Sunday, July 14, 2024

Kuwait announces 'giant' oil discovery

14 July 2024 - 

 Picture: 123RF/Warawoot Nanta

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) said on Sunday it had made a “giant” oil discovery in the Al-Nokhatha field east of the Kuwaiti island of Failaka, with oil reserves estimated at 3.2-billion barrels.

KPC's CEO Sheikh Nawaf Saud Nasir Al-Sabah said in a video posted by the company on X that the new discovery's reserves were equivalent to the country's entire production in three years.

The initial estimated area of the newly discovered oil well is about 96 square km, KPC said in its statement.

It added that the preliminary estimates of the hydrocarbon reserves present at the well were estimated at about 2.1-billion barrels of light oil, and 5.1-trillion standard cubic feet of gas, which correspond to 3.2-billion barrels of oil equivalent.


Kuwait Announces "Giant" New Oilfield Discovery in Persian Gulf

Courtesy KOC



On Sunday, Kuwait's national oil company announced the discovery of a "giant" oil find, large enough that its reserves equal three years of the energy-rich nation's entire annual production. 

The discovery sits just off the island of Failaka in the Persian Gulf, next to the northeastern edge of the Kuwaiti exclusive economic zone. It contains about 3.2 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 2.1 billion barrels of light oil and 5.1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. 

The find is located in Kuwait's Al-Nokhatha field, and in a statement, Kuwait Oil Company said that the discovery suggests "huge potential" for additional oil and gas finds within the complex. It will help sustain Kuwait's production at a reliable level for years to come, the KOC said, and create more local employment opportunities (and bidding opportunities for contractors).  

Kuwait is a small emirate of four million people, but its rich oil and gas fields make it the fifth-largest producer in OPEC with output of about 2.5 million barrels a day, according to Bloomberg. The majority of its exports are in the form of refined products, reflecting a push to add value in the midstream sector. It has the newest and largest refinery in the Middle East, Al Zour, which is designed for high output of low-sulfur fuel oil for the shipping industry. The largest share of its exports go to Asia, and China is its largest trading partner. 


Six firefighters killed in runaway Midlands bush fire

Raging veld fires must be declared a disaster area, says KZN Cogta MEC

14 July 2024 - 17:57
Gill Gifford
Senior journalist

An aeromedical chopper lands to rescue firefighters in critical condition at the scene of a raging bush fire in the Boston area outside Howick in the KZN Midlands.
Image: Midlands EMS

A raging veld fire in the Boston area just outside Howick in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands has left six firefighters dead.

Just after 3pm on Sunday, uMngeni mayor Chris Pappas said three female firefighters had died, another five firefighters had been rushed to nearby hospitals. One of them was airlifted to hospital with severe burns. All five admitted fighters were in critical condition.

Midlands EMS spokesperson Roland Robertson said three other firefighters died in hospital, bringing the death toll to six.

Robertson said crews were dispatched to the Boston Road area where paramedics found multiple victims still on fire and several deceased.

He said the crews worked to stabilise several people on the scene while the veld fire continued to rage and firefighting aircraft attempted to douse the flames.

A decision was made to call in additional backup, including an aeromedical helicopter from Netcare 911 with extra equipment, to assist on the scene.

He said three firefighters were placed on ventilators on the scene, with one being airlifted to the hospital. Two other patients were also in critical condition, requiring urgent advanced life support treatment.

Pappas said it appeared to have been a runaway grass fire and that Sappi, Working on Fire, local land owners and uMgungundlovu Fire had also all responded.

Provincial co-operative governance and traditional affairs MEC Rev Thulasizwe Buthelezi said he was deeply saddened by the “tragic loss of three workers who were fighting a fire in a plantation near Mpophomeni, Boston, under the uMngeni local municipality”.

“These brave individuals lost their lives while battling the blaze. We are heartbroken by the loss of these courageous workers who were fighting to protect others from harm. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families affected by this tragic event and wish a speedy recovery to those injured,” Buthelezi said.

The incident occurred in an area characterised by difficult terrain, complicating the efforts of the fire and emergency services that were deployed to the scene. This tragedy brings the total number of lives lost recently due to runaway fires in the province to 13.

Buthelezi earlier on Sunday visited wildfire-damaged areas in the Zululand district, where he met farmers severely affected by the wildfires that have destroyed more than 13,000 hectares of grazing land. He handed over bales as relief for the affected farmers.

The provincial government is working round the clock to assist affected communities and mitigate the impact of these devastating fires. He called for the parts of the province affected by the fires to be declared disaster areas, emphasising the urgent need for additional support and resources to manage the crisis and aid recovery efforts.


 Myanmar ethnic armies, junta agree 4-day ceasefire in Shan state: alliance

An alliance of ethnic armies say they will cease fighting the junta between July 14 and 18.

Since late last month, the Three Brotherhood Alliance renewed an offensive against junta troops along the road to China's Yunnan province. / Photo: Reuters Archive

An alliance of Myanmar ethnic minority armed groups said it had agreed a four-day ceasefire with the junta in northern Shan state following clashes in which its fighters seized territory from the military along a strategic highway to China.

The area has been rocked by fighting since late last month, when the so-called Three Brotherhood Alliance renewed an offensive against junta troops along the road to China's Yunnan province.

The clashes shredded a previous Beijing-brokered truce that in January halted an earlier push by the alliance –– made up of the Arakan Army (AA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA).

