Saturday, July 20, 2024


Can consciousness exist in a computer simulation?



Wanja Wiese 




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Two different approaches

When considering the possibility of consciousness in artificial systems, there are at least two different approaches. One approach asks: How likely is it that current AI systems are conscious – and what needs to be added to existing systems to make it more likely that they are capable of consciousness? Another approach asks: What types of AI systems are unlikely to be conscious, and how can we rule out the possibility of certain types of systems becoming conscious?

In his research, Wanja Wiese pursues the second approach. “My aim is to contribute to two goals: Firstly, to reduce the risk of inadvertently creating artificial consciousness; this is a desirable outcome, as it’s currently unclear under what conditions the creation of artificial consciousness is morally permissible. Secondly, this approach should help rule out deception by ostensibly conscious AI systems that only appear to be conscious,” he explains. This is particularly important because there are already indications that many people who often interact with chatbots attribute consciousness to these systems. At the same time, the consensus among experts is that current AI systems are not conscious.

The free energy principle

Wiese asks in his essay: How can we find out whether essential conditions for consciousness exist that are not fulfilled by conventional computers, for example? A common characteristic shared by all conscious animals is that they are alive. However, being alive is such a strict requirement that many don’t consider it a plausible candidate for a necessary condition for consciousness. But perhaps some conditions that are necessary for being alive are also necessary for consciousness?

In his article, Wanja Wiese refers to British neuroscientist Karl Friston’s free energy principle. The principle indicates: The processes that ensure the continued existence of a self-organizing system such as a living organism can be described as a type of information processing. In humans, these include processes that regulate vital parameters such as body temperature, the oxygen content in the blood and blood sugar. The same type of information processing could also be realized in a computer. However, the computer would not regulate its temperature or blood sugar levels, but would merely simulate these processes.

Most differences are not relevant to consciousness

The researcher suggests that the same could be true of consciousness. Assuming that consciousness contributes to the survival of a conscious organism, then, according to the free energy principle, the physiological processes that contribute to the maintenance of the organism must retain a trace that conscious experience leaves behind and that can be described as an information-processing process. This can be called the “computational correlate of consciousness”. This too can be realized in a computer. However, it’s possible that additional conditions must be fulfilled in a computer in order for the computer to not only simulate but also replicate conscious experience.

In his article, Wanja Wiese therefore analyses differences between the way in which conscious creatures realize the computational correlate of consciousness and the way in which a computer would realize it in a simulation. He argues that most of these differences are not relevant to consciousness. For example, unlike an electronic computer, our brain is very energy efficient. But it’s implausible that this is a requirement for consciousness.

Another difference, however, lies in the causal structure of computers and brains: In a conventional computer, data must always first be loaded from memory, then processed in the central processing unit, and finally stored in memory again. There is no such separation in the brain, which means that the causal connectivity of different areas of the brain takes on a different form. Wanja Wiese argues that this could be a difference between brains and conventional computers that is relevant to consciousness.

“As I see it, the perspective offered by the free energy principle is particularly interesting, because it allows us to describe characteristics of conscious living beings in such a way that they can be realized in artificial systems in principle, but aren’t present in large classes of artificial systems (such as computer simulations),” explains Wanja Wiese. “This means that the prerequisites for consciousness in artificial systems can be captured in a more detailed and precise way.”


Research will establish best ‘managed retreat’ practices for communities faced with climate change disaster

Repeated disasters due to climate change 




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LAWRENCE — Around the globe, communities at risk from repeated flooding due to climate change face stark decisions. Some communities in peril of flooding may resolve, or be urged, to relocate to a safer location — something known as “managed retreat.” In the United States, flood-prone communities in coastal states like Louisiana and Alaska already have commenced managed retreat inland. 

“It's retreating from risk, and we hope to provide decision support for the equitable implementation of retreat to build climate resilience,” said Elaina Sutley, associate professor of civil, environmental & architectural engineering at the University of Kansas. 

