Tuesday, July 09, 2024


A new collaboration between public and private research studying the electromagnetism of ships

Inauguration photo 



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Université Grenoble Alpes, and Grenoble INP-UGA inaugurated on 5 July the NEL (Naval Electromagnetism Laboratory) associated laboratory to study the electromagnetic signatures generated by Naval Group, a major international actor in naval defence, the CNRS, the military ships.

This new associated research laboratory will combine the expertise in ship electromagnetism of members from the Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes) and the Grenoble Images Speech Signal and Control Laboratory (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes), as well as the technical expertise of Naval Group’s R&D teams.


Enhancing control of the electromagnetic signature of ships

By its very presence, a ship creates a local electromagnetic disturbance that can lead to its detection. The sources of this disturbance or “electromagnetic signature” can be the ferromagnetism of the hull, the fields radiated by on-board electronic equipment, and the corrosion currents that form in the water near the hull. Controlling this electromagnetic signature is crucial to ensuring the discretion of military ships, especially in a hostile environment.

The result of longstanding scientific collaboration between teams from Naval Group, the CNRS, the UGA, and Grenoble INP-UGA, the NEL Labcom (Naval Electromagnetism Laboratory) will study the electromagnetism of ships with a view to developing new solutions that ensure discretion in the face of evolving detection methods.

Electromagnetic and acoustic signatures represent a considerable scientific challenge, and are the subject of major research efforts as well as the development of numerous technologies.



A historic scientific collaboration

Relations between public and private actors in this field date back approximately 80 years to when Louis Néel, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970, initiated research during the Second World War on magnetic neutralisation processes for French navy ships.

Since then, the Grenoble research site has acquired internationally recognized expertise, which teams from Naval Group call on regularly. The two entities made their partnership official in 2021 by signing a framework agreement establishing joint research projects, with the subsequent launch of multiple collaborative projects and laboratories. This collaboration is based on the complementary and interdisciplinary scientific skills of the two Grenoble laboratories, including:

  • Low magnetic field metrology1
  • Modelling low frequency electromagnetic fields
  • Processing very noisy magnetic signals for detection

The creation of the NEL associated laboratory provides an enduring and structural framework for collaboration between Naval Group and the laboratories under the joint supervisory authority of the CNRS and the Université Grenoble Alpes in which Grenoble INP-UGA is strongly involved.

“The CNRS is thrilled about the creation of the NEL associated library with Naval Group, with which our organisation has a long tradition of research collaboration, one that is particularly dynamic at the Grenoble research site. The NEL will deepen study of the electromagnetic signature of ships by mobilising the skills and infrastructure of the two Grenoble laboratories under CNRS supervisory authority. The CNRS is proud to contribute to advancing knowledge and enhancing Naval Group’s skills, as part of the enduring framework of an associated library embodying years of relations marked by trust,” declares Jean-Luc Moullet, the CNRS Chief Innovation Officer.

“The NEL associated laboratory, a model of collaboration between public research and industry, is based on multiple pillars: enduring relations, unique experimental resources, dedicated software tools, and of course the skills of remarkable scientists, growing out of a long scientific and experimental tradition. For Naval Group, this ambitious research programme is a major advantage in improving our grasp of the electromagnetic signature of our ships, thereby giving them technological superiority in combat to the benefit of our client navies, chief among them the French navy,” explains Frédéric Vignal, Head of Development and Innovation of Naval Group.

“The Université Grenoble Alpes pursues an ambitious policy supporting innovation and strengthening ties between training, research, and industry, notably via the structuring of its Grenoble Alpes University Innovation Centre, which brings together all of the partners in the ecosystem. This associated laboratory embodies this policy, as well as the impact of public research in addressing major scientific challenges, competitiveness, and French sovereignty,” adds Yassine Lakhnech, President of the Université Grenoble Alpes.

“Based on the historic collaborations that it both structures and strengthens, the creation of this associated laboratory is clear recognition of the cutting-edge position enjoyed by Grenoble researchers in a strategic domain, based on experimentation platforms that are unique in France. It is also an excellent illustration of the innovation policy we are pursuing with our partners, based on the impact of both French public research and public-private collaboration,” points out Vivien Quéma, President of Grenoble INP – UGA.


