matters in the local Black community. The event, held on the same day that white men voted for their leaders, involved dancing and singing based on West African traditions. Similar events took place in other locations across New England and the rest of the country.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Foreign Secretary Lammy commits to diplomatic moves for a  Gaza ceasefire and hostage release 

In his first words as Labour foreign secretary David Lammy promised 'tireless diplomacy' towards resolving Middle East crisis

By LEE HARPIN July 6, 2024, 

David Lammy speaks from the foreign office

New foreign secretary David Lammy has promised to work with “tireless diplomacy” to bring about a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of the hostages still held captive by Hamas.

Outlining his position from the foreign office, Lammy said:””All of us recognise the agony of communities who have seen the scenes coming out of Israel and Gaza.

“But the job now is to get to work with tireless diplomacy to support an immediate ceasefire and move towards getting those hostages out.”

Lammy, who replaced Conservative David Cameron as foreign secretary, added that he will “do all I can diplomatically” to support US President Joe Biden’s efforts to secure the ceasefire.

The Tottenham MP, who has spoken at Labour Friends of Israel receptions in the past, was confirmed as foreign secretary by priome minister Keir Starmer on Friday.

A Labour government is expected to attempt to take a more assertive role in pushing for international efforts to boost the chances of talks between Israel and Palestinians on steps for a two state solution.

This scenario currently seems further away than ever as conflict continues in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.

Starmer has previously spoken of Labour’s “moral” duty to attempt to intervene in pushing for peace efforts.

Lammy is also known to be supportive to listening to the the views of the communal adcvocacy group Yachad alongside LFI, as well as seeking the viewpoint of Palestinian organisations seeking a peaceful resoluion to the conlfict with Israel.
Mystery as Black Rings Spotted In Sky Over Berlin

 Jul 05, 2024 

A video of three strange black rings of smoke hovering over the German capital on Wednesday has gone viral on social media, sparking a range of questions and possible answers on X/Twitter.

A Berlin news Instagram account @dasistberlinbitch posted the footage with several clips of the rings on Thursday that has so far been viewed more than 600,000 times. It shows the thick black rings over the north of the city from several angles.

The account captioned the video (translated): "So either aliens now want to go to Berghain [a famous nightclub] or God is smoking shisha."

German tabloid B.Z. Berlin posted on X (translated) "What was that on Wednesday evening in the north of Berlin? Several black rings were visible in the sky above the #Hauptstadt . The internet is speculating."

Speculation among social media users ranged from circular flocks of birds, to a government trick, to aliens, with some even suggesting that it was sign of assurance from Bob Marley in heaven.

However, one user @030josef had the most rational solution, suggesting it was the result of pyrotechnics. "Caused by industrial processes or explosions that release soot and exhaust gases into the air," he said. "Fireworks and pyrotechnic shows also often produce such effects"

He suggested that the ring may have been caused at a rehearsal by rock band Rammstein, who are famed for their pyrotechnics.

This theory was corroborated on X by user @Joachim36911 who posted a photo of a fireball between houses, causing the black smoke ring to rise. "It is unclear whether the place of origin is the premises of an event technician" he said.

Similar phenomena have been witnessed multiple times across the world.

In 2023, a similar ring over Moscow was seen hovering before briefly rising higher in the sky. In 2014, according to a BBC report, a smoke ring was observed near Warwick Castle in England. It hovered in the sky for approximately three minutes and was captured by a 16-year-old girl on her smartphone. It was later revealed to be a result of fireworks testing.

A black smoke ring in the sky caused by an explosion at an air show in Wanaka New Zealand, 2006. A similar ring was seen over Berlin this week. ROSS LAND/GETTY IMAGES

A similar incident in Pakistan also caused a stir in 2020, according to reports. A thin black ring was seen in the skies of Lahore, Pakistan, causing concern online, according to The Sun.

Despite the concerns, the report highlighted many of the plausible explanations. An industrial fault on the ground like an electrical transformer blowing up could create the effect. That report also noted that the black ring could also be caused by the use of fireworks.

US nuclear missile program costs soar to around $160 billion

US nuclear missile program costs soar to around $160 billion

TEHRAN, Jul. 06 (MNA) – The costs of a US nuclear missile development program have gone above what was estimated, reaching around $160 billion, according to a report.

Reuters quoted three sources familiar with the cost of an Air Force program aimed to replace America’s aging nuclear missiles that the price tag for the project has risen from $95.8 billion to about $160 billion.

The new project, named the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program, is designed and managed by the Virginia-based leading provider of manned air systems, Northrop Grumman Corp.