Sutley is leading a three-year, $650,000 multidisciplinary study of managed retreat as part of a collaboration funded by the National Science Foundation and Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund via the 2023 International Joint Initiative for Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Competition. Each agency funds the scientists at institutions in their respective countries.

The KU-headed partnership is dubbed “Retreating from risk (RFR): Decision-supports for the equitable implementation of retreat to build climate resilience.” Beyond KU, the effort involves Stony Brook and Texas Tech universities as well as researchers abroad. 

“This is multidisciplinary collaboration between partners in the United States, Canada and Indonesia, who are all faced with flood disasters, whether that's coastal flooding associated with a hurricane or not,” Sutley said. “Inland flooding, seasonal flooding and repeated nuisance flooding — all three of these countries are facing it. Managed retreat has become a somewhat common adaptation strategy, particularly for flooding. The U.S. team will also consider retreating from wildfire disasters.”

While the study of managed retreat will focus on communities suffering from floods and wildfires, Sutley said the work could guide decision making for communities faced with different kinds of repeating natural disasters. 

“Floods aren’t the only hazard this work is applicable to,” she said. “In many ways, flooding isn’t much different from a lot of hazards. How can we best move out of a place that is going to be hit repeatedly by disaster and has a record of being hit repeatedly?” 

The KU researcher said the goal is to understand how managed-retreat approaches are being considered across many geographies, nations and cultures, then identify any key strategies that are shared, as well as understand where there are necessary differences. 

“There are many different strategies,” Sutley said. “In the U.S., one of the most common ways we see managed retreat executed is with the buyout program from FEMA. This project, through our international collaboration, is trying to understand how different cities and governments — faced with different types of hazards, with different political, social and cultural contexts — have considered managed retreat. Did they successfully adopt it or one of its strategies? What challenges or barriers did they run into that prevented them from adopting it? What challenges came up when they went through this process? What can we learn within countries across geographies, and then across countries and geographies?”

Sutley said the team would take care to seek and incorporate Indigenous knowledge and practices where applicable, partnering with communities that may already have faced relocation or exploitation historically. 

“The new Frontiers Research Fund of Canada require that you consider and include Indigenous communities,” Sutley said. “That's part of some of their equity legislation. It’s key to work with people who have relationships and experience doing this — taking time to build trust that's needed. Those are going to be key tenets. While the locations we've identified in the United States to partner with aren’t on reservations, for example, they certainly do have people who’ve been disproportionately impacted by historical and modern-day policies and practices that our team is very sensitive to.” 

From these studies, the collaborating researchers will document political, financial, social, cultural and policy barriers to adopting managed retreat. The study will include data collection via surveys, interviews, focus groups and roundtable discussions, ensuring the work incorporates viewpoints from people involved in the decision-making process at all levels.  

“How can we use all of that information to guide future communities who may consider managed retreat as an option?” Sutley said. “What are the pros? What are the things that make this a really great option in these different areas? Really, I think we're going to hear very different things from one community to the next but also from one kind of stakeholder in that decision process to the next. So, we're taking more of an open-ended approach.”

The results will help guide policymakers, community leaders and future research efforts. The researchers plan to produce “contextually relevant decision-support tools,” such as a training module, best-practices guidebook or conversation toolkits, to guide community leaders in engaging constituents on managed retreat.

Sutley said managed retreat is an urgent issue and the work would yield tools at the end of its three-year span.

“Any research that can offer guidance is needed as soon as possible,” she said. “We're really trying to learn from communities at different stages of dealing with this question — those who are over and done with it, those at the beginning and those in the middle. We're studying communities at all these different stages so we can understand how the process unfolds in these different contexts. The findings are meant to be relevant both immediately and long term.” 


Global study by Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology demonstrates benefit of marine protected areas to recreational fisheries

Global Marine Protected Areas 




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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are having a positive spillover effect, producing more “trophy-size” fish just outside of the fully protected areas, and the effect is growing stronger over time. That’s according to research led by University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa scientists at the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB) published today in Science Advances. The research provides the first global assessment of the benefits of MPAs. “Trophy-size” refers to fish that are exceptionally long or heavy and are considered a rare, prized catch.

