Tuesday, July 09, 2024



Greater focus needed on how existing international law can prevent the increasing militarisation of outer space


There is a pressing need for countries and international organisations to understand better how existing international law can help them address serious concerns about the militarisation of outer space, a new study says.                                                                                          

Space is an increasingly militarized domain, with the potential to be a source and place of armed conflict. Nations are testing anti-satellite (‘ASAT’) weapons and satellites are potentially attractive targets during armed conflict.

The new study, by Dr Chris O’Meara from the University of Exeter Law School, examines how the jus ad bellum, which is a body of law that regulates when states may lawfully use force, applies to ASAT weapons and to the right of states to use them in space. The study argues that jus ad bellum regulation of ASAT technologies addresses state concerns regarding protecting satellites and other space assets and avoiding conflict in space. It says a clearer understanding of this body of law will help decision makers and military planners avoid lawful acts of self-defence being characterized as unlawful.

Dr O’Meara said: “Space is increasingly important, militarised, and congested. States and international organisations like NATO and the UN are trying to work out how legal rules apply to space and what should happen if there’s conflict in that domain. This is not fantastical Star Wars territory; it is a necessary response to real concerns about future conflict in space. Countries are putting military weapons into space and this potential threat will continue into the future.”

“For now, it is clear we are not going to get a new weapons control treaty to respond to the fears of wars in space, so we will have to rely on existing rules from the UN Charter and customary international law and to think about how these existing rules apply above Earth. So far, there has been relatively little focus on the jus ad bellum, but my view is that we do have this existing toolkit, a body of law which applies and which sets out standards of conduct, but we need to better understand how it works in space. A better appreciation of the law is a big part of the answer.”

“In the absence of a multilateral ASAT weapons control treaty, the jus ad bellum, alongside international humanitarian law, must be regarded as an essential part of the international law framework limiting their use.”

“A clearer understanding of jus ad bellum requirements could directly address pressing international concerns regarding the weaponization of space and the fear of wars between states in that domain.”

The study says adherence to jus ad bellum helps to avoid conflict and the escalation of conflict in space and has the potential to limit ASAT weapon deployment. Compliance underpins international peace and security and safeguards space for peaceful purposes and ensuring its valuable resources continue to benefit all mankind.


Found with Webb: a potentially habitable icy world


Exoplanet LHS 1140b 



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A international team of astronomers led by Université de Montréal has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it could be a promising "super-Earth" covered in ice or water.

When the exoplanet LHS 1140 b was first discovered, astronomers speculated that it might be a mini-Neptune: an essentially gaseous planet, but very small in size compared to Neptune. But after analyzing data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) collected in December 2023 - combined with previous data from other space telescopes such as Spitzer, Hubble and TESS - scientists have come to a very different conclusion.

Located some 48 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cetus, LHS 1140 b appears to be one of the most promising exoplanets in its star's habitable zone, potentially harboring an atmosphere and even an ocean of liquid water. The results of this discovery by Université de Montréal astronomers are available on ArXiv and will soon be published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

An exoplanet in the 'Goldilocks' Zone'

LHS 1140 b, an exoplanet orbiting a low-mass red dwarf star roughly one-fifth the size of the Sun, has captivated scientists due to it being one of the closest exoplanets to our Solar System that lies within its star’s habitable zone. Exoplanets found in this “Goldilocks’ Zone” have temperatures that would allow water to exist on them in liquid form ­— liquid water being a crucial element for life as we know it on Earth.

Earlier this year, researchers led by Charles Cadieux, a Ph.D. student at UdeM's Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx) supervised by professor René Doyon, reported new mass and radius estimates for LHS 1140 b with exceptional accuracy, comparable to those of the well-known TRAPPIST-1 planets: 1.7 times the size of Earth and 5.6 times its mass.

One of the critical questions about LHS 1140 b was whether it is a mini-Neptune type exoplanet (a small gas giant with a thick hydrogen-rich atmosphere) or a super-Earth (a rocky planet larger than Earth). This latter scenario included the possibility of a so-called “Hycean world” with a global liquid ocean enveloped by a hydrogen-rich atmosphere which would exhibit a distinct atmospheric signal that could be observed using the powerful Webb Telescope.

New insights from Webb data

Through an extremely competitive process, the team of astronomers obtained valuable "drector's discretionary time" (DDT) on Webb last December, during which two transits of LHS 1140 b were observed with the Canadian-built NIRISS (Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph) instrument. This DDT programme is only the second dedicated to the study of exoplanets in the nearly two years of Webb’s operations, underscoring the importance and potential impact of these findings.

