Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Dark Chapter Closes: Julian Assange Goes Free

 JULY 12, 2024

Photograph Source: Alisdare Hickson – CC BY-SA 4.0

The dust has finally settled over Julian Assange’s release from jail, but it may never settle over what the U.S. state did, to him and to a free press. He is now in Australia, with his family, where he belongs, beginning the hopefully not too long process of healing from his ordeal, from being driven nearly out of his mind by official torture at the hands of British ghouls acting on behalf of American ones. Last reports were that Assange took anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication to cope with existence in his Belmarsh prison cell. I hope it helped; such meds often save a life, but they entail dangers, too. The important thing for him, personally, is that the worst is over.

Above all, the Assange case sets a lousy precedent, not so much his guilty plea precedent, but something much worse, the precedent for how the American government may pursue, hound, persecute and prosecute a journalist. Previously, if the CIA wanted to disappear a reporter, the agency did it secretly. But Mike “Get Assange” Pompeo changed that, with the agency’s plans either to kill or kidnap the journalist.

There has been no official apology or explanation for this much bruited about, intended atrocity, which reached the planning stage. Instead, there’s a cover-up – fundamentally futile, given how widely this potential crime was rumored – with reports that part of Washington’s motive for the guilty plea was to coerce Assange’s consent never to investigate schemes to rendition him. Hard, factual news of such a rendition, you see, would be most embarrassing to Beltway bigwigs, who otherwise couldn’t care less about Assange or a free press. Horrified that their repulsive web of criminality might come to light, Assange’s American pursuers scuttled back into the darkness, abandoning their loathsome project.

This guilty plea underlines that congress must repeal the odious and illegal Espionage Act, which nullifies the First Amendment. It was under this Act that Assange was convicted. Thus now, as always, this repellent law muzzles free speech, which was indeed its original purpose when that deceitful war criminal, Woodrow Wilson, signed it. Unfortunately, given its obsession with suppressing so-called disinformation, aka free speech, the Biden gang (or the president’s wife, let’s not pretend el jefe himself makes these executive decisions) would veto any such repeal that came across the Oval Office desk. Supposing one ever did. Somehow it’s difficult to imagine Chuck “Wall street Is the Only Street” Schumer or Mitch “Democracy’s Grave Digger” McConnell standing up so bravely and forthrightly against the security state as to repeal the Espionage Act.

Meanwhile, don’t rush to attribute any good intentions to Washington nabobs who let Assange go free. They tried their damndest to break him and lock him up for life. According to the Washington Post June 27, “the near-collapse of the case in a British court sent prosecutors hurtling toward a plea deal.” Washington was gonna lose, so its manipulators grabbed what they could, namely a pledge from Assange never to pursue CIA rendition plans, and then stampeded the exists.

The “real scandal of this,” journalist Matt Kennard tweeted June 29 “is the English courts took five years to send this signal. [The] U.S. indictment was unconstitutional, criminalized journalism, and was brought by a country on record as plotting to assassinate the defendant. How did U.K. judges let it get this far? Who runs Britain?” One can only imagine what would have happened had Assange sought refuge in, say, Argentina, currently ruled by Donald “Dictator for a Day” Trump wannabe Javier Milei – it’s doubtful he would be a free man now thanks to someone in the judiciary showing spine.

Assange pled guilty to a single count of obtaining and revealing national security information, something investigative journalists do all the time. According to Matthew Ingram in the Columbia Journalism Review June 27, one press expert said the Justice Department’s allegations described “everyday journalistic practices as part of a criminal conspiracy.” That includes “cultivating sources, protecting sources’ identities and communicating securely. The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press said the charges pose ‘a dire threat’ and the Freedom of the Press Foundation called them ‘terrifying.’”

But that didn’t stop those with little regard for the First Amendment, among them Trump’s former vp Mike Pence, who called Assange’s deal “a miscarriage of justice” because, Ingram reported, Wikileaks’ classified revelations “put members of the U.S. military in danger.” They did not. Indeed, the prosecution was unable to cite one instance of American soldiers, spooks or other personnel endangered by the carefully redacted info Assange published.

Another entity with great scorn for freedom of the press is Rupert Murdoch’s Times in the U.K., which claimed Assange was “not a genuine whistleblower, let alone a test case for journalistic freedom, but a thief,” a view cravenly echoed, as Ingram notes, by Doug Saunders in Canada’s Globe and Mail. This pusillanimous hack sneered at Assange as “a fraud who called himself a journalist and whistleblower, while greatly hindering journalism and making life harder for actual whistleblowers.” Saunders also charged that Wikileaks was a “tool of dictators,” in reference to the widespread (and stubbornly resistant to reason) canard that revealing Hillary Clinton’s emails helped the Kremlin. Nice to know leading journalists understand that their bread is buttered by the national security state and vindictive politicians and not some scruffy, rude reporter who reveals truths uncomfortable for those in power.