“This standardized global assessment illustrates the benefits that MPAs provide for recreational anglers, confirming the effectiveness of MPAs in enhancing fish biomass and local fisheries,” shares Simone Franceschini, Principal Investigator of the study and a Postdoctoral Researcher at HIMB. “Our study found that MPAs may take more than 20 years to show tangible spillover effects in the adjacent areas, which helps to set realistic expectations about the timeframe over which a marine reserve can be expected to have this type of effect on surrounding fisheries.”

The Hawaiian archipelago has 13 state and federal MPAs (complete list below). The state protected areas, called Marine Life Conservation Districts, are managed by the State of Hawaiʻi Division of Aquatic Resources. 

Marine protected areas have been identified as one of the most effective tools for securing marine biodiversity, but until now the global impact of MPAs on local, recreational fisheries has been unclear. This study provides globally-relevant guidance for what management agencies, conservation practitioners, and, importantly, recreational fishers can expect over the long term from the establishment of MPAs.

The research builds on the work of Callum Roberts et al., a team of scientists who twenty years ago conducted a study in Florida and discovered that the cumulative number of trophy fish caught near an MPA (within 100km of its boundary) rises rapidly between 12-30 years after MPA establishment. 

“In this paper, we test whether the results of one of the most well-known studies of MPA impacts on recreational fishers can be replicated at a global scale,” explains Elizabeth Madin, co-author of the paper and Associate Professor at HIMB. “We show that, on average, highly-protected marine ecosystems produce tangible, real-world, long-term benefits for recreational fishers, resulting in a win-win situation for nature and people alike. Nonetheless, it’s important to realize that not every MPA will have the same spillover effects, and that successful MPAs have been shown to depend on community support, enforcement, and effective fisheries management.” 

The findings of this study hold important implications for the future of MPAs and the global “30x30” marine conservation initiative, which aims to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030. 

“These results provide evidence-based guidance that can help ensure the successful implementation and long-term support of MPAs worldwide,” says co-author John Lynham, who is a Professor of Economics at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. “It's intriguing to note that various MPAs around the world, despite their differing sizes and characteristics, have demonstrated a similar positive spillover effect and a similar ‘wait time:’ roughly 20 years.”

The study also underscores the importance of setting practical expectations about the benefits of marine reserves for local fisheries. While MPAs can lead to substantial increases in the abundance of large fish, these benefits often require decades to materialize. This requires patience and long-term commitment from policymakers and local communities to maintain support for conservation efforts. Nonetheless, as Callum Roberts, lead author of the original 2001 study upon which the current study was built, points out, “Local fishers will see benefits to their catches from spillover of smaller fish long before that spillover becomes detectable in the form of large trophy fish, which take longer to reach record breaking sizes. So, well protected MPAs can help support local livelihoods within a decade of creation.”

Saltwater recreational fishing holds cultural significance and is a key  economic driver throughout the world. In the United States in 2017, 8.6 million saltwater anglers took 202 million fishing trips generating $73.8 billion in sales impacts, $41.5 billion in value-added impacts, $24.7 billion in income impacts, and supporting 487,000 jobs (NOAA). 


Tri Nguyen

This graph illustrates the cumulative records of trophy-size fish catches over time in five different Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The open (white) circles represent records within 0-100km from the MPA boundary, while the dark (black) circles represent records between 100-200km from the MPA boundary. The vertical dark-blue dashed lines indicate when fishing protection was implemented within the MPAs. After the MPAs were established, there is a noticeable increase in the number of record-sized fish caught near the MPAs. This is consistent with the MPA providing a spillover of record-sized fish into adjacent, fished areas.