Analysis of these observations strongly excluded the mini-Neptune scenario, with tantalizing evidence suggesting exoplanet LHS 1140 b is a super-Earth that may even have a nitrogen-rich atmosphere. If this result is confirmed, LHS 1140 b would be the first temperate planet to show evidence of a secondary atmosphere, formed after the planet’s initial formation.

Estimates based on all accumulated data reveal that LHS 1140 b is less dense than expected for a rocky planet with an Earth-like composition, suggesting that 10 to 20 per cent of its mass may be composed of water. This discovery points to LHS 1140 b being a compelling water world, likely resembling a snowball or ice planet with a potential liquid ocean at the sub-stellar point, the area of the planet’s surface that would always be facing the system’s host star due to the planet’s expected synchronous rotation (much like the Earth’s Moon).

“Of all currently known temperate exoplanets, LHS 1140 b could well be our best bet to one day indirectly confirm liquid water on the surface of an alien world beyond our Solar System,” said Cadieux, lead author of the new study. “This would be a major milestone in the search for potentially habitable exoplanets.”

Possible presence of an atmosphere and an ocean

While it is still only a tentative result, the presence of a nitrogen-rich atmosphere on LHS 1140 b would suggest the planet has retained a substantial atmosphere, creating conditions that might support liquid water. This discovery favors the water-world/snowball scenario as the most plausible.

Current models indicate that if LHS 1140 b has an Earth-like atmosphere, it would be a snowball planet with a vast "bull’s-eye" ocean measuring about 4,000 kilometers in diameter, equivalent to half the surface area of the Atlantic Ocean. The surface temperature at the centre of this alien ocean could even be a comfortable 20 degrees Celsius.

LHS 1140 b's potential atmosphere and favorable conditions for liquid water make it an exceptional candidate for future habitability studies. This planet provides a unique opportunity to study a world that could support life, given its position in its star's habitable zone and the likelihood of its having an atmosphere that can retain heat and support a stable climate.

Several years of observation ahead

Confirming the presence and composition of LHS 1140 b's atmosphere and discerning between the snowball planet and bull’s-eye ocean planet scenarios require further observations. The research team has emphasised the need for additional transit and eclipse measurements with the Webb Telescope, focusing on a specific signal that could unveil the presence of carbon dioxide. This feature is crucial for understanding the atmospheric composition and detecting potential greenhouse gases that could indicate habitable conditions on the exoplanet.

“Detecting an Earth-like atmosphere on a temperate planet is pushing Webb’s capabilities to its limits - it’s feasible; we just need lots of observing time,” said Doyon, who is also the principal investigator of the NIRISS instrument. “The current hint of a nitrogen-rich atmosphere begs for confirmation with more data. We need at least one more year of observations to confirm that LHS 1140 b has an atmosphere, and likely two or three more to detect carbon dioxide.” According to Doyon, the Webb Telescope will likely have to observe this system at every possible opportunity for several years to determine whether LHS 1140 b has habitable surface conditions.

Given LHS 1140 b's limited visibility with Webb — a maximum of only eight visits per year are possible — astronomers will require several years of observations to detect carbon dioxide and confirm the presence of liquid water on the planet's surface.

About this study

"Transmission spectroscopy of the habitable zone exoplanet LHS 1140 b with JWST/NIRISS," by Charles Cadieux et al, was published in ArXiv on June 21, 2024 and will soon be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Cadieux is a doctoral student at Université de Montréal's Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets (iREx).

Other iREx researchers who contributed to this paper are René Doyon (UdeM), Étienne Artigau (UdeM), Olivia Lim (UdeM), Michael Radica (UdeM), Salma Salhi (UdeM), Lisa Dang (UdeM), Loïc Albert (UdeM), Louis-Philippe Coulombe (UdeM), Nicolas Cowan (McGill), David Lafrenière (UdeM), Alexandrine L’Heureux (UdeM), Caroline Piaulet-Ghorayeb (UdeM), Björn Benneke (UdeM), Neil Cook (UdeM), and Marylou Fournier-Tondreau (UdeM and University of Oxford). Additional contributors are based out of the University of Michigan, the Centre national de recherche scientifique (France), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, the American University, McGill University, McMaster University, and the University of Toronto. Cadieux and the UdeM team acknowledge financial support from the Canadian Space Agency for this study.

Stench of a gas giant? Nearby exoplanet reeks of rotten eggs. And that’s a good thing

Astronomers sniffed out the stinky atmosphere with Webb Telescope

Peer-Reviewed Publication


HD 189733b with star 



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An exoplanet infamous for its deadly weather has been hiding another bizarre feature—it reeks of rotten eggs, according to a new Johns Hopkins University study of data from the James Webb Space Telescope.