"We... showed cooperation with China by agreeing a four-day ceasefire in northern Shan" from 14-18 July, Major-General Tar Bhone Kyaw of the TNLA said on Sunday.

The new agreement did not cover the neighbouring Mandalay region, where members of the alliance and other opponents of the military have been battling junta troops in recent weeks, Tar Bhone Kyaw said.

A junta spokesman could not be reached for comment.

China is reportedly a major ally and arms supplier to the junta, but analysts say it also maintains ties with armed ethnic groups in Myanmar that hold territory near its border.

Beijing's top leaders are gathering on Monday for the Communist Party's secretive Third Plenum –– a key political meeting.

Towns captured

In the latest fighting, the TNLA claimed to have captured two towns along the highway that runs from Myanmar's second city Mandalay to China's Yunnan province.

One of the towns, Naungcho, is around 50 kilometres (30 miles) down the highway from the former British hill station of Pyin Oo Lwin, home to the military's elite officer training academy.

Clashes have also rocked the town of Lashio, home to the military's northeastern command.

Dozens of civilians have been killed or wounded in the recent fighting, according to the junta and local rescue groups.

Neither the junta nor the ethnic alliance have released figures on their own casualties.

Myanmar's borderlands are home to myriad ethnic armed groups who have battled the military since independence from Britain in 1948 for autonomy and control of lucrative resources.

Some have given shelter and training to newer "People's Defence Forces" (PDFs) that have sprung up to battle the military after it ousted Aung San Suu Kyi's government in 2021.

In recent days, PDF fighters have battled junta forces in Madaya township, around an hour north of Mandalay.

Amid the renewed fighting earlier this month, top junta general Soe Win travelled to China to discuss security cooperation along the border.

ICC Member States: Coordinate To Protect Witnesses With Evidence Of Atrocities, Refer Myanmar To Chief Prosecutor

(BANGKOK, July 11, 2024)—Member States of the International Criminal Court (ICC) should ensure appropriate protection for witnesses from Myanmar who have evidence that would contribute to accountability for ongoing potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, said Fortify Rights today. Fortify Rights obtained ten secretly recorded videos showing Myanmar military junta soldiers severely torturing detainees at an interrogation facility in Mandalay Region, and the defector-whistleblower who filmed the incidents is in need of protection.

The videos expose numerous incidents of severe torture of detainees by Myanmar junta personnel, including fatal beatings as well as electrocutions. In one video, junta personnel use a long implement to severely beat a man who is naked on the floor with his hands bound behind his back. In another video, soldiers allegedly beat two detainees to death.

“These torture videos are the type of evidence needed for justice and accountability, but the key witness who filmed them requires protection to ensure the usefulness of this valuable evidence,” said Chit Seng, Human Rights Associate at Fortify Rights. “Collecting and preserving evidence of atrocities in Myanmar is more crucial now than ever, but without urgent witness protection, significant amounts of evidence will be lost. These videos add to the mounting evidence of the junta’s flagrant violations of international law and should compel the international community to hold the Myanmar junta accountable, including by referring the situation to the ICC.” 

To preserve the integrity of the video evidence and future prosecutions and for the security of the witness, Fortify Rights is not at liberty to release the videos at the moment but is preserving them as future evidence in potential war crimes cases.

The witness in question has communicated with the Independent International Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), which was created to collect and preserve evidence of international crimes in Myanmar but has no mandate to protect witnesses, creating a gap in efforts to ensure accountability.

In March 2023, Fortify Rights received ten videos from a 35-year-old former private in the Myanmar Air Force who secretly recorded fellow Myanmar military soldiers torturing detainees in an interrogation center in Mandalay Region in October and November 2021. The private defected from the military and fled the country, bringing the videos with him. Fortify Rights interviewed the defector, who served as a security officer at the interrogation facility, and a civilian whom the military detained at the facility and later released. Fortify Rights remains in direct communication with the military whistleblower as well as the former detainee.

The videos, the exact location of the interrogation facility, and the names of five military soldiers—including Army, Air Force, and military intelligence, known as Sa Ya Pa in Burmese language, personnel holding the ranks of major, captain, corporal, and warrant officer—who ordered, committed, and oversaw the torture are on file with Fortify Rights. These men should be investigated and prosecuted for their role in the junta’s widespread and systematic use of torture as an attack against the civilian population or crimes against humanity under international law, said Fortify Rights, which is ready to share the evidence with relevant prosecutorial authorities.

Fortify Rights analyzed the ten videos that range from 20 seconds to four-and-a-half minutes in length and show six different incidents of torture and abuse, including severe and fatal beatings of detainees with heavy whips and other implements, non-fatal electrocutions of detainees, kicking of detainees, threats of sexual violence, and forcing detainees to perform humiliating acts. Altogether, the videos depict the interrogation and torture of approximately 48 detainees, including two women. All the videos were recorded in an outdoor courtyard within the military facility’s compound; in half the videos, the torture took place during the night between approximately 11 p.m. and 2 a.m.

Speaking about the videos he recorded, the 35-year-old military defector told Fortify Rights:

I took ten videos. … [A]ccording to the law, during the interrogation, only intelligence officers are allowed to [interrogate] the detainees. But [at the facility], everyone [all military personnel] was doing the torture, everyone was kicking and hitting [the detainees]. … When you witness these things almost every day, after a while, I didn't feel good inside. I felt sad, and it was devastating for me to see the military torturing people every single day. At some point, I decided that I wanted to do something. So, I started recording videos to keep as evidence for the victims who were tortured. I want to do what I can for the victims.