Both Northrop Grumman and the Pentagon declined to comment on the last figure.

However, the Pentagon said a new estimate of the cost of the project will be released around Tuesday.

US Air Force’s top brass insist the project is crucial for maintaining the United States’ global military deterrent.

US arms manufacturers have been asked to advise the Pentagon on the costs of a service life extension program for the existing inventory of Minuteman III missiles, according to documents seen by Reuters.

Two of the sources familiar with the matter said the increased costs are putting pressure on other Air Force priorities such as the Next Generation Air Dominance fighter jet program.

Hypersonic weapons development, various space initiatives such as Star Wars, and the manufacture of the new B-21 Raider stealth bomber capable of carrying a nuclear payload could be affected by the increased costs, according to the sources.

Hundreds of millions of dollars of the US military budget are allocated to sending weapons to Ukraine and Israel and pushing back against China’s plans in the Indo-Pacific region.


Drones, satellites and helicopters: China battles Dongting dike breach

Gong Zhe

An aerial photo of the breached dike, Huarong County, central China's Hunan Province, July 6, 2024. /CFP

China is deploying advanced technology to combat the Dongting Lake dike breach. Drones, satellites and helicopters were deployed on Saturday to gain control of the situation.

Over 1,400 personnel from the National Comprehensive Fire and Rescue Team have rushed to the forefront, according to state flood and emergency response coordinators. While primarily a firefighting force, the team is also trained and equipped for other emergencies, like floods.

The China National Engineering and Construction Corporation, also known as China Anneng, dispatched an additional 350 rescuers and 98 pieces of critical equipment.

To maintain the communication network, state rescue authorities deployed two compound-wing drones to Huarong County, the region most affected by the breach.

Anneng is also leveraging satellites to map the area and monitor the situation.

Additionally, an Mi-171 and an H125 helicopter have arrived at the scene and are preparing for tasks like aerial reconnaissance and transportation.

On the water, the "Changsha" emergency response ship is also helping with pile driving to reinforce the breached area and stone placement to mitigate further erosion.
'Jewel Thief' Bolsonaro among 12 indicted for alleged embezzlement in Brazil

Brett Wilkins, 
Common Dreams
July 6, 2024

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro AFP

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's legal woes increased dramatically Thursday as he and 11 others were indicted for embezzlement and other crimes in connection with the alleged misappropriation of diamond jewelry and other state property received as gifts from the Saudi and Bahraini monarchies during the right-wing leader's presidential tenure.

Carta Capital reported that Brazil's Federal Police indicted Bolsonaro with embezzlement, money laundering, and criminal association. If convicted on all counts, he faces up to 25 years in prison. Bolsonaro maintains his innocence.

Eleven other people were also indicted in the case, including former Mines and Energy Minister Bento Albuquerque and former Bolsonaro personal aide Lt. Col. Mauro Cid. The office of Brazilian Attorney General Jorge Messias must now decide whether to proceed with a federal case against the indicted individuals.

According to authorities, Bolsonaro failed to properly register high-value gifts from the Saudi and Bahraini governments near the end of his presidential term. Those items were later sold in the United States by the president's associates.

While visiting Saudi Arabia in October 2019, the Saudi monarchy gifted Bolsonaro a white gold kit containing a diamond-encrusted Rolex watch. This and another luxury Swiss watch—a Patek Philippe—were later allegedly sold in a mall in Pennsylvania.

This diamond-encrusted Rolex watch (left) is part of the white gold kit (right) that was allegedly sold by Bolsonaro associates in the United States. (Photo: Brazilian Federal Police)

On an October 2021 trip to Saudi Arabia, Albuquerque received a gold rosé kit with a watch, cuff links, pen, ring, and an Islamic rosary made by Chopard and failed to properly report the gift upon returning to Brazil. Investigators say the kit was then taken aboard an official flight on which Bolsonaro was a passenger and subsequently sold at a New York auction.

Proceeds from the sale of the undeclared goods—which investigators say totaled more than $1 million—were pocketed by the indicted individuals.

Army Gen. Mauro Lourena Cid—the father of Lt. Col. Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro's personal aide—allegedly kept some jewelry and sculptures received by Bolsonaro at the end of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce Business Seminar in Manama, Bahrain in November 2021

This photo shows some of the diamond jewelry cited in the Brazilian Federal Police indictment of former President Jair Bolsonaro and 11 others.(Photo: Brazilian Federal Police)

Police recommended criminally charging the younger Cid, who signed a plea deal. Cid's lawyer claimed his client was following orders from Bolsonaro—an allegation the ex-president denies.