The atmosphere of HD 189733 b,  a Jupiter-sized gas giant, has trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide, a molecule that not only gives off a stench but also offers scientists new clues about how sulfur, a building block of planets, might influence the insides and atmospheres of gas worlds beyond the solar system.

The findings are published today in Nature.

“Hydrogen sulfide is a major molecule that we didn’t know was there. We predicted it would be, and we know it’s in Jupiter, but we hadn’t really detected it outside the solar system,” said Guangwei Fu, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins who led the research. “We’re not looking for life on this planet because it’s way too hot, but finding hydrogen sulfide is a stepping stone for finding this molecule on other planets and gaining more understanding of how different types of planets form.”

In addition to detecting hydrogen sulfide and measuring overall sulfur in HD 189733 b’s atmosphere, Fu’s team precisely measured the main sources of the planet’s oxygen and carbon—water, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.

“Sulfur is a vital element for building more complex molecules, and—like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphate—scientists need to study it more to fully understand how planets are made and what they’re made of,” Fu said.

At only 64 light-years from Earth, HD 189733 b is the nearest “hot Jupiter” astronomers can observe passing in front of its star, making it a benchmark planet for detailed studies of exoplanetary atmospheres since its discovery in 2005, Fu said.

The planet is about 13 times closer to its star than Mercury is to the sun and takes only about two Earth days to complete an orbit. It has scorching temperatures of 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit and is notorious for vicious weather, including raining glass that blows sideways on winds of 5,000 mph.

As it did by detecting water, carbon dioxide, methane, and other critical molecules in other exoplanets, Webb gives scientists yet another new tool to track hydrogen sulfide and measure sulfur in gas planets outside the solar system.

“Say we study another 100 hot Jupiters and they're all sulfur enhanced. What does that mean about how they were born and how they form differently compared to our own Jupiter?” Fu said.

The new data also ruled out the presence of methane in HD 189733 b with unprecedented precision and infrared wavelength observations from the Webb telescope, countering previous claims about that molecule’s abundance in the atmosphere.

“We had been thinking this planet was too hot to have high concentrations of methane, and now we know that it doesn’t,” Fu said.

The team also measured levels of heavy metals like those on Jupiter, a finding that could help scientists answer questions about how a planet’s metallicity correlates to its mass, Fu said.

Less-massive giant icy planets like Neptune and Uranus contain more metals than those found in gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, the largest planets in the solar system. The higher metallicities suggest Neptune and Uranus accumulated more ice, rock, and other heavy elements relative to gases like hydrogen and helium during early periods of formation. Scientists are testing whether that correlation also holds true for exoplanets, Fu said.

“This Jupiter-mass planet is very close to Earth and has been very well studied. Now we have this new measurement to show that indeed the metal concentrations it has provide a very important anchor point to this study of how a planet’s composition varies with its mass and radius,” Fu said. “The findings support our understanding of how planets form through creating more solid material after initial core formation and then are naturally enhanced with heavy metals.”

In coming months, Fu’s team plans to track sulfur in more exoplanets and figure out how high levels of that compound might influence how close they form near their parent stars.

“We want to know how these kinds of planets got there, and understanding their atmospheric composition will help us answer that question,” Fu said.

This research was supported by NASA through the JWST GO program.

Other authors are Luis Welbanks, Dana R. Louie, and Michael Line of Arizona State University; Drake Deming, Jegug Ih, Arjun B. Savel, Eliza M.-R. Kempton, and Matt Nixon of University of Maryland; Julie Inglis and Heather A. Knutson of California Institute of Technology; Michael Zhang of University of Chicago; Joshua Lothringer of Utah Valley University; Julianne I. Moses and Gregory Henry of Tennessee State University; Everett Schlawin of University of Arizona; David K. Sing of Johns Hopkins; and Thomas Greene of NASA Ames Research Center.

HD 189733 b has been the benchmark planet for atmospheric characterization since its discovery in 2005.