One video that runs for one minute and 19 seconds shows two men lying next to each other on the ground. One of the detainees’ hands is bound, and he is lying in the fetal position as three plain-clothed soldiers beat him repeatedly with sticks and a whip. The other detainee is lying face-up and does not appear to move during the entire video, indicating that he may be unconscious or dead. A fellow officer told the defector that the detainees died from the torture in the interrogation facility the day after the video was filmed.

“I have seen people die in front of me,” the defector told Fortify Rights. “As you can see in the video, [two people were beaten to death.] ... I took this video secretly from behind the tree. They were interrogated and beaten up repeatedly during interrogation. ... They died in the morning.”

In the video, the three soldiers hit the bound man with implements at least 20 times, and the detainee can be heard saying, “Please help me. I am telling the truth.” A man in a black tank top with dark shorts hits the detainee with an approximately three-foot-long stick. “Does it hurt?” another soldier in a white tank top with a thin cane asks. “Yes, it hurts,” the civilian cries.

Following this exchange, in a span of 26 seconds, a soldier in a red t-shirt and longyi [a traditional cloth worn by men] strikes the detained man 11 times with a whip while taunting: “What’s wrong? Huh? I have been waiting for guys like you.” The detainee cries out in pain as the soldier with the thin cane hits the civilian again while shouting: “Are you a man or a woman? Are you a man? Are you a man? Huh?! Are you a man? … If you say you’re a man, don’t make a single sound!”

The video ends with the military officer with the long stick hitting the detainee, who cries out, “It hurts a lot.”

The 35-year-old defector confirmed that the men involved in beating the two detainees “were from the intelligence, special branch police, and security personnel from army and air force.” He said: “I don’t know [their names] because I took this [video] secretly.”

In a three-minute 56-second video filmed at night, a bound, naked man, who is blindfolded with a blue surgical mask and black cloth, is lying face down on the concrete ground while three soldiers interrogate and beat him 65 times with a large wooden stick. The bound man has visible bruises in the middle of his naked back that look purple or black and splotches of discoloration on his left upper thigh and buttock.

One soldier asks the bound civilian if he transferred 500,000 Myanmar Kyat [approximately US$150 to US$200] to a resistance group operating against the Myanmar military in the area. The bound man answers that he only transferred 10,000 Myanmar Kyat [approximately US$3 to US$4]. The soldiers threaten the man’s family for the rest of the video.

“Go and put the gun on his father and call me once you are there,” the interrogator ordered junior soldiers. Speaking to the man being tortured, he adds, “If you don’t tell the truth, your parents will be shot dead. We will set an example of what happens with the families who support [resistance groups].”

The video ends with the detainee repeatedly crying out, “Please, I beg. I apologize. Please don’t do it.”

In two further videos, also filmed at night, show a group of up to eight plain-clothed soldiers surrounding six bound detainees, who are kneeling or lying face down on the ground. The soldiers beat them with a whip and thin canes and electrocute them with what appears to be a hand-held taser. The sound of the detainees being shocked and cries of pain are audible in the video. The soldiers are heard questioning the detainees about payments made to resistance fighters.

Another 15-second video similarly shows interrogators in military uniforms electrocuting detainees. Filmed during the daytime, a uniformed army major and two plain-clothed soldiers are seen encircling two kneeling detainees, who are blindfolded and wearing surgical masks with their hands tied behind their backs. The major proceeds to shock one of the men continuously for eight seconds with a handheld electric taser while interrogating him. The man’s body spasms uncontrollably for the duration of the treatment, and he sobs and begs that he didn’t do anything.

In another one-minute video, two soldiers, one in green camouflage pants and army green singlet and another in plain clothes, interrogate two blindfolded men, whose hands are tied behind their backs, accusing them of being involved with armed resistance fighters. The first detainee is writhing on the ground as one soldier whips the detainee with a black whip while saying: “So now, these hurt you? Huh? How about when my drivers were hurt?” Another soldier interrogating a second kneeling detainee says: “You… decide to blow up this car with a landmine? So, does that give you some satisfaction?” The video ends with the soldier whipping the first detainee while the detainee is squatting on the floor with folded hands, groaning in pain. The video ends with one of the soldiers saying: “So now, you think your life is good?... No, right? It’s not good now.”

Fortify Rights interviewed a 61-year-old civilian who spent 45 days detained in the same interrogation facility where the defector was stationed and at the same time when the defector recorded the videos. He stated:

I was detained on October 10, 2021. … The village administrator and two soldiers ambushed me in [redacted] town and detained me. … They took me back to the village first. I was beaten up once I arrived at the village. … They hit me with the butt of the guns. It was about three hours that they were interrogating me. … [T]hey blindfolded me and tied my hands behind my back. I couldn’t see who was beating me. … They accused me of supporting the [resistance fighters] by donating money.

The 61-year-old man recalled being taken to the military interrogation center afterward in a car, still blindfolded and bound. He said: “I arrived at the interrogation center around 2:30 p.m., but they wouldn’t remove my blindfold until I was settled in the room around 9 p.m.”