Franceschini et al. and Nancy Hulbirt, SOEST Illustrations, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Marine Protected Areas in Hawaiʻi

Federally protected marine areas

  • Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
  • Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

State protected marine areas

  • Hanauma Bay Marine Life Conservation District, Oʻahu
  • Pūpūkeaahu Marine Life Conservation District, Oʻahu
  • Waikīkī Marine Life Conservation District, Oʻahu
  • Kealakekua Bay Marine Life Conservation District, Hawai'i
  • Lapakahi Marine Life Conservation District, Hawai'i
  • Old Kona Airport Marine Life Conservation District, Hawai'i
  • Waialea Bay Marine Life Conservation District, Hawai'i
  • Wai'ōpae Tidepools Marine Life Conservation District, Hawaii
  • Honolua–Mokulē'ia Marine Life Conservation District, Maui
  • Mānele–Hulopo'e Marine Life Conservation District, Maui
  • Molokini Shoal Marine Life Conservation District, Maui



Fish adjust reproduction in response to predators

UT Arlington research shows fish species evolve egg-laying habits when threatened

Peer-Reviewed Publication





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Some species of fish can evolve their egg-laying habits in response to predators in the area in order to survive, according to new research from The University of Texas at Arlington.

It has long been observed that organisms modify their traits, including reproductive patterns, in response to changes in their environment. This type of evolutionary plasticity has been observed in many types of animals in different habitats and with varying predators.

“We knew that fish who laid their eggs externally often adapted depending on the predators in the area, but we did not know how quickly species could change to these externals pressures,” said biology Professor Matthew Walsh, who recently published a paper on the topic in the prestigious Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

For his research, Dr. Walsh and biology lab technician Christopher Roden studied a small type of fish called the killifish that lives on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. Ranging in size from about 2 to 6 inches, the killifish are ideal for evolutionary studies because they are highly adaptable to their surroundings. Some types of killifish are even known to be amphibious, able to live on land to avoid predators.

The researchers tested the differences in egg-hatching plasticity among killifish living in sites with and without predators. They then examined the reproductive habits of those two populations by measuring the rates of hatching when eggs were laid submerged in water versus outside water on the surface of moist peat moss. The timing, hatching and offspring growth rates between the two groups of fish were then compared.

“Our study found striking differences in egg-hatching plasticity among killifish living in different habitats,” said Walsh. “This research provides new insights into how aquatic organisms adapt and evolve to changes in their environment. These findings may be particularly important in predicting how species are able to adapt to external pressures, such as those caused by climate change.”

UT Arlington biology Professor Matthew Walsh

Killifish live in streams in Trinidad


Photo credit UT Arlington


To walk, you only need fins (and maybe a sense of adventure)

A recent anatomical study of the mudskipper reveals their adaptations to walking on land.





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Okinawa’s mangrove forests are home to many animal species, from crabs to kingfishers; they host a diverse ecosystem teeming with life. Among the quirkier residents living there is “Minami-Tobihaze” — the barred mudskipper. “They are fish, but they can walk and live partly on land,” says Dr. Fabienne Ziadi-Künzli from the Nonlinear and Non-equilibrium Physics Unit, who is the first author of a study on mudskipper anatomy, which was recently published in the Journal of Anatomy.

Adapting to a new life  

The barred mudskipper, scientifically called Periophthalmus argentilineatus, has more than just one oddity. Their eyes sit more on top than on the side of their heads, and despite having no lungs, these fish can breathe air. “Mudskippers take up oxygen via their skin, which they always have to keep moist, or through their mouth,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. Sometimes, they even swallow a big mouthful of air and hold it there to bring it to their eggs. “They dig burrows in the mud and blow out the air inside to ensure their eggs get enough oxygen,” explains Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.

Yet their probably most astounding adaptation to life on land is the ability to walk. "Our ancestors developed limbs and digits before they left the water, but we don't see this in these fish. Mudskippers are amphibious and still have fins that function for both swimming and walking,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. To move on land, the mudskippers mainly use the fins attached to the side of their bodies, which are called pectoral fins. 

“Mudskippers have a unique way of moving, which has not been seen in any other living amphibious fish species. It is called crutching,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. Instead of moving their pectoral fins alternately, like humans use their legs when walking, the mudskippers swing their pectoral fins forward simultaneously, as we might do with crutches to take the weight off an injured leg.