O Globoreported Bolsonaro allegedly stored 175 boxes containing numerous gifts at a property owned by former Formula One racer Nelson Piquet. While some of the gifts were determined to be the president's rightful property, other items given to Bolsonaro while he served in his official presidential capacity are legally owned by the state.

This is the second set of federal criminal charges for Bolsonaro, who in March was federally charged with allegedly falsifying his Covid-19 vaccination data and criminal association in a case that could result in a prison sentence of 12-16-years if he is fully convicted.

Bolsonaro—who denies any wrongdoing—is also banned from seeking any political office for eight years due to his alleged abuse of power related to baseless claims of fraud in the 2022 presidential election.

A 2023 Brazilian congressional inquiry also found that Bolsonaro was the "intellectual and moral author of a coup movement" that culminated in the January 8, 2023 attacks on government buildings, and he and scores of his supporters should be criminally indicted for their "willful coup attempt."

Bolsonaro's autocratic actions have been compared to those of former U.S. President Donald Trump, long ago earning him the nickname "Trump of the Tropics." Bolsonaro sought refuge in the United States following the January 2023 attacks and the inauguration of leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who defeated him in the runoff round of the 2022 presidential election.

"Bolsonaro the Jewel Thief" trended on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, following Thursday's indictments.

"Today is a great day for people who believe in justice," said one Socialism and Liberty city councilwoman in Belo Horizonte.


As The Dalai Lama Turns 89, Exiled Tibetans Fear A Future Without Him

In a monastery beneath snow-capped mountains in northern India, the Buddhist monk entrusted with protecting the Dalai Lama and foretelling his people’s future is concerned.

The Dalai Lama turns 89 on Saturday and China insists it will choose his successor as Tibet’s chief spiritual leader. That has the Medium of Tibet’s Chief State Oracle contemplating what might come next.

“His Holiness is the fourteenth Dalai Lama, then there will be a fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth,” the medium, known as the Nechung, said. “In countries, leaders change, and then that story is over. But in Tibet it works differently.”

Tibetan Buddhists believe that learned monastics are reincarnated after death as newborns. The Dalai Lama, who is currently recuperating in the United States from a medical procedure, has said he will clarify questions about succession – including if and where he will be reincarnated – around his ninetieth birthday. As part of a reincarnation identification process, the medium will enter a trance to consult the oracle.

The incumbent Dalai Lama is a charismatic figure who popularised Buddhism internationally and won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for keeping alive the Tibetan cause in exile. Beijing sees him as a dangerous separatist, though he has embraced what he calls a “Middle Way” of peacefully seeking genuine autonomy and religious freedom within China.

Any successor will be inexperienced and unknown on the global stage. That has sparked concerns about whether the movement will lose momentum or grow more radical amid heightened tensions between Beijing and Washington, long a source of bipartisan support for the Central Tibetan Administration, Tibet’s government-in-exile.

The CTA and its partners in the West as well as India, which has hosted the Dalai Lama in the Himalayan foothills for more than six decades, are preparing for a future without his influential presence.

U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to soon sign a bill that requires the State Department to counter what it calls Chinese “disinformation” that Tibet, which was annexed by the People’s Republic of China in 1951, has been part of China since ancient times.

“China wants recognition that Tibet has been part of China … throughout history, and this bill is suggesting that it would be relatively easy for Tibet supporters to get a western government to refuse to give recognition for such an extensive claim,” said Tibet specialist Robert Barnett of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies.

U.S. lawmakers, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi, visited the Dalai Lama in June to celebrate Congress passing the legislation, which Sikyong Penpa Tsering, who heads the CTA, called a “breakthrough.”

The bill is part of a strategic shift away from emphasizing Chinese rights violations such as forced assimilation, the Sikyong, or political leader, told Reuters. Since 2021, CTA has lobbied two dozen countries including the U.S., to publicly undermine Beijing’s narrative that Tibet has always been part of China, he said.

With U.S. weight behind this strategy, the exiles hope to push China to the negotiating table, he said. “If every country keeps saying that Tibet is part of the People’s Republic of China, then where is the reason for China to come and talk to us?”

The Chinese foreign ministry said in response to Reuters’ questions that it would be open to discussions with the Dalai Lama about his “personal future” if he “truly gives up his position of splitting the motherland” and recognised Tibet as an unalienable part of China.

Beijing, which has not held official talks with the Dalai Lama’s representatives since 2010, has also urged Biden not to sign the bill.