Notes :


  1. The science of measurement. It defines the principles and methods that ensure and maintain confidence in the data generated by measurement processes.


About the CNRS

A major player in basic research worldwide, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is the only French organisation active in all scientific fields. Its unique position as a multi-specialist enables it to bring together all of the scientific disciplines in order to shed light on and understand the challenges of today's world, in connection with public and socio-economic stakeholders. Together, the different sciences contribute to sustainable progress that benefits society as a whole. (www.cnrs.fr)


About Naval Group

As an international naval defence player, Naval Group is a partner for countries seeking to maintain control of their maritime sovereignty. Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet its customers’ requirements. Present throughout the entire life cycle of vessels, it designs, produces, integrates, supports and upgrades submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, up to and including dismantling. It also provides shipyard and naval base services. As a high-tech company, it draws on its outstanding expertise, unique design and production resources and ability to establish strategic partnerships, in particular within the framework of transfers of technology. Ever mindful of the issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Naval Group is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. With bases on five continents, the group generates revenue of 4,257 billion euros and has 16 325 employees (average annual full-time equivalent workforce - data as of December 31, 2023). (www.naval-group.com)


About the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

Ranked among the top 150 universities worldwide in the Shanghai ranking, deeply rooted in its region, multidisciplinary, and open to the world, UGA is one of the nine French universities labelled as initiatives of excellence (IDEX). Since 2020, UGA has incorporated three component institutions: Grenoble INP, Institute of Engineering and Management-UGA, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, and the National School of Architecture of Grenoble ENSAG-UGA, along with three academic divisions: Faculty of Science-UGA, University School of Technology-UGA, and the Faculty of Humanities, Health, Sports, and Societies-UGA.

With 57,000 students, including over 10,000 international students and 3,000 doctoral candidates, and 7,800 staff members, UGA is spread across several campuses mainly in Grenoble and Valence. National research organisations such as CEA, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, and Inserm are closely associated with the Université Grenoble Alpes to develop a joint research and valorisation policy on an international scale. Relationships with IRD and CHU Grenoble Alpes are also fostered. (www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)


Grenoble INP - UGA, Graduate schools of Engineering and Management 

Grenoble INP - UGA is a public higher education and research establishment, training creative and responsible students within its 8 schools, committed to a sustainable world in order to address the challenges of transitions.

Grenoble INP - UGA develops its training in synergy with high-level research laboratories co-managed with the site's university partners and research organizations (CNRS, Inria, Inrae, CEA...) and has for many years forged close links with the socioeconomic world, which enable it to anticipate their skills needs. (www.grenoble-inp.fr)

Université Grenoble Alpes, and Grenoble INP-UGA inaugurated on 5 July the NEL (Naval Electromagnetism Laboratory) associated laboratory to study the electromagnetic signatures generated by Naval Group, a major international actor in naval defence, the CNRS, the military ships.

This new associated research laboratory will combine the expertise in ship electromagnetism of members from the Grenoble Electrical Engineering Laboratory (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes) and the Grenoble Images Speech Signal and Control Laboratory (CNRS/Université Grenoble Alpes), as well as the technical expertise of Naval Group’s R&D teams.


Enhancing control of the electromagnetic signature of ships

By its very presence, a ship creates a local electromagnetic disturbance that can lead to its detection. The sources of this disturbance or “electromagnetic signature” can be the ferromagnetism of the hull, the fields radiated by on-board electronic equipment, and the corrosion currents that form in the water near the hull. Controlling this electromagnetic signature is crucial to ensuring the discretion of military ships, especially in a hostile environment.

The result of longstanding scientific collaboration between teams from Naval Group, the CNRS, the UGA, and Grenoble INP-UGA, the NEL Labcom (Naval Electromagnetism Laboratory) will study the electromagnetism of ships with a view to developing new solutions that ensure discretion in the face of evolving detection methods.

Electromagnetic and acoustic signatures represent a considerable scientific challenge, and are the subject of major research efforts as well as the development of numerous technologies.



A historic scientific collaboration

Relations between public and private actors in this field date back approximately 80 years to when Louis Néel, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970, initiated research during the Second World War on magnetic neutralisation processes for French navy ships.