Roberto Molar Candanosa/Johns Hopkins University


Brigham researchers develop new way for beneficial microbes to survive extreme conditions and space exploration

The team’s formulations allow microbial therapeutics, including those used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and improve crop production, to maintain their potency and function over time despite extreme temperatures, harsh manufacturing processes

Peer-Reviewed Publication


The team’s formulations allow microbial therapeutics, including those used to treat gastrointestinal diseases and improve crop production, to maintain their potency and function over time despite extreme temperatures, harsh manufacturing processes, and radiation exposure

Extremophiles, microbes that live in harsh environments such as Yellowstone’s hot springs or far beneath the ice of Antarctica, provide fascinating insights on the history and potential of life on earth and the universe beyond. Humans have used microbes to help produce food and medicine for thousands of years, but modern applications face immense challenges in ensuring that microbial products, such as probiotics, remain viable through production, transportation, and storage. Investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, and MIT sought to help figure out how to send materials like probiotics into space and to better treat a variety of gastrointestinal (GI) and metabolic diseases. To do this, they developed synthetic extremophiles by mixing microbes with different materials to make them shelf-stable without refrigeration and able to withstand conditions like extreme temperatures, manufacturing processes, and even radiation encountered in space flight. Their results are published in Nature Materials.

“This ability to stabilize potential therapeutics or other interventions could be transformative in a variety of settings including health care, agriculture, and space exploration,” said corresponding author Giovanni Traverso, MD, PhD, MBBCH, a gastroenterologist in Brigham’s Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endoscopy and MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering. “We have found that this can be done without the need for temperature-controlled supply chain processes, which can be very costly and limiting.”

A focus of Traverso’s lab has been making medicines more stable and enhancing their abilities to be absorbed through the GI tract. Recently, the team began investigating how to stabilize probiotics by testing a range of over-the-counter products to see if there was discrepancy between what was listed on the package and the viable material they contained. They found that many of the products contained a much lower level of active cells than was listed on the label. These findings, along with a growing need to be able to send materials like probiotics into space and to better treat a variety of GI and metabolic diseases, inspired the team to attempt to develop synthetic extremophiles.

For this study, the team tested over 2,000 material microbe combinations and found unique stabilizers for three types of bacteria and one yeast, organisms which are actively being used to treat diseases and improve crop production. The four microbes were mixed and matched with an extensive panel of ingredients from the Food and Drug Administration’s ‘generally regarded as safe’ list. These solutions were then put through manufacturing processes such as freezing, drying, milling, and wet granulation to see which ingredients helped stabilize and maximize their viability.

The team also tested for materials that maintain shelf-stability and viability at room temperature for longer periods of time, as well as after exposure to high temperatures, high pressure, solvents, and ionizing radiation. They found that these microorganisms could not only survive the extreme conditions, but they also maintained their potency and function for extended periods of time without refrigeration. Notable examples included one type of bacteria that remained functional at treating traveler’s diarrhea and another commonly used for fixing nitrogen in the soil that also remained viable.

The team will continue to develop these systems and is currently working with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to investigate their potential use in women’s health and neonatal care. “This approach has the potential to influence and inform our ability to deploy very useful microbes across a range of areas,” said Traverso.

Authorship: Additional authors include Miguel Jimenez, Johanna L’Heureux, Emily Kolaya, Gary W. Liu, Kyle B. Martin, Husna Ellis, Alfred Dao, Margaret Yang, Zachary Villaverde, Afeefah Khazi-Syed, Qinhao Cao, Niora Fabian, Joshua Jenkins, Nina Fitzgerald, Christina Karavasili, Benjamin Muller, and James D. Byrne.

Disclosures: Miguel Jimenez, Giovanni Traverso, Johanna L’Heureux, and Emily Kolaya have filed a provisional patent application covering the described work. Miguel Jimenez consults for VitaKey. Complete details of all relationships for profit and not-for-profit for Giovanni Traverso can be found here.

Funding: This work is supported by the Translational Research Institute for Space Health (NNX16AO69A) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (FA8650-21-2-7120).

Paper cited: Jimenez M, et al. “Synthetic extremophiles: Species-specific formulations for microbial therapeutics and beyond.” Nature Materials, DOI: 10.1038/s41563-024-01937-6

Turkish President said  that despite obstacles and restrictions, Türkiye is expanding its presence in space

With Turksat 6A, Türkiye has reached a new phase in the production of satellites, says Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Gokhan Ergocun |09.07.2024 -


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said early Tuesday that despite obstacles and restrictions, Türkiye is expanding its presence in space, referring to the country’s newly launched homegrown satellite Turksat 6A.

Turksat 6A was launched Monday at 7.30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (2330GMT) from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in the US state of Florida by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket.

Erdogan said Türkiye also sent its Turksat 5B satellite by the same rocket two and a half years ago, adding: "We are pleased to strengthen our cooperation with Elon Musk and SpaceX in various fields."

He said Türkiye has completed more than 81% of the sub-systems and software work with domestic sources for Turksat 6A, which has importance for the country's future in the space field.