Because such views are commonplace among corporate media honchos and in the elite echelons of Western power, I would hope that Assange proceeds very carefully when he resumes steering Wikileaks. These bloodhounds will not lope away nor stop baying for blood. Among mainstream media’s most egregious prevarications were that Assange had nothing to fear from the U.S. and thus should not have fled to the safety of the Ecuadoran embassy. Ho, ho! And au contraire. He did, and if he resumes his vocation, he will. His worst fears were thoroughly justified, while the opinions of idiot pundits, who tarred him for seeking refuge, were categorically wrong.

Any journalist who does what Assange did, namely profoundly embarrassing the U.S. military with revelations of its war crimes in the Middle East or indeed anywhere, would be well advised to take up residence in Russia, China or some other nation without an extradition treaty to the United States. Who cares what lies such a move might generate? As Edward Snowden demonstrated to the entire planet, sometimes the better part of valor is self-preservation. At least, after all, if a journalist survives, he or she may continue to act as Snowden and Assange did, namely serving truth. That’s very tough to do in any public way for someone buried alive in a dungeon.

Eve Ottenberg is a novelist and journalist. Her latest book is Busybody. She can be reached at her website.

Religious Long Cons and the Levers of Power

 JULY 12, 2024


Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

The history of governments utilizing religion to obtain an acquiescence from citizens who otherwise might find fault with the overall project has been long established. Even so, and for all of the many crimes and faults coming down from the American “founding fathers” one of the worthy attempts was that of separation of church and state. It was, like all things they did, likely fueled by self interest in that these guys knew that times change, opinions shift and you don’t want to be on the wrong end of a new wave of religion in your government. Best to just attempt to keep a barrier in place because you or yours could be on the opposite side of such human superstitions. Of course, over the years religion has wiggled its way into halls of power, but the generally accepted precedent was that it was to stay in its own lane. Most even religious individuals understood this, but through the decades, there’s been a rumbling push to disrupt this long-established underpinning of the country. One of the few aspects worth saving.

Ironically, those who deeply fetishize the views against gun control from men who had…..what like muskets? Well they have conveniently decided to become cafeteria constitutional constructionists, taking a little lack of personal arms control jello but passing up the religious separation mashed potatoes. They pick and choose at that buffet, making sure their plate is an unhinged blend of food unpalatable to all but their shady ilk.

What better way to subjugate and silence the masses than to utilize religion? Anyone with an eye to the horizon can tell that, barring massive technological innovations created not for wealth, but for society betterment (truly only likely if it comes from an arena not under the control of late-stage capitalism), than we are headed to some serious resource deprivation and climate change chaos in our near future. I’m sure the Federalist groups have been salivating at worldwide theocracies and their level of control with such issues at hand. It’s also one of the most effective ways to keep the rabble at each other’s throats, sometimes literally, and to continue the plunder and parasitism in a fluid manner, maintaining that unfair perch as things get weird and rough at the bottom.

As far as limiting individual rights…..perhaps a lack of bodily autonomy? No worries when you are in that power elite group—you always have the means to get what you want, be it a European abortion or simple access to birth control—it’s for the workers to have no means to control their lives. Rules for thee, not for me. It’s simply an extension of the already in place, wage-work or die, your body truly belongs to the state. A marriage of religion and government takes the steam out of much of the population who might revolt as many already have a tragic fascist and patriarchal mindset from their upbringing. The rest are left toiling and scraping along, just trying to survive the dark times.

Think of what many core Christian ideals entail……wealthy individuals getting stuck in needles and such. At one point, the leaders of Rome decided that the best thing to do would be a hostile takeover of the religion and the insistence on subservience and being lamb-like became quite an instrument of control in its own right. If you can’t beat them, join them and change the narrative to what you want it to be. Humbling the human spirit to become herd animals leads them all to the slaughter much more easily, even if the slaughter comes from working them to death over decades, while being presided over by hypocritical religious overlords. What we are seeing attempted now is not different from so many moments in history, that of those already on the top as far as resource extraction and wealth deciding that they greedily need to control the very soul of their population to ensure the continuance of their power.

This enterprise in the United States has been quietly simmering, whether it be the manner in which the we want less-government conservative types like a Goldwater (a dick yes, but a fairly consistent dick, philosophically) were hijacked into eventually falling in the evangelical Christian camp and now loving government intervention (as long as it is imposing your will on a class of people who you don’t belong to) or the way our government has obtained a rubber stamp from the population over the years by framing imperialism into a convenient—oh those Muslims aren’t part of “civilized” society so it’s probably fine to bomb them with white phosphorus. All of these actions have been setting the stage for a white Christian theocracy with almost no real push-back from any of the parties along the decades that could have brought mitigation or the cessation of such nonsense.

Currently, we are looking at actual road-maps to install a nation such as this. Project 2025 is an atlas of a looming hellscape for most. A nation that gets rid of endeavors like Head Start, presumably to open up any needed “charity” to religious institutions. As in, you want to eat, take this bible and ingest it first before I help. So proselytization at the end of a gun or the end of a soup bowl. And, of course, the assistance from religious groups is woefully inadequate to deal with social ills clearly from a background of our no-nets capitalism (even if you can tolerate the implied conversion connected with it). It just won’t do the job. In short, it’s a recipe to create a more miserable existence for all but the very lucky few at the top who control the reins of power through the merger of church and state. It’s what they’ve been wanting all along, the top probably not really believing in any of it, but knowing this is the optimum way to control the workers. They have a willing bureaucratic class of believers (the Amy Coney Barretts and such) to do the actual work and malignant monsters like Clarence Thomas who simply seem to enjoy inflicting pain writ large due to some sort of festering inner insecurity. If I have to hate myself so much, I want the rest of the world to be as miserable as I am kind of guys……..