The man described how the soldiers confined him and others in a metal shipping container for ten days, saying:

[T]he ten days that they put us in the container box, I felt like I was in hell. There were 15 of us thrown in there. To paint a picture for you, a container box that is usually attached to a truck was just placed on the ground, and there was nothing made up inside to accommodate us. We had to scream out to the guard if we wanted to go outside for bathroom breaks or to breathe. But it depended on the guards, and we all had to be brought out together. The sun's heat would seep through the metal walls, and it was excruciating inside. We had to stay there day and night. Sometimes, if we wanted to pee, we had to pee into water bottles inside that container.

Sharing what he saw while detained at the interrogation facility, he said:

What I witnessed at the military interrogation center rattled me a lot because I had never ever experienced anything like this before. I saw the soldiers torturing a person they accused of being a [resistance fighter]. What I mean by “torture” was that I saw them asking the person if he was thirsty, and they would force one detainee to pee into another detainee’s mouth.

He went on to describe how he heard other detainees being tortured, saying:

There were small holes in our holding rooms, so we would peep out of them to see what was happening. Most of the interrogation happened at night. One of the worst things I witnessed was the day they brought in youths, who were accused of being [resistance fighters]. The screams were a lot. I could hear the youths denying [the accusations], but [the soldiers] wouldn't stop hitting them. I saw each person taking turns to hit [the youths] whenever they passed by or when they felt like it. At some point, I saw the soldiers putting tires on the youths’ necks, and if they happened to lean forward, the soldiers put a knife in front of their bodies and had the knife pierce them every time the youths happened to lean forward from having the weight of the tires on their necks.

The former detainee also witnessed how the facility commander at the time, holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, threatened to rape a young woman. He said:

[T]he interrogation facility commander came and asked me to follow him. He was drunk at that time. I was taken to a room where a father, a mother, and a young daughter were detained. … He threatened to rape the young girl in front of her family and me. We all had to beg him not to do it, and we also begged the guards around not to do this to the girl and also to the parents.

Describing the commander of the detention center, the 61-year-old torture survivor said:

I don’t know the [commander]’s name. He was about five feet eight inches with tan skin and a round face. I think he was 50 years old. I don’t know his rank, but he referred to himself as the interrogation facility commander, and we had to call him “A Ba” [or “respected elder” in Burmese language], and other [soldiers] only called him “A Ba.”

The military defector also described the commander, saying:

He is really a bad man. … He drinks a lot. Whenever he was drunk, he would bring out all the detainees and do whatever he wanted with them. The video I am about to show is when he put a bottle on top of a detainee’s head, and he was about to shoot the bottle. The part when he fired is not recorded. I didn't dare to record, but at least I managed to record him threatening and aiming at the bottle on top of the detainee’s head.

In the video, the commander is heard saying to the civilian: "I am just going to shoot the bottle. I won't shoot your head. Just shooting the bottle." The civilian in the video looks visibly terrified as he balances the bottle on his head with his left hand and puts his right hand over his heart.

The defector clarified that the commander did not fire his gun during this incident; however, in another video taken during the same incident, the commander is seen kicking a woman in the face after she is unable to answer a question asked by the commander. At one point, he returns to the woman, holds her head, and hits the left side of her head while shouting: “I didn’t want to [kick you]. Do you hear me? I said, ‘Do you hear me?’ I am angry!”

The defector also told Fortify Rights how the commander threatened two women detainees with sexual abuse, saying “…he would use a taser on their genital area. It gave me goosebumps when I heard [this threat].”

Fortify Rights has documented how the Myanmar military is responsible for committing ongoing atrocity crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. For example, the joint report “Nowhere is Safe,” published by Fortify Rights and Yale Law School in 2022, documented various acts, including acts of torture, committed by the Myanmar military following the February 2021 coup. The report found that such acts were carried out as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at a civilian population and amounted to crimes against humanity.

The ten videos obtained by Fortify Rights provide further evidence of torture and crimes against humanity committed by the Myanmar military, which should be investigated, said Fortify Rights.

In March 2024, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council, expressing deep shock at the continued “systemic use of torture against political detainees in police stations, military interrogation centers, and prisons.”

The Convention against Torture or Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) defines torture as the intentional infliction of "severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental," for a specific purpose, such as punishment, intimidation, or coercion, “or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind." Although Myanmar is not a party to CAT, the convention provides authoritative guidance on the act of torture and other forms of ill-treatment under international human rights law. Under CAT, torture is committed “when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity.”

When carried out as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at a civilian population, torture may constitute a crime against humanity under Article 7(1)(f) of the Rome Statute.

Although the ICC is investigating crimes committed against the ethnic Rohingya community in Myanmar and the state of Myanmar is currently on trial for the Rohingya genocide at the International Court of Justice, there are no criminal investigations by prosecutors into the military junta’s more recent post-coup crimes.

Member states of the ICC should urgently refer the situation in Myanmar to the ICC Prosecutor under Article 14 of the Rome Statute, and the Prosecutor should immediately investigate torture and other ongoing mass atrocity crimes in the country, said Fortify Rights today.

Article 14 of the Rome Statute empowers ICC member states to request the Prosecutor to investigate international crimes within the Court’s jurisdiction. While Myanmar is not an ICC member state, the National Unity Government—the body representing Myanmar’s democratically-elected leaders—lodged a 12(3) declaration with the Court’s registrar on July 17, 2021, accepting the jurisdiction of the Court for international crimes committed on Myanmar territory since July 1, 2002 and into the future.

On March 14, 2024, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews, called on ICC member states to refer the situation in Myanmar to the ICC prosecutor.