As part of its national space program, Türkiye realized its first manned space travel recently, he recalled.

With Turksat 6A, Türkiye reached a new phase in the production of satellites, Erdogan noted.

He said Turksat 6A will increase the coverage capacity of Türkiye's satellites, including countries such as India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

With Turksat 6A, Turksat's service exports will also increase, and Türkiye will join other countries with the capability to produce their own communications satellites.

He also said it is significant that Türkiye is able to produce critical communications satellites without foreign dependence.

Türkiye's 1st homegrown communications satellite launched successfully

Satellite expected to deploy after around 35 minutes

Gokhan Ergocun |09.07.2024 - TRT


Türkiye's first homegrown communications satellite, Turksat 6A, was successfully launched from the US state of Florida by SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket.

The launching was realized at 7.30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (2330GMT) on Monday from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

After around 35 minutes, the satellite is expected to deploy, according to SpaceX.

The 4.25-ton satellite will operate at the 42 degrees East orbital position and its service life will be 15 years in orbit.

It will cover Türkiye, Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia and will serve 4.5 billion people for TV, radio and emergency communications.

- Result of 10 years of work

The project for Turksat 6A has been some 10 years in the making.

Turksat 1C, the successor of the first communications satellite, Turksat 1B, was launched in 1996, followed by Turksat 2A in 2001, Turksat 3A in 2008, Turksat 4A in 2014, Turksat 4B in 2015 and Turksat 5A and 5B in 2021.

Turkish engineers took part in Turksat’s construction of the 4A and 4B satellites as well as in the design, production and testing phases of 5A and 5B.

The indigenous Turksat 6A project was officially launched on Dec. 15, 2014, beginning with the opening of the Space Systems Assembly Integration and Test Center established at Turkish Aerospace Industries facilities in cooperation with Turksat and Türkiye’s Defense Industry Agency.

Turkish-based defense firms, the Turkish Space Agency, Aselsan, C2TECH and Turkish Aerospace Industries together with Turksat and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye's Space Technologies Research Institute completed the satellite’s construction.

The preliminary review phase of the craft started in 2015, and the first critical review phase started the next year.

The thermal structural qualification model was completed by 2017, and the second critical review phase began in 2018, while the engineering model satellite’s construction started in 2019 and concluded in 2022.

The craft’s flight model’s initial functional and thermal vacuum tests were done the same year.

In 2023, Turksat 6A’s flight model vibration and acoustic tests as well as its shock test and fit check were done.

The craft’s tests were officially finalized in 2024, and its mass properties were measured in April, followed by its delivery to the SpaceX facility in Cape Canaveral in the US state of Florida on June 4.

EU rockets back into the space competition
By Giada Santana | Euractiv | podcast by Miriam Sáenz de Tejada and Nicoletta Ionta

Today the European Union launches a rocket into space, for the first time since the war in Ukraine began. Named Ariane 6 it symbolises a renewed hope that Europe will gain ground in the new space race. But the challenges ahead are plenty. Can Europe catch up?

In this episode, host Giada Santana and science freelance journalist Senne Starckx discuss the significance of this launch, and what it means for the future of European space competitiveness.


Building materials for water-rich planets in the early solar system

Investigations with participation by Heidelberg scientists show that later emerging small bodies brought water to the Earth


Age data for certain classes of meteorite have made it possible to gain new findings on the origin of small water-rich astronomical bodies in the early solar system. These so-called planetesimals continually supplied building materials for planets – also for the Earth, whose original material contained little water. The Earth received its actual water through planetesimals, which emerged at low temperatures in the outer solar system. Ice was available there as solid-state water – unlike with small bodies which had evolved earlier and were too hot for that, being closer to the sun. Computational models carried out by an international research team, with participation by earth scientists from Heidelberg University, have shown this on the basis of the age data, from which they were also able to read the parent bodies’ thermal evolution.

The planets of our solar system formed together with their mother star, and the Earth did likewise, emerging about 4.5 billion years ago around the sun. This happened in the habitable zone, which meant that water was able to exist in liquid form on its surface. The Earth, like other planets, also grew out of planetesimals. They emerge when large quantities of dust particles accrete in high pressure zones several thousand kilometres in diameter, and collapse under their own gravity. “These small bodies did not just supply the building materials for the planets,” explains Prof. Dr Mario Trieloff, who directs the Klaus Tschira Laboratory for Cosmochemistry at Heidelberg University’s Institute of Earth Sciences. They are also the source of the Earth’s water, the scientist adds.