Since then, the Grenoble research site has acquired internationally recognized expertise, which teams from Naval Group call on regularly. The two entities made their partnership official in 2021 by signing a framework agreement establishing joint research projects, with the subsequent launch of multiple collaborative projects and laboratories. This collaboration is based on the complementary and interdisciplinary scientific skills of the two Grenoble laboratories, including:

  • Low magnetic field metrology1
  • Modelling low frequency electromagnetic fields
  • Processing very noisy magnetic signals for detection

The creation of the NEL associated laboratory provides an enduring and structural framework for collaboration between Naval Group and the laboratories under the joint supervisory authority of the CNRS and the Université Grenoble Alpes in which Grenoble INP-UGA is strongly involved.

“The CNRS is thrilled about the creation of the NEL associated library with Naval Group, with which our organisation has a long tradition of research collaboration, one that is particularly dynamic at the Grenoble research site. The NEL will deepen study of the electromagnetic signature of ships by mobilising the skills and infrastructure of the two Grenoble laboratories under CNRS supervisory authority. The CNRS is proud to contribute to advancing knowledge and enhancing Naval Group’s skills, as part of the enduring framework of an associated library embodying years of relations marked by trust,” declares Jean-Luc Moullet, the CNRS Chief Innovation Officer.

“The NEL associated laboratory, a model of collaboration between public research and industry, is based on multiple pillars: enduring relations, unique experimental resources, dedicated software tools, and of course the skills of remarkable scientists, growing out of a long scientific and experimental tradition. For Naval Group, this ambitious research programme is a major advantage in improving our grasp of the electromagnetic signature of our ships, thereby giving them technological superiority in combat to the benefit of our client navies, chief among them the French navy,” explains Frédéric Vignal, Head of Development and Innovation of Naval Group.

“The Université Grenoble Alpes pursues an ambitious policy supporting innovation and strengthening ties between training, research, and industry, notably via the structuring of its Grenoble Alpes University Innovation Centre, which brings together all of the partners in the ecosystem. This associated laboratory embodies this policy, as well as the impact of public research in addressing major scientific challenges, competitiveness, and French sovereignty,” adds Yassine Lakhnech, President of the Université Grenoble Alpes.

“Based on the historic collaborations that it both structures and strengthens, the creation of this associated laboratory is clear recognition of the cutting-edge position enjoyed by Grenoble researchers in a strategic domain, based on experimentation platforms that are unique in France. It is also an excellent illustration of the innovation policy we are pursuing with our partners, based on the impact of both French public research and public-private collaboration,” points out Vivien Quéma, President of Grenoble INP – UGA.


Notes :

  1. The science of measurement. It defines the principles and methods that ensure and maintain confidence in the data generated by measurement processes.


About the CNRS
A major player in basic research worldwide, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) is the only French organisation active in all scientific fields. Its unique position as a multi-specialist enables it to bring together all of the scientific disciplines in order to shed light on and understand the challenges of today's world, in connection with public and socio-economic stakeholders. Together, the different sciences contribute to sustainable progress that benefits society as a whole. (www.cnrs.fr)

About Naval Group
As an international naval defence player, Naval Group is a partner for countries seeking to maintain control of their maritime sovereignty. Naval Group develops innovative solutions to meet its customers’ requirements. Present throughout the entire life cycle of vessels, it designs, produces, integrates, supports and upgrades submarines and surface ships, as well as their systems and equipment, up to and including dismantling. It also provides shipyard and naval base services. As a high-tech company, it draws on its outstanding expertise, unique design and production resources and ability to establish strategic partnerships, in particular within the framework of transfers of technology. Ever mindful of the issues of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Naval Group is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact. With bases on five continents, the group generates revenue of 4,257 billion euros and has 16 325 employees (average annual full-time equivalent workforce - data as of December 31, 2023). (www.naval-group.com)

About the Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
Ranked among the top 150 universities worldwide in the Shanghai ranking, deeply rooted in its region, multidisciplinary, and open to the world, UGA is one of the nine French universities labelled as initiatives of excellence (IDEX). Since 2020, UGA has incorporated three component institutions: Grenoble INP, Institute of Engineering and Management-UGA, Sciences Po Grenoble-UGA, and the National School of Architecture of Grenoble ENSAG-UGA, along with three academic divisions: Faculty of Science-UGA, University School of Technology-UGA, and the Faculty of Humanities, Health, Sports, and Societies-UGA.