At the time of writing, no ICC member state has referred Myanmar to the ICC Prosecutor.

The ICC has a witness protection program for various types of witnesses, including “insider witnesses,” which could include military defectors. However, the ICC’s witness protection can only be activated in relation to an ongoing investigation by the Office of the Prosecutor, and the ICC is not investigating atrocity crimes in Myanmar in relation to the military coup and subsequent attacks on civilians nationwide. For this reason, ICC member states should urgently coordinate to ensure protection for high-value witnesses from Myanmar and should urgently refer the situation in Myanmar to the ICC Prosecutor, said Fortify Rights.

“No one has been prosecuted anywhere in the world for the horrible atrocities unfolding in Myanmar. The Myanmar junta will not get serious about ending its attacks against civilians until the international community ends this lethal inaction,” said Chit Seng. “The junta has shown again and again that it will continue to persecute and abuse those who oppose its dictatorship. The international community and the ICC must act immediately to investigate these violations and create an environment where individuals with evidence on such crimes feel safe to share information and are actually protected.”

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New players emerge in fighting in Myanmar's northeast, as powerful ethnic militias intervene

Recently renewed combat in northeastern Myanmar between troops of the military government and ethnic minority militias has in the past few days become more complicated, as two minority groups not previously involved in the fighting stepped into the fray

ByGRANT PECK Associated Press
July 14, 2024, 

BANGKOK -- Recently renewed combat in northeastern Myanmar between troops of the military government and ethnic minority militias has in the past few days become more complicated, as two minority groups not previously involved in the fighting stepped into the fray, claiming to act as a third force for stability.

The intervention of the powerful fighting forces of the United Wa State Army and the Shan State Army-North highlights tensions among the various ethnic minority guerrilla groups who have been fighting for decades for greater autonomy from Myanmar’s central government.

While many of the groups have alliances with the pro-democracy resistance forces that arose to fight military rule after the army ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi in 2021, they prioritize their own goals, which include control over territory.

The focus of every group is now on Lashio, which is about 210 kilometers (130 miles) northeast of Mandalay, the country’s second-largest city and headquarters of the northeastern military command of Myanmar’s ruling generals.

Two ethnic armed groups, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army, or TNLA, and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, or MNDAA, last week had been advancing on Lashio, the biggest city in northern Shan state. The TNLA represents the Ta’ang or Palaung ethnic minority, and the MNDAA is a military force of the Kokang minority, who are ethnic Chinese.

The two groups had been part of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, which last October had launched a surprise offensive that succeeded in seizing large tracts of territory along the border with China. The current fighting that began last month had marked an end to a Chinese-brokered cease-fire that nominally stopped fighting between the army and the alliance.

But the United Wa State Army and the Shan State Army-North, who were not involved in the October offensive, late last week moved their own soldiers to the Lashio area, apparently impeding the offensive by the TNLA and MNDAA.

The United Wa State Army announced it had sent about 2,000 troops on Thursday into Tangyan, a township bordering Lashio, which had been under attack by the TNLA. Tangyan is believed to be home to a large number of ethnic Wa.

The Wa military is the biggest and strongest ethnic armed organization in Myanmar, with an army of approximately 30,000 well-equipped soldiers and sophisticated weaponry including heavy artillery and helicopters from China, with which it maintains close relations

Nyi Rang, a liaison officer for the group, told The Associated Press in a message on Friday that the move was meant to prevent the armed conflict from spreading to the town. He said the Wa group had negotiated with the military government at the request of residents before deploying its troops.

The Shan State Army-North sent more than 1,000 troops on Friday and Saturday into the nearby township of Mongyai, where the MNDAA has been fighting the Myanmar military, The Shan consider Mongyai to be in their sphere of influence, which should not be taken over by another group.

The group issued a statement through its affiliate media on Facebook stating that it had sent troops for the stability of the region and the security of the people.

“It is the region we had dominated,” Col. Sai Su, the group’s spokesperson, was quoted in the report as saying. “That’s why we did that to prevent the town from falling into the hands of the other organizations and to keep it under the administration of the Shan State Army. People also requested us to protect them.”

Two Mongyai residents, speaking on condition of anonymity because of security concerns, told the AP on Sunday that their area was calm after the Shan troops were deployed. One said Wa troops were also stationed nearby.

All the ethnic armed groups involved in the situation in Shan state maintain close relations with China. It's widely believed that last October's offensive had Beijing’s tacit approval because of its growing dissatisfaction with the military government's seeming indifference to the burgeoning drug trade along its border and the proliferation of centers in Myanmar at which cyberscams are run, with workers trafficked from China and elsewhere in the region.

Beijing has made clear it strongly backed a crackdown on scammers. Tens of thousands of employees of scam operations were repatriated to China, while the MNDAA, which assisted that effort, was allowed to retake a major border city it had once controlled.

However, China's overriding interest in the area is maintaining stability, which is endangered by the new fighting. so it is likely to back efforts such as the Wa and the Shan are carrying out to restrain the TNLA and MNDAA.
Politicians normalising violence should know it can turn against them: US expert

ByPrashant Jha
Jul 14, 2024 

Top US expert Rachel Kleinfeld compares current moment in US politics to the 1960s, and in global politics to the 1930s

Washington: The attack on former American President Donald Trump is a part of a rising trend of political violence in America. To make sense of it, both in a broader historical arc and the contemporary moment, HT reached out to Rachel Kleinfeld, a senior fellow with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and among the leading authorities on political violence and democratic backsliding in the US. Kleinfeld’s latest book, A Savage Order, examines how extremist violence cripple democracies and how can they recover from it. The interview was conducted on Sunday over email. Excerpts:

Rachel Kleinfeld. (Linkedin)

How do you place the attack on Donald Trump in the broader arc of recent political violence in America?