The circumstances under which the planetesimals actually originated in the early solar system, and whether this was also possible for considerable periods of time, have so far not been finally clarified. Important information in this regard is supplied by the age data of certain classes of meteorites, which at some stage separated from small planets. In cooperation with colleagues from Berlin, Bayreuth and Zurich (Switzerland), the Heidelberg scientists have derived the thermal evolution and point of origin of the mother bodies from this data. They show that some of the planetesimals formed very quickly, meaning within less than two million years. In that case, they heated up so strongly that they melted and lost all volatile elements, including their water.

Other planetesimals, according to the findings of the current study, arose later at lower temperatures in the outer solar system; they were partly able to conserve their water bound up in crystals. The fact that these small bodies were also able to continually form at later stages of the solar system is, according to the scientists, due to various delaying effects counteracting the mechanisms of rapid origin, for example, collisions between dust agglomerates − the building materials of planetesimals − which prevented the rapid growth of small planets.

“The Earth accreted such small water-rich planets or their fragments in the form of asteroids or meteorites during its growth process and that is the only reason why it did not become a bone-dry planet, hostile to life,” says Dr Wladimir Neumann, first author of the study, which is based on research carried out at Heidelberg University, the Institute of Planetary Research at the German Aerospace Center and the Institute of Geodesy at TU Berlin.

Since the origin of planetesimals in extrasolar planetary systems is based on the same physical laws as in our solar system, the scientists assume that there could also be planets similar to the Earth in other regions of space. If they have received water from small bodies in the course of their evolutionary history they could meet the preconditions for the origin of life, according to Prof. Trieloff.

The research findings were published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports. Participating in the investigations were scientists from TU Berlin, the German Aerospace Center, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and the University of Bayreuth. Funding for the research studies came from the German Research Foundation, the Klaus Tschira Foundation and the International Space Science Institute in Bern (Switzerland) and Beijing (China).


Daily sugar intake fell by 5 g in kids + 11 g in adults year after UK sugar tax imposition

Sugar from soft drinks alone made up over half of this total, estimates suggest. But daily energy intake from free sugars still higher than 5% recommended by WHO


Daily sugar intake fell by around 5 g in children and by around 11 g in adults in the 12 months following the introduction of the UK’s ‘sugar tax’, formally known as the Soft Drinks Industry Levy, finds an analysis of 11 years of survey data, published online in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.


The sugar from soft drinks alone made up over half this total, the estimates suggest. But overall daily energy intake from free sugars levels are still higher than the updated recommendation from the World Health Organisation (WHO) of 5%---equivalent to 30 g/day for adults, 24 g for 7–10 year olds, and 19 g for 4–6 year olds—point out the researchers.

Mounting evidence implicates consumption of sugar sweetened drinks, which are a major source of dietary free sugars, particularly among children, in a heightened risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and premature death. 

To date, more than 50 countries have introduced a sugar tax on soft drinks in a bid to persuade manufacturers to reformulate their products. The UK did so in 2018.

While the evidence suggests that sugar intake derived from these drinks fell in the year following its introduction, it’s not clear whether other sources of dietary sugar were substituted instead.

To assess the impact of the levy on total sugar intake, the researchers drew on 11 years of responses (2008–19) to the annual nationally representative UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey. This captures information on food consumption, nutrition, and nutrient intake in and outside of the home from 500 adults and 500 children over a 4-day period.

The researchers looked particularly at absolute and relative changes in total intake of dietary free sugars from all food and soft drinks combined and from soft drinks alone, to include full and low calorie soft drinks; semi-skimmed, whole and skimmed milk; fruit juice; and other milk drinks and cream.

Protein intake was used as a comparator because although not subject to a levy, it could still be affected by influential factors such as increases in food prices, say the researchers.

The results draw on information for 7999 adults and 7656 children, and estimated changes in free sugar consumption are based on the period January to March 2019 and compared with what would be expected had no sugar tax been announced and implemented. 

In the period after the sugar tax was announced in 2016, free sugars consumed from all soft drinks more or less halved in children and fell by a third in adults compared with the period before the announcement. 

Taking into consideration previous trends in free sugar consumption, the survey responses indicated that 1 year after the UK sugar tax had come into force children further reduced their free sugar intake from food and drink combined by around 5 g/day (relative reduction of 10%) and adults by around 11 g/day (relative reduction of 20%). 

Over half of this total was from soft drinks alone, accounting for around 3 g/day (relative reduction of 23.5%) in children and around 5 g/ day (relative reduction of just under 40.5%) in adults. Protein intake remained stable throughout in children and adults.

