Thursday, July 25, 2024

Victims Win Historic Victory Against Chiquita in Colombia Paramilitary Case

 JULY 25, 2024

Photograph Source: APIMADERO – CC BY-SA 3.0

In what prosecutors called a “landmark ruling in the fight for human rights,” a U.S. jury in Miami has found banana giant Chiquita Brands International liable for the deaths of Colombian civilians due to its financing of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), a brutal paramilitary death squad.

The AUC was responsible for thousands of civilian deaths and hundreds of other human rights violations while it was active between the late 1990s and mid-2000s, some of the most violent years of the Colombian civil war. The ruling holds Chiquita accountable for making hidden payments to the paramilitary organization from 1997 to 2004. Even in the early years, the group’s atrocities were already well documented not just in Colombian media, but also in the United States, where the State Department declared the AUC a terrorist organization in 2001.

After 17 years of legal proceedings, the first set of victims and their families have finally attained a measure of closure. The jury ruled that Chiquita must pay $38.3 million to plaintiffs in eight of the nine “bellwether” murder cases presented in the six-week trial.

The families brought the suit after Chiquita pleaded guilty in a U.S. criminal case in 2007 to making over 100 payments to the AUC totaling more than $1.7 million over more than six years.

“This historic ruling marks the first time that an American jury has held a major U.S. corporation liable for complicity in serious human rights abuses in another country, a milestone for justice,” EarthRights International, the NGO that represented plaintiffs, said in public statements immediately following the ruling.

As part of Colombia’s 2016 peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the country created an independent transitional justice body to investigate crimes against humanity committed by both armed groups and Colombian security forces. The investigations have included cases like the “false positives” scandal, in which the military, with the aid of AUC forces, killed over 6,400 innocent civilians and recorded them as guerilla fighters to inflate rebel casualty statistics at the height of the civil war.

The Miami ruling in the Chiquita case represents a further step towards what Colombia’s peace court has called restorative justice—attempts to offer remedy and justice to the millions of victims killed, displaced, injured, or assaulted during the conflict.

Jurors in Miami sided with plaintiff’s claims that Chiquita Brands chose to profit from the bloodiest period of Colombia’s more than half-century conflict rather than abandon its operations in the country, and that the decision to fund death squads actively participating in that conflict meant the company was liable for the deaths of family members of victims in the case.

In an internal email sent in December 2003, a Chiquita Brands director wrote: “We appear to be committing a felony.” Yet the company continued financing the paramilitary group until well into the next year, according to court documents from the previous criminal case.

Families of the victims of the AUC in the Colombian regions of Urabá and Magdalena Medio have for years sought the right to sue the U.S. fruit giant in civil courts in both Colombia and the United States — petitions that Chiquita Brands delayed for nearly two decades with legal tactics in both countries.

Now, any final settlement with the families will likely involve further litigation and perhaps negotiations with the company. A second case featuring other victims with claims against Chiquita is set to begin preliminary hearings in July.

Chiquita has already announced it will appeal the decision, and unless the fruit giant offers a general settlement, EarthRights lawyers, who also represent other victims, have said they will continue to pursue further litigation in future cases. Chiquita’s legal troubles—including claims from more than a thousand victims in hundreds of cases, as well as a slow-moving criminal case in Colombia accusing executives of “aggravated conspiracy to commit a crime”—are far from settled.

“The struggle for justice is slow, but victory is possible, even against the wealthy and the powerful,” Tatiana Devia, a lawyer with EarthRights who worked on the case, said in a press conference following the verdict. Devia underlined that the ruling is “important for justice in Colombia as well.”

The case marks the first time a foreign company has been held liable for financing death squads in Colombia, an accusation that has also long been made against Coca-Cola, U.S. coal company Drummond, and Canadian mining giant Aris Mining (formerly Colombia Gold), among others.

Some experts suggest the Chiquita ruling could set a precedent in ongoing investigations into the actions of some of these companies as well.

Although the AUC nominally disarmed as part of an agreement with the government in 2006, many of their fighters simply re-armed and joined new criminal groups, perpetuating a dynamic that still fuels low intensity conflict in the country today.

Exacerbating and Profiting from Conflict

In addition to their arguments regarding the illicit paramilitary payments, attorneys for the plaintiffs also presented witnesses, including former AUC leaders and Chiquita employees, that accused the U.S. corporation of providing AUC forces with direct material assistance, including gasoline, transportation, and the use of shipping docks controlled by Chiquita Brands. The AUC used these resources to import weapons on multiple occasions.

Among the several former paramilitary leaders who testified in the trial was Salvatore Mancuso, one of the AUC’s most infamous commanders and a key witness in several ongoing investigations into paramilitary financing cases before Colombia’s transitional justice court.

Mancurso testified that Chiquita executives met personally with top paramilitary leader Carlos Castaño Gil, spokesman and political chief of the AUC, widely considered “the godfather of paramilitarism” in Colombia. The two parties negotiated payment in return for the AUC’s security services against left-wing rebel groups in the region, which had in previous years attacked Chiquita infrastructure.

Rather than denying the atrocities being committed by paramilitaries in those days, key witnesses for Chiquita’s defense stated that the AUC’s brutal reputation and propensity for human rights violations were well known by executives at the time—part of the company’s legal strategy of justifying executives’ actions by claiming that they agreed to work with the AUC only because they feared them.

Chiquita denies that the company should be held liable for violence perpetrated by paramilitary groups, arguing they were extorted by the AUC and financing was provided under duress and out of fear for their own safety and that of their employees.

However, another former AUC leader, Raúl Hasbún, testified that, contrary to the company’s claims, the paramilitaries never forced Chiquita to pay extortion fees. Nor did AUC forces ever attack Chiquita Brands operations institutionally—a fact that Charles “Buck” Keiser, who directed Chiquita’s operations in Colombia from 1987 to 2000, admitted under questioning during his own courtroom testimony on May 3.

On the contrary, the AUC, almost immediately after its formation as a paramilitary group in the region, provided Chiquita with security teams in multiple departments in the north of the country in exchange for regular financing in a relationship that plaintiffs described as “an equal partnership,” according to court documents.

At no point in this period did Chiquita choose to simply leave the country and extricate itself from Colombia’s spiraling conflict. Instead, EarthRights lawyers argued in court, “they chose to exacerbate and profit from” it.

According to court findings from the 2007 case, the company paid 3 cents on the dollar to AUC forces for each box of bananas exported from the country.

Remedies for a Debt Long Owed

As part of the 2007 investigation, Chiquita admitted to making illegal payments, as well as initially trying to conceal them as legitimate business expenditures. The company was fined $25 million in that case, but victims of the AUC never saw any of that money.

This latest ruling does not mean money is changing hands immediately, explained Marco Simons, lead counsel for EarthRights. This is but one case of many, which are part of “an ongoing process,” he said. “We hope that this win will pave the way for compensation and adequate remedies for all plaintiffs.”

For Ignacio Gómez, the verdict is a long-awaited personal vindication. He was the first journalist in Colombia to make these allegations public 21 years ago, and over the years he endured efforts by Chiquita Brands to suppress his work via lawsuits, as well as threats from paramilitary forces.

“I’ve been waiting years for this decision,” he told us. “And for Colombia, the importance of this decision cannot be understated.”

“Chiquita’s history in Latin America goes beyond this case,” he said, retelling the story of the “Banana Massacre” in Colombia, the slaughter of hundreds of striking plantation workers in the early 20th century, back when Chiquita went by another even more infamous name: the United Fruit Company.

“This debt is finally starting to be paid,” Gómez continued. In a country still suffering the after-effects of 53 years of civil war, fueled at least in part by the actions of private sector companies like Chiquita Brands, “we have hundreds of thousands of reasons to celebrate this ruling.”

This article is syndicated in partnership with the North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)

Can Humanity Repair Its Relationship With Nature? Weaving Earth Education Center Offers a Promising Path

 JULY 25, 2024

Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

Disconnection from nature is a catalyst for the present environmental crisis and several physical, mental, and emotional illnesses. With mental health challenges on the rise in the U.S. and climate change on the brink of becoming irreversible, there is an urgent need for educators who can help restore our sense of connection with nature.

That’s the mission of Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education, a nonprofit group that helps participants remember “that we are a part of this earth, not apart from it.” Located in the unincorporated town of Graton, California, Weaving Earth (WE) believes that various problems, such as climate change, bigotry, misogyny, colonialism, and religious persecution, stem from supremacy culture: “cultural systems that value separation and domination.” The organization’s leaders feel that nature immersion can help break that mindset.

David Hage, who co-founded Weaving Earth with his wife Lauren and their longtime friend Will Scott in 2013, says their organization is dedicated to “disrupting and helping unlearn inherited structures of belief and philosophies that are causing ecological, social, and personal harm.” Its primary means of achieving this is “Relational Education”: nature-based learning driven by curiosity and experience.

Woods, meadows, and creeks in Northern California’s Sonoma County are the “classrooms” for children, teens, and adults partaking in WE’s nature immersion programs. Participants in summer camps, teen backpacking trips, one-week events, and one-year intensive programs learn skills such as ecosystem restoration, fire tending, animal tracking, gardening, and sustainable plant harvesting.

Hage explains WE’s Relational Education approach by describing how students learn to build fires. The first step is “knowing the plants and the type of soil and ecosystem they grow in. Which plants are better suited to make fire, and what kind of fire do they make? How do they like to be tended? What do they need to thrive? When is it best to harvest them for fire-making? Then that leads to: How do we tend the fire? What does that look like on a small scale, [for instance,] a campfire, and what does that look like on a broad scale, [for instance,] a prescribed burn?”

He adds that the safe and successful execution of a prescribed burn requires interactions “with our human family, ideally including the First Nations, but also [needs] policies, certifications, governmental institutions, etc. So you can see how a deep relationship with fire, and truly with anything, [extends to] our relationship with all life.”

Relational Education fosters what WE calls “Earth Intimacy.” Hage describes this as a “feeling of knowing [nature] like you would know a loved one.”

Hage, a Wilderness First Responder, explains that one aspect of Earth Intimacy is a heightened awareness of qualities specific to individual animals and plants. “We can make broad generalizations about humans: We eat food; we breathe air… but then my mom loves tacos,” he notes. These kinds of “subtleties of relationship that exist between us and [other] humans” can also exist “between me and a bird—not just a species of bird, but a bird.”

Fields of Study

WE instills an appreciation for nature in young people through programs like Wild Tenders, a nine-month “learning journey” for adventurers between the ages of four and 14. Participants absorb the organization’s core teachings through activities such as storytelling, food preparation, arts and crafts, and natural dyeing.

“We believe our future depends on understanding and embodying our interdependent place in the ecological web,” the group’s website states. “The younger we cultivate that embodied understanding, the more likely it will influence values and actions throughout one’s lifetime.”

In programs such as Teen Backpacking, adolescents and young adults aged 15-18 engage in hiking, mapping, journaling, aidless navigation, and other activities that help them connect with nature. A curriculum designed for teens who are about to graduate from high school includes an option to spend 24 hours alone. To help these adventurers honor what Hage describes as “the crossing of the threshold from high school senior into adulthood,” facilitators encourage participants to ask themselves if they’re leaving any loose ends as they part ways with relatives and friends. “So many of them are taking that time to do the healing work that’s needed between them and a friend, write that letter to mom or dad about how thankful they are, or maybe [do] some repair work that was needed,” Hage notes.

WE’s primary program for adults, the Weaving Earth Immersion, offers options to spend one, two, or three years learning about ecosystem regeneration, somatic awareness, bird language, and other experiential and nature-based fields of study. According to the organization’s website, this program attracts “activists, educators, entrepreneurs, naturalists, systems thinkers, and changemakers” aged 18 and above.

Ripples of Change

In addition to pursuing careers in sustainable agriculture and the healing arts, graduates of WE’s programs have founded bird language and tracking clubs, nature-based education programs for adults, consulting services for other educational institutes, youth programs, and forest schools such as Nature Connect AlabamaFlying Deer Nature Center, and Sonoma Earth School.

Weaving Earth is a fiscal sponsor for Walking Water, an organization striving to help repair humanity’s relationship with water. This group leads walks and holds gatherings to raise awareness about water-related issues.

WE also runs the youth leadership program at the annual Bioneers Conference, a forum seeking solutions to environmental issues. One of Hage’s functions at Bioneers is to hold small youth circles with presenters at the event.

“It’s a chance for young folks to get more access to these leaders and sit with them in more of a conversational style versus just sitting in a didactic lecture,” he notes. “We’re always looking for ways we can interrupt and disrupt the ‘expert’ model and instead create opportunities to be in a circle. We find more often than not that the experts leave the room having received as much from the young folks in the room as [the youth] did in return.”

As a social justice-focused group, WE strives to cultivate awareness and understanding of crises such as climate change, war, racism, and the wealth gap. “That takes time, patience, and relationship,” Hage says. “Some of these gaps are so wide. Defensiveness, anger, shame, and [other] blocks to compassion and empathy can come up. So we have to have tools and systems in place to be ready for that, get ahead of it, and even make it okay. That’s part of the process: feeling the pain, moving through that together, and staying together. That’s hard work. We do not claim to have that figured out. What we do have is a committed team of loving, caring, and deeply invested leaders who are willing to stay with it.”

This article was produced by Local Peace Economy

Damon Orion is a writer, journalist, musician, artist, and teacher in Santa Cruz, California. His work has appeared in Revolver, Guitar World, Spirituality + Health, Classic Rock, High Times, and other publications. Read more of his work at