Monday, July 08, 2024


Playbook for a Military Draft

Stages of mobilization for war. Image from CNAS report based on Department of Defense mobilization plan. Note the absence of a Congressional declaration of war at any stage up to and including total military mobilization.

A new report released 18 June 2024 by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) provides a remarkably candid window into the flawed and dangerous thinking of military strategists who support continual “readiness” for an on-demand military draft, even while they claim — perhaps truthfully — not to prefer a draft, even as Plan B, but only as Plan F for “Fallback” in case of prolonged total war. (Thanks to longtime anti-draft activist Eric Garris of for bringing this report to my attention.)

The CNAS report is intended to show supporters of the current bipartisan mainstream U.S. foreign policy and military consensus why the U.S. should step up planning and preparation for a draft as a tool of deterrence. But for those outside that consensus who think current U.S. policy is already bellicose enough, especially those who assume that opposing draft registration and other steps toward readiness for a draft should be a low priority for antiwar activists because the U.S. will never again (or at least not soon) activate a draft, the CNAS report provides an important lesson in how preparedness for a draft is itself a tool of war, even in “peacetime”.

The CNAS report shows how its authors want to use readiness for a draft, and the circumstances in which they think it should be used.

The fundamental argument of the CNAS report is that a “credible” capability to quickly activate a draft is an important deterrent, especially to other great-power military “peers” and potential adversaries.

As with nuclear weapons, to speak of readiness for a draft as a deterrent is another way to speak of preparation for a draft as a threat. As also with nuclear weapons, that threat is itself a weapon.

Preparation for a draft is used as a weapon when it is used to threaten escalating war to another level of death and destruction, even when that threat isn’t carried out. The “credibility” of U.S. readiness to implement a draft — stressed repeatedly in the NSAS report — is relevant only to the use of that readiness for a draft as a threat.

Proponents of draft registration and readiness for a draft such as the authors of the CNAS report argue that if, and only if, the great-power enemies of the U.S. believe that we are able and willing to activate a draft, we can use that threat of draft-enabled rapid and total military escalation and total war as a tool of diplomatic and military policy.

Resistance to planning and preparation for a draft is thus a way to rein in those policies that are based on the ability to rush into total war, and the threat to do so.

CNAS has been a prominent part of the revolving-door echo chamber of think tanks embedded in the neoliberal-neoconservative consensus on the need for U.S. military hegemony and military threats (“deterrence”) as the basis for U.S. foreign policy.

NCAS had a major role in shaping the recommendations of the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service (NCMNPS) for the future of Selective Service. Records released in response to my Freedom Of Information Act requests show that the NCMNPS relied heavily on input from NCAS and other selected sources, rather than conducting its own research. The NCMNPS worked more closely with NCAS on issues related to a possible draft than with almost any other nongovernmental organization.

Two of the five witnesses invited to testify at the NCMNPS hearing on the the potential needs for a voluntary or compulsory mobilization and the readiness of Selective Service were from CNAS: Loren Schulman (still at CNAS) and Elsa Kania (now in the Biden administration as Associate Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget).

I was invited to testify before the NCMNPS the next day, at a session which was supposed to provide a forum for arguments against the expansion of Selective Service. I told the NCMNPS that it was time to recognize the failure of draft registration and the unavailability of a draft, to end draft registration entirely, and to modify military policy accordingly:

This Commission’s final question is whether draft registration or a draft are “needed”. The implication seems to be that if a draft might be needed, draft registration should be retained. But that’s getting it backwards. The failure of draft registration should make clear that a draft would not be enforceable or feasible, even as a fallback. If the Selective Service System is an insurance policy, it is one backed by an underwriter that has been insolvent for decades. If U.S. military plans or commitments to endless wars around the world might require a draft, but a draft would not be feasible, that is a reason to scale back U.S. military activities.

Three years later, I learned that this hearing had been a sham. Records kept secret by the NCMNPS, but released by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) after the NCMNPS published its report and disbanded, revealed that long before this hearing the NCMNPS had secretly but unanimously agreed to recommend the continuation of Selective Service registration. The only questions that were still being debated within the NCMNPS were who to subject to registration and a draft, and how to administer the program — not whether it was justified or should be continued. My FOIA lawsuit against NARA for additional records of the NCMNPS, which NARA wants to destroy before anyone can see them, is still pending.

Katherine L. Kuzminski, co-author of the CNAS report and recommendations for Selective Service, was joined onstage at the launch event for that report by Andrew Metrick, a CNAS Fellow, professional wargamer, and author of another CNAS report released in December 2023 on “protracted conflict” — how to prepare to win “forever” wars, especially those against other great powers such as China and/or Russia.

Co-author Katherine L. Kuzminski presents the CNAS report and recommendations for an enlarged Selective Service System and stepped-up planning and preparation for an on-demand military draft, 18 June 2024.

Kuzminski and Metrick argued that a draft is more important in a long war than a short war, but the CNAS report on the draft fails to justify that conclusion on the basis of either history or analysis.