“In children, a daily reduction of 4.8 g sugar equates to approximately 19.2 kilocalories out of an approximate daily intake of  2000 kilocalories which is equivalent to approximately 1% reduction in energy intake,” point out the researchers.

Energy intake from free sugars as a proportion of total energy consumed didn't change significantly following the the introduction of the levy, indicating energy intake from free sugar was reducing at the same time as overall total energy intake, and suggesting that people didn’t change their diets substantially by substituting more sugary foods and drinks, say the researchers.

It wasn’t possible to study different age groups due to the limited number of participants, but falls in the levels of sugar in food and drink may have affected different age groups differently, say the researchers.

For example, the largest single contributor to free sugars in 4–10 year olds is cereal and cereal products, followed by soft drinks and fruit juice. By the age of 11–18, soft drinks provide the largest single source (29%). For adults the largest source of free sugars is sugar, preserves, and confectionery, followed by non-alcoholic drinks, they explain.

The fall in consumption of free sugars observed in the whole diet rather than just from soft drinks suggests that consumption of free sugar from food was also falling from as early as 2008, they add. This might be because of the public health signalling following the announcement, they suggest.



Researchers listen to the hearts of bats in flight

Unique recordings show that bats can ramp up heart rate from 6 to 900 b.p.m within minutes


Male noctule bat 



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Researchers from Konstanz have measured the heart rate of bats over several days in the wild, including complete flights—the first time this has been done for a bat species. To record the heart rate of male common noctule bats during flight, the scientists attached heart rate transmitters weighing less than one gram to the animals, which they then accompanied in an airplane while the bats flew, sometimes for more than an hour, in search of food. Their results, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, show how much energy bats consume over the course of a day and what energy-saving strategies they use to survive.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB) and the University of Konstanz used a special method to study male common noctule bats, which are found throughout Europe. Their aim was to understand exactly how much energy bats consume during the day and how this changes over the course of the year.

"Bats are fascinating animals that often share their habitat with us humans," says Lara Keicher, the lead author of the study. "But bats are still shrouded in mystery. We don't yet have a clear answer to simple questions such as: How much food do they need and can they find enough of it in different seasons to survive?" To predict how bats will fare in a changing climate, Keicher says it is crucial to know their energy requirements.

Bats with heart rate transmitters

To find out, the scientists fitted bats with small heart rate transmitters weighing just 0.8 grams. As with humans, heart rate can be used to determine energy consumption. The transmitters, which the bats only wore for a few days, send out an audio signal of the bats' heartbeat, which is then recorded using a radio receiver. However, this only works if the receiver is within a few hundred meters from the bats.

"During the day, it was no problem to record the heart beats without major interruptions because bats were resting in tree caves or bat boxes," says Keicher, who carried out the study as part of her doctoral thesis at the University of Konstanz and the MPI-AB. At night, however, bats fly out to hunt insects and can cover several kilometers in a short time. In order to accompany the bats around the clock, including during their nocturnal flight, the researchers flew in a small airplane to follow individuals for entire flights lasting more than an hour. "I know that we surprised Konstanz locals when our small plane flew in circles over the island of Mainau late at night," recalls Keicher.

Awake during the day

The team, which also included members of the Swiss Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research and the University of Freiburg, found that the heart rate of bats reaches around 900 beats per minute during flight. According to Keicher, who analyzed the signal, "it sounded like a single high-pitched tone to our ears". 

Using the unique recordings of heart beats, the scientists discovered fascinating strategies that bats use to budget their energy consumption in different seasons. They found that male common noctule bats consume up to 42% more energy in summer compared to spring. This is mainly due to the fact that the bats in spring go into a kind of short daytime hibernation known as “torpor”—an energy-saving state in which heart rate can be reduced to six beats per minute. “We saw that bats in spring could ramp up their heart rates when they wake up, reaching the top speed of 900 beats per minute within only a few minutes,” says Keicher.

The team was surprised that male bats did not use torpor in summer at all. Keicher explains: “In the warmer months, when food is plentiful, males stay awake during the day to invest energy in sperm production in order to be ready for mating in the autumn." To replenish the energy used up, the males hunt twice as long in summer as in spring and eat up to 33 June beetles or over 2500 mosquitoes in one night.

The results have provided insights into the energetic challenges of bats and their fascinating survival strategies. This understanding will allow better predictions of how increasingly extreme temperature fluctuations or changes in food availability will affect the animals' lives and potentially threaten them.