A snapshot of evolution in progress 

"It is kind of thrilling to think about these fish and how they walk. After Prof. Mahesh Bandi and his colleagues finished a study on how the specific shape of the human foot gives it the necessary stability to walk, we started wondering what morphological adaptations to movement on land we might see when studying the fins of the amphibious mudskipper,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. Driven by her scientific interest as a fish biologist, she delved into the literature on the topic.

Surprisingly, the last in-depth anatomical study on mudskipper fins was done in the 1960s and information about adaptations of the mudskipper's muscles and other soft tissues to life on land was scarce. With her experience in anatomical studies and access to micro-computed tomography (µCT) within the OIST Core Facilities, she and her colleagues decided to investigate the mudskippers' adaptations to life outside of the water themselves.

“The µCT has an x-ray source and a microscopic detector that picks up the signal. Because we were interested in soft tissue, we used iodine to give the soft tissue a better contrast on the images,” explained Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. With this method, the team imaged various fish, starting with the mudskipper and its close evolutionary relatives. For comparison, the researchers also scanned other fish, for example the zebrafish, which are only distantly related to the mudskipper.

With the initial imaging complete, the hardest part of the study was about to begin: The analysis of the thousands of separate images produced by the µCT. “We had to manually sort through all those images to identify each tissue. Basically, we have been working on the analysis since 2019,” notes Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.  The researcher’s tedious work eventually proved worthwhile when the first 3D images of the mudskippers revealed several unique adaptations to life outside of the water. “We found that their muscles in the pectoral fins are bigger, and the same is true for the shoulder girdle to which they attach,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.

The researchers were even more amazed when they discovered that in the mudskipper's pectoral fins, the ones they use to walk, some bone-connecting tendons were replaced by fascia tissue. “We think this is an adaptation that helps the mudskippers to push themselves forward during walking because the fascia tissue gives more stability and might help to create the strength needed to move their mass on land,” explained Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.

The higher intensity of gravity on land seems to have caused another adaptation in the mudskipper's bodies, “there is a connection between the shoulder and the pelvic fin through a kind of joint that we don't see in any other fish we scanned,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. These changes hint at how severe the evolutionary pressure might be when organisms transition from water to land.

And the bones did not remain unaffected in the mudskipper either, whose fins need to carry much more weight while walking than swimming. “Usually pectoral fin rays are crescent-shaped if you look at a cross-section but, in the mudskipper, they were round near the fin ray base and then changed to crescent shape towards the tip of the fin ray. "We think this might give the fin more mechanical stability,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli. Other researchers have described similar shapes of fin ray bones, some fossils of extinct fish that were ancestors to land-walking animals.

All these discoveries left the team itching to dive even deeper into understanding the mudskipper’s evolution, “when the mudskippers are in their larval state, they look no different from many other goby fish larvae, but during metamorphosis, they change their body and fin anatomy rapidly. We want to look at this development from larvae to adults to understand this transition better,” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.

For these future tasks, Dr. Ziadi-Künzli and co-author Dr. Ken Maeda, who is a staff scientist in the Marine Eco-Evo-Devo Unit, set up a cross-laboratory collaboration to study the mudskipper metamorphosis from larvae to adult fish. “Using these virtual dissection tools gives us a whole new perspective on the anatomy of animals – which is important work. After all, how shall we understand an organism and its evolutionary adaptations if we don't know how they are built?” says Dr. Ziadi-Künzli.

The barred mudskippers raise their offsprings in burrows which usually have two entrances and a Y-shaped tunnel to connect them underground. This burrow's owner is peeking out from the entrance on the right.

The fins of the mudskipper 


A 3D image showing some of the detailed findings of the anatomical structures overlaid on a mudskipper's body. 


Pavel Puchenkov, Fabienne Ziadi-Künzli, (created with Blender (online community), OIST

Dr. Ziadi-Künzli worked on images such as this to identify the different organs and tissues including muscles, bones, cartilage and tendons, inside the animals' bodies. 


Dr. Fabienne Ziadi-Künzli/OIST, Image taken with Thermo Fisher Scientific‘s AMIRA Software.