The office of the Dalai Lama, who has in recent years apologised for remarks he made about women and to a young child, referred an interview request to the Sikyong.


Most historians say Tibet was assimilated into the Mongol empire during the 13th-14th century Yuan dynasty, which also covered large parts of present day China. Beijing says that established its sovereign claim, though scholars believe the relationship varied greatly over the centuries and remote Tibet largely governed itself for much of the time.

The People’s Liberation Army marched into Tibet in 1950 and announced its “peaceful liberation”. After a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1959, a young Dalai Lama fled into exile in India.

In 1995, atheist China and the Dalai Lama separately identified two boys as the Panchen Lama, the second-most-important Tibetan Buddhist leader. The Dalai Lama’s pick was taken away by Chinese authorities and has not been seen since.

Many Buddhists consider Beijing’s choice illegitimate, though most expect a similar parallel selection for the next Dalai Lama given the Chinese government’s stance that he must reincarnate and it must approve the successor.

Chinese authorities have “tried to insert themselves into the succession of the Dalai Lama but we will not let that happen,” said Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee during his Dharamsala visit.

India, whose troops clashed with China near the Tibetan plateau in 2022, has been less vocal about its position on succession.

“The U.S. … does not have to worry about border incursions as India does,” said Donald Camp, a former top South Asia official on the U.S. National Security Council.

But as home to tens of thousands of Tibetans and an ascendant voice on the global stage, Delhi will be pulled into the fray, observers of Indian diplomacy say. Hawkish commentators have already called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet with the Dalai Lama as a way of pressuring China.

Delhi’s Ministry of External Affairs declined to comment on the succession but its former ambassador to China, Ashok Kantha, said India would not be “comfortable with China trying to control that process.”

“Privately we have told China … that for them the best option is engaging with the Dalai Lama and his representatives,” said Kantha. “Post-fourteenth Dalai Lama we don’t know what will happen.”

The respect that the Dalai Lama commands among Tibetan exiles has kept in check frustrations and a formal push for independence, though it isn’t clear if that balance will be maintained following his death.

Tibetan Youth Congress general secretary Sonam Tsering said his advocacy group respected the Middle Way but, like many other young Tibetans, it wanted full independence.

For now, Tibetans are focused on supporting the Dalai Lama in fulfilling his desire to return to his homeland before his death, he said.

But if the wish “is not fulfilled, then the emotional outburst, the emotional challenges they are going through, it’s very difficult to think of,” he said.

The Sikyong said CTA’s new emphasis on challenging China’s narrative united pro-independence Tibetans with those pursuing the Middle Way, as Tibet’s historical status was a point of common agreement.

On Saturday, tens of thousands of Buddhists and well-wishers around the world will gather to celebrate and pray for the long life of a leader who for them represents the strongest hope of an eventual return to Tibet.

But time for both the Dalai Lama and his people is starting to run out.


Dalai Lama dismisses health rumours

Tibetan spiritual leader says he feels ‘physically fit’ as he turns 89


The Dalai Lama exchanges greetings with former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during their meeting at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh state in northern India, on June 19. (Photo: Tenzin Choejor/Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama via Reuters)

NEW DELHI - The Dalai Lama said on Saturday he is recovering from a knee surgery and feels “physically fit”, brushing aside rumours of ill health on his 89th birthday.

“Recently I had surgery on my knee, which has given me some problem. However, I am recovering and have no problem at all now,” the exiled spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism said in a video message from the United States, where he is recuperating.

“There may be people trying to confuse you about my health, saying that the Dalai Lama has gone to a hospital and is undergoing treatments, and so on, making my condition sound grave. You don’t need to trust such misinformation,” he said.

A charismatic figure who popularised Buddhism internationally, the Dalai Lama won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for keeping alive the Tibetan cause in exile. He fled to India in 1959, nine years after China sent troops into the Himalayan region in 1950, saying it was liberating Tibetan “serfs”.

As the spiritual leader ages and battles health problems, the appointment of his successor has become a looming issue for Tibetans struggling for more autonomy in China or outright independence. Tibetan Buddhists believe that learned monastics are reincarnated after death as newborns.

The Dalai Lama has said he will clarify questions about succession — including whether and where he would be reincarnated — around his 90th birthday.

“I am nearly 90 now but I don’t feel unhealthy, except for the slight discomfort in my legs. I would like to thank all my fellow Tibetans in and outside Tibet for your prayers on my birthday,” he said, adding that some issues are part of ageing.