The U.S. has fought by far its longest wars without a draft: forty years of war in Afghanistan (the first two decades on one side, mainly by proxy, and the next two decades on another side, with U.S. boots on the ground), and more than twenty years of the global “War On Terror”.

The CNAS report focuses less on whether a draft would be needed to sustain protracted or forever war(s) than on how quickly total military mobilization could be carried out. That suggests that rapid massive military escalation is actually more of a priority for the report’s authors than sustainable long-term mobilization. That’s consistent with past and present experience around the world. For the U.S. during its war in Indochina, as for Ukraine today, resistance to conscription has proven an obstacle to prolonging large-scale wars.

With respect to the initial speed rather than the sustainability of military mobilization, the report conflates issues with a draft with issues that would apply equally to voluntary mobilization. In particular, the report notes that the military currently lacks the capacity to rapidly train or integrate a massive number of conscripts. That’s true, but it’s equally true that the military lacks the capacity to rapidly train or integrate a massive number of volunteers, such as those who rushed to enlist after 9/11 or those who would enlist if the U.S. were invaded by China and/or Russia.

Do I really think that Chinese troops are going to land on the beaches of Southern California? No, but that was the scenario used for the war-gaming exercise that formed part of the basis for the CNAS report on the draft:

The teams were first presented with a potential crisis scenario in which the PRC conducted a large-scale invasion of Taiwan… The teams were then provided with a breaking update: the PRC had effectively invaded Taiwan, and Congress and the president had enacted the draft… After the exercise, participants were provided with a scenario update: having observed that the United States was mobilizing in defense of Taiwan, the PRC attacks a location in southern California between San Diego and Los Angeles.

The CNAS scenarios are about as realistic as the “Red Dawn scenario” of a simultaneous invasion of the U.S. from Mexico and Canada that Maj. Genl. Joseph Heck, Chair of the NCMNPS, asked me about during the NCMNPS hearing in 2019 on the future of Selective Service:

“What if we’re in a Red Dawn scenario?” My response to a question from Maj. Genl. Joseph Heck, Chair of the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, during the NCMNPS hearing on whether Selective Service registration should be continued, expanded, modified, or ended entirely, 25 April 2019. Photo by Jim Fussell.

Joseph Heck: Yesterday, we heard from individuals that talked about the changing threats that we face… So, I want to pose a hypothetical scenario and ask your response. So,… we’re in a Red Dawn scenario where we are being attacked through both Canada and Mexico. There is no Selective Service System. The All-Volunteer Force is insufficient. There’s been a Presidential/Congressional call for volunteers; for people to step up. However, the response has not been enough to meet the threat, the actual threat to our homeland; not an overseas operation. How would you propose to meet the demand?…

Edward Hasbrouck: You talk about the poor record of the government in assessing threats. Now that’s both threats that are missed that we aren’t prioritizing: the existential threats to human survival posed by nuclear weapons, including those of the U.S.; the existential threat to human survival posed by global warming. But those errors in threat assessment also include the false claims of existential threat: the claim that was made that the Vietnamese posed a threat to the U.S. in the Tonkin Gulf, that proved to be false but led to a war in which millions died, and in which the most honorable thing anybody could say about what they did in that war is that they refused to fight; the claim that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction posed an existential threat to the U.S., that proved to be false but has led us to 17 years of war in Iraq. So I think what is called for and what history shows we need more of when the government makes this claim of existential threat is more skepticism by the public about it. And when the public says, and votes with their bodies, “We are not prepared to fight that war,” that’s called democracy.

Does anyone at CNAS or anyone else really doubt that there would be more than enough volunteers to fight off a Chinese invasion of the U.S. mainland, not to mention spontaneous popular resistance by both armed and unarmed civilians? Or that if that happened, Congress would declare war?

As for the initial CNAS scenario, should the U.S. be sending draftees to fight a war with China over Taiwan? And should we be putting in place mechanisms, such as planning and preparation for a draft, that make it easier for the Pentagon, the President, and/or Congress to rush into another overseas military adventure more quickly and with less need to wait and see if the public supports the war or will vote with its feet by enlisting to fight it?

Have the U.S. military errors of the fifty years since the draft was brought to an end consisted more of being too slow to commit fully to war as the way to try to resolve disputes? Or from too rapid resort to military engagements that have led to quagmires rather than quick fixes? The CNAS report doesn’t ask this question, so I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader.

It’s notable that none of the stages of military mobilization contemplated in the CNAS exercise or the Department of Defense mobilization plan on which it was based include a Congressional declaration of war, even in the case of prolonged and total war. They take for granted that all future wars will be undeclared wars.

The question for CNAS was whether the Selective Service System is really able and ready to deliver draftees to the military. The registry of potential draftees hasn’t been audited for accuracy since 1982. Ten thousand members of draft boards have been appointed, but according to NCMNPS staff notes released in response to another of my FOIA requests, Selective Service officials told the NCMNPS that “they assume a significant percentage [of local board members] would resign if the draft were activated”. Presumably, that’s because because they sought appointment to a draft board as an easy way to get a prestigious-sounding “Presidential appointment” to put on their résumé, and wouldn’t be willing to do as much work adjudicating claims for exemptions and deferments as would be required of them in the event of a draft.