Political violence and threats have been rising in America for much of the last decade – against politicians at every level, from people running for school boards and local offices, to state legislators and national candidates. America has had a number of past eras of political violence, when politics have been highly polarised and when political figures have implicitly called for violence against Americans who differ. These ugly parts of our history – such as the rise of the Know-Nothing party in the early 1800s, the Civil War, and the violence against Civil Rights protestors — ends when the government prosecutes violence, politicians stop normalising it, and regular Americans make it clear that they believe political violence is unequivocally wrong. That is what we need now.

A lot of scholarship on American political violence, especially since January 6, has focused on Right-wing extremists. But in this case, since the attack was on the face of the American political Right, do you think it will lead to a change in assumptions about the nature of radicalisation and the kind of people turning to violence? Is there radicalisation and violence on the Left that’s been underestimated?

We do not yet know if the shooter, who was a registered Republican, acted out of political belief on the Left or Right, or was simply disturbed, and we should not jump to conclusions. However, people who believe that violence can be used to solve political differences exist on all parts of the ideological spectrum. In the 1960s and 1970s, most political violence in the United States came from the Left.

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In the last eight years, research shows it has overwhelmingly come from the Right, though there has also been a normalisation of violence by the extreme Left that can be seen in a number of attacks on political figures and on university campuses. In all cases, the targets are not just the other side, but are often moderates on the same side as the perpetrators – because political violence is used to hollow out the centre and force people to extremes. That is why it is so important to stop the normalisation of violence as a political tool – it spreads and can create retaliatory cycles.

What is leading to this spike in violence in recent years, and what’s the period of American history that it reminds you of most sharply?

Populist politicians who polarise their societies have heralded spikes in political violence in many countries. In Brazil, Bolsonaro was also the target of an assassination attempt, yet his own rhetoric yielded a sharp increase in violence against journalists and others. India has seen an increase in anti-Muslim lynchings while other forms of violence have fallen. In the US, polarising rhetoric from MAGA politicians, and normalisation among far Left fringes, has increased violence against Republican and Democratic politicians at all levels.

In America, this looks something like the 1960s, when America faced rising violence and assassination attempts against multiple politicians. As violence became normalised as a political solution, assassins took the lives of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X, American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy in the few years between 1963 and 1968. What followed after that was the normalisation of violence more broadly, and the US saw a doubling of homicide and an ongoing increase in criminal murder that continued to rise until the early 1990s.

But globally, I fear it looks like the early 1930s, when we saw violence from Fascists on the Right leading to clashes with Communists on the far Left in many countries, such as Italy and Germany. That sort of extremist violence tends to lead to a centralisation of power and government violence.

What do you think will be the political implications of the attack on Trump and its effect on political violence in general in US?

I hope that it will serve as a shock to the system, and force politicians to stop finger pointing and dividing American society. I fear that it will do the opposite. In either case, it is incumbent on regular Americans to speak out. Majorities of Americans across the political spectrum condemn political violence as unequivocally wrong, in every single case, against anyone. That voice needs to be heard loud and clear.

You have worked extensively on democratic backsliding within US. How does that story intersect with the rising violence?

Most political violence actually takes place in authoritarian countries, when people feel there is no other way to affect politics except through violence. In democracies, political violence rises when politicians and cultural leaders normalise violence as a political solution and undermine accountability for perpetrators by politicising law enforcement. That breaks down the rule of law and corrodes democracy. It allows political violence to spread across the political spectrum, and to seep into everyday and criminal violence as well. Violence, once begun, is hard to corral, and it can turn against those who try to wield it for their purposes. All countries where politicians are normalising violence against others should be aware of what can occur.

"Easy availability of guns in America, definitely a contributing factor": Foreign Affairs Expert on attempted assassination of Trump


New Delhi [India], July 14 (ANI): Highlighting the increasing gun culture in the United States, Foreign Affairs expert Robinder Sachdev said that the easy availability of guns in America is "definitely a contributing factor" to the attack on former President Donald Trump.
He emphasized that in the US, people can just walk out of their homes, go to a nearby store, and buy a gun.

The foreign affairs expert said that anybody who wants to kill and is really intent on it can maybe arrange a gun anywhere in the world, however, in the US, you can buy a gun like you buy a pack of cigarettes.

"On the one hand, anybody who wants to kill or has made up a mind can maybe arrange a gun anywhere in the world...if you're really intent on it. But the easy availability of guns in America is definitely a contributing factor. In the US, you can literally walk out of your home, go to the nearby grocery store, and buy a gun like a packet of cigarettes or beer," Sachdev told ANI.
He further stressed that the gun culture in America is very difficult to remove.

"The gun culture in the US is very, very difficult to reduce or remove. It will never be," he said, adding that especially Trump's supporters are the ones who say that they need to have guns.
"Especially, the Trump supporters, the Republicans, are the ones who say that we need to have guns. If I want to defend my own home, and that is right, you know, my defence is my right. So that's why I need a gun. I love hunting. That's why I need a gun. I like to do sports. That's why I need a gun," he added.