The senior author of the study, MPI-AB scientist Dina Dechmann, says: "All bat species are protected in Germany and some are threatened with extinction. Basic research that investigates the behavior of the animals and their adaptations to the environment can help us develop protective measures so that, for example, common noctule bats can continue to be seen in the night sky over Konstanz."

A YouTube video with audio of heart beats recorded from bats is here: https://youtu.be/l-C4vuyXZug?si=Bci81JZnMDDT8vUK

Night flight with bats [VIDEO] | 

Night flight at 300m altitude to follow bats.

Cessna used to fly with bats.


Christian Ziegler / Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior


Study reveals racial disparities in Huntington’s disease diagnoses

UCLA Health researchers found Black patients diagnosed one year later than White patients on average from time of symptom onset

Peer-Reviewed Publication


New research led by UCLA Health revealed that Black patients with Huntington's disease in the U.S. and Canada received their diagnoses, on average, one year later compared to White patients after symptoms first appear.

Huntington’s disease is a rare, incurable genetic disease that causes a gradual death of nerve cells, resulting in a variety of symptoms affecting movement, emotions and cognition. About 41,000 Americans have the disease and 200,000 are at risk of inheriting it, according to the Huntington’s Disease Society of America. Children of a parent with Huntington’s disease has a 50% of getting it.

The study, published in the journal Neurology: Clinical Practice, analyzed health data collected from nearly 5,000 Huntington’s disease patients from the U.S. and Canada.

Dr. Adys Mendizabal, lead author of the study and UCLA Health assistant professor of neurology, said early diagnosis is essential for allowing patients to access appropriate care and prepare for the significant life changes resulting from the neurodegenerative disease.

“The sooner people come into care, the more information they have and the more they can plan,” Mendizabal said. “Ultimately, we cannot yet change of the progression of the disease but we can definitely change the quality of life that people and their families experience while having the disease.”

While the data does not include specific information as to why Black patients receive a later diagnosis, Mendizabal said studies have documented racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare access to general neurologists and specialists for neurological care.

Delayed diagnoses also have implications in exacerbating underrepresentation of minority groups in clinical trials for treatments.

“We have a lot of clinical trials in Huntington’s that focus on disease modification, trying to prevent or slow down the onset of symptoms,” Mendizabal said. “But if you know that we have certain subgroups of patients that are experiencing delayed diagnoses or coming in with more severe disease, then they may not be eligible to be part of a clinical trial.”

The findings rely on the multicenter ENROLL-HD research platform. Led by the privately-funded CDHI Foundation, the platform is the world’s largest observational study of Huntington’s disease patients and provides publicly available health data for researchers.

UCLA Health used the data to investigate whether the time it takes to diagnose Huntington's disease after symptoms first appear is influenced by factors such as race, socioeconomic status, initial symptoms, and family history awareness.

The main findings included:

  • Black patients were diagnosed one year later than White individuals (4.6 years versus 3.7 years)
  • No significant differences in diagnosis time among Latino, Asian and Native American patients compared to white patients, although this may be due to very small number of patients from these racial and ethnic groups
  • The average time to diagnosis for all patients was 3.8 years
  • Patients with no or unknown family history of the disease were diagnosed 1.6 to 2 years later than those with known family history
  • Unemployed patients were diagnosed 1.3 years later than those with full-time jobs
  • Patients with PhD/doctorate degrees were diagnosed 1.7 years later than those with a high school degree or GED
  • Patients with psychiatric symptoms as their first sign of the disease were diagnosed a year later than those with motor symptoms.

Of the 4,717 patients included in this study, nearly 90% were White and only 2.3% were Black. Mendizabal said that given the barriers to healthcare access in the U.S., she suspects the true delays in diagnosis are likely underestimated in this study. The data used in the study is also only collected at Huntington’s Disease Centers of Excellence, which are mostly located in urban areas and affiliated with academic institutions, including UCLA, which may limit access for certain geographic areas.

To address limitations in the ENROLL-HD data, Mendizabal said further clinical data is needed to better understand barriers to healthcare access. She adds that there also needs to be better tracking of the quality of care and health outcomes from treatment among minority populations.

“In addition to reviewing clinical data, we also need qualitative studies to appropriately understand the experience of minoritized groups with Huntington’s disease both as they navigate the disease, as well as accessing care for a rare disease within our healthcare systems,” Mendizabal said. “Our findings serve as a starting point to create awareness and improve access to care for minoritized groups affected by rare neurological diseases.”

Article: Racial Disparities in Time to Huntington Disease Diagnosis in North America, Mendizabal et al., Volume 14 (5), 2024, ISSN https://doi.org/10.1212/CPJ.0000000000200344 ​​​​​​