In 2021, Congress directed the Department of Defense to conduct a comprehensive mobilization exercise which would “include the processes of the Selective Service System in preparation for induction of personnel into the armed forces under the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.), and submit to Congress a report on the results of this exercise.” The exercise was supposed to be completed by the end of the 2023 Federal fiscal year, and an initial briefing submitted to Congress by the end of March 2024. But in April 2024, in response to one of my FOIA requests, the Selective Service System told me that the Department of Defense had not yet even scheduled, much less conducted or reported on, the mobilization exercise ordered by Congress. Staff of both the Department of Defense and the Selective Service System did take part, however, in the NCAS exercise.

The CNAS report mentions that many people might, if ordered for induction, apply for classification as conscientious objectors in the mistaken belief that this is a way to avoid being drafted, rather than merely a pathway to being assigned to noncombatant or civilian “service” rather than more overtly war-related work. To mitigate this risk, the report’s authors recommend more public education about the obligations of those classified as COs. The NCAS futurists don’t seem to be able to imagine that, faced with the choice of “serving” the state as a soldier or as a CO, some young people might choose to resist any form of forced labor.

The issue currently under consideration in Congress of whether draft registration and eligibility for a draft should be extended to include young women as well as young men is considered in the CNAS report solely as a potential practical obstacle to a rapid draft, not a political issue. The report does, however, correctly (unlike much analysis and commentary that misstates litigation against male-only draft registration as seeking to force women to register) describe the legal situation:

The Supreme Court most recently declined to hear a case objecting to the constitutionality of an all-male draft (National Coalition for Men et al. v. Selective Service System et al.) in June 2021… Notably, the case was not arguing that women should have to register for the draft, but rather that the basis of male-only registration is now unconstitutional… If a draft is enacted (and no longer a theoretical question), such a case would be likely to have legal standing before the Supreme Court. The potential time delays associated with a legal challenge of that magnitude would severely hamper the federal government’s ability to execute a draft adequately and efficiently in an environment where time would be of the essence.

new lawsuit raising the same issue again was filed in Los Angeles on 14 May 2024, but that may have been after the CNAS report went to press.

Gender justice, or whether the current registration system, or a draft based on it, would violate draftees’ Constitutional rights, are not a concern for the CNAS analysts — only whether litigation might slow down the forced march to total war. And with typically profound but unconscious and unexamined ageism, adding young women to the pool of potential draftees is described by CNAS, as it was by the NCMNPS, as expanding draft eligibility to “all” Americans, even though eligibility to be drafted would still be limited to young people.

The CNAS report notes that displays of resistance to conscription, perhaps by a prominent pop-culture figure, might go viral and lead to snowballing resistance. Were they thinking of draft resisters of previous eras who inspired others, such as Muhammad Ali and David Harris? But this is considered in the report as a potential public relations and propaganda problem, not a significant practical or policy challenge.

There’s no other consideration in the CNAS report of whether potential draftees would comply with induction orders voluntarily, or whether a draft would be workable. The entitlement and the power of the government to enforce a draft is taken for granted, leaving only the question of whether more cannon fodder, drone pilots, or other military personnel might be needed for whatever undeclared wars the powers-that-be deem it necessary for conscripts to fight.

Should we care about draft registration if a draft is unlikely? Yes, we should, and the CNAS report and playbook for a draft shows us why.

Ideologically, draft registration symbolizes, solemnizes, and inculcates the essentially fascist and fundamentally ageist idea that the lives of young people exist to serve the goals of the state, as the state defines them, rather than that the state exists to serve the people and is justified only to the extent that it does so.

Pragmatically, the perceived availability of a draft is one of the weapons in the arsenal of military threats the U.S. government relies on and uses to support its global hegemony.

The draft and draft registration matter, even in “peacetime”.

Ending draft registration and other planning and preparation for a draft should be just as high a priority for antiwar activists as preserving the credibility of U.S. readiness to implement a draft is to war planners like the authors of the CNAS report and their allies in the U.S. government.

Edward Hasbrouck maintains the website and publishes the “Resistance News” newsletter. He was imprisoned in 1983-1984 for organizing resistance to draft registration.


How Mossad Plotted to Assassinate Iranian President?

Despite losing the presidential debate to Republican candidate Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s electoral campaign appears to be in full swing now. The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has been set free after a plea deal in order to woo progressive voters. In Gaza, Biden is simultaneously playing the role of arsonist and the firefighter.

Last October, he sent aircraft-carriers and nuclear submarines in support of Israel and provided military assistance to the tune of billions of dollars, including bombs, missiles and aircraft, to slaughter hapless Palestinians. But at the same time, he built a shoddy pier to let humanitarian aid flow, and persuaded Netanyahu to let him at least create optics of being a neutral arbiter while he is the main enabler of Zionists’ genocide of Palestinians.