Sachdev said that a strong lobby is very strong and exists in America.

"All presidents, especially democratic presidents, even Biden, have tried. Obama tried, but they could not change the laws to make it difficult to get guns in the United States," he said.
Donald Trump was on stage at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania's Butler before gunshots rang out and Secret Service agents stormed the stage, The Hill reported. The Secret Service agents surrounded the Republican candidate and escorted him off the stage, with blood visible across his face.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has termed the shooting at Trump an attempted assassination. FBI special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh office, Kevin Rojek, said, "This evening, we had what we're calling an assassination attempt against our former President Donald Trump. It's still an active crime scene."

The FBI has identified the gunman involved in the assassination attempt against Donald Trump as Thomas Matthew Crooks.

A shooting at former US President Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday (local time) has sparked concerns about political violence and increased awareness of past attacks and assassination attempts against presidents and candidates, CBS News reported.

There have been multiple instances of past attacks on US presidents, former presidents, and major-party presidential candidates.

Of the 46 individuals serving as US President, 13 have been subject to actual or attempted assassinations, the number does not mention the Pennsylvania shooting incident involving Trump. At least seven of the past nine presidents have faced assaults, attacks, or assassination attempts.

Islamabad raises minimum marriage age to 18 to protect Christians

by Shafique Khokhar

The country's Churches have been pushing for this measure to counter the problem of early marriages, often linked to abductions. (FORCED CONVERSIONS)

“We hope the government will take further steps to criminalise forced religious conversions," the Bishops' Conference said.

Islamabad (AsiaNews) – Pakistan finally passed a law that raises the minimum marriage age for Christian boys and girls to 18. The new legislation amends the Christian Marriage Act of 1872.

Lawmaker Naveed Amir Jeeva introduced the bill in the National Assembly of Pakistan, where it was unanimously approved, a step the Pakistani Senate took a few months ago.

Under the old law, girls could get married as early as 13 while boys could marry at 16, a legacy of the past that made it harder to protect minors, in particular girls, from sexual abuse and child marriage.

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Pakistan (CBCP), through its human rights body, the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP), has warmly welcomed the passage of the Christian Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2024.

Bishop Samson Shukardin, who chairs the CBCP, together with NCJP national director Fr Bernard Emmanuel, and NCJP executive director Naeem Yousaf expressed their gratitude in a joint statement.

All three stressed that this amendment fulfils a request they had made for some time.

"We extend our sincere appreciation to the entire parliament for passing this bill unanimously,” their statement reads.

“This legislation will play a crucial role in protecting our young and minor girls from forced conversions and child marriages. We hope the government will take further steps to criminalise forced religious conversions," it goes on to say.

“The beauty of the act is that it was presented after the consensus of all main Churches of Pakistan,” Naeem Yousaf Gill told AsiaNews.

“We are hopeful,” he added, “that this legislation will protect our girls” and “secure their fundamental rights, particularly their right to education, health, and other ancillary rights.”

What is more, “This Act demands that marriage to be solemnised and registered only when the age of both contracting parties are 18-year-old.”

The legislation “further states that in case of a dispute regarding the age of any contracting party, the court will determine the age based on a CNIC,[*] birth certificate, educational certificates, or any other pertinent documents. In the absence of such documents, the age may be determined based on a medical examination report.”

Photo: WikiCommons/Gull1122
Robusta ‘kopi’ beans and coffee genes can save your Arabica from disease

Arabica leaves affected by coffee leaf rust, a fungal disease that has no cure. 

Shabana Begum
JUL 15, 2024, 05:00 AM

SINGAPORE – The Robusta bean often used to brew cheaper cups of coffee – like the traditional Nanyang kopi – can save the more premium Arabica from a fungal disease.

For generations, Arabica plants, from which about 60 per cent of all coffee is produced, have been ravaged by an incurable fungal disease called coffee leaf rust.

Agriculture institutes in coffee-producing regions have been using selective breeding to confer the Robusta traits to Arabica plants, after a rust-resistant plant hybrid was found in Timor, Indonesia, in the 1920s.

Now, recent international research co-led by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) could optimise the breeding process. The study involved mapping the genomes of various coffee varieties, and the researchers zeroed in on the specific Robusta genes that are resistant to coffee leaf rust.

“For the Timor hybrid descendants, in every generation the hybrids have been crossed with an Arabica variety, the offspring’s Robusta content gets smaller and smaller,” said Assistant Professor Jarkko Salojarvi from NTU’s School of Biological Sciences, who led the research team.

Through identifying the resistant genes, the researchers found a means to enable more efficient targeted breeding of resistant plants, similar to targeted therapies against human diseases.

The study was done with Nestle and two universities in the United States and France.

When the coffee-hunting fungus attacks Arabica coffee plantations, it leaves brownish-orange spots on the leaves – much like rust on steel.

The Arabica leaves then wither and die off. Leaf loss lowers the amount and quality of coffee berries harvested, leading to great economic losses for farmers in Latin America and other places.

In 2020, the disease spread to Hawaii for the first time, and a 2015 outbreak in the Mexican state of Oaxaca caused a 50 per cent loss in yields.

While farmers have used fungicides as well as pruning and weed management to drive out the pesky fungus, the best way to control it is through the use of resistant cultivars, said Dr Luiz Filipe Pereira, a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa).

Since the 1970s, the Arabica-Robusta hybrid from Timor and its descendants have been cross-bred with the preferred Arabica plants to create rust-resistant varieties.