On Saturday, tens of thousands of Buddhists and well-wishers around the world are to gather to celebrate and pray for the long life of a leader who for them represents the strongest hope of an eventual return to Tibet.

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The rise and fall of the ideal worker model in Japan

Published: 06 July 2024

Hiroshi Ono
Hitotsubashi University


The traditional Japanese ideal worker model is becoming unsustainable due to shifts in the labour force. This model, characterised by lifetime employment, long hours and unwavering loyalty, is struggling to adapt to a shrinking population and greater diversity. Companies are finding it difficult to attract and retain talent, as fewer young people aspire to lifelong employment and more value flexibility. To remain competitive, Japanese companies must challenge their assumptions and embrace a more inclusive and adaptable approach to human resource management.

There is a significant shift occurring in the Japanese labour market. The model of work that supported Japan’s economic rise in the postwar period is meeting its demise. In that era, the ideal worker for Japanese companies was hired straight out of university, worked long hours, socialised extensively after work and committed oneself to a lifetime with the same employer. Today, the assumptions behind the ideal worker are outdated, and the model itself is no longer sustainable.

Under this postwar ideal, a worker ought to speak and write perfect Japanese, while having almost no responsibilities at home. This model and its underlying assumptions led to the complete specialisation between the sexes, with men working at the office, and women taking care of the home.

Japanese human resource management is best understood as a system of complementary and self-reinforcing institutions, such as lifetime employment and seniority-based wages. These essential features of Japanese human resource management became institutionalised during the postwar high-growth period. Companies provided generous salaries and benefits so that households could do well with a single earner. They also provided employment security so that salarymen could count on long-term employment. Bound by this implicit contract, the salarymen provided their utmost loyalty and hard work.

But the decline of this postwar model has led to the weakening of worker–employer relationships in Japan, largely on account of major shifts in the supply of labour.

Japan’s population is shrinking and along with it, its labour force. There is a dire labour shortage, with no end in sight. Companies can no longer afford to choose only from among the supply of Japanese males.

More women are working, and the traditional housewife is becoming a relic of the past. In most households, both spouses work at least part-time. With the assumption of a stay-at-home homemaker no longer viable, pressure is mounting on men to contribute more to household work.

Workers’ tastes and preferences are also changing. The dependence between worker and employer is weakening. A 2024 survey found that only 21 per cent of young people want to work for the same company until retirement, compared to 35 per cent in 2014. Workers want more flexibility in time and place, especially after COVID-19.

There are more foreigners in Japan’s workforce than ever before, who bring with them different work norms, values and expectations that may not be compatible with the profile of the old ideal.

Technological change is also accelerating. In the typical Japanese company, new graduates enter the organisation at the bottom, and are trained and promoted internally. But technological change moves fast, and training people internally has its limits. To secure the best talent, companies must recruit externally to remain competitive. The frequent entry and exit of people are disrupting long-held assumptions of loyalty and of shared affiliation and identity.

In spite of these ongoing changes, some companies still cling to the ideal worker model. Organisational inertia can be overpowering, and social norms do not change overnight. Japanese companies and Japanese culture in general are not known for their flexibility. The default response has been more about assimilation — expecting people to conform — and less about inclusion, which is about embracing differences. Instead of employers adapting to a diversifying labour force, many still expect workers to adapt to them.

More women are pursuing professional careers, but they are expected to work ‘just like men’ to succeed, especially with respect to work hours. Remote work was common during the COVID-19 pandemic but is increasingly less so now because many employers still believe that work must take place at the office.

Language skill requirements impede the employment of foreign workers. A 2022 government survey found that the level of Japanese required by companies is too difficult for many international students who wish to work in Japan. A 2021 survey found that 75 per cent of Japanese companies demanded that non-Japanese job seekers meet or exceed the highest level on the country’s standardised language proficiency test. In reality, only 37 per cent of job seekers can satisfy this requirement, which means companies are missing out on many talented workers.

Firms that continue to hold out for the ideal worker will not be competitive. As Japan’s labour force globalises and diversifies, perpetuating outdated norms does not increase the country’s attractiveness to the rest of the world. Japan is one of the top destinations for tourism, but in IMD’s world talent ranking, which evaluates the ability of countries to develop, attract and retain talent, it ranked 43 out of 64 countries.

When tastes and lifestyles change, it is unrealistic to assume that workers uniformly prioritise work over family. When the labour force shrinks, companies must make the shift from selecting people to being selected by them.

Hiroshi Ono is Professor of Human Resource Management at Hitotsubashi University Business School.