The only theater where the purported peacenik [Biden a peacenik? — DV ed] can’t do much is the Ukraine War because the Pentagon’s military brass won’t let him squander the opportunity to destabilize arch-rival Russia. Therefore he would have to convince gullible neoliberals by deploying Orwellian jargon that war is peace, bombs are rose petals, America’s adversaries are recalcitrant villains, while the United States is the only bastion of democracy and civil liberties under the thumb of corporate interests and the deep state.

As far as the Zionist regime’s genocidal war in Gaza is concerned, this isn’t even a war but downright genocide of unarmed Palestinians, as war is between two comparable armies, whereas in the Gaza Holocaust, a regional power backed by the world’s most powerful military force is committing merciless ethnic cleansing of hapless Palestinians.

Incidentally, the death toll of the savage slaughter is grossly understated by monopoly media for ulterior motives. 38,000 is just the number of dead bodies counted by aid workers, whereas the exact death toll is well above 100,000, as most dead bodies are still buried beneath the rubble of Gaza City, Khan Younis and Rafah and would take months, if not years, to recover after the rubble is cleared.

Besides the Biden admin’s reluctance to start another devastating Middle East war in the election year and eliminating Biden’s chances of winning a second term, another reason the American deep state is also hesitant to greenlight Israel’s ground invasion of Hezbollah’s bastion in southern Lebanon is that all the military resources of the Pentagon are currently being consumed by the protracted proxy war in east Ukraine.

Moreover, the Biden admin is also concerned that mounting a military offensive against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon might provoke Iran to mount retaliatory missile and drone strikes on critical energy infrastructure in the Persian Gulf, such as the Abqaiq oil installation attack in September 2019, [This attack on the Abqaiq facility is usually ascribed to the Houthis in Yemen — DV ed] thus disrupting global energy supply in the election year and eliminating Biden’s chances of winning the elections.

However, Israel’s opportunistic policymakers are yearning to draw Iran into Gaza War, thus creating a pretext for the expansion of the war in southern Lebanon in order to cash the opportunity to dismantle the Iran-Hezbollah nexus once and for all, posing a security threat to Israel’s northern borders.

Even though by the mainstream media’s own accounts the Shiite leadership of Iran and Hezbollah wasn’t even aware of Sunni Palestinian liberation movement Hamas’ October 7 assault. It’s worth pointing out that Hamas’ main patrons are oil-rich Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Egypt, not Iran, as frequently alleged by the mainstream disinformation campaign. In fact, Hamas as a political movement is the Palestinian offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

Notwithstanding, while craven Arab petro-sheikhs, under the thumb of duplicitous American masters enabling the Zionist regime’s atrocious genocide of unarmed Palestinians, were squabbling over when would be the opportune moment to recognize Israel and establish diplomatic and trade ties, the Iran-led resistance axis, comprising Iraq, Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Ansarallah in Yemen, has claimed stellar victories in the battlefield against Israel.

As far as Israel’s airstrike at Iran’s consulate in Damascus on April 1 is concerned, killing two top commanders of the IRGC, it is the declared state policy of the Zionist regime of medieval assassins to use deception and subterfuge in order to eliminate formidable adversaries if it lacks the courage to cross swords with them in the battlefield.

It’s worth noting that a tip-off from the Mossad led to the cowardly assassination of Iran’s celebrated warrior Haj Qassem Soleimani in January 2020, after Haj Soleimani gave the Zionist regime and its American patrons a bloody nose in Syria’s proxy war.

Nonetheless, after the consulate airstrike, Iran retaliated by mounting the first direct airstrike on Israel with over 300 drones, cruise and ballistic missiles on April 13. The airstrike was codenamed Operation True Promise, or Vada-e-Sadiq in Persian.

In response, Israel vowed to avenge the direct Iranian airstrike on its territory. Immediately afterwards, on April 19, Israeli F-15s reportedly launched Blue Sparrow ballistic target missiles at Isfahan’s military sites from Iraq’s airspace that destroyed the radar system of an S-300 air defense battery at a military airport in Isfahan.

But the retaliatory strike failed to assuage the murderous frenzy of Israel’s military hawks who vowed to teach Iran a memorable lesson for punching above its weight. Then Mossad Director David Barnea presented a detailed plan to the war cabinet to execute Iran’s president, which was immediately approved by PM Netanyahu and Israeli military’s top brass because the covert assassination plot left sufficient room for claiming plausible deniability. The Biden admin and CIA Director William Burns also gave green light to the Mossad, according to Turkish and Azerbaijani security officials who were briefed on the matter by CIA officials.

Thus, on the fateful day of May 19, Iran’s charismatic and eloquent President Ebrahim Raisi was due to inaugurate a hydroelectric dam in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, alongside Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. It’s pertinent to mention that Azerbaijan is one of the closest allies of Israel in the region that has longstanding trade and defense ties with Israel. It received generous Israeli military assistance during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Armenia, and hosts several listening posts of Mossad in order to spy on Iran.

After the inauguration of the dam, the Azerbaijani delegation presented a souvenir to the Iranian delegation to be conveyed to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. It was a voluminous, handwritten book on Islamic jurisprudence dating back to the Safavid era, according to Iranian security officials who refused to be identified. The book was placed in a box and handed over to representative of the Supreme Leader in East Azerbaijan Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem.

Ale-Hashem boarded the same helicopter as President Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and placed the box with a hidden enclosure containing remotely controlled explosive device in the luggage compartment. The helicopter was part of a convoy of three helicopters that departed for Tabriz after the inauguration of the dam. But the Iranian delegation didn’t know that an Israeli stealth drone operated by Mossad was chasing the convoy.

Forty-five minutes into the flight, the pilot of Raisi’s helicopter, who was in charge of the convoy, ordered other helicopters to increase altitude to avoid a nearby cloud. Thus, under the cover of the clouds the drone sent a signal and the explosive device in the briefcase detonated, causing the helicopter to crash on the rocks below, killing all eight people onboard.

I’m not sure if that’s a coincidence but the crash site is identified as the village of Uzi in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. Because Uzi is a globally renowned Israeli sub-machine gun, often brandished by gangsters and assassins in the Hollywood flicks. In any case, Mossad’s operatives do have a sense of irony.

Although Iran’s competent investigators are quite capable to figure out the Mossad’s assassination plot, they were forced by Iran’s political leadership to declare the assassination an accident. Because hardliners in Iran have been clamoring for a full-scale war with Israel after witnessing the merciless genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

Had Iran’s political leadership admitted the fact that Ebrahim Raisi’s death was in fact an assassination by Mossad, then it would have become impossible to hold back the war hawks. Therefore, the leadership decided to bury the hatchet and immediately called elections in which moderate candidate Masoud Pezeshkian has been elected the new president of Iran.

Nauman Sadiq is an Islamabad-based geopolitical and national security analyst focused on geo-strategic affairs and hybrid warfare in the Middle East and Eurasia regions. His domains include neocolonialism, the military-industrial complex, and petro-imperialism. He is a regular contributor of investigative reports to alternative news media. Read other articles by Nauman.


IDF Killed 64 Children While Freeing 4 Hostages

An Exchange Instead Would Have Foregone Much Sorrow

Ever since October 7, 2023, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, PBS, along with BBC, DW, NHK other Western-aligned entertainment/news conglomerates and wire services like AP, UPI, Reuters and Israeli media have sought to keep their viewers, readers, and listeners attention on the hostages and away from any explanation, reason, or justification of Palestinians seeking to exchange the hostages for some of the thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

This is of course consistent with the under-reporting of the Palestinians suffering the illegal military occupation, subjugation, and often murderous treatment from the Israeli military which operates largely with impunity within Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and elsewhere.

Western media focus on the hostages is even more important in justifying Israel’s wholesale annihilation of much of the population of Hamas governed Gaza, homes, apartment buildings, mosques, schools, stores, bakeries, playgrounds all claimed by Israel to be in defence of the Palestinian guerrilla attack of Israel on October 7, 2023.

However, since the U.S. has built up the Israel military to be one of the most powerful in the world and perfectly capable of defending itself against any subsequent Hamas resistance attack, the Israeli obliteration of Gaza’s cities and its people is obviously not defensive, and after Israel’s generations of crimes against Palestinians, the October 7 invasion was hardly unexpected. UN Secretary General António Guterres  said as much right after the October 7, 2023 event. Guterres noted that “these attacks did not happen in a vacuum”—highlighting the impact of 56 years of occupation on the Palestinian people. (United Nations Press).

Israel’s Responsibilities as an Occupying Power Under International Humanitarian Law

Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, regarding Israel’s right to self-defense in the context of Israel’s (illegal) military occupation of Palestinian lands and people: 

“Israel has the right to defend itself, but it cannot invoke this right to perpetrate acts that violate international law against a people it is occupying.”

In her report to the UN General Assembly in October 2022, Rapporteur Albanese noted,

“An occupying power has a duty to protect the occupied population and cannot invoke self-defense to justify the use of force against its own protected persons.”

Western news outlets refer to Palestinian freedom fighters as “terrorists” constantly reporting that some Western governments list Hamas and other armed groups fighting the Israeli occupation as terrorist organisations; however, China, as a permanent member of the Security Council, has backed the right of the Palestinian people to use arms. Zhang Jun, China’s UN ambassador, stated in an address to the International Court of Justice concerning Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestinian land, February 22, 2024:

The struggle waged by peoples for their liberation, right to self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression, domination against foreign forces should not be considered terror acts.

Beijing’s envoy said there were “various people (who) freed themselves from colonial rule” and they could use “all available means, including armed struggle.” (This seemed an indirect reference to the American War of Independence from Britain.)

As a conscientious peoples historian activist, I have allowed myself to be subjected to anti-Chinese, anti-UN, anti-Hamas, pro-Israeli news slants in the interest of knowing just how the average mainstream media addict comes to accept genocide as an inevitable condition of modern warfare and wars as an unpreventable source of financial gain.

Therefore NBC’s very poignant, even painful to look at and read, coverage of the Israeli Defence Force killing of 64 children during its freeing of 4 hostages on June 8, 2024, came as a surprise to this writer and life long sympathiser of the Palestinian inhuman predicament. This sorrowful coverage of the horrendous head wound and death of a lovely, four-year-old boy and the sight of a seven-year-old girl alive but with more than half her face gone, is perhaps one indication that just perhaps even the CIA overseen media of the hegemonic Western nations can no longer tolerate Israeli genocide in its ever more outrageously gruesome aspects.

Readers are invited to share some grief with Arab Palestinian families suffering soul crushing amount of anguish for the sheer numbers of the dead and dying children and the catatonic state of surviving kids. Just click on the hyperlink below:

NBC News June 8, 2024

Gazan families mourn children killed during IDF’s hostage rescue

WEB Gaza’s Health Ministry says at least 64 children were killed by Israeli fire during the June 8 raid to rescue four hostages being held by Hamas. 

The four hostages — Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv and Andrey Kozlov — were safely extracted from the Gaza Strip and cameras captured their emotional reunions with their families after eight months of captivity.

The joy experienced by both Palestinians and Israelis during the first hostage exchange as they fell into the loving arms of waiting family and friends could have been repeated instead of this horrific bloodbath of some 270 Palestinians, among them 64 precious children on June 8, 2024

Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Shlomi Ziv and Andrey Kozlov will most likely never forget that their homecoming was one sided. No Palestinian got to welcome home family members long imprisoned with or without having been charged as seems to the case for so many incarcerated and more being seized every day.

Actually, how shall any of us ever forget that Americans have been backing and supplying these abominations of using weapons of mass destruction upon fellow human beings and their children in full knowledge of the profits being made by U.S. corporations.

Jay Janson, spent eight years as Assistant Conductor of the Vietnam Symphony Orchestra in Hanoi and also toured, including with Dan Tai-son, who practiced in a Hanoi bomb shelter. The orchestra was founded by Ho Chi Minh,and it plays most of its concerts in the Opera House, a diminutive copy of the Paris Opera. In 1945, our ally Ho, from a balcony overlooking the large square and flanked by an American Major and a British Colonel, declared Vietnam independent. Everyone in the orchestra lost family, "killed by the Americans" they would mention simply, with Buddhist un-accusing acceptance. Jay can be reached at: Read other articles by Jay.

The 2024 British Election: Big Change Ain’t Gonna Come


 JULY 8, 2024Facebook

Photograph Source: Simon Dawson – OGL 3

Yeah, yeah, I know the Tories are out, Labour won big time and Keir Starmer is the new PM and at home at 10 Downing Street. Starmer called for “Change.” That’s what voters clearly wanted after years and years of disastrous Conservative Party rule that saw a widening gap between haves and have nots and an economic crisis that might be beyond repair unless something decisive is done and done quickly. Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.

Yes, change is in the air, but don’t expect anything revolutionary. England hasn’t had a real revolution since the 17th century, when King Charles I was beheaded and Oliver Cromwell became the “Lord Protector” who did everything but protect the Irish, the Catholics, the Royalists, and supporters of the Crown.

I arrived in England in 1964 to begin a three-year course of study at the redbrick University of Manchester, in a working class town where as one English woman explained to me, “Where there’s muck there’s brass.” (Where there are poor people there are rich people).

Almost all of my friends were Irish, Scottish and Welsh. The English were and still are elusive. No wonder that Doris Lessing who was born in Persia in 1919 and who was raised in Southern Rhodesia and didn’t arrive in England until 1949, wrote a book called In Pursuit of the English. I pursued them for years, drank beer and tea with them, cheered for Manchester United and Arsenal, learned English slang and spoke some Cockney.

In the fall of 1964, when Harold Wilson became the Labour Party PM some of my new-found friends predicted a revolution. That was wishful thinking. England is an evolutionary kind of place, where change happens slowly and over the course of centuries. No wonder Charles Darwin, with his theory of evolution, was English.

In the three years I lived in Manchester, heated my digs with coal, learned to live with rain, rain, rain, and learned to love fish and chips there was no revolution and nothing remotely resembling anything revolutionary, though there was Carnaby Street in London, Mary Quant fashion and the beginnings of the rock ‘n’ roll rebellion that would roil the US. The boys in the bands were very effective at cultural approbation; stealing from and recycling the blues.

In England in the mid-1960s,there was racism and there were racists. Black babies were described by whites as “pickiness,” brown thread, English sales girls said, was “nigger brown” and Robertson’s Jams offered a “Golly” or “gollywog”—a stereotypical Black cartoon figure— on all jars that sold in stores. “Paki Bashing”– attacks on Pakistan immigrants — was a favorite pastime of rowdy racist youth, and workers in some Manchester unions went on strike to protest against Pakistani immigrants who wanted to join the unions. In movie theaters when “God Save the Queen” played on loudspeakers, audience members stood at attention. I was not so inclined.

“Reform U.K.,” the insurgent anti-immigration party, which just won more than four million votes, is nothing new in English politics. Brit racism goes back centuries and is deep seated. Hell, the Brits even look down at the French and the Italians, though they’ll vacation on the French Riviera and on Italian beaches.

As a Yank in England from 1964 to 1967, I didn’t expect a revolution and might not have joined it either, though on holiday in Italy I joined demonstrations against the War in Vietnam and paid a call on the Cuban Embassy in Rome to wish the Cubans a Happy Anniversary on their revolution and to smoke cigars and drink rum. I had to cross the channel to celebrate anything that smelled as sweet as Cuban tobacco.

I was happy to return to England where I could enjoy a “proper” breakfast which meant eggs, bacon, beans, toast and tea and not the skimpy continental breakfasts of café au lait and a buttered tartine. I’ve been back to England again and again over the last several decades, You can take the boy out of England but not England out of the boy. Still, I’ll never love the Tories and I’ll never learn to love the British Crown.

Labour may not be what the British working class needs and really wants, but Labour is better than the Conservatives any day or night of the week, including Guy Fawkes Night, when lads and lassies built bonfires and celebrated the Gunpowder Plot when Guy Fawkes and his comrades planned and failed to blow up the House of Lords. For three years running, I never failed to attend.

Jonah Raskin is the author of Beat Blues, San Francisco, 1955.

Massacre at the Ballot: The Punishing of the Tories

Few would have staked their political fortune, let alone any other sort of reward, on a return of the British Conservatives on July 4.  The polls often lie, but none suggested that outcome.  The only question was the extent British voters would lacerate the Tories who have been in office for fourteen years, presiding over a country in divisive decline, aided by policies of austerity, the galloping cost of living and the lunatic tenures of Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.  Predicted numbers varied from a return of 53 seats to what was forecast in the more accurate Ipsos exit poll of 131 seats.

As the night wore on, the laceration became a ballot massacre.  It was clear that most voters were less keen on Sir Keir Starmer’s dour Labour team, supposedly reformed and devoid of dangerous daring, as they were of voting against the Tories.  Any other option would do.

A whole brigade of senior Conservatives suffered a rout.  Commons leader Penny Mordaunt lost her seat, as did defence secretary Grant Shapps.  That manorial relic of Tory tradition and privilege, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg, was also ousted from his seat.  The Liberal Democrats made huge inroads into traditional Conservative territory, winning seats held by two former prime ministers – David Cameron and Theresa May.

Recriminations, long readied in reserve, came out.  Former party chair, Sir Brandon Lewis, pointed the finger to his leader, Rishi Sunak, whose decision to call the election was considered monumentally ill-judged.  “I suspect right now that’s weighing on him very, very strongly … He will go down as the Conservative prime minister and leader who had the worst election result in over a century.”

Other Tories thought Sunak’s efforts to push the Conservatives further to the right to stem the leaching of votes to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK a serious error of judgment.  Former Tory universities minister Lord Jo Johnson, also famed for being the sibling of that buffoonish wrecker-in-chief Boris, called efforts to make the Conservatives “a Reform-lite kind of party” a “big mistake”.  Only a return to the “centre-ground of British politics” would spare them a lengthy spell in the wilderness.

The strafing of the more liberal Tory members does, however, place them in an unenviable position.   Are they to, as Lord Johnson suggests, alter course to “appeal to metropolitan, open-minded, liberal voters”?  Or should they, as Rees-Mogg insists, dig deeper into the soil of Conservative values, what he calls “core principles” that had been essentially pinched by Reform UK?  Amidst the debate, former lord chancellor Robert Buckland could not resist quipping that this Conservative “Armageddon” was “going to be like a group of bald men fighting over a comb.”

The most staggering feature of these elections, leaving aside the ritualistic savaging of the Tories, was the wholly lopsided nature of the share of votes relative to the winning of seats.  “This election,” the Electoral Reform Society solemnly declared, “saw Labour and the Conservatives receive their joint lowest vote share on record, with a combined 57.4%.”

That did not prevent the two major parties from snaring the lion’s share.  Labour received 33.7% of the vote yet obtained 63.2% (411 seats) of the 650 on offer, making it the most disproportionate on record.  The Tories, despite the bloodbath, could still count on 121 MPs with 23.7% of votes winning 18.6% of seats in the House of Commons.

The Lib Dems burgeoned in terms of representatives, gaining a record number of MPs (they now stand at 72), despite only having a vote share of 12.2%. It was a modest percentage hardly different from the 2019 election.

Reform UK, Farage’s rebranded party of Brexiteers, had every right to feel characteristically foiled by the first past the post system that is always defended by the party that wins majority, leaving smaller contenders to chew over its stunningly unrepresentative rationale.  Having netted a higher percentage than the Lib Dems at 14.3% (over 4 million votes), they had only five MPs to show for it.  “That is blatantly not a properly functioning democratic system – that is a flawed system,” a resentful Richard Tice of Reform remarked on BBC 4 Radio’s Today program.  “The demands for change will grow and grow.”

The Greens, similarly, received 6.7% of the vote (just under 2 million), but returned a mere four MPs to Westminster.  Despite this, the strategists will be seeing these wins, the most successful in their party’s history, as stunning, bettering the heroic if lonely exploits of Caroline Lucas.  Tellingly, the party pinched two seats off Labour, and one from the Conservative stable.

Given that Labour proved the largest beneficiary of a voting system that should only ever apply in a two-way contest and given the prospect of Reform and the Greens posing ever greater threats from either wing of politics, appetite for electoral reform is likely to be suppressed.

In Westminster at Last: The Threat of Nigel Farage

“This is the inflection point,” warned Nigel Farage last month as he assumed the reins of power at the incarnated Reform UK party, standard bearer of the often inchoate group known as the hard right of British politics.  “The only wasted vote is a Conservative one.  We are the challengers to Labour.  We are on our way.”

On July 4, an important stop was made on that way.  A figure who had exerted more influence on British politics outside the houses of Parliament than any other this century, a figure who had conspicuously failed in getting elected despite seven previous efforts, had finally convinced voters he was electable.

The new member for the Essex seat of Clacton had unseated the Conservative candidate, Giles Watling, who had held the seat since 2017.  The margin was impressive: 21,225 votes to Watling’s 12,820.

To keep him company in the House of Commons will be such colleagues as Richard Tice, Reform’s chair, along with former Southampton football club chairman Rupert Lowe, and former Conservative deputy chair Lee Anderson.  They now form a snapping rearguard of politics that is not so much nipping at the heels of Britain’s oldest party as tearing it apart.

As the Tories contemplate their ruin and richly deserved defeat, the new Labour government of Sir Keir Starmer will find little time to relish the joys of victory.  Farage is already promising rapacious raids into enemy territory.  “We are coming for Labour … be in no doubt about that.”  While eschewing notions of working with the Conservatives, he offered an olive branch by way of invitation: Tory members could join Reform if they wished.

Commentators on Farage’s life have noted a streak of luck suggesting the blessings of the devil.  He has cheated death, surviving car crashes, a plane crash and a misdiagnosis regarding testicular cancer.  The party that caught his eye, the UK Independence Party (Ukip), would have vanished into the suffocating arms of the larger Referendum party of James Goldsmith had the latter not perished to cancer 10 weeks after the 1997 election.  “Farage takes his chances, and though things often blow up – planes, parties, countries – he walks away and on to the next caper,” writes David Runciman.

Reform UK is certainly one such caper, and its somewhat anti-democratic operations, often chaotic, poorly organised and lacking any institutional framework, make its electoral returns even more remarkable.  But even on Farage’s side of politics, it is hard to mistake the fact that he has treated the party much like a political start-up, where he has assumed the role of director and majority shareholder.  Reform will, in time, require reform if it is to be a durable force.  Farage has admitted as much.  “We have a structure.  We do have a constitution, but to build a branch structure, we have to give people the ability to choose candidates to vote.”

Durability, however, may have nothing to do with it.  As with many charismatic buffoonish party goers, he may leave when required to help with the cleaning up, leaving the washing to the snarling and fractious functionaries who fight over the leftovers and break the crockery.  This may well be Starmer’s hope.  It is certainly the assessment of Fraser Nelson in The Spectator.  “Whatever his intention, Farage has ended up serving as a purely destructive force.  He has become the nemesis, not the rejuvenator, of the causes he purports to care about.”

Otherwise, the threat is palpable, and comments by the new Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds about Reform’s policies being like “Liz Truss in terms of the economy” and similar to “Russian positions in terms of … the war in Ukraine” are unhelpful.  Labour’s lack of clarity on how it will deal with the Channel crossings of irregular migrants is something Farage is salivating over.

Concerned about such matters, Tony Blair, Labour’s longest serving prime minister and overly remunerated circuit speaker, has been willing to offer the sort of advice in the Sunday Times he charges obscene amounts for.  His typically soupy ideas all go to trying to blunt the effect Reform will have in the next election.   “We need a plan to control immigration.  If we don’t get rules, we get prejudices.”

Showing his recurrent fascination with surveillance (as the Coronavirus pandemic raged, Blair suggested adopting a “Covid Pass” to distinguish the anointed from the unwashed), a “digital ID” could be used to maintain the integrity of borders.  Law and order matters, another favourite of the New Labour era, also needed to be dealt with.  “At present, criminal elements are modernising faster than law enforcement.”  To round off the trifecta, it was also important that the Starmer government not succumb to “any vulnerability on ‘wokeism’.”

Farage is now in the temple of Westminster and, in time, hopes to bring it down.  He will woo, seduce and despoil, as he has done to a string of lovers and prominent figures he has lured to his camp over the years.  He will be remorselessly destructive.  For Labour and for those more progressive than Starmer’s stiffly starched set, the threat has been truly enlivened.

Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: Read other articles by Binoy.