We have seen when given the opportunity to actually vote in regard to many of the pet projects of the religious reactionary right, most people don’t want that to be part of their lives, even in solidly red states. The problem is that the more it is normalized, the more it will become what seems like an impossible edifice to dismantle. Once religion and manipulation has firmly taken over just ask the woman burning at the stake or the guys with their hearts cut out how easy it is to speak reason to monolithic power structures of religion and the state.

Sadly this is all real, unlike the controlled and make-believe opposition of high level Democrats who will simply use a slide towards superstition as a happy fundraising method. At this point, those of us who do not believe in trash religion ruling our lives will need to work on “proselytizing” just as hard as they have and sadly, due to our politeness, they have quite a head start on us (that head start they are fine with). We need to keep in mind that a harsh materialistic mindset (as in people have no tangible inner spark, we are all just wormfood) is not the appropriate antidote to the plastic violent fakery they are selling. Each and every single one of us is full of wonder, imagination and have a true right to lives of meaning. We are not to be trifled with in such a manner by the charlatans.

Kathleen Wallace writes out of the US Midwest. Her writing is collected on her Substack page.

Similar to Biden, NATO Is Aged and Unfit for 


JULY 12, 2024

Image by Marek Studzinski.

As NATO wrapped up its Summit and Biden held a crucial press conference, the media frenzy continued to focus on Biden’s age and cognitive abilities. Is he too old and disoriented to lead the “free world”? Was he able to get through his press conference without stumbling too many times? Lost in the media coverage about the Summit, however, has been a serious discussion of NATO’s advanced age and NATO’s ability to lead the “free world.”

At 75, NATO has not aged well. Back in 2019, French President Emmanuel Macron was already sounding the alarm, accusing NATO of being “brain dead.” While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has given NATO a new lease on life, NATO’s embrace of Ukraine actually makes the conflict–and the world–more dangerous.

Let’s remember why NATO was founded. As the contours of the Cold War were emerging after the devastation of WWII, 10 European nations, along with the U.S. and Canada, came together in 1949 to create an alliance that would deter Soviet expansion, stop the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe through a strong North American presence on the continent, and encourage European political integration. Or, as the alliance’s first Secretary General Lord Ismay quipped, its purpose was “to keep the Soviets out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.”

It is decades now since the Soviet Union has disintegrated and European nations have been well integrated. So why is NATO still hanging on? When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, along with its military alliance called the Warsaw Pact, NATO could have–and should have–declared victory and folded. Instead, it expanded from 16 members in 1991 to 32 members today.

Its eastward expansion not only violated the promises made by Secretary of State James Baker to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, but it was a grave mistake. U.S. diplomat George Keenan warned in 1997 “expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-Cold-War era.” Indeed, while NATO expansion does not justify Russia’s 2022 illegal invasion of Ukraine, it did provoke Russia and inflame tensions. NATO members also played a key role in the Ukraine’s 2014 coup, the training and arming of Ukrainian forces in preparation for war with Russia, and the quashing of negotiations that could have ended the war in its first two months.

After two years of brutal war, the NATO Summit focused on how to shore up Ukraine’s flailing efforts to repel Russia. The insistence on setting up a “Trump-proof” scenario that would guarantee Ukraine billions in military aid for years to come and an “irreversible path” to NATO membership is really a guarantee that the war will drag on for years–precisely because NATO membership is Russia’s number one concern. There was no talk at the Summit of how to end the war by moving towards a ceasefire and peace talks. Why? Because NATO is a military alliance. The only tool it has is a hammer.

We have seen NATO illegally and unsuccessfully wield that hammer in country after country over the past 30 years. From Bosnia and Serbia to Afghanistan and Libya, NATO has justified this violence and instability as defending “the Rules-Based Order,” while repeatedly violating the core precepts of the UN Charter.

NATO is now a military behemoth with partners far beyond the North Atlantic that encircle the globe from Colombia to Mongolia to Australia. It has proven to be an aggressive alliance that initiates and escalates wars without international consensus, exacerbates global instability, and prioritizes arms deals over humanitarian needs. NATO provides a cover for the U.S. to place nuclear weapons in five European nations, bringing us closer to nuclear war in violation of both the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. NATO is endangering us all in a desperate attempt to reassert U.S. global hegemony in what is now a multipolar world.

NATO’s 75th anniversary is an opportune time to take stock of NATO’s outdated world view and violations of international law. NATO should be laid to rest so we can revitalize and democratize the proper venue for dealing with global conflicts: the United Nations.

Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the peace group CODEPINK and the human right organization Global Exchange. Follow her on twitter at @MedeaBenjamin.