While Robusta beans are considered inferior to Arabica beans in terms of flavour, they are used in the well-loved kopi served at hawker centres.

In the study, the scientists mapped out all the genetic material – or genomes – of Arabica, Robusta and a third coffee species called C. eugenioides using advanced technology to sequence the DNA.

Eventually, the researchers found a region of DNA sequences common among the different leaf rust-resistant plants, giving them a new combination of Robusta-based genes that could convey resistance to the Arabica plants.

“Using publicly available data, we identified which of the common Robusta genes reacted to the leaf rust. And that helped us narrow down the region,” said Prof Salojarvi.

The study’s findings and full genome sequences were published in scientific journal Nature Genetics in April.

Mapping out the full genetic information of coffee plants will make the identification of resistant genes faster and more accurate, said NTU.

Prof Salojarvi added that breeders can now use modelling techniques to predict leaf rust-resistance in plants at their seedling stage, without having to wait close to a decade to find out if the selective breeding was successful.

Assistant Professor Jarkko Salojarvi with an Arabica coffee plant. 

Dr Pereira added: “The main problem is that during selection, some of the resistant genes can be lost. The genomic information allows us to easily select plants having the resistant genes, at early stages, saving time and resources.”

And useful traits from the Arabica plants – from taste notes to growth – can also be selected with the help of the same species’ genetic map, he said.

This will come in useful as coffee plantations have another threat to contend with – climate change. A 2022 study by Switzerland’s Institute of Natural Resource Sciences projected that by 2050, global warming may lead to a decline in half of the world’s coffee growing regions.

Arabica variants also have low genetic diversity, which limits their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

“That’s why we need targeted breeding to have more variants that are tolerant to extreme conditions,” added Prof Salojarvi.


Galaxies avoid an early death because they have a “heart and lungs” which effectively regulate their “breathing” and prevent them growing out of control, a new study suggests.

If they didn’t, the Universe would have aged much faster than it has and all we would see today is huge “zombie” galaxies teeming with dead and dying stars.

That’s according to a new study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, which investigates one of the great mysteries of the Universe – why galaxies are not as large as astronomers would expect.

Something appears to be stifling their enormous potential by limiting the amount of gas they absorb to convert into stars, meaning that instead of endlessly growing, something inside resists what was thought to be the inevitable pull of gravity.

Now, astrophysicists at the University of Kent think they may have uncovered the secret. They suggest that galaxies could in fact control the rate at which they grow through how they “breathe”.

In their analogy, the researchers compared the supermassive black hole at the centre of a galaxy to its heart and the two bi-polar supersonic jets of gas and radiation they emit to airways feeding a pair of lungs.

Pulses from the black hole – or “heart” – can lead to jet shock fronts oscillating back and forth along both jet axes, much like the thoracic diaphragm in the human body moves up and down inside a chest cavity to inflate and deflate both lungs.

This can result in jet energy being transmitted widely into the surrounding medium, just as we breathe out warm air, resulting in slowing galaxy gas-accretion and growth.

PhD student Carl Richards came up with the theory after creating new, never-before-tried simulations to investigate the role supersonic jets might play in inhibiting galaxy growth.

These involved allowing the black hole “heart” to pulse and the jets to be at high pressure – much like a form of hypertension, if extending the comparison to the human body.

This caused the jets to “act like bellows”, he said, by sending out sound waves “like ripples on a pond surface”.

The phenomena is similar to the terrestrial equivalent of sound and shock waves being produced when opening a bottle of champagne, the screech of a car, rocket exhausts and the puncture of pressurised enclosures.

“We realised that there would have to be some means for the jets to support the body – the galaxy’s surrounding ambient gas – and that is what we discovered in our computer simulations,” Richards said.

“The unexpected behaviour was revealed when we analysed the computer simulations of high pressure and allowed the heart to pulse.

“This sent a stream of pulses into the high-pressure jets, causing them to change shape as a result of the bellows-like action of the oscillating jet shock fronts.”

These overpressured jets effectively expanded “like air-filled lungs”, the researchers said.

In doing so, they transmitted sound waves into the surrounding galaxy in the form of a series of pressure ripples, which were then shown to suppress the galaxy’s growth.

There is some evidence of ripples in extra-galactic media, such as those observed in the nearby Perseus galaxy cluster associated with enormous hot gas bubbles, which are believed to be examples of sound waves.

These ripples were already thought to be responsible for sustaining the ambient environment surrounding a galaxy, although a mechanism to generate them was missing.

Conventional cosmological simulations are therefore unable to account for the flows of gas into galaxies, leading to one of the great mysteries of the Universe, so it relies on the highly-active black hole at a galaxy’s heart to provide some resistance.

“To do this is not easy, however, and we have constraints on the type of pulsation, the size of the black hole and the quality of the lungs,” said co-author Professor Michael Smith.

“Breathing too fast or too slow will not provide the life-giving tremors needed to maintain the galaxy medium and, at the same time, keep the heart supplied with fuel.”

The researchers concluded that a galaxy’s lifespan can be extended with the help of its “heart and lungs”, where the supermassive black hole engine at its core helps inhibit growth by limiting the amount of gas collapsing into stars from an early stage.

This, they say, has helped create the galaxies we see today.

Without such a mechanism, galaxies would have exhausted their fuel by now and fizzled out, as some do in the form of “red and dead” or “zombie” galaxies.