With 57,000 students, including over 10,000 international students and 3,000 doctoral candidates, and 7,800 staff members, UGA is spread across several campuses mainly in Grenoble and Valence. National research organisations such as CEA, CNRS, INRAE, Inria, and Inserm are closely associated with the Université Grenoble Alpes to develop a joint research and valorisation policy on an international scale. Relationships with IRD and CHU Grenoble Alpes are also fostered. (www.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr)

Grenoble INP - UGA, Graduate schools of Engineering and Management 
Grenoble INP - UGA is a public higher education and research establishment, training creative and responsible students within its 8 schools, committed to a sustainable world in order to address the challenges of transitions. Grenoble INP - UGA develops its training in synergy with high-level research laboratories co-managed with the site's university partners and research organizations (CNRS, Inria, Inrae, CEA...) and has for many years forged close links with the socio‐economic world, which enable it to anticipate their skills needs. (www.grenoble-inp.fr)



Over 200 conference attendees read from their favorite banned book at the ALA Annual Conference

Sage and ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom Partner for “Banned Books from the Big Chair”


Conference attendees and book authors gathered at the Sage-sponsored “Banned Books from the Big Chair” booth in support of the freedom to read at the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2024 Annual Conference, where they were videotaped reading passages from their favorite banned books. Sage has been proud to sponsor this event for more than a decade, along with ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom, Unite Against Book Bans, and the Banned Books Week Coalition, as part of a larger effort to champion academic freedom.

Guests in the Big Chair included author and educator, Sonja Cherry-Paul, Nigerian-American illustrator Briana Mukodiri Uchendu, award-winning author Susannah Kennedy, and Miss Black America Gabrielle Wilson. Recordings from the conference will be available during Banned Books Week, September 22-28, on the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom Banned Books Week YouTube channel.

Sage’s guaranteed independence means that the company is free to focus on supporting intellectual freedom for the long term. In addition to the read-out booth, Sage co-sponsored the Downs Intellectual Freedom Award once again and celebrated the 2023 winners at the conference, including the Missouri Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee (MLA IFC), for its educational programming and advocacy work in support of the right to read. MLA IFC provides free workshops covering the history of intellectual freedom, the rights of patrons, and the value of library workers and has engaged in many activities including table talks, media outreach, and more to keep proposed banned books on shelves.

Sage also organizes an annual Banned Books Week webinar that brings together researchers, scholars, and higher-ed faculty to discuss the importance of academic freedom and ways to support the freedom to teach and learn. More information about this year’s webinar is forthcoming. Sage’s Independence with Impact report highlights its ongoing commitment to academic freedom with more information about additional projects.  

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Sage is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and library resources with a growing range of technologies to enable discovery, access, and engagement. Believing that research and education are critical in shaping society, 24-year-old Sara Miller McCune founded Sage in 1965. Today, we are controlled by a group of trustees charged with maintaining our independence and mission indefinitely. 

Our guaranteed independence means we’re free to:

  • Do more – supporting an equitable academic future, furthering disciplines that drive social change, and helping social and behavioral science make an impact

  • Work together – building lasting relationships, championing diverse perspectives, and co-creating resources to transform teaching and learning

  • Think long-term – experimenting, taking risks, and investing in new ideas

Purdue researchers fabricate ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing

Testing validates the alloys’ high strength and plastic deformability


Purdue University researchers fabricate ultrastrong aluminum alloys for additive manufacturing. 



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WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Purdue University material engineers have created a patent-pending process to develop ultrahigh-strength aluminum alloys that are suitable for additive manufacturing because of their plastic deformability. 

Haiyan Wang and Xinghang Zhang lead a team that has introduced transition metals cobalt, iron, nickel and titanium into aluminum via nanoscale, laminated, deformable intermetallics. Wang is the Basil S. Turner Professor of Engineering and Zhang is a professor in Purdue’s School of Materials Engineering. Anyu Shang, a materials engineering graduate student, completes the team.

“Our work shows that the proper introduction of heterogenous microstructures and nanoscale medium-entropy intermetallics offers an alternative solution to design ultrastrong, deformable aluminum alloys via additive manufacturing,” Zhang said. “These alloys improve upon traditional ones that are either ultrastrong or highly deformable, but not both.” 

Wang and Zhang disclosed the innovation to the Purdue Innovates Office of Technology Commercialization, which has applied for a patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect the intellectual property. 

The research has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Communications. The National Science Foundation and the U.S. Office of Naval Research provided support for this work.

Drawbacks of traditional aluminum alloys

Lightweight, high-strength aluminum alloys are used in industries from aerospace to automobile manufacturing.

“However, most commercially available high-strength aluminum alloys cannot be used in additive manufacturing,” Shang said. “They are highly susceptible to hot cracking, which creates defects that could lead to the deterioration of a metal alloy.”

A traditional method to alleviate hot cracking during additive manufacturing is the introduction of particles that strengthen aluminum alloys by impeding the movements of dislocations.

“But the highest strength these alloys achieve is in the range of 300 to 500 megapascals, which is much lower than what steels can achieve, typically 600 to 1,000 megapascals,” Wang said. “There has been limited success in producing high-strength aluminum alloys that also display beneficial large plastic deformability.”

The Purdue method and its validation

The Purdue researchers have produced intermetallics-strengthened additive aluminum alloys by using several transition metals including cobalt, iron, nickel and titanium. Shang said these metals traditionally have been largely avoided in the manufacture of aluminum alloys.

“These intermetallics have crystal structures with low symmetry and are known to be brittle at room temperature,” Shang said. “But our method forms the transitional metal elements into colonies of nanoscale, intermetallics lamellae that aggregate into fine rosettes. The nanolaminated rosettes can largely suppress the brittle nature of intermetallics.”

Wang said, “Also, the heterogeneous microstructures contain hard nanoscale intermetallics and a coarse-grain aluminum matrix, which induces significant back stress that can improve the work hardening ability of metallic materials. Additive manufacturing using a laser can enable rapid melting and quenching and thus introduce nanoscale intermetallics and their nanolaminates.”

The research team has conducted macroscale compression tests, micropillar compression tests and post-deformation analysis on the Purdue-created aluminum alloys.

“During the macroscale tests, the alloys revealed a combination of prominent plastic deformability and high strength, more than 900 megapascals. The micropillar tests displayed significant back stress in all regions, and certain regions had flow stresses exceeding a gigapascal,” Shang said. “Post-deformation analyses revealed that, in addition to abundant dislocation activities in the aluminum alloy matrix, complex dislocation structures and stacking faults formed in monoclinic Al9Co2-type brittle intermetallics.”

Industry partners interested in developing or commercializing the work should contact Parag Vasekar, business development and licensing manager, physical sciences, at psvasekar@prf.org, about track codes 70316 and 70392.

About Purdue Innovates Office of Technology Commercialization 

The Purdue Innovates Office of Technology Commercialization operates one of the most comprehensive technology transfer programs among leading research universities in the U.S. Services provided by this office support the economic development initiatives of Purdue University and benefit the university’s academic activities through commercializing, licensing and protecting Purdue intellectual property. In fiscal year 2023, the office reported 150 deals finalized with 203 technologies signed, 400 disclosures received and 218 issued U.S. patents. The office is managed by the Purdue Research Foundation, which received the 2019 Innovation & Economic Prosperity Universities Award for Place from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. In 2020, IPWatchdog Institute ranked Purdue third nationally in startup creation and in the top 20 for patents. The Purdue Research Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation created to advance the mission of Purdue University. Contact otcip@prf.org for more information.

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue Computes and the One Health initiative — at https://www.purdue.edu/president/strategic-initiatives.

Writer/Media contact: Steve Martin, sgmartin@prf.org 

Sources: Xinghang Zhang, xzhang98@purdue.edu

Haiyan Wang, hwang00@purdue.edu

Anyu Shang, shanga@purdue.edu


Predicting long-lasting pain from LASIK with tear proteins


Surgeons can correct some vision problems by altering the eye so it better focuses light. While these procedures, which include laser procedures, are generally quite safe, some people experience pain long afterward. In a new study in ACS’ Journal of Proteome Research, researchers linked changes in proteins in patients’ tears with pain months after surgery. The analysis suggests that shifts in the amounts of certain groups of proteins could one day identify at-risk persons.

When the eye fails to properly focus light on the sensory cells of the retina, poor vision results. In laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), surgeons use a laser to change the path of light as it travels toward the retina by altering the shape of the cornea, the eye’s transparent covering. Pain is common in the initial days after the procedure, but sometimes it can persist longer. Researchers suspect such long-lasting pain may be related to changes in the environment immediately surrounding the corneal nerves, including in the tears that moisten the eye. Sue Aicher, Brooke Harkness, Anat Galor and colleagues decided to comprehensively survey tear proteins in search of potential predictors of post-operative eye pain.

The team began by recruiting people scheduled to have LASIK or PRK on both eyes at clinics in Portland, Oregon, and Miami. The team focused their analysis on tears from 16 patients who reported a pain level of at least three out of 10 three months after surgery and 32 patients who reported no post-operative pain after three months.

The researchers identified a collection of 2,748 proteins in tears from all the participants before surgery, the day after and three months after surgery. When the team compared protein profiles for the two groups of patients, they homed in on 83 proteins whose levels shifted up or down among the patients with post-operative pain. Using statistical tools, Aicher’s team then tested whether individual proteins or sets of proteins could predict if eye-surgery patients would experience long-term pain. The computer models using sets of three or four proteins appeared to be the most effective at predicting long-term discomfort. Such patterns of differences in proteins, say the researchers, could someday be used to evaluate patients’ risk of post-surgical eye pain and find new routes to treat it.

The authors acknowledge funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Eye Institute.


The American Chemical Society (ACS) is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. ACS’ mission is to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and all its people. The Society is a global leader in promoting excellence in science education and providing access to chemistry-related information and research through its multiple research solutions, peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences, eBooks and weekly news periodical Chemical & Engineering News. ACS journals are among the most cited, most trusted and most read within the scientific literature; however, ACS itself does not conduct chemical research. As a leader in scientific information solutions, its CAS division partners with global innovators to accelerate breakthroughs by curating, connecting and analyzing the world’s scientific knowledge. ACS’ main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio. 

To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society, contact newsroom@acs.org

Note: ACS does not conduct research, but publishes and publicizes peer-reviewed scientific studies. 

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Life underground suited new dinosaur fine

Fona herzogae 



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The age of dinosaurs wasn’t conducted solely above ground. A newly discovered ancestor of Thescelosaurus shows evidence that these animals spent at least part of their time in underground burrows. The new species contributes to a fuller understanding of life during the mid-Cretaceous – both above and below ground.

The new dinosaur, Fona [/Foat’NAH/] herzogae lived 99 million years ago in what is now Utah. At that time, the area was a large floodplain ecosystem sandwiched between the shores of a massive inland ocean to the east and active volcanoes and mountains to the west. It was a warm, wet, muddy environment with numerous rivers running through it.

Paleontologists from North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences unearthed the fossil – and other specimens from the same species – in the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, beginning in 2013. The preservation of these fossils, along with some distinguishing features, alerted them to the possibility of burrowing.

Fona was a small-bodied, plant-eating dinosaur about the size of a large dog with a simple body plan. It lacks the bells and whistles that characterize its highly ornamented relatives such as horned dinosaurs, armored dinosaurs, and crested dinosaurs. But that doesn’t mean Fona was boring.

Fona shares several anatomical features with animals known for digging or burrowing, such as large bicep muscles, strong muscle attachment points on the hips and legs, fused bones along the pelvis – likely to help with stability while digging – and hindlimbs that are proportionally larger than the forelimbs. But that isn’t the only evidence that this animal spent time underground.

“The bias in the fossil record is toward bigger animals, primarily because in floodplain environments like the Mussentuchit, small bones on the surface will often scatter, rot away, or become scavenged before burial and fossilization,” says Haviv Avrahami, Ph.D. student at NC State and digital technician for the new Dueling Dinosaurs program at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Avrahami is first author of the paper describing the work.

“But Fona is often found complete, with many of its bones preserved in the original death pose, chest down with splayed forelimbs, and in exceptionally good condition,” Avrahami says. “If it had already been underground in a burrow before death, it would have made this type of preservation more likely.” 

Lindsay Zanno, associate research professor at NC State, head of paleontology at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and corresponding author of the work, agrees.

Fona skeletons are way more common in this area than we would predict for a small animal with fragile bones,” Zanno says. “The best explanation for why we find so many of them, and recover them in small bundles of multiple individuals, is that they were living at least part of the time underground. Essentially, Fona did the hard work for us, by burying itself all over this area.” 

Although the researchers have yet to identify the subterranean burrows of Fona, the tunnels and chamber of its closest relative, Oryctodromeus, have been found in Idaho and Montana. These finds support the idea that Fona also used burrows. 

The genus name Fona comes from the ancestral creation story of the Chamorro people, who are the indigenous populations of Guam and the Pacific Mariana Islands. Fo’na and Pontan were brother and sister explorers who discovered the island and became the land and sky. The species name honors Lisa Herzog, the paleontology operations manager at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, for her invaluable contributions and dedication to the field of paleontology.

“I wanted to honor the indigenous mythology of Guam, which is where my Chamorro ancestors are from,” Avrahami says. “In the myth, Fo’na became part of the land when she died, and from her body sprung forth new life, which to me, ties into fossilization, beauty, and creation. Fona was most likely covered in a downy coat of colorful feathers. The species name is for Lisa Herzog, who has been integral to all this work and discovered one of the most exceptional Fona specimens of several individuals preserved together in what was likely a burrow.”

Fona is also a distant relative of another famous North Carolina fossil: Willo, a Thescelosaurus neglectus specimen currently housed at the museum and also thought to have adaptations for a semifossorial – or partially underground – lifestyle, research that was published late in 2023 by Zanno and former NC State postdoctoral researcher David Button. 

“T. neglectus was at the tail end of this lineage – Fona is its ancestor from about 35 million years prior,” Avrahami says. 

The researchers believe Fona is key to expanding our understanding of Cretaceous ecosystems.

Fona gives us insight into the third dimension an animal can occupy by moving underground,” says Avrahami. “It adds to the richness of the fossil record and expands the known diversity of small-bodied herbivores, which remain poorly understood despite being incredibly integral components of Cretaceous ecosystems.”

“People tend to have a myopic view of dinosaurs that hasn’t kept up with the science,” Zanno says. “We now know that dinosaur diversity ran the gamut from tiny arboreal gliders and nocturnal hunters, to sloth-like grazers, and yes, even subterranean shelterers.”

The work appears in The Anatomical Record. Peter Makovicky of the University of Minnesota and Ryan Tucker of Stellenbosch University also contributed to the work.


Note to editors: An abstract follows.

“A New Semi-Fossorial Thescelosaurine Dinosaur from The Cenomanian-age Mussentuchit member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah”

DOI:  10.1002/ar.25505  

Authors: Haviv Avrahami, Lindsay Zanno; North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences; Peter Makovicky, University of Minnesota; Ryan Tucker, Stellenbosch University
Published: July 9, 2024 in The Anatomical Record

Thescelosaurines are a group of early diverging, ornithischian dinosaurs notable for their conservative bauplans and mosaic of primitive features. Although abundant within the latest Cretaceous ecosystems of North America, their record is poor to absent in earlier assemblages, leaving a large gap in our understanding of their evolution, origins, and ecological roles. Here we report a new small bodied thescelosaurine—Fona herzogae gen. et sp. nov.—from the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA. Fona herzogae is represented by multiple individuals, representing one of the most comprehensive skeletal assemblages of a small bodied, early diverging ornithischian described from North America to date. Phylogenetic analysis recovers Fona as the earliest member of Thescelosaurinae, minimally containing Oryctodromeus, and all three species of Thescelosaurus, revealing the clade was well-established in North America by as early as the Cenomanian, and distinct from, yet continental cohabitants with, their sister clade, Orodrominae. To date, orodromines and thescelosaurines have not been found together within a single North American ecosystem, suggesting different habitat preferences or competitive exclusion. Osteological observations reveal extensive intraspecific variation across cranial and postcranial elements, and a number of anatomical similarities with Oryctodromeus, suggesting a shared semi-fossorial